Jul 18Liked by John Carter

The book of Joshua exists for a reason. I've never been particularly comfortable with it's message, and always placated myself by thinking, "that was a different time." But it's central message - that sometimes justice must supercede mercy to ensure that good has space to prosper - rings truer every day.

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But don’t forget that this justice was nothing to do with Israel’s righteousness, and everything to do with the Canaanites wickedness. Deuteronomy 9 says:

‘After the LORD your God has driven them out before you, do not say to yourself, “The LORD has brought me here to take possession of this land because of my righteousness.” No, it is on account of the wickedness of these nations that the LORD is going to drive them out before you. It is not because of your righteousness or your integrity that you are going in to take possession of their land; but on account of the wickedness of these nations, the LORD your God will drive them out before you, to accomplish what he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Understand, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the LORD your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stiff-necked people’.

This is the true gospel message, that ‘all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.’

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I think it's the best book of The Bible for our time. You can tell a lukewarm or liberal “Christian” by their reaction to it, as it clearly shows that God is a God of battle, and when it is His cause to destroy the wicked there will be no mercy, as it will be in His final judgement. A concept that Western Christians need to reconcile themselves to instead of mealy mouthed gossip and rapture nonsense

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Yeah, that guy Jesus of Nazareth really was a mealy-mouthed, lukewarm Christian.

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I say all the time that many of the harshest things in the Bible were said by Jesus, but that's not how it's understood in the vast majority of Christian traditions. Joshua is much more straightforward in that way and a very awkward book for liberals and lukewarms that desperately try to give it the "sanitation" process like they do to the Gospels.

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I’m confused about the point you're trying to make here. I went to Catholic school, and practically memorised the Bible by age 10, and I do not see what's “awkward for liberals” about the book of Joshua- nor what it has to do with what Jesus said given that it predates the birth of Jesus by almost a millennium.

Presumably you know that Jesus’ word supercedes the Old Testament teaching in case of conflict, in almost all Christian traditions (a slight simplification but essentially accurate).

So… what are you talking about? It really seems to be you, rather than the liberals, misunderstanding here.

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I pardon you for your Catholic schooling

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Indeed, when justice has its time in the spotlight, it can be a mercy to the future.

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John, how do you think The book of Joshua applies to modern life, especially online?

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I agree… about Mein Kampf.

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

It is important for us to rehearse the wrongs of the left if we feel tempted to yield to the vice of conservative softness.

They made jokes about our kids being molested. They called us conspiracy theorists for the things they knew they were doing. They made our grandparents die alone. They forbade us from buying seeds at the grocery store. They sent elderly women die in jail for praying about abortion, and mocked her husband's pleas. They fired countless people. They jailed people for memes. They closed our bank accounts. They gaslighted us about "community standards" and "fact checking" that had paid activists running them.

They expect now to tell us, "I thought conservatives hate cancel culture herp derp." They are lucky if cancellation is all that happens to them,

To all those tempted to show mercy: how many unprompted apologies have you received for the people who mistreated you can called you crazy for all the things that have now been proven true? Have you gotten a SINGLE apology, even from the same people who supposedly love you and are a part of your life? It's not happened to me one time.

No mercy.

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The list of their offenses is so long that it is almost impossible to list them all in one sitting. No matter how comprehensive I think I've been, there are dozens of outrages I've missed.

Cancellation is indeed the absolute least that they deserve.

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

The James Damore thing was what lost me, and showed me what we're really dealing with... Insane women who bring up topics related to identity, but refuse any attempt at rational conversation, no matter how polite, because the purpose of their yapping was never to engage in dialogue, it is validation and affirmation.

That was my personal "bitch, voters and employees are not your therapist or SIMP husband" moment.

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James Damore was a truly excellent example. Impossible to talk to people who respond to calm, evidence based arguments with demented shrieking.

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

James Damore was when I began my journey to totally remove myself from Google. I switched search engines and email clients, then eventually started my own home server for a Drive and Calendar replacement and more.

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They lack the mental instruments, or faculties, for rational conversation.

If that deficiency weren't coupled with remarkable aggression and a remarkable inclination to direct the aggression at innocent people, these people could probably be tolerated rightly.

As it is, it's wrong to tolerate their behaviour, and aggression of innocents.

