Thoughts on Palestine, on Rhodesia, on the Troubles spreading from Ireland to England, and on the growing war between the guttering light and the encroaching darkness.
Moxie and spite will be insufficient against the institutional power of the enemy. The left has captured the means of cultural production; School, media, entertainment, all institutions, human resources departments, and do you know what this portends? It means that when you fight, when you take the plunge, the enemy you fight will be your own children. Checkmate : they win, it wins.
Mao understood this.
Dear author I once asked you why you write under a pseudonym. Now I understand. That was brilliant, heterodox, and dangerous. This author speaks for me.
Not all of the kids are taken in by the brainwashing … in fact it seems to have become less effective over time. Heavy-handed propaganda has a tendency to backfire. Especially when the helot children have it drilled into them that the system intends to offer them nothing but helotry.
There's a reason people are fleeing Evangelical churches right now, and either becoming effectively churchless secularists, or moving into the liturgical churches.
If you're interested, there's an entire book out, by Megan Basham: *Shepherds for Sale* about how that happened. It was deliberate, and there was a lot of $$ involved.
It's doubling and tripling from 1, 2, and 3%. Not exactly a landslide. Latest info in the US circa 2020 said 10% of parents *intended* to homeschool, not all of them did. It would take a tripling from 10% before it's a strong and defining trend, at the moment it's still small minority territory. Then you have the issue of time lag: it takes many years, probably a generation or 2, before this transforms society. The sad story of today's West is that the newly forming positive trends are 10-20 years too late to change anything before it gets really bad. And I believe that was by design: stall out all efforts and keep the proles unaware until it can't make a difference anymore. Same with defi, conservative backlash, rise of the new right, etc. it's all 10-20 years too late
It's a step in the right direction, but a small one. It seems that society will inevitably bifrocate into the orphaned outsiders that relearn self -sufficiency and get/are forced out of "normal" society and the larger class of elite cattle that have no motivation to leave.
Let me describe the great preponderance. Show this article to your children or your spouse or your neighbour or your colleague at work. Outcome in corresponding order: disowned, divorced, despised, and finally, as for work, you would be fired summarily, no severance.
Nothing is about to change. Pride is a high colonic and you are the patient.
My little formulation - show this article to friends and family - is admittedly not much. I’m 100% right, you would be excoriated, but it’s still not much. Low information people, disinterested, busy with life folks reject what they’ve been taught to reject that’s all I’m really describing .
We’re not citizens anymore we’re a sham demos of apathetic consumers. Will anything change this reality as we descend? I think not.
The suburban consumer economy does provide the "woke" globalist elites and their supporters (corporate Democrats, PMC, etc.) with a strong economic base, but it has obvious flaws and weaknesses (supply chain disruptions), and it can't sustain itself without an INVERTED CLASS WAR against the traditional working classes, and their employers: property and business owners and industrial manufacturing.
"Wokeism" as a quasi-religious cult can't generate authentic meaning and purpose (because "systems colonize lifeworld", Habermas), so it can only become more reactionary, extremist and incompetent ("Idiocracy") and ORWELLIAN.
The earlier version of communism: international class revolution failed dismally because the actual working classes realized it was insane and totalitarian. The result, unfortunately, wasn't that communism died, but that it mutated into "woke" neo-marxism merged with the corrupt corporate-state (and corrupt network-state).
The pattern is that cultural disintegration is driven at a deeper level by the lack of anti-fragility to disruption of the legacy sense-making system. As society, "civilization", continues to fail into global techno-economic disruption, increasing numbers of people will become open to the need to evolve anti-fragility to disruption and an improved sense-making system (see John Vervaeke for example). That will likely have to coincide with an alternative to the economic model of global finance, suburban consumerism and digital capitalism.
... this ["woke"] sector exists only at the mercy of the wider body of ruling class power, which is the full framework of the political, military, financial, industrial, and technological elite, which is, in turn, a subset of the global elites in these same categories.
Interestingly, Yarvin cites Burnham as an influence, but he misses one of Burnham’s core insights, i.e. that classical liberal-bourgeois capitalism was superseded by managerial capitalism, not just in the US but in all developed countries, in the mid-20th century, and it was through the entrenchment of managerial capitalism that the ["woke"] Brahmins were able to obtain the hegemonic social and cultural role they have since achieved.
Also, the managerial class was faced with an insurgency within its own ranks in the postwar period which paralleled the expansion of the professional class, particularly within the public sector during the same time period (recognizing this was one of the things Irving Kristol got right).
Another critical factor is that the postwar “Information Age” created the framework for both classical bourgeois capitalism and managerial capitalism to be superseded by digital capitalism ...
... “woke” ideology (what I call “totalitarian humanism”) ... presently constitutes the self-legitimating ideological superstructure of the ruling class is not the sole creation of the Brahmins alone. Every ideological superstructure has a materialist base and class base (which in the case of totalitarian humanism would be digital capital, the tech revolution, “financialization” of the kind that has emerged from neoliberalism, the expanded technocratic class which is the product of the wider degree of specialization and the division of labor rooted in increased technological sophistication).
Additionally, “wokeness” is rooted in the wider infrastructure of statecraft which can be traced, at the irreducible minimum, to the collusion between the Frankfurt School and the OSS during WW2, followed by the CIA’s creation of the Congress of Cultural Freedom in the 1950s. While elements of the ideological framework of totalitarian humanism may have their roots in the cultural revolution of the 1960s/1970s, in its present form “wokeness” represents a co-optation of those cultural patterns by the liberal wing of the capitalist class ( a specific strategy that was devised by Fred Dutton as far back as 1970).
Agreed. I can not mention anything political or philosophical to one of my grown kids and also most of my friends. My child had at one time threatened to withhold access to grandchildren. Such is the world we live in and I am not optomistic.
Millennials are the absolute worst, but many zoomers and alphas have been far more resistant to the programming, intuiting that the system offers them nothing whatsoever.
Seems like all the zoomers and millenials I know are, right this minute, having babies, building chicken coops, swapping homeschool tips, passing around clandestine introductions to the raw milk supplier, and conspiring to buy a cow.
Maybe the indoctrination didn't take.
There is of course considerable selection bias in the people I hang out with...
Some anecdotal evidence - I have 5 kids ranging in age from 29 - 17. My older kids are FAR more compliant and on the side of the "system" than my younger ones - in particular my 17 year old. I cannot overstate how much Covid did to undermine the effects of propaganda on this generation - especially the boys. Seeing my son and his friends and they way they proudly display their masculine inclinations truly does give me hope. They know that so much of what is constantly fed to them through media is pure, straight-up reality-denying BS. Case in point - the push to call the men competing in women's boxing at the Olympics as legitimate. They know it's not and they say so.
Yes, the effects of COVID on radicalizing alpha probably can't be overstated. My impression is that they're playing it quiet for now - they're just kids after all - but they're going to hit politics like a wrecking ball when they come of age.
I live in Washington state where the DEI and Gender poisons have been codified into law by our Legislature, and have been mandated to be taught in schools starting in first grade. There is a high school sophomore who lives down the street from me and he is a good kid. A few months ago, I was asking him about what was going on in his school concerning all this and he laughed and said that everybody knows it's a load of crap and they just listen because they have to, and then they ignore it. He said that there are a few kids who buy into it but that they are the "losers". The upshot of our conversation was actually pretty positive in that he says the kids aren't buying it. So, we'll see.
I have quite a bit of faith in Gen Alpha. For them the woke stuff is nothing but the boring cringe of nattering schoolmarms. The kids I know all think it's garbage.
In the last two years, our conservative, liturgical church has gone from stagnant (maybe shrinking slowly), to double in attendance. Since lockdowns, there has been a flood of adult converts. Most of them under forty, most of them single men, and families with young children, and nearly all of those homeschoolers, or planning to be. Suddenly, we are in the investigative stage of a homeschool meetup, or co-op, or maybe even a proper school, in a couple years. People are excited about church-centered education, and desperate to talk about what that looks like, exactly. Three years ago, there were only five kids in the sunday school. It's like sixty now.
How and why this happened is a bit of a mystery to me. I'm not one of the newcomers, and I've been trying to find out. Our church did not do anything new. No new outreach, no programs, no advertising, same priest the whole time. Literally nothing changed. We are the stodgiest stodges in stodgeville. Something *out there* changed, and it is driving younger people *into* our church. And it's not just our parish, I am hearing the same from people at the diocese level-- it's all the parishes, they say. We cannot graduate priests from seminary fast enough: our bishop is pulling them out of retirement. I have been hearing similar from people in *other* conservative liturgical churches outside my denomination. Something has changed out there in the world, that has turned serious younger folks our direction. The next church census isn't for six more years, and the last one was before the lockdowns. There is no data looking at this, no way to measure it: it's nearly invisible on the national stage, but from the ground level, this thing is HUGE.
So while it seems like the other side has already won... I wonder. Because down here, from eyelevel, it really looks like the tide is rapidly turning in the other direction. There are some interesting church inside-baseball type things that would likely obscure the numbers even now and part of me wonders if this is not... the angels kicking up dust so the enemy can't see what's coming.
Looks to me like the young people don't want what the machine is selling.
Agree wholeheartedly, it the same in my little part of England - my family are those very people, choosing to join a church as we felt something shift, something change whereby just thinking about it wasn't enough, we needed to join our brothers and sisters in apostolic faith. If we choose light over dark we will always succeed.
Personally it's was a realisation that ultimately the battle we face is not political but spiritual. We can tinker at the edges with politics of the left/right flavour but it all boils down to God in the end. Either you follow the path set out in the Bible (however that might be for the individual) or you turn further away from Him. The words of politics are meaningless without true righteousness and I think people are coming to the realisation that our souls are the thing that's up for grabs...and it scares them.
Thanks! My own entry into the church nearly two decades ago was... different. Amazing and wonderful, but I am struggling to understand what's going on with the new people. There's an urgency to them that's new, and it feels rather like... seeing all the wildlife sprinting out of the woods, and trying to figure out what they're running from. Wildfire? Wolves? Storm?
