In my experience the tendency of progressives to act like they have all the best answers and are at the lead of evolution is matched precisely by their refusal to admit they have ever been wrong.

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This case certainly confirms that. Somehow the fact that it was progressive meddling that caused this problem utterly escapes their progressive heirs, who find a way to blame it on the descendants of those who would have advised leaving well enough alone.

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I wonder how long before progressives claim woke ideology was a white supremacist thing?

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One generation. Max.

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Thinking things through isn't exactly a progressive trait.

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In general, thinking isn't a progressive trait.

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The problem I have with this perspective, John, is that enduring and unchallenged hypocrisy is perhaps the ultimate power move. This is not to offer any black pills, just a fact.

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The strong do as they will, the weak suffer what they must.

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PRECISELY. Hypocrisy is good for target identification. Ethical objections sans a powerful right hook are just the sounds of weakness.

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In order for the to be able to admit they were wrong, or even that there was a connection between these past misdeeds and today would require them to have a sense of history, which is something forbidden amongst them

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Oct 4, 2022
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💬 If you ask me anything I don’t know, I’m not going to answer.

Yogi Berra sure could teach 'em some humidity oops humility.

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If there was an award for the biggest globohomo in the universe, I don't know how anyone could ever hope to beat Justin Trudeau de toilet.

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I don't often feel much sympathy for communist dictators, but I really feel bad for his father.

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You know who he is? You must have spent a fair bit of time going through the phone-book.

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The "mass graves" hoax is to the Social Justice religion as seeing the Virgin Mary on a piece of toast is to Catholic peasantry.

No point in attempting a skeptical search for the facts because your God is everywhere and in everything, so why not there too? And just as every flavor of religious fundamentalist believes that both their God and Satan are invisible yet ubiquitous, most present when most absent, the Soc Just cult sees its cosmology in every inch of existence: White European evil and its converse, the pure and innocent victim-hearts of the Noble Savage POCs.

White Americans/Anglos for 50 yrs have been like baby seals clubbed over the head with a cudgel named Guilt & Shame (and 50 yrs ago it was useful to daze and defeat some leftover Confederates), and by now their brains are mush and they no longer have any ability to even verbalize their own dispossession.

There will be no end to this until everything our European ancestors built, created or appropriated is handed over for reparations, and until the rigid social pyramid of the 19th century is flipped over and the European male wears the mark of Cain and reeks of shit like an unwashed Dalit.

Ressentiment always destroys an older morality and builds a brand new one, said some German guy w a funny mustache 130ish yrs ago.

Cheers, John, your posts are uniformly excellent.

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I still hold out hope that European man can shake off the dark night of the soul and regain his pride and self-respect. Otherwise, it will be as you say - a descent into degradation and helotry.

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Oct 4, 2022Edited
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You can't cheat real life.

This is what gives me hope as well. Stalin and Mao couldn't beat reality, and they're ten times the men that Gates and Schwab are.

Things are disintegrating quickly. People are stupid, but not so stupid as to forget that their lives were much better just a few years ago. The globalists got greedy and moved too fast. The slow creep was effective, but they couldn't contain themselves.

The question now is what people will do. There's a great opportunity for a cultural renaissance, but it will require effort.

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"The globalists got greedy and moved too fast. The slow creep was effective, but they couldn't contain themselves."

Close, but what actually happened is their hand got forced. The kidfucking inbred eurofag banking families' Eurodollar debt-scheme was imploding (that's what all the Great Reset propaganda was about, they were trying for a coordinated debt default and imposition of a new system). That got nuked from orbit by the American banking/industrial faction.


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There is good reason to hope we can turn this madness around. Jason Köhne has developed the technology to heal our poisoned minds and spirits. I've studied his approach and believe we can still win this. His books include the how-to guide Go Free: A Guide to Aligning with the Archetype of Westernkind. My favorite is his creation, subversion and redemption myth Prometheus Rising. His weekly livestream Going Free with No White Guilt is an oasis of white-positive sanity in these times of persecution by Antiwhite Regimes. His path of Love, Hope and Redemption has given me much to celebrate. https://www.nowhiteguilt.org/

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It didn’t take long to reach the absurdity stage of communism this time round…

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I love that you did this. I listened to Kim TallBear give a lecture recently, and found it super interesting that what she was blaming the colonialists for (separating the children from their families precisely to stamp out their culture) is in fact still in practice. I mean, doesn't that exactly describe state-sponsored education? Your children are ours, in the name of education? So we can indoctrinate them with whatever suits us at the moment. For their good, of course. We'll teach them a new garbage language (ugh, Common Core in the states) that their parents won't understand, and train them in bizarre gender and sexual ideologies from a tiny age. (TallBear was claiming that the White Man brought in their damned nuclear family concept, smashing centuries of...queerness as the norm? I couldn't follow her story-telling at times.)

Despite her calling for depopulation by no longer allowing whites to reproduce, and her assertion that white people have no understanding of death, she wasn't as insane as I wanted her to be.

Except that what she decried as evil (which it was) is only evil when it's against native peoples, or people of color. Or queer people.

