If you reflexively think the opposite of what you’re told to think, you’re still being told what to think.

Fuggin A.

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I write my own commentary for a year, provide long and well reasoned responses and get ZERO likes. I write, "Fuggin A" and get more likes than I have in 12 months. To that I say,

FUGGIN' A, man!

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Good article. The judo around medicine isn't even on it's first turn. Think about how the sides were aligned regarding medicine when Obamacare was being debated. Right: "medicine man good, honest capitalist" Left: "medicine man bad exploitative ruling class."

Of course, sometimes the purpose is just to flood the zone so thoroughly that distinguishing anything like the truth is entirely impossible.

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That zone flooding has been going on in the UFO field almost from the beginning. Quite deliberately I expect.

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I am amazed how the people in my social network who, before the pandemic, objected to pharmaceutical companies turning a profit (and in many cases still hold that objection) were the very same individuals who displayed zero discernment on the subject of Pfizer/Moderna vaccines, even to the point of labeling as CONSPIRACY THEORISTS anyone who proposed a modest assessment of safety/efficacy and benefit/risk.

I realize anybody reading this article is familiar with the conundrum, but it boggles my mind even to this day, especially since I am regularly reminded of this disconnect when I see these people ranting about one thing or another in my social media, often with zero consistency from one rant to the next. The covid op was surely black magic to fracture the minds of a very large slice of the population.

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Yeah that was an impressive pivot. Just a decade ago the hippie left was firmly against vaccines and deeply skeptical of big pharma. Now they worship them and vaccine skepticism has been coded as right wing extremism.

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I'm 'on the left' and I think Big Pharma are not to be trusted and did everything in my power to avoid forced vaccination. I had to get a religious exemption to get out of it and I'm very, very glad I did.

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One of the few who stayed loyal to your ideals. There are a few of you, but not many.

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98% of Western Australia got vaxxed. I’m in the 2%. It was touch and go there for a while. I was sure they were going to kick down my door and drag me off. Our premier publicly denounced us as morons and everyone hated us. Got me evicted - twice!

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I had no idea it was that bad. What the heck happened to Crocodile Dundee?

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Yeah good question. Once upon a time Aussies had pluck. We were larrikins. Not anymore. Decades of comfort, peace and consumerism has made us soft. Australians are also very trusting of their government. We were ripe for abuse. Furthermore, we have no constitution- well we do but it’s very limited. It does not protect all our basic freedoms. I’m just lucky I have an oppositional defiance disorder.

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You deserve a medal.

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Yes, yes I do. ☺️

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I work for the Federal Government in Canada, and was the only person in my department that got an exemption. Interestingly, I heard that everyone’s religious exemptions were being denied, so I argued that I believed in alternative medicine like naturopathy and that I have been refusing pharmaceutical products for years. Truthfully, I don’t even take Tylenol, but that wasn’t out of an ideological reason, I just think health is more complicated than taking pills to solve every problem.

I was given an exemption on these grounds but it was not an easy battle.

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There is RFK Jr.

And others.

They just need a new political home. The Democrats have become the new Wall St. party. Need to separate the true liberals from the conformunists, and build a populist coalition.

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I kind of think that's what happened. COVID resorted everyone by susceptibility to propaganda. Now there's the Party Line Party and everyone else.

I know a lot of former Republicans who were so put off by Trump (or the narrative around him) and "anti-vaxxers," that they're now D. Publicly, all the neocons did the same thing.

Now Everyone Else is figuring out what to do next.

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I am old, I remember when neo-cons were basically Reagan Republicans who had switched from the D.

The majority were frustrated with the D power structure and wanted a new area to excel and gain influence which they saw was possible in a merit sort of worldview of Regan.

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Especially among blacks. “Dat dey gubmint out to destroy the black man.”

Government: “Put a mask on.”

“Oh, fo sho.”

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I'd say it's even more sinister than that.

There got to be a point during COVID/summer of Floyd that I legitimately thought I was going insane because reality as I knew it was nothing like the reality that everyone around me saw. Most of the people who I agreed with were frogs online. In my personal life it felt like I was the sane man in town

Every once in a while you'd meet someone who, in hushed tones, would admit that they saw through the bullshit.

