I am an old man. 78, born a couple weeks before D-day. My father was training as a B-29 navigator. I did meet him when I was about six months old. He didn't survive the war.

An anecdote. My mother was making about $300/month as a key punch section manager, in charge of a couple hundred other women, when she got pregnant with me. My father was a corporal making about $75/month. When she was about six months along, he told her that it was time for her to quit her job, go home to her, or his, parents. No wife of his was going to work after a child was born. She did as she was told. Grumbled about it until she passed at 96.

I grew up with men that had horrific stories that they kept to themselves. Normandy invasion, Iwo Jima, etc. A couple of those stories that got out can still give me chills. I suspect they all had PTSD. For good reason. They were hard men. Cranky, intolerant and absolutely dependable.

Hard times create hard men. Hard men create good times. Good times create soft men. Soft men create hard times.

We are stage three, rapidly moving into stage four. I hope not to see it, but weep for my children and grandchildren.

Google "Leo Major". He was Canadian, although US born. We had a lot like him. Where are they today? Had his left eye shot out. Refused to go home--said his shooting eye was his right eye and was perfectly fine.

I wholly subscribe to the idea that there HAVE to be environmental factors. Food, pharmaceuticals, vaccinations (?); who knows? It can't all be the "woke" world. WTF is going on with reduced sperm counts, reduced testosterone, etc.? Boys and young men of my era were holy terrors. The hard men of my childhood applied corrective measures. It was a wonder that any of us grew to adulthood.

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Thanks for sharing, man. Only thing I'd disagree with is the stage: I think we're firmly in stage 4; times have been hard in America, if you're young, for some time now. Maybe not economic collapse/civil war hard, but it's far from a golden age. And I'm already seeing men - a certain, small subset of them - hardening in response ... or better, in anticipation of what's coming.

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I only disagree, slightly, because of my background of growing up with parents and adults that had survived the Depression and WWII. We actually survived the Depression fairly easily--we had strong people then. I cannot imagine the impact of similar times on the US today.

OTOH, a couple years ago I went to a grandson's graduation from the USMC Basic School. The group of butter bar young men (and women, about ten percent) were hugely impressive and gave me a lot of hope. Had just gone through a year of hell together. There was an air of respect, brotherhood, competence without arrogance. The Colonel that gave the "commencement" speech said a couple memorable things. One, that gives me chills: "There is a chance that, someday, somewhere you will find yourself in a real mess. Everything has gone to shit. You get on the radio and you ask for help, big time. You recognize the voice on the other end as one of your classmates. You KNOW that help, fair or foul, is on the way."

His last comment was: "Stay humble."

Yes, we have some outstanding young people. I hope there are enough. The bright side is that it only takes a few.

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I'm certainly not going to compare the events of the last two decades to the Depression and WWII. We're in a descending phase, but not yet at the nadir. Nevertheless, many of us can anticipate what's coming, and are taking what steps we can to harden our bodies and minds. The hard men have not yet walked on stage; but they're backstage, putting on their costumes.

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Well said. And I have been realizing how much I gotta get my shit together. There are challenging times ahead, but Lord willing some real opportunities to have a meaningful impact on the world.

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Born on the same day as my country, I have long had faith in my fellow Americans, once the spell of consumerism dissipates and we return to first/primary principles, that we will slough off our meritocratic techno-authoritarian overlords like historical detritus.


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Meritocratic? LOL.

Here's to sloughing! And happy birthday!

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You know, the self described good people, our moral, ethical and intellectual superiors!

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Can you feel it coming in the air tonight? Oh lord. Oh lord. Nice work in identifying so accurately and concisely each frontier of the silent war on humanity. perhaps it's in understanding how these connected assaults function that individuals might be capable of declaring independence and existing on their own terms within or outside the captured republic. In the meantime let's celebrate the independence of the former republic by following the wise advice of Homer Simpson, "By blowing a piece of it up." Happy Fourth John.

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Going to a fireworks show tonight. First one the city has allowed in a few years because of, you know, The Thing.

I'm not even American lol but if there's one thing I love it's explosions.

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I knew an old vet who had a picture on his shop wall of a guy dismantling a bomb. Behind the guy was another guy holding an inflated paper bag he was about to pop. Under the picture Bill had written: THERE IS NO PROBLEM SO LARGE THAT IT CANNOT BE SOLVED BY HIGH EXPLOSIVES.

