almost had me thinking you were channeling this for a moment:

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,

Or, being hated, don’t give way to hating,

And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with triumph and disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,

And stoop and build ’em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on”;

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with kings—nor lose the common touch;

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;

If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run—

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,

And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

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My grandfather gave me a card with this poem on it when I turned 18. It's one of Kipling's best and stirs me every time I read it.

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Reading today's post seems to constitute a defining moment in this war; where those who woke to the sounds of attack ran to the battlements to join those who slept but briefly, all of us banding together to defend evidence and truth.

For me, the most salient warning was yours, John... "it's just started".

That Acton was quoted here, could not be more relevant. Having ranged across the possibilities of the globalists' second onslaught, I am convinced that fundamantal corruption will be the next war machine. The groundwork has already been done. Leaders are being elevated as we speak. others placed on their pedestals long ago. Leaders absorb your power and mine and are therefore corrupted, and Leaders for the future are already being cultivated by the globalists; Leaders who will "fight for freedom", destroy the vanguard of poison stabbers, execute the murderers of babies, and then execute the stealers of modest wealth, and the defilers of family.

They will represent us on the frontline of this war and call this 'natural democracy'. Then, having won our undying loyalty, they will take us to a new road to hell.

We need to remind ourselves that we got here by being loners. We brushed aside the seductions, the rationalisations, the manufactured fears, and were giuded by intuition, evidence and logic. Reviled by others, we sought shelter in sites such as this; only to discover there were many more of us than we imagined.

This war will be won by people power, fully-informed people power, excluding pundits, gurus, messiahs, seers, and great leaders. As Lord Acton also said "There are no great leaders, only bad men, and they write the histories".

We cannot say we were not warned.

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I mentioned Aragorn's speech at the Black Gate recently, which I'll reproduce here:

"Sons of Gondor! Of Rohan! My brothers.

"I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me.

"A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down, but it is not this day!

"This day we fight!

"By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!"

It's a fictional speech (as is King Harry's at Agincourt, lest we forget).

Some gray and bedraggled office drone (a creature in heavy supply these days) might just sniff at it and draggle onwards, his heart dying in his chest of cheap carbs and boredom.

Then there's the exotic panoply of pansies, boylovers, queef-sniffers and Halloween monsters, who will screech and howl until their gizzards burst about the chauvinism, the bigotry, the colonialism, the litany of secret -ists and phantom -phobes.

And finally there's the mass: an unimaginably vast and lazy river of human shapes, flowing from uninspired thought to unexamined action, tumbling over and over, heedless of any possible past or future, innocent not by virtue or form but by their own need to escape their need to escape, to bend the antennae inward, to Netfilx-and-chill.

And then there's the rest of us.

Thank you, Sir John, for reminding me. As you say, the past three years have visited many horrors on us, and many thieves. I try not to reveal too much personal information about myself, for reasons of strategy. But I will say this: someone very important was stolen from me early on. Not by the virus, but by the ensuing panic, and the outrageously unscientific rules that accompanied it. This person died in my arms. Or was dead in my arms, I guess, after my numerous attempts to revive her. Though I didn't realize it at the time, it forged something very hard and sharp in me, and I know I'm far from alone.

Thanks for reminding all of us of how such steel is made, and also that the forging process isn't the end but the beginning. I think we must all become something like Aragorn now. A lot of us have been comfortable just wandering alone in the woods, feeding ourselves with our hard-earned skills and feeling vaguely proud about that. But there's a very important call, and we all need to answer it now. Strike while the iron's hot, perhaps.

But thanks as well for this right here:

"So now, here you are.

"You’ve been tested as few have ever been tested before.

"All of us have, and most of us have been found wanting. As the bad cat said, there’s no shame in failing a test with a 10% pass rate.

"But there is glory in passing it, and I want you to bask in that glory for a moment, for you now stand among the elect."

When I read this, I shed a manly tear, that turned into an eagle, that flew off to Proxima Centauri!

Okay not really, but I did feel some measure of glory, at least for a moment. Maybe that's the best way to indulge; a sip and nothing more. But it was one helluva sip.

God bless, brother. Having you back in action is the best of all tonics.