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They lack emotional maturity, as shown by their tantrums and physical acts of retaliation when their desires are thwarted, when someone says "no".

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

I was going to say that this is classically why we built memorials... but the left has demolished those also.

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We will build others.

And demolish theirs.

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

You did a very good thing John just by showing the chronological breadth of their crimes. Getting into any depth would require volumes, not the preamble of one post.

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A thorough recounting of their abuses and excesses would keep a professional historian engaged for a lifetime.

In the future, we will have entire museums dedicated to the subject.

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You had ma at vaccine madness. The collective piousness made me sick and passed off.


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No apologies at all. I expect none. I only want them to shut up. Change their behaviour. I have had personal friends slander me. All that.

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They are the same people who covered up the massive rape of English children by Pakistani Muslim gangs because it would embarrass them. If anything deserves death it's allowing girls to be raped.

This is only one city: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huddersfield_grooming_gang.

Also occurred in: Manchester, Oxford, Rotherham, Rochdale, Newcastle, Hull. That's just off the top of my head. I know a copper in Newcastle and he wearily told me that it continues despite the massive trial the had some years ago. It ends when they leave and not before.

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Every single government official who covered up for these people deserves the rope, quite frankly.

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Fortunately we have multiple websites where these people self incriminate

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And kiwifarms is archiving everything so that there’s records of it in many cases

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Jul 26Liked by John Carter

And they are sentencing old men and women to prison for years under the FACE Act. Peaceful protests get long sentences. Theft, vandalism and murder by Antifa, nothing.

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They remain very dangerous.

Justice or revenge in politics or war is always a mistake.

They are dangerous and rabid, this remains self defense.

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How can I both agree so much with you but slightly disagree too? I think of how brutally my two sons were bullied for 7 straight years. My youngest had the hardest time with it because he was an extrovert and stood up for himself but he was hurting deepky and his spirit was destroyed. He kept making matters worse. If he just didn’t yell back at the other kids there would be no confusion as to who was in the wrong. But because he spoke up it muddied the waters and nobody was to blame or everybody was and the bullying never stopped. They delighted in getting a rise out of him.

Yes the left deserves our rage and I won’t forget how much we were harmed by them personally. But if the right uses the same exact hate tactics as them then nobody is acting honorably and everyone is to blame. I WANT the left to remain the ONLY ones to be blamed because that’s what they deserve. That can’t happen if we mimic their same hate.

I’m torn. I love your post and it rings a resounding truth. But how we go about standing our ground and holding on to our principles matters too. It has to.

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Think of it like nuclear deterrence: countries that have nukes are treated better than those that don’t 👁

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Honor is only deserved by the honorable. The craven and evil deserve none.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by John Carter

I find it somewhat disconcerting that at this point there even is a debate.

By all means, dear conservatives, continue to inhabit your lofty ivory towers till you are dragged out of them and into camps. That's coming soon, very soon. How are you going to win the upcoming war if you are too soft to get some leftist ghoul fired from her job?

For those of us who are not willing to die honorably and just as honorably allow our kids to be molested, brainwashed, and ultimately exterminated, use whatever tactics that work. Cancel culture works, it works very well. So use it to the utmost.

Of course, there should be differences between how we use it vs how the Left do. Unlike the Left who use cancel culture to terrorize the general populace, use it only against the Left. In fact, use it to protect the normies from the Left. Not only will we hurt our enemies, but will also make many new frens this way. John Carter had recently poasted on X where he outlined this idea very well.

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Conservatives do love to be beautiful losers (although they fail at the beautiful part).

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>Enter the much-maligned NPCs. NPCs must be tightly controlled and redirected like lightning rods. They also must be explicitly programmed at each step, as they cannot function autonomously. Finally, they must be made to suffer so that they do not have the time and energy to make others suffer.

>Say what you will about the corrupt leadership of Earth, they are absolutely right about the NPCs, and one needs only observe the NPC's behavior as proof of this Truth.

>The problem with Earth, of course, is that real humans, such as they are and as rare as they are, are also caught in the crossfire. One cannot simply stay out of it and allow problems to solve each other.

