Earlier this month I promised you a second guest essay, and here it is, sliding in just under the wire. Today’s post is from Aleksandar Svetski, who is best known for being a Bitcoin Maximalist provocateur, but he isn’t only looking to get rich … he wants to reformat civilization, and set us back on track for the stars. Aleksandar maintains two blogs here on Substack: there’s his original site, The Bitcoin Times, and his newer and more active platform, The Remnant Chronicles, which has a more sociocultural focus. - JC
The tide is turning. The leftoids, be they Democrats, globalists, Xitter cringefluencers, non-binary-trannisaries, or Home Depot sows are losing, or losing their minds.
They’re so lost right now that even their “leader” has gone missing, removed from office by a statement he almost certainly did not write, probably posted by a social media intern that did not actually work for him. I’m not convinced he either knew that it happened when it did, or for that matter, knows where he is.
They’re in such shambles that at times I wonder if it’s all a little too easy? But then I remember how incompetence breeds incompetence, and lies breed lies. Mix the two together and you have a powerful cocktail of fuckery that will ultimately come crashing down. And crashing down it is.
Contrast that with the solid momentum that has been building up on the right for some time now. It’s real momentum, not fake. You can tell the difference. It’s also been compounding on itself, and the difference is night and day. One is weak and fragile, a thin veneer covering up an empty abyss. The other is strong, powerful and raw - with nothing to hide.
Now, like you, I’m inclined to be wary. They missed with the bullet, but who knows what else they’ve got lined up? But I also want to relish in the victories. If we don’t then not only do we miss the moments worth celebrating, but we become bitter.
But I’m also thinking about the future.
This essay will meander a bit, but the focus is on the future. Turning the tide, winning some elections (in the US, and other places), and mogging the left are all part of Stage 1 (which is not over yet). But it’s in Stage 2, where the real, longer term work begins. That’s when we’ll have to take on the bigger and longer job of (re)building. If we do that right, we can, perhaps decades from now, move to Stage 3 which is something I’ll just describe with the following image:
Stage 1: Win the fight
Elon’s takeover of Twitter was a key initial moment for the side of sanity. It let Frog Twitter off of its leash, and amplified voices such as Tucker Carlson’s. There was a palpable shift in energy with El Presidente Milei’s upset victory in the Argentinian election.
It’s a powerful confluence, with much to celebrate, but it’s easy to get carried away and forget that we’ve actually still got a war to fight. Like I said, they may have missed with the bullet, but I’m sure that either they’ve got some other bullshit already planned, or they’re scrambling to figure out what other insanity they can try to pull off before the election. Vivek, whatever you think of him, is sharp, and I agree they will wait until the last moment to announce the new nominee (probably Michael Obama) in order to capitalize on both the honeymoon period that she (“she”) will get, and also the woke-tokenism. This whole early Kamala thing is more likely a test of the waters.
We also can’t rule out another fake election, or even another attempt on Trump’s life. That would probably lead the country straight into literal civil war, but it's still something I wouldn’t put past these absolute tone-deaf morons.
It’s also easy when winning to forget what they have done, and continue to do to us. I don’t say this to play the victim, but more to emphasize that we can let compassion get in the way prematurely, when what’s needed is to beat them with the rigid stick of justice and whip them with the sharp thorns of vengeance, to really teach them a lesson.
This is going to mean that we will come off ‘mean’ - but that's necessary. Call it vengeance, anger, tough love, or righteous fury. When you have the serpent underneath your boot, you proceed to chop its head off before you step back.
reminds us in his recent piece Win the Fight:The true evil of leftism comes from what it’s using those tactics for – the values, moral proposition, and way of life that they are trying to force the world to adopt. Tactics are not at issue here: what those tactics bring about, is.
Now is the time to take the initiative. In war - and do not forget that we are in a war for the soul of humanity here - there are winds and momentum at play. The wind is blowing in our favor right now. We have the momentum. Only an absolute idiot, amateur or saboteur would squander it over some perceived meanness - especially towards people who want to see you dead or dying. So if you’re not going to charge with us, get the fuck out of the way, or be trampled alongside the ghouls and goblins.
There is no space for white-knighting right now. A true warrior understands that part of his job is to slay, and that means he must be cruel. Not wicked, in the sense that he is cruel for the sake of being cruel - but because it is necessary. Necessary to both win, and to make clear what happens if you work towards the destruction of humanity, decency, and beauty. It takes a man of great courage, justice, and compassion to carry the burden of being cruel, and having to live with it later - knowing he had to do it. The sadistic leftoids are not of this kind. They are sadistic on the inside and just want to see people suffer for the sake of it.
Stage 2: From dissidents to leaders
What comes next, after we achieve this first win?
What do we, who have in many ways been conditioned to be dissidents, do? As we necessarily shed this purely negative and reactive identity, I fear that many will lose too large a part of themselves, and go a little crazy in the process. It’s similar to veterans coming back from a warzone and not being able to fit back in, or PoW’s coming back forever scarred from the horrors of the camps. Such is the price of war.