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Fucking brilliant comment. I can't possibly add anything to it, aside from hoping the eagle tear returns with news of blue-skinned warrior princesses around that neighboring star.

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Yeah, good call.

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Also, funny you should bring up the St Crispin's Day speech. Just sent that to a friend when she informed me that her boss is going to war with the DIE committee at her institute for trying to bully her.

Synchronicities abound these days.

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"He doesn't think to wonder why

"The secretaries pout and preen like cheap tarts in a red light street

"But all he ever thinks to do is watch

"And every single meeting with his so called superior

"Is a humiliating kick in the crotch

"Many miles away

"Something crawls to the surface

"Of a dark Scottish loch"

(Unmentioned: the Lochness Monster has blackmail materials and manboobs)

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That's good shit, who's it from?

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The Police, "Synchronicity II"

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How do we go from here?

First, off, stay the hydra. Do not organize. Do not form. Any organization will immediately be infiltrated and subverted.

Second, stay alert. Do not submit. Reject the official narrative. Do not comply. Maintain the free will you fought for all this time.

Third, change yourself. Become the best, strongest version of you. Get healthier. Learn new skills. Get free of debt slavery. Become financially independent. Do whatever you can to be free from all the attempts to enslave you that they have, whether it be job, debt, sports teams, politics, entertainment, porn, video games, etc. They have many tools and the battle to stay free continues every single day.

Fourth, change your community. Impact the world where you live. Help others to open their eyes. Develop stronger community ties. Join or start a community sports league or theater group, or writers club or anything like it. Find your spiritual community. Serve others.

Again, assume that any group you join to openly oppose the Powers That Be will be infiltrated and subverted and that you will be set up to be the latest FBI target. The safety in numbers comes from being the hydra and having no group. Antifa is protected by the Powers That Be so they can organize and plan and have no worries of infiltration. Meanwhile the phony Michigan governor plot was almost all feds with a few peons they set up.

Enlighten others and prepare yourself. The Grand Illusion that they have created falls as more and more people refuse to cooperate.

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Well said. I can't really think of anything to add to that comprehensive list. Those are so great and essential points.

Now imagine what happens when millions of people around the world are doing exactly that, connected by a fluid shared culture that encourages and facilitates such behavior.

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Exactly. The hydra cannot be stopped. Each of us that breaks free weakens the Grand Illusion.

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John Carter! Another fabulous jolt of encouragement to start my day as a soldier in Gideon's Army! Bless you! Much Love! Michelle

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Building off of your excellent advice and filling in some of the details —

(1) plant a vegetable garden

(2) get some chickens

(3) buy a chest freezer (or two or three)

(4) invest in a generator

(5) build a home gym and train for strength

(6) take vitamin D

(7) fix your hormones

(8) kill Amazon

(9) kill Netflix

(10) kill social media

(11) kill video games

(12) kill your “smart” phone

(13) stop watching porn and actually have sex

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Fat Rabbit Iron, GREAT advice!

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The vaccines aren't the only way we are being poisoned. (indeed, the first batch may have been net useful for the aged when the strain was more deadly). The gurlimanification of America has been going on for a while. I know not whether it's the herbicides from no-till agriculture, plastic cooking containers, BPA in sales slips, birth control metabolites in the water supply, "fragrance" or what? Take comprehensive measures. Overkill is better than insufficient action.

And then there are the mental toxins: Critical ___ Theories, etc. Homeschool your children if at all possible. Get them to read the Tuttle Twins when young, and some world history when older. American History by itself makes the American Way look bad. Life was rougher before we had mechanical servants.

And expose your children to real music, including some music with complexity whether it is classical, bluegrass, progressive rock, or jazz. The autotuned crappe I hear when I go to the grocery store is sonic poison.

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Great points. I've raised many of them myself a few times in various essays. It's a full spectrum biochemical/sociopsychological assault.

For the elderly I tend to think the shots might have actually been useful. Even if not, frankly they're old so they're not risking a whole lot. For the young, however, it's a very different calculation.

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I got the first pair of shots, so I am disqualified from your army. But I am old enough to get AARP ads and soon will qualify for senior discounts. Whether I made the right choice getting the Jab is uncertain. I have avoided getting COVID, but I did feel sick after both jabs, and had ankle problems soon thereafter. Whether the Jab affected my tendons is unknown.

