Bravo, John! The part about Space X and White males is why DEI must be utterly obliterated from the government and all corporations! No trace of it must be left standing. The systemic discrimination against White males doesn't just hurt careers, it also has increased the White male suicide rate. DEI must be utterly destroyed at every level, in every place it exists inside the borders of this country.

Musk has recently backtracked a bit, but Trump still bears watching and we must be ready to hammer him if he fails to do an overhaul of the H-1B system. See my post here:


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DEI must be destroyed root and fucking branch. Everyone involved in pushing it must be purged and permanently banned from any position of responsibility.

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Damn right. Trump says he's going to do it, and he better succeed or he'll suffer the consequences in 2026. Any hesitation or weakness on his part will likely result in the Democrats taking the House again in 2026 if enough White male voters stay home, and then it's Impeachment 3.0. He'll spend the last two years of his presidency miserable as the Democrats persecute him again.

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not just DEI, but all "affirmative action"

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Yep. Root and branch.

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The only way that happens is via billions and billions of dollars in fines/ settlements, encouraged by full use of qui tam mechanisms (they reward whistleblowers with a cut of the settlement). Add strong compliance agreements, where compliance is necessary to avert even higher fines.

If you want HR to be appropriately winnowed, make them toxically expensive to megacorps, with the threat of more to come if one of their fanatics so much as tweets racial or legal incitement.

The proceeds can easily fund ALL of those job-training programs you wanted.

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I like to call Vivek, Grima Wormtongue. I interviewed for him once at Strive and I didn't get the job because I couldn't figure out his monetization strategy and kept asking questions and just not getting it.

Only later did I realize it was smoke. Such is the curse of ASD- always asking "is it me?" And then being blessed by "oh thank Gandalf, it ISN'T me".

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Not getting hired by Ramascammy because you kept asking awkward questions is a badge of honour.

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I haven't finished the article yet, but I want to point out that those salary numbers cited as market rate - $93,000 for a computer programmer for example - are the same or lower than what those positions were paid decades ago. Factor in inflation, and the market rate today should be multiples of that, well over $200k. The fact that it isn't is entirely due to the H1B program and outsourcing.

I recall people like Mark Levin shouting, "I'm not against immigration! I want MORE immigration! I just want them to come here LEGALLY!" This wage depression is a direct result of that attitude.

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This is an extremely important point. Market rates have themselves been depressed by indentured foreign labor.

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This is basic supply and demand, and anyone arguing against it is either ignorant or lying.

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BTW, immigrants also buy stuff.

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So do welfare recipients, but that doesn't make them an economic positive.

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The problem with welfare recipients is that they consume without producing.

The alleged complaint about the H1Bs is that they produce without consuming.

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What an absurd strawman. The complaint about H1Bs is that they displace superior local labor with inferior, but cheaper and indentured, foreign labor, while simultaneously changing the demographics of the country against the wishes of its inhabitants.

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But what money are they producing with? Who pays them? If native is replaced by an H1B, the same corporation pay. There is no net gain. The native must now find another job or get supported by the government. You are changing employees, not productive tasks, it's just that the corporation gets to keep more profit. If these positions really can't be filled by natives, then HB1s can add to the economic pie.

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We shouldn’t cede the merit/economic argument.

1) Indians only hire other Indians, they do not give a fuck about merit

2) economic growth comes from non conformity, risk taking, and entrepreneurialism. Silicon Valley was build by dropouts and wierdoes. You know the opposite of Asian cram school culture.

3) I did not know about Vivek much until today but turns out he’s a pump and dump scammer not a builder

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Great comment

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In all new, growing industrial sectors, wages start out high. New companies need the talent to survive and grow. However, once an industry becomes established, labor in that industry becomes commoditized. In the early 1900s Ford attracted skilled labor with high wages, but as time went on, these workers were forced to fight for wage increases, and within a century they got outsourced. The same thing is happening today in IT, but at a much faster rate. It's much easier for companies to get cheaper labor than innovate. Most large corporations suck at innovation.

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"Levin" you say. Can't say I'm surprised.

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It's more that he's a boomercon. You'll hear the same sentiment from all of the "conservative" talk radio hosts.

