I'm retired USAF. I turned down a promotion and got out in 2005 because one day, while I was suffering thru the Weekly Bloodlet (Wing CC's staff meeting), I realized that in these meetings, the trolls of the recently created "Social Actions" office were taking larger and larger blocks of time out of my life while going on and on and on about This History Month, or That History Month, or Sexual Harassment Awareness Training, etc., and that their attendant Powerpoint presentations were getting longer and longer and longer and becoming ever more strident in proselytizing the new Catechism of "Diversity" while achieving the net effect of becoming more and more divisive. That day, when it was my turn to talk about the goings on of the office I was responsible for, I brought the meeting to a stop when I asked the Social Actions lady when the German/Irish History Month was going to be because I wanted to celebrate my heritage also. This was met with a glacially stony silence and a look that would have left me bleeding out on the floor if it had had physical force. After the meeting, many of the participants privately told me they thought my comment was hilarious but then they also said they were afraid to laugh. I told them I was not trying to be funny.
Not long after this, a friend was driven out of the USAF via the Social Actions meatfgrinder after he was overheard telling an "offensive" joke by an eavesdropper he didn't know was there, much less listening. This person demanded redress for her bent feelings and she got it in the form of his professional body. I knew then, it was time for me to go, and everything I've seen since has reinforced the correctness of my decision. In subsequent years, I watched some friends buy into the crap and others give it lipservice, all in order to pursue promotion. It destroyed them all and one by one, they fell away. Some of them I miss, some I don't.
They forgot that the reason for the existence of the military is the protection of the Constitution and of our Nation. They forgot the words they spoke in swearing their Oath of office. They lost sight of the greater externality of the mission and sank into a small and very dark internecine morass of fear, compliance, and doublethink. And so today, we have a military filled with people who either don't trust the person next to them because they might get ratted out, or are the people they would get ratted out to. They have learned to say what is accepted instead of what needs to be said. The result is that our military has selected for those who have become a bunch of inwardly focused smart-phone dependent DEI rainbowed pussies, who unknowingly lie to themselves and to every one around them out of belief in an inbred ideology that leaves them mentally neutered and incapable of independent thought and action. Those even remotely capable of leadership or possess the drive for it were selected out or driven out, and we are left with diversity hires who masquerade as leadership in the form people like Miley and Franchetti. Our military has no balls and the rest of the world knows it. This has become (embarrassingly) literal as military physicians now willingly and presumably cheerfully, will cut them off.
Finally, as a former USAF pilot, I have often wondered what happened to the crewmembers of that C-17 who in following orders, taxied over those people, crushing some of them, and then got airborne with others clinging to its side and who fell to their deaths. I wonder if those kids have managed to come to terms with what they were told to do. I wonder if it wakes them up at 3am where the only company to be found is in the aloneness of their thoughts. What they had to do occasionally wakes me up.
No, thank you for providing me with a place to express my thoughts. I have come to really appreciate the openness, immediacy and intimacy of Substack. Writing this stuff down and putting it out there for others to read and comment on not only helps exorcise some of the demons but also lets me know I'm not the only fool in the asylum!
Sounds like there are many of us now. I`m a US Army vet (combat arms, entered service PVT E-1, separated commissioned) who used to suggest youngsters consider serving for at least an initial enlistment in the National Guard, mostly for their own experience and development. Now I advise them, without reservation, to have nothing to do with the US military or DC in general.
My warning to young adults or their parents are to avoid the military and colleges/universities, at all costs. Find a good trade school, learn and become rich in a career that cannot be automated easily and take some sort of martial arts training along with weapons training.
In addition, be sure young people are well versed in basic medical care, ie wound care, CPR, maybe some basic suturing- not CODm....when the shit hits the fan your first go to should be your own sound mind and that mind needs to know survival skills that will keep one from sitting in the corner and yelling for mommy. I can tell you (I'm hospital worker in the ED), I triage a constant flow of sick "Americans" all night long. The "care" your going to receive in hospitals may not be what youd expect but will be "hospital protocol" so young people need to get off their butts, start moving, get in as best shape & health as possible so they don't need to go there.
Perhaps there should be a post where everyone should add the name of a manual or list a skill or resource necessary for youth/ young adults. There is no time to waste, I started in 2007, but if it weren't for my military experience and my medical expertise, I would dread what is soon coming. I've told all my kids the raw shit that's coming, I don't want them in shock or unprepared, young adults/ people today need to know how bad it could get- so let them know!
I can teach attitude, for want of a better term. I can also teach thinking in more steps than one, which seems to be the norm among the thirty-and-under crowd today. They don't seem to grasp the "and then what?"-mindset at all, the reactions I've experienced are that it is totally alien to them.
As in: if you are on the run in a "the purge"-scenario in winter and decides to wade a river, then what? With no idea of how to handle the cold and the wet clothes, you're dead from hypothermia inside an hour, dep. on details. So maybe wading the rives isn't the best choice? But without the ability to think in multiple steps, you can't even compare alternatives.
It's taken me to this side of 50 to realise how much "common knowledge" (allmänbildning in swedish; it means both 'common knowledge' and 'common wisdom') we and older generations were taught by our elders. Like what berries are edible f.e. Or how to make soup from spruce needles and ants. How to build a camp with a fireplace and a heat-trap. /Where/ to build the camp. How to make saline solution to clean wounds.
So, so much they need to learn in such a short time, maybe. Or maybe the ignorance is the switch to make the 15-minute panopticon cities seem like a sweet carrot?
This is similar to the "Harvard case study" method which started in law school and spread to medicine.
Almost anything works- build a small boat (my favourite), build a computer from parts - I can now swap a hard disc for an SSD after a few tries, cook a few things from scratch, sew something by hand and machine, the possibilities are endless and need not be formalised.
Thanks Ed, and thank you for your service as well. I’m also ex-military but got out after witnessing a cascade of failure in the most basic of leadership skills. The rot in society we now see, the ongoing delusion of multiple gender identities and this festering mind—virus ideology will only lead to division and destruction. It is by design. It is a predictable outcome. The chief weapon is fear, and we see just how many cowards there are anymore.
Thank you for your service. Konstantine Kisin (Substack/Youtube- Triggernometry) is fond of the statement ‘perception is projection’- used to refer to the filter people who are told to hunt for the various -isms use to see the world.
In one viral segment he explained how an old academic study exposed this truth. Women were asked to participate in a trial which evaluated discrimination against facial scars. They had realistic make-up scars applied to their faces and were shown then in a mirror. Most reported massive levels of discrimination.
What they weren’t told was that as they were leaving the room for the interview and told that their make-up was smudged, the scars were actually removed. They were reporting high levels of discrimination against scars which simply weren’t there.
Besides, we already know what causes structural disparities. Raj Chetty’s research on social mobility definitively proves that the main source of structural disparities between the races is the percentage of productive fathers within a community living with their children. The data shows that it’s a more powerful predictor than the quality of education in a neighbourhood, although strong communities with ample fathers is also a powerful predictor of academic performance. Of course, Chetty has had to moderate the findings of his work in recent times, because of the dreaded DEI bureaucracy in academia. A recent study showed that family separation had a greater negative impact on educational outcomes than the death of a parent.
My father was a USAF NCO MP. He worked with dogs and served in Vietnam, including during the Tet Offensive. After serving his minimum to qualify for his pension in later life, he rose to become a Ship’s Captain in the oil business in his second career. Shortly before he died, he had seriously been considering accepting an offer of a job as an air marshal after 9/11- despite having completely bounced back from two bouts of cancer.
Just goes to show that whilst it may be possible to take the patriotism out of the military, it’s impossible to take the patriot out of the man.
My father married an English Schoolteacher and I qualify as a dual national- although I’ve been told in no uncertain terms by several American expat friends not to activate my American citizenship under most circumstances- because of Obama’s crazy and deeply unfair foreign tax regime for Americans. I have a British acquaintance who runs tax planning for American expats. He told me about an American woman who cared for her sick mother in London for over a decade. She had to pay a bucketload of American tax on the property, even though she had paid far more modest inheritance taxes on the UK property under UK tax rules.
Had she met my friend earlier, she could have avoided a large portion of the tax, because under UK law its possible to gift over property to your children, without paying tax. Many parents choose to gift over 49%, because it reduces tax liability without ceding overall control. The tax liability is gradually reduced over a seven year period.
The problem with standard DEI initiatives is they actually cause increase racism, although there are noteworthy exceptions like the system run by Chloe Valdary. This is because as humans we are deeply wired for procedural fairness- it’s even been found in ultra-liberal students at university in Nordic Model countries, in a study which looked at financial reward allocation for students performing Maths tests. They rewarded high performance and punished low performance, not awarding cash incentives in proportion to questions answered correctly.
What they should be running is fast-track systems for talented kids who come from difficult background. Polling shows that most Westerners support systems which give kids from the bottom a fairer chance to compete against their more fortunate peers. This would actually accomplish the goal of diversity- given the 9% vs. 22% relative poverty between Whites and Blacks respectively.
Some companies have found that DEI initiatives actually reduce minority promotions, because it turns out that raised racial awareness actually translates into race essentialism, because many begin to see culture as immutable, rather than the one thing which is actually fairly mutable.
