Feb 15·edited Feb 15Pinned

There are good reasons why early internet culture insisted on pseudonymity and never showing your face or personal space. There are reasons why CIA/etc sponsored outfits like Facebook pioneered real name policies and mass facial recognition.

We tried to teach people how to use this thing safely and sanely. Meanwhile the people who want total surveillance and control over your life told you "internet hygiene" was dangerous, cowardly, and masked evil intentions.

The same people who want to disarm you also want you to give up your own privacy.

The same people who won't turn over a single record without redacting half of it think you should share your name, location, and intentions with them 24/7.

The same people who want to profit on making you hopelessly dependent on drugs are mad that you hide your face and identity.

The same people who want to sell cosmetics, fashion and plastic surgery encourage you to share selfies on Instagram.

The pimps and human traffickers of cam and escort sites want you to know that online prostitution is legitimate work.

You don't need to have a beautiful mind to draw a straight line connecting A to B.

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Won't work at all, John. Moslem women are just as affected by the things you describe, if not more so. Under the garbage bags they wear, they will pretty themselves up as much as they can, to show off for other women at their women-only beauty parlours, hair salons, baths and so on.

All the coverings achieves is a false sense of modesty, plus that they mark men as impulsive-driven potential rapists at the sight of a naked ankle - ponder this: did full-body coverings make Victorian era upper class women any less likely to play these games?

The difference today is threefold, re: the media:

1) It's new. The psyche will adapt. This is already happening but it is not making headlines. Some women fall into the traps you describe, some don't - but "Young girls learning to repair engines/doing well in sports/starting real careers at 18" doesn't make for good headlines. "Social media is destroying women" does, both for the alt-right* and the e-wokes.

Why adjustment is happening? Good parenting, good teachers and a solid social network in the real world.

2) Feminism has poisoned men and women, culturally speaking, for 50-60 years. Not the strife for equality before the law, just feminism - the supremacist mix of on-the-surface marxist economical analysis and USUK bourgeoise liberal capitalist lifestyle and privilege-ideology. Interest in feminism, identifying as feminist and listening to feminists is (suddenly) in a sharp decline among the under-thirty years old women here in Sweden, especially the actual swedish women; feminism has been labeled dorky and uncool by the young girls.

Being an able stand-up woman is in; being a bitter childless 50-something harridan is out. And it is the latter kind that the young girls identify with feminism: bitter, spiteful, hateful women trying to dominate and dictate to young girls how to live.

It looks like it's starting to eat itself.**

3) It open the door even more for acceptance of islam. It proves to the moslems and the free civilised peoples alike, that islam is the answer. And that is something the young is already being brainwashed into believing online: there's no lack of islamic Youtube-channels showing off new converts, or said converts looking at whoreish narcissistic videos and commenting on how liberated they feel in their islamic faith. And that is hardly what we need - the slavery of islam.***

Consider this truth:

Men like what they like, independent of what other men like. Adam likes Star Wars. Bill likes Star Trek. And Cecil likes Stargate SG1. And they can argue for hours about what they like and dislike and so on, and be friends - yes, arguing about it even strengthens their friendships.

Women like what other women like, if it is popular enough. Anna likes what Bea likes who likes it because Ciara likes it.

And that's how you turn this around: make it uncool. Offer something more popular - and the beauty of it is, it doesn't have to /be/ more popular objectively or numbers-wise, not initially. It just have to look like it is. Instead of bringing up the Amber Herds, shine a light on Gina Carano, so to speak.


*Which is just as woke as the actual woke - they use the same ontological and epistemological foundation of USUK liberalism. It's like the difference between socialism and communism.

**Which means your suggestion would hand back control of the narrative to the feminists, by acknowledging as objectively true all their claims.

***Women acting the way you describe is the price and the prize of freedom: without the freedom to take the consequences of your actions, you are not free.

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A thousand years ago, in social media Time, when the great migration of hindbrains moved from the laptop to the smart phone, and young women were just beginning to step into traffic while thumbing into bliss, this was all being adjudicated as the "manosphere" emerged from its burrow of butthurt to be bludgeoned by the progressive orthodoxy for its manifesto of wrongthink.