This is what they are creating: a world so faek and ghey that the first level of the lie is only there to conceal deeper lies beneath it. It's a systematic destruction of the fundamental realities of the world.

Why do you think the tranny stuff is so divisive? Because it does exactly that. It takes something that you know experientially, historically, culturally, biologically, etc and says you're wrong. It's more sinister than "weakening the family unit". It's the dismantling of the reality of the world and recreating it in man's (or at least the Elite's) own image.

In other words, it is the exact message of the Satan himself.

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There's certainly current of thought encouraging people to distrust their lying eyes. It's much older than Woke. Think of all the pop science stories following the format of "amazing results completely invalidate your naive assumptions!" The underlying message from all of these is that your own mind cannot be trusted, so just turn it off and believe the experts.

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Indeed. This has been happening for quite some time and does predate gender nonsense and race nonsense. These are just the most recent and most egregious examples. It's been a slow drip of nonsense for decades culminating in this.

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You’re right.

If they can get people to deny obvious truths then they can convince them of anything. That is the ultimate goal - to blur the lines of reality.

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Yeah, exactly. Sometimes the first layer is just confusion.

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Right: "medicine man good, honest capitalist" Left: "medicine man bad exploitative ruling class."

If this description of 2008-2016 is accurate, that means the Medical Fascism we saw begin in 2020 reflects an astonishingly whiplash-inducing 180 turn which Leftists did.

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Maybe someone high up coordinating all the conspiracies just died and now they're just running off their notes without understanding how to do it.

That would be perfectly on-brand.

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The big vampire boss fell over without explaining the plan to anybody, and now all the thralls are running around trying to salvage the situation. When you get up to that level, knowledge is power, and power isn't for sharing.


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And their handwriting is bad ...

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We thank you, anonymous person with bad handwriting, for messing everything up.

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I would never tell a person who actually had an 'ultraterrestrial experience' that they were lying. I think that would be gauche. Everyone else, though, needs to pony up so really solid (well-fabricated) evidence.

And, after almost a century of 'The aliens are coming', a big 'So? What's in it for me?' is the proper response.

Stop trying to figure out 'What's real?' and start putting the Powers That Be on the spot by being as self-interested as they are.

If the Powers That Be want me to believe some random shit they make up, they need to pay me.

If the Powers That Be want space in your head, charge rent.

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Very important points and wise counsel! When I think about all the bad information out there, both from those who are deliberately lying and from those who are sincere but deceived (perhaps because they've believed the deceptions of those who are deliberately lying), and when I think about how many competing parties there are with different agendas and each of them putting out their own manipulative propaganda and false narratives, I feel like Inspector Clouseau in the movie A Shot in the Dark when he announced, "I suspect everyone, and I suspect no one!" (And I feel just as absurd as Clouseau too.) Maybe we're just living in a Truman Show and the audience ratings are dropping off, so they've been having to introduce increasing and ever more outrageous craziness to make the show relevant again. Who knows. At this point, I'll believe it when I see it -- whatever "it" is -- but there's almost nothing so crazy that if we got a legitimate revelation of it, I would really be all that shocked. One thing is for sure, whatever the regime says, they're either lying or they have some trick up their sleeve, trying to manipulate us into some sort of "magician's choice."

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The Clouseau quote gets to the heart of it imo. Until more is known, possibilities should not be prematurely ruled out. Given the very nature of the subject that requires maintaining a state of suspended uncertainty that I think is uncomfortable for people ... And indeed this could be part of why the reaction has been so desultory. No one knows what to do with it.

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"No one knows what to do with it."

Exactly. Shit, I'm still trying to wrap my head around what happened in 2020. It used to be these major "crises" happened once a generation; now it's during the run-up to every election cycle in America.