With due reapect, anyone who stands on a runway in front of a jet plane, or tries to hold on as it takes off, deserves exactly what they get. Its called natural selection.
military leadership let this happen. they didn’t have the courage or wits to speak up in the very beginning.
conservatives everywhere are endlessly complaining about what was done to them.
how were they enfeebled so easily?
is the nature of military command itself such a steamroller for conformity and obedience that it creates a force that will obey any idiocy imposed on it, because that’s what good soldiers do?
I’m torn between enormous respect for those that did go and had the courage to take the risks even when their friends were paying for it around them. On the other hand, I’m glad I still have my legs, cock and balls still attached.
I've not read the comments yet, so this most likely will echo many of them.
Excellent, excellent take down of the Woke-Industrial-Complex (WIC) and Globohomo!!
I'm sure many of us (Vets) appreciate your conviction of the criminal regimes, that have cajoled millions of fathers, brothers and sons, into a war and then graves or broken existences, with calls to arms "for the homeland and all she stands for". As MG Smedley Butler warned, it never is or was about that.
What I've found in the conversations with fellow Vets, is that it's not just the bubbas that have been taking societal HEIAP rounds (for decades), but men in general. Yes, women have filled combat roles and been in the shit, but the vast majority of those who caught bullets, cleared alleys and dirt houses, flew through AAA to a target or CAS call, or fought their way out of kill zones were men, always have been and by the looks of the latest recruiting bait, from the regime - they know, men will always be those ardent, stalwart and trusty war fighters.
But men, as you pointed out so very well, have also been the easy fodder and whipping boys for that same regime and the perverted, radicalized woke citizenry, that is increasingly filling the "homeland".
The truth is, as we older Vets look around, it's hard to see what we would fight to protect, today.
Would I slide down a fast rope into a hornets nest, so that a 250lb sexual deviant/pervert pedophile has the right to conduct drag queen story hour for my kids at the local or school library? Am I packing for deployment number 6 and signing the papers for divorce number two, to protect the rights and freedoms of those mostly peaceful protesters, setting my cities on fire and looting stores to the point that companies are pulling out those cities?
Maybe I dutifully followed orders and held that hill at all costs, with a handful of my buddies, knowing we'd be overrun, so that a guy can walk naked around a filled girls locker room, with a semi erect penis, minutes after he beat them in a girls swim meet.
Am I being lowered into the ground so that MILLIONS of invaders could cross the Homeland borders and have the same rights, freedoms and privilege's of that homeland's legal citizen's, while many of them are the same enemy I fought against, that hate my country and are plotting against it?
One of the legacy reasons (there are many) we men have always taken up arms, was to defend our territory. The importance of that territory was two fold 1) it was where our resources either came from or were stored (crops, hunting grounds, store houses) and 2) it was where our way of life was (a collective and homogenous society). That was what "Protecting the homeland and all she represents" was about. That has been perverted and twisted, and now the Homeland we protect is the financial holdings and power seats of the plutocrats and what that new homeland represents is greed, corruption, manipulation, perversion and tyranny. Note, this is nothing new, as you know, but at least in the past, they gave us a thin veneer of patriotic gratitude, that we could lie to ourselves with.
Of course they will get their beloved messenger hacks (the likes of hannity and others) to wave the constitution in front of us (metaphorically our Patroclus) and say "if no one is willing to defend this, then our country is lost and the past sacrifices were for not" all while sitting in a warm comfortable, safe studio, sipping starbucks and spewing false unearned bravado. They will try and stir that deeply ingrained, toxically masculine instinct to protect and preserve - at all costs. My hope is, that the orchestrated, shameful and insincere flag waving will fall on deaf and wise ears.
Men have to understand that Briseis (metaphorically the homeland) has changed. She has now cut off her breasts, started hormones and grown a beard, and now may have a penis. She has willingly handed the children over to Moloch to be groomed, corrupted, perverted, demoralized and mutilated. She has also willingly embraced the venom of radical, fecal, troglodytes like those on the View - and their ilk - who teach that men, are indeed the enemy of all humanity and must be hated...and yes in particular white men, but truth be told, they hate us all and color gets you no credits - when you tell the hoards of succubus's that they are bat shit crazy.
So I echo your sentiment and challenge to the WIC, "by all means go to war and go hard, your beta males, soy boys, testosterone fueled men-women and men in heels/woman faces will surely be what turns the tides, in all those push button battles yet to come. The Woke Divisions will sweep across the lands and leave in their victorious wake, fields of social justice, equity and global climate governance - all for the greater good."
While you're doing that, we will be teaching and preparing our sons, daughters and like minded friends, families and neighbors on how to protect THEIR Homeland and all that it stands for. That homeland, is most certainly not, what the WIC and Globalists are formulating, implementing and selling to the masses.
Vets you know this already, but teach it to your kids:
"It's easy to squander away vast amounts of treasure and lives - when they are someone else's and you never have to bear the costs"
Thanks again for this post and the chance to sound off.
Crushed that bro. I couldn’t have expressed my own experience and opinion nearly as well. I was a young infantryman in Desert Storm. Full of all those things I thought we were fighting for. Turned 40 in Afghanistan almost 20 years later, feeling mostly like you stated. We need to just police ourselves now and prepare for the inevitable breakdown, whatever the degree of pain that comes with it. Subscribed and looking forward to more of your thoughts.
It dawned on me back then, that none of the bureaucrats and politicians who sent us into those wars - were remotely interested or willing to lace up a pair of boots, shoulder a rucksack and help cash the checks, they were writing on all our backs - and then racking in the profits of their MIC investments.
MG Smedley Butler was also an eye opener for me, but long after I had left the ranks.
It probably would have fallen on deaf ears, as I was a 20 year old guy, drenched in hollywierd propaganda and ready to prove myself in the crucible. All that was needed was an excuse, real or invented.
Thanks for the subscription, what I write isn't ground breaking or deep, just my own version of common sense.
In Britain the RAF recently stopped promoting white men as it was fouling the race numbers. It is no doubt rampant elsewhere but no-one has the balls to stop it. Embarrassingly it was a woman who resigned over the above, not a man. Pathetic. We can’t man our Armed Forces either in part because the fat, weak youth don’t want a nasty man to say hurty things and the competent, eager youth don’t want to sit about being given diversity lectures in tired, leaking old buildings with any ops to go on. Worst of both worlds.
Vets turning their backs on GAE and globohomo has been the biggest white pill of the last couple years. It is so good to hear that, in spite of fears to the contrary, you guys are not willing to take up arms for them against the rest of us.
This old 11B2P from Vietnam says, “Bravo. Well said.” My (ex) Marine buddy and I agree that the next major terrorist attack is probably going to be in USA and will result in sharply curtailed constitutional rights and probable martial law. I am bailing on Calif and hunkering down in Montana as I don’t see this ending well. See Chris Bray’s blog today for the obverse of this crappy homeland coin.
You hit the nail on the head. The open borders policy, was not an accident. Operation Paper Clip 2.0 - and they don't need to smuggle the insurgents in now, just wave them through, as you hand them their UBI debit card, plane ticket, map and cell phone.
I have been searching for a non-southern state to bugout to, but they are drying up. It will be imperative to be somewhere, that the legislature is on your side, for as long as possible. I always tell friends, that I want to live in a city or state, where the AG or prosecutors, won't come after me for making midnight 12G sausage out of a home invader.
I don't think people have allowed the enormity of what is happening to Trump sink in yet. They are being given a clear picture of what a weaponized justice system looks like and fail to understand, it will come for them next. The common man that has no treasure or lives paycheck to paycheck, is going to jail and there's no one who will come rescue them.
Welcome friend (I'm in MT). You should move ASAP do not wait longer than absolutely necessary. My intel sources have told me 2025 is going to be BAD. Do whatever you can to get out of the state or at least the city. Find a spot & start getting self sufficient, sadly most Calif. Newcomers aren't welcomed well here, BUT all military are (wait....not woke dipshits)....you will be welcomed to the fold. Don't hesitate, it's the right direction.
Please note: I apologize if I sounded like a total dink, I wrote that a bit late and directed towards Dr who, but. All like minded useful, active, self sufficient and willing are welcome (not only military/ vets)...didnt mean to sound like a prick.
Joziek: I appreciate your response and had to wait to reply adequately. We are both on the same page. Two years ago my wife and I bought a 10 acre place up in the northwest corner of Montana near Olney (between Whitefish and Eureka) and we have been (hardening - Ahem, I mean) upgrading since; our solar is close to operational and a 2nd cabin will be finished this summer. I got out of the Army in Dec of 1969, became an ER doc (!) and retired a few years ago. Since I am way to old to hump a ruck or enjoy cold MREs, I am stocking the basics of a primitive med clinic and austere urgent care facility if the SHTF. We immediately got Montana licenses and car plates and now rarely have to duck beer cans or smile at the finger! In line with the old Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times," I agree with you and expect the next 2+ years to chock full of interesting. Thanks for writing.
Substack needs more than a like button. EXCELLENT post, puts all this bs into perspective- the answer must be no, it's not worth putting g my life on the line for any of this
Coming here and reading your (and others) comments is like wandering around a foreign land and running into your best friend. The world and particularly our part of the world is increasingly becoming foreign/alien (pun intended) and it is so damn nice and welcoming to hear sentiments I also share, believe and know. Thanks.