Bill had a talent for successfully defying authority. In one case, he did not like the sounds in the motor of the helicopter he and 40 men were supposed to board in Vietnam, so he refused to board, explaining why. The commanding officer drew his pistol and ordered Bill to get on. Everybody there pointed their weapons at the officer and refused to get on. “ If Bill says we aren’t getting on, we aren’t getting on. Get another helicopter.” The officer initiated a court martial for Bill, who called one of his former commanders back in the States to intercede. Three days later the helicopter in question went down, killing all aboard. Frantically, Bill’s court martial was stopped, as it illuminated the prior mechanical problem with the machine that could easily have been averted. Bill is an American.

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John, it is testimony to your intelligence, insight and imagination that your comment section is one of the brightest, best-informed, and freedom-loving on substack. I love reading your essays and the comments that follow from this erudite bunch. This piece that you've written on America's holiday celebrating independence is nothing short of excellent, stating both the problem and the solution elegantly and succinctly. Happy 4th of July to you and the comment section❤️🤍💙🧨💥🇺🇸

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I'm genuinely humbled and impressed by the comments section here. And slightly intimidated.

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You carry it well, sir, standing tall among the stalwarts.

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With the best Congress money can buy, who needs enemies?

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Amen and amen, brother! The elites have no positive national philosophy to get voluntary buy-in from those they rule, so they use the carrot of easy money and the stick of a weaponized federal law enforcement combined with the threat of "cancelation" based on elite crybully tactics. But when the dollar collapses and this illegitimate, tyrannical regime gets smacked around by Russia and China in the WWIII apocalypse they are so eagerly pushing us towards, their carrot and stick will be gone, and they will come face to face with an angry, very well-armed population that sees them for who and what they are. And it will be glorious to see. Sic semper tyrannus, muthafuckas!

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Latin, Latin, please. Sic semper tyrannis. Dative case.

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That's the kind of pedantry I like to see. Grammatik Macht Frei!

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I should do like in Monty Python's Life of Brian and paint it in huge letters all over the square! Thanks! All I retained from high school Latin is "Gallia est en Europa," and I probably just screwed that up.

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Don't forget Cartago delenda est.

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Last year was my first 4th of July in the USA since immigrating. I live in a leftist-dominated area (BLM yards signs, rainbow flags, the lot) and I know for certain that last year's celebrations (in extravagant contravention of moronic social distancing guidelines) pissed off a lot of my neighbors. This shocked me to my core. Every country I have been to, locals have been delighted when visitors compliment their homeland; here, they actually get offended by an immigrant venerating their history and culture (as well as, admittedly, the Trump flag I've erected out front).

That said, I think you are right. The spell is breaking, just as we knew it would. However, equally certain is the fact that the outgoing cultural and political paradigm are going to do a lot of desperate (and thus dangerous) flailing as people continue to wake up.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your 4th of July.

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Nearly all said I agree with. But if this is conquest by stealth, it is a full-spectrum conquest nevertheless. What else? This isn't just about your mind., or ideas, or ideology. This is about ending bodily autonomy: with that, restricting and limiting physical as well as social mobility.

Simply knowing what is going on is not enough. People who want out must take control of their bodies and their personal finances. Practice health daily. Strength train, move, and eat clean. Do not become a poly-pharmaceutically dependent serf : a subject -- no longer a citizen -- of the administrative state. Don't bankrupt yourself through mindless consumption: bad for your waist, your wallet, and your prefrontal cortex.

I know people who make noise about this and that -- but their daily choices keep them trapped., dependent medically and financially. Their lives support and are being destroyed to support what they claim to resist or even despise. The needed changes must begin with individuals and then groups and communities of like-minded individuals.

This isn't just a battle of ideas, or a rape of the mind. It's very much about bio-surveillance and bio-control. Fight this also on the level of the body.

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Excellent. Couldn't agree more.

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I hope you're right. But the effects of vexxines, antipsychotics, and early and continued indoctrination last a long time.

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Intoxicated with the imagined power of the imaginary “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” Big Tech’s eyes are growing wide with the Klaus Schwab science fiction meme of a transhuman hive mind, controlled of course by Big Tech.

But it’s just another fantasy.

It’s time to ask again, what IS America?

Is it just another continental nuclear empire ruled by warlords, like, say, Russia? Or is there more to it?

“America” was named after Amerigo Vespucci, an explorer, and therein lies a clue.

Big Tech’s vast power was built on the work of explorers, not bully-boys. As Steve Jobs called it, “thinking outside the box, the next big thing, and insanely great.”

It’s time for the next generation of Big Tech to start thinking outside the box again. In the Global Village that was Big Tech’s gift to the world, we are all Americans now.

Happy Independence Day, all you Americans out there!

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I would say Russia has now amply proved that it is more than a continental nuclear empire ruled by warlords. It's now up to America to show that about itself.