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I read an article at The Hill recently, ( it was linked to on a blog, I forget which ), called something like The imminent momentous UFO scandal, which in the process of arguing that it's either all real or its a psyop/cover story quoted bits of US govt tpolicy decisions and regulations passed in the last 6 months as a result of or part of the govt apparently taking the UFO thing seriously. ..... .and I was particularly struck by new laws being passed which oblige all private entities, ( corporations and individuals ) to surrender/submit anything that they might be holding of "***non-human origin*** " to the govt .... ... these new measures/legal requirements are supposedly justified by the threat of real UFOs .......but what they would also cover /apply to would be anything created by *AI * .... which is non -human. .... So this recent serious govt attention to UFOs is only what is required to justify new laws about control and ownership /possession of AI created tech/material ( organic or not ) /product etc ... they will probably drop the whole ufo thing after they've put the new laws in place. I noticed with interest that a couple of other countries seem to be talking about the seriousness of UFOs too ...

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PS. I agree with your assessment of the wrong footing effect. It worked on me that way.

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PPS. The article is titled "A Monumental UFO Scandal is Looming " and the relevant passage is:

"For their part, key lawmakers are taking Grusch’s allegations extremely seriously.

On July 13, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) introduced a measure that asserts eminent domain over “any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin…that may be controlled by private persons or entities.” It also defines and contains two dozen references to “non-human intelligence,” a term used frequently by Grusch to denote the uncertain origin of highly advanced technology allegedly retrieved. Such efforts are referred to as a “legacy program” in Schumer’s legislation.

In an in-depth NewsNation interview, Grusch also alleged that non-human remains have been recovered from UFOs. Schumer’s legislation requires that any “biological evidence of non-human intelligence” held by private companies be turned over to the federal government “in the interests of the public good.”

They definitely seem to be making room for govts to take control of anything that non -human intelligence, AI, might come up with.

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One more option: that Humanity finds out late that A.I. really interpenetrated EVERYTHING, in the early 2000s, & it's running an Endgame...

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I've been thinking for a while - the Covid Atrocities are what happens when superhuman artificial intelligence decides to solve "climate change".

Perhaps the "duh pandemic" was just round one. Up next, round two, "duh alien unvasion".

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Very good, mi amigo 👏 A.i. got a Woke, anti human, Save the Planet slant on GIGO? BOOM. New plans, bye bye you nasty monkeys 🙈🙉🙊

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Concerning Project Bluebeam, im not sold on it entirely as their "end game" because as you mention, it's just so hard to pull off convincingly. BUT - look at the #COVID1984 psyop, the vast majority of humanity was fooled by steady MSM propaganda and govt siense priests. And, like you mention with the Judo tug of "it's just the flu, everything's ok and then omgz the Black death" the slow crawl in the MSM might be just the lead-in to more.

There is something "out there" but i'm convinced it's extra-dimensional more than extra-terrestrial, supernatural as it were.

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I lean towards the hyperdimensional hypothesis myself.

COVID was substantially easier to pull off than Bluebeam would be, and even then a considerable fraction of the population saw through it, which was why they ultimately had to give it up.

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There is a 'propaganda process' that goes back to the USSR in the 1920s. One thing the Soviet propagandists found was that continuous agitation resulted in emotional fatigue regarding the issue being propagandized.

The solution to propaganda is not to fight.

The solution to propaganda is not to care about things over which you have no direct knowledge or influence.

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Covid may have been easier but there’s a readymade story here: Area 51. It’s isolated, you can control media output and “Holy Moses, they’ve come to retrieve what’s theirs! Oh, the Vogonity, er, humanity!”

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I don't think they've given up on it. They're going ahead with their new #StrokePoke tech and i still see people wearing masks. #GermTheory still reigns even though it's largely a fraud. As Katherine Watt has exposed, there is overwhelming military and executive power for "public health" mandates. It's a valid option in their playbook.

But yeah, i do have doubts about Bluebeam.

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Other possibilities:

1) Test data designed to measure the level of fracturing present in the public's information and belief networks.

2) Noise intentionally introduced into the system to produce some other effect, not unlike how randomness is used in Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo.

Anyway, the initial boost from the alt-right had little impact on the long term covid narrative, in my opinion. Nobody on the left listens to the alt-right, except to mine it for evidence of monstrousness.

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It wasn't so much that the right gave them a boost, as that it effectively nullified any potential resistance. Remember, the alt right was partially responsible for electing Trump and the Leave vote in Brexit.

Those are interesting suggestions. I hadn't considered drawing metaphors from machine learning but it's worth thinking on.

