What I'm about to say is coming from "the trenches" (seeing as I'm 22), but the way I see it is this:

1.) Life now means living with one hand behind your back. You're constantly dealing with people of weak visions and voices, and no concreteness of morality or intellect. Nothing feels worse than being chained to a wishy-washy world. It's both oxymoronic and just plain moronic.

2.) Above all else, whatever positive change should be made, it must start from within. I don't work out as hard as I did in high school, but I exercise, I take care of myself, and I stay building. Building my mind, my constitution, my skills. It's why "365 Infantry" and a lot of my fiction centers on heroes and hot rods. Fighters of great skill squaring off against great evils, often riding an iron horse or sat behind the wheel, dressed in denim and leather. These are people (and wolves and other assorted creatures) who must thrive in the face of dire circumstance, sometimes just for their own amusement and out of spite. It's why I'm drawn to heavy metal and fever-dream jazz. Music that makes a statement, that has power. I am drawn to these intuitively. The strength, the vision, the drive. That shit's attractive.

3.) I don't force the matter of dating right now, because I don't see anyone worth my time. The modern dating game is made of equal parts delusions and dishonesty. When all anyone cares about is getting screwed, you get the materialist shit-show on display. Guys driven mad by cravings, girls looking for no commitments, neither realizing something meaningful can bring a greater pleasure than any one-night stand. In a perverse way, my time at college taught me to focus on making the best version of myself so that I can have that meaningful relationship. A self-made man beats staying chained to a desk, and with that self-making comes confidence, and with that comes drive, the rest flows from there. When someone catches my eye and has the willingness to commit that I have, that's the girl to go for. I can only hope all of you don't blow this to hell before that happens lmao.

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Well said! Appreciate your frankness and analysis of this situation. It was helpful to allow me to understand this a bit better. (PS: my son went to Asia to find the girl of his dreams. She’s the best! They make an excellent team 😁)

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Glad to hear! I don't often get "political" but this was something I've been chewing on for a while. I grew up in a rural public school before hitting college (both in glorious New York State), and both experiences surrounded me with a lot of miserable people my age. I've made some friends along the way and found some collaborators, but a lot of people I just kinda leave in the dust. The blessing and curse of being a "zoomer" is object impermanence; if it's not in front them, it doesn't exist. That often meant me having to reach out all the time and rarely getting the hand extended back. Y'know your real friends by the ones who come out of the blue to check in on you.

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"The blessing and curse of being a "zoomer" is object impermanence; if it's not in front them, it doesn't exist."

Well observed. This is something I and my collegues noted as a gradually increasing trend from around 2001 onwards, becoming normalised and the norm among the young post-2015.

What to do about it, I don't know

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It isn't just a "zoomed" experience. I am at the tail end of Boomer, same stuff. Very disheartening.

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That could be a trend. Entitled American ladies don't realize it, but globalization is coming for them, too.

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That's noticeable here in Sweden too, given our suicide-by-migration (plus all the woke to make you choke on top):

Swedish men have started opting for asian and eastern european women more and more, as a large proportion of swedish women (the 30 and under bracket) are simply overgrown materialistic tweeny-boppers with their heads filled with feminist claptrap.

At the same time, the highly unlikeable percentage of women that really embrace femiism for real opt for (drum roll) mid-eastern moslem men. Go figure: first they use feminism to destroy men and women and family and race and culture, both literally and figuratively, and then they find themselves wanting what they ruined.

Without ever acknowledging it.

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SD Thailand was my first exposure to the phenomenon of ethnonat race mixing, which is far more widespread than people expect.

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Socialist Democrats and their allies here are making it nearly impossible for swedes to move back to Sweden, if they migrated elsewhere.

Only applies to actual swedes of course: non-swedish rapeugees get to come here, get citizenship, commit crimes, get a pension and can move back to their home nation while retaining said pension (which they didn't pay any tax to fund) and keep their swedish citizenship.

Not making this up.

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That's insane. And yet not surprising. Mirrors how in the anglo world, native born anglos are given no preference in migration to other angle countries, and in fact are disadvantaged over the preferred immigrants from Asia.

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Well the western men failed the shit test. So yes they embrace Muslims - the sexy masculine invaders.

Muslim culture actually has a lot of advantages for family and community minded people.

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It's also completely incompatible with European culture, being an expression of an alien culture.

Frankly the feminist women must be made to submit. That feminism will die is not in question, only whether it will be Islam or European traditionalism that destroys it.

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After traveling and interacting with many muslims I think what is more likely is that there will be a new traditional culture. With muslim and eastern family customs as a base.

Not resurgence of anything traditionally European. There are several reasons for it

1) demographics - future will be driven by young. And majority of the young are not European

2)" traditional European " effectively died long time ago. There are no large communities practicing it in 21st century ( unless you count Amish and such)

3) modern Muslim and eastern communal practices are actually quite sane and well adapted to all participants: men, women, communities. And they work right now across all kind of economic, national and cultural arrangements

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I think it's probably a big trend already. My observation is that it's a key driver of mixed race marriages. I went to college in the boonies and I'd say about half the good 'ol boys I knew married Latina or Asian women because they were the only ones interested in raising families and not "getting out of there."