Yes. Once you see the "bigger battle" and recognize the true Enemy, the need for new tactics in this spiritual warfare becomes quickly apparent. Choose, this day, which side you are on.
I'm rather churchy myself ;) But Kingsnorth and I belong to the same church, and he's still got that fresh-convert googly-eyes thing going on, so... uh. Look, I love him but reading him writing about our shared religion will be a lot more interesting once he's got a couple decades of praxis under his belt, and has settled down some.
"School, media, entertainment, all institutions, human resources departments" have all lost so much legitimacy as more people awaken to the machinations of this bizarre tribal-oligarchy spinning greed and avarice based neoliberal globalist hegemony and its obviously negative effects that people are keeping their children OUT and away from these influencers and spaces. It may be that I live in an outlier district of Canada where this is undeniably true, but I have hope that it becomes more widespread as time goes on. Bullets with butterfly wings. The butterfly effect. An inverted wedge of intuitive understanding through the network that expands with shocking rapidity and changes everything practically overnight. Never say never again.....
The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of "Men who wanted to be left Alone".
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.
They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the "Men who wanted to be left Alone" are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. . . .
Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these "Men who wanted to be left Alone", fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears.
100% agree, I have often wondered about the cultural damage many worthy cultures experience when, despite minding their own business and being diplomatic, they have to deal with some dickhead invading imperial culture and in the process ruin a lot of what made them great.
Europeans were subject, at the margins (except for "russia") to the brutality of the Mongolians Hordes and then the Ottoman Empire that descended from the Mongolian gene pool.
The Mongolian Hordes also destroyed China and India and the middle east, pretty much all of the civilized world that was known at the time.
The Arab/Berber invasion of Spain after the "end" of the Roman Empire led to almost 1,000 years of muslim slave trade in "white" people (mostly women?), along with african and asian slaves.
This is well written but entirely false --- cowards who are called to fight but hide, again and again, as the situation becomes increasingly desperate, when finally cornered and given no other option but to pick up arms, will be swiftly run through by the enemy who at this point has butchered stronger, braver men.
Interestingly, I went on a hunting safari several years ago with my now ex-husband to Zimbabwe. We went to a conservancy that encompassed over 1M acres. They had hunts to fund the operation, animal husbandry, species propagation, and most importantly to fund their militia to hunt and kill the poachers. The outfitter for our 4’some was born and raised in Rhodesia and was understandably quite bitter about everything that had happened. They owned an estate with a couple thousand acres of successful farmland and had an extensive aqueduct system that fed multiple ponds for fishing. They also had a great number of typical African wildlife that roamed their property. Complete sustainability was achieved and by all accounts it seemed like a slice of paradise. He said that the bush people that took over their family’s estate were incapable of comprehending any of it. They inexplicably broke apart the aqueducts, completely fished out every pond that of course, eventually dried up, killed off all of the wildlife, and of course the farmland became barren with the lack of water. It’s not terribly different from what the climate change idiots and the rest of the Cabal are doing worldwide.
Rhodesia is a perfect example of how the world is going.
I knew some white, western Baha'i (liberal) missionary-type people whose families had been in either Rhodesia and/or South Africa in the period in question, some farmers, and their stories are similar, except they retained their actual, religious belief in "diversity" and such. As far as I can tell, the religion, which is Persian/Iranian/Shi'a in origin, faded into mostly deserved obscurity.
I have a close friend from Rhodesia, now living here in Wales, who fought against the rebels. Indeed, that may well be him on the far left in the picture of the young men holding rifles (he has shown me lots of images from those days and it certainly corresponds}. Now a fully non-compliant, unvaccinated, common law advocate with a full manual of SHTF survival tricks in his head - largely gleaned from those days in the bush - I'm sure he will appreciate your words on the country he lost, albeit with a tear in the eye.
As regards the situation in the UK, there are many saying this is just what 'they' want, a perfect pretext to impose all kinds of enforcement laws, divide and rule, blah blah blah, but frankly I am over second guessing the intentions of the enemy; one can both be strategic and play by our own rule book. That seems to me to be the thing most likely to throw them off balance. I don't think they were prepared for the ferocity of this weekend's backlash at all.
It caught them completely off guard, and they are floundering. They've focused on overly feminine means of social control, which have broken down, and do not have the force necessary to back up their rhetoric. These people are not playing 5D chess.
I sincerely hope your Rhodesian friend enjoys my paean to his lost homeland. He sounds based af.
My dad always told me when I was a kid, that if I were to get in a fight, to strike the bully in the nose. Try to get it to bleed. He will most likely capitulate or run
The lesson is that the coward is likely to prey on hiss betters, but has no heart to fight. The creatures inhabiting power are weaklings. Moral midgets. Scared faggots. Watch how they cowered during Jan 6.
Now imagine if someone actually bloodied their nose.
Imagine if they had to look over their shoulders when they went out to eat.
Imagine if thet cringed a little every time they turned the ignition switch in their cars.
> As regards the situation in the UK, there are many saying this is just what 'they' want, a perfect pretext to impose all kinds of enforcement laws, divide and rule, blah blah blah, but frankly I am over second guessing the intentions of the enemy;
At this point I suspect the people saying things like that are simply trying to cover for their cowardice.
The inhumanity and savagery inflicted on White farmers in Rhodesia will soon be forgotten, just as the attempted assassination of President Trump is minimized by the government-controlled and co-opted Amerikan press.
The cruelty of King Leopold will never be forgotten; but the fact that no native of Africa ever conceived of a railroad to explore central Africa (or even the wheel) speaks volumes about racial differences. But it has never been a popular discussion topic or the subject of serious scientific study - with the exception of Charles Murray's THE BELL CURVE.
The Tao has determined that the world will now return to a new Dark Ages. Oh well. Whatcha gonna do?
I do not think they will win so easily. To the contrary, they are struggling to maintain control, floundering, unsure what to do … the usual mechanisms no longer function for them.
The laptop/professional managerial class has a central problem: their most dedicated adherents are all useless in any fight. The Bolsheviks, by contrast, had a lot of trigger-pullers in their core group.
The laptop class outsources their trigger-pullers and enforcers to the state and federal LEOs who are loyal to the system. In the U.S., LEOs are paid pretty well, overall, and it takes quite a bit to get them to refuse orders, but I suspect there will be a tipping point when they’re asked to routinely crack down on demographics who own rifles and know how to use them.
The enforcers want to do their 20+ years and get their pension. They don’t want to take a bullet in the dome to fulfill the wishes of some pathetic dweeb who issued a death sentence via text message.
I think it is also very important to avoid a forced dichotomy, which must lead to defeatism (can you spell 'psyop'?)
Between absolute defeat and absolute victory lies a vast land of opportunity. Just because absolute victory is almost certainly unattainable, does not in any way mean absolute defeat is preordained. Much to the contrary.
Rhodesia was betrayed and wiped from the map. Yes. But even just the memory of Rhodesia is fire in the belly and a snarl of anger and vengeance that renders her sons (both biological and spiritual), immune to the weaponization of compassion. Do not underestimate the white fury of a man with nothing to lose and standing in the breach.
The putrid west will finally gangrene, and I, for one, will dance on its fucking grave. But flying far under the radar, in metaphorical lost valleys, seed will remain.
There is (non-"woke") serious scientific study of differences between gene pools, but since "race" isn't a scientific concept, the analysis is going to be much more fragmented than borad "race" categories.
Broadly, "white" people are in a variety of gene pools (haplotype groups) of varying levels of inbreeding via historical cousin marriage. The most outbred "white" gene pool is the one that generated modern civilization. See Henrich's W.E.I.R.D. model of the origins of modern culture.
Honestly I disagree. Race has little or nothing to do with, but culture is everything. So I take issue with some of John Carter’s theories here. When the founders of Rhodesia imported only the best and brightest, they weren’t importing biological DNA so much as cultural DNA. Excellently trained individuals are inculcated from birth with the mores of delayed gratification and rational self-abnegation but any person of any race can be raised in such a culturally superior environment and achieve excellence and then pass that on to their children.
The British Empire wasn’t founded by racially superior people, it was founded by a culturally superior people and I definitely agree that this cultural heritage has been degraded by rampant , extreme liberalism that has an agenda and that has to be fought against.
I think you misunderstand. The iq of the jews is less important than what they choose to *always* do with it.
A smart demon, a genius demon, is still a demon.
The base societal strategy of the group is toxic. It destroys and parasitizes any society they manage to get a hold of. Their intelligence merely makes them superior parasites. Too many hyper fixate on raw intelligence. While important, high intelligence without morals or connection to the land creates fearsome monsters.
Now i leave you with a quote, please take it to heart.
“You must understand, the leading bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that the majority of the world is uneducated and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of its perpetrators.”
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, writer of the Gulag Archipelago
Human biological diversity, basically the idea we are not all the same, that there are real consequential genetic differences in human races, just like you see in other populations of animals that have subspecies.
Because the pseudo science about "the Jew" is scientifically incoherent.
Any attempt to elicit logical-scientific thinking from people like you always fails. You are trapped in a cesspool of mental dysfunction and subjective-emotive narratives
I would say a lot of things have brought us to the current pass and the chief one being the fact that we all value science but science is ignorant of moral values! That’s the crux right there.
And I believe our mechanistic view is seriously out-dated, especially in the way we look at genes.
Science - which we categorically do not truly value, for we ignore it whenever ideologically convenient - says unequivocally that blacks have much lower IQs than Eurasians. It says nothing about what to do about that.
Instead of confronting the fact head on, we replace the is with an ought: that is, since humans ought to be identical, they therefore are. We proceed from a moral argument - although what is the basis of the morality? - to deny an empirical truth.