I agree, this from an older woman in Ireland. It’s bad here, like invasion of the body snatchers, I think maybe I’m mad, then I find something like this. The only thing I would add is teaching history and maybe linguistics, not the BS from school, so that the game play can be recognised and the curtain at the back of the movies theatre becomes visible. God bless all you great men.
Yes sir, been very (can’t think of word lol) with the right. Dumbass leftists have actually become unwitting allies. Was hoping the rank and file conservatives would see past the BS. Unfortunately even those sites we consider alternative media have been delivering their sly message. Nothing gets done until that media is running scared….Nothing!!
John, please consider changing your format to black text on a white background. Much easier to read than white lettering on a brown background. I do the color reversal but it's not perfect.
This essay was absolute fire on so many levels. Our worst and most dangerous (to us) enemies are not in Russia or the Middle East (well, unless you count our so-called "most important ally" -- and with an ally like that, who needs enemies?), but the Neo-Con-Artist cabal controlling the financial and political and cultural institutions of the GAE, who have manipulated us into disastrous wars and foreign policies (all to fight as their proxy in their tribal blood feud with Russians and Arabs) and deadly immigration policy (to buttress their political control over their American Golem), all while parasitizing us to death via their bankster financial schemes. Now the Muslims (whom they imported to dilute the political power of the heritage Americans) are trying to fight them for control of the American Golem. If America was a healthy country, we would deport all the Hamas supporters and deport all the dual citizens of Israel, and let them settle their ethnic squabbles over there. Neither Israel nor Palestine is worth a single American life or a single American dollar. But America is deathly ill and dead broke (thanks to the Neo-Con-Artists and their bankster friends), so that's all the more reason for heritage Americans to sit this one out, since we have nothing to gain from either side's victory. Best case scenario for us: the folks on both sides of that conflict (who hate us to death) fight their own war and destroy each other.
I've been deeply amused by the leftist infighting this whole thing has caused, while at the same time Israel's PR has failed spectacularly. And all we had to do was nothing.
Exactly. They dug this pit, and now they've fallen into it themselves. Which tells me that continuing to stay out of the way while our sworn enemies destroy each other is probably the best policy going forward.
The pit was dug in very large part by the US itself. The US has supported Arab nationalists, Islamic fundamentalists, Palestinian irredentists and Zionists...mostly simultaneously. The Biden Administration's overtures to Iran emboldened Hamas and Qatar, while the US has been supporting a miniature Colour Revolution within Israel against Netanyahu. Incidentally, Obama's college room-mate led the negotiations with Iran but has now lost his security clearance over concerns about his reliability. Whatever the US is doing, it has no intention of staying out of the way. All indications are that the US is getting more deeply involved than ever before.
The right hand of the empire does not know what the left hand is doing. The unwieldy monster is at war with itself, and always immediately undermines and contradicts its own foreign policy.
Definitely. This was clear in Syria where the US Army backed some rebels, the CIA their rivals. The competing groups within the regime also evade the accountability needed for democracy and civilian control. The incoherence gets deadly when Moscow and Beijing become confused about who is really in charge in Washington. Nuclear armed countries need to be serious...Clown World shit is literal death-wish.
I don't think either the Russians or the Chinese are confused anymore. They understand that no one is control, which makes the US extremely dangerous, and extremely difficult to deal with. "Non-agreement capable", as the Kremlin puts it.
In other words, not so much a rational opponent, as a maddened rampaging beast that must be put down.
America's enthusiastic involvement in the Middle East from WW2 (when FDR signed a secret agreement with Ibn Sa'ud) until today was driven by the aim of displacing rivals (first the UK, later the USSR), controlling global hydrocarbon markets (thereby fortifying the global hegemony of the US) and, from 1973, enforcing compliance with the petrodollar arrangements that effectively finance about 80% of all American consumption today. Without the petrodollar very large proportions of the US would have a standard of living on par with Mexico or lower.
The relative economic decline of the US began in the 60s, long before the financialisation of the economy in the 80s, largely because major manufacturing industries started to reduce the rate of investment in new plant and equipment at precisely the same time that Germany and Japan returned to positions of global economic strength. Both Germany and Japan have since been sabotaged/weakened by Washington.
There are no best case scenarios for the US, no good options, certainly no easy ones. Withdrawal from the Middle East ensures Eurasian economic integration under Chinese leadership (a nightmare for Washington). Remaining in the region exposes the US to the risk of being drawn once more into local squabbles. The best thing is for the US to rely on its naval presence in the Eastern Med and the Indian Ocean but leaving local allies to themselves.
NB I fully agree that no heritage American should enlist to fight for the GAE, but we need to be honest about the history and the issues. The rw is fast dissolving into collective self-pity and fatuous mythologising.
With you 100%. Late imperial Britain was in many respects astonishingly progressive...much greater educational opportunities for talented lower middle class and working class whites than anything in the Anglosphere today. My maternal grandfather was born into a family of skilled tradesmen in northern England. He received a first class education in maths/physics, went on to study physics at uni then switched to medicine. Thatcher gutted the selective grammar schools destroying upward social mobility for smart working class kids.
The hostile attitude towards the populace is all about prioritising class loyalties with allied oligarchies in other countries and their core constituencies in the PMC at the expense of their own people. The partnership between Western elites and their 3rd World peers is truly sinister. It is a transnational alliance for the purpose of class warfare.
My family profited handsomely from the opportunities the Empire offered, as well.
These days, the transnational elite has become its own tribe, meaning they are no longer our elite, meaning they are owed no trust or allegiance. Without organic bonds, they have nothing but fear and bribery to fall back on. Historically an unstable strategy.
Extremities of speciation has severed bonds that were/are essential for social cohesion and trust. The Achilles heel of the elite is that they now have to rely on allies from the Global South and the Western BIPOCs.
Wait, so you're saying the lost decades of Japan are the direct result of US sabotage? Ahh, that makes so much sense. This is why it pays to go back and re-read classics, you pick up things you missed the first time.
Yes but no Heritage American should be sitting idle, start in the home and work a radius outward, contributing towards betterment of those around you who may be directly relied upon to act in accordance with your shared goals, efforts and values- whose objectives and responses you then won't have to question . Know your own strength & weaknesses as well as your neighbors, help to better & buffer those weak areas. There will be good folks who didnt prepare mentally or physically who deserve help and want to participate but dont know how. If you are still learning or trying to get a handle on things, then you can't help those people. The people around you will be "friend or foe" ; the big world out there is no longer something to be consumed by & vested in- now is the time for your world to shrink to a local microcosm that once networked, integrates & grows. Yes use any media or "news" as simply a reference- a barometer of how far society has degraded...ie a barometer of general stupidity. Your job isn't to involve yourself with anything that doesn t directly impact you, your family, or your direct microcosm, unless you are all set there. But that is a waste of time & energy. [In my opinion]
Stay tuned Bill! Lots of relevant social essays round these parts. You’ll find a lot of like-minded brainiacs covering such issues, many of which lurk about the comments section.
Wow. An astonishingly brutal assault of truthful right hooks upon the flabby face of our cretinocracy. Kudos, JC. An honest but painful message, painfully delivered.
Excellent post, John. I might run with this in a post of my own that focuses on "diversity." Any White male that signs up after reading this article is putting himself in the cross hairs of the GAE desire to rid itself of as many White males as possible. They will be sent into the most dangerous battles, and those in power in DC will celebrate the culling of as many of them as possible.
I feel that this commercial could do with one of those rapid-fire warnings at the end.
"WARNING: joining the military and fighting wars for your government may result in permanent disability, mental collapse or death. That suits us just fine because we'd rather you never came back from wherever it is we're planning to send you. Future heroic performance is no guarantee that you'll get a decent job or place to live if you do return. All promises of desisting from policies of racial vengeance are to be regarded as temporary at best."
The US neglected the ethnic base of the state (white men) because production was outsourced to the Third World and the finance needed to fund government was sourced from the bond market which hoovers up the cash reserves of US trading partners and client-states. The people of the heartland became surplus to the requirement of the regime.
Now that global supply chains are under pressure the strategies of the post-Cold War are unsustainable. So the GAE turns its gaze back home.
Diversifying the military (and weakening it) was necessary for a regime whose client base is disproportionally BIPOC and female. The regime fears a white military, just as it fears non-elite whites.
Arab states made a similar calculation: deliberately weakening their militaries in order to prevent them from challenging state power. It's effective right up until you need to use the military, at which point the obvious hazards of this strategy become rapidly apparent.
It is a perfectly sound trade-off under many circumstances. If the regime can coast globally it can avoid the class concessions necessary to retain traditional forms of family formation and completed fertility. An expendable working class can be replaced easily enough by immigrants who go on to form pliable regime constituencies.
The planetary character of the empire (which was aggressively anti-colonial) also fit very well with the domestic agenda of the New Deal (civil rights) and its successors. The trouble is that the regime (being liberal or neo-liberal) could not acknowledge the realities of HBD.
Biden overplayed his hand in Philadelphia when he acknowledged that the organisation of enmity was integral to governance at home and abroad. He said the quiet bit out loud. Also his outrageous behaviour at the funeral for the marines who fell as the US fled Kabul. Looking at his watch every few minutes. Insanely provocative but very revealing.
Such hubris only works so long as the domestic enemy remains more of a threat than the foreign enemy. They thought they'd tamed the frontier, and so focused their efforts on controlling the interior. In the process they alienated and weakened the domestic population, which is now neither willing nor able to contend with the barbarians. While the barbarians, for their part, are not nearly as tame as they were a generation ago.