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Race-mixing racists are by far one of the most amusing phenomena in the modern world. As Delicious Tacos recently put it, if testosterone is based, why does it make me want to race mix?

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What is the evidence for #3? Many claims I have not heard before or witnessed (some admitted geographic and cultural isolation).

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God bless you young man! You’re the kind of young man I would want for my daughter as a husband (maybe minus the metal :)

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I'll keep it cranked to a tasteful 8 instead of 11 ;)

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I would give up a limb for my daughter your age to meet a young man as sharp as you. I sincerely hope we haven't sufficiently blown it all to hell before you meet someone deservedly compatible too.

Wish I could say that with any confidence in a semi-bright future for you kids. What a despicable failure we have been.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are a furry and write stories about humanoid animals having adventures and having sex, right?

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I write stories involving anthropomorphic characters, yes, but I'm not a furry. It's not my fault the internet ruined a literary device lol. As for the sex, there isn't that much in it, and what's there is played for camp, or more seriously as a point of intimacy and vulnerability. None of it is depicted graphically, only in noir-style innuendo and implied action. Besides, my work on "365" is only one part of my output. I write speculative fiction, old-school SFF, dramas. Some I'm trying to publish, some I'm sitting on for collections. On top of that there's my music, essays, my film and video work, etc.

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thanks for clarifying.

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No prob. It's not the first time I've had that happen and I honestly just laugh it off now. The funny thing is though: not a lot of furries have actually found the project. Maybe because it isn't on Tumblr or something, who knows lol.

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The Nine Realms of Decadence (WIP)

Asgard = Adgard - the place the Aesir tell you you should be living

Alfheim = DIEheim - land of the Bright Elves, the chosen people who are allowed to be as wrathful as they want - the woke, the billionaires, the diverse.

Jotunheim = Hoetunheim - an orgy. Just, an eternal orgy of giants.

Midgard = Mediagard - the place you live in according to media, blown up and hyperbolized for your consooming benefit

Muspellheim = Managerheim - Safety World, the corporate world, the academic world, where advancement depends on pleasing your fire giant bosses who can brand you as a deplorable.

Nidavellir = Need-em-vellir - the realm of the Dwarf tradies who actually keep things running

Niflheim = Nihilheim - the realm of normal working people who have a hard time imagining affording a home, a car, or getting a promotion

Svartalfheim was canceled for being the realm of the Black Elves. This was considered inappropriate.

Vanaheim = The Banished. Vanaheim was the home of the Vanir, which Wikipedia says are a group of gods associated with wisdom, fertility, and ability to see the future. So, parents.

By the way, about Valhalla:

Valhalla = Fauxhalla, which seems to be a good proxy for the Pixel Valhalla you describe.

On the topic of allegorical schizoposting, I read Dracula recently and found a wealth of things that modern vampire media doesn't emphasize, but in my opinion, should.


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This comment wins Substack.

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I'd like to thank the Barsoom Academy of Elaborate Shitposts for this incredible honor.

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You have learned well.

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Hahahaha! Good one and no mistake!

Obligatory nit-pick: concerning elves and dwarves, don't think of the Tolkien-esque or celtic creatures. Ljusalf simply means blonde or fair-haired, with a fair complexion. Svartalf means black hair and pale skinned, and dwarf does not mean short or stumpy or anything like the modern fantasy stereotype excepting them being skilled artificers.

But you probably already knew that I guess. I just get it to the gills with what has been done to my people's ur-myths by entertainment media. Sometimes, I really understand the ire of moslems...

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I actually did not know that, and wrote everything out based on looking at a list for all the nine realms and stock knowledge. Thanks for the clarification!

So "elf" is a lot more generic blonde/fair-haired being, with the "dark elves" having black hair and pale skin (would a lighter Asian countenance count, in the vein of a K-pop star?) Are they physically much different from normal humans?

Dwarves being regular guys that also happen to be hardcore tradies is something I can get behind, though. I've always had an affection for the clannish and grumpy Tolkien version, probably just embellishments to explain their skill at artifice.

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As far as I can recall, "alf" (or alv or in english elf) is thought to refer to Bronze Age-ethnic groups in Scandinavia originally, living on in the Sagas as mythical beings of old. Same with dwarves.

It has some credibility too: among all Nordic/Scandinavians (except pure-blooded gypsies and the sámi who are of mongol-asian genetic origin) you see two major types. Tall, wan, blond/white haired and fair-skinned, and stocky squat and almost swarthy black-haired ones. With a sprinkling of red and brown from mixing down the millennia.

The common theory being, at one point the original Ice Age hunters and their descendents faced off against other tribes encroaching (the war betwen Aesir and Vanir), settling their differences with intermarrying, exchanging hostages and mixing their spit in pot (of which became Kvaser, the collected essence of the gods' wisdom - also the initial source of mead).

In pre-inustrial Sweden, there were regional differences in body-types, despite everyone being of Nordic racial origin.

Whelp, go to go mow the lawn. As most of our knowledge of the ancestors are from secondary sources, them not being all that big on making written records, there will always be conjecture and interpretation, though genetical archeology is helping to clear things up (one just have to parse it for the obligatory PC-phraseology...).