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Belief is an emotional and psychological crutch; a support mechanism that allows people to navigate the byways of their own lives. Evidence, reason, facts and arguments are irrelevant. People believe whatever they want to believe and need to believe and they will dismiss anything that threatens the worldview that they have constructed for themselves and in which they dwell comfortably.

I have an old friend who admits that the Western media is a lie machine, readily agrees that they lied about COVID, lied about Trump, lied about the BLM colour-revolution in the USA, lies all the time about climate change BUT he is steadfast and immovable in his belief that the same Western media is telling the truth about Russia and Putin. See, he hates Putin, so he needs to believe the Western cartoon of him is true.

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Yes, I've met conservatives of precisely this persuasion. It's remarkable really, but also something worth keeping in mind in a 'there but for the grace of God go I'. Enlightened as any of us may become, we're almost always a normie on one subject, an NPC on another, and a conspiracy nut on a third. None of us is playing with a full deck.

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But to pick beliefs based not on who else holds them, but on whether they’re true or not, is surely the right way to proceed. Normies believe the moon landings happened, and so do I. That’s fine. Gives me something to talk with them about!

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Indeed, that's the trick. Agree with the normies when they're right, and with the schizos when they're right.

The trick is knowing when something was right, and (what's even more difficult) knowing when you simply can't know.

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"When the Zetas fill the skies

Will our leaders tell us why?"

Interesting take. As far as blu beans is concerned,I think it's readily apparent that no holography is necessary. A few shots of CGI alien craft hovering over some city on CNN would do the trick. The level of normie credibility during COVID confounded me as I saw them all buy into the most patently absurd bullshit. It was surreal to watch the narrative change within 12 hours while the public just seemingly forgot that what they had spread as gospel moments ago was now a "dangerous conspiracy"

If the MSM and the rest of the Globohomo apparatus insisted that an alien craft was hovering over NYC, then I'd bet the vast majority of Americans would believe it.

Hell, the majority of New Yorkers would probably believe it, even if they're pretty sure they didn't see a craft in the sky during their morning commute, they'd be gaslit into believing they had. The rest of them who insist there was no alien spacecraft over Manhattan would naturally be written off as conspiracy theories.

It's the old 1984 rejection of what your own eyes and ears witness in favor of what the Party says is the truth. That's where we are.

Never in my life did I think we would get to that point, but objective reality simply does not exist anymore. I really do think it's that bad, and I point to COVID, the tranny shit, and the inability to see the obvious consequences of mass immigration and critical race politics (such as the beatification of thugs like St. Floyd) as examples.

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I'm not quite so cynical ... I think if they tried to CGI a mothership over Manhattan, there would be too many people online saying nope, that never happened, we were there.

Some people would certainly fall for it, but I don't think they'd be able to get critical mass.

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Dude... You were alive during COVID, right? You don't believe people would believe this?

Maybe I am more cynical because I was living around Boston at the time, but, yeah, everyone turned into a goddamn zombie during those times. I have no doubt that people would absolutely buy this.

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I'm just saying I think it would take more than CGI.

Then again, usually when I think I'm being too cynical about people I'm proven wrong. So we'll see. If the most entertaining outcome is the likeliest, perhaps we can look forward to ring side seats.

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Yeah. I lost hope of the populace having any semblance of critical though with COVID. Then the race blindness during the BLM riots. Then the 2020 elections. Then the tranny stuff. Then the Ukraine war...

The majority, or at least enough of the people in managerial spaces, will follow what they are told to follow. The NPC meme was perfect because it lays bare an incredibly uncomfortable truth: most people, your neighbors and family members and coworkers and friends, are brainless Hylics waiting for their next programming sequence.

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The fault is not with them. It's with the programmers.

It has always been thus, although I think the Internet has increased the hylic fraction.

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Yes, Ithink it's always been this way. But in the past when virtuous men were in charge, the Hylics had good examples to follow.

This has much to do with elite theory, and it's why I find it intriguing. (I wouldn't say I'm totally convinced exactly, but I find it intriguing).

I don't know if the masses can ever truly be swayed into actual thought, or if we are doomed with a large class of people who simply can't think. The elitists will say they can't, and the populists say they can.