We will see. The tragic perspective is attractive but can be as misleading as any moral fable.
The regime may well secure support from rival states (including assumed or declared enemies) who will partner with Washington as it manages its decline. The regime is very happy to rule over a diminished empire, so long as it gets to rule.
So far the regime remains in place. Its internal enemies are atomised and demoralised to a point that surpasses anything the world has ever seen. in many ways I am impressed by the success of the regime...it is a perverse demonstration of effective evolution. Apologies for sounding like Burke in ALIENS who wanted the xenomorph for the company's bioweapons division.
Well, I certainly won't try to predict the future. What time is it? The fall of the republic? The fall of the empire? Hard to say; history only ever rhymes.
And one does not want to fall prey to wishful thinking, that the regime will die because one wants it to die.
My operative assumption is that the regime may well die but if it does it will leave a legacy that ensures that the successor regime incorporates key aspects of the old order, including the retention of as much of the current elite as it can.
I also assume that the preferred end of the current regime is something like an ethnically diverse or inclusive form of fascism (the union of state and private power). This suits a vast range of interested constituencies. A post-democratic form of authoritarian crony capitalism with an agenda of racial redistribution could partner up with oligarchies around the globe. This appears to be the Obama/Biden agenda.
I think we’re far past the fall of the republic. We keep sitting around waiting for a Brutus moment as some sort of guide post when really the republic fell after Federal power was vindicated in the aftermath of the civil war. We are in late imperial decay more reminiscent of the mid 3rd century (if we’re lucky).
Yes you are right. History will show it many times. Rome did not fall because of civil war (as the US did not in 1860s either) but at times due to their weakness fall to invasions. The German tribes or even the Huns would not have able to take on Rome during Julius Caesar or Augustus but needed to wait for Rome to become weak.
Even the Bronze Age kingdoms collapse due to outsiders. Warfare in the Bronze Age was only for the elite in Chariots, most kingdoms could not adopted the changing military technology and tactics of the iron age of the sea people. Also trade become more important in the Bronze Age different kingdom started to only produce things that they could specialize in, which meant when one civilization or kingdom fell shock in the supplies were major causing massive economic depression
This essay hit me hard because its says everything we are thinking at this time. All average white Midwesterners ( fly overs ) we love our country. Myself , my father , 2 of my brothers and 1 sister all proudly served in the U.S. armed forces. Mostly because our father who fought in the South Pacific in WW2 ...but he did not encourage any of us to join , we just did because we felt it right to serve our great country. Now , all of us have many children and NONE of them are going to voluntarily join THIS military and fight for THIS current regime. No way.
It's brutal. Trust takes a long time to establish. Destroying it takes moments. Our leaders have left a wasteland of wreckage in their wake, and even now they're too childish to realize what they've destroyed.
The Australian Federal Government is POURING Replacement Demographics refos into our country at an UNPRECEDENTED RATE. Right now, THIRTY PERCENT of Australian "citizens" spoke another language, worshipped other Gods, at birth. They DO NOT KNOW, LOVE, nor have loyalty to our Land. The Arabs, the Lebos, the Indians, the Chinese, they HATE OUR FKN GUTS & have penetrated every local council, corrupted every political process across the nation. We are run like a Mafia in Australia now. The Booboeoise go "BAAAA AAAA".
It is quite remarkable how thorough it has been, one would expect some exception somewhere by sheer chance alone but no. Literal Soviet satrapies turned out to have been much less deleterious for their peoples.
A religious belief system that suggests superiority means entitlement to whatever goods exist-- without a strong work ethic, which is only for inferior peoples who serve -- means one is morally entitled to take and exploit.
These are broad terms that applied to conquering empires of the past but can be seen reflected in the observable rage and resentment of some today.
An addition to this fine essay is that the Dept of HS and FBI, etc have for years now designated whites ('white supremacy' and MAGA peeps overall) as the greatest domestic threat to 'The Great Satan'. Biden's puppet masters have continued to double down on this over the last couple years. They have not only alienated those that used to serve and fight as you describe, but have openly designated them as the enemy of the US. So figure they have to re-find another top, designated enemy and you can throw in a false flag FBI induced Muslim terror attack in the US and subsequent re-demonization of Muslims and restart of the War of Terror messaging as another prompt to try to induce whites to join and fight. Also, figure we are in the very early stages of that messaging in the US in relation to Israel's false flag of 7 Oct and 'final solution' genocide of the Palestinians with recent FBI and DHS warnings and the predictable blow back and coming confrontation with the whole Muslim world and Global South.
Finally, it is 'interesting' how all this mixed messaging and flip flopping over the years has and will continue to slowly but surely degrade any kind of unity or common cause, belief, and purpose to motivate the US as a whole to do what the elites want. They have lied so much and propagandized so much that they have splintered the US people along so many different lines to the point where the US system and society is a terminal by suicide, being induced by psychopathic administrators and doctors (TPTB), who are controlled by hyperdimensional 'aliens', psychotic break schizophrenic also displaying full blow multiple personality disorder... and then you have so many dropping out of this category who have fallen out of trusting anything the US Gov and TPTB say in terms of going down the 'rabbit whole' of conspiracy truth and are the mentally sane. It is like a death of thousand self-inflicted cuts to the US and the only healthy and able people left at the end will be the unvaxxed, prepper, conspiracy truthers...
This is one Hell of a good rant..... but I'm a pessimist about where all this leads. The number of full-of-shit people in the West (thanks to decades of its 'higher education' sheep dip) now runs in the tens of millions. How does Western civilisation recover from its consequent age of self-absorption and hyperbolic liberalism? It doesn't. Liberal individualism was great for most of its three-century-long trajectory. But it always carried the seeds of its own demise .....and now its day is done. All civilisations eventually fail; this is how ours does.
Excellent critique, Mr. Carter. A couple of additional points unless I missed them as I skimmed this fairly quickly A lot of blacks in addition to whites got sucked into past wars as well from the Civil War on. Mostly because they wouldn't be hired or couldn't get into higher learning. They were thus lured by so-called employment in the military and the promise of a so-called education and medical care.
The GI bill, I'm not sure how that one worked out for most, but they got their VA health benefits to help treat all the chemicals , radiation, and PTSD they were exposed to by going to war!!
Also. today, people say the millenials don't want to fight and that they back some of the wokeness that has caused many of the problems in this country as well. But let's be honest. They can't get jobs, they have to live at home with mom and dad because of inflation. They were sold a crock of shit about how taking out student loans and going in debt to the system would get them a job and a decent living: so really, what have they got to fight for? Freedom? Where? For some other country? Certainly not here as more and more of our freedoms are lost every day.
Indeed, they have nothing to fight for; that was one of the points I was making.
As to blacks, they've done their bit, but the casualty numbers are unambiguous: whites are disproportionately represented in deaths due to their dominance in combat arms.
21 years. left after afghanistan in 2003. Disgusted. Disillusioned. I knew Smedley Butler was right and I still did it because I had some residual belief. But that went away.
I was a 7565... and then 4402 (whomp-whomp), but it took me until '06 when I left Afghanistan to realize I should have ignored Smedley's medals and read his book. They don't talk a lot about that part in "History, Customs, and Tradition" classes.
I'm retired USAF. I turned down a promotion and got out in 2005 because one day, while I was suffering thru the Weekly Bloodlet (Wing CC's staff meeting), I realized that in these meetings, the trolls of the recently created "Social Actions" office were taking larger and larger blocks of time out of my life while going on and on and on about This History Month, or That History Month, or Sexual Harassment Awareness Training, etc., and that their attendant Powerpoint presentations were getting longer and longer and longer and becoming ever more strident in proselytizing the new Catechism of "Diversity" while achieving the net effect of becoming more and more divisive. That day, when it was my turn to talk about the goings on of the office I was responsible for, I brought the meeting to a stop when I asked the Social Actions lady when the German/Irish History Month was going to be because I wanted to celebrate my heritage also. This was met with a glacially stony silence and a look that would have left me bleeding out on the floor if it had had physical force. After the meeting, many of the participants privately told me they thought my comment was hilarious but then they also said they were afraid to laugh. I told them I was not trying to be funny.
Not long after this, a friend was driven out of the USAF via the Social Actions meatfgrinder after he was overheard telling an "offensive" joke by an eavesdropper he didn't know was there, much less listening. This person demanded redress for her bent feelings and she got it in the form of his professional body. I knew then, it was time for me to go, and everything I've seen since has reinforced the correctness of my decision. In subsequent years, I watched some friends buy into the crap and others give it lipservice, all in order to pursue promotion. It destroyed them all and one by one, they fell away. Some of them I miss, some I don't.
They forgot that the reason for the existence of the military is the protection of the Constitution and of our Nation. They forgot the words they spoke in swearing their Oath of office. They lost sight of the greater externality of the mission and sank into a small and very dark internecine morass of fear, compliance, and doublethink. And so today, we have a military filled with people who either don't trust the person next to them because they might get ratted out, or are the people they would get ratted out to. They have learned to say what is accepted instead of what needs to be said. The result is that our military has selected for those who have become a bunch of inwardly focused smart-phone dependent DEI rainbowed pussies, who unknowingly lie to themselves and to every one around them out of belief in an inbred ideology that leaves them mentally neutered and incapable of independent thought and action. Those even remotely capable of leadership or possess the drive for it were selected out or driven out, and we are left with diversity hires who masquerade as leadership in the form people like Miley and Franchetti. Our military has no balls and the rest of the world knows it. This has become (embarrassingly) literal as military physicians now willingly and presumably cheerfully, will cut them off.