Ok, I take it back. She was as insane as I thought she'd be. Also, progressives need to get a new playbook. This one's getting worn out.

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I actually associated with native activists during my misspent youth. They made a lot of good points, but some of them were virulently anti-white, which put me off. Still, I credit that experience with teaching me something valuable: there's no shame in taking your own side.

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Wait, what? No shame, even for white people?? What a crazy thought!

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John, truly outstanding for its truthfulness and balance.

The whole purpose of the truth and reconciliation racket is the demoralisation of the population via psycho-affective abuse. The failure of the authorities to retrieve evidence reveals that the aim of the project is to inculcate faith in things unseen, the very essence of a belief system that requires submission to authority.

The conspiracy theories are interesting. In the generations leading to 1789 France was awash with conspiracy theories about the Royal Family. There was even an expansive genre of pornography (printed in the Netherlands and smuggled into France) devoted to the perversions attributed to the Bourbons and their courtiers. The growing appetite for (or credibility concerning) sexual depravity amongst the elite expresses a fundamental collapse in any ethical bond between the people and the elites: it increasingly conceivable tp ordinary people that they are ruled by people with whom they share no ethical or psychic common ground. This, of course, is exactly right.

"Their minds are being overwritten with the values and morality of an alien culture, with the explicit goal of forever terminating their connection with everything that came before. The wages of this deracination are depression and drug addiction, just as one would expect ...". John, with this passage you have truly hit the mark. The essence of the Sado-Malthusian project underway is the eventual annihilation of all inherited forms of social and cultural experience in existence. These are correctly understood as impediments to the power and profit of the elites, since unchosen obligations compete with those of any fully transactional society in which all is for sale and everyone is replaceable. The destabilisation of perception and belief necessary for the success of this project is simultaneously an instrument of control, a desired outcome of the project in itself and proof of its success and, finally, an opportunity for the amusement and employment of functionaries and supporters of the system who exult in spreading misery which they can exploit in the guise of mock-therapeutic predation.

Words like 'satanic' hardly does any of it justice. The while thing is about the organisation of malice and deceit for the sake of our masters.

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"The whole purpose of the truth and reconciliation racket is the demoralisation of the population via psycho-affective abuse."

You nailed it. By convincing the populace that their terroritorial claims are illegitimate, resistance to invasion and dispossession is nullified before it can even begin. It's not accidental that historically unprecedented mass immigration rates coincide on a one to one basis with implementation of demoralization campaigns based upon historical crimes.

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And it is not a coincidence, I assure you. The current generation of social engineers know exactly what they are doing. The incorporation of radical ideologies into elite education has inspired the relevant sub-section within the elite to deploy a blend of radical chic and psychology in the service of state and corporate empowerment during the latest stage of planetary economic integration. When immigration was limited, the ideology was positive and pro-social, now that it is replacement level there is a pressing need to simply shutdown or disable potential resistance ASAP.

There is also a constant traffic in ideas, tactics and personnel between the command posts of the empire, above all between Ottawa, Westminster, Washington and Canberra. The mischiefs perfected in any one of these (or their outposts like S. Africa) get introduced elsewhere in one form or another very quickly. Each nation (if we can even use the word) acts as a laboratory for the others in an accelerating process of social experimentation to see how far they can push things. The traffic is supported at the very top, where there is a very different kind of discrete exchange of favours (in some cases involving very lucrative careers, sinecures for the kids or contracts for the spouse). There is serious money in managing dysfunction.

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Oct 4, 2022
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This is an experiment with any number of possible ends...none attractive from my point of view. People typically adapt to chronic problems either by adapting to them or by seeking radical solutions (and the latter are often ruinously expensive). Most existing problems are solved by being replaced by new ones that are more urgent.

Fighters are irrelevant. In a highly feminised and aging society it will not take valour to be disruptive...a few brawlers and thugs go a very long way, especially if you can mobilise large numbers of confused and easily manipulated people into forming mobs. The huge numbers of soy boys dressed up like video game ninjas during the George Floyd riots, egged on by shrieking angry females or gender fluid female-adjacent types, may be a portent of what is to come. Ethnic rivalry in the age of the internet is going to prioritise narrative mgt over street-fighting, but there will certainly be a fair bit of physical nastiness. Low intensity race war of the type now breaking out in the major US cities (Chicago, New York, Minneapolis) uses politically sanctioned crime waves.

Possible solutions (or adaptations) may become possible, but only after the current generation of leaders are out of the picture. It may may well take longer...a fair bit of damage has been done to the education/intellectual and moral formation of the young who will tale their place. I wish I could be clearer (or more optimistic) but honesty is all or nearly all. To conclude, all trends reach an inflection point. Given the cost of the current regime's policies, sooner rather than later is a possibility, especially if the US dollar weakens. Monetary policy is the Achilles heel of the system.

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It is worth noting that by focusing on the 'original sin', which is fixed in the past, the ideologues can redirect attention from the here and now whenever it is convenient, while moving it back to the present under the pretext of holding us all to account as a result of an inherited guilt.