Though I took the Jab, I actively recommended against the Jab for people younger than me. I considered myself an edge condition and opted for the Jab in part due to the desire to move about the country. Very likely I made the wrong decision, but see Ron Unz's recent posts on the subject. (Also, I made a point of taking fish oil, vitamin E, and aspirin in order to avoid clots from the vaccine. Perhaps these measures were useful.)

And there is a ready answer for many of the excess deaths: hospitals and doctor's offices largely shut down. Maybe, just maybe, some of those surgeries and other medical treatments delayed due to COVID were useful. I don't know..

But what I DO know is that America was getting gayer and more autistic well before COVID.

Also, the Science definitely wasn't settled for the vaccine's long term efficacy/safety, and that we didn't shut down for flu epidemics which were far more dangerous for the young than COVID was. That Hong Kong flu I went through as a kid was a real bitch.

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The calculus is quite different for seniors than for the youth. I'd say you made the right call for you, and you definitely deserve props for pushing back against forcing the shot on the young.

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Pete P, are you a Michigander? I'm asking because you mentioned the Whitmer set-up. If you are from Michigan, I have been hoping to meet other like-minded folks to create local forums/groups for networking. Personally, in my day-to-day circles & family there's literally NO ONE that I can speak freely to. They have drank the kool-aid by the gallon. My own 80 year old mother will not speak to me for refusing the Fauci-Ouchi. I have found great, thriving communities of people on the internet in forums such as Substack but I keep asking myself, " What if the internet went down?" How to get information or communicate with fellow resistance warriors then? I feel there is a viable need for us to know where our local allies are and get to know each other. I have a lot of ideas but feel very isolated with not many people to share with. For example: We have so many brilliant scientists and doctors coming up with ideas & solutions to cleanse/detox/repair nano- heavy metal pollutants from our blood with supplements, EDTA, etc.. I am blessed with a good job and can afford access to things. What about people who are awake enough to seek prophylactic or damage remedies but have no money?? I see a potential future with community-based resourcing to help heal one another. To network for solutions. Your thoughts? Peace from Southeast Michigan.

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Ostracization by family is an especially low blow. My heart goes out to you. I was fortunate in this regard. Most of my siblings and my mother all caved and got jabbed, and I pray to sky father that they'll be okay. But aside from some mild pressure early on, they came around to my view that the shots are useless at the very least (catching COVID despite being vaxxed will do that), and one sister was right there with me in opposing this from the very beginning.

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I have never been to Michigan.

Sorry to hear your family rejected you for refusing to comply. My father pushed so hard on me to comply. That was even after my sister got blood clots from her shot and needed emergency brain surgery. It is very said for me as he used to be able to see through the Official Narrative.

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Yes I understand. People are trance-like and mesmerized by MSM. To try and educate them is to pick a fight as they cling to their narrative and seem to get very angry, FAST. I find solace in forums like these but wish I knew more like- minded people in my local community. It just is difficult to start conversations these days. The world was definitely changed by constant barrrages of propaganda fear porn, virtue signaling and gaslighting.

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Just today I was goaded into coordinating something.

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I think the formation of community groups is key. You don't have to plan a coup or a kidnapping with your local shooting club or fantasy football league to be organized and prepared to stand up to tyranny. Your organization can't be subverted if it is simply people meeting and engaging in safe, legal recreational activities. Let the FBI secret agents infiltrate your local shooting club. Perhaps they will help you improve your shooting techniques, or buy some of your ammo. Just don't let anybody talk you into doing anything stupid. Those few peons in Michigan were fed a lot of booze and THC before they agreed to half heartedly engage in that entrapment. If I'm not mistaken the FBI was also whoring out one of their informants to help with the convincing.

Some people on our side have written of any kind of peaceful resolution to our current woes but those avenues must be exhausted before we can be prepared to take any further action. It is a little ridiculous to believe that we would somehow be prepared to engage in a kinetic civil dispute when we are not even organized enough to win elections and control school boards in deep red areas of the country.

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I'm extremely skeptical of any proposed violent solution as a practical pathway to regime change. The model we should look at instead is the Velvet Revolution.