Whereas what ought to happen is when we see the IQ disparity, we OUGHT to face it squarely and examine the reasons why so as to develop methods for raising everybody’s IQ. Infant nurture and nutrition is critical, as well as certain ways of looking at the world
It *is* worth trying to avoid the bottom-end causes of low-IQ: malnutrition, illness, and toxic exposures. All that preventable stuff is a huge drag on everybody, and it *can* be alleviated to some extent. We've made a lot of progress on malnutrition and stuff like lead exposure, all to the good. We could still see real gains if we aggressively tackled the current crisis of prenatal/earlychildhood drug exposure. It won't make people smarter overall, won't lead to more geniuses, but would considerably reduce the economic and social downsides of serious preventable impairment. The difference between somebody with a 130 IQ and a 160 IQ is... eh. Not something you can change with policy or activism. But the difference between some 80 IQ FASD schlub who can't even join the military, and a merely average 100 IQ dude (the same guy, but his mom didn't binge-drink while pregnant) is huge.
"... says unequivocally that blacks have much lower IQs than Eurasians"
Actually science does not say that at all.
The science suggests that, on the average, the center of the bell curve, the average IQ of Negros is lower than Caucasians and that, again on the average, that of Mongolians is higher than Caucasians (Outdated terms but I'm rather outdated.).
The tails of the curves, where the makers and shakers, the failed and the broken are, I suggest, I do not say or prove, of all three curves, tends, to overlap rather significantly.
BTW; seems to me that it's rather unscientific to contend that science says anything unequivocally. Science is never ever settled.
This misunderstands the nature of gaussian distributions. The centers of the curves are indeed offset - in the case of sub-saharans vs Eurasians, by at least one standard deviation, which has huge implications for the resulting society since it determines the IQ of the bulk of the population.
Since the standard deviations are about the same, this also results in massive discrepancies out on the tails. While genius level intellect is rare in any population, it is vanishingly so for Africans.
The cultural-evolutionary process of the emergence of western civilization is more about outbreeding and high-social-trust ("classical liberalism") in its origins than scientific rationalism.
After the NW european gene pool became outbred, the W.E.I.R.D. complex selected for the co-emergence of "classically liberal" personality traits, higher 1Q, increased capability for high literacy/numeracy, business skills, and "democracy" (Constitutional law).
Inbred gene pools ("white" and otherwise) have cultures that revolve around clan honor, moots, fealty oaths, and so forth.
Race and culture are often very closely intertwined. And it’s not that some races are dumber than others so much (although that’s probably true) it’s that they are forcing quotas on race hiring with their DEI bullshit. Rhodesia didn’t do that.
"race" is a silly dead end. but look at actual, historical gene pools. the NW european gene pool became outbred after the early church banned cousin marriage (clans), and then classically liberal (high-social-trust).
Henrich's W.E.I.R.D. model explains how the complex of factors in high-social-trust modernism co-emerged via feedback loops, all made possible by an outbred gene pool and the replacement of clan marriage by the Manorial nuclear family.
Other "white" gene pools, such as Celts, Slavs and Romans maintained honor systems and cousin marriage, so modernity ("classical liberalism") didn't emerge in those more inbred gene pools, it had to be imported, and was less successful.
I lean your way ridgerunner, character not color. Criminals, invaders, evil doers are such regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, creed or whatever and need to be squashed.
None the less I've no problem making allowances for John Carter's take considering the 24/7 race, race, race, first black this, first Latin that, first female something we are overcoming! -Not surprising many even many astute come to the conclusion its all race and we need protect ours.
BTW my making allowances is not condescending, I make allowances for differences of opinion. I've great respect for the guy but allow there are issues where we'll never see eye to eye. The time spent here is well worth my while.
Western civilization emerged, accidentally, in an outbred gene pool in NW Europe, for very specific reasons, the early church banned cousin marriage, the gene pool became more varied, and then higher IQ and more open personality traits were selected for because they conferred better survival in the emerging classes of the literate, wealthier urban commoner ("capitalist") culture.
Where a gene pool ("white" or not) retained clannish cultural practices such as cousin marriage, modernity didn't emerge. In those places the peasant class tended to remain poor, sick, starving and illiterate in general and the urban commoner class small.
>Race has little or nothing to do with, but culture is everything.
If that were the case why did such radically different cultures evolve over thousands of years? I'm thinking in particular of sub-Saharan Africans vs. say, the Chinese. If race has nothing to do with culture wouldn't all the different races have ended up with roughly the same cultural artifacts? The same gods?
If you look at the actual scientific literature of sociobiology and human gene-culture co-evolution, you see that there is a feedback loop, genetics change in response to cultural evolution, and vice versa.
Look at Unz's PhD. He describes something like 1,000 years of Chinese meritocratic bureaucracy that relentlessly selected for higher IQ via civil service examinations. Any poor, uneducated, illiterate peasant male that wasn't tied into an extended family structure that had entered the bureaucracy (gaining wealth and property) by passing the exams was brutally excluded from access to marriage and reproduction by class discrimination.
Thus, on average, low IQ tended to be bred out of the gene pool.
Unz estimated that at any given point, 20% of the males in China were unable to reproduce, mainly due to class and thus IQ discrimination.
Since China didn't make a clean break from extended family to a Manorial nuclear structure, it did not develop "classical liberalism" (formal Constitutional order, agentic, individualistic values).
That begs the question: why didn't, say, sub-saharan Africans develop a meritocratic bureaucracy. I don't understand your point.
I think Unz or others might want to visit China and see first hand how most Chinese aren't that bright. They are essentially copying machines. I mean the smart ones. They are riddled with corruption like the Rest of the World. IQ isn't everything. Intellectuals tend to over-estimate the importance of intelligence as superior to other aspects of character anyway.
Smarter, richer "middle class" europeans (urban commoners) tended to survive the Black Plagues better than dumber, poorer, starving peasants. Disease (at least 25% mortality) was a major driver of cultural evolution, along with the other co-emergent elements in the W.E.I.R.D. model.
Unz researched China extensively. I can't remember if he spent any time in China.
Most americans/europeans aren't that bright.
If you look at Henrich's W.E.I.R.D. model, it explains why clannish cultures, including "white" Celts/Slavs/Romans, failed to evolve either model of meritocracy.
The key factor is cousin marriage being abolished. After that the gene pool becomes outbred and more variable. Genetic variability is the raw material of biological evolution, cultural variability is the raw material of cultural evolution.
There are specific, CO-EMERGENT economic, environmental and social conditions that select for high-social-trust and against dynastic-clan social forms. River and sea trade. An expanding urban commoner class, increased "middle class" literacy and wealth and so forth.
Well for one thing, we know from epigenetics that form follows function. And there are countless reasons people from cold climates evolved different cultures from people in warm climates.
So, Inuits and North American natives evolved into the same culture as Scandinavians and Russians?
What do you mean form follows function? Objects made to aid in dealings with the spiritual world are wildly different in all the various races. But these artifacts conform in related groups within those races.
If you live in a colder climate that supports farming, food isn’t available all year round. Thus you need to plan and cooperate with others or you die. That is a different set of societal and evolutionary pressures compered to places where food is available year round.
I believe this is the argument being made which I agree with wholeheartedly.
Thanks for your comment. My point was that there are variations between groups (races) that disprove the idea that culture is totally influenced by environment, which is JC's original claim.
Culture is concerned with the objects created in order to deal with spiritual beings (or lack thereof) concerning farming or hunting, death, privilege, obligation, honor, relations between sexes, etc.
For only one example, Inuit and North American indigenous people created wildly different objects, gestures and sounds in time as a culture compared to other groups inhabiting the same climate over thousands of years, so how can environment be the only determinant of a culture?
Yeah, as much as I like John Carter and his entertaining essays, his insistence on the racial superiority and inferiority of people at a biological level is one of my biggest disagreements I have with him. Pretty much everything he attributes to "Eugenics" is much better explained by cultural factors. Pretty much everything he says about africans can be challenged by a visit to Isaac Samuels brilliant substack about African history.
The better explanation is gene-culture co-evolution, which the lunatics on the "woke" "left" have been trying to suppress and erase since the late 1970s (E.O. Wilson).
Africans who attend American universities often do very well. Your point about cultural factors is well taken. A friend of mine, a college professor, asked a Somali student how he spoke such perfect English and was succeeding where most American black students were not. The young man's answer was that he did not socialize with American-born blacks.
Nevertheless, it is foolish to imagine there is no difference in intelligence and abilities of different races. It has been well documented and only frustrated racists refuse to accept that truth.
"Africans who attend American universities often do very well."
That's a bit of a selection bias, isn't it? Examine this similar comment, "Chinese who play in the NBA often do very well". Most have heard of star Chinese such as the 7'6" Yao Ming. The exception proves the rule, as they say.
The africans that come to the USA for college tend to be from the most wealthy and successful families, which generally means the families with higher IQ genes, better communication skills and more entrepreneurial personalities. (some of which came from either muslim or european colonizers, ironically.)
That is actual, natural "eugenics", selection for genes that confer better survival.
I feel like I'm a member of the Resistance in an occupied country. It's felt that way for a while, well, since Covid really, but it has become far stronger now. As a native white Brit I have no legal or political representation. Our government is not our government but one of many clients of a central server which downloads policy and strategy. To fight we need to break the network, not the client. Fighting the client is a waste of tactical energy, blood and lives. Cutting the server-client feed will be far more successful. Ultimately, destroying the server is what is needed. This message will self-destruct in five seconds.
We all feel that way … well maybe the Americans not quite to the same degree, but certainly it’s a common feeling.
The question is - how do we break the server? I’m not sure it’s as easy as ‘nuke the mainframe’ or whatever, like in the movies.
Instead, we have to think in terms of network warfare: identify key nodes, and eliminate them; degrade the ability of the nodes to pass information; introduce noise into the system to drown out the signal.
Yes, I know I'm not alone in this. Yet there is no one in my social circle who feels the same way. At least not yet. Maybe I need some new friends. Haha.
Network Warfare - exactly. Eliminating nodes = destroying the feed. And who knows, maybe there'll come a time where we need Tom to nuke the mainframe.
There’s definitely a generational component, I think. I find the older generations to be more insulated and comfortable, and more attached to the pretty fictions of the 60s and 70s, the whole mythology of Civil Rights. It can be very isolating for those who resist it, I’m sure.