>All of which meant that the best case scenario was exactly like the scenario here - invaders are cracked down upon and dispassionately executed with impunity, but none of that cruelty is extended to the real people you lead instead of rule. People who understand languages other than force and the threat of force. For their world always has and always will be a world that can only compel, command, or coerce, never convince. And since manipulation requires they have something we wanted?

>Violence wasn't the answer. Violence was the question.

>And the answer... was yes.

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

In short, getting someone fired for publicly suporting the attempted assassination of a president is not cancel culture. It's not only completely ethical, it's essential for a decent society. Cancel culture is getting people fired for saying something you disagree with. To support assassination is to advocate violence. Which is unprotected speeech and illegal. Anyone who publicly supports assassination, whether the target is Biden, Trump, or any other political figure, should be fired.

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Advocating violence in general is not unprotected speech. Advocating violence specifically at a person, then that person being the victim of violence is unprotected speech. Making off hand remarks, in ill taste, after an event has occurred is 100% protected speech. It should be the most protected speech actually. I’m not gonna cry peanut butter for these shit libs getting a taste of their own medicine, believe me. But everyone of there statements is and should be protected speech.

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What is it they always say?

The first amendment only bans the government from prosecuting you?

Since that's their standard...

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Greenwald would disagree with you and he has credentials. If you were to say, "Gentlemen, if the tyranny of this government does not abate, all of us now assembled here will need to fetch are guns and go down there and remove them" that is protected speech. Else what use the 2nd Amendment without the 1st.

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Apologies I parsed your double negative incorrectly. Greenwald concurs with you, if I understand you correctly.

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Incitement to violence and celebrating violence is as old as time and also not a crime in a rational world. It may be unsavoury but who actually gets hurt? Someone acting on what you say is still their agency not yours unless they are being coerced by you.

But because courts around the world have not applied sentencing correctly and have used politics now we have all sorts of “hate” and “terrorism” crimes. Subjective and stupid.

The issue is not what they tweeted about. It’s that if they believe in what they believe when someone else is cancelled that’s the punishment when they do it. Even if what they say is fundamentally not the issue. If such an utterance was proclaimed by their opponents and yet was still within say the First Amendment but they demanded punishment then them’s the rules.

Play stupid games. Win a boot up the arse.

It’s just that now there is a crystal clear example to use to ram it down their throats.

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In my life experience I’ve been amazed that the most awful, vile conduct consistently emanates from the most intelligent people. Then I figured out that is because the singular most common use of intelligence is to justify one’s actions, no matter what. We all do this. The smarter the individual the more effective they are at self justification. Don’t fall into that trap my friend. I say that from a place of wishing you the best of life, and one free from regret.

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Your assessment of what you have observed is only half true.

Low-IQ people are preeminent among bullies, abusers, and amoral as well as immoral people. Of course they lack the required faculties for large (or "deep") plots; their grounds are those of petty villainy; however, scores of them practice it constantly, selecting as targets those least deserving of it.

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It's also because the those people do not come from an environment where running your mouth like that has consequences.

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You Trumpers are hypocrites. If a Trumper said he wished an assassins bullet didn't miss Biden you would not support him losing his livelihood. You're clearly redefining cancel culture to make yourself look principled.

Just say what's good for the goose is good for the gander, and leave it at that.

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What are you talking about. Trumpers want Biden to step down because they think he's being kept on due to greed and elder abuse. They pray for leftists even though they get death wished upon them in return.

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Okay, so what? I want to win dipshit.

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

My favorite example in those cancellings is the professor who used a certain Mandarin word, I know exactly which one. You'll hear it nonstop in China, it means "that one" or "there". One of the reasons I don't recommend snowflakes going there. They have another great word "Bai zuo" it means white left, it's pejorative

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Baizuo is one of my favorite words for them. It's such a kill shot.

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Why use foreign words when we've had perfectly good English ones for decades?

"Useful Idiot".

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The point of baizuo is that even the foreign actual Communists think these people are nuts.

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Because they don't even have a grasp of English. Might as well go over the heads of the DIEversity squad with a foreign language and culture that they must love and prioritize

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

I remember when I got involved in a project involving a bunch of our China-based engineers, a few years ago, and that word was in every sentence as they discussed. I found it hilarious.

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I would not have been able to keep a straight face.

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

lots of funny text messages were employed. poker face was maintained.

