The bad news: George Sorosdemon and his ilk, who have been the puppetmasters orchestrating much of the madness now consuming what's left of the West, will be making a killing manipulating the dollar and engaging in other financial schemes during the economic cataclysms that lie ahead. He and his fellow demons probably won't get theirs in…
The bad news: George Sorosdemon and his ilk, who have been the puppetmasters orchestrating much of the madness now consuming what's left of the West, will be making a killing manipulating the dollar and engaging in other financial schemes during the economic cataclysms that lie ahead. He and his fellow demons probably won't get theirs in this life, and they're all on such good terms with the devil that they may not even get it in the next life either. The good news: all those communist DAs and political harlots and NGO activists Sorosdemon and company have been sponsoring to destroy America from within will all be out of a job and may even get thrown a rope party of two, as it becomes clear just how badly they sold out their fellow countrymen just for a fast buck and the appearance of power and self-importance.
On a different note, The Matrix seems to have been prophetically accurate when it indicated that 1999 was the height of modern prosperity and used that era as the model for its simulated reality, and then had the "real world" going straight to hell post 2000.
Indeed! By the way, have you seen The Thirteenth Floor? (A movie that may or may not have inspired The Matrix and that predated it by only a few months; apparently the Wachowskis had access to its script and some of the similarities are uncanny).
I just realized I told you the wrong movie. 13th Floor is also really good as an exploration of the "simulation hypothesis," but the movie I had in mind that the Wachowskis may have partially ripped off was "Dark City." It's interesting to note that these three movies were all released within a few months of each other in 1998-1999 . . . almost like someone was trying to tell us about the new layers of Psyop BS that were about to get added to the Matrix after 9/11.
Indeed, although whether that's the power structure telegraphing its moves in advance in order to avoid violating free will according to some esoteric formula, or simply psychic premonition, is an interesting question.
Cloud Atlas was quite good, too. Some interesting ideas in that movie.
Will have to check that one out too. Now I'm wanting to re-watch Dark City, Thirteenth Floor, and The Matrix. Movies like those are to our culture what myths and epic poems were to the ancients, in terms of providing symbols and stories to make sense of intuitions about a deeper reality. I guess that era was a great one for Hollywood. I think Christopher Nolan's Memento was around that time too (also had a couple of actors from The Matrix), with some really interesting issues raised in that film about the role of memory (including false memories) in forming one's identity. Late 90s cinema was like a golden age of psychological and metaphysical metaphors.
Add to that list Ghost in the Shell anime. And if you haven't seen The Animatrix, I highly recommend repeat viewings. A pivotal scene is humanoid robots gaining person status at the UN.
Watching it recently I noticed the lingering focus on the Cypher character. In those scenes I see the Wackoffskys' approvingly contemplating the deal with the Devil that they later consummated themselves. A fantasy of the pleasures of the flesh, turning their back on reality. They might be the most open-eyed of the trans pervs.
The matrix is a terrible metaphor for the different dimensional realities. I think of it like multiple dimensions layered on top of each other. We do not live in the matrix, we live in purgatory in my opinion. The religious doctrine is not very well understood and lacks discernment in this regarding (the concept of) purgatory. We are born fallen, separated from God, spiritually banished/dead but still physically alive and capable of gaining redemption. therefore it’s plausible that this dimension is purgatory. Boom 🤯
All we've got are metaphors, some more useful than others, but none are precise descriptions of reality as it is. Somewhere at the intersection of the various ideas that run through the good metaphors, is something that, like a hologram, is an approximation of whatever is real. The Matrix isn't perfect, because no metaphor is, but it has something going for it, as a metaphor. Purgatory is another useful idea.
Soros and his ilk are going to be arrested, their ill-gotten gains seized, and live out the rest of their lives in monk-like conditions. Hopefully, no death penalty, just a 50 degree cell and nutri-loaf until they die.
Any deal with the devil doesn't end well. He likely considers his sellout devotees beneath the contempt he has for everyone else. A somewhat Equal Opportunity Hater as it were.