Finally, as a former USAF pilot, I have often wondered what happened to the crewmembers of that C-17 who in following orders, taxied over those people, crushing some of them, and then got airborne with others clinging to its side and who fell to their deaths. I wonder if those kids have managed to come to terms with what they were told to do. I wonder if it wakes them up at 3am where the only company to be found is in the aloneness of their thoughts. What they had to do occasionally wakes me up.
Ok. Thus endeth the rant.
Fantastic comment. Thank you sharing those experiences. The rot goes deep, and is older than we often want to believe.
No, thank you for providing me with a place to express my thoughts. I have come to really appreciate the openness, immediacy and intimacy of Substack. Writing this stuff down and putting it out there for others to read and comment on not only helps exorcise some of the demons but also lets me know I'm not the only fool in the asylum!
There's a vibe here which is entirely different from most social media. It feels more like a salon than a shouting match.
Excellent description
Sounds like there are many of us now. I`m a US Army vet (combat arms, entered service PVT E-1, separated commissioned) who used to suggest youngsters consider serving for at least an initial enlistment in the National Guard, mostly for their own experience and development. Now I advise them, without reservation, to have nothing to do with the US military or DC in general.
My warning to young adults or their parents are to avoid the military and colleges/universities, at all costs. Find a good trade school, learn and become rich in a career that cannot be automated easily and take some sort of martial arts training along with weapons training.
This is the way now for White boys and girls. I would add to your training regime suggestions, read non fiction accounts and how to manuals.
Good advice - also, make sure to collect printed "how to"-manuals and accounts.
We can't trust digital anything. Physical media must be our back-up store and fall-back position.
That is not to say we can't use digital media, but it cannot be relied upon, much less trusted.
In addition, be sure young people are well versed in basic medical care, ie wound care, CPR, maybe some basic suturing- not CODm....when the shit hits the fan your first go to should be your own sound mind and that mind needs to know survival skills that will keep one from sitting in the corner and yelling for mommy. I can tell you (I'm hospital worker in the ED), I triage a constant flow of sick "Americans" all night long. The "care" your going to receive in hospitals may not be what youd expect but will be "hospital protocol" so young people need to get off their butts, start moving, get in as best shape & health as possible so they don't need to go there.
Perhaps there should be a post where everyone should add the name of a manual or list a skill or resource necessary for youth/ young adults. There is no time to waste, I started in 2007, but if it weren't for my military experience and my medical expertise, I would dread what is soon coming. I've told all my kids the raw shit that's coming, I don't want them in shock or unprepared, young adults/ people today need to know how bad it could get- so let them know!
Sound advice right there.
I can teach attitude, for want of a better term. I can also teach thinking in more steps than one, which seems to be the norm among the thirty-and-under crowd today. They don't seem to grasp the "and then what?"-mindset at all, the reactions I've experienced are that it is totally alien to them.
As in: if you are on the run in a "the purge"-scenario in winter and decides to wade a river, then what? With no idea of how to handle the cold and the wet clothes, you're dead from hypothermia inside an hour, dep. on details. So maybe wading the rives isn't the best choice? But without the ability to think in multiple steps, you can't even compare alternatives.
It's taken me to this side of 50 to realise how much "common knowledge" (allmänbildning in swedish; it means both 'common knowledge' and 'common wisdom') we and older generations were taught by our elders. Like what berries are edible f.e. Or how to make soup from spruce needles and ants. How to build a camp with a fireplace and a heat-trap. /Where/ to build the camp. How to make saline solution to clean wounds.
So, so much they need to learn in such a short time, maybe. Or maybe the ignorance is the switch to make the 15-minute panopticon cities seem like a sweet carrot?
Tell my hubby this every time he urges me to get rid of my non-fiction books and manuals
Excellent additions from you both.
IA home school is actually projects and hobbies.
This is similar to the "Harvard case study" method which started in law school and spread to medicine.
Almost anything works- build a small boat (my favourite), build a computer from parts - I can now swap a hard disc for an SSD after a few tries, cook a few things from scratch, sew something by hand and machine, the possibilities are endless and need not be formalised.
Thanks Ed, and thank you for your service as well. I’m also ex-military but got out after witnessing a cascade of failure in the most basic of leadership skills. The rot in society we now see, the ongoing delusion of multiple gender identities and this festering mind—virus ideology will only lead to division and destruction. It is by design. It is a predictable outcome. The chief weapon is fear, and we see just how many cowards there are anymore.
Thank you for your service. Konstantine Kisin (Substack/Youtube- Triggernometry) is fond of the statement ‘perception is projection’- used to refer to the filter people who are told to hunt for the various -isms use to see the world.
In one viral segment he explained how an old academic study exposed this truth. Women were asked to participate in a trial which evaluated discrimination against facial scars. They had realistic make-up scars applied to their faces and were shown then in a mirror. Most reported massive levels of discrimination.
What they weren’t told was that as they were leaving the room for the interview and told that their make-up was smudged, the scars were actually removed. They were reporting high levels of discrimination against scars which simply weren’t there.
Besides, we already know what causes structural disparities. Raj Chetty’s research on social mobility definitively proves that the main source of structural disparities between the races is the percentage of productive fathers within a community living with their children. The data shows that it’s a more powerful predictor than the quality of education in a neighbourhood, although strong communities with ample fathers is also a powerful predictor of academic performance. Of course, Chetty has had to moderate the findings of his work in recent times, because of the dreaded DEI bureaucracy in academia. A recent study showed that family separation had a greater negative impact on educational outcomes than the death of a parent.
My father was a USAF NCO MP. He worked with dogs and served in Vietnam, including during the Tet Offensive. After serving his minimum to qualify for his pension in later life, he rose to become a Ship’s Captain in the oil business in his second career. Shortly before he died, he had seriously been considering accepting an offer of a job as an air marshal after 9/11- despite having completely bounced back from two bouts of cancer.
Just goes to show that whilst it may be possible to take the patriotism out of the military, it’s impossible to take the patriot out of the man.
My father married an English Schoolteacher and I qualify as a dual national- although I’ve been told in no uncertain terms by several American expat friends not to activate my American citizenship under most circumstances- because of Obama’s crazy and deeply unfair foreign tax regime for Americans. I have a British acquaintance who runs tax planning for American expats. He told me about an American woman who cared for her sick mother in London for over a decade. She had to pay a bucketload of American tax on the property, even though she had paid far more modest inheritance taxes on the UK property under UK tax rules.
Had she met my friend earlier, she could have avoided a large portion of the tax, because under UK law its possible to gift over property to your children, without paying tax. Many parents choose to gift over 49%, because it reduces tax liability without ceding overall control. The tax liability is gradually reduced over a seven year period.
The problem with standard DEI initiatives is they actually cause increase racism, although there are noteworthy exceptions like the system run by Chloe Valdary. This is because as humans we are deeply wired for procedural fairness- it’s even been found in ultra-liberal students at university in Nordic Model countries, in a study which looked at financial reward allocation for students performing Maths tests. They rewarded high performance and punished low performance, not awarding cash incentives in proportion to questions answered correctly.
What they should be running is fast-track systems for talented kids who come from difficult background. Polling shows that most Westerners support systems which give kids from the bottom a fairer chance to compete against their more fortunate peers. This would actually accomplish the goal of diversity- given the 9% vs. 22% relative poverty between Whites and Blacks respectively.
Some companies have found that DEI initiatives actually reduce minority promotions, because it turns out that raised racial awareness actually translates into race essentialism, because many begin to see culture as immutable, rather than the one thing which is actually fairly mutable.
Sorry if I’ve rambled. Too much coffee, again!
Excellent comment Ed.
With due reapect, anyone who stands on a runway in front of a jet plane, or tries to hold on as it takes off, deserves exactly what they get. Its called natural selection.
military leadership let this happen. they didn’t have the courage or wits to speak up in the very beginning.
conservatives everywhere are endlessly complaining about what was done to them.
how were they enfeebled so easily?
is the nature of military command itself such a steamroller for conformity and obedience that it creates a force that will obey any idiocy imposed on it, because that’s what good soldiers do?
I’m torn between enormous respect for those that did go and had the courage to take the risks even when their friends were paying for it around them. On the other hand, I’m glad I still have my legs, cock and balls still attached.
Honesty is a good thing
Thank you. It's dogged me for some time but in the end it is enough to simply admire those who went and leave it be.
Perfect thank you
Thank you for your service, Sir. It is truly shameful what our once proud military has become thanks to the woke monsters 😡
Achilles shrugged.
Goddamnit how'd I miss that obvious title.
Use it on a future post.
Roflmao….that’s clever
Help to have friends going back and forth.
Isn’t that basically the plot of the Iliad.
Brilliant line! Says it perfectly!
I've not read the comments yet, so this most likely will echo many of them.
Excellent, excellent take down of the Woke-Industrial-Complex (WIC) and Globohomo!!
I'm sure many of us (Vets) appreciate your conviction of the criminal regimes, that have cajoled millions of fathers, brothers and sons, into a war and then graves or broken existences, with calls to arms "for the homeland and all she stands for". As MG Smedley Butler warned, it never is or was about that.
