"Enfaggoted" made me laugh - the writing skill displayed here is always a treat.

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I am so borrowing that word!

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"CAFamites" is pretty funny too, but more obscure.

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That was high level wordplay, intended only for the amusement of true aristocrats.

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The other joke that you referenced but didn’t say goes as follows:

A man was speaking to a woman at a party, they were getting along, he half jokingly said how about $1 million to sleep with me. Shen smiled and chuckled and said yeah sure why not. Then he said how about 100 bucks. She said NO! what do you take me for? He said we’ve already established that we’re just haggling over price.

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I feel on the outside of an inside joke being hoi polloi myself.


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Please explain for the Obtuse like me.

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Catamites (boys being fucked by older men) in the Canadian Armed Forces.

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Oh, lawdy!

Thanks for replying?

I axed. Now I'm sorry I did !

Hey! I'm sorry. Does that make me an Honorary Canadian?

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Don’t feel bad I didn’t get it either.

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Canada, along with Germany and the UK are well on their way to becoming countries that suppress free speech much like Russia, Iran and China. We in the US must acknowledge this fact and realize that we can no longer be allies with countries that don’t share our love of freedom.

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Canadians are *trying* to vote the authoritarian bums out (election could be in as little as 90 days), but honestly Trump picked a terrible time to start lobbing handgrenades into Canada's domestic political scene.

"The incipient trade war has thoroughly scrambled Canada’s domestic politics; Justin Trudeau has pivoted from calling Canada a “post-national state” with “no core identity” into now pursuing a lame duck attempt to rally around the flag, while Canadian conservatives who are otherwise sympathetic towards Trump’s populism now have to forcefully condemn him to preempt any Liberal attempts to turn tariff backlash into a wedge issue in the coming election."

"Economic benefits of American statehood aside, Trump’s antagonistic approach is forcing his would-be allies on the right wing of Canadian politics to distance themselves from him as fast as possible, lest they be accused of lacking patriotism by the ever-present Canadian leftists desperately seeking a winning campaign issue."


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On the other hand, this makes them look very ridiculous. Boomers aside, does anyone take their posturing seriously?

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The unfortunate reality of our current electoral dynamics is that you can never say "aside from the boomers" and hope to win.

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This is why I don't complain too much about MAiD.

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tsk tsk

But here's the thing; we boomers get lumped into the same sack and that is so misleading. In my world here in BC, more of my fellow-resisters to the covid and every other psyop are peers, cruelly estranged by our normie adult children.

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I agree Joanie, the loudest resisters I know are Boomers! Late Boomers (Boomers who were teenagers in the '60s).

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There are, of course, exceptions.

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You’re terrible….lol.

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I have an extremely dark sense of humour.

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Do you know what nations the USA count among its closest, most well-paid off "allies"?

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey for starters.

All of those lack anything even close to "free speech" - the very notion is alien to them.

Yet I doubt Vance or Trump will ever criticise any of them on those grounds: too much to lose from doing so. Going after the EU nations as Vance did, and rightly so, is safe. It costs nothing and looks good for the home audience; going after nations you need to grease with tens of billions of US tax dollars year after year to maintain control?

No go. There's not a US politician with the balls to do that - the oligarch-clans with their snouts sunk deep into the Middle East since before WW1 wouldn't stand for it.

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A decade ago It would've seemed outlandish, but if there was an annexation vote today I would probably vote yes. In your scenario I think Saskatchewan would immediately follow Alberta whether annexation or WEXIT.

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Albertan here and I feel the same way; watercooler talk around the office indicates I'm not an outlier either

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From what I've seen of the sentiment online (and yes, I know) there are quite a few Canadians who already feel this way.

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I do wonder about Quebec, as much as they bitch and moan, the province does steal 8 billion per year from Alberta. It’s more of I’ll run away unless you give me what I want. Until they come home at 5pm asking what’s for dinner.

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Just as well. The destruction of my country has demoralized me for my entire life and now the prospect of it being a part of the empire proper is exciting. We’re going to join a dying Empire. Hooray.

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Yes, the ‘dying’ part is an incredibly important asterisk.

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it's the very same thing here in Europe

You shouldn't feel alone

Leaders have been ruining the countries on a fast & high rate

Sorry about Canada because I have been noticing a really fast descent - but here it has been the same.

