It’s been a busy few days on the podcast circuit.
Over the weekend I sat down with
, ostensibly to discuss ’s concept of the Aenean Age, a successor civilization to the waning Faustian West, which Tree has been busy drawing out the implications of, most recently in terms of what he calls its Liminal Religion. We did get to that, but we mostly talked a lot about Canada – both the dire problems that threaten it, and the vast potential and promise that the immediacy of those issues conceals. Krynn is French-Canadian, which gives him a bit of a different perspective on the historical currents that flowed into the national crisis. He’s also a teacher and a fantasy author – he’s hoeing the tough row of fiction here on Substack, which gets my respect – which led to an interesting discussion about the inspirational role of art in the grand project of re-enchanting the world, and what exactly re-enchantment might look like. Go check it out, and subscribe!Some time ago I was beyond pleased to receive on invitation onto
’ annual Christmas podcasting marathon, Millenniyule. If you’re not familiar with Millenniyule, it’s a two-week livestreaming special from mid-December through New Year’s Eve; every day Woes brings on four different guests, sitting down with each of them for a two-hour chat. It’s a gruelling schedule; I don’t know how he does it, and Woes has been doing Millenniyule every year for a decade now, which makes me feel kind of old. He tells me it takes him three months to organize, effectively a full time job while he’s at it ... which keeps him from writing during this period, which is a shame.This year seems to have been something of a Canadian Millenniyule invasion.
was on immediately after me; in addition, I counted The Ferryman’s Toll, Diagolon’s , YouTuber Endeavor, (honourary), and JF Gariepy. Like the chill of a cold winter day in drafty house, we’re everywhere, you cannot escape us. You can see the full line-up here, which includes luminaries such as American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor, CounterCurrent’s Greg Johnson, Red Ice, , Professor Ed Dutton aka , Black-Pilled, ’s Will Tanner, of the New Right Poast, historian aka Martyr Made, and . I’m amazed, flattered, and somewhat intimidated to find myself in such illustrious company.It was a cozy conversation. We started with some shop-talk about Substack and the incipient long-form renaissance that it’s incubating. Then we discussed the structural issues in academia, something I’ve written about quite a bit. Probably inevitably, we spent most of the time considering the global political situation, discussing the technological factors (telecommunications, air travel) which have both enabled the mass immigration crisis and precipitated the elite’s consolidation into the world’s first de facto network state, which they’re now being rather brazen about e.g. with Two-Tier Keir Starmer openly identifying with Davos over Britain, or Trudeau proclaiming Canada a post-national state with no core identity. Given that those technological factors aren’t going away, this is a predicament we’ll be facing indefinitely – closing ourselves off a la North Korea isn’t really an option, but then neither is getting swept away in the homogenizing demographic mudslide.
I don’t really know how we solve this. Maybe we could allow the cities to function as cosmopoles, with residency outside the cities more strictly regulated e.g. via DNA passports. For such a compromise between somewheres and anywheres to work, however, a great deal would have to change: freedom of association would need to be accepted, such that the white peoples can have their own ethnic quarters; the favouritism generated by disparate impact and “anti”-discrimination laws would need to be jettisoned; and cities in other countries, not only the West, would need to accept white ethnic neighbourhoods, “Little Europes” in analogy to the world’s Chinatowns.
Obviously, the current elite isn’t going to just give us any of that, which led to a discussion of the Irish uprising, its spread to England, and the likely (in my opinion) further spread of this popular unrest to the continent. Of course, this will manifest differently, given the distinct cultural temperaments and historical circumstances of each nation. The Irish are passionate brawlers, they hit first and think later ... so it isn’t surprising that things cooked off first in Ireland, but have been relatively easily contained so far. The English underclass follows the same pattern. The continentals are quite different – when the switch gets flipped in Scandinavian heads, for example, it won’t result in riots. That isn’t the Scandinavian way. Instead it will manifest as an abrupt new consensus that seems to come out of nowhere, leading in turn to a polite, well-organized, and quite merciless whole-of-society remigration program.
Taking a global view of the problems afflicting our various countries has an important psychological benefit: our various elites prefer that we take a parochial view of things, seeing the social, economic, and cultural problems they’re causing as purely local issues, arising from local policies, with no connection to wider problems. This helps to occlude their own global coordination. It also leads to people boxing with shadows. In each of our countries, the specific arguments used to justify mass migration, for example, differ in greater or lesser degrees, since they’re tailored for local circumstances: when you understand that the same thing is happening everywhere, and that the arguments (‘it’s good for the economy’, ‘we aren’t having enough children’, ‘you must feel bad for slavery’, ‘you must feel bad for imperialism’, ‘you must feel bad for colonialism’, ‘you were also colonized so you must show solidarity’) are developed specifically to support a predetermined conclusion (‘therefore, unlimited third world immigration’), you can stop wasting time thrashing about in the weeds refuting the disingenuous arguments of a hostile foreign tribe, and go straight for the rhetorical jugular of ‘our existence is not negotiable’.