I will be very surprised if the oligarchs don't try to steal another election in November. Given the state of the polling and the economy, it will be even more clear than in 2020 that they are stealing the election. That will be when Americans are really tested. What will they/we do?

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I would say this point say that America should be so lucky as to aspire to be a continental nuclear empire ruled by warlords. That would be a step up from the current mixture of bazaar and gay nightclub.

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In my not so humble opinion, if the bad guys (Democrats and RINOS) don’t try to steal as many of the next elections as they can, that would be like like living in a world in which ducks do not go “quack.”

They will steal some. What counts is the elections that they can’t steal. We hope there are a lot of them.

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Inspirational stuff, John, and cheering too in a way, since change appears imminent. Yet I would make a few points. The statement that the country has been "stealthily conquered by a combination of foreign interests...a shadowy global network" can be filled out with specific details.

As the US became the ascendant political and economic force in the world it required the integration of its native elite with that of the rest of the world. The process was not withoìut friction, but the alternative was perpetual inter-state conflict. Horizontal integration at an elite level is simply a strategy for maintaining imperial control on a system that operates on a planetary scale.

Serious, sustained, efforts towards entrenching transnational co-operation began in earnest after WW1. The participation of Standard Oil and Wall St with I.G. Farben was part of this, as was the League of Nations and the establishment of the Bank of International Settlements. After WW2 the US was free to put its own stamp on inter-elite relationships and escalated the speed at which the integration of European and other elites were incorporated into the emerging global network of oligarchs. The US elite, of course, was required to function as a global ruling class, not merely an American one.

The deprioritisation and neglect of the US population was an unforeseen consequence of decisions taken by the generation of statesmen and leaders who led the US during the mid 20th c. and who were responsible for US hegemony in the first place. The industrial and manufacturing giants began to divert investment funds away from the US heartland as far back as the 60s. They were motivated by the rate of profit elsewhere and by the need to forge stronger linkages with Europe and Japan. The boards of directors who made those decisions were packed with distinguished captains of industry, both Democrat and Republican, including ex-generals and intelligence chiefs.

From the perspective of the global economy, there is simply no compelling need for the US workforce to occupy a place of advantage relative to their competitors overseas. From a global perspective, significant portions of the present US workforce is under-skilled, under-educated and surplus to the requirements of the system. If the US branch of the planetary oligarchy was to prioritise employment in the Rust Belt or social welfare in the US in general over the current trade relationships the overseas branches of the oligarchy would become restless, to say the least. The present dependence of the US government on foreign inputs into the bond-market severely constrains the ability of the US to alter its policy settings.

I am not arguing on behalf of the status quo, which is both unjustifiable and unsustainable, merely making the case that the estrangement between the US elite and the general population is mostly a function of political economy.

Finally, happy 4th of July for you, John, and all readers.

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Some of us are more independent than others. It's our responsibility to help the others.

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Like the good Lord, I help those who help themselves.

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Had an old friend, since passed, that would say: "You cannot help people. You can remove obstacles, but they have to help themselves."

He was very wealthy, earned it all himself. He actually helped a lot of people. He didn't keep his own advice very strictly. But, it was good advice.

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Wealthy people often don't get out very much. I suppose he would have been disappointed to learn how many people today could not survive without help from others.

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Nice piece. I've read some of your comments on other substacks and you're sharp. Keep fighting.

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Another insightful read, John Carter! Looks like you covered the methods of assault pretty well. I would also add geoengineering to the mix as well as GMOs, but they both could be covered under the areas you have already referred to. Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thank you!

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Those who seek to weaken the state (priests) honed in on race as the weak point from which to attack America as early as the 1920s. Wait wasn't that the communists? What does communism have to do with priests? Jesuits have fomented communism for centuries (they got kicked out of China 3 times over the last 500 years, before their plan could come to fruition). The CIA caused the communist revolutions in North Korea and North Vietnam. North Korea has been a proxy state for the American Intel state since 1947. Graham Greene's The Quiet American doesn't quite spell it out, but it's an interesting book. If we had a baroque understanding of priestcraft, we would see clearly who our enemies are. (The CIA is full of priests as well...Satanic ones.)

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Let's hope the spell really is breaking (not only for the USA but for all of the west!).

Saw a tragic video of a 100 year old war vet crying over the state of the country today and the fact that his buddies died for the nation, but what did they die for? It seemed to him (rightly so) that they may have died for a lost cause. I hope they didn't.

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That's been making the rounds. He's the living embodiment of the old joke that if the men who stormed Normandy had seen what would become of the West, they'd have turned their weapons in the other direction and stormed London and DC instead.

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