What I've found in the conversations with fellow Vets, is that it's not just the bubbas that have been taking societal HEIAP rounds (for decades), but men in general. Yes, women have filled combat roles and been in the shit, but the vast majority of those who caught bullets, cleared alleys and dirt houses, flew through AAA to a target or CAS call, or fought their way out of kill zones were men, always have been and by the looks of the latest recruiting bait, from the regime - they know, men will always be those ardent, stalwart and trusty war fighters.
But men, as you pointed out so very well, have also been the easy fodder and whipping boys for that same regime and the perverted, radicalized woke citizenry, that is increasingly filling the "homeland".
The truth is, as we older Vets look around, it's hard to see what we would fight to protect, today.
Would I slide down a fast rope into a hornets nest, so that a 250lb sexual deviant/pervert pedophile has the right to conduct drag queen story hour for my kids at the local or school library? Am I packing for deployment number 6 and signing the papers for divorce number two, to protect the rights and freedoms of those mostly peaceful protesters, setting my cities on fire and looting stores to the point that companies are pulling out those cities?
Maybe I dutifully followed orders and held that hill at all costs, with a handful of my buddies, knowing we'd be overrun, so that a guy can walk naked around a filled girls locker room, with a semi erect penis, minutes after he beat them in a girls swim meet.
Am I being lowered into the ground so that MILLIONS of invaders could cross the Homeland borders and have the same rights, freedoms and privilege's of that homeland's legal citizen's, while many of them are the same enemy I fought against, that hate my country and are plotting against it?
One of the legacy reasons (there are many) we men have always taken up arms, was to defend our territory. The importance of that territory was two fold 1) it was where our resources either came from or were stored (crops, hunting grounds, store houses) and 2) it was where our way of life was (a collective and homogenous society). That was what "Protecting the homeland and all she represents" was about. That has been perverted and twisted, and now the Homeland we protect is the financial holdings and power seats of the plutocrats and what that new homeland represents is greed, corruption, manipulation, perversion and tyranny. Note, this is nothing new, as you know, but at least in the past, they gave us a thin veneer of patriotic gratitude, that we could lie to ourselves with.
Of course they will get their beloved messenger hacks (the likes of hannity and others) to wave the constitution in front of us (metaphorically our Patroclus) and say "if no one is willing to defend this, then our country is lost and the past sacrifices were for not" all while sitting in a warm comfortable, safe studio, sipping starbucks and spewing false unearned bravado. They will try and stir that deeply ingrained, toxically masculine instinct to protect and preserve - at all costs. My hope is, that the orchestrated, shameful and insincere flag waving will fall on deaf and wise ears.
Men have to understand that Briseis (metaphorically the homeland) has changed. She has now cut off her breasts, started hormones and grown a beard, and now may have a penis. She has willingly handed the children over to Moloch to be groomed, corrupted, perverted, demoralized and mutilated. She has also willingly embraced the venom of radical, fecal, troglodytes like those on the View - and their ilk - who teach that men, are indeed the enemy of all humanity and must be hated...and yes in particular white men, but truth be told, they hate us all and color gets you no credits - when you tell the hoards of succubus's that they are bat shit crazy.
So I echo your sentiment and challenge to the WIC, "by all means go to war and go hard, your beta males, soy boys, testosterone fueled men-women and men in heels/woman faces will surely be what turns the tides, in all those push button battles yet to come. The Woke Divisions will sweep across the lands and leave in their victorious wake, fields of social justice, equity and global climate governance - all for the greater good."
While you're doing that, we will be teaching and preparing our sons, daughters and like minded friends, families and neighbors on how to protect THEIR Homeland and all that it stands for. That homeland, is most certainly not, what the WIC and Globalists are formulating, implementing and selling to the masses.
Vets you know this already, but teach it to your kids:
"It's easy to squander away vast amounts of treasure and lives - when they are someone else's and you never have to bear the costs"
Thanks again for this post and the chance to sound off.
Desert Storm Vet.
Excellent rant. Absolutely fantastic.
Thank you John.
I have a well worn soap box, that I keep at arm's reach.
BTW, I made a few typo and syntax corrections., but the content is still same.
Correct away!
Well worn it may be, but you keep it in good repair.
No harm in that. The substance was too good.
Crushed that bro. I couldn’t have expressed my own experience and opinion nearly as well. I was a young infantryman in Desert Storm. Full of all those things I thought we were fighting for. Turned 40 in Afghanistan almost 20 years later, feeling mostly like you stated. We need to just police ourselves now and prepare for the inevitable breakdown, whatever the degree of pain that comes with it. Subscribed and looking forward to more of your thoughts.
-Retired CW3
Thanks Chief!!
It dawned on me back then, that none of the bureaucrats and politicians who sent us into those wars - were remotely interested or willing to lace up a pair of boots, shoulder a rucksack and help cash the checks, they were writing on all our backs - and then racking in the profits of their MIC investments.
MG Smedley Butler was also an eye opener for me, but long after I had left the ranks.
It probably would have fallen on deaf ears, as I was a 20 year old guy, drenched in hollywierd propaganda and ready to prove myself in the crucible. All that was needed was an excuse, real or invented.
Thanks for the subscription, what I write isn't ground breaking or deep, just my own version of common sense.
In Britain the RAF recently stopped promoting white men as it was fouling the race numbers. It is no doubt rampant elsewhere but no-one has the balls to stop it. Embarrassingly it was a woman who resigned over the above, not a man. Pathetic. We can’t man our Armed Forces either in part because the fat, weak youth don’t want a nasty man to say hurty things and the competent, eager youth don’t want to sit about being given diversity lectures in tired, leaking old buildings with any ops to go on. Worst of both worlds.
Vets turning their backs on GAE and globohomo has been the biggest white pill of the last couple years. It is so good to hear that, in spite of fears to the contrary, you guys are not willing to take up arms for them against the rest of us.
This old 11B2P from Vietnam says, “Bravo. Well said.” My (ex) Marine buddy and I agree that the next major terrorist attack is probably going to be in USA and will result in sharply curtailed constitutional rights and probable martial law. I am bailing on Calif and hunkering down in Montana as I don’t see this ending well. See Chris Bray’s blog today for the obverse of this crappy homeland coin.
You hit the nail on the head. The open borders policy, was not an accident. Operation Paper Clip 2.0 - and they don't need to smuggle the insurgents in now, just wave them through, as you hand them their UBI debit card, plane ticket, map and cell phone.
I have been searching for a non-southern state to bugout to, but they are drying up. It will be imperative to be somewhere, that the legislature is on your side, for as long as possible. I always tell friends, that I want to live in a city or state, where the AG or prosecutors, won't come after me for making midnight 12G sausage out of a home invader.
I don't think people have allowed the enormity of what is happening to Trump sink in yet. They are being given a clear picture of what a weaponized justice system looks like and fail to understand, it will come for them next. The common man that has no treasure or lives paycheck to paycheck, is going to jail and there's no one who will come rescue them.
Welcome friend (I'm in MT). You should move ASAP do not wait longer than absolutely necessary. My intel sources have told me 2025 is going to be BAD. Do whatever you can to get out of the state or at least the city. Find a spot & start getting self sufficient, sadly most Calif. Newcomers aren't welcomed well here, BUT all military are (wait....not woke dipshits)....you will be welcomed to the fold. Don't hesitate, it's the right direction.
Please note: I apologize if I sounded like a total dink, I wrote that a bit late and directed towards Dr who, but. All like minded useful, active, self sufficient and willing are welcome (not only military/ vets)...didnt mean to sound like a prick.
Joziek: I appreciate your response and had to wait to reply adequately. We are both on the same page. Two years ago my wife and I bought a 10 acre place up in the northwest corner of Montana near Olney (between Whitefish and Eureka) and we have been (hardening - Ahem, I mean) upgrading since; our solar is close to operational and a 2nd cabin will be finished this summer. I got out of the Army in Dec of 1969, became an ER doc (!) and retired a few years ago. Since I am way to old to hump a ruck or enjoy cold MREs, I am stocking the basics of a primitive med clinic and austere urgent care facility if the SHTF. We immediately got Montana licenses and car plates and now rarely have to duck beer cans or smile at the finger! In line with the old Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times," I agree with you and expect the next 2+ years to chock full of interesting. Thanks for writing.
Substack needs more than a like button. EXCELLENT post, puts all this bs into perspective- the answer must be no, it's not worth putting g my life on the line for any of this
Coming here and reading your (and others) comments is like wandering around a foreign land and running into your best friend. The world and particularly our part of the world is increasingly becoming foreign/alien (pun intended) and it is so damn nice and welcoming to hear sentiments I also share, believe and know. Thanks.
I agree, this from an older woman in Ireland. It’s bad here, like invasion of the body snatchers, I think maybe I’m mad, then I find something like this. The only thing I would add is teaching history and maybe linguistics, not the BS from school, so that the game play can be recognised and the curtain at the back of the movies theatre becomes visible. God bless all you great men.
Glad you are finding that you are not alone or the only one who still see things through common sense, moral and responsible lenses.
For all it's hick-ups and faults, it is the strength of Substack and other platforms like it.
Know and understand your enemy, know the battlefield your fighting on and go out and get allies and re-enforcements.
The Dots have spoken. Well.
Much appreciated BC!!