Obviously, a lot of people tend to blackpill about these issues – they see the long history of seemingly fruitless underground effort by dissidents, with apparently very little to show for it. Here, I brought up the history of the resistance to communism in the Eastern Bloc, where in most countries you had a decade or two of samizdat being furtively passed around, rock shows at clandestine night-clubs, protesters getting gulaged, and so on, all to seemingly no effect ... until, all at once, everything shifted, practically overnight. The sandpile model of social change is relevant here. If you drop individual grains of sand, they’ll form a pile; initially, each new grain just adds to the pile, and the pile itself is quite motionless; eventually, however, a grain gets added which shifts one of the grains, which shifts others, which leads to an avalanche as the pile spontaneously re-organizes itself. Until there’s an avalanche, the pile is entirely stationary; there’s no telling which grain will produce an avalanche; but it is a certainty that, if grains keep being added, there will ultimately be an avalanche.
We also touched on the question of whether the elite will, or even can, ‘put the woke away’. This gets to questions of the balance of true believers to cynics in the power structure, and the ability of the latter to throw the former to the populist wolves should it suit them to do so. Obviously, the truly woke have no intention of abandoning their anti-religion. Even if the cynics are successful in putting the woke away, however, there’s a possibility that might blow up in their faces: there’s an analogy with Gorbachev’s glasnost policy, which was meant to slightly open up the Soviet Union in order to let off some of the social pressure that had built up over decades of heavy-handed repression ... but the pressure proved to be so strong that the moment the lid loosened, it blew right off.
Finally, we touched on the possibility of developing global networks of our own with which to oppose the globalists. This already happens online: when something big is happening somewhere in the world, say the English riots last summer, it draws the network’s attention, which then acts as an emotional force multiplier as the ire of the entire network comes screaming down on the fragile psyches of the hapless local branch managers trying to manage the explosive discontent of their local populations. Britain’s government, for example, can arrest its own people for mean tweets ... but it can’t arrest other people, who can send those mean tweets on behalf of British citizens. Still, these are just words. Could more direct forms of material support be provided? If the network could begin opportunistically applying pressure to locally fragile regimes, we could start having open source colour revolutions, cooperating in our own national liberation movements.
You can find the recording of my Millenniyule appearance on Odysee, Rumble, or Twitter, or you can just download the mp3 directly. No YouTube: Woes is OG, and was banned from YouTube a very long time ago.
A final note: as I said earlier, it takes Woes months to put this together, and during that time he doesn’t have spare cycles for writing. Which, he laments, annoys his readers, and in particular his supporters, who after all are paying him. So I’d like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone reading this to reward the incredible amount of work he puts into this, and the service he selflessly provides, by heading over to his Substack and subscribing. Among his other talents, Woes really is an excellent writer – ruminative, original, thoughtful, thorough, and wide-ranging in his subject-matter, encompassing far more than mere politics. Here, for example, is a piece in which he considers the psychological implications of the flattening of graphic design:
And here, for the Doctor Who fans, is perhaps the most detailed examination that you will ever read of the career and motivations of the man who destroyed the franchise.
That’s all for now. It’s the holidays, and I’ve been running around visiting family, shopping for Christmas presents, and trying to figure out what I’ll be doing in the New Year. I also got smacked by a nasty cold last week, and between that and the general gloom of the Canadian winter my energy levels haven’t been great.
As always, many thanks to my subscribers, and especially to my supporters. I will try to get one more piece out before Christmas, but on the off chance I don’t, I would like to take the opportunity to wish all of your a Merry Yuletide, which I hope you spend in the company of kith and kin, stuffed on chocolates and turkey, sober or drunk on eggnog and mulled wine as your inclinations take you.
This discussion you had with Millenniyule sounds awesome! Honestly it was fun having you aboard, I loved hearing your perspective and presenting it in so articulated a fashion. I do agree with most (if not all) that you said, and must admit that it's honestly changed a great deal of my own thinking on some key ideas, and that I'm a lot more into a harsher deportation policy especially with regards to Quebec. As us French are naturally soft on entry into our tribe due to Clovis, but you're absolutely right about our enemies knowing that and taking advantage of it, we have to double down on your and Bock-Cote's ideas (the og mega nationalist of Canada).
So kudos to you, going to check your other podcast good sir. We definitely need 'Little Europes' everywhere in defiance of what the governments of the world want.
Looking forward to listening to both of these brother !