The bad news: George Sorosdemon and his ilk, who have been the puppetmasters orchestrating much of the madness now consuming what's left of the West, will be making a killing manipulating the dollar and engaging in other financial schemes during the economic cataclysms that lie ahead. He and his fellow demons probably won't get theirs in this life, and they're all on such good terms with the devil that they may not even get it in the next life either. The good news: all those communist DAs and political harlots and NGO activists Sorosdemon and company have been sponsoring to destroy America from within will all be out of a job and may even get thrown a rope party of two, as it becomes clear just how badly they sold out their fellow countrymen just for a fast buck and the appearance of power and self-importance.
On a different note, The Matrix seems to have been prophetically accurate when it indicated that 1999 was the height of modern prosperity and used that era as the model for its simulated reality, and then had the "real world" going straight to hell post 2000.
Wachowski siblings were so on the mark with the Matrix that the Matrix punished them by breaking their minds.
Indeed! By the way, have you seen The Thirteenth Floor? (A movie that may or may not have inspired The Matrix and that predated it by only a few months; apparently the Wachowskis had access to its script and some of the similarities are uncanny).
I've heard of it, but never got around to seeing it.
Did you see Jupiter Ascending?
I haven't. Will check it out.
I just realized I told you the wrong movie. 13th Floor is also really good as an exploration of the "simulation hypothesis," but the movie I had in mind that the Wachowskis may have partially ripped off was "Dark City." It's interesting to note that these three movies were all released within a few months of each other in 1998-1999 . . . almost like someone was trying to tell us about the new layers of Psyop BS that were about to get added to the Matrix after 9/11.
Indeed, although whether that's the power structure telegraphing its moves in advance in order to avoid violating free will according to some esoteric formula, or simply psychic premonition, is an interesting question.
Cloud Atlas was quite good, too. Some interesting ideas in that movie.
Will have to check that one out too. Now I'm wanting to re-watch Dark City, Thirteenth Floor, and The Matrix. Movies like those are to our culture what myths and epic poems were to the ancients, in terms of providing symbols and stories to make sense of intuitions about a deeper reality. I guess that era was a great one for Hollywood. I think Christopher Nolan's Memento was around that time too (also had a couple of actors from The Matrix), with some really interesting issues raised in that film about the role of memory (including false memories) in forming one's identity. Late 90s cinema was like a golden age of psychological and metaphysical metaphors.
Add to that list Ghost in the Shell anime. And if you haven't seen The Animatrix, I highly recommend repeat viewings. A pivotal scene is humanoid robots gaining person status at the UN.
Ghost in the Shell is truly excellent.
Watching it recently I noticed the lingering focus on the Cypher character. In those scenes I see the Wackoffskys' approvingly contemplating the deal with the Devil that they later consummated themselves. A fantasy of the pleasures of the flesh, turning their back on reality. They might be the most open-eyed of the trans pervs.
That's insightful. Hadn't considered the character from that angle.
The matrix is a terrible metaphor for the different dimensional realities. I think of it like multiple dimensions layered on top of each other. We do not live in the matrix, we live in purgatory in my opinion. The religious doctrine is not very well understood and lacks discernment in this regarding (the concept of) purgatory. We are born fallen, separated from God, spiritually banished/dead but still physically alive and capable of gaining redemption. therefore it’s plausible that this dimension is purgatory. Boom 🤯
All we've got are metaphors, some more useful than others, but none are precise descriptions of reality as it is. Somewhere at the intersection of the various ideas that run through the good metaphors, is something that, like a hologram, is an approximation of whatever is real. The Matrix isn't perfect, because no metaphor is, but it has something going for it, as a metaphor. Purgatory is another useful idea.
Language, and thought itself, are literally built from metaphors.
Soros and his ilk are going to be arrested, their ill-gotten gains seized, and live out the rest of their lives in monk-like conditions. Hopefully, no death penalty, just a 50 degree cell and nutri-loaf until they die.
I hope you're right, though that would certainly be much better than what he deserves.
Any deal with the devil doesn't end well. He likely considers his sellout devotees beneath the contempt he has for everyone else. A somewhat Equal Opportunity Hater as it were.
Bug burgers on Sunday after the obligatory sermon. 😁