Being 2 years short of 70, I relate to the maquis and partigiani far more than the insulated comfort of 60s mythology. Mainly due to seeing their behavior during Covid when all that giving it to the Man turned into obedience to the Man, the peace-loving alternative turned into fascists. I was at the receiving end of that, as were most of us who spoke out.
My mother is in the same cohort, and she had a similar experience during COVID. She was was shocked at how nasty her friends became. Eye opening experience.
Stewart Brand, founder of the Whole Earth Catalog (60 counterculture) stated some years ago when he was stirring up controversy to sell his book on "Environmental Heresies" that the counterculture-left was mostly pro-state and socialist in its tendencies. His more libertarian and contrarian sensibility was from his father's older tradition of rural and frontier self-reliance.
The idea of social media supposedly evolved from one of Brand's early experiments in running an electronic communication network, open source community bulletin boards (for Deadheads!) or something like that (Grateful Dead hippy rock group fans).
I remember my older brother having a copy of the Whole Earth Catalog back in the 60s and I was all over it, even though I was just a kid. Aside from his Deadhead bbs, there's always the NSA's LifeLog which closed down the same time Facebook started. But I think a lot of big tech social media began with 60s counterculture ideas.
Exactly, the government is only there to mete out punishment to the native English and Irish. It certainly hasn’t represented them in a long time. Just a pantomime of voting, the US is headed in the same direction.
If you are actually planning to "fight" (IRL), why would you post about it on open, public social media platforms where the FBI/NSA could easily see it?
Because it doesn’t matter. I’m already on their black list. They know. I know they know. They know I know. We are a knowledgeable bunch. The board is set; the pieces are moving.
I never knew that about Rhodesia, wow. But I think that also goes to show the two radically opposite frameworks or paradigms the right and left are working with. Because to us I think it seems obvious that these mass importations of the third world are disastrous. How could you not see? But if you talk to the normie they are operating in just an entirely opposite worldview. First of all they are not informed at all about what the real world is like. The average person’s view of history is like reddit “and then good guys beat the bad guys” over and over again, always making progress upwards till now. And second, the ideological programming runs so deep that they have visceral emotional reactions to anything that discredits what the authorities say. I imagine the average person reading this would just discredit everything you say without considering it any deeper than “he’s racist so he’s wrong and evil.”
I don’t know what needs to happen to wake the White man up to what’s actually happening to his home. The fact that so many in those videos would rather side with Gay Homosex than the land of their fathers shows how far uphill we have to climb. I have faith in them, the blood in their veins is the same that drove their fathers to conquer the entire word, but we need more people to wake up. I’m not sure how to achieve that.
Only then I think can we think about what a global civil war to reclaim western civilization would look like. As it is now, we are depressingly few.
If you subtract the invaders, whites who oppose the system dramatically outnumber those who support it. The white man is less broken than is commonly said.
I’m proud to support this polemic. I send many of these articles to my globalist progressive nihilists relatives who live in their gated communities and whose portals are protected by sentinels whom they would never allow in their homes unless they were holding a silver tray. I ask them, “Why the gate? Why the guards? The responses are the tribal troupes and the specious shibboleths. Ave atque vale!
They expect you to not fight. That is their victory, that you do not fight.
"Is there not a kind of cowardice in the European youth who align themselves with the Palestinian cause? A submission to a lifetime of conditioning that it is always illegitimate to take one’s own side? Could their solidarity be no more than sublimation of their own repressed anger, at what is being done to them?"
Yes. That is indeed the reason. They are not even useful idiots, but a rung beneath that.
A lot to unpack here, but as I was reading it, I had a realization as to why perhaps women are the ones supporting mass immigration with all their hearts even if it means their lives will most likely be less safe because they've welcomed tribal man, who has little need for women except sex while also castrating their own, civilized men (or better their literate men). The reason is, to admit that tribal man and literate man have different neurology, for the act of literacy changes a person's brain. Not just so they can read, so that they can perceive and live in the future and plan. This is what leads to civilization. Tribal man lives in the now, in the space of the land, and has no need to put down roots. Women and children thrive in literate societies for a reason, but, here's the kicker, not in the way that literate men do. For the male and female brain is also different, whether oral or literate, and literate women hate this fact. They think anything a boy can do a girl can do better and all sorts of other crap. To admit that tribal man is less than in his ability to grow and tend civilizations is to admit some races are superior to others, at least when it comes to organizing nation-states, which is one step from admitting that male and female brains are different. Modern women will not abide that, so they love the immigrant and pretend he is just as capable running the city as the citizen who was raised there because she has to believe she is just as capable as a man at defending the civilization, even though she isn't. The truth is, women are the civilizing factor in the equation. Sure, you guys would reach for the moon and invent a rocket ship, but you'd probably still be shitting in an outhouse. It was most likely a woman who said, hey, can we find a way to move the poop away? I don't know anything about fluid mechanics, but it would be lovely to shit in my own home and not have to smell a thing. Voila, man invents plumbing, woman loves her man, and civilization is built. Anyway, I imagine most women would hate every word I've written, but that's why they're all for the open borders.
I think this is quite insightful. It mirrors the redpilling process many men have gone through over the last decade or so, which starts with realizing that men and women are, in fact, extremely different right down to neurology, and goes from there to race.
No accident that feminism and racial communism are closely correlated, either.
I have come to believe in destiny. Heroes, both mythological and historical, require desperate times. This is true for Arjuna observing his opposing army, for Frodo and Sam staring up at Mount Doom, for Baldwin facing down Saladin, for Christ conquering the Enemy Himself.
As blackpilled as I have been, I do not think the Hyperborean spirit can fully be eradicated. It can be diminished, quelled, but not expirtated.
There may never be a day without war, but maybe that is the cosmic point of the human condition. Maybe overcoming the seemingly impossible is the test of our life on Earth. Without evil, goodness has no meaning.
It also means that there will always be struggle. There will always be fighting.
And it's starting to look like this spirit is being reawakened
South Africa today is literally THE prime example of what 30 years of DEI will do to a country. We implemented DEI under its prototype form - "black economic empowerment" - 30 years ago, and promoted people into positions of power and responsibility purely based on skin colour and what they have (or not) in their pants. The end result speaks for itself.
And the rest of the Western world studiously pretends not to know what's happened in South Africa as a result of those policies, because it instantly discredits them.
SA was held up as the Poster Child of "Successful Democratic Transition" in Africa, from a (post-) colonial administration to a true Native Afro-centric Rule. Every other democracy in Africa has been measured against the supposed "success" of SA - so anyone questioning the results of the process in SA, is also - by proxy - effectively casting doubt on the success of all the other democracies in the region. If the Poster Child is flawed and broken, how flawed and broken are the others in comparison? That is a can of worms that no Western politician wants to touch with a 10ft pole.
Not sure that Zimbabwe is the telos. Rhodesia was sacrificed to ensure African cooperation with the West during the Cold War. It was also an experiment in majority rule. It's destruction cost the West very little as the mining sector worked well enough under Mugabe and the destruction of agriculture simply removed competition for US, Canadian and Australian farmers.
The destruction of Rhodesia was also a loyalty test for the UK. Westminster/Whitehall proved its loyalty to Washington.
A planet of favelas is the telos, with agreeable safe havens in places like Switzerland available to the planetary ruling class.
Moxie and spite will be insufficient against the institutional power of the enemy. The left has captured the means of cultural production; School, media, entertainment, all institutions, human resources departments, and do you know what this portends? It means that when you fight, when you take the plunge, the enemy you fight will be your own children. Checkmate : they win, it wins.
Mao understood this.
Dear author I once asked you why you write under a pseudonym. Now I understand. That was brilliant, heterodox, and dangerous. This author speaks for me.
Not all of the kids are taken in by the brainwashing … in fact it seems to have become less effective over time. Heavy-handed propaganda has a tendency to backfire. Especially when the helot children have it drilled into them that the system intends to offer them nothing but helotry.
Look at the homeschool numbers since the lockdowns. More than double nationally, and in some states more like triple.
That's a lot of people opting out of the brainwashing machine.
A great fracturing is upon us. I pray it signals the end of monolithic empire.
I was just at a wedding of evangelical home schooled rural whites. They are all”anti racist” and pozzed. Look elaborate for hope
There's a reason people are fleeing Evangelical churches right now, and either becoming effectively churchless secularists, or moving into the liturgical churches.
If you're interested, there's an entire book out, by Megan Basham: *Shepherds for Sale* about how that happened. It was deliberate, and there was a lot of $$ involved.
It's doubling and tripling from 1, 2, and 3%. Not exactly a landslide. Latest info in the US circa 2020 said 10% of parents *intended* to homeschool, not all of them did. It would take a tripling from 10% before it's a strong and defining trend, at the moment it's still small minority territory. Then you have the issue of time lag: it takes many years, probably a generation or 2, before this transforms society. The sad story of today's West is that the newly forming positive trends are 10-20 years too late to change anything before it gets really bad. And I believe that was by design: stall out all efforts and keep the proles unaware until it can't make a difference anymore. Same with defi, conservative backlash, rise of the new right, etc. it's all 10-20 years too late
Yes and no. The last numbers I saw it went from 3% to 11%. I'm slightly more optimistic.
It's a step in the right direction, but a small one. It seems that society will inevitably bifrocate into the orphaned outsiders that relearn self -sufficiency and get/are forced out of "normal" society and the larger class of elite cattle that have no motivation to leave.
We'll all be finding out, one way or another.
OK, but you’re describing a small phenomenon.
Let me describe the great preponderance. Show this article to your children or your spouse or your neighbour or your colleague at work. Outcome in corresponding order: disowned, divorced, despised, and finally, as for work, you would be fired summarily, no severance.
Nothing is about to change. Pride is a high colonic and you are the patient.
We live under a totalitarian ideology, which is seemingly impossible to overthrow ... until the cracks open, and it crumbles away.