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The Korean informal “you” is one that’s been getting the retarded abuse recently especially after a K-pop starlet was practising her vocals with it. 네가 - which technically is “neigh ga” but because “neigh ga” is also me (내가) they changed the neigh to nee to delineate.

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Jul 25Liked by John Carter

Nee ga still works! LOL.

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TLDR - cancelling people for lies and hate is not the same as canceling people for truths.

Who’da thunk?

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Absolutely brilliant. Those decrying any sort of reprisals are the definition of loser. The strategic aspect of this is what is important. It’s impossible to win if you unilaterally disarm yourself and abide by the Marquess of Queensbury rules in your kind and announce this fact to your enemies. It’s like the MAD principle, but telling the other side, “We’ll never actually fire our nukes at you, even if you fire yours at us.” Retarded doesn’t begin to describe this.

Such retardery is most certainly not an American value—weren’t royalist tarred and feathered and beaten and so on during the revolutionary war?

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Not only royalists. Tarring and feathering has a long and honorable history in America. I've often thought we should literally bring it back. Elected officials might be more circumspect if they knew they they risked more than losing elections.

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"Those decrying any sort of reprisals are the definition of loser." Exactly

I may have to revisit this : https://thelastredoubt.com/digging-into-golden-rule/

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There was nothing strategic about getting a cashier fired. The right gained absolutely nothing and you Trumpers made yourselves look just as petty as a spiteful mutant.

Canceling someone with power can a victory, Trumptards went after the powerless. Justify your hypocrisy and pettiness however you want though.

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Cry more.

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This is what they do. They go after the powerless because their entire political movement is on harming the powerless. Meanwhile they praise Chaya Raichik, the lady who causes bomb threats at hospitals. Great humans.

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You know things went off the rails when the most insufferably woke part of the United States, Silicon Valley elites, are starting to dip their toes in supporting Trump. This isn't out of some principle, but more the realization our government is full of dysgenic freaks that will take everyone down with them if they're not stopped.

The lower strata have not gotten the memo yet, but soon they will take the cue from their superiors and dip their toes in too. Maybe it will be milquetoast at first, like "maybe we shouldn't give kids tranny porn", and "maybe we don't need so many H1B Indians", but it is coming.

I don't trust these guys, and I never will, since their core "Utopia Through Technology" ideology is toxic to humanity, but they are critical in the short term to bring back sanity.

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

Support of some of Silicon Valley will be helpful.

For example, AI will be very useful in locating these "people" in academia and government - things like identifying plagiarism, anti-white racism, and crypto-pedophilia.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by John Carter

I believe in principles, including not canceling people for saying unpopular shit.

I also believe in reciprocity, and in unpacking the golden rule. If one does unto others as they would have be done unto them, who am I not to respect their moral framework and treat them accordingly? Game theory may be sociopathic in not acknowledging the ephermal and spiritual, but the ideal solution to the iterated prisoners dilemma has a point. Treat people well. When they screw you over, screw them back (make them suffer consequences) until they stop.

Principles have no teeth if you do not enforce them. Someone who refuses to abide by a set of principles is not necessarily protected by them.

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Exactly. Cooperate/defect just means you lose. It doesn't matter how much better you think cooperation is.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by John Carter

I have a different view entirely, something more familiar to those familiar with the tribe.

I.e. there are insiders and outsiders. Insiders would be treated with honor, principals, and “fair play”.

Outsiders are given no quarter and everything is permissible.

The rub is determining who is insider/outsider.

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

from Grok: "Thomas Sowell categorizes the political right and left into two divisions based on their fundamental beliefs about human nature and society. In his book "A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles," he refers to these divisions as the "constrained" and "unconstrained" visions."

This is an unfortunate choice of labels; I can never remember which is which, but it perfectly describes the Left's drive toward that timeless Utopia based on their belief that humans are perfectible if you just tie them down with enough laws - enforced by them, The Pure, of course.

The rest of us understand that people are NOT perfectible, and the best you can do is set up a level playing field and depend on people's self-interest to move the world forward. If you get time in your assuredly-frenetic schedule, pick up this book. It changed my world.

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The Left is unconstrained. Their utopia is unrealistic. Their ambitions are unconstrained etc.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by John Carter

Right you are. I don't know why I have so much trouble with this.

