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Love the observations! They ring true. But I disagree that saturated (animal) fats are the problem fats. The problem "fats" are the industrial seed oil fats, the so-called vegetable oils.

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Yeah, that was my mistake for getting the terminology mixed up. I know seed/vegetable oils/industrial lubricants are the ones to avoid but I get saturated versus unsaturated confused sometimes. Makes it explaining to the less aware segments of the population difficult. especially since there's a lot of contradictory information out there. You really have to dig into sources off the beaten path to even get to that conclusion, considering if that you look up "saturated fat" examples on google - a worthless site these days anyways, but still the default search engine - several of the first page results are about how to reduce your intake of them and the deleterious health benefits of them, which, as has been stated multiple times, is really the inverse of the truth. It's little wonder the average person who doesn't have the time or effort has trouble finding out what's true when corporate shills pay to have hit pieces on healthy food on the front page of the world's largest search engine. I remember I had my epiphany when, after first learning about seed oils, I had a nutritionist tell me they were "fine" and there was no "real scientific evidence of negative health effects", which - I could not make this up if I tried - they began to recite from a roll-out tape on a pen that was branded by a canola oil company (though I can't remember which one). Clearly, these companies know what they're doing and are heavily involved in damage control. It would be comical if not so sinister.

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They get a short term advantage from suborning medical professionals to become spokeshills for their toxic garbage, but in the long run this ruins the credibility of those medical professionals. Not that this matters to the corporate executive class, those long-term detriments are well outside the horizon of quarterly reports.

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