The generational shift in attitudes is not small at all. It will prove to be of the greatest consequence.
GOOD! I sincerely hope you are right.
My little formulation - show this article to friends and family - is admittedly not much. I’m 100% right, you would be excoriated, but it’s still not much. Low information people, disinterested, busy with life folks reject what they’ve been taught to reject that’s all I’m really describing .
We’re not citizens anymore we’re a sham demos of apathetic consumers. Will anything change this reality as we descend? I think not.
The "woke" "left" as controlled opposition?
The suburban consumer economy does provide the "woke" globalist elites and their supporters (corporate Democrats, PMC, etc.) with a strong economic base, but it has obvious flaws and weaknesses (supply chain disruptions), and it can't sustain itself without an INVERTED CLASS WAR against the traditional working classes, and their employers: property and business owners and industrial manufacturing.
"Wokeism" as a quasi-religious cult can't generate authentic meaning and purpose (because "systems colonize lifeworld", Habermas), so it can only become more reactionary, extremist and incompetent ("Idiocracy") and ORWELLIAN.
The earlier version of communism: international class revolution failed dismally because the actual working classes realized it was insane and totalitarian. The result, unfortunately, wasn't that communism died, but that it mutated into "woke" neo-marxism merged with the corrupt corporate-state (and corrupt network-state).
The pattern is that cultural disintegration is driven at a deeper level by the lack of anti-fragility to disruption of the legacy sense-making system. As society, "civilization", continues to fail into global techno-economic disruption, increasing numbers of people will become open to the need to evolve anti-fragility to disruption and an improved sense-making system (see John Vervaeke for example). That will likely have to coincide with an alternative to the economic model of global finance, suburban consumerism and digital capitalism.
... this ["woke"] sector exists only at the mercy of the wider body of ruling class power, which is the full framework of the political, military, financial, industrial, and technological elite, which is, in turn, a subset of the global elites in these same categories.
Interestingly, Yarvin cites Burnham as an influence, but he misses one of Burnham’s core insights, i.e. that classical liberal-bourgeois capitalism was superseded by managerial capitalism, not just in the US but in all developed countries, in the mid-20th century, and it was through the entrenchment of managerial capitalism that the ["woke"] Brahmins were able to obtain the hegemonic social and cultural role they have since achieved.
Also, the managerial class was faced with an insurgency within its own ranks in the postwar period which paralleled the expansion of the professional class, particularly within the public sector during the same time period (recognizing this was one of the things Irving Kristol got right).
Another critical factor is that the postwar “Information Age” created the framework for both classical bourgeois capitalism and managerial capitalism to be superseded by digital capitalism ...
... “woke” ideology (what I call “totalitarian humanism”) ... presently constitutes the self-legitimating ideological superstructure of the ruling class is not the sole creation of the Brahmins alone. Every ideological superstructure has a materialist base and class base (which in the case of totalitarian humanism would be digital capital, the tech revolution, “financialization” of the kind that has emerged from neoliberalism, the expanded technocratic class which is the product of the wider degree of specialization and the division of labor rooted in increased technological sophistication).
Additionally, “wokeness” is rooted in the wider infrastructure of statecraft which can be traced, at the irreducible minimum, to the collusion between the Frankfurt School and the OSS during WW2, followed by the CIA’s creation of the Congress of Cultural Freedom in the 1950s. While elements of the ideological framework of totalitarian humanism may have their roots in the cultural revolution of the 1960s/1970s, in its present form “wokeness” represents a co-optation of those cultural patterns by the liberal wing of the capitalist class ( a specific strategy that was devised by Fred Dutton as far back as 1970).
(((totalitarian ideology))) Start naming the Jew FFS.
Chuds never win anything, so let's not.
The dissident right are utter cowards. Why let truth get in the way of possible media amplification on the Jew controlled media, right.
I miss the actual alt-right who just named the Jew and went on with their day.
It seems as though the youth of France, at least, do not intend to sleepwalk into their graves.
I hope our American elections in November reveal a similar sea change.
We have, and in the last round had the votes but they had and have the vote counters.
It's hard to win elections with after midnight corrections.
Agreed. I can not mention anything political or philosophical to one of my grown kids and also most of my friends. My child had at one time threatened to withhold access to grandchildren. Such is the world we live in and I am not optomistic.
Millennials are the absolute worst, but many zoomers and alphas have been far more resistant to the programming, intuiting that the system offers them nothing whatsoever.
Seems like all the zoomers and millenials I know are, right this minute, having babies, building chicken coops, swapping homeschool tips, passing around clandestine introductions to the raw milk supplier, and conspiring to buy a cow.
Maybe the indoctrination didn't take.
There is of course considerable selection bias in the people I hang out with...
You are spying on me, Yarrow.
That’s exactly my take too. Something has snapped in the youth. While it’s certainly not a guarantee of anything, it does offer hope.
Some anecdotal evidence - I have 5 kids ranging in age from 29 - 17. My older kids are FAR more compliant and on the side of the "system" than my younger ones - in particular my 17 year old. I cannot overstate how much Covid did to undermine the effects of propaganda on this generation - especially the boys. Seeing my son and his friends and they way they proudly display their masculine inclinations truly does give me hope. They know that so much of what is constantly fed to them through media is pure, straight-up reality-denying BS. Case in point - the push to call the men competing in women's boxing at the Olympics as legitimate. They know it's not and they say so.
Yes, the effects of COVID on radicalizing alpha probably can't be overstated. My impression is that they're playing it quiet for now - they're just kids after all - but they're going to hit politics like a wrecking ball when they come of age.
Please, G-d, let it be so!
I live in Washington state where the DEI and Gender poisons have been codified into law by our Legislature, and have been mandated to be taught in schools starting in first grade. There is a high school sophomore who lives down the street from me and he is a good kid. A few months ago, I was asking him about what was going on in his school concerning all this and he laughed and said that everybody knows it's a load of crap and they just listen because they have to, and then they ignore it. He said that there are a few kids who buy into it but that they are the "losers". The upshot of our conversation was actually pretty positive in that he says the kids aren't buying it. So, we'll see.
I have quite a bit of faith in Gen Alpha. For them the woke stuff is nothing but the boring cringe of nattering schoolmarms. The kids I know all think it's garbage.
In the last two years, our conservative, liturgical church has gone from stagnant (maybe shrinking slowly), to double in attendance. Since lockdowns, there has been a flood of adult converts. Most of them under forty, most of them single men, and families with young children, and nearly all of those homeschoolers, or planning to be. Suddenly, we are in the investigative stage of a homeschool meetup, or co-op, or maybe even a proper school, in a couple years. People are excited about church-centered education, and desperate to talk about what that looks like, exactly. Three years ago, there were only five kids in the sunday school. It's like sixty now.
How and why this happened is a bit of a mystery to me. I'm not one of the newcomers, and I've been trying to find out. Our church did not do anything new. No new outreach, no programs, no advertising, same priest the whole time. Literally nothing changed. We are the stodgiest stodges in stodgeville. Something *out there* changed, and it is driving younger people *into* our church. And it's not just our parish, I am hearing the same from people at the diocese level-- it's all the parishes, they say. We cannot graduate priests from seminary fast enough: our bishop is pulling them out of retirement. I have been hearing similar from people in *other* conservative liturgical churches outside my denomination. Something has changed out there in the world, that has turned serious younger folks our direction. The next church census isn't for six more years, and the last one was before the lockdowns. There is no data looking at this, no way to measure it: it's nearly invisible on the national stage, but from the ground level, this thing is HUGE.
So while it seems like the other side has already won... I wonder. Because down here, from eyelevel, it really looks like the tide is rapidly turning in the other direction. There are some interesting church inside-baseball type things that would likely obscure the numbers even now and part of me wonders if this is not... the angels kicking up dust so the enemy can't see what's coming.
Looks to me like the young people don't want what the machine is selling.
It's ours to win, I think.
Agree wholeheartedly, it the same in my little part of England - my family are those very people, choosing to join a church as we felt something shift, something change whereby just thinking about it wasn't enough, we needed to join our brothers and sisters in apostolic faith. If we choose light over dark we will always succeed.
Out of completely nosy personal curiosity... any chance you could elaborate on what exactly that shift was?
Personally it's was a realisation that ultimately the battle we face is not political but spiritual. We can tinker at the edges with politics of the left/right flavour but it all boils down to God in the end. Either you follow the path set out in the Bible (however that might be for the individual) or you turn further away from Him. The words of politics are meaningless without true righteousness and I think people are coming to the realisation that our souls are the thing that's up for grabs...and it scares them.
Thanks! My own entry into the church nearly two decades ago was... different. Amazing and wonderful, but I am struggling to understand what's going on with the new people. There's an urgency to them that's new, and it feels rather like... seeing all the wildlife sprinting out of the woods, and trying to figure out what they're running from. Wildfire? Wolves? Storm?
Yes. Once you see the "bigger battle" and recognize the true Enemy, the need for new tactics in this spiritual warfare becomes quickly apparent. Choose, this day, which side you are on.
Machine, do you read Paul Kingsnorth?
Great post.
Once in a while, but he is tediously verbose.
It's a very useful metaphor, though.
He’s brilliant, but very churchy
I'm rather churchy myself ;) But Kingsnorth and I belong to the same church, and he's still got that fresh-convert googly-eyes thing going on, so... uh. Look, I love him but reading him writing about our shared religion will be a lot more interesting once he's got a couple decades of praxis under his belt, and has settled down some.
Praxis, I had to look it up, good word. Romanian orthodox, hum. Cool.
Read this. In Britain, support for Reform (the populist party) has been surging among young people.
"School, media, entertainment, all institutions, human resources departments" have all lost so much legitimacy as more people awaken to the machinations of this bizarre tribal-oligarchy spinning greed and avarice based neoliberal globalist hegemony and its obviously negative effects that people are keeping their children OUT and away from these influencers and spaces. It may be that I live in an outlier district of Canada where this is undeniably true, but I have hope that it becomes more widespread as time goes on. Bullets with butterfly wings. The butterfly effect. An inverted wedge of intuitive understanding through the network that expands with shocking rapidity and changes everything practically overnight. Never say never again.....