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How exciting! There could have been an actual Thor, complete with that moment where he had to cross-dress to get his hammer back (why yes, I love Brothers of Metal). Makes me wonder how future generations will remember the media of our time - what will they think of pepes, forever alone, Wojaks, and so on?

Thank you for sharing.

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The elves are the ancestor spirits, which are also the same thing as the different kinds of fae related to the house. The housegnome (in Swedish tomte) is for instance an Elf.

The dark elves and the dwarves are the same thing, creators of things and here is a very important piece of information, often overlooked. The three creator Gods, Odin (Spirit, thumos), Loki/Lodur (appetite) and Hönir (reason) are dwarves. As stated in the voluspa.

And the first God, Bore the self born is the lawgiver (drott) of the dwarves. Also from voluspa.

So the three creator Gods are the three constituent parts of the divine Mind, ie Nous.

So the dwarves are the noetic beings, ie the inhabitants of the empyreon, the creative fire.

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Wait, that makes Odin (Spirit), Loki (appetite) and Honir (reason) the superego, id, and ego, right? Love me some potential through-lines.

Elves are domestic, dwarves are artisan - that would leave gods being of spirit or ideal, I guess. To be Christian about it, all three would likely be combined in the human, the humble Midgarder.

That I didn't know any of this and just blindly canceled Svartalfheim because of its color is perfectly in character for those we're dealing with.

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So the Gods are dwarves, is says in the voluspa "from these dwarves three went forth", and these three wheels the three creator Gods.

Which brings me back to the dwarves as the ideas of God, the God that is sleeping (Dvalin). So the dwarves are the the ideas/shapes/forms held in the Godhead that cut and chisel the stone (matter). Ie they give shape.

Shaping is the same thing as creating in norse. To give shape to, " att skapa". This corresponds to aristotelian hylomorphism, ie shaped wood (hyle=wood, so the world tree).

Which is also christian doctrine.

So the sleeping Godhead (Bore), dreams and within his dream the God of light is born (Odin, spirit, the logos, which is also identical to the substance).

Which is more or less equivalent to early Christian, and the words of Jesus, ie light of light, the spirit which dwells within.

So the word of God, ie the life of Jesus is the Logos and is also the essence of light. Light being that which shapes the cosmos.

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Acknowledging that violence is a part of us is an important step to controlling and using it. Those who cannot accept our built-in impulses will be controlled by them - if not succumbing to them, then by fastidiously avoiding them.

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This is why lifting is so crucial. It develops aggression, it is completely objective, and it gives a real sense of accomplishment. In other words, it is the opposite of porn and video games. Much is made about the benefits of lifting for old people, but I think it's even more important for those in their teens and early 20s.

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And then maybe they're not fat and repulsive either.

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I agree! Maybe that’s why “they” recently started demonizing working out as “racist.” Lol! 😂

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Indeed. Also, nofap is fascist. Makes you think.

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Being against seed oils is right wing extremism. No joke.

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Yes I've seen this.

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Left wing hippies and Right wing body builders handshaking.

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Hahaha! Of course it is!

The remedy for nofap relapse is....wait for it....


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"Woah, working out is racist? Cool! I am going to work out twice as hard now!"

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I lift and I think lifting is important. But we should not exaggerate. If a young man lifts that's it. It's better for him but he will not conquer the world because he lifts. I saw this fake ego cocks walking around who self convince themselves that lifting put them above women and others. Today if you want to be successful you have to be versatile and work on multiple aspects of your life.

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Sounds like we need a Butlerian Jihad. "Thou shalt not make a computer in the likeness of a human mind"

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It may be more dangerous to make a human mind in the likeness of a machine.

And yes.

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My rural chapel teamed with three others to create a men’s fellowship group called “The Forge”. We meet every other Saturday morning to learn how to bang metal into useful objects. Attracts nubes as well as farmers who haven’t mastered that skill. Also features axe throwing. The medium term goal is to make our own axes to throw. Different kind of Christian men’s group that might be imitated by others looking for a place to get together with like minded spirits. And at the end of the day of comraderie there is a tangible product as well - not a golf scorecard

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whoof... a lot going on here, John, well done.

First, Brooks and his ilk are totally full of shit. Sexuality operates on the supply-side. The capital needed to buy it is precious and must be conserved (manners, fitness, honor, income, flirt skills, etc). Porn and robots provide a demand-side, flooding the sexual market with fiat currency. Like food stamps, the food eaten is junk. Sexual obesity is the result.

Second: "A healthy response would be for men to turn their backs entirely... build independent competence hierarchies of their own..." Yeah, we had those, American Legion, Kiwanis, Elks, Eagles, Shriners, Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Columbus, Eagle Scouts, Billy's tree house with BB gun and some National Geographics. Had'em and they were all tore the hell up. Sure, they remain, graying into oblivion, few new members.

If there is one trouble with liberating feminists, and women in general, is that they cannot distinguish between a glass ceiling and paper walls. Ceiling in the way of fairness? Fine, break it.

But for Man's SAKE leave the walls up, ladies, however few remain, and there are damn few. Our manly institutions were not ceilings, as you now well understand. We needed them and so did you. So help us put them back.