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It used to be that $93K was a good bit of salary in my area, back when I started in the field. Generally speaking, salaries have not kept up with real inflation if those numbers being widely cited are accurate.

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Musk quietly conceded Saturday.

H1B salaries should be raised to same as USA scale, and the H1B program is full of abuses.

= no H1B is economical if paid on American scale.

As for abuses, Musk is in a position to greatly influence “reform.”

Let us welcome him back.

Musk got us into Space, will get us to Mars, bought Twitter which stopped the nuclear war train, led the other tech bros to Trump, won PA for Trump and got him over the top. He made an honest mistake, and he is honest- too honest perhaps.

Vivek lol … he unintentionally did us a favor, H1-Boil lanced.

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Total victory.

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In the heat of the argument, Vivek let the mask slip.

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Even if it's raised to pay on American scale, you don't see the foreign companies like Cognizant/Tata gaming the system in some other way to worm their people into tech roles?

I'm not resting until the program changes, we have to continue holding Elon/Trump Admin's feet to the fire on this

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Total Immigration Moratorium.

Of several decades.

And Cognizant and the entire 🇮🇳 nation worm their people in as dishwashers, clerks, mechanics, anchor babies, liquor stores, if there’s a scam their on it hard.

Who do you think washes local drug dealers money? The local cash business, which is who?

You’re preaching to the Choir, of 🇺🇸 Ur -hukai. Lol.

I’d put heads on the border fence and at the airport.

Ask me anything!

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We have done the moratorium before. Basically from the mid 1920s to the mid 1960s. Gave the country the time to absorb the massive Ellis Island wave.

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Yep. Time for another.

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1945 - 1965, the era of growth, prosperity, and single income families. We accounted for around 50% of global GDP and didn't need additional foreign workers (except for Verner von Braun and the other Nazi rocket scientists).

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It helped that much of the industrial might of the world was bombed/shelled into rubble.

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That's true, but because of that you would think that many Europeans would want to immigrate to the US. I only know that the top engineers and scientists were invited.

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And if memory serves me Founding until 1820s

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Plus we ran all the Tories off to Canada.

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Agreed. For right now I just want a short term victory of shutting down those firms. Their insiduoisness is extremely obvious and most people, once aware, would want it shut down.

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> and the entire 🇮🇳 nation worm their people in as dishwashers, clerks, mechanics, anchor babies, liquor stores

Then their spawn get pushed to the front of all lines for scholarships, education, training, admissions, etc., via AA regimes.

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> Total Immigration Moratorium.

> Of several decades.

And this is why the woke right is it's own worst enemy.

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Immigration has been shut down for comparable periods before.

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The Antagonists in this matter are the dumbest people you will ever meet. I’m not kidding. As they are morally imbeciles feel no pity.

(I don’t mean Musk or Tech CEO).

The Protagonist an intuitive genius who having experience knew what to do, and put the imbeciles natural smash and grab and dindu hindu nuffin at a desk and behold let them be them.

He says nothing.

People wanted him to be quiet?

Well, he is…

NOW it’s VITAL to understand at its essence H1B ISN’T about money. Immigration is THE GOVERNMENT of many faces and 3 letter agencies who of course control Finance via The Federal Reserve and so ultimately Capitalism and Finance wanting to replace us, as we 💁🏼‍♂️ are 💩 slaves. We 💁🏼‍♂️ are constantly threatening rebellion-but never doing it- and this is doubly troubling. A manly Rebel in arms is useful, a truculent sullen coward in the test ISN’T. The government wants compliance, failing that at least be a real rebel so they can (hire) a man of use. We talk, arm, are pistol wavers but don’t shoot.

So HR aka the government-because HR is the government functionary you the business pay for-nudges the business to hire in a Compliant way. All the business does is bow. No one in business the last 30 years is under any impression you save money with Indian tech workers.

>> 👳🏾‍♀️ exist to DEGRADE. They 💩 wherever they are and 💁🏼‍♂️ cleans up code, network, etc behind them. 👳🏾‍♀️ Their chief biomass contribution and ecosystem impact is 💩. The old Keynesian proverb about digging a hole 🕳️ to fill it back in made flesh. 👳🏾‍♀️💩.