(((the enemy)))
What solutions do you have?
Made me think of this again:
The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of "Men who wanted to be left Alone".
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.
They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the "Men who wanted to be left Alone" are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. . . .
Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these "Men who wanted to be left Alone", fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears.
Great quote.
100% agree, I have often wondered about the cultural damage many worthy cultures experience when, despite minding their own business and being diplomatic, they have to deal with some dickhead invading imperial culture and in the process ruin a lot of what made them great.
Europeans were subject, at the margins (except for "russia") to the brutality of the Mongolians Hordes and then the Ottoman Empire that descended from the Mongolian gene pool.
The Mongolian Hordes also destroyed China and India and the middle east, pretty much all of the civilized world that was known at the time.
The Arab/Berber invasion of Spain after the "end" of the Roman Empire led to almost 1,000 years of muslim slave trade in "white" people (mostly women?), along with african and asian slaves.
Except this is false.
Most of the time the "Men who wanted to be left Alone" just lose, are destroyed, and are completely forgotten by history.
Also true unfortunately. Someone posted a quote. Those that desire to win, win more than those that just want to be left alone.
This is well written but entirely false --- cowards who are called to fight but hide, again and again, as the situation becomes increasingly desperate, when finally cornered and given no other option but to pick up arms, will be swiftly run through by the enemy who at this point has butchered stronger, braver men.
Interestingly, I went on a hunting safari several years ago with my now ex-husband to Zimbabwe. We went to a conservancy that encompassed over 1M acres. They had hunts to fund the operation, animal husbandry, species propagation, and most importantly to fund their militia to hunt and kill the poachers. The outfitter for our 4’some was born and raised in Rhodesia and was understandably quite bitter about everything that had happened. They owned an estate with a couple thousand acres of successful farmland and had an extensive aqueduct system that fed multiple ponds for fishing. They also had a great number of typical African wildlife that roamed their property. Complete sustainability was achieved and by all accounts it seemed like a slice of paradise. He said that the bush people that took over their family’s estate were incapable of comprehending any of it. They inexplicably broke apart the aqueducts, completely fished out every pond that of course, eventually dried up, killed off all of the wildlife, and of course the farmland became barren with the lack of water. It’s not terribly different from what the climate change idiots and the rest of the Cabal are doing worldwide.
Rhodesia is a perfect example of how the world is going.
It's so incredibly tragic. These people are the enemies of civilization.
I knew some white, western Baha'i (liberal) missionary-type people whose families had been in either Rhodesia and/or South Africa in the period in question, some farmers, and their stories are similar, except they retained their actual, religious belief in "diversity" and such. As far as I can tell, the religion, which is Persian/Iranian/Shi'a in origin, faded into mostly deserved obscurity.
I have a close friend from Rhodesia, now living here in Wales, who fought against the rebels. Indeed, that may well be him on the far left in the picture of the young men holding rifles (he has shown me lots of images from those days and it certainly corresponds}. Now a fully non-compliant, unvaccinated, common law advocate with a full manual of SHTF survival tricks in his head - largely gleaned from those days in the bush - I'm sure he will appreciate your words on the country he lost, albeit with a tear in the eye.
As regards the situation in the UK, there are many saying this is just what 'they' want, a perfect pretext to impose all kinds of enforcement laws, divide and rule, blah blah blah, but frankly I am over second guessing the intentions of the enemy; one can both be strategic and play by our own rule book. That seems to me to be the thing most likely to throw them off balance. I don't think they were prepared for the ferocity of this weekend's backlash at all.
It caught them completely off guard, and they are floundering. They've focused on overly feminine means of social control, which have broken down, and do not have the force necessary to back up their rhetoric. These people are not playing 5D chess.
I sincerely hope your Rhodesian friend enjoys my paean to his lost homeland. He sounds based af.
Haha, he will. He is the Prince of Based indeed.
My dad always told me when I was a kid, that if I were to get in a fight, to strike the bully in the nose. Try to get it to bleed. He will most likely capitulate or run
The lesson is that the coward is likely to prey on hiss betters, but has no heart to fight. The creatures inhabiting power are weaklings. Moral midgets. Scared faggots. Watch how they cowered during Jan 6.
Now imagine if someone actually bloodied their nose.
Imagine if they had to look over their shoulders when they went out to eat.
Imagine if thet cringed a little every time they turned the ignition switch in their cars.
They would have a collective nervous breakdown. It would be glorious to see.
> As regards the situation in the UK, there are many saying this is just what 'they' want, a perfect pretext to impose all kinds of enforcement laws, divide and rule, blah blah blah, but frankly I am over second guessing the intentions of the enemy;
At this point I suspect the people saying things like that are simply trying to cover for their cowardice.
I agree. Lots of keyboard warriors and pseudo 'truthers' hugging the blanket.
The inhumanity and savagery inflicted on White farmers in Rhodesia will soon be forgotten, just as the attempted assassination of President Trump is minimized by the government-controlled and co-opted Amerikan press.
The cruelty of King Leopold will never be forgotten; but the fact that no native of Africa ever conceived of a railroad to explore central Africa (or even the wheel) speaks volumes about racial differences. But it has never been a popular discussion topic or the subject of serious scientific study - with the exception of Charles Murray's THE BELL CURVE.
The Tao has determined that the world will now return to a new Dark Ages. Oh well. Whatcha gonna do?
I do not think they will win so easily. To the contrary, they are struggling to maintain control, floundering, unsure what to do … the usual mechanisms no longer function for them.
This is no time for defeatism.
The laptop/professional managerial class has a central problem: their most dedicated adherents are all useless in any fight. The Bolsheviks, by contrast, had a lot of trigger-pullers in their core group.
The laptop class outsources their trigger-pullers and enforcers to the state and federal LEOs who are loyal to the system. In the U.S., LEOs are paid pretty well, overall, and it takes quite a bit to get them to refuse orders, but I suspect there will be a tipping point when they’re asked to routinely crack down on demographics who own rifles and know how to use them.
The enforcers want to do their 20+ years and get their pension. They don’t want to take a bullet in the dome to fulfill the wishes of some pathetic dweeb who issued a death sentence via text message.
If so, it is largely due to articles like yours. So thank you for saying it as it is - the kind of honesty that quenches the thirst.
I think it is also very important to avoid a forced dichotomy, which must lead to defeatism (can you spell 'psyop'?)
Between absolute defeat and absolute victory lies a vast land of opportunity. Just because absolute victory is almost certainly unattainable, does not in any way mean absolute defeat is preordained. Much to the contrary.
Rhodesia was betrayed and wiped from the map. Yes. But even just the memory of Rhodesia is fire in the belly and a snarl of anger and vengeance that renders her sons (both biological and spiritual), immune to the weaponization of compassion. Do not underestimate the white fury of a man with nothing to lose and standing in the breach.
The putrid west will finally gangrene, and I, for one, will dance on its fucking grave. But flying far under the radar, in metaphorical lost valleys, seed will remain.
This is my only caveat with OP's conclusion.
Indeed, and anything short of 'total defeat' might be looked at as a kind of victory, given our circumstances.
The King Leopold stuff is mostly propaganda written by a "journalist-author" who massively exggerated the death toll. There's an article on the American conservative about it.
Whatcha gonna do, when they come for you?
Giving away strategy is foolish. Suffice to say, I have Tiger Traps surrounding my home and an arsenal of weapons.
... in MInecraft
Charles C, metaphorically?
Of course metaphorically, I'm sure he, same as me, lost all his weapons to the deep blue sea in a curious boating accident.
BTW, me bear truth, I've no tiger traps though my house is safe from bears.
Alaska I’m sure Bears are consideration
There is (non-"woke") serious scientific study of differences between gene pools, but since "race" isn't a scientific concept, the analysis is going to be much more fragmented than borad "race" categories.
Broadly, "white" people are in a variety of gene pools (haplotype groups) of varying levels of inbreeding via historical cousin marriage. The most outbred "white" gene pool is the one that generated modern civilization. See Henrich's W.E.I.R.D. model of the origins of modern culture.
There is a whole medical literature dedicated to the (extremely) inbred Arab gene pool, mostly about birth defects caused by inbreeding.
Honestly I disagree. Race has little or nothing to do with, but culture is everything. So I take issue with some of John Carter’s theories here. When the founders of Rhodesia imported only the best and brightest, they weren’t importing biological DNA so much as cultural DNA. Excellently trained individuals are inculcated from birth with the mores of delayed gratification and rational self-abnegation but any person of any race can be raised in such a culturally superior environment and achieve excellence and then pass that on to their children.
The British Empire wasn’t founded by racially superior people, it was founded by a culturally superior people and I definitely agree that this cultural heritage has been degraded by rampant , extreme liberalism that has an agenda and that has to be fought against.
False dichotomy. Biology and culture coevolve.
Furthermore, race blindness is precisely what has disarmed European civilization entirely, bringing us to the current pass.
Fascinating how you seem to get HBD, yet are so hesitant to name the Jew. Why?
Jealous that the Jews have higher IQs than you?
I think you misunderstand. The iq of the jews is less important than what they choose to *always* do with it.
A smart demon, a genius demon, is still a demon.
The base societal strategy of the group is toxic. It destroys and parasitizes any society they manage to get a hold of. Their intelligence merely makes them superior parasites. Too many hyper fixate on raw intelligence. While important, high intelligence without morals or connection to the land creates fearsome monsters.
Now i leave you with a quote, please take it to heart.
“You must understand, the leading bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that the majority of the world is uneducated and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of its perpetrators.”
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, writer of the Gulag Archipelago
what is HBD?
Human biological diversity, basically the idea we are not all the same, that there are real consequential genetic differences in human races, just like you see in other populations of animals that have subspecies.
Got it, thanks!
No one with any scientific credibility would claim that HBD supports the idea of "races", it only references gene pools.
The concept of "race" is too broad to meaningfully capture how distinct gene pools evolved.