The concept of inherited guilt derives in part from Christian theology, but in Christianity the anxieties over original sin are alleviated by the offer of salvation (by works, belief or divine election). And Christianity had prosocial and non-abusive mechanisms for managing the inner life of believers.

The bad faith involved is evident from the lack of insight in those who promote it or respond enthusiastically to it, let alone benefit from it.

The secular parody of 'original sin' offers nothing but humiliation, which is its point. What we are seeing is the establishment of state sponsored humiliation rituals for a people marked out for displacement and dispossession, followed by exploitation.

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Even today, boarding schools are so traumatic that there is a syndrome named after it - literally "Boarding School Syndrome", e.g. "Boarding School Syndrome: The psychological trauma of the 'privileged' child" 8 Jun. 2015 by Joy Schaverien - this is particularly pertinent to those of us in the UK, as we still have a great propensity to elect those folks who display this kind of damage in m large amounts [e.g. Boris Johnson]. "Boarding School: An Invitation to Dig Deeper: Reflections on the Patterned Roles of Betrayal, Trauma & Boarding School on British & Global Politics & Culture" by Bard Azim ... so one can only imagine what it must have been like back then for non-white children. Horrific.

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There is much to be learnt from boarding schools, both good and bad. Generally speaking, playing god with children has unforeseen consequences, at least unforeseen by those making the decisions...and none of them is around to pick up the pieces if/when things go wrong. The cynicism, bad faith and outright dishonesty around education never fails to shock.

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Is there a catchy trinket or flag I can get to show my solidarity for Barsoomian equity? I already have an Occupy Mars t-shirt, which might be considered disrespectful. No offense meant.

I'm curious how long it will take Canadians to retake their country. Hopefully the US election in November will help motivate you. We can institute Barsoomian education here.

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That raises the question of what Canadians even are, or for that matter Canada. Can a country be taken back that never really existed?

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Or any country for that matter. Countries are just territory controlled by someone willing to defend it. Lots of good people in Canada who will eventually straighten things out.

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Oct 4, 2022
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Not yet. I've gotta get on that.

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Oct 4, 2022
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For the show trial I'm starting an OnlyFans.

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"while Europeans had been conquering empires, exploring philosophy, developing advanced mathematics, and constructing wonders of engineering, their ancestors had been picking their butts in the forest."

I love your brain 😅

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In America the Residential schools had higher fatality rates than kids that age in the average population but most of them were about on par with the reform boarding schools where they sent problem children and orphans. However there were a couple of the reform schools that were far ahead of the pack when it came to death rates and missing children. About 100 children died and were buried (often secretly) at the Dozier school in Florida. Latest numbers are that 1000 Native children were killed in the boarding school program which contained 523 schools. Both programs were terrible but both reflected the cultural mores of the time that you beat children into submission and that sometimes the death of a single child was preferable to a larger scale rebellion. On top of that most of the deaths in both types of schools were due to contagious diseases because the schools were often overcrowded with a lack of resources. It’s an honest discussion worth having but of course we can’t have honest discussions about anything anymore.

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The deaths in the residential schools were more or less exactly consistent with deaths in boarding schools for white kids of similar socioeconomic status, yes. From which it follows that we must have been trying to genocide our own kids.

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Merry Christmas, John. I hope the new year brings better things for us all.

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Merry Christmas!

Better seems a lot to ask for in the Terrible Twenties. I'll settle for 'more interesting'.

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what happened to the effervescent John Carter?

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Don't know, but we really miss his acerbic wit...

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I've been encountering stories here and there that, while I can't verify the truthfulness, I can state that there seems to be a narrative opposite of the "reform schools were heartless and cruel" narrative. That there are some natives that have actually thanked the schools for helping them get ahead in life. That a lot of natives simply abandoned their children at the schools because it was easier for them. One native woman who claimed she was beaten, turned out to be lying. This does not prove the schools were lily white. Rather, like any school, there were good teachers and bad teachers.

A mixed bag it would seem. Why one might ask, are there natives who are successful and have thanked the schools for helping them? One might think that what we're actually looking at is a bit of a dance between two races, each one taking advantage as they see fit. Not all natives were or are assholes, not all teachers in the schools were the same. And so we're given this ridiculous situation - "well okay, maybe there wasn't any murders, but the schools were still bad and it's the white people that made it that way."

I don't buy it. I maintain that yes, there were some beatings. probably sexual abuse though because it's in the past, we have only the word of the natives who, it turns out, aren't always truthful. We should focus instead one one thing and forget the rest. That would be show us the bodies, do autopsies and prove it was murder and not just natural causes. The rest, impossible to prove, hearsay.

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I strongly suspect that this is mere opportunism. The natives see the white man looking for reasons to feel guilty, and are only too happy to oblige, since this means the white man will cough up hard cash.

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I've made a habit of answering the race question on various privacy-invading forms with "other, human".

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While I appreciate what you did here, I think some of your facts are pretty off base. less than 10% of natives went to residential schools. If you would like some really good facts:



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I did not know that.

Even less of a genocide in that case.

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