More Grok: "According to Sowell, the constrained vision sees human nature as inherently flawed and unchanging, with individuals driven by self-interest. This vision emphasizes the importance of social institutions, traditions, and the rule of law to constrain human behavior and promote social order. The constrained vision tends to align with the political right.

On the other hand, the unconstrained vision views human nature as malleable and perfectible, with the potential for individuals to transcend their self-interest and act altruistically. This vision emphasizes the role of reason, knowledge, and education in shaping human behavior and promoting social progress. The unconstrained vision tends to align with the political left."

And it's not law they want; it's rule by social ostracism and hectoring by those Oh-So-Smart elites - like themselves. They might want to check on what happened to the people instrumental in putting the Stalin utopian regime in power. Those whose fate is even known ....

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In the end the Left doesn’t know what it wants. The goal posts are always moving. It’s not based on rational thought which is why we find ourselves teetering on the brink of destruction right now. I do suspect the so called elites are more rational to a degree. Seems to me they deliberately propped up the platform of the left for the exact reasons we are discussing. That platform gets them (elite) to their end goals faster and easier. On the other hand the right is not as easy to manipulate and pushback would be a certainty. The left is there to keep us occupied.

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I do think most of the racism and trans stuff is exactly that. A massive sideshow to keep you preoccupied. Diversity especially. I suspect the elites are astonished at what people will accept.

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

it all went turbo after people started Occupy Wall St. and question the fact that no one went to prison after 2008.

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Remarkable coincidence, that.

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Jul 19Liked by John Carter

It's not coincidence. Occupy was the OhShit moment for "elites", the moment they realized the hoi polloi are out to get them. So they concocted a poison to disable the people's rage. https://darkfutura.substack.com/p/fracturing-identity-at-the-altar

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We must also remember that when the Left got power this is what they did with it. They policed our thoughts.

They didn't build skyscrapers or museums or laboratories. They got aggressive with their newfound power, like a toddler with a gun.

That is the real insight. Their power is waning and we will not forget what they did during their brief time in charge. They wrecked California basically.

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the issue for me is that the left always advances their agenda when they have power, while the Republicans, at best, slow the leftists down a tad. We have gone way too far down the wrong track and it's showing in every aspect of American life.

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

I've never once heard the left cite Sowell. Amazing given his prominence and his race. Talk about cancellation.

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Nobody is more fed up with the "black culture" then I am, and at 71 feel perfectly free to say so. Having said that, though, I consider the two greatest living Americans to be two black men: Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell.

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couldn’t agree more

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It is bizarre, when you think about it.

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Utopian ideals are like a follow-the-lines-drawring paper for kids.

Pragmatic, realist ideals are like a blank slate.

That's the difference Sowell was looking for.

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Jul 20Liked by John Carter

I'm with you. I've seen arguments against this that suggest these people are almost innocent bystanders, but no one who publicly calls for assassination is innocent. If my company found out I was calling for Biden's assassination online, I would be fired. Not because my company is woke or against free speech, but because it doesn't want to employ dangerous retards. That's pretty basic stuff.

The Dirt Person who wants to be a Cloud Person so badly that she does something like this is more dangerous than the Cloud People, whether she really means it or is status-seeking. When parents in Podunk find out their little school is hosting drag queen story hour, it's not because of a federal order or because trannies forced their way into the school; it's because someone like Home Depot lady arranged it so she could post pictures of the event to harvest likes from the Cloud People.

These people are conformist to the core, and they're conforming to the culture that their TV and devices say is high-status. We can't make that culture low-status overnight, but if we can make conforming to it painful enough that people don't want to be identified with it, it will become so, and they'll conform to something else.

We're not going to become them, and this discussion is proof. Leftists don't have this discussion. They never said, "Calling for the assassination of a president and the rape and murder of his family is unpleasant, but a necessary short-term tactic." They do it because they love it. They'd do it even if you could prove it doesn't benefit them.

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Jul 19Liked by John Carter

I notice that the Dissident Right is divided on this topic. I respect where the other side is coming from (don't become what you hate), yet sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. One of the reasons why the Right has continuously lost ground to the Left is because we're too honorable -- playing fair against a card sharp, not hitting below the belt in a no-holds-barred match, and so on, which is a sure way to lose. The moral high ground is all well and good, but it doesn't matter in defeat. Letting your enemies win means there's no chance to be noble or make amends, and since winners write the history books, you'll be vilified regardless. His Orange Majesty Donald J Trump did not make it this far by superior moral example; he was a political pugilist who returned fire, mocked his opponents, and profaned the sacred idols of the Left. And by doing so, he triumphed, and is now the most formidable opponent they've faced since coming to power in the 60's. Putin is another example -- facing an evil empire who wanted to subvert and destroy his nation, he has fought a highly justified war in the Ukraine, and despite gaslighting on a grand scale, has done so very successfully, burning through NATO's armory while becoming ever stronger.

This is relevant to the philosophy of Yagyu Munenori, a samurai of the late Sengoku/early Edo period of Japan, particularly his concept of the "life-giving sword". As he explains in his treatise, the use of weapons and violence may seem terrible, yet this also has its proper role in the natural order of things. One person given over to evil can bring suffering and death to many others; by shooting a mass shooter, or toppling a tyrant, you save their numerous victims. Since bringing death to one can bring life to many others, this becomes the life-giving sword. Of course, this reasoning should not be distorted or used as an excuse for excess, but when applied properly, harsh methods can be justified -- this includes both the hard power of violence, and the soft power of excommunication aka cancellation.

The Dissident Right would do well to take note of this lesson on the judicious use of force. Sometimes, the only path to victory is by taking up the life-giving sword.

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Fantastic comment. Completely and strongly agree.

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I disagree the Right has lost ground due to being honorable. The Right has lost ground due to laziness, cowardice and stupidity. To be honorable, we would have be able to attribute these actions to some sort of moral, ethical or intellectual framework. The right has had none of these.

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If fighting fire with fire destroys your enemy, fine, but this woman has no influence, no power. There was no victory here. Nothing was gained except catharsis from Trumptards, but they did lose something:

People know that the MAGA right supports cancel culture, we know that they can just a petty and vindictive as the SJWs, we know that they are not rational when it comes to zion Don, and hopefully the anti Trump dissident right will take not of this-we already should be looking at them funny because of the Trump worship.

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Jul 19Liked by John Carter

But we knew that already. "The right" used to cancel people, when (f.e) homosexuality was chastised and ped to public shamings, ostracisation and firings.

It's a human thing, it's not tied to any ideology; indeed, even libertarians often suggests "shunning" as a method of justice without having a state and courts and so on.

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The left was as viciously against gays as the "right", while the latter was sometimes notorious for being a hotbed of it - think SA. In Victorian times homosexuality was treated as a vice of the bourgeois & elites.

The left = progay is a modern construct, mostly since WW2.

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I don't remember the right ever demanding that pederasty be publicly celebrated.

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If you are referring to the infiltration of the gay rights movement by the pedo brigade, yes - but that is a recent phenomenon, and its one of the most pressing reasons to turn back the woke tide asap. The left's allegiance to gay people as a crusade stems from the notion they are an alleged oppressed class.

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> If you are referring to the infiltration of the gay rights movement by the pedo brigade, yes - but that is a recent phenomenon

No it's not. The pedos were there from the beginning, in fact rather openly. It was only relatively recently that the pedo stuff was pushed under wraps to make homosexuality seem more respectable.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by John Carter

It was considered "bourgeoise degeneracy" under communist doctrine in the Soviet bloc, since homosexuality as a cultural pehnomenon was a product of western 19th and 18th century liberalism and ditto associated burgher-aristocracy.

As the "left" mutated during the 1950s-1970s period, finally abandoning the working classes in the 1990s, homosexuality-as-culture was adopted as yet another cause to be used as a weapon against the ruling classes, even when the intelligentsia of the "left" became the de facto ruling class.

I put the left in scare-quotes since it is a misnomer; post-1950s intellectual socialists, marxists of the West (especially France and the USA) et cetera have virtually nothing to do with the real thing, apart from co-opting (or adopting) communist nomenclature and terminology.