A distinct gene pool (and non-clannish culture) of the "white" race evolved modern civilization, not the entire "race".
Because the pseudo science about "the Jew" is scientifically incoherent.
Any attempt to elicit logical-scientific thinking from people like you always fails. You are trapped in a cesspool of mental dysfunction and subjective-emotive narratives
I would say a lot of things have brought us to the current pass and the chief one being the fact that we all value science but science is ignorant of moral values! That’s the crux right there.
And I believe our mechanistic view is seriously out-dated, especially in the way we look at genes.
Sure, is, ought, etc, very general point.
Science - which we categorically do not truly value, for we ignore it whenever ideologically convenient - says unequivocally that blacks have much lower IQs than Eurasians. It says nothing about what to do about that.
Instead of confronting the fact head on, we replace the is with an ought: that is, since humans ought to be identical, they therefore are. We proceed from a moral argument - although what is the basis of the morality? - to deny an empirical truth.
Whereas what ought to happen is when we see the IQ disparity, we OUGHT to face it squarely and examine the reasons why so as to develop methods for raising everybody’s IQ. Infant nurture and nutrition is critical, as well as certain ways of looking at the world
We already ran that experiment. American blacks have excellent nutrition and near zero parasitic load. The effects were marginal.
The only thing that is going to raise African IQ is several centuries, at a minimum, of strict eugenics.
It *is* worth trying to avoid the bottom-end causes of low-IQ: malnutrition, illness, and toxic exposures. All that preventable stuff is a huge drag on everybody, and it *can* be alleviated to some extent. We've made a lot of progress on malnutrition and stuff like lead exposure, all to the good. We could still see real gains if we aggressively tackled the current crisis of prenatal/earlychildhood drug exposure. It won't make people smarter overall, won't lead to more geniuses, but would considerably reduce the economic and social downsides of serious preventable impairment. The difference between somebody with a 130 IQ and a 160 IQ is... eh. Not something you can change with policy or activism. But the difference between some 80 IQ FASD schlub who can't even join the military, and a merely average 100 IQ dude (the same guy, but his mom didn't binge-drink while pregnant) is huge.
Sometimes the rednecks say it best, there is no fixing stupid.
"... says unequivocally that blacks have much lower IQs than Eurasians"
Actually science does not say that at all.
The science suggests that, on the average, the center of the bell curve, the average IQ of Negros is lower than Caucasians and that, again on the average, that of Mongolians is higher than Caucasians (Outdated terms but I'm rather outdated.).
The tails of the curves, where the makers and shakers, the failed and the broken are, I suggest, I do not say or prove, of all three curves, tends, to overlap rather significantly.
BTW; seems to me that it's rather unscientific to contend that science says anything unequivocally. Science is never ever settled.
This misunderstands the nature of gaussian distributions. The centers of the curves are indeed offset - in the case of sub-saharans vs Eurasians, by at least one standard deviation, which has huge implications for the resulting society since it determines the IQ of the bulk of the population.
Since the standard deviations are about the same, this also results in massive discrepancies out on the tails. While genius level intellect is rare in any population, it is vanishingly so for Africans.
The cultural-evolutionary process of the emergence of western civilization is more about outbreeding and high-social-trust ("classical liberalism") in its origins than scientific rationalism.
After the NW european gene pool became outbred, the W.E.I.R.D. complex selected for the co-emergence of "classically liberal" personality traits, higher 1Q, increased capability for high literacy/numeracy, business skills, and "democracy" (Constitutional law).
Inbred gene pools ("white" and otherwise) have cultures that revolve around clan honor, moots, fealty oaths, and so forth.
Race and culture are often very closely intertwined. And it’s not that some races are dumber than others so much (although that’s probably true) it’s that they are forcing quotas on race hiring with their DEI bullshit. Rhodesia didn’t do that.
Its not just about intelligence either, there are plenty of other important traits, like time preference which are critical.
"race" is a silly dead end. but look at actual, historical gene pools. the NW european gene pool became outbred after the early church banned cousin marriage (clans), and then classically liberal (high-social-trust).
Henrich's W.E.I.R.D. model explains how the complex of factors in high-social-trust modernism co-emerged via feedback loops, all made possible by an outbred gene pool and the replacement of clan marriage by the Manorial nuclear family.
Other "white" gene pools, such as Celts, Slavs and Romans maintained honor systems and cousin marriage, so modernity ("classical liberalism") didn't emerge in those more inbred gene pools, it had to be imported, and was less successful.
I lean your way ridgerunner, character not color. Criminals, invaders, evil doers are such regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, creed or whatever and need to be squashed.
None the less I've no problem making allowances for John Carter's take considering the 24/7 race, race, race, first black this, first Latin that, first female something we are overcoming! -Not surprising many even many astute come to the conclusion its all race and we need protect ours.
BTW my making allowances is not condescending, I make allowances for differences of opinion. I've great respect for the guy but allow there are issues where we'll never see eye to eye. The time spent here is well worth my while.
Western civilization emerged, accidentally, in an outbred gene pool in NW Europe, for very specific reasons, the early church banned cousin marriage, the gene pool became more varied, and then higher IQ and more open personality traits were selected for because they conferred better survival in the emerging classes of the literate, wealthier urban commoner ("capitalist") culture.
Where a gene pool ("white" or not) retained clannish cultural practices such as cousin marriage, modernity didn't emerge. In those places the peasant class tended to remain poor, sick, starving and illiterate in general and the urban commoner class small.
>Race has little or nothing to do with, but culture is everything.
If that were the case why did such radically different cultures evolve over thousands of years? I'm thinking in particular of sub-Saharan Africans vs. say, the Chinese. If race has nothing to do with culture wouldn't all the different races have ended up with roughly the same cultural artifacts? The same gods?
If you look at the actual scientific literature of sociobiology and human gene-culture co-evolution, you see that there is a feedback loop, genetics change in response to cultural evolution, and vice versa.
Look at Unz's PhD. He describes something like 1,000 years of Chinese meritocratic bureaucracy that relentlessly selected for higher IQ via civil service examinations. Any poor, uneducated, illiterate peasant male that wasn't tied into an extended family structure that had entered the bureaucracy (gaining wealth and property) by passing the exams was brutally excluded from access to marriage and reproduction by class discrimination.
Thus, on average, low IQ tended to be bred out of the gene pool.
Unz estimated that at any given point, 20% of the males in China were unable to reproduce, mainly due to class and thus IQ discrimination.
Since China didn't make a clean break from extended family to a Manorial nuclear structure, it did not develop "classical liberalism" (formal Constitutional order, agentic, individualistic values).
That begs the question: why didn't, say, sub-saharan Africans develop a meritocratic bureaucracy. I don't understand your point.
I think Unz or others might want to visit China and see first hand how most Chinese aren't that bright. They are essentially copying machines. I mean the smart ones. They are riddled with corruption like the Rest of the World. IQ isn't everything. Intellectuals tend to over-estimate the importance of intelligence as superior to other aspects of character anyway.
Indeed, intellect isn't everything. Other character traits are also very important (and also strongly inheritable).
Smarter, richer "middle class" europeans (urban commoners) tended to survive the Black Plagues better than dumber, poorer, starving peasants. Disease (at least 25% mortality) was a major driver of cultural evolution, along with the other co-emergent elements in the W.E.I.R.D. model.
Unz researched China extensively. I can't remember if he spent any time in China.
Most americans/europeans aren't that bright.
If you look at Henrich's W.E.I.R.D. model, it explains why clannish cultures, including "white" Celts/Slavs/Romans, failed to evolve either model of meritocracy.
The key factor is cousin marriage being abolished. After that the gene pool becomes outbred and more variable. Genetic variability is the raw material of biological evolution, cultural variability is the raw material of cultural evolution.
There are specific, CO-EMERGENT economic, environmental and social conditions that select for high-social-trust and against dynastic-clan social forms. River and sea trade. An expanding urban commoner class, increased "middle class" literacy and wealth and so forth.
Well for one thing, we know from epigenetics that form follows function. And there are countless reasons people from cold climates evolved different cultures from people in warm climates.
So, Inuits and North American natives evolved into the same culture as Scandinavians and Russians?
What do you mean form follows function? Objects made to aid in dealings with the spiritual world are wildly different in all the various races. But these artifacts conform in related groups within those races.
If you live in a colder climate that supports farming, food isn’t available all year round. Thus you need to plan and cooperate with others or you die. That is a different set of societal and evolutionary pressures compered to places where food is available year round.
I believe this is the argument being made which I agree with wholeheartedly.
Thanks for your comment. My point was that there are variations between groups (races) that disprove the idea that culture is totally influenced by environment, which is JC's original claim.
Culture is concerned with the objects created in order to deal with spiritual beings (or lack thereof) concerning farming or hunting, death, privilege, obligation, honor, relations between sexes, etc.
For only one example, Inuit and North American indigenous people created wildly different objects, gestures and sounds in time as a culture compared to other groups inhabiting the same climate over thousands of years, so how can environment be the only determinant of a culture?
Yeah, as much as I like John Carter and his entertaining essays, his insistence on the racial superiority and inferiority of people at a biological level is one of my biggest disagreements I have with him. Pretty much everything he attributes to "Eugenics" is much better explained by cultural factors. Pretty much everything he says about africans can be challenged by a visit to Isaac Samuels brilliant substack about African history.
Boomer pieties have nothing to do with scientific reality.
The better explanation is gene-culture co-evolution, which the lunatics on the "woke" "left" have been trying to suppress and erase since the late 1970s (E.O. Wilson).
Africans who attend American universities often do very well. Your point about cultural factors is well taken. A friend of mine, a college professor, asked a Somali student how he spoke such perfect English and was succeeding where most American black students were not. The young man's answer was that he did not socialize with American-born blacks.
Nevertheless, it is foolish to imagine there is no difference in intelligence and abilities of different races. It has been well documented and only frustrated racists refuse to accept that truth.
"Africans who attend American universities often do very well."
