+1 for the biped robot pulling the cart. The Iran hostages thing effectively denied Jimmy Carter an October Surprise. He wouldn't be the first or last thwarted President.

Interesting that Wikipedia specifically informs us that: Barnes's account does not confirm "debunked previous theories of what happened," [...] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_Surprise_conspiracy_theory

I wonder if they will change the title of the entry.

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I expect they'll do everything they can to avoid changing their misleading information.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023Liked by John Carter

This little admission of treason might be the deep state telling Republicans "don't get angry, sometimes we help your side, too." - sorry if that was already covered in the podcast.

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Nope, we didn't think of that point. It's a good point.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023Liked by John Carter


I really enjoy the eclectic and just interesting thoughts and posts you make. I was listening to this podcast just to hear your voice and get a measure of you.

One point though regarding hyperinflation. Martin Armstrong, the longest serving prisoner on a civil contempt charge in American history, who also is a trading and financial genius (and was DEEPLY connected to the "money train" in the 1990s Russia and the Republic Bank/Safra/Browder clan), was also an avid collector in ancient coinage and has studied monetary systems and issuances going back as far as it goes back.

Long story short, his conclusion is that NO reserve currency in the history of the world HAS EVER experienced hyperinflation (akin to Weimar Germany or Zimbabwe). It will NOT happen. General inflation, perhaps 50% devaluation in a decade or so, maybe a bit more, sure. But it will not be HYPER.

Remember the old saying, and I am butchering it I'm sure, Rome is more than just a few legions. Same thing with the dollar. The only way anything like hyperinflation will occur with the USD is a global WWWIII, for realz, then it would be possible. But then, the USD would no longer be the reserve currency anymore, so Armstrong's observations would still hold.

Barring WWWIII (and if that happens is anyone really concerned about the cap rates or ROI on one's real estate investments - and I mean America in flames), there will be no hyperinflation at all. And I would guess it would take at least 20 years (since things move faster now) for BRICS or other countries to really divest from the dollar and I'm not even sure how they would accomplish that. The USA will no doubt devalue and probably to a great extent to monetize the debt, but in my opinion, and in history's record, hyperinflation is absolutely out of the question if WWWIII does not occur.

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You could be right. I'm not an economist or an economic historian. On the other hand, most previous reserve currencies were based on hard money, no?

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by John Carter

Precious metals, slave girls, cows, it really does not matter. There is no magic to the fiat system. Money is confidence. Economic prosperity is the productive capacity of the people. It's why Japan rose to the number 2 economy in the world WITHOUT any natural resources or abundance of precious metals.

In Rome, the precious metal value of the coinage was increasingly reduced over the years. But it did not achieve what one could call hyperinflation until the empire was pretty much collapsed anyway, and its reserve status gone, over a 100 years. Capital by its roots takes its name from the Capitaline Way in Rome, as money takes its roots from the temple of Juno Moneta, where pilgrims would leave their precious belongings.

I love the gold bugs, but they are just delusional in their understanding of economics.

I would argue that some entity like the Federal Reserve is needed, but the current structure is a disaster. If you would like to read something that peeks behind the curtain before everything was pozzed, a fascinating and unbelievably educated and well argued document, read Andrew Jackson's veto message when he killed the Second Bank of the United States. Man was a genius and he knew what they were up to, and who "they" were. It should be taught to every child in the land.

It is no coincidence that Jackson was the first President to be the target of an assassination attempt.


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