We 💁🏼‍♂️ chose to be neither Rebel nor Slave, so…yes we deserve it.

Anyone in tech knows a white or at least Non Indian American, or even a smart African (I know one) is going to have to clean up behind the Indian. The Indians are hired via government nudging as stable animals who 💩 in the cubicle and someone cleans it up behind them. That’s the point.

Keynesian stimulus of 👳🏾‍♀️💩🕳️ and 💁🏼‍♂️ 🔧🪛 cleans 🧼 up 👳🏾‍♀️💩.

HOWEVER any degree of compulsion or nudge by the government is Exculpatory for the nudged. Govt was threatened by its sullen citizens, who were bluffing. So they got replacements, who are the ultimate Keynesian Stimulus.

👳🏾‍♀️ they 💩 wherever they are, and 💁🏼‍♂️💩🕳️ cleans up. Serves everyone right for being weak.

Too weak to fight 💁🏼‍♂️ and too craven to even submit. Armed but not shooting. 💁🏼‍♂️


Remember ^ that.


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I've actually come across 1 impressive Indian at my job (born and raised here)...but he is 1 in 10000 lmao

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So? A lot of things were done in the past that basically no one wants a repeat of.

Right now the parts of the right that want Trump to actually be able to accomplish anything during his term are doing damage control by saying that all the talk of a total immigration moratorium and "blood and soil" nationalism was just foreign and/or deep state trolls. In your case they're even correct.

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Legal migration as a severe problem, and the desirability of an immigration moratorium, has been a topic of discussion on the dissident right for many, many years now. The fact that this seems to have blindsided you is remarkable.

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What’s woke Right? Seriously.

I don’t know if that’s pro or anti immigration for example.

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The 'woke right' is just a phrase used by arrivistes to describe the right.

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Wokeness consists the belief that those who have "awakened" can perceive that reality is based on structural oppression, in particular that "they" are oppressing people like me.

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Yes. Tat and Cognizant are ethnic nepotistic enterprises that discriminate against Whites. I've seen them do it to people I care about.

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We need to destroy the recruiting agencies. They are absolute dog shit. They steal half of the wage of the worker in perpetuity and are a way for big tech to say "we give our employees great benefits" leaving out we shit on contractors.

Plus in every case of contracting I've seen they are STILL in violation of ABC employment laws, where they blatantly misclassifying workers; the law states: they must be free from company control, perform work outside the company’s usual business, and run an independently established business. They're usually just folded into existing teams.

The only part they actually hold up is that last bit. For the previously stated reason. If they're actually employees then they should get equity compensation so make them contractors and thus the pay is even lower than it might seem.

Pay has also dropped a ton in the last several years. For example, in my profession, UX Research, a senior UXR was getting 73$/hr two years ago but the rate they are currently offering on average is 45$/ hr. This is in CA where fast food workers get $25/hr and daycare is routinely 30$/hr.

It's also why project management, product management and UX are craptastic. They're often the contractor roles and you need more than six months to really improve a product.

You want to know why google maps ui is getting more retarded? This is why. Also Tesla self driving, my Tesla has tried to murder me in so many ways.

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Yes, eject Viberek Reallysmarmy

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Let him crawl back, in fairness he never heard alternative facts or views until last week.

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Why would he need to hear them to not have those horseshit beliefs he did? Surely he knows better from experience. Truth is he's a scamming grifter who is an apologist for his shitty demographic. He also deeply insulted the native population without context. Fuck him!

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The only thing that matters for restricting h1b is charging a cash fee for each visa. Like $100,000 a year or so would be my floor.

Any system of guessing whether someone is underpaid is gameable. Cash is king.

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No, ban immigration . This isn’t even about money or the tech bros. Lol.

It’s HR bringing in humanoid 💩 factories for us 💁🏼‍♂️ to clean up 🧹 behind. HR of course is GOVERNMENT that a company pays for, paying for the KGB to sit in your personnel office to make degrading policy isn’t about money. It’s like consent decrees, you waive due process to avoid the bankruptcy of due process.

-And $100K is insulting. I don’t have an engineering degree and I make $105K~ cuz I can fix things, BTW.