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Agreed. We should be collectively pursuing peaceful solutions while individually preparing for worst case scenarios. In my younger days I was gung ho for a 1776 style revolution but now have 5 kids which makes that option much less palatable. Realizing that wars are most often won by logistics rather than superior combat skills makes that avenue next to impossible to conceive of with our sides current disorganization. We don't have a prayer of organizing military if we cannot even organize in a civic fashion.

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Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.

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Good point. 1776 could happen because people already lived in community. They didn't have to invent something new.

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Right. Having even a fantasy football league is a blow against tyranny today. Crazy but true. And playing in a community softball league is also a blow against tyranny. We must be engaged in building a community through real life interactions that are independent of politics. They want us only to be on-line and plugged-in and disconnected from our neighbors and community. The more disconnected we are, the easier we are to control.

My youngest son a few years ago decided he wanted to play tackle football. He was still in middle school, and we found a local club league that was relatively cheap to join, unlike so many club sports today. His team had a total of 10 teams for different ages. The weeknight practices had hundreds of kids and many parents. The games were well attended. It was blow for building community relations. The club had been around for over 20 years and some of the coaches had planned for the club in childhood. It had people from a huge variety of backgrounds. In a major city where so many did not even know their neighbors, this was a strong effort in building the community.

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Great essay. I was later than a lot of you to the party: I guess the red pill took longer to kick in and allow me to see the bigger picture clearly enough to connect the dots, but once you see it, you can't unsee it. The demagogues overplayed their hand big time in 2020 and 2021. Judging from how the regime has sent out its shock troops (aka, Antifa) to start another domestic terror campaign (while the feds still focus on J6 protesters who were waved inside by the capitol police), I would say they're gearing up for another go at it. What will be their avenue of attack this time? Who knows, but one thing is for sure: like the boy who cried "wolf," they have conditioned a lot of people to ignore their cries of "existential crisis!" And that is a very good thing.

Of course, the best defense is a good offense...so what now? Aside from striving for greater strength and resilience and independence for myself and my family, I'm not sure what the next steps are. I think the spiritual forces/egregores behind these conflicts are real and are gearing up for something big. As you put it, the ruling class has lost the mandate of heaven, and I think there's a deeper reality to that than what we can see. But what do we do, practically in the meantime? I'm still working that part out and am open for suggestions!

Anyway, thanks for writing this! As with so many other things that you have written, it gives great reassurance to know it's not just us, alone and isolated, facing this thing. There are more of us than there are of them, and on top of that, they have made themselves enemies of the true God. There is reason for hope!

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If I had some grand plan I'd share it ;) "how" is the Great Question of our age, and I suspect that those answers will present themselves as they become necessary. It's our job to keep our antennae tuned so we see them.

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The Book of Proverbs instructs (h/t @apokekrummenain):

🗨 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, / or you will become like him yourself.

🗨 Answer a fool according to his folly, / or he will be wise according to his own eyes.

Which advice to follow, both sound & true? No way to know in advance. The answer lies ‘in the formation of the person.’

💬 There are no “seven steps for successful fool encounters.” You can intuit it. But you don’t really have anything. At best, you have a relationship with God and you trust and have faith that in the moment the right path will present itself.

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>At best, you have a relationship with God and you trust and have faith that in the moment the right path will present itself.


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Those with reliable networks connecting them to capable people will do OK. The most relevant lessons are from the Soviet collapse - Dmitry Orlov is the guy to read on that one.

Do not exhaust yourself anticipating what the regime will do...we will be taken by surprise to some degree. Focus only on what you and yours need and what you want for yourselves in the longer term.

And do not forget: if the regime goes, the successor regimes (both national and local) will incorporate elements from the still extant Leviathan. There is no 'Argentina' or 'Paraguay' to shelter the cadre of crazies. Some will go underground, others reinvent themselves in any of a thousand ways. Plenty of villains would have well-developed plans by now.

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This is why building yourself up physically, spiritually, and mentally is of foundational importance. Innate strength is very hard to take away, and the resiliency and nimbleness that flow from it make it much easier to adapt to evolving situations as they present themselves. By contrast, anticipation tends to produce a lock-in effect - one becomes cognitively committed to the expected outcome, and the resulting tunnel vision leaves one open to getting blind sided.

