Apr 23Liked by Mark Bisone, John Carter

You raise some very fascinating and deeply unsettling possibilities. I haven't heard anyone else propose that aliens come from the ocean depths, and even though it sounds bizarre, as you point out, it would be no more bizarre than many of the popular theories about how aliens and UFOs all come from space. With the major institutions and authorities having lied about so many things of late, reliable information is terribly difficult to come by, so schizoid-sounding theories and artistic visions are pretty much all we've got to go on. Thanks for putting these ideas out there.

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Apr 23Liked by Mark Bisone, John Carter

If there be demons, there also be gods. Generally fear of ineffable terrors is a trait of demoralised vegetable-eaters. We uber-predators can rest easy knowing that our bros up there have got this handled until we join them on the other side to kick aliens’ extradimensional asses together.

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I remember Bill Cooper recounting how he saw huge ships rising out of the ocean during his time at the Navy. He was eventually suicided, but wrote a great book Behold A Pale Horse.

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Apr 23Liked by Mark Bisone, John Carter

Re: magic rocks, see also sunstones. And remember our first electronic semiconductors, basis for all modern computing technology, were naturally occurring crystals whose properties took decades to reverse-engineer and reproduce. An oft-forgotten chapter of our technological history, maybe because it's boring, or maybe because poking at magic crystals with electrified sticks doesn't really jive with our established narrative about how science and technology progresses.

Loved the exploration of the hypothetical nature and culture of underwater demons.

And yes I'm very much looking forward to the rest of the story about the digital demon.

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Apr 23Liked by Mark Bisone, John Carter


I remember some time ago reading about how the Russians were drilling down to an Antarctic subterranean lake (Vostok?) and coming across biological... somethings? The next day I read an unrelated (?) article about some apparently new species of octopus someone saw while diving near Antarctica. As predicted by H.P. Lovecraft in "At the Mountains of Madness", even before it was known there were underground lakes in Antarctica. Similar to how R.E. Howard had more right about ancient history than most modern "historians"?

I've heard some interesting theories about octopi being alien species, something about genetically engineered failsafes where they die long before they have to.


There are many ancient accounts of flying objects, with many such accounts including the object landing and people stepping out to say, "howdy!" to the locals. Most likely the accounts of low tech civs being contacted by higher tech civs that have since died out, but maybe not...

I think the best explanation for modern UFOs is that it is a government psyop, perhaps a few that are overlapping. For example, 'limited hangouts' are SOP for hiding things. You give out part of the info that is about to be found out anyway, in an attempt to distract people from the whole truth. The CIA admitted it started the MKUltra program in 1953. Which should lead to the question, why that year? It's a safe bet the CIA is lying, but why that particular year. Answer: 1952 had a massive leap in the number of UFO abductions.

One of the most egregious aspects of MKUltra was its use of unwitting test subjects; given the horrifying lengths they've admitted to it isn't much of a leap to think they kidnapped people and lead them to believe while under the effects of drugs that they were abducted by aliens. As for the anal probes, it is well-known that the CIA at that time was mostly a Yale fraternity. Yale was known as the Ivy League of choice for homosexuals. Also note the many homosexuals that just happen to come up in JFK research...

At some point, I predict that the government will use deep fake technology to lead people to believe aliens have landed. This will lead to a reason for why humanity must all come together in a One World Government. Either the aliens are hostile and require a concerted effort*, or the aliens want to help us but are horrified at the thought of our lack of unity. If we all come together they will shower us with magical gifts like the cure for cancer, infinite energy, and female sports that's entertaining for reasons other than bouncing mammaries.

* remember that a co-worker of Wernher von Braun swore that he'd once told her that was part of the plan. First the Russians would be the enemy manufactured as an excuse for authoritarianism, then terrorism, then crazy third world nations, then asteroids, then the final play would be hostile aliens. IIRC, she first said this back in the 70s.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23Liked by Mark Bisone, John Carter

Mind-boggling, expanding, blowing and otherwise the reason I am a paying subscriber to both of you👽 but damn it, I have things I need to get done today but all I wanna do is read this again and pour over the comment section. Wildly imaginative, yet on the cusp if not a step over a real possibility.

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Apr 23Liked by Mark Bisone, John Carter

Amazing read, thank you!

If your theory is correct - and it definitely seems as plausible as anything else, if not more so - would you expect the psychic cavemen to have DNA similar to every other creature on earth? If the government ever decides to release information on the "biologic samples" they're supposedly hoarding, testing for that seems a good first step towards supporting or disproving the theory.

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Apr 23Liked by Mark Bisone

A provocative post to be sure. I am reminded of the Japanese fable of Godzilla, who is awakened from his primordial underwater slumber by nuclear bombs. In other words, the Promethean fire reaches it's zenith, destroys some Pacific islands, atolls, etc. and threatens all life both above and below the waterline, and awakens... Devil worshipping aliens from Dimension X. And STILL, it's not our own damn fault.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23Liked by Mark Bisone, John Carter

I've read some theories/ plans that if anything really bad happens on the surface (nukes, asteroid, etc.) there might be mega-rich people with underwater bunkers who would survive. Zuckerberg just spent $1/4B on a 1400 acre compound w/ underground bunker in Hawaii, so it is certainly possible. It is almost a certainty that there were high tech civilizations in the past, before the last Ice Age. In the 200-300k years that anatomically modern humans have existed, there have been something like 12-15 events that if they happened today would plunge us back to the Stone Age. For example, the Toba event ("The Road", 75k years ago). Perhaps after one such catastrophe, an offshoot of humans existed underwater long enough to evolve (or intentionally develop) the characteristics to survive in the ocean.

also, humor:


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Apr 23·edited Apr 23Liked by Mark Bisone, John Carter

"But the root cause — the seed — remains incomprehensible to us, impenetrable by human reason."