Men: Women connect through feelings, men connect through experience. Battle, victories, defeats, building, debauchery and barbershops. Go out and build something, hunt or fish with other men. And guard that time like it was a urology appointment.

Shit startin' to piss me off.

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Ivan Illich's book "Gender", published 1982, is worth checking out. He thought very deeply on what you are calling "walls" in this post. Be well.

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Thanks for that tip. I will look it up.

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"If they’re correct about this, if they are successful in imprisoning a lost generation of men in Pixel Valhalla while bewitching them into simulationships with digital succubi, then I think they will win in their quest to enslave the world."

I think this is a safe assumption to make, and one that makes our current predicament quite perilous. Not to air my own dirty laundry or self-incriminate, but I have my own experiences from my time wasted in the virtual den of the lotus-eating indulgence to know exactly the kind of power these artificial and parasocial relationships can have over a vulnerable mind, and how difficult and grueling the extraction process of returning to reality and finding out who you actually are under all the layers of overgrown dust, dirt, rust, and general filth you accrued over the years can really be. I always compare my own journey back to being a functional, independent person like resocializing an abused dog. It's not easy and it takes a long time, and it's for that reason that I think we won't see many escapees from Pixel Valhalla. Of course, I'm willing to admit that I'm pessimistic, and the amount of men with the untapped will-power to break free may surprise me (looking back, if I saw myself from years ago from the position I'm in now without knowing better, I would not have given myself good odds). But I also don't think everyone can be saved or rescued. I tried to bring some people along with me in my metaphorical jailbreak, but I realized some of them are like drowning men - if you try to offer a hand, they'll only pull you back down with them. Worse - some people don't want to be saved.

Which brings me to my ultimate point that I bring up a lot, which is the great bifurcation of society we're seeing that will only grow worse and worse. We'll have people who reject all the trappings of the WEF Hyper-Corporate Dystopia, and the ones who embrace it. Of course, I doubt those of us who don't want to get a Musk-built X-branded "Brain Expander 9000" which can be used by the powers that be orgasm you to death at the push of a button implanted in our heads will just be allowed to "quietly opt out", in the end, but that's one of those "We'll cross that bridge when we get there" things.

Whatever the case is, there are people who will embrace what's the come, and people who won't, and those of us who won't may have to pay the ultimate price for that freedom. But, as I said, it may beat the alternative. If there is a Hell, in my limited imagination, I think it can only be marginally worse than being trapped in a virtual reality in which Zuckerberg reigns as some despotic demiurge.

Anyways, great article. Lots of very colorful, poetic imagery, too, makes for a very enjoyable read.

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We're in the midst of a genetic bottleneck. Those who lack the ability to resist the seductive pull of the Matrix will get pulled under and disappear from history. Many, perhaps most, won't be saved. Those who do resist it will have the combination of genetic and cultural traits necessary to maintain their humanity in the presence of these technologies.

In many ways it's similar to the effect that alcohol had when it was first developed.

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Every time I read stuff like this I’m more and more thankful that my family somehow maintained its Christian faith for 2000 years and passed it down to me. And although things are hard enough even with a religious grounding, I can’t imagine not having that and trying to navigate the modern world without going mad.

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2000 years is a long time. You can trace your ancestry back to the first converts?

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I'm exaggerating, but being Greek, I like to think so.

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Ah, yeah, if you're Greek it's quite likely. Hence the handle too, obviously.

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That's the whole premise of the movie “Ready Player One.”

The real world sucks ass, but the virtual world is swinging!

Right now the leftists/globalists are working on ensuring that the real world sucks ass. They'll get around to the virtual stuff later.

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And there's a reason that book is one of the most obnoxious, juvenile, self-masturbatory pieces of media I've ever had the displeasure of consuming, bar none (I had to read it for college, if you can believe it). If the endless, rambling, incredibly amateur prose that read like, "And then this happened and this then this happened and then this happened" wasn't bad enough, it was all just going through an endless procession of pop culture references. "Wow! Han Solo! Remember Han Solo? Wow! Boba Fett! Remember Boba Fett?" So on and so forth, on and on, which is exactly what I imagine the virtual world they want to create will be - a ceaseless stampede of color and sound with marketable, branded characters and iconography that increases in speed and sound and fury until the subject is successfully regressed into a drooling lobotomy patient with no higher functions except to consume product, point at pretty colors, laugh, and when need be, other bodily functions I needn't name.

Didn't mean to sperg out over it but fuck me, you reminded me how much I hate that book so much. If the virtual dystopia they have in store really is a Live-Action Adaptation of Reddit, I would probably prefer to cold embrace of death to being trapped in the digital equivalent of a funko pop display case. Which, yeah, is probably exactly where they want to take things.

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I have neither read it nor watched the movie, and have no desire to. The entire subgenre of gamer fiction in which the setting is a literal computer game strikes me as every bit as hollow as the "... and it was all a dream!" narrative copout trope.

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If you think Ready Player One sounded like bad gamer fiction, you would be sick if I went into details about his follow-up work, which is literally about a loser stoner smoking magic science hashish that makes him able to save Earth from an alien invasion because "hurr just like Galaga". It's every bit as insultingly stupid as it sounds. And so is the sequel to Ready Player One, which was so bad even Reddit seemed to hate it. The fact that fat, mouth-breathing slob is allowed to have a "literary career" is a testament to the total debasement of the publishing industry.