What I will say is that the events of the past few years have not given me much hope for the populist position. Even now, when it seems there is an awakening on the normies right against "wokeness", it still seems manufactured and never seems to get to the roots of the various problems. It seems the "normies" on the right are well-contained, and will always have a safety net; a line that they cannot cross, as dictated by their shepherds like Ben Shapiro.

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Many thought they saw planes hit the towers in NYC, yet there isn't any footage other than the official (composited) clips?

The more things change, the more they stay the same!

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I think you give TPTB too much credit. They're not that smart.

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Certainly many of them are not.

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The faces certainly aren't, not as a group or as a majority (some are smart but they are outliers). What the front-men are, is deft and ruthless social manipulators. Not psychopaths as is often claimed; pyschpaths are far too narcissistic to be able to fool groups of people and cannot co-operate with others at all, not to mention compulsively violent.

I've met one or two top-level swedish politicians back when I had a career (not that I was high level anything!) and they are stupid, to put it plain. Dumb, uncultured, and anti-intellectual in that special way that makes them believe whatever BS they're fed if it's wrapped in the right semantics. An very very skilled at manipulating people to trust them.

I remember when one of our EU-level parlamentarians rattled off a spiel about why the EU (this was in the 1990s) didn't need co-ordinated border security. The reason: people who migrate do so legally because they are the intelligent ambitious ones. No factual arguments mattered - the response was always "No, we know it won't be needed because we have decided so!"

Most politicians in Western nations actually, really, believe that if they say "This is the way" then reality changes.

Where you want to look to find the smart ones that really run things is one or two steps down and to the side in any political power structure. Call it "Joe's Principle" after Stalin from when he was basically a secretary under Lenin.

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That's exactly it. The smart ones stay out of the public eye for the most part. Which doesn't mean that the ones out of the public eye are all smart ... Very often they're not. There are relatively few Kissingers about these days I think.

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I will never forget how large parts of the right went completely stupid at the beginning of Covid. "Close the borders!! Panic!!!" It was beyond silly. Many even on the leftist hippie alternative side had better instincts. In Germany, it was Wolfgang Wodarg, a leftist socal democrat, who first called BS on all that.

Don't fall for tribal group think and just say whatever you think your team is saying. Think. Research. Listen to your daimon. Talk to people. Learn how to perceive subtleties and nuance, for God's sake.

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Yes, exactly. I was appalled at how many dissident right commenters fell for it. I stopped paying attention to them as a result. It was too big a thing to get wrong and I could never take them entirely seriously after dropping the ball like that.

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Funny thing, at least here in the States, "leftist hippies" are no longer welcome on the Left. It's pretty trippy to think about it. Those people that 10 years ago we called "leftist hippies" are now considered "right wing extremists" by regime media.

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Yep, same in Germany. Alternative hippie=alternative healing=esotericist=1920s vitalists=literally Hitler, or something.

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Meanwhile, the dissident right has in fact adopted essentially all the natural health lore from the hippies (leaving the cannabis and veganism nonsense behind of course).

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A minor correction:

It was "Close the borders except for illegal migrants from Africa and MENA!"

If you look at the issue, you'll see that no mandates, no comulsory "vaccinations" and no border control was directed against the invaders.

Only legal travellers, like tourists or businessmen were affected. For moslem terrorists and african negro rape gangs, the red-green-liberal-progressive [lots of expletives] held the door open as per usual.

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Thing is, it was always considered appropriate protocol to close your borders in the event of a global pandemic. It was in every wargame situation until COVID.

the fact that they did everything BUT close the borders in response was my first big indicator that it was all complete bullshit. It made no sense to leave borders open from China when the virus originated in China.

So they pulled every draconian move possibly except for the one that would have actually worked (of it was a real pandemic, that is).

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Fuck they need an edit button in comments. Sorry for the typos

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Click on the three dots to the right of "Reply" and you'll see two options: delete an edit.

Like this.

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Hm. "Edit" isn't an option on the android app. Weird.

I guess I just have to live with typing like a drunkard when commenting from the phone

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One of the many reasons I don't use the app. I *have* it, but I abhor it.