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We should just let Musk build his rockets. He is too socially unintelligent to get involved in serious governance of humans.

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Immigrant Elon for the win

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America has been first in the world in engineering for a century and remains first...But getting a lecture from Vivek, a pajeet who made his money selling a fraudulent Alzheimers drug,, then selling out before the roof caved in, makes my blood boil..and coming. from a country whose average IQ is 78, and which is just a giant slum...it's insane...Musk, with a billionaire father who reportedly married his daughter, is a good manager who has been coddled by the Tech Bros and subsidized by the Government all the way...Tesla and Space-X have escaped the crippling regulations and DEI requirements that apply to everyone else, and Tesla wouldn't even exist without the huge tax credits given to its custojmers....Our kids scored in the top .1% on the SATs, and had to prove themselves as part time consultants, because corporate doors were slammed in their faces...Some of their friends have been forced to work in other countries...This battle is existential for white and asian Americans, and therefore it's a battle to the death...We voted for NO immigration of any kind, and H1-B is just the worst manifestation of the Establishment's contempt, which they will ultimately find was a huge mistake....

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Vivek should be sitting in jail not running for President or lecturing Whites. If you'd done what he did with a church raffle, you'd be sitting in jail.

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One of Musk's exhortations of 'Elite human capital' was justified on the basis that, with them, 'we win'. But 'win' what? I kind of assume they mean the race with China and Russia for global leadership status (particularly, China). But how does it benefit white America to sacrifice their country, their history, their culture, their children and, ultimately, their lives only to be top of the leader board as a giant Bangladeshi slum.

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Well, precisely. America winning means Americans winning, not Indians.

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I second the thought Elon handled it quite well. The magnanimity of many on our side to give him an exit was also smart.

What this made clear also is Elon is a little addicted to public adulation, and we are more than willing to give him his hit by being reasonable with us.

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Absolutely. It's important to demonstrate that, unlike the opposition, we are actually reasonable people. The most prominent voices on our side generally showed a high degree of maturity. Very encouraging.

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I second this, this is just good politics, something I haven't seen in a decade.

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Dare I suggest it has been, sadly, more than a single decade?

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More, like most of the smart people on the right know just how dependent they are on Elon's good will.

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By the way, lots and lots of Anglos on Twitter/X now raining down a storm of abuse on India and Indians and lots of Indians responding exactly as we wish them to = "Shut up, you f*cking whore. We will f*ck your country." Those Indians are doing God's work.

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They are their own worst enemy.

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Are they their own worst enemies, though? Will there be any come-back on them at all? Most people aren’t on X, have no idea about any of this and wouldn’t know what to do about it (if anything) if they did. I firmly believe that absolutely nothing is going to happen to stop the decline of white civilisation and that white people will be totally overwhelmed by third-world, low IQ, low-trust, dishonest peoples - honest whites are a global minority, after all. And, of course, our so-called leaders are certainly not up to the task of closing or maintaining borders, even if they wanted to. I live in the U.K. and despair over our levels of immigration, both legal and illegal - I would like a halt to all immigration, no matter who, no matter IQ or religion or nationally- absolutely no one at all for many years at least.

As for ‘refugees’ - did British men climb on boats to escape the wars that were inflicted on us by monsters like Churchill? No - there was no where to escape to even if our men wanted to escape, even if they realised what a total scam the first and second world wars were.

I would truly like all the blacks and browns to F off back to their rotten corrupt countries, no matter how long they have lived here in the UK. Many have only been here since the evil Tony Blair lied his way into power in 1997, but even those who came since 1948 should leave - I for one am sick of their violence, their rubbish streets they have turned into third world slums, their welfare scrounging, their first-cousin marriages, the issue of which that has become such a strain on the health service.

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I like how you assume the ultimate backlash will be against the Indians, and not the Anglos visibly provoking them.

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"Make America Great Again!" Has two fundamentally different ( & irreconcilable meanings)

If you're pro the American Empire (i.e. the Big GAE), then as Sir Malcom Kyeyune has noted:

You will view Heritage White Americans as Chattel Slaves who are not 'pulling their weight' around. Think of a Paradox Grand Strategy Game like Stellaris where the 'pops' need to be doing Useful Work... and when they are not, you as the 'Benevolent' Overlord...

... have to purge them.

So it makes sense to Accelerate the Great Replacement in said case, given said ideology, since (for someone with this worldview) these Pops are Losers who don't work 80+ hours for the glory of Big GAE, Empire & the fake & ghey GDP & all of its derivatives.

That, in a nutshell, is what Tech bros & their allies mean when they say 'Make America Great Again' ... for them that 'America' is the GAE.

But there is also a Second America, as Professor Dugin & others have noted.

& this America comprises the Founding Stock (Anglo primarily, with some other admixtures) and their collective & individual well-being, regarding Ethnolinguistic & Socioeconomic markers.

And if you are someone who values these things, & don't just reduce everything to Empire, the GDP, the fake & ghey economy & other drivel...

For you, America means something *DIFFERENT*.

So when you then say 'Make AMERICA Great Again!!!' ... you are not only opposed to the Big GAE drivel of the Tech Bros & frens, but you're also their Mortal Enemy (& they know it).

The kinetic confrontation between these two groups is fast approaching. I do not doubt this will be one of the key fissure points that eventually led to the Second American Civil War.

Sirs Kenaz, Uncouth Barbarian, myself & Sir Cleveland spoke at length about all this over here:


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Can I ask if that is Malcolm Kyeyune, the Swedish Marxist-conservative blogger?

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We need to keep in mind that this debate is long overdue, because Trump never promised to rein in legal immigration. His focus was on the criminals. Desantis was better on the big picture, but he lacked mojo.

I've been saying for months that the right needs to make arguments against mass immigration in general, and those arguments cannot just be culture compatibility issues, as the center will just hear racism.

I've put together a list of other arguments here: https://rulesforreactionaries.substack.com/p/the-h-1b-question

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Exactly so. The dissident right, the extremist core of MAGA shock troops, has been arguing against mass immigration for many years. This is now a mainstream talking point, which is a huge victory in itself.

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One might call it Buchanan and Coulter's revenge.

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'Mass immigration' is still playing into the Immigration Narrative. We need Zero Immigration Forever and Total Repatriation of Non-White Immigrants. Anything else will simply further the goal of demographic dispossession of Whites in North America.

Race-mixing is the only non-negotiable 'value' that liberals of all forms (including 'conservatives' and 'populists') agree on.

So that's the joint that needs to be cut.

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Unless you have Bond Villain capabilities, you position is not viable. You will be as effective as the Libertarian Party -- celebrating over 50 years of failure.

Gotta change the mind of the median voter and then some. Yes, there are people open to your position, but not enough. Need to widen the coalition. That's what my link above is about. And my winning compromise proposal is not far from what Musk backed down to. We can build on that.

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As an American who runs in normie circles, any suggestions what kind of activism can be done to crush firms like Cognizant, Tata and Infosys? They need to be rendered null and void from operating in the U.S.

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What can we do to crush the racketeers running private and public corporations, and even government agencies? File lawsuits under State of Georgia civil RICO. (Fed RICO is much more corporate-corrupted.) In Georgia, a person (including corporation) committing, atempting or conspiring to commit two related instances of any of dozens of offenses, including: fraud, trafficking illegal aliens, or causing economic harm to those who have impaired ability to afford necessities of life, and it becomes a separate felony and tort for that person to have money, property, or control over any enterprise. No charges need be brought for anyone to sue under Georgia civil RICO.

I have studied the statutes in depth, I'm willing to share my research, as I have with the DeKalb Co. Special Victims Unit against trafficker Goodwill of N. Ga. Big civil cases need big funding, though.

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That debate got personal on both ends. Musk got here via H1B. Unemployed techies who aren't quite latest buzzword compliant cannot get a job despite 40 years of experience are even angrier.

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Musk “got here” on a student visa, violated it, then abused H1B to stay. And this was back when H1B abuse was a cottage industry not a multi billion dollar cash cow for big tech in the US and India.

But yes maybe Musk is a little sensitive about how he snuck in.

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He was 17 at the time so H1B seems unlikely.

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Probably lol

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Yep. Exactly.

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Jan 22Edited

Musk also has 3 children with a half-Punjabi woman, and his latest is with a Jewish woman.