When you see Vance's speech lecturing European leaders it gives you a glimpse of the state of affairs

When he states "what did you guys have been doing?!" - and he goes on with all the stuff about "you have been working against preventing a fictional enemy etc"

I am telling you that's exactly how things have been here. It's properly nuts and people have been brainwashed and have been following all of it. It has been pure mental decadence. Pure nonsense being welcomed as "how things are"

I believe we need to reassess that stuff which has been taking all our best things away from us - it's not restricted to Canada

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Yeah I suspect they'd never willingly join the US. They'd be an even smaller minority with no special language protections and no equalization payments.

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But their departure Quebec - completely screws up the logic of Canada, geographically. The maritime provinces would be an outlier so join the states and Alberta would be emboldened to join the United States.

Our author described a lot of things that could happen but Quebec is the most likely place to start the collapse.

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Quebec is also the most likely to strongly insist on independence, and for that matter, to be allowed it. But I definitely expect Alberta to be the first out the door. For Alberta, Canada is a financial burden. Quebec makes a lot of noise but this is mostly emotional blackmail to keep the equalization bux rolling in (mostly from Alberta).

That said, the Quebecois are quite furious about the immigration situation.

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Which is ironic, because it wasn't that long ago they were encouraging mass migration from former French colonies like Morocco and Algeria so as to boost the number of francophones.

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If any province was to leave, my money would be on Alberta first.

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Personally my odds on favourite is Alberta goes first.

Edit - ya beat me to it!

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Indeed. Everybody at my (Albertan) work was tacitly excited about Trump's victory, the morning after. Not explicitly saying it, but everybody smiling knowingly at the meeting.

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If my Canadian homies need arms smuggled to them in support of a revolution - unionist or otherwise - I can guarantee that all you need do is ask your southern friends. At the end of the day, you’re our people and we want you to thrive whether you like us or not.

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I've read each and every word, and this Texan was laughing his ass off. Come on, Canada, overthrow your Outland bosses, and join us.

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Let's say "screw the USA and Canadian gubbamints:"

Let's weld Alaska to the Western Canadian provinces to create The NorthWestistani Repooblick. We will toss all the nons and commies into the woodchippers and come up with a Constitution proofed against the abuses of the judiciary and fed-level elites that hamstrung the US Constitution. We will mint our own currency, backed with copper, oil, and grizzly bears (Grizzbux.) We can rule the Northwestern North American Continent, extracting our resources as we please while flipping the bird to DC and Ottawa. We will build an industrial base like the USA had in the 1950s, and then we will export stuff to the rest of the world.

And we will beat Musk to Mars while doing it.

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Harold Covington wrote about this.

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Yeah, but he was enfaggoted with neoNAZIsm and generalized dumbassery marked by piqued cheesedickery.

We can do better than his crappy vision.

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At our family reunion, years ago, a young distant relative of mine, who was introduced to Covington's ideas while incarcerated at one of our fine correctional facilities (and thus had plenty of time to read Covington's books and discuss his ideas), wanted to discuss Covington and his Northwest Republic Quartet of books.

I skimmed them, and give Covington full marks for recognizing a key opportunity we have missed.

A critical development in his Plan For The Future was the need for a Plan to develop the lives of what he called "T-Shirt People," young men with vaguely defined hope and dreams, who only owned the t-shirts on their backs.

Covington did not address the issue more fully, at least, not in his books.

We could.

We could take them, run them through the Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery and the Big 5 psych tests, and offer them meaningful futures, developing themselves and their families, as well as the Northern Tier of our States.

After all, we've pretty much abandoned them, and we will pay a horrific price for that, sooner than we are comfortable feeling, and sooner than we might expect.

They see obstacles.

I see opportunities.

I see rejected young men given Hope, Purpose, and a Plan to start their lives over, on higher ground, and, speaking of starting, starting families, as well.

It's a solid start to a much better world, for them and their families, as well as us.

"Affordable family formulation?"

Right here!!

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Sean: I like your pro-active, turn-the-tables approach to the Hegelian Dialectic defined as: "Problem, Problem, Problem."

From a practical point of view, y'all have the ability to rely on your Tar Sands, NIckle-making Nickel mines, and enough Maple Syrup to dominate a whirled economy so I could see Canada going into full isolationism mode. I would, however, suggest not stopping with the annexation of Seward's Folly, but also taking Greenland before the No-Longer-Orange-Man snaps it up for undisclosed reasons other than it is the studio backdrop for the fake Mars missions. So, in that sense your grand plans could all be realized in one Fell Swoop.

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Not a Canadian.

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So sorry.

Oooops! I'm sorry but I'm not canadian either.

Great idea, though, eh?

Come to think about it: even canadians soon won't be canadians either if they don't do something.

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Saskatchewan is much closer ideologically to Alberta than to Manitoba; if Alberta started pursuing independence and/or statehood, Saskatchewan would jump on the bandwagon much quicker than BC (I touched on it here)


Also, housing market deflation would be great for Canadians under 50, but would be interpreted as catastrophic to Canadians over 50, who would see their paper-gain nest eggs wiped out. THAT is why Ottawa keeps pumping up housing prices with immigration, blind eye approach to fraud/laundering, etc. The engineered housing bubble is essentially a bribe to Boomer voters to keep them loyal to the woke regime. That's also why Poilievre can't really make big waves in his campaign promises; he knows he can't win without at least splitting the boomer vote. I think PP is more based than you give him credit for; even the Star is comparing him to Vance (though obviously they didn't mean it as a compliment)

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Good point about Saskatchewan.

And that is precisely why the boomers support the regime.

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I would guess that the majority of boomers are more supportive of the status quo vs ‘the regime’. CPP/medical care are golden handcuffs for those of us in this age range.

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I dunno man. Economic incentives are certainly a powerful motivator, but I've seen too many old women get a glassy look of moral self-righteousness in their eyes when issues like immigration or feminism or whatever get broached to believe that it's all just money.

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With religious fervour.

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I'm a boomer and although I don't know how old you are, I was most likely red pilled before you were born. I was of voting age when that first Trudeau asshole was in power and started taking us down this path of "nation-cide", (the destruction English Canadian nationalism) on our way to become a post-national state (in the words of Trudeau asshole #2). I've lived through one government after another, comprised of sellouts, buffoons, and grifters. The path of dissolution was made plain many years ago, but very few had the awareness to see it unfold. And along the way, the majority of boomers' response has been "as long as I get my free ride, I'm good". I guess that's why I don't have too many friends

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The good boomers, of which you are certainly one, are truly cursed - even now your peers remain stubbornly blind to the things you've seen for decades. And then on their account, you find yourself part of a generation that the youth, who understand these things more readily, hold in such contempt that they have made the generation’s name into a slur.

Truly, you have my sympathy, and admiration.

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American here. We come as liberators.

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Terrifying words.

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We are from the US Government and are here to help.

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Wonderful thoughts! Hail the Trumpster! For awhile there, like years and years, I was praying for the asteroid of redemption. Simple stuff, beg the cosmos for purification and annihilation. A new Edda seemed just right! Suddenly, I found joy. When the Trumpster said we need buy Greenland I felt elation “like never before”. When the Trumpster said, “I wanna buy Gaza” a deep cosmic understanding revealed itself. When the Trumpster said, “Canada is going to be the 51st state, logic and proportion landed as a bolt of brilliance rarely seen by the common man (that be me). I am entertained. Thanks John!

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Henry S speaks for me. I am more than entertained, I am ecstatic. The pure comeuppance for our elite is such joy to behold .

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don't worry it's in progress and hasn't been stopping:


steady rise - and people tend to forget that once such monster is in motion we'd need the relative counterbalance in order to see the start of the decrease...

In other words we would need to counterbalance Bush, Obama and Netanyahu, cell phones, AI and cashless society

As this is NOT going to happen, let's buy pop corn and monitor the steady increase until it cracks the ceiling - it should starts raining stones - without interruption

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Although, as you mentioned, much of what is described in this piece could indeed be wishful thinking, it gives me hope that this scenario could very well happen within the next few years.

However, the plan that Fortissax puts forward in his "Fortress Laurentia" post seems more workable in the long run than what you describe. Quebec and Atlantic Canada could form an illiberal Anglo-French nation that would embody the "two founding nations" conception of Canada. The rest of Canada, having departed from ethno-cultural nationalism six decades ago, would join the United States.

This smaller version of Canada would actually have a coherent identity rooted in something other than a kneejerk hatred of the United States. Meanwhile, the people of Ontario and the Western Provinces would enjoy a higher standard of living and greater freedom.

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It's an interesting idea. But would America go for that?

And, as I said at the end: if America is intent on becoming an empire … in an intellectual context in which illiberal, reactionary political theory is gaining more currency than it has in centuries … perhaps Canada’s illiberal tendencies might find a welcome home in the empire?

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With all dark humor and postulating aside: EMPIRE never ended.

Mother England exported her cancer to the Whirled with the U.S. being a proxy in name only with the undercurrent of the rip tide on every shore never diminishing in anything but perception. Consider ONLY the number of American MILLIE TARRY bases around the world in 'sovereign' countries, bashed against the claim in the Ewe Ess Constipation that says Congress shall have power within the District of Columbia and anywhere else it has pissed on like a dog with forts and arsenals.

That alone gaurantees that Obama was born on 'american soil.'

The take-over was complete long ago, defacto, so what they are doing is cooking the frog slowly for the De Jure.

The Won Whirled Govern Mente existed long before the League of Nations became the U.N. who declared it Miss In Formation to suggest that the U.N. is a monolithic superstate, and attaches punishments for being a Heretic in that regard (heretic = Free Thinker) and calling them what they are.

So the coils of the anaconda have been in place for a long time, it's just that now that it is around the throat and we can gaze into the dead eyes of the reptile that people are in panic mode.


A bit too late.

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I must echo the many accolades for this installment! I also share the opinion of the precarious situation with how Canadians would vote. The majority are definitely brainwashed and the possibility of them pulling us far left is the one thing that gives me pause. It is a fact I would pray would not be overlooked.

I wonder too about China’s role in it all. As deeply entrenched as they successfully are, it begs the question of whether some manner of warfare (of course not directly from the CCP) would ensue. The gangs and cartels have grown exponentially wealthy in the last 5 years. It boggles the mind they have reached the billions in profits on the backs of the slave and drug trades. I imagine they aren’t going to give that up without a fight.

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Congress is already talking about letters of marque to deal with the cartel problem.

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Good to know. Thanks

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Mark and Re-Prize All. Classic: Let You and Him Fight. Where Congress set up the cartels, funds and nurures them as a bogy to do its wetworks then 'allows' the citizenry that was the primary target to become targets of the state-sponsored criminals for the lolly of part of the prize of the loot. I could teach this to my hypothetical class of Third Graders but I think the intellectual maturity of the world has been downgraded to Kindergarten.

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China cannot reach far beyond its borders, and it is far cheaper and easier to help an enemy destroy himself: winning without fighting is true victory.

Plus: China doesn't think in "profits of the quarter" or "election cycles". It thinks and moves on a civilisational timescale. The effects we are seeing now (in reality, has seen since around '05 or so), comes from strategies worked out and put into play while the West was watching the USSR collapse.

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Yes, and for its future, China sees the vast resources of Canada as something it would like to own, or at least control. China would prefer Siberia, but Russian nukes are a big dissuader. Driving a wedge between the US and Canada would be an early step in this plan. Remember, the US plan, which started during the Vietnam War, was to drive a wedge between China and the USSR by fostering an economic relationship with China.

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Totally tangential to topic, thread et c:

One never spoken aloud reason for Germany and others to start using Russian oil and gas to such an extent they did before NSII was blown up, is this:

It is better to spend money in return for a natural resource you lack, than to use your own supply of natural resources.

That way, you retain your resources while the competition expends theirs in exchange for something intrinsically worthless.

Which is why "drill baby drill" is so hilarious, if one takes the longer perspective: eventually, annexing Canada might simply become a necessity to secure oil.

And wont that be all kinds of interesting?

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That might be a good strategy if the game ended, but it doesn't end. Eventually you will need to consume your own resources. In the meantime, those who have used up theirs could be much further ahead in developing substitutes. If they are smart, they will do what Norway did and use the money to advance their society. If not, they will fall closer to third-world status like Argentina. If one takes the REALLY long perspective, in a century or two, oil may not be that important anymore. In that case, the best use of oil would be to get you to that new technology as quickly as possible, because saving it beyond that point would be ... pointless.

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There are no Tangents in Continuum.

That is a brilliant thought that I had never been exposed to before.

Money is printable and useless on its face as a fiat.

In another comment I brought up the tar sands as a resource that could allow Canada to be isolated and self-sufficient, which conversely makes it a desirable target.

The US has abundant oil, but apparently it is not the 'kind' that it wants/needs. I was very disturbed by this revelation. Here's multiple links because I can't find the first one I saw in this topic.





Given that cars can get 100 mpg and free energy exists, this notion that you can't use the oil that you are floating on is just not credible to me.

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China, in my opinion already attacked the Canadian forests.

Nooks, like moon landings, Jumbo-Shrimp, and chemtrails being contrails, and the earth being round, are just another psyop.

That they can be dirty devices and render entire geography undesirable is no doubt but the whole Day Tone Nation thing is just out of the question.