As far as being treated as a vice in Victorian times, it dependend on a case-to-case basis. Consider the case of Oscar Wilde: the scandal did not come about because of him being a flamboyant pederast, but because he implicated someone of a higher station - a higher caste if you will - in his homosexual antics. Then, what damned Wilde in court was lying about petty details which entirely undermined his defence (he played the "slightly witless yet spirited and gay bon vivant"-persona to the hilt in the press and the courtroom alike, and nearly got away with it).

The fact that Wilde and associates frequently enjoyed the company of under-age boys didn't really factor at all; the upper classes all knew such "turkishness" went on, and to the working classes it just confirmed their prejudices against the "toffs". (As early as in Cleland's 'Fanny Hill' (1748), a homosexual tryst is depicted in detail, as a matter-of-fact and while the text drops in a few words calling it perversion and sin, it is not framed as out of the ordinary for gentlemen of the class described.)

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Indeed, they certainly winked at it. But they had the decency to confine themselves to a wink.

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

Basically my thoughts. 10 years ago I would have been on the side of mercy, on not letting jokes on the internet (which basically wasn't real compared to where it is today) influence meatspace. After what I've seen the past decade... I want them to know fear. Ideally, I'd want them to know shame, but I don't think the left has that capacity. I want childless liberal wine aunts to squirm when politics are brought up at Thanksgiving.

There is no unity with them, there is only victory over them. Once the stone heart of leftism is crushed to dust, then we can discuss evangelization to them, since "dialogue" implies they actually have something to bring to the table (which they don't).

I want a few million more fired Home Depot ladies, across all companies, across all sectors.

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When the left says we need a conversation, they tend to mean “shut up and listen while we lecture at you.”

That boot is going to be on the other foot and they are going to hate it.

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

They also generally like to use this pathological therapy speak to make it seem like you're the one with the issue when you take issue with their politics. "Could be sexual repression, could be fear, could be insecurity."

The only conversation with them should be how we expel the demons from their putrid souls, and where they're kept until they're purified of their ideology of death. Since they talked to us like we have a personal issue, so should we talk to them similarly.

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Know theyself.

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Here's the thing.... this cancel culture is right out of the communist playbook. Unfortunately, the only way to rid ourselves of this curse is to expose it to bright sunlight. We can no longer cower in the corner hoping not to be tagged by some malcontent. Accordingly, until the Left feel exactly what it is like to reside within this cancel culture paradigm, nothing will change and things will only get worse. Once they understand the pain of being cancelled will they stop and perhaps be open to rational dialogue. Sad state of affairs but here we are. Pax

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I doubt they'll be capable of rational dialogue as long as they're on the left. However, they can be induced to convert.

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Jul 18Liked by John Carter

Dialogue implies they have something to bring to the table. The "dialogue" is smashing their heart of stone to dust, so that it may be replaced with a heart of flesh (which the right has, hence why this intra-rightist debate is occurring in the first place)

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People are getting squeamish now that the dirty work has begun. They’ll come round.

Mercy is a luxury of victory, we have not won, it’s just we have begun to fight.

Harden your hearts and survive.

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Some people are squeamish. The great thing about the easily squeamish is that it's generally safe to ignore what they want.

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Jul 19Liked by John Carter

So, the left has committed treason. There is no coming back from that. In psychology we talk about natural consequences for children. The left deserves the natural consequences of committing treason against their own country and their own fellow citizens. They have banned us, shunned us, yelled in our faces, asked for compassion and then threatened us if we "misgendered" them. They went after our children in order to indoctrinate them and offered them genital mutilation to be accepted into their evil cult. They have brought millions of undocumented aliens across the southern border and then ridicule the "great replacement theory". Now, we hear that they are trying to find a way to have them "vote". During the Covid plandemic over 50% of democrats thought that there should be special camps to dispose of those who refused the jab. They hate us. That cannot be overemphasized. I think that we can rest easy that any steps to have some of the ringleaders face justice - will provide no ethical dilemma. We need to stand up for what is right. God almighty and our justice system will take care of the rest.

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Is the left procreating at all though? I mean, that's why they came after our kids, right? Because they don't have any of their own. Maybe that's over exaggerating idk.

For the ones that don't have kids perhaps pushing them further down the hedonist path is just what we..*ahem* THEY need.

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They hate the idea of kids so seek to destroy ours.

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They assume they will vote for their people, which could be a grave mistake on their part.

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