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Solid, honest hate is a positive emotion: it makes you act.

The Enemy wants you (me, us) to be bitter instead, as bitterness is self-consuming and self-feeding.

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Damn. I have no response. 🤣😂

I also thought the movie was stupid.

I just knew that that's where the controllers would love to take things, if they get the chance.

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The movie was criminally stupid, and the most idiotic part of it (and the book, too) is that they seem to think that everyone would just want to have their avatar in the game-world be a branded, licensed character (that you would no doubt have to pay for) or some generic, cool, anime-esque avatar, when if I learned anything from Second Life or VR Chat, it's that 99% of people would be furries, bug-eyed anime girls with massive chests, and fucked up little goblin monsters, and the other 1% would be, like, Sonic the Hedgehog or some Mario character. Which, of course, in the controller's fantasy, would not be allowed, because it would be awful hard to sell virtual tchotchkes in your half-assed Metaverse with a bunch of colorful dog-people doing weird shit in the background.

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There is always the green angle. The global warming thingy can be an excuse for dystopia -- or it can be an excuse for reviving the pioneer spirit. See the early episodes of "The Dukes of Hazzard" for the intersection of redneck masculinity and alternative energy.

Making a house truly off grid requires serious guy stuff.

Sustainable agriculture is much more labor intensive than paint by numbers mass agriculture. Muscle is involved as well. Get those urban hippie chicks out to your organic farm.

And yes, it helps to do "grass farming" on a community basis. Animals don't have days off. You need friends nearby if you want to have any time off.

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There is nothing dishonourable about making as opposed to breaking, yet few young men daydream about being glorious farmers. They aren't playing FarmNite in their spare time. So I think the hippie lifestyle doesn't quite offer what it is they're really lacking.

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Double plus strongly disagree. Look at men went through to own their own farms back in pioneer days. After the American Civil War, men would work brutally hard to get a farm set up and then order a bride by mail order.

The U.S. had a strong small farm culture up until the 1970s, when Nixon changed the farm price support system to enable gigantic corporate forms to squeeze out farmers who didn't have gigantic tractors. The leaky border thing is part of that movement to destroy what's left of small farming.

But the organic and humane movements allow smaller operations to be price competitive. Humane and integrative farming cannot be managerialized. Craftsmanship is involved.

Likewise, biofuels don't scale. If you have to transfer your biomass over significant distances, the transport eats deeply into the net fuel profits.

What I describe is not easy. But it's an area where competence and manliness intersects values that attract a lot of attractive women.

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I think we're talking past one another a bit. I'm not saying farming is bad; you know my position on permaculture. I am strongly in favor and think more people should be doing it.

What I'm saying is that this doesn't address the hunting/warring instinct. It's hard work, not an adventure. As I said: young men aren't getting lost in games cultivating virtual farms, they're getting lost in war games. Why? War instinct, which they have no outlet for.

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Fair enough. Fighter games are more fun than farmer games!

What I am addressing is how to bridge the political gap without becoming henpecked cucks. It's possible to out "left" the gurly mans on the environment while living the life of a prepper. The whole global warming thingy can be an EXCUSE to do fun tinkering: distilling your own ethanol, making your own biodiesel, building a solar hot water heater, etc.

My grandfather tinkered with wind machines in his old age. He loved telling stories of a diesel sawmill that he ran on lard back in the 1930s. He rigged up a hydraulic ram to bring water to the family estate. He was no liberal. He'd be a supervillain under today's rules. He had guns stashed everywhere and always took a pistol when he went for a walk in the woods or drove into town. He'd sit in the kitchen and shoot the squirrels through the window screen, when the squirrels ate the bird seed.

Smart cars and smart grids are for serfs. But off grid alternative energy is more populist than depending on Exxon or your power company.

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In the Soviet Union they came for the small farmers first.

Won't they do the same this time too?

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They're already doing that at a regulatory level.

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That's the strategy they've been employing in the Netherlands recently.

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Very true, Rolo, but doesn't that underline the importance of being a small farmer? Doesn't that turn the whole farming adventure into ... an adventure?

The key might be to stay under the radar. My fantastically testosterone-soaked husband and I have been doing the self-sustenance, off-grid thing for just over a decade now, and every time there are new rules forced down the throats of our urban acquaintances, we thank God that we had the sense to leave the rat race.

I'll add that there is nothing like living a life closer to the land that gets you back into traditional roles. I'm so happy to do laundry and housekeeping; I don't have to change oil on tractors or tires on trucks.

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Maybe that’s because it’s how you got to


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It's how you got to eat without taking orders from a boss. Going west and roughing it was more honorable than going north to work for a damn yankee.

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I won’t debate that! Sound logic. Damn Yankees indeed!

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Have to disagree. Games like Stardew Valley or Story of Seasons are quite popular for a reason. Lots of men enjoy building things, even in virtual worlds.

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Even if it's not explicitly a farming game, Minecraft is the best example of men wanting to build. Sure, one can kill monsters in it or work in a mine, but the thing about it that actually excites and draws people in is the building part, above all else.

