Apr 8, 2023Liked by John Carter

Whoa. What a magnificent essay thing. You pretty much nailed it. And I read this on Good Friday.

I was always a bit curious about that term. Humm.

Hats off. I will re-read this about fifteen times and send it to fellow travelers ten fold.

Hats off.

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You killed it with this one, John. I mean, truly. Their 'antiseptic nightmare' they sell us as a fait accompli... that's the spell we have to break. It's NOT a fait accompli by any means. And it's our joy and happiness that terrifies them, especially that we can be happy without them. Theirs is an insecure need that belies their weakness. They need us far more than we need them. We don't need them at all!! Their very existence depends on us, on our obedience, even our desire to be domesticated into mindless oblivion. If it weren't for us, they'd have nothing to control in their own OCD nightmare lives.

Their aim is to take away our divinity, our natural born joy and happiness, our symbiotic interplay with the natural world we are inherently part of, the very soul of being alive. I'll say it again - they are terrified of us! They try and peddle their small-minded insidious fears and sadly, the addled majority buy them hook, line and sinker. For those of us with functioning brains, it becomes both horrific and laughable.

Your call is for not just joy but I think for love in its greatest sense, the fabric that joins us together they wish to unravel, which is by all accounts impossible. Love will prevail, always.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by John Carter

Nice job! And a good chaser to Nick Johnson's video of California these days. It is time to become the counter culture. We support life and children and taking time to smell the roses and live life.

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Maybe a good story would help.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by John Carter

Fantastic essay! I think the Right is beginning to articulate—or rediscover—new and interesting visions for the future, and even the normies are noticing. And I think that scares the shit out of the Great Reset types.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by John Carter

"But then you look around at the fat morons on the street, you sigh for the hundredth time at the fluoride stare you get from normies when you mention anything outside of their programming, and you despair. "

Amen Brother. I call them sheep eyes... perhaps they are fluoridated as well....

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by John Carter

No with a smile! Yes!, and no to the fear and the fear mongers. I can't stop smiling these days and the zombies follow me around like smiles are the new brains.

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When the Left was still truly on the Left (that time long, long ago when the Left actually supported freedom of speech and expression and all that other horribly old fashioned stuff belonging to the dinosaurs, namely anyone now over the age of 45) the Left suffered from that same, seemingly perennial problem: how to motivate the masses to fight the status quo without just being negative. Eons ago, which could be any time before c. 2015, I remember reading articles about the negativity issues of the Left. The Left was always against something or other, critical of this or that, warning of everything, but never offered a - simple - solution. That comparison with the world of advertising, how to sell the idea/ideology, had been remarked on time and again by Old Leftists who were wondering why the masses were still placidly succumbing to the globalist dismantling of what in Old Europe at least passed for the welfare state (I know most readers here are US-based and hence sceptical of public healthcare etc, but I’m from the old continent and have recently been to France where I have watched with a glimmer of hope how the masses are resisting Macron’s assault on their pensions ...). The image problem described here so eloquently by Mr Carter has transcended the old definitions of Left/Right and seems to me at least become any dissident problem, regardless of political persuasion, where dissident agitation is up against The Machine.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by John Carter

Spencer tells us that the ultimate meaning of Ethics consists in the correction of egoism.

Selfishness, which forged the class struggle and inspired the most fiery anathemas of materialism, is at the same time the ultimate subject of ethical procedure. It surely corresponds to an attitude before that closed disposition that produces the overestimation of one's own interests. The enunciation of such a thing in history corresponds to a bloody and hard evolution, the end of which we cannot say has not yet been reached.

If happiness is the ultimate goal, and its maximization one of the central aims of the general desire, it becomes clear that some have found the means and resources to obtain it, while others have never possessed it. The former have tried to retain indefinitely this privileged condition, and this has led to the unrest motivated by the not always peaceful of the less endowed.

Selfishness was destined, perhaps by providential design, to become the driving force of an agitated human age.

But selfishness is, before anything else, a value-denial, it is the absence of other values, it is like cold, which means nothing but the absence of all warmth.

Fighting selfishness does not imply an armed attitude in the face of vice, but rather a positive attitude aimed at strengthening virtues.To replace it with a broad and generous ethical vision.

Juan Domingo Peron. La Comunidad Organizada. Pg. 18-19

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Great point. I often forget to bolster my argument with a chuckle.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by John Carter

We'll make a Christian of you yet, John ;)

This is why I believe only Christianity can defeat the dystopia-mongers, because it IS a vision of joy, that comes with a deeply fulfilling lifestyle, rituals, and community, and origin story. However I could see Christians partnering with secular rejectistas who share pro-life, pro-human, pro-joy values, not to fight the resetters head on, but simply to do our own thing in defiance of them. In fact I already see that happening (e.g. bitcoin has the potential to be the currency of a Catholic distributist economic system).

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Apr 8, 2023·edited Apr 8, 2023Liked by John Carter

The amusing ingenious pitches to upgrade to paid are on par with op essay. Which in its own right is extraordinarily brilliant even by barsoomian standards (which sure says quite a byte) 🤩🤸

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Very good read, Mr. Carter and will be linking it tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

As usual, a bit long and when I link it I always make note of that, as I want people to be aware of that and I want them to take the time to read it. Too many want one minute inspirations!!!

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Solid points, and a great example with the anti-Pinochet movement's marketing genius! I need to watch that movie and get inspired! Certainly, I can say for myself on a personal level, I've gotten too negative too often, and undermined myself in the process, without making the slightest dent in the enemy's control system. Working smarter is a must, when all the advantages seem to be on the other side, and you've outlined one way to do it. Thanks for that!

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"Say what you will about globalism, at least it’s an ethos." I see what you did there....

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It’s a common trap. If you don’t like the current zeitgeist they insist you have a better one. But you don’t need to. You are allowed to stop at simply knowing that this current shit show is not right. It takes courage to say to say no and it takes wisdom and a little trust to know that everything will be fine. More than anything these days people fear discomfort but discomfort is no big deal and often leads to adventure! People also fear a lack of security but security breeds boredom. And they fear ostracism but who seriously wants to run with the current herd? When you manage to climb over these barriers and see the bright shining sun of possibility, you no longer fear much of anything and saying NO becomes a breeze.

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