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"Gay race communism" is such a wonderful term, isn't it just?

Me, I've just been enjoying the fireworks as techtards try to defend Musk's fully normal opinion on things - normal for a capitalist, futurist and industrialist, that is. To such a one, humans are just statistics on a spread-sheet. Always was, just a Chesterton noted in his famous passage in "The Man Who Was Thursday".

And I do have to say, the overlap of lapsed members of the Cult of St Jobs and the Muskovite Electropriests must surely be 1:1, since the style, the arguments and the positions are identical. All praise the Omnissiah! All heil the God-Machine! Long live the new flesh!


Anyway, it's entertaining and has (sadly, to me) put the rejoicing among American libertarians in the shade. More specifically, their rejoicing over Trump's promises of new and higher taxes (tariffs are taxes, ya'noe) and of his aggressive and hawkish posturing in threatening annexation of other nations' sovereign territory. As I mentioned to Richard in another thread, the phrase "America's legitimate interests" reads like a threat to all others, and this is why.

Trump has managed to lose 100% of any support from European anti-establishment groups in one fell swoop, and if he keeps this up is set to effectively unify most establishment parties inside the EU in not just criticism of him personally (and his chums) but in an anti-American line of discourse altogether.

The USA may rapidly find itself increasingly isolated during the coming four years. But Hubris does have a tendency to wake both Eris and Nemesis.

Back to the blatant racism towards WASP-Americans (i.e. what 99% of people think of when they visualise "American"): employ a person of non-European origin in a position where they have the power to employ and fire people, and watch how they immediately starts employing people from their family, clan and ethnic group.

I can sum-up my migration policy: "No. Out".

And if that isnät clear enough: "Fix bayonets!" .

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I suspect Trump's talk about annexation is mostly a negotiating tactic.

As to Musk, pugilistic as he was, he was actually fairly careful to say that he really is talking about only truly elite talent, and that the system is desperately in need of reform. The really egregious comments were coming from the electropriest peanut gallery.

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The ages-old imperial negotiating tactic, which is the same he's used as a business-man since forever:

"Sell me what I ask for, or else I (make up an excuse to) take it by force"

I bet Saddam Hussein could give lectures in Hell on what trusting American business-clans ultimately yields. Bush in his case, though.

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To be fair, he wouldn't need that much force to take Canada, Greenland, or the Panama Canal (and the Panama canal arguably should be America's anyhow, since America built it).

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We built the AlCan too. I want extra territorial rights

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US control of the canal was relinquished in the 1977 treaty. either a new treaty, giving back control to the US must be made or the US must go back to its treaty. The 1977 treaty can be read in full here:


To the credit of the USA, it much improved the conditions for the workers, resulting in far fewer deaths compared to the French attempt, if the French road-construction is included (ca 5500-6000 vs over 30 000 total).

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Did you listen to the “Adrian Dittmer” audio?

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Nope. Avoided that whole thing. It looks silly.

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It was excruciating. And yes, off the chart silly.

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Good summary. All this is healthy for the incoming administration. Musk created an open debate platform, and was willing to fight in public. He lost, but he is not a pussy. Good to know. This conversation will continue in other formats in the months ahead.

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This is simply the end of the beginning.

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Meanwhile, he has moved on to supporting the AfD.

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'The institutions don’t need to a follow the usual four-year undergraduate degree model. That’s slow, outdated, expensive, and mostly pointless. Just teach the kids the skills they need, as fast as they can learn them, to get them up to the level where they can be minimally useful.'

At one time, *industry* sponsored and paid for 'industrial schools' where workers could be trained to be useful to the industries that sponsored these schools.

This system aligned incentives in the right way versus just dolling out a billion dollars of free service to industries that clearly have no allegiance to the country and people giving them freebies.

American industry at the level Musk is playing at needs to have *zero* access to outside labor resources. None.

And tax monies (debt) should not be used to pay to create assets that industry will then exploit for their own profit.

Industry will complain that this will slow them down (that seems to be Musk's position), but it's their own fault that they took the easy way out. There was never anything preventing them from setting up industrial schools for the purpose of *investing* in a workforce that *they* needed.