In the words of RUSH, we are being manipulated by Phantom Fears.

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Well said, my Sun Tzu, friend.

Or... in the words of the movie They Live!

"We've got one who can SEE!"

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Yes, you are correct. I *was* thinking as a Westerner. I have read the Sun Tzu but it was a while ago…such wise ways of structuring one’s thinking, actions, and execution. It should be required reading and apparently, I need to reread it!

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Sun Tzu, Musashi, Clausewitz, Tacitus, and many more - all good.

I also think there's another significant difference between Western leaders (business, banking, politics or whatever) and Oriental ones be they of the Near or Far East:

As evidenced by the last 25-30 years, our leadership caste believes in ideals and ideas, as if those were real /things/, and not purely social constructions based in societal-cultural context. Not just leaders for that matter, look at any debate about "rights" to see that the majority thinks "rights" exist in the way a potatoe does.

Other civilisations perceives/experiences ideas and ideals as instrumental. That does not mean that they do not take them seriously: look at moslems. They will never hesitate to seek leverage by referring to islam any time they think they stand to gain, but they also take islam 100% seriously.

Another ingredient is of course also that Occidentals automatically assume everyone has the same rights, and view people as individuals to be weighed and valued on merit before anything else; this is a highly anomalous and also dangerous (culturally-civilisationally suicidal, I'd say) way to view other groups than ones own.

Time to re-read Huntingdon's 'Clash of Civilisations' again I think.

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Without any insider information or proof, my considered opinion is that China started y'all's forests on fire with 'orbital' platforms. Plausible deniability. The smoke from which permanently altered the background radiation that I measured in ILL Annoyed (your southern neighbor, the home of the hellhole called Chicago) as being already too high at 38 counts per minute up to a baseline of at least 48 cpm, so there was a lot more to that smoke than just choking particulates. China's roll when divorced from the false flag of 'international politics' is pushing through the Lock Step agenda being scripted by the A.I. (the ConYid scam went down with computer precision) for the entire Cabal that hides behind place and race names that are meaningless when it is a single entity superstate sowing confusion to make it look like separate players and that the nonsense of voting criminals out of power had been or could ever be a possibility.

The bulk of humanity are just NPCs that serve as flotsam and jetsam to the few of us left to prevent us from getting anything done.

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Wow...For many years I made a living writing scenarios for the military. Generally, it can take a team several months to create a product like this 7200 pages. If you did this on your own, which appears to be the case, and did so in a short period of time, that alone is genius unbridled. BRAVO!

I don't think USA citizens even get any of this given all the dumpster fires emerging almost daily for 20+ years. But this work opens the door to understanding and more. Again, BRAVO!

Think about the PSYOP value of turning this scenario into a reality TV documentary or even an independent film! Damn fine piece of thinking and writing.

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Wow, thanks man. High praise. Honestly it all just struck me as rather obvious once it became clear that Trump probably isn't joking…

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I don't want to get stuck out in Fukuyama EndofHistory territory here. However: the brand of "nice people are progressive" liberalism that elided into wokeist authoritarianism-- that isn't doing so well. The titanic illicit funding sources of the woke machine appears mortally wounded (please God). Marin and Westchester may hang on a while, but the loss of free money for the complaining class and the coming revelations (like vaccines and statins and SSRIs were premeditatedly designed to cull and manage the herd) will shake even The View watchers out of lala land. If it happens here in the US, those effects will be felt up there, too. The WEF cabal's only forlorn hope (unless DJT and/or Vance are double agents) is probably to convert Canada to a bloody caliphate asap.


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Correct. The current plan is probably to turn Canada into Ukrainada.

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When quality of life in Canada is reduced to subsistence for the majority of voters, mere resistance to government mandates will change into large scale mind shift followed by violence demanding government reform. The Left lacks self-awareness, never realizing when it has pushed too hard for its agenda, its ruthlessness unveiled as its secret goals become evident to the masses. The Left has no concerns for Humanity, only Power.

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This is a wonderful essay. I am an American living in Florida, far away from what could be civil strife (if not war), but I pray that our North American brothers find a peaceful cohabitation without succumbing to a brother-war like we're seeing in Ukraine. The biggest obstacle to peace, in my opinion, is the diversity that has been invited to Canada. This is a hell of a fifth column.

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Canada is busily being turned into another Ukraine, as a rearguard action of the globalists against the new regime in Washington.

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I'm down. We'll take you, as long as we can deport the Indians

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Deporting the Indians is the crucial point.

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Among others.

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