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It may all seem like a psyop unless you know something on the subject of UFOs. The current windbaggery stems from what appears to be a decision made during the last decade by the 'Keepers of the Secrets' to open up somewhat. The large amount of UFO activity over the naval exercises off the coast of California from 2004 and later seems to have convinced them the time for total secrecy was over. However this does not mean that everything disclosive happens all at once.

After the 2004 naval flap for example, the usual MIBs took all the footage and radar data which subsequently disappeared and was never seen again. The Navy went on pretending that nothing had actually happened. The change that occurred is that this was the last time the MIBs turned up. (I am not totally up to date with all the details and could be wrong)

Since then the problem of what to do with the scary footage has now been left up to the Pentagon. It promptly classified everything as 'national security' related and so not a great deal has changed, except now congressional committees are involved. So now instead of the USGov not knowing anything at all about the secret stuff they've got they are now in the process of learning about what they have got.

Nothing will really change for the public until some proper scary footage is released which I don't expect until the 2030s at earliest but could be wrong. When I say 'scary' here I don't mean two-headed monsters of course but footage destructive to the normal paradigm, this being a sort of Pandora's Box issue.

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I love this! It’s a great analysis, John—I’ve been thinking the same thing, that too many are dismissing this just because the Feds are suddenly interested in it after all these years. It’s understandable, but it doesn’t mean there isn’t something there.

One of the strangest things I’ve come across was a claim that some mysterious government scientist had taken out patents for technology that sounded a lot like what these UFOs were capable of. Apparently the patent office was going to deny the patents because it was all just nonsense gobbledygook, with no sound grounding in physics (like the worst kind of Star Trek techno-babble), but some high muckety-muck in the Navy intervened and they ended up granting the patents. What are we supposed to make of that? Is there a secret cabal of scientists with access to a completely revolutionary paradigm of physics, while the poor saps in the universities are plodding along with the equivalent of pre-Copernican science? I don’t know.

Personally, I think they’re the remnants of a vril-powered Hyperborean civilization from the Hollow Earth, who’ve recently teamed up with refugees from Atlantis to reconquer the surface for the greater glory of their reptilian overlords from the future.

Prove me wrong.

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The possibility of an underground civilization doesn't get talked about nearly enough. We have only the foggiest of ideas about what's under our feet, and things get very sketchy at a depth of more than a few km.

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Oh, hell yeah. There’s all kinds of shit living down there.

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We know there's a ton of bacteria thriving in the crust. No evidence for anything else, but, what would that evidence even look like?

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Good point. All that bacteria could easily form the basis for a food chain, so it’s conceivable there’s a complicated ecosystem down there. Who knows? Maybe those Hollow Earth nuts of the 1800s weren’t so crazy after all.

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Journey to the Center of the Earth was probably closer. Not a hollow planet, but there could be very large caverns down there.

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I have disconnected so completely from the news cycle that I had no idea this UFO controversy was a thing until reading this article.

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I tip my hat to you, sir.

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This is an interesting case. Where do you go from here?

Consider, if aliens are real [or people can be convinced they are real] -- and the public finds out it now, what the hell is left?

It would make the government(s) liars for 80+ years, only to tell the truth now, why? Also, consider the defense departments of other countries would have to come out with something.

What could their real angle be?

I'm still sticking with this:

If they are to convince people that aliens are real, the aliens will be peaceful. They aliens will tell us that they almost destroyed their own planet because of climate change. They will "help" us humans by suggesting that we must do everything suggested by the environmentalist crowd. A decrease in population might be necessary, we need to "Eat Zee Bugs," so on and so forth... how convenient!

Like John said, people are unlikely to band together if aliens were to be hostile.

That's my guess.

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Spokesaliens for the UN SDGs is definitely a plausible scenario.

And yes, it's a bit nuts: either they've been lying for going on century, or they're lying now.

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Like your idea about aliens coming to save us from climate change. Good sales-technique.

If I may add, the aliens will of course not meet with the plebs or show themselves live, for safety reasons, nor will any undisputable displays of UFOs or other technology be made, so that we don't culturally appropriate the aliens...

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Hell, look at COVID. Nobody could "see" that either. We had to rely on a description of symptoms, and faulty PCR testing, with the tests run beyond the capability of the equipment.

Just trust us...

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