Why should *everyone* take on debt so that industry can avoid investing in a national workforce of native people?

I'm tired of pandering to capitalists. If their idea of 'efficiency' is to game the immigration system, break the immigration system to the point it cannot be gamed.

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I think Musk’s actual position literally is that he wants to be able to bring in genuinely top people. He's also been pretty clear that the present system is abusive of American workers and needs reform.

That of course is certainly not true of the majority of tech executives, who have been abusing this system for decades.

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We have the worst of both worlds.

Anyone walking or wading over the southern U.S. border is welcomed.

And we “need” Infinity Indians via H1B.

Yet somehow it’s an ordeal to get a skilled engineer from Europe, or even a guest visa for an African friend.


To add insult to injury, I’ve had occasion to visit Canada recently. Your Canadian border staff are friendly, polite and efficient on the way in.

Their American counterparts are surly and suspicious to me *returning to my own homeland*.

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Yes, it's called Anarcho-Tyranny.

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It's not as if companies put the slighest effort into finding and recruiting top talent, let alone compete for it. Even when top talent applies, they have no ability to recognize it. Even when they have top talent working for them, they don't recognize, promote, compensate or even give it freedom to do good work.They are no smarter than their keyword-matching resume filters. It goes deeper than that - they hate their betters with demonic malice, they want only single-function cogs for their machinery of Ahrimanic evil.

Don't accept their frame that it is lack of skills, training, or credentials that prevents them from hiring top people. The don't hire the best because they're unworthy of their power, positions and property, they hate truth, they hate virtue, they hate goodness itself. They're EVIL; it is wrong to work for their ends.

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"At one time, *industry* sponsored and paid for 'industrial schools' where workers could be trained to be useful to the industries that sponsored these schools."

Shout it from the rooftops! Yes - bring back vocational training as a real option, in all fields! Uni will always be there if and when someone feels the need to go cram their heads full of theoretical stuff.

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One of your best essays of the year John! Tabarnac que tu as bien fait ici! This is the first victory of this coalition.

It is very vexing how much China can do, how much Japan can also do and even Vietnam in comparison to us. We're reduced to squalor and to living in shit-conditions and forced to watch as brownoids do our jobs and we're denied opportunities time and again for them and the affirmative action women all in the name of progress and combating a made-up word from 1927.

But this is the first real triumph, the first real reversal where the word 'racism' was used and ignored and batted aside as Europeans & Americans raged and combatted, and fought with fang and claw for what was rightfully theirs.

Now with the pay to be altered for H1b and with Vivek disgraced, and forced back, we might have a chance to start to claw back bit by bit some measure of human dignity. Let's hope that the masses continue to dictate terms, and push and press forward. It is now our turn to take inches and force the Globalists to back up ever more.

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Rip out DEI and everyone will be shocked at how rapidly things will improve. Shocked, and enraged.

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Eh oui, once it is gone we must also make it so that this disgusting practice can never again infect our civilizations! Rip it out root and stem along with those who sought to force it upon us and force them out of our nations.

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The partisans of DEI have to be purged, shamed, and banned from any position of responsibility.

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Exactement, in the words of Trump’s best inner-circle member; they can be deported too.

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Meilei *seems* to be providing the example to follow, for now.

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What victory? All you've done is posted some things on twitter and successfully made "woke right" a thing. Heck, there haven't even been any mass deportations yet, and if you keep pushing absurd proposals like an immigration freeze, you'll make the deportations a lot harder to accomplish.

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The people trying to force-meme "woke right" self-marginalized. They did not make it a thing.

As to mass deportations, Trump isn't even in office yet. Wait and see. But that's not what we're talking about here.

As to victory, it was a very clear win for immigration restrictionists in the debate. Will that translate to policy? Time will tell. But again, the subject here is the giant public debate that happened, not whatever you're trying to move the goalposts to.

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> The people trying to force-meme "woke right" self-marginalized. They did not make it a thing.

And than the woke right couldn't help themselves from very publicly showing them correct.

> As to mass deportations, Trump isn't even in office yet.