💯 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks Brent.
Much appreciated. I'll check out the post!
The fight is with Washington and Wall Street, not Russia, China or the Middle East.
And the tentacles that extend from that slimy pulsating body into every institution of western democracy
Yes sir, been very (can’t think of word lol) with the right. Dumbass leftists have actually become unwitting allies. Was hoping the rank and file conservatives would see past the BS. Unfortunately even those sites we consider alternative media have been delivering their sly message. Nothing gets done until that media is running scared….Nothing!!
It can be with both. A two front war is nasty.
If you think Russia is an existential threat with some secret communist agenda you’re ngmi
I just looked it up: not gonna make it
John, please consider changing your format to black text on a white background. Much easier to read than white lettering on a brown background. I do the color reversal but it's not perfect.
This essay was absolute fire on so many levels. Our worst and most dangerous (to us) enemies are not in Russia or the Middle East (well, unless you count our so-called "most important ally" -- and with an ally like that, who needs enemies?), but the Neo-Con-Artist cabal controlling the financial and political and cultural institutions of the GAE, who have manipulated us into disastrous wars and foreign policies (all to fight as their proxy in their tribal blood feud with Russians and Arabs) and deadly immigration policy (to buttress their political control over their American Golem), all while parasitizing us to death via their bankster financial schemes. Now the Muslims (whom they imported to dilute the political power of the heritage Americans) are trying to fight them for control of the American Golem. If America was a healthy country, we would deport all the Hamas supporters and deport all the dual citizens of Israel, and let them settle their ethnic squabbles over there. Neither Israel nor Palestine is worth a single American life or a single American dollar. But America is deathly ill and dead broke (thanks to the Neo-Con-Artists and their bankster friends), so that's all the more reason for heritage Americans to sit this one out, since we have nothing to gain from either side's victory. Best case scenario for us: the folks on both sides of that conflict (who hate us to death) fight their own war and destroy each other.
I've been deeply amused by the leftist infighting this whole thing has caused, while at the same time Israel's PR has failed spectacularly. And all we had to do was nothing.
Exactly. They dug this pit, and now they've fallen into it themselves. Which tells me that continuing to stay out of the way while our sworn enemies destroy each other is probably the best policy going forward.
Taoist warfare.
The pit was dug in very large part by the US itself. The US has supported Arab nationalists, Islamic fundamentalists, Palestinian irredentists and Zionists...mostly simultaneously. The Biden Administration's overtures to Iran emboldened Hamas and Qatar, while the US has been supporting a miniature Colour Revolution within Israel against Netanyahu. Incidentally, Obama's college room-mate led the negotiations with Iran but has now lost his security clearance over concerns about his reliability. Whatever the US is doing, it has no intention of staying out of the way. All indications are that the US is getting more deeply involved than ever before.
The right hand of the empire does not know what the left hand is doing. The unwieldy monster is at war with itself, and always immediately undermines and contradicts its own foreign policy.
Definitely. This was clear in Syria where the US Army backed some rebels, the CIA their rivals. The competing groups within the regime also evade the accountability needed for democracy and civilian control. The incoherence gets deadly when Moscow and Beijing become confused about who is really in charge in Washington. Nuclear armed countries need to be serious...Clown World shit is literal death-wish.
I don't think either the Russians or the Chinese are confused anymore. They understand that no one is control, which makes the US extremely dangerous, and extremely difficult to deal with. "Non-agreement capable", as the Kremlin puts it.
In other words, not so much a rational opponent, as a maddened rampaging beast that must be put down.
America's enthusiastic involvement in the Middle East from WW2 (when FDR signed a secret agreement with Ibn Sa'ud) until today was driven by the aim of displacing rivals (first the UK, later the USSR), controlling global hydrocarbon markets (thereby fortifying the global hegemony of the US) and, from 1973, enforcing compliance with the petrodollar arrangements that effectively finance about 80% of all American consumption today. Without the petrodollar very large proportions of the US would have a standard of living on par with Mexico or lower.
The relative economic decline of the US began in the 60s, long before the financialisation of the economy in the 80s, largely because major manufacturing industries started to reduce the rate of investment in new plant and equipment at precisely the same time that Germany and Japan returned to positions of global economic strength. Both Germany and Japan have since been sabotaged/weakened by Washington.
There are no best case scenarios for the US, no good options, certainly no easy ones. Withdrawal from the Middle East ensures Eurasian economic integration under Chinese leadership (a nightmare for Washington). Remaining in the region exposes the US to the risk of being drawn once more into local squabbles. The best thing is for the US to rely on its naval presence in the Eastern Med and the Indian Ocean but leaving local allies to themselves.
NB I fully agree that no heritage American should enlist to fight for the GAE, but we need to be honest about the history and the issues. The rw is fast dissolving into collective self-pity and fatuous mythologising.
Imperialism doesn't much faze me. It's the lying that drives me mad. That and the hostile stance the West has adopted to its own populace.
An empire that admitted it was an empire, and was forthrightly organized in the interests of its core peoples, would not be such a bad thing.
With you 100%. Late imperial Britain was in many respects astonishingly progressive...much greater educational opportunities for talented lower middle class and working class whites than anything in the Anglosphere today. My maternal grandfather was born into a family of skilled tradesmen in northern England. He received a first class education in maths/physics, went on to study physics at uni then switched to medicine. Thatcher gutted the selective grammar schools destroying upward social mobility for smart working class kids.
The hostile attitude towards the populace is all about prioritising class loyalties with allied oligarchies in other countries and their core constituencies in the PMC at the expense of their own people. The partnership between Western elites and their 3rd World peers is truly sinister. It is a transnational alliance for the purpose of class warfare.
My family profited handsomely from the opportunities the Empire offered, as well.
These days, the transnational elite has become its own tribe, meaning they are no longer our elite, meaning they are owed no trust or allegiance. Without organic bonds, they have nothing but fear and bribery to fall back on. Historically an unstable strategy.
Extremities of speciation has severed bonds that were/are essential for social cohesion and trust. The Achilles heel of the elite is that they now have to rely on allies from the Global South and the Western BIPOCs.
They've traded organic loyalty for the purchased variety, and they can't go back.
Wait, so you're saying the lost decades of Japan are the direct result of US sabotage? Ahh, that makes so much sense. This is why it pays to go back and re-read classics, you pick up things you missed the first time.
Check out the Plaza Accord of 1985 which depreciated the US dollar relative to the yen. The US thereby cut Japan down to size.
Previously the US screwed the UK over with the post-WW2 agreement to fix sterling at a value that made British exports uncompetitive.
Yes but no Heritage American should be sitting idle, start in the home and work a radius outward, contributing towards betterment of those around you who may be directly relied upon to act in accordance with your shared goals, efforts and values- whose objectives and responses you then won't have to question . Know your own strength & weaknesses as well as your neighbors, help to better & buffer those weak areas. There will be good folks who didnt prepare mentally or physically who deserve help and want to participate but dont know how. If you are still learning or trying to get a handle on things, then you can't help those people. The people around you will be "friend or foe" ; the big world out there is no longer something to be consumed by & vested in- now is the time for your world to shrink to a local microcosm that once networked, integrates & grows. Yes use any media or "news" as simply a reference- a barometer of how far society has degraded...ie a barometer of general stupidity. Your job isn't to involve yourself with anything that doesn t directly impact you, your family, or your direct microcosm, unless you are all set there. But that is a waste of time & energy. [In my opinion]
As a GWOT vet and a lifelong patriot, this strikes the bone. Best post I've read regarding these societal issues
Stay tuned Bill! Lots of relevant social essays round these parts. You’ll find a lot of like-minded brainiacs covering such issues, many of which lurk about the comments section.
Wow. An astonishingly brutal assault of truthful right hooks upon the flabby face of our cretinocracy. Kudos, JC. An honest but painful message, painfully delivered.
Excellent post, John. I might run with this in a post of my own that focuses on "diversity." Any White male that signs up after reading this article is putting himself in the cross hairs of the GAE desire to rid itself of as many White males as possible. They will be sent into the most dangerous battles, and those in power in DC will celebrate the culling of as many of them as possible.
They couldn't make their intentions clearer if they tried.
I feel that this commercial could do with one of those rapid-fire warnings at the end.
"WARNING: joining the military and fighting wars for your government may result in permanent disability, mental collapse or death. That suits us just fine because we'd rather you never came back from wherever it is we're planning to send you. Future heroic performance is no guarantee that you'll get a decent job or place to live if you do return. All promises of desisting from policies of racial vengeance are to be regarded as temporary at best."
This would also be appropriate for a Community Note.
Well they put those in cigarrettes, why not on military adds ?
The US neglected the ethnic base of the state (white men) because production was outsourced to the Third World and the finance needed to fund government was sourced from the bond market which hoovers up the cash reserves of US trading partners and client-states. The people of the heartland became surplus to the requirement of the regime.
Now that global supply chains are under pressure the strategies of the post-Cold War are unsustainable. So the GAE turns its gaze back home.
Diversifying the military (and weakening it) was necessary for a regime whose client base is disproportionally BIPOC and female. The regime fears a white military, just as it fears non-elite whites.
Arab states made a similar calculation: deliberately weakening their militaries in order to prevent them from challenging state power. It's effective right up until you need to use the military, at which point the obvious hazards of this strategy become rapidly apparent.