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Jan 24, 2023
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Thank you Jay and John. This is enormously comforting and inspiring, since I reorganized my life - to the surprise and chagrin of friends and family - to pursue the purposes we here share.

Happily, brave souls arrive daily and the sense of shared purpose is growing in the community we are building here. Two weeks ago our neighborhood potluck was standing room only, with kids and adults alike making loads of new friends. The “Wise Elders” mentoring group for young men ( led by firefighters, builders and logistics. experts) is off to an enthusiastic start. Not least, three talented young farmers and their kids have joined our cooperative.

If you build it - and more importantly, if you believe it - they will come.

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That's incredible. Amazing that you're building something like that, and getting such an enthusiastic response so rapidly. It demonstrates that there's really a hunger for something authentic like that out there.

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Jay said it: “So you don't *worry.* You hold your head up and you love your neighbor and you build like no one has built in a century; communities, institutions, families, friendships, kin.”

We simply believe in the power of teamwork. As you say, it resonates because it is essential to human happiness and people are hungry for it.

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Jan 26, 2023Edited
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Small world!

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Good to know! I love old people, things and values. Their durability speaks to intrinsic strength, practicality and beauty.

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That which has stood the test of time has lasted for good reason, which is why tradition should be respected by default.

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Burkean conservatism

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Never been a joiner. Always a loner to the degree a normal life allows it. Going my own way has always been the path I've taken, and often it's a lonely path. It wasn't difficult for me to resist the Covid propaganda, the absurd lies, the insulting contradictions. I found it most difficult to understand those who couldn't resist.

But, being here, among those who speak the language of which I have so little command emboldens me. I may not speak the language but I understand it. I know I'm not truly alone, not with stalwarts who think and write like John, and Jay and Good Citizen and so many more of the thinking kind who enrich and educate and quell any doubts that may occasionally arise. Who write with an elegance and understanding and courage that invokes the romanticism of Arthur, the hero embodied in the Greek myths, the stoicism of the pathfinders, and fighters like Grant and Patton, true men of liberty...you are the people I choose to be with, who I want with me on my path to victory. Whatever lies ahead of us, in whatever capacity I can, count me in to join the fray.

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We were wired to live in community. Some of us think too little of it, some too much. Alone feels safe and isn't. Together may feel unsafe, and may be, but ultimately that is where safety will be found.

By the by, I don't buy your claim to be weak in the language.

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Thank you. My modesty stems from reading so much excellent writing, composed of clarity and intelligence, and a deep grasp of historical knowledge, whereas my own seems clumsy or pedantic or riddled with semantic errors. I do judge myself harshly, but appreciate your contention that maybe I should ease up a bit.

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Every writer's writing seems clumsy and awkward to them. You're not alone in that.

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What you speak of is one of our greatest weaknesses. Most of us are individualistic to the point of not being able to form social bonds as easily as the sheep who will latch on to whatever current thing is happening. The other side has a giant hoard of zombies who will do whatever they are told. Our side has too many chiefs and not enough indians.

We have been "doing our own thing" for too long and need to step back into society and try to right the ship. We don't need to cure all the zombies but we do need to red pill as many as we can

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Excellent point. As a conservative and an introvert by nature, it is my natural inclination to prefer to be left alone, to find my own way and to leave others to theirs. But, you are correct - we can't indulge that luxury and expect our preferred way of life not to be overrun by the herd, for whom their allegiance is dedicated. I find my tribe here on SS and while I have no desire to be a chief, I will be a supportive ally in any way I can be.

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> ...and try to distract themselves with their thousands of sex workers.

The fact that prostitutes descended upon Davos like flies on a corpse really has a certain bleak irony to it, doesn't it... they're there ostensibly to solve the world's problems, but can't solve the problem of their own personal intimate relationships. Figures.

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Whores for the whores.

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Thanks - I needed this. The battle is not over.

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It's just starting.

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It's been going on for thousand's of years. Life is conflict and the evil is often with us. As Solzhenitsyn says "The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being."

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Let’s hear it for Solzhenitsyn, one of the great, unsung heroes of this or any century.

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I took two Phzer taps, falling prey to the idea that I would never see my parents again.

Then my eyes were opened...how isolated I had become, and how I had been prepared for decades, the idea that pandemics would come.