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Actually it seems to be very attractive to a growing number of young men, not farmers per se but off grid style, there are tons of online groups dedicated to off grid living and they are showing no signs of slowing, quite the opposite and it is a very challenging lifestyle.

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"So they built longships and joined brotherhoods of steel and blood, and ventured out to take the land and women of others."

Like Arabs did, from the other direction.

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So why you keep hakn a tshaynik about this stuff? It's human nature. Everyone wants to win and spread their seed and squeeze out the seed of others.

Human history is a cycle, it ain't a straight road. The myths are universal. Sheol was a sad dark underworld too.

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Where did I say this was a bad thing?

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Well, you guys seem awfully irked that the other guys do it too.

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We don't like it when it's done to us, no. Nothing about this is about 'fairness'.

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No, nobody does like that. Plenty of Americans disliked the promise of the Western Enlightenment trampled on by local and regional ordinances forced through by Christians who didn't understand what civil society is.

I myself don't understand why conservatives let themselves be beaten so resoundingly by lunatic progressives. In my day--and I ain't really actually *that* old--the melting pot concept actually worked. In one generation people became American. Just the difference in body language between kids and their foreign-born grandparents was striking.

How did "rightists" allow the ESL monster to grow in the public schools, for example?

I suspect a lot of people who ought to have been able to see around corners, instead of just a block or two ahead, thought something along the lines of "fuck them public schools and the trash in them" and took comfort in their parallel systems. Well, the trash vote and reproduce and as they get less educated and less able to think intelligently for themselves, they begin affecting the direction of the country.

If only, say, someone with brains had stopped the abandonment of phonics by the public schools.

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I just want to put in a brief word for the non-"masculine" men among us. You can develop your traditional masculine virtues through sports and other interests such as motorcycling or music. This is what I did. In the workplace you can carve out some room of your own. I worked for years in a predominantly female environment. You keep your mouth shut and cultivate your strengths. I was smart, witty, eccentric, snappy dresser. I never got a proper promotion, there was no way the likes of me was going to be offered anything like that. But... I was also a role model for male students who were looking for something other than jock/macho/ stud/ loudmouth etc. And female students could relate to that too. The only way we are going to get out of this mess is reclaiming all kinds of valid masculinities. That is through role models. We had loads of them when I was young. Where have they gone?

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Keeping one's mouth shut except to say something dazzling (most of these people never read and will be impressed by big words such as...I dunno...'wheelbarrow') is very good advice. There IS NO POINT in trying to convert them, but talking about human population differences (without getting *too* HBD-sperg about it) also gets em thinking, and it's within limits if expressed right because...diversity I suppose.

I don't claim that this kind of thing will lead to a promotion, but it might just keep you entertained and even get the chixxx interested (I use plural form, with xtra 'x', because interest from one not uncommonly leads to interest from many).

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The collapse into nihilism has been a trend since at least the Enlightenment/Industrial Revolution, if not before. Our society is fully steeped in materialistic nihilism from A to Z, regardless of one's religious affiliations. Nietzsche famously said that "God is dead", and with 8+ billion people on earth rapidly heading toward 10+ billion, and with massively declining natural resource reserves, the world is going to become a much harder to live place, much harder than we have currently experienced. This 4chan post from 2013 is still quite prescient: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F1ae79e40-6005-4ae0-8fcf-82b6add7c2e4_1140x634.png

The great riddle of this age is how to remove the shackles of a purely materialist, so-called "technocratic bureaucratic expert" society, and return to a worldview of idealism and quality instead of quantity, which must in part involve a transvaluation of values away from egalitarianism. Whether such a feat can be accomplished at such a late hour, I have my doubts...

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You're absolutely correct - a revaluation of values is what's required here. At this stage it would seem miraculous indeed. But I think the overwhelming yin of the managerial technocracy has already produced the seed of idealistic yang that will displace it.

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Pure idealism is a blind religious fanaticism . Yin ang yang should be in harmonious balance. Right now world is lacking a soul. But it doesn't mean it should completely displace the mind

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Balance is rarely to be found in history. It is a moving cycle, not a statue.

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Both points hold a truth to them. The proper, non-degenerate, Warrior Spirit, as defined by Evola et al, requires a component of "intellect". That is, a disciplined and controlled set of emotions and passions, what could be referred to as the "proper channeling" of things like aggression, force, anger etc that men are taught in martial arts classes and similar places. Even with that though, the main attribute of the warrior is "Being"-"doing", not thinking.

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Thumos absent logos is brutish. Logos absent thumos is hollow and ghey.

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Perfectly stated.

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That "God is dead"-phrase didn't mean nothing mattered: it meant whatever you do, it's on you - can't blame or rationalise or refer to divine will or commandment, it's all on you (on all of us). It also meant/means, more practically, that justifying societal structures and strictures with "God wills it" no longer works - the corruption commonly called the catholic church saw to that.

That's why the progressives and liberals of all kinds shun Nietzsche: he did not endorse their relativist, nihilist "apres moi, le deluge"-attitude of instant eternal gratification of the flesh and senses.

(Unless that is your honest conscious choice, freely admitted as such, of course.)