Theory: it's because we are predators/ prey, and our Adversaries are parasites. I don't mean that in a pejorative term, but a biological term. There are many examples in nature of plants and animal species that have an interbreedable sub-species that parasitizes off of the majority population.

lifecycle of predator/ prey: birth, eat, screw, give birth, die.

The lifecycle of parasites is often much more complex. For example, the psite has to get eaten by the host where it gives birth and dies, then its offspring get p00ped out to get eaten by an intermediate host. Then that thing (often a slug) gets eaten by the primary host, and the cycle starts again. So part of the lifecycle requires being killed so that ones offspring gets spread to the winds. Such a sub-species of human would be both genetically and culturally prone to pushing things to the limit, because it's not about reaching a steady-state, but to bring things to the state where the host p00ps them out to spread the psite population.

The faster this lifecycle, the faster the psite population would reproduce itself in other host cultures. So it would select for groups that were the most pushy, and for individuals within that group who were the pushiest as they would be the most likely to have the resources to survive the inevitable pogrom, or "p00ping out." This would lead to a very different psychology, perhaps even biology, with a tendency towards decreased dimorphism as female behavior has much in common with parasitic behavior. Instead of the males developing completely different genes, they'd just use more of the female genetics, which is a fairly simple thing to select for, compared to waiting for completely new genes to mutate.

The above isn't my idea originally, Eustace Mullins has a great book on it.

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I got a bit of a laugh (it would have been more, if your topic wasn't so serious) about the idea of hidden aliens intent on conquring Earth. That's the precise plot in my novel "The Time of The Cat" posted at https://open.substack.com/pub/ericmartell?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=d76bb

Might be fiction, but it explains a lot. In any event, those individuals behind our current mess have forfeited the right to be considered human.

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Apr 24Liked by Mark Bisone, John Carter

Makes me wonder about our own origin in the water of our mother's womb. Funny how we start submerged but never return.

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Apr 23Liked by Mark Bisone, John Carter

What of the underworld to the underworld? What do the sea-trench grays think of the ground beneath their feet? Surely, there must be crevasses and caves and depths to the Earth beneath their wet feet. What do our sea-greys think of their underworld? Do they ply the caves with USOs? Do they bore into the earth, mining deeper and deeper? Will they find another intelligent species, as inverted to them as they are inverted to us?

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Apr 24Liked by Mark Bisone, John Carter

There are still some animal and particularly insect species which have yet to be discovered. I occasion on a few discovery write-ups from time to time. Typically coming out of places like Myanmar and dense jungles in hard to reach places. Yet, for only a portion of a fraction of the time mankind has had what I might term "reasonable" capacity and technology to explore the vast locations on earth that have never truly seen thorough exploration. I think of our South Arctic and the vast depths below, as well as the enormous expanse of the Indian ocean basin.

In our arrogance, man has declared himself as the smartest creature in creation, but are we? Certainly missing from science texts is a serious-minded approach to discern the unmistakably unique awareness of cognition and moral center. From a scriptural view, we appear to be a body-soul-spirit unity, whereas the animal kingdom appears to only have a body and soul (the personality / thinking center). Absent a spirit, what are the differing qualities of existence exist? I can certainly see that my scruffy long-haired German Shepard has a personality of sorts (anthropomorphically speaking) - he's playful, super smart and a jackass all in one. There's more to him than just animated meat.


We've been amazed at the 'intelligence' demonstrated by various animals - all of whom are perfectly suited for their own environments - some quite foreign to our general experience. So I wonder, in our arrogance, have we determined that the demonstration of intelligence must conform to our models of intelligence? And lastly, is it possible in view of the vast reaches of this ball of spinning water and dirt that there are yet to be seen hyper-intelligent animals that are smart enough to avoid us entirely?

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Apr 24Liked by Mark Bisone, John Carter

Truly excellent. This is a proper work of "natural philosophy", and the first truly novel assessment of this theme I have read in a long time. What's more, it has that subtle ring of truth about it, at least in the solidity of the concept; it evinces a simplicity (not easiness) that speaks of a genuinely scientific treatment.

Our cosmology may be wanting in both directions. One need not believe in a flat earth to suppose that there is something basically awry in the public presentation of the construction of our place. At very least I think that the duplicity surrounding Nasa strongly implies that the purported technology, if not the astonomy, of popular science is a red herring. I am reminded of C.S. Lewis' "out of the silent planet", where space travel is supposed as the main conceit of the novel, but beyond the earth's atmosphere the protagonists find the environment utterly different from the void they had expected. You are a thinker of rare talent, sir.

As a note, there is a book called the Kolbrin which, even if a hoax or forgery, is very fascinating on many points that generate "alternative" discussion hereabouts, though mostly on race and history; but a function of semi-conscious evolutionary morphology is referred to a number of times in that book which chime just with your thesis here. "Asha Logos" has evidently read it, though has drawn a few conclusions different from my own.

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Have you read ‘The Kraken Wakes’ by John Wyndham?

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