Feminists and bootstrap boomers and churchian elders and media pundits all went their rounds tag-teaming the harbingers. But before the misandry bubble was clubbed and skinned and worn as a pink hat marching on the mall, it saw its long shadow. Sorry, six more eons of dark sexual winter.

Not long after, the Science of Modern Mating was settled. Teams "lean-in" and "man up" were right and the bad news bears of misogynists and incels were wrong. Get over it.

Why are there "teams" you might ask? Don't we all benefit from understanding the truth? LOL.

The truth about female sexual nature and selection - and the myriad overt and covert prongs of the long war on reality, skewering, among many other things, what was left of masculinity, courtship, and family formation, were sent back underground where they would be fertilized with metric tons of bullshit and new shoots of female empowerment would hatch every spring proving progress to be right time and again.

A return to anything resembling Patriarchy is antithetical to progress.

Ten thousand years of controlling for female sexual selection and providing for pro-social incentives to steward boys into productive men were all wrong because hate has no home here.

Long before SSREyes, when noticing was in full swing, there was the "thousand c*ck stare".

There were all matters alarms going off indicating that the kids were most certainly not okay. Just some growing pains. Nothing to see here. Its natural to suffer some setbacks when central planning the entire social order of the human race.

Meanwhile, whatever holdouts remained aged out or got off on various gatekeeper offramps or chained themselves to grifter trees like so many desperate and lonely environmentalists pooping off their elevated platforms to the sound of chainsaws.

Soon enough the younger generation had the false dilemma injected into every aspect of their lives: enter the zero-sum, adversarial, pareto meatgrinder or opt out entirely. "Get dark triad or go home".

Fast forward and it is still illegal to tell young women "no" - or to cultivate masculinity that has not been sanitized, re-programmed, and officially sanctioned by the ivory gynocracy tower of the State.

And still the biggest problem we face, aside from all these women mysteriously failing to stick the landing in the ice cream sundae of traditional life, with the cherry-picked benefits of patriarchy atop, is that the rudder-swimmers and "MMA" fighters are stealing all the strong girls trophies.

And because no internet comment is worth a salt if it does not mention notsees or boomers, one of my biggest personal beefs - aside from having lived through this sexual dystopia, is that my latchkey GenX friends who are high on their horse about "the boomers" being so materialistic and narcissistic, have ushered in an era in which their own children are the most commodified, dehumanized, disenfranchised, financialized and damaged - aside from perhaps the generation of those running over the trenches into machine gun fire while the girls back home handed out white feathers of shame.

They regularly sit across the table from their own kids, all on their phones. Saying nothing. Always on their phones. They think they are winning because their kids love hanging out [with them] at home and that they are in "good schools" and on the status trajectory.

They don't want their kids to settle down too early. They need to go to "college". Get a career first. Get a house first. See the world. etc.

The genx parents have internalized all of the lies of the sexual dystopia that I saw manifest through revealed preference, and own-goals of the diametric stated objectives impaled on actual personal choices of all those women who supposedly wanted to get married [some day] and have children [not any time soon].

If marriage and family is the priority, it is reflected in all that we do. Which is what the old social order was constructed to do: propagate a people and her way of life.

But marriage and family is not a priority. It may be a want. Or an ideal. But it is not a priority and in this truth the parents are complicit. The marketplace of diffusing responsibility is flush. There is a collective shrug. What can we do? A grand mystery afoot.

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Congrats on 10K, John Banger. The Billie Eilish sanpaku eyes are haunting because they are reminders that subversive SSRIs, birth control, weed, alcohol and constant selfies/scrolling all kill the soul through chemical warfare. A digital purdah combined with substance detox and healthy IRL relationships with men that lead to marriage/babies would go a long way towards healing the culture. Everything else is downstream.