"God is dead" means whatever I (or you) do - it's on us, all of it. That's a heavy load to carry, yes? That's why the woke reject it, fleeing into nihilism. There's no serpent to blame - it's just "My will, my responsibility" the way it was in pre-christian times.

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Indeed. Nietzsche is often blamed for nihilism, when to the contrary he was simply perceiving it honestly, and trying to find a way through.

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Hi Rikard, I think you are conflating things. "God is dead" is in relation to "and we have killed him": it relates to the trend of technological innovation disproving the literal meaning of the Bible. The onrush of nihilism was already in an advanced stage by the time Nietzsche commented on it; Tolstoy also commented on it around the same time with a devastating quote that I can provide if you like. Nietzsche proposed a transvaluation of values as a way to counteract the spread of nihilism, with a focus on a Heraclitus frame of constant change, of living in the moment, of immediacy of purpose, of embracing one's animal nature instead of suppress it, of the Overman. But the values he proposed were in response to the "God is dead" nihilism of the age.

Nietzsche had started work on a 4 book series about what such a transvaluation of values would look like, but went insane before he got very far...

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Talking past each other maybe?

I focused on nihilism/relativism the way the terms are applied today; you are of course right about nihilism in Nietzsche's day not being the same as today.

The technology-thing, surely that is a criticism of the emergent futurism and modernism (and its attendant utopianism: that modern man armed with Reason and Technology have advanced beyond 'silly spiritual superstition') so en vogue from mid-19th century until at least the 1920s?

Übermensch I've always understood as the (hu)man freeing himself from any outside influence before re-absorbing outside influences but as a conscious and deliberate choice, and not as a matter of organic autonomous tradition (or modernist ideological-ised mechanist "scientific" childrearing.

You now, I think, we're shooting for the same thing but from different angles (or dfferent calibers or whatever metaphor-simile-analogue-thing works).

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> I don’t really suggest bridal IRL troll raids as a serious large-scale strategy. Even if they worked a few times, the system would certainly adapt to make future raids impossible. It’s likely that campus codes of conduct would be amended to allow summary expulsion, assuming they don’t already. Besides, that specific tactic is only really available for college students, and increasingly, young men aren’t going to college anyhow.

Fun fact, most classes don't do any checking of IDs at the door.

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There is indeed great potential for fun in that fact.

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Stellar writing John.... I truly weep for my teenage sons.

Just finding a girl who isn't self-culling with "The Vax" or whatever the next suicidal social upgrade demands is almost impossible.

If this failed empire goes out with a bang there will be opportunities aplenty after the fires burn out. If this society just dissolves slowly with a whimper then all could be lost.

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I suspect when the Empire comes down there will be many opportunities for excitement. It could be that the games will prepare men's minds for what comes.

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This is all very angsty & grim but the Germans might call it "Sturm undt Drang". As in a literary style of bodice rippers in the mid 1800s...

I recall a Scando demography prof lecturing at London uni students, plotting out age & ethnicity of the planet, upto 2100 AD. It was perhaps 10 years ago

The Anglosphere is alredy contracting, I was fascinated by his assertion that Whitey wasn't even counted IN the Southern Hemisphere in the latter half of the 2000s.

Whitey is contracting into Europe & North America and will become about 11% of genpop by end of the 2qst century. BRICS et all will put paid to the Amerikan Empire, broke, busted, gay.

Here in Oz, the Elites are now attempting utter disenfranchisement of Whitey using "The Voice", a referendum to strip all Anglo citizens of the right to free speech and flood the nation with islamisists, Indians & Chinese, to increase birth rates for Tax Base.

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The first step in whites overthrowing this rancid tyranny is to swallow their pride and admit that they were conquered by the back door and are now the subjects of an illegitimate occupation government.

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Dear John (gads, I loved those letters,) that's a funny comment 😄 "conquered by the back door..." ahahahaha yes indeedy, the back pussy! 🤣 Smells like teen... 💩

Whilst the Wimmin dance & chant the chant of the skeletons...

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Ever circling 😉

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I was hoping you'd get the joke.

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But we are going to get a NO hopefully. Double access to the halls of power for a group that is 3% of the total population? Being racist is the way to correct racism these days apparently.

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Oh Dollyboy 😪 how charmingly naive... The vote is mainly electronic. Of COURSE the YES Vote will win! Australian Elite$ are POSSESSED by The World Economic Forum and I use that word very deliberately. War comes.

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Dated badly.

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Damned crystal balls 🍒 Yes, I was surprised that Aussies shook themselves from their torpor to knock the Referendum down. But twas mere distraction from The Real Game. CBDCs is where it's at. Once in place, zero funding for dissentry (sic). Behave or be Zeroed, without recourse. End Game.

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Hopefully there will be enough push back. Most folks are passive and dull of mind. Just go along to get along and happy to board that train to the relocation centre.

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Oh I’m not that naive. A yes vote seems to have already been decided, I agree. Please excuse my optimism. I only know that NO has a good degree of traction in the community. If no could conceivably be the outcome the cries of “racist Australia” would shriek for years.