It is a perfectly sound trade-off under many circumstances. If the regime can coast globally it can avoid the class concessions necessary to retain traditional forms of family formation and completed fertility. An expendable working class can be replaced easily enough by immigrants who go on to form pliable regime constituencies.
The planetary character of the empire (which was aggressively anti-colonial) also fit very well with the domestic agenda of the New Deal (civil rights) and its successors. The trouble is that the regime (being liberal or neo-liberal) could not acknowledge the realities of HBD.
Biden overplayed his hand in Philadelphia when he acknowledged that the organisation of enmity was integral to governance at home and abroad. He said the quiet bit out loud. Also his outrageous behaviour at the funeral for the marines who fell as the US fled Kabul. Looking at his watch every few minutes. Insanely provocative but very revealing.
Such hubris only works so long as the domestic enemy remains more of a threat than the foreign enemy. They thought they'd tamed the frontier, and so focused their efforts on controlling the interior. In the process they alienated and weakened the domestic population, which is now neither willing nor able to contend with the barbarians. While the barbarians, for their part, are not nearly as tame as they were a generation ago.
As always, hubris calls nemesis.
We will see. The tragic perspective is attractive but can be as misleading as any moral fable.
The regime may well secure support from rival states (including assumed or declared enemies) who will partner with Washington as it manages its decline. The regime is very happy to rule over a diminished empire, so long as it gets to rule.
So far the regime remains in place. Its internal enemies are atomised and demoralised to a point that surpasses anything the world has ever seen. in many ways I am impressed by the success of the regime...it is a perverse demonstration of effective evolution. Apologies for sounding like Burke in ALIENS who wanted the xenomorph for the company's bioweapons division.
Well, I certainly won't try to predict the future. What time is it? The fall of the republic? The fall of the empire? Hard to say; history only ever rhymes.
And one does not want to fall prey to wishful thinking, that the regime will die because one wants it to die.
My operative assumption is that the regime may well die but if it does it will leave a legacy that ensures that the successor regime incorporates key aspects of the old order, including the retention of as much of the current elite as it can.
I also assume that the preferred end of the current regime is something like an ethnically diverse or inclusive form of fascism (the union of state and private power). This suits a vast range of interested constituencies. A post-democratic form of authoritarian crony capitalism with an agenda of racial redistribution could partner up with oligarchies around the globe. This appears to be the Obama/Biden agenda.
I think we’re far past the fall of the republic. We keep sitting around waiting for a Brutus moment as some sort of guide post when really the republic fell after Federal power was vindicated in the aftermath of the civil war. We are in late imperial decay more reminiscent of the mid 3rd century (if we’re lucky).
The history of the Soviet Union teaches us that once an empire begins to retreat, it is very hard to stop.
Yes you are right. History will show it many times. Rome did not fall because of civil war (as the US did not in 1860s either) but at times due to their weakness fall to invasions. The German tribes or even the Huns would not have able to take on Rome during Julius Caesar or Augustus but needed to wait for Rome to become weak.
Even the Bronze Age kingdoms collapse due to outsiders. Warfare in the Bronze Age was only for the elite in Chariots, most kingdoms could not adopted the changing military technology and tactics of the iron age of the sea people. Also trade become more important in the Bronze Age different kingdom started to only produce things that they could specialize in, which meant when one civilization or kingdom fell shock in the supplies were major causing massive economic depression
This essay hit me hard because its says everything we are thinking at this time. All average white Midwesterners ( fly overs ) we love our country. Myself , my father , 2 of my brothers and 1 sister all proudly served in the U.S. armed forces. Mostly because our father who fought in the South Pacific in WW2 ...but he did not encourage any of us to join , we just did because we felt it right to serve our great country. Now , all of us have many children and NONE of them are going to voluntarily join THIS military and fight for THIS current regime. No way.
It's brutal. Trust takes a long time to establish. Destroying it takes moments. Our leaders have left a wasteland of wreckage in their wake, and even now they're too childish to realize what they've destroyed.
The Australian Federal Government is POURING Replacement Demographics refos into our country at an UNPRECEDENTED RATE. Right now, THIRTY PERCENT of Australian "citizens" spoke another language, worshipped other Gods, at birth. They DO NOT KNOW, LOVE, nor have loyalty to our Land. The Arabs, the Lebos, the Indians, the Chinese, they HATE OUR FKN GUTS & have penetrated every local council, corrupted every political process across the nation. We are run like a Mafia in Australia now. The Booboeoise go "BAAAA AAAA".
There is not a single Western, and especially not a single anglo, country that has escaped this.
It is quite remarkable how thorough it has been, one would expect some exception somewhere by sheer chance alone but no. Literal Soviet satrapies turned out to have been much less deleterious for their peoples.
All according to KM plan.
A religious belief system that suggests superiority means entitlement to whatever goods exist-- without a strong work ethic, which is only for inferior peoples who serve -- means one is morally entitled to take and exploit.
These are broad terms that applied to conquering empires of the past but can be seen reflected in the observable rage and resentment of some today.
Go to alor.org
Which is Australian League of Rights. The video and PDF libraries will enlighten you about how our nation (Oz) has been destroyed
If you like books the Vertas book section is worth checking out
Cheers 👍
An addition to this fine essay is that the Dept of HS and FBI, etc have for years now designated whites ('white supremacy' and MAGA peeps overall) as the greatest domestic threat to 'The Great Satan'. Biden's puppet masters have continued to double down on this over the last couple years. They have not only alienated those that used to serve and fight as you describe, but have openly designated them as the enemy of the US. So figure they have to re-find another top, designated enemy and you can throw in a false flag FBI induced Muslim terror attack in the US and subsequent re-demonization of Muslims and restart of the War of Terror messaging as another prompt to try to induce whites to join and fight. Also, figure we are in the very early stages of that messaging in the US in relation to Israel's false flag of 7 Oct and 'final solution' genocide of the Palestinians with recent FBI and DHS warnings and the predictable blow back and coming confrontation with the whole Muslim world and Global South.
Finally, it is 'interesting' how all this mixed messaging and flip flopping over the years has and will continue to slowly but surely degrade any kind of unity or common cause, belief, and purpose to motivate the US as a whole to do what the elites want. They have lied so much and propagandized so much that they have splintered the US people along so many different lines to the point where the US system and society is a terminal by suicide, being induced by psychopathic administrators and doctors (TPTB), who are controlled by hyperdimensional 'aliens', psychotic break schizophrenic also displaying full blow multiple personality disorder... and then you have so many dropping out of this category who have fallen out of trusting anything the US Gov and TPTB say in terms of going down the 'rabbit whole' of conspiracy truth and are the mentally sane. It is like a death of thousand self-inflicted cuts to the US and the only healthy and able people left at the end will be the unvaxxed, prepper, conspiracy truthers...
This is one Hell of a good rant..... but I'm a pessimist about where all this leads. The number of full-of-shit people in the West (thanks to decades of its 'higher education' sheep dip) now runs in the tens of millions. How does Western civilisation recover from its consequent age of self-absorption and hyperbolic liberalism? It doesn't. Liberal individualism was great for most of its three-century-long trajectory. But it always carried the seeds of its own demise .....and now its day is done. All civilisations eventually fail; this is how ours does.
Not everyone will survive this - nor is meant to. https://mises.org/library/isaiahs-job
An optimist is someone who buys a fire-alarm.
A pessimist is someone who buys a fire-alarm and fire-extinguishers too.
And an economist is someone who does neither, since alarms and extinguishers are an unnecessary expenditure unless there's a fire going on.
Excellent critique, Mr. Carter. A couple of additional points unless I missed them as I skimmed this fairly quickly A lot of blacks in addition to whites got sucked into past wars as well from the Civil War on. Mostly because they wouldn't be hired or couldn't get into higher learning. They were thus lured by so-called employment in the military and the promise of a so-called education and medical care.
The GI bill, I'm not sure how that one worked out for most, but they got their VA health benefits to help treat all the chemicals , radiation, and PTSD they were exposed to by going to war!!
Also. today, people say the millenials don't want to fight and that they back some of the wokeness that has caused many of the problems in this country as well. But let's be honest. They can't get jobs, they have to live at home with mom and dad because of inflation. They were sold a crock of shit about how taking out student loans and going in debt to the system would get them a job and a decent living: so really, what have they got to fight for? Freedom? Where? For some other country? Certainly not here as more and more of our freedoms are lost every day.
Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
Indeed, they have nothing to fight for; that was one of the points I was making.
As to blacks, they've done their bit, but the casualty numbers are unambiguous: whites are disproportionately represented in deaths due to their dominance in combat arms.
As a former 0311 and 19th Group SF guy this article is exactly what I believe and have concluded.
What's 0311?
Marine infantry.
Gotcha. That's pretty badass. Given you're former SF I assume you were in for a while?
21 years. left after afghanistan in 2003. Disgusted. Disillusioned. I knew Smedley Butler was right and I still did it because I had some residual belief. But that went away.
You figured it out fast. Most came to this realization long after 2003.
Thank-you for doing what you thought was right for your country.
YUUT! (Happy Belated B-day).
I was a 7565... and then 4402 (whomp-whomp), but it took me until '06 when I left Afghanistan to realize I should have ignored Smedley's medals and read his book. They don't talk a lot about that part in "History, Customs, and Tradition" classes.
S/F Brother Wilson.
Great reply. Thanks, Brother.