Correct. And once he is mass deportations will require the support of a coalition to make happen, and while there may be a coalition for mass deportations, there is no coalition for an immigration freeze. In fact if forced to choose between an immigration freeze and an open border, a large part of the mass deportations coalition will choose the open border.

BTW, Trump didn't run on an immigration freeze, he ran on deporting the illegals and improving the quality of the immigrants we take. Had he been dumb enough to run on an immigration freeze, we'd currently be preparing for Biden's second term.

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With all due respect, this is probably the most clueless thing you’ve ever written.

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You really need to get out of your bubble more.

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Man, this topic really crawled under your craw. You're even grumpier than normal.

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Fair enough

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I am hugely supportive of the proposal to create a network of tech training boot camps that totally bypass all the existing corrupt structures. It could be paid for by a ratcheting tax on a diminishing H1B program. Which should be put in place immediately to ensure H1Bs are only ever used when there is no American who can take the job at market rates. It needs to cost corporates a hefty premium to fly in H1Bs, not give them tax free profits.

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Exactly. Foreign labor should be much more expensive, not less.

It should also have a very hard cap. Something like 2000 annually. This would force the corporations to be highly selective.

As to the tech bootcamps, there's probably a way to make them pay for themselves, eg by serving as incubators, or by taking a portion of the salaries of graduates for the first few years after they start working.

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Bloom institute of technology is doing this model successfully with full stack web dev. It’s free and they take a cut of graduates salaries for the first few years

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We already have a network of tech training institutions in our community and technical colleges. I'm a member of the advisory committee for a technical program at one of these colleges. The existing programs have the same challenges any new one would face.

Many students come out of high school totally unprepared for employment or continuing education. The things these kids don't know is staggering. An inordinate amount of time needs to be spent teaching students things they should have learned in high school.

For our program, math is a particular challenge. In our area only 40% of students graduate high school performing at grade level in math. Which means we have students coming into the program unable to do the required math. The options are either, adding math classes, which increases cost and time for the student and risks turning a two year program into a three year program, or teaching the math they need in the technical classes, which diminishes the value of both.

We risk weeding so many students out of the program, with math requirements, that the program no longer attracts or retains enough students to justify its continued existence. Many students come out of public schools incapable or unwilling to grind through any challenging subject matter. This is college algebra and trigonometry we're talking about here, not calculus.

This is a long way of saying that you can't boot camp people who can't lace their own shoes. Until the public education system produces competent students, we're just papering over the cracks.

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The primary education system is in desperate need of reform, and for largely the same reasons as the higher education system - decades of DEI standards destruction.

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Steve Jobs said this decades ago: needs to be a voucher system. It’s extremely hard for new private schools to compete with taxpayer funded government childcare. When a parent pulls their kid out they don’t get to spend that $17k / kid elsewhere. That’s what my school district was spending per person.

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Trump has talked about American University, a fully online accredited institution for cheap to free for anyone. For tech, this is perfect since any lecture less than 5 years old will do the job of profs. You only need a small classroom got humanities and very advanced stem.

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Maybe. Pre-recorded lectures only get you so far. There's an essential element to education that only comes with interpersonal engagement.

Not that universities are doing that well, but a glorified YouTube is not a good replacement.

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At the more serious universities, the biggest benefit for the students is each other. Four years spent in study groups with other curious minds gives you as much as the lectures do.

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Yes, I'm inclined to agree.

Though I'm not sure this is the case on contemporary university campuses, given the low quality of the students admitted….

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There are lots of party schools and unselective schools where it is definitely not true.

Hence my qualifier about "serious universities". It's true at some elite STEM schools. (I don't actually know if it's true at any humanities schools.)

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American University in DC??

I would like to see a great strengthening of the K-12 curriculum in this country along with such a condensed higher education program as your propose so students would be better equipped in some traditional knowledge. Lock up their cell phones and make them read books instead of chapters so they can be exposed to great writers making complex arguments.

Here in Atlanta, students pay hefty tuitions to earn degrees in fields such as graphic design and animation at the private Savannah College of Art & Design, and graduate already behind the curve because the faculty and software are outdated.

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Any solution that doesn't start in primary school is not a solution. We have to recover the culture of education and productivity.

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Cutting budgets of the corrupted institutions would be a better funding source.

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Also good!

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