That being said, there will always be new wars to wage, but most importantly, there will be a new civilization to build. We are not “going back” or “rVturning.” What’s done is done, what’s passed has passed. Our job is to continue moving onward, taking inspiration from the traditions of old that always worked, and projecting them forward into a new world.
“Tradition is not the past, but that which does not pass.”
Dominique Venner
Once this current big political fight is won, we have to double down on the culture war (which we are somewhat winning?) and the economic war (which we are losing).
The reason I put a question mark next to the culture war is that in my bubble, it seems that we’re winning. The richest man in the world is now backing Trump, even Zuck is talking positively of him.

Reading the room, something seems to have shifted. But at the same time, I know it’s not that easy. I was just in Madrid, and on the way to visit a museum with my wife, we were blocked off from the other side of the city by the largest parade I’ve seen in my life … and lo and behold, it was a homo-parade. It was disgusting. I don’t know how else to describe it. We walked for an hour trying to get around it, but it had no beginning or end. I saw young and old there, and wondered what the conquistadors might be thinking or feeling from their graves right now. So I know it’s not over. We’ve got a long way to go before this trash is cleansed from the system.
So what do we do? We focus on what matters. While culture is upstream of both politics and civilization, what’s upstream of culture is virtue. You can think of virtue as a blend of “principle” and “behavior”. Virtues are how you behave and act. They’re different to values, which are states you desire. For example, we value freedom, but in order to achieve it, we must act with the virtue of responsibility. Warrior classes all throughout history have established these codes of virtue and conduct, which essentially separated them from not only the other classes within their tribes, but from savages that could never build lasting civilization. The knights of Christendom established Chivalry, which was a blend of Ancient Roman, Hellenic & Christian values and principles, while the samurai of Japan established Bushido, which was a blend of Shinto and Confucian principles and values - each sharpened by the sword.
The most interesting thing is that despite the disparate geographies and roots, these different warrior classes converged on essentially the same code. I explore this in much greater detail in my up-coming book The Bushido of Bitcoin. Despite the name, it is not a book about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is just the word I use for “new socio-economic standard.” The book is a playbook for how we establish and succeed on a new, more sound, sane, and vital standard.
The window is open a little now. Whether it was one of the particle accelerators tearing a new hole in the space-time-continuum, or if it was God himself nudging us a little, something has shifted and we now need to yank that window open, charge through, and construct a new culture … by first establishing a new (or rather old, but forgotten) code.
From The Bushido of Bitcoin:
Beyond the cultural war, is the economic war - and this one we are losing for sure. America alone has $175T (with a T!) worth of debt, and the rest of the world is similarly bankrupt. Balaji has a good post here on it:
This debt is all a function of the fact that no modern state has held itself, or been held in any way, economically accountable. If any of them were a business, they would’ve defaulted a hundred times over by now, and would have been shut down, so that someone more competent could come in and run the show. But that’s not the way it works (to the detriment of you and I). At that high level, the state is in bed with the global central banking cabal, who simply conjure money and debt up out of thin air, resulting in the never-ending destruction of the current and future purchasing power of the money we use to buy goods and services - and the eternal indebtedness of our future generations.
This “inflation” as they like to conveniently call it is not the price of things increasing, but rather the decrease in purchasing power of the unit of account (the money/currency) you’re trading for the good or service. Do you think that McDonald’s has somehow become less efficient at producing burgers than they were 50 years ago? Of course not! But the price of a Bic Mac has gone up tenfold.
THAT IS NOT NORMAL! The Big Mac uses shittier ingredients today, and much of the distribution and production process is streamlined and automated, so if anything, it should now cost twenty cents, not $7.
So long as there’s a money printer, it will dull and even negate whatever other victories we enjoy on the cultural and political fronts. So what if you stop illegal immigration and kick out all the DEI leftists, if the native-born can’t buy food?
Bitcoin is the single most powerful tool in the arsenal for the economic fight. Notice I did not say fucking Crypto or “Blockchain” or “Web3”. I chose my words carefully. The point of Bitcoin is to obliterate the central banking cartel. It’s not about “cheap payments” or NFTs and other ponzi bullshit. Bitcoin is a monetary standard that you can verify but cannot change, so they cannot print your purchasing power into oblivion, with a bearer instrument currency (digital cash) you can use without the permission of the nanny state (so they can’t control or cancel you). Gold was useful because of similar properties. People could exchange precious metals directly, and try as the alchemists might, they couldn’t transform common and base metals into rare and precious ones. These properties kept a check and balance on the state and its ability to expand. Unfortunately, the central bankers who formed up in the 17th and 18th centuries co-opted gold because of its physicality - and in time managed to brainwash people into actually believing that money is not a bearer instrument, and that it is in fact an IOU or a debt-note, which is created by none other than the central bank, with the blessing of the state.
This is a mass psychosis that needs to be shattered, and Bitcoin is the only thing robust enough that can do the job. They’ve tried to kill and co-opt it hundreds of times, but it lives on, because it’s something they do not understand. Bitcoin is a constitution-in-code, that lives on millions of machines around the world. It’s unchangeable because the consensus model is social, verifiable and rules based, requiring energy input (you can’t print or fake energy). The implementation and technical matters are beyond the scope of this essay - if you want to understand those, pick up a book by Jimmy Song or Andreas Antonolpolous.
The point of the matter is that breaking the spine of the central banking cartel is the single most important policy goal that our generation must achieve. If we don’t do that, we’ll be forever at the financial mercy of these parasites. We can win as many political skirmishes and cultural battles as we want, but they will keep pulling the strings of the economic war.
By making the economic game fair (which does not mean equal), you have a chance to build a stable civilisation. In doing so, you can actually compound progress by rewarding the good and the useful, and punishing the bad and the useless. Not unlike a healthy business, community, or family.
The Right will ignore this at its own peril. Even if we win the short term cultural battles, in 2 or 3 terms we’ll open the door for the leftists to waltz on back in, funded by war-mongering central banking cartel parasites. Why? Because by using their money, you are funding them. Imagine trying to defeat an enemy while you are literally paying for them to wage their war. It’s a losing strategy! The taxes you’re paying, and the wealth being extracted from you by the machinations of monetary inflation, are lining their pockets and bankrolling tranny parades, Ukraine, Israel, and force-hiring DEI heroines to “protect” Trump. It’s not very smart when you think about it.
So long as the economy is one giant parasitic ponzi scheme, we’re not going to have lasting victories. And there is no “fixing” the existing apparatus. It is by design so broken, corrupt, and corruptible that it needs to be abolished wholesale. In the same way that Trump as a personality is incompatible with the political apparatus, Bitcoin is incompatible with the economic and financial system of cheating, parasitism, and inflation, right from the philosophy guiding its development,, down to the very way it functions1.
From The Bushido of Bitcoin:
Stage 3: A New Order
A new order is possible.
The samurai formalized Bushido after Tokugowa Iyesau unified Japan. After hundreds of years of war, there was peace in Japan. The warrior class shifted their focus toward the pursuit and perfection of other crafts, while maintaining their militant spirit. Their echo remains in Japan today, in their elaborate codes of politeness, public-spiritedness, and dedication to craft and profession. It was the last major power to dismantle the feudal system and displace their formal warrior class, and it shows.
That being said, perhaps they were not vigilant enough. What could have been had they taken the intellect of the merchant and combined it with the energy and character of the warrior? In many ways, that’s how I view entrepreneurs like Trump, Steve Jobs, or Elon Musk.
From The Bushido of Bitcoin:
Either way, much can be learned from the Samurai and other warrior classes as we establish a new order. One of those things is what to focus on. Two quotes from a recent essay by
are relevant both for now, and especially for later, lest we get carried away in the malaise of battle and lose ourselves:Only losers whine about what victims they are, real people know that difficulties and challenges make you stronger. Cancel culture is the province of losers, discovering that raw fear and mob intimidation can be used to dispense with due process and go straight to judgment.
You can’t spend all your time thinking about evil in the world, without taking on energy from evil. In the same way, using the tactics of evil, the mob intimidation, threatening people’s employers and family, will turn sour inside you, rot you from the inside out.
We have a duty to restore order, and right now that demands we are strict and just. But thereafter, we have a duty to build an order that is not overly rigid and harsh. Codes such as Bushido and Chivalry recognised that virtues like justice needed to be tempered by virtues like compassion. The tension between them is healthy, and is where the charge of life comes from. Like day and night, hot and cold, light and dark, young and old, and even left brain and right brain. We need both. We need to remember who is master and who is emissary, and as living beings lead with light (the darkness will take care of itself, and always be there).
Thank you for reading.
I look forward to reading your comments and I will elaborate on these ideas in the coming weeks and months. If you’d like to dig deeper on the Bitcoin Topic, let me know and I can point you in the right direction. You can also check out The UnCommunist Manifesto, which like my new book, is not really about Bitcoin, but integrates its need into a greater whole. You can get it on Amazon, or fi you want it free, just DM and I’ll send you a PDF copy.
I’ll finish this up with a little trailer for you. Some of you have probably seen it, but if you’ve not, I suggest grabbing your headphones and watching for two minutes, that will blow you away:
It’s a bearer instrument operating on UTXO principles, not an account with a balance.
Reading this post made me realize that Western civilization, in its desperate attempt to perpetuate its credit driven authoritarian decadence, hastened its own demise. By creating hardship for its declared enemies, it made them stronger, independent and virtuous.
I think the future _does_ need to be carefully considered. I also think hysterical sword waving by armchair oracles who've never laced up a pair of well-worn combat boots is not the correct basis for victory. Those of us who believe in the cause will go into real combat and bleed real blood. All you parasites who think you just have to wait out the flying shrapnel in your basement and then march to your throne can go fuck yourselves.