I know it all now to have been a lie. My warrior skills with the pen renewed. I am in service to this Gideon's army if I may be allowed.

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Everyone's path to truth is different. The important thing is getting there.

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I am 71 and I remember the polio outbreak when I was a child. I remember getting every polio vaccine they came up with. If you are in a pandemic, you try everything. I became suspicious when sensible things, like take vitamin D, were ignored. And you would never put sick people into nursing homes. I already worked from home. Since I can't tolerate the masks, I mostly stayed home for two years. I have zero trust in the medical profession now. Do your own research! Don't take any pills or agree to any procedure without researching first.

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Exactly. Readiness to ban 'unproven treatments' so they could push an unproven treatment was a red flag so threadbare it was transparent.

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Every time they came up with a useful drug, they banned it. Ivermectin is the worst. One of the safest drugs we know of. It may be useful against cancer but there's no money to be made with it.

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Same with Fenbendazole... another anti-wormer that has proven effective against cancer as well as combating drug resistance.. but there's no $$ in it for Big Pharma.

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Superb piece John. Nice custom share button. Have we evolved much in the half millennia since those heart rip sunrise ceremonies? Tough to tell the difference between the Aztecan and NPC "expert" rituals these days. Less savage and bloody perhaps. "Listen to the doctors Nanna. It's just midazolam and morphine to make you feel better."

Twelve days and fourteen hours later.

"Nanna was good soul. She really loved gardening."

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To say nothing of revived Moloch worship at the abortion clinic.

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Exactly right! The ancient gods are alive and well and demanding the same sacrifices - it's just a lot more... 'sanitized' for our modern sensibilities, but nevertheless the end is the same - satisfying the blood lust of a death cult for the empowerment of demons (not metaphorical my friend).

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I have yet to understand the midazolam and morphine references in Covid therapy. Maybe someone will point me towards an explanation—but of course I’m not so dull as to fail to understand that administering it could produce deadly results.

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Instant classic. While this Army may be diverse, we are aligned in spirit. May our efforts ring out in harmony across the world like a chorus sung by a million mouthed hydra.

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As a father, a neopagan ethonat, a tarot reading data analyst this post struck me to my core... I am the unvaxxed, champion of truths both esoteric and exoteric. Said and unsaid.

I would point out that this post in itself contains the path towards the victory. We don't have to do much, only stand tall, survive and build our lives and our communities. Live our lives like if we meant it. This truly is a spiritual battle lost or won in spirit and to win we only need to keep our heads above the water and stay committed to the principles of Truth, the Good and the Beautiful. To stay in this world, but not of it is the victory condition in and off itself.

For them to win, they have to force us to bend the knee, and that moment has now passed. They went all in, their bluff was called out and they lost it all.

I think our old school inclination will be serviced sooner than many think. 2024 looks quite good.

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👌 It’s for *them* that ‘it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place’ 🙂

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Exactly. They're trying to sweep back the tide. We are the tide. You can throw out nature with a pitchfork....

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Shirley ya jest 😏

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Shirley you're not suggesting I would jest in the Temple.

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Extremely well said, agree 💯%.

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"Personally, I think we should thank them with gibbets and gallows, but I’m old school that way."

Me too.


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I love that you gave this uplifting piece to US, John! Gideon's Army. The remnant.

It's just what I (and presumably other) tired warriors need, now.

Too many of us were focusing on our "failure" to awaken the majority, when what we should be doing is celebrating our successful resistance, and building our healthy alternatives to the pathocracy. "Build it, and they will come."

I want to do all I can to share this article.

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I just love your prose John - such a pleasure to read (would love to hear you narrate it).

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I've gotta get a proper mic lol

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You really should - you're a poet and your work would be great delivered as audio.

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“It's said that 'power corrupts,' but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power. When they do act, they think of it as service, which has limits. The tyrant, though, seeks mastery, for which he is insatiable, implacable.”

John, have you ever read the postman by David Brinn? I think you'd enjoy and after reading it you need a laugh, watch the Kevin Costner film.

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That's actually one of the few Brin novels I haven't read.

And I believe you're quite correct about power and its relationship to corruption. Look up the ponerology blog here on substack; there's an entire, novel science devoted to this question.

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