That's a bit of a selection bias, isn't it? Examine this similar comment, "Chinese who play in the NBA often do very well". Most have heard of star Chinese such as the 7'6" Yao Ming. The exception proves the rule, as they say.
I didn't mean to write an editorial. I just wrote what a friend of mine told me.
The africans that come to the USA for college tend to be from the most wealthy and successful families, which generally means the families with higher IQ genes, better communication skills and more entrepreneurial personalities. (some of which came from either muslim or european colonizers, ironically.)
That is actual, natural "eugenics", selection for genes that confer better survival.
I feel like I'm a member of the Resistance in an occupied country. It's felt that way for a while, well, since Covid really, but it has become far stronger now. As a native white Brit I have no legal or political representation. Our government is not our government but one of many clients of a central server which downloads policy and strategy. To fight we need to break the network, not the client. Fighting the client is a waste of tactical energy, blood and lives. Cutting the server-client feed will be far more successful. Ultimately, destroying the server is what is needed. This message will self-destruct in five seconds.
We all feel that way … well maybe the Americans not quite to the same degree, but certainly it’s a common feeling.
The question is - how do we break the server? I’m not sure it’s as easy as ‘nuke the mainframe’ or whatever, like in the movies.
Instead, we have to think in terms of network warfare: identify key nodes, and eliminate them; degrade the ability of the nodes to pass information; introduce noise into the system to drown out the signal.
Yes, I know I'm not alone in this. Yet there is no one in my social circle who feels the same way. At least not yet. Maybe I need some new friends. Haha.
Network Warfare - exactly. Eliminating nodes = destroying the feed. And who knows, maybe there'll come a time where we need Tom to nuke the mainframe.
There’s definitely a generational component, I think. I find the older generations to be more insulated and comfortable, and more attached to the pretty fictions of the 60s and 70s, the whole mythology of Civil Rights. It can be very isolating for those who resist it, I’m sure.
Being 2 years short of 70, I relate to the maquis and partigiani far more than the insulated comfort of 60s mythology. Mainly due to seeing their behavior during Covid when all that giving it to the Man turned into obedience to the Man, the peace-loving alternative turned into fascists. I was at the receiving end of that, as were most of us who spoke out.
My mother is in the same cohort, and she had a similar experience during COVID. She was was shocked at how nasty her friends became. Eye opening experience.
70 is the new 50 :-)
Stewart Brand, founder of the Whole Earth Catalog (60 counterculture) stated some years ago when he was stirring up controversy to sell his book on "Environmental Heresies" that the counterculture-left was mostly pro-state and socialist in its tendencies. His more libertarian and contrarian sensibility was from his father's older tradition of rural and frontier self-reliance.
The idea of social media supposedly evolved from one of Brand's early experiments in running an electronic communication network, open source community bulletin boards (for Deadheads!) or something like that (Grateful Dead hippy rock group fans).
I remember my older brother having a copy of the Whole Earth Catalog back in the 60s and I was all over it, even though I was just a kid. Aside from his Deadhead bbs, there's always the NSA's LifeLog which closed down the same time Facebook started. But I think a lot of big tech social media began with 60s counterculture ideas.
Exactly, the government is only there to mete out punishment to the native English and Irish. It certainly hasn’t represented them in a long time. Just a pantomime of voting, the US is headed in the same direction.
I grow more resolved by the day. Much to consider here.
I'm all for fighting. But when I say that on Substack, I'm told I'm fedpoasting.
We can and will win. We MUST win. We have NO ALTERNATIVE.
Like the Aussies at Gallipoli landing, we have no choice and must undertake the greatest sacrifices or die in the surf.
It's only a matter of going and doing the awful work that must be done.
If you are actually planning to "fight" (IRL), why would you post about it on open, public social media platforms where the FBI/NSA could easily see it?
Because it doesn’t matter. I’m already on their black list. They know. I know they know. They know I know. We are a knowledgeable bunch. The board is set; the pieces are moving.
Now we know why people tell you that you are "fedpoasting".
Hardly. The accusations of fedpoasting are expressions of fear.
Anybody advocating violence in a public forum is either stupid or a fed. Which one are you?
It doesn’t matter, he’s right. The only thing that will shift this is violence from the other side.
Neither and fuck you.
I never knew that about Rhodesia, wow. But I think that also goes to show the two radically opposite frameworks or paradigms the right and left are working with. Because to us I think it seems obvious that these mass importations of the third world are disastrous. How could you not see? But if you talk to the normie they are operating in just an entirely opposite worldview. First of all they are not informed at all about what the real world is like. The average person’s view of history is like reddit “and then good guys beat the bad guys” over and over again, always making progress upwards till now. And second, the ideological programming runs so deep that they have visceral emotional reactions to anything that discredits what the authorities say. I imagine the average person reading this would just discredit everything you say without considering it any deeper than “he’s racist so he’s wrong and evil.”
I don’t know what needs to happen to wake the White man up to what’s actually happening to his home. The fact that so many in those videos would rather side with Gay Homosex than the land of their fathers shows how far uphill we have to climb. I have faith in them, the blood in their veins is the same that drove their fathers to conquer the entire word, but we need more people to wake up. I’m not sure how to achieve that.
Only then I think can we think about what a global civil war to reclaim western civilization would look like. As it is now, we are depressingly few.
If you subtract the invaders, whites who oppose the system dramatically outnumber those who support it. The white man is less broken than is commonly said.
I’m proud to support this polemic. I send many of these articles to my globalist progressive nihilists relatives who live in their gated communities and whose portals are protected by sentinels whom they would never allow in their homes unless they were holding a silver tray. I ask them, “Why the gate? Why the guards? The responses are the tribal troupes and the specious shibboleths. Ave atque vale!
Much appreciated.
Champagne socialists are the absolute worst.
I like that phrase “champagne socialist”. We called him limousine liberals in my day.
Kevin O. I bet you’re not particularly popular with your friends. Lol.
They know where I stand and know that I will debate fairly. Unfortunately, no one will challenge my opinion which is certainly not perfect.
"We're working with mostly moxy and spite"... and truth. Call me naive if you like, but grounding our efforts in truth must count for something.
It counts for everything.
The way things are now, to fight is to win.
They expect you to not fight. That is their victory, that you do not fight.
"Is there not a kind of cowardice in the European youth who align themselves with the Palestinian cause? A submission to a lifetime of conditioning that it is always illegitimate to take one’s own side? Could their solidarity be no more than sublimation of their own repressed anger, at what is being done to them?"
Yes. That is indeed the reason. They are not even useful idiots, but a rung beneath that.
This is also my sense. We have not fought, at all, and so we lose by default against an enemy that does not have to fight … and, in truth, cannot.
A lot to unpack here, but as I was reading it, I had a realization as to why perhaps women are the ones supporting mass immigration with all their hearts even if it means their lives will most likely be less safe because they've welcomed tribal man, who has little need for women except sex while also castrating their own, civilized men (or better their literate men). The reason is, to admit that tribal man and literate man have different neurology, for the act of literacy changes a person's brain. Not just so they can read, so that they can perceive and live in the future and plan. This is what leads to civilization. Tribal man lives in the now, in the space of the land, and has no need to put down roots. Women and children thrive in literate societies for a reason, but, here's the kicker, not in the way that literate men do. For the male and female brain is also different, whether oral or literate, and literate women hate this fact. They think anything a boy can do a girl can do better and all sorts of other crap. To admit that tribal man is less than in his ability to grow and tend civilizations is to admit some races are superior to others, at least when it comes to organizing nation-states, which is one step from admitting that male and female brains are different. Modern women will not abide that, so they love the immigrant and pretend he is just as capable running the city as the citizen who was raised there because she has to believe she is just as capable as a man at defending the civilization, even though she isn't. The truth is, women are the civilizing factor in the equation. Sure, you guys would reach for the moon and invent a rocket ship, but you'd probably still be shitting in an outhouse. It was most likely a woman who said, hey, can we find a way to move the poop away? I don't know anything about fluid mechanics, but it would be lovely to shit in my own home and not have to smell a thing. Voila, man invents plumbing, woman loves her man, and civilization is built. Anyway, I imagine most women would hate every word I've written, but that's why they're all for the open borders.
I think this is quite insightful. It mirrors the redpilling process many men have gone through over the last decade or so, which starts with realizing that men and women are, in fact, extremely different right down to neurology, and goes from there to race.
No accident that feminism and racial communism are closely correlated, either.
And the trans thing
Fantastic as always.
I have come to believe in destiny. Heroes, both mythological and historical, require desperate times. This is true for Arjuna observing his opposing army, for Frodo and Sam staring up at Mount Doom, for Baldwin facing down Saladin, for Christ conquering the Enemy Himself.
As blackpilled as I have been, I do not think the Hyperborean spirit can fully be eradicated. It can be diminished, quelled, but not expirtated.
There may never be a day without war, but maybe that is the cosmic point of the human condition. Maybe overcoming the seemingly impossible is the test of our life on Earth. Without evil, goodness has no meaning.
It also means that there will always be struggle. There will always be fighting.
And it's starting to look like this spirit is being reawakened
Despite all their efforts, all they could ever do was chain us up, pen us. Thinking themselves safe, they proceeded to torment us.
And if the chain breaks?
They didn't think of that.
Reminds me of this
South Africa today is literally THE prime example of what 30 years of DEI will do to a country. We implemented DEI under its prototype form - "black economic empowerment" - 30 years ago, and promoted people into positions of power and responsibility purely based on skin colour and what they have (or not) in their pants. The end result speaks for itself.
And the rest of the Western world studiously pretends not to know what's happened in South Africa as a result of those policies, because it instantly discredits them.
SA was held up as the Poster Child of "Successful Democratic Transition" in Africa, from a (post-) colonial administration to a true Native Afro-centric Rule. Every other democracy in Africa has been measured against the supposed "success" of SA - so anyone questioning the results of the process in SA, is also - by proxy - effectively casting doubt on the success of all the other democracies in the region. If the Poster Child is flawed and broