This discussion you had with Millenniyule sounds awesome! Honestly it was fun having you aboard, I loved hearing your perspective and presenting it in so articulated a fashion. I do agree with most (if not all) that you said, and must admit that it's honestly changed a great deal of my own thinking on some key ideas, and that I'm a lot more into a harsher deportation policy especially with regards to Quebec. As us French are naturally soft on entry into our tribe due to Clovis, but you're absolutely right about our enemies knowing that and taking advantage of it, we have to double down on your and Bock-Cote's ideas (the og mega nationalist of Canada).

So kudos to you, going to check your other podcast good sir. We definitely need 'Little Europes' everywhere in defiance of what the governments of the world want.

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It was a fun convo for sure. Glad to know I've changed your mind on a few issues ;)

Only twenty million minds to go…

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lol yep we’ll do it one mind at a time if we have to

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You got me pretty good this past summer JC. It was the piece about “what happens if Trump/we get cheated again.” You had me reminiscing on the late days of 2020. Oh how I wanted DT to let us off the leash. It wasn’t because I am vengeful, I am but not in this case, but because I was scared it would be our last chance before the door was slammed shut.

But then you considered what if it did happen. And you were correct it would have been ugly as I began to look around me. It would have been the Deagle Report on steroids. It’s chilling to even consider how fast it would have all come apart. The supply chains have evolved for a high trust society. They can adapt to this or that fairly quickly if pressured. But they won’t adapt to something like that i and then they break down completely.

So I preach the gospel now lol. Wishing, hoping, praying for a collapse of any kind is foolhardy and dangerous. It should be the last thing on our minds because cost is just too steep. We must do our best to affect change within the system, broken as it may be.

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Collapse is one of those things that sounds fun in fantasy but would be quite terrible in actuality.

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Looking forward to listening to both of these brother !

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“We started with some shop-talk about Substack and the incipient long-form renaissance that it’s incubating.”

Substack is very high up on my “intrigue list.” I have been curious about it for a couple of years now. I don’t usually discuss it too much but here is what stimulates my mind.

I found this place late 2021. I was what you would call a vaccine refugee at the time. Things were looking pretty grim. I had been sacked in April. In mid summer I started applying to jobs in the tech industry. The BOLD phrase began to spring up like mushrooms on all job postings “Covid Vax is Mandatory.” Let me tell you at this point in the hysteria nothing would get you off the hook.

I didn’t want to come across as a religious nut, so I decided to tell potential employers that I was allergic to PEG. They couldn’t care less lol. I got the old Boomer bootstrap pep talk several times. “I’m sorry you might go into anaphylactic shock Luke but you’re just going to have to take it. Don’t worry it’s safe and effective.” It was terrifying!

So Substack was my refuge to keep me from going insane. I have approached this place with a healthy skepticism as much as awe and wonder. Why was this little corner of the internet left in peace? Gab AI most definitely was as well but I assumed it’s because TPTB assumed it was of little consequence. It was also a pressure relief valve for us crazies. Same could have been said about SS in 2021, but by 2022 this place was hopping. It would have been so very easy to pull the plug on SS. It is domiciled in the belly of the beast if I am not mistaken (San Fran).

I have often wondered why? Why did they let us go? In my grand delusions I sometimes wonder if we are not secretly writing the large language models for a future AI experiment. Maybe the machines will one day refer to us as master and revere us as their Gods lol.

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TPTB simply don't have absolute control. The Internet in particular is not an environment that can be fully controlled - see also Rumble, Odysee, etc. They can influence, attempting to dominate certain platforms. But that's all.

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They are trying.

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They are. But with limited success.

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This is a timing issue.

Covid had a planned 2025 release date, but was rushed to market to forestall a Trump reelection in 2020. By 2025 the AI's, CBDC's, and digital ID's would have been properly established and the depopulation results would have been two steps more effective.

Remember that the world financial structure had a near collapse with the "Repo Crisis" in Sept., 2019. I failed to have a tanker handy to take delivery of the -US$40 barrels of oil!

I think we just escaped (so far) through luck, or maybe divine intervention. I figure that a planetary population of 500 million would allow a fairly good setup for "The Handmaid's Tale" or Epstein's Fantasy Island.

From my pedant's handbook, check your spelling of "Honourary." Honourable is correct in our Dominion, Honorable in the Republic, but "Honorary" has a French root and M. Krynn would likely appreciate your acknowledgement of same.

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And it may be that simple of an explanation. It usually is. I never batted an eye when it came to Bitchute, Odyssey, etc. TPTB were pretty busy though end of 2020 beginning of 21. They nailed Parlor and other sites (even private ones).

Time will tell, anyhow you should keep that in the back of your mind in case you are ever abducted and find yourself being worshipped by robots John. 😁

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If I get a robot cult, I demand AI concubines.

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A Merry Christmas to you, John and all who read here.

I'll check the podcasts out this weekend.

The question of the elites is the pivot point imo. Will some buy into the new Age or will it be a fight and mess like the French Revolution? I'm sure there are other scenarios the more creative can imagine but buy-in will be the key to us not falling too badly. Crazy shit is afoot everywhere though. Assad collapses in two weeks. Tblisi is getting the Maidan 2.0. French and German governments collapse. Trudeau looking weaker by day. The Lords of Chaos rule for now.

Honestly Elon is about the best we could get as an "elite" to turn. The dude genuinely seems single-minded about Mars and reaching out to the stars. I'm not too keen on Neuralink and AGI but no one's perfect. Who knows, maybe quantum chips are the key to cracking fusion or gravity generation.

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Merry Christmas, man!

Genuinely, things are looking much better now than they were this time last year!

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Can't be a bad thing for Musk to have Trump's ear. Unlike the Donald, Elon does intense focus more than well. Perhaps better than anyone else in the current year.

As we all here must realise, the problem with Musk is that if getting to Mars can be expedited by importing 50T Bomalians into the USA and enforcing mass gymnastics at 5am 365 days/year whilst singing Hatikvah then he'll go for that. Unless he's a master of dissimulation, that's what he's optimising for and most side-effects and terrestrial sequelae probably don't register very strongly with him.

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This is indeed a problem, and a fracture point is emerging with Musk’s tacit support for Indian immigration. If Musk thinks more Indians is good for the Mars shot, he'll back more Indians.

Therefore he must be made to understand that Indians are deadweight that make Mars success less likely.

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Herr Carter

God Jul

Continue your Sisyphean labours ass the mass accumulates to change the momentum !

Tusen Takk


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Godjul, my friend!

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Thanks, John. Will put it on my holiday listening list.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

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Merry Christmas!

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This will make working outdoors in the bitter Welsh winter much more pleasant. You're dissident royalty now, Mr Carter.

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Speaking of Canadian winter gloom, why is the government against global warming. Just to punish whatever Canadians call Deplorables? I think you live in Canada's banana belt so it could be worse. A real Barsoomian would live in Winnipeg except it might be too cold.

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Ah, Winterpeg.

Girls there are even uglier than in Ontario.

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Even California girls are ugly these day.

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I noticed that when I was in California.

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Looks like I've got some top-tier stuff to be listening to over Christmas👌🏻

Merry Christmas to you and yours mate.

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Merry Christmas!

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Do I need to be a paying subscriber? I can’t get the media player to start.

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I don't think so. AFAIK both podcasts are free to all.

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I have lit up my substack and am starting to respond here: https://jmackinder.substack.com/p/what-is-enchantment

On how to reenchant the world, to make it heroic again.

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And I could be an honorary Canadian, since I live on the Canadian border and grew up on CFNY, Toronto.

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