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Stalineasy has a plan in place. Got an extra 100 million in the referendum if it fails, to roll into creating 52 new Senate seats for the Aboriginal 2%... WEF scheme to remove the few Rights still extant under a constitutional monarchy, a la the Australian Commonwealth. A new Republik vill Eat Zee Bugs 🐛

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Whites need to become a People. We need to realize that our individual success depends upon our group success. We need to become the center of our own stories, rather than villains in our victimizer's stories.

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Counter-point: "white" only exist in the americas. I'm Nordic (swedish). I have german and austrian and flemish neighbours, expats from their home nations. None of us would ever refer to ourselves as "white" unless stalkning (Edit: talking, obviously: my keyboard is breaking down) with americans.

This is because USAmericans aren't a race, nor a people - not from my horizon. You (assuming you're american) are citizens of a republic.

I'm of a people first, a nation second and a state in last place.

I mention this not to sow discord but make presentable the fact that the term "white" is nothing but part of the same process destroying all occidental peoples.

Family -> people -> nation. One people, one nation.

Doesn't mean we can't act in unison against the threats, but we simply cannot use the enemy's terminology except when analysing it and formulating counters as per Carter's example of disrupting DEI-session with valid criticism; word is thought and vice versa, so by using their terminology, we also accept their thoughts as real.

Sorry for rambling a bit - I just wanted to add the bit about the difference between "white" which doesn't really exist and being [name of people].

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I have a bit of a different perspective. In the Americas the contrast between continental races, combined with the tendency to mix within immigrant continental groups, led to a coarser ethnic division than obtains in the old world. However, there was also ethnogenesis. White is absolutely an ethnic group, in other words, but only in America. As you say, in Europe it is less meaningful, just as "Asian" doesn't mean much in Asia.

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Your points are well taken, Rikard. White is a term weaponized by our victimizers, and generally we ought not use the terms given us by our victimizers.

"When you use their verbiage, you legitimize their ideology" - Jason Köhne

Thing is, in America, our Peoples were fragmented and mixed long ago, and now must find a way to save Our People, Westernkind. I myself am of Dutch-Belgian/Fryan ancestry, but I'm attacked by The Regime here because I'm seen as White. Our victimizers are antiwhite. They attack my people regardless of whether we are Swedish/Nordic, Fryan, Germanic, French, Italians, Spanish, Poles, or Slavs. They evidently hate us and seek to enslave us. A great many of them present as White, as regards their skin color, and they now occupy most of the positions allocated to "whites" under their DIE quotas. But they are antiwhite.

A genius among us has devised a strategy to recapture our destiny. He realized that we must form A People out a deracinated race. We are Westernkind! One People, many hues. We can (must?) come together to put an end to our victimization.

Ref: https://www.amazon.com/Go-Free-Aligning-Archetype-Westernkind/dp/1701622637 or https://www.nowhiteguilt.org

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This is an excellent point. The Americans developed "white" and "black" abstractions in order to serve certain goals, and are now trapped in the abstraction, while losing any actual way to know who their people actually are - through relatedness, through connectedness in place, in habit, in sensibility, through mutual interdepence and mutually supporting competences...

When a family can contain two full blood sisters, of whom this abstraction-loving society "reads" one as "white" and one as "black", you know these terms have stopped serving up *any* usefulness at all.

As you say, family is where you *start* from in learning who your people are, and if the abstract, non-meaningful terminology cannot even comprehend the concrete meanings of that, where can you get to from there?

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I'm imagining a credential-granting alternative to college. In the woods. Computers are STRICTLY forbidden.

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The Librarian of Celaeno has been discussing something quite like this (albeit, allowing limited use of computers for natural philosophy).

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Computer science is a valuable area of intellectual investment for the younger generations. After all, in an increasingly computerised world, those with the skills to operate and understand the devices which dominate their lives deeply will necessarily accrue greater power. Not to mention, it ties in handily with the development of alternative, self-sustainable systems independent of mainstream society and hones logical thinking skills.

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Maybe limited is a better word. No phones, laptops, or Xboxes, though.

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CLI only.

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No Internet connection. Download needed manuals to a local server.

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These already exist, but the resulting credentials are not found on any document. Credibility is manifested by actual skills and confidence in the physical world. Graduates don't spend too much time on the internet, the computer is not needed in this space. Men can still attain these credentials, in the construction industry for example and other places where women are not physically tough enough to venture. If you are not willing to get physical, you will never achieve these actual real world credentials. Find a tough physical activity that feels like play, and leave the electronics behind.

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Fair, but how many construction guys are still going home to porn and video games? How many are coalescing into alternative power centers?

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Consider one or more of the following institutions:

Wyoming Catholic College

Deep Springs College

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Samsara is Nirvana.

Funny, lately I've come to the dim realization that all that monastic chanting (of both types, Western and Eastern, both of which I have partaken in) are mostly distractions and dead ends -- they only do something Real if you bring to them some force of Will. And probably the monasteries did their best to drain men of Will, same as pixel Valhalla.

I don't think the monster can win in the long run, the masculine force of Will is baked into the fabric of the universe and must eventually rebel. When it does it will be bloody. When it actually happens is anybody's guess.

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I think it isn't necessarily a draining of will, as a turning inwards of will, into the great steppe of the spirit. Yet as with all such renunciatory strategies it is ultimately simply another form of suicide.

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