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Does coincidences exist? Today Caelano published a post on the Septuaginta (https://librarianofcelaeno.substack.com/p/on-the-septuagint) with many interesting insights - that according my old notes surprisingly I studied at "high school" but never collegate.

1. the Evangelists knew the greek Septuaginta, not the hebrew Pentateuch (e.g. parthenos instead of "young woman" https://academic.oup.com/book/6258/chapter-abstract/149903383?redirectedFrom=fulltext&login=false or https://tyndalehouse.com/explore/articles/did-jesus-speak-greek/);

2. Constantine's Bible is Origen's Hexapla, again a Greek compilation from an Alexandrine greek (not Jew).

Imvho those are new clues that Christianity is a Greek-latin cult developed for the Levantine demography: do you know Caelano personally?

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I know the Librarian quite well, yes; he's an excellent writer, a very smart guy, and a friend of the blog. Haven't had a chance to read his article on the Septuagint yet, though I did see it posted.

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