Happy Valentine's Day, my fellow Barsoom consoomers ;)

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Feb 15Liked by John Carter

The entire internet should just become 4Chan where nobody shows their faces

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I guess I'm one of those "alt-right" females "hiding" behind a flower. And I will use my anonymity to say what I don't see anyone else saying:

This is all just voluntary eugenics. Get over it.

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Young women never see themselves as young men see them. The tragedies are manifest; scarring and mutilating themselves to appeal to their inner envies of female others all the while they murder what sets the heart of a man to conquer any and all that stands between them.

Lost is the simple siren-like beauty of an imperfect smile, that delicate breeze of freckles, or that funny little mole just above her lip; the things that flip something inside a man who wanted to see the genuine her.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Liked by John Carter

I'm glad I'm old enough to predate this. I had a hard enough time finding my wife as it was. I cannot imagine what it must be like for young men now. Women are orders of magnitude worse now than the sneering nastiness I recall from 25 years ago.

Young women will have to solve this themselves; they won't listen to old men like us anymore, or even old women like my wife.

I am glad to be old and married. It's much better this way. Good luck convincing the harpies of this fact.

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Feb 15Liked by John Carter

As a man, it's nearly impossible to use major social networks without being constantly berated with e-thots not-so-subtly advertising their OnlyFans. I try to steer the algorithm away from it but nonetheless it feeds me random thot accounts I don't follow or care about.

I even report the obvious soft-core porn but it apparently never violates their terms so it stays up..

I feel like forcing social media companies to go back to only showing people and accounts you actually follow in your feed again would be a huge step in the right direction. Pre-algorithm social media was a decent place back in the day.

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Fascinating idea. I think the toughest opposition would come from the people it would probably end up benefitting the most. Just as the drunks panicked the most when prohibition was enacted.

My sister is on Instagram. She knows it's bad. We joke about how it makes her more depressed and anxious. She's read the articles I've sent her. It doesn't seem to make a lot of difference, she's still there.

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Feb 15Liked by John Carter

Is dignifiAI and the subsequent screeching of the shamed the birthpangs of digital purdah?

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Liked by John Carter

On behalf of those with young daughters the world over, I thank you for this galaxy brain social prescription!

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Feb 15Liked by John Carter

Or maybe just offer a compelling alternative? Conservatives are horrible at this. Want to convince young women that hook-up culture is damaging? Show them the satisfaction and intimacy available within monogamous marriages. But no, conservatives always lead with some sex negative lay-in-the-dark-missionary-style-in-fear vision that slut shames every women caught up in the random-sex-as-empowerment and the terrified girls stay in their rut.

There was some random girl on the internet talking about how she was in her early 30's and regretted not finding a good man and she was attracted to conservative men and was having difficulty uunderstanding her new perspective, and maybe she had been lied to and she could change and it wasn't too late, and.... And Cat Turd made a viral comment along the lines of "LOL, make me a sandwhich." I'm sure she sees the light now!! Part of why she didn't consider the conservative message before was because she was lied to and told that all conservatives were jerks who just want women to make them sandwhiches and now she's sure that was the truth.

Show, don't tell. Show women how a life of monogomy and embracing the feminine and motherhood is deeply fulfilling. Attack videos and slut shaming won't do it. You don't look happy and fulfilled by attacking all day. (Not saying YOU are doing this John Carter) but conservatives in general are horrible at sharing their message.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Liked by John Carter

"Most women want attention, but they also want the plausible deniability of being able to pretend they aren’t trying to get attention."

Reminds me of those gym-trap videos. The virtue-signaling cam whore works out in her skivvies, then "confronts" the guy who takes the bait and checks out the goods. One of the more exotic sociogenic diseases on the market.

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I wonder if it might be as simple as doing three things:

1) Get out and meet real people in real places

2) I've heard that church is a great place to meet the opposite sex

3) Go on dates and mingle with people.

Shutting down apps such as tiktok, snapchat, etc. Might be a start.

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Every woman in the country should read this. I have seen no finer explanation about what is happening, and the destruction it has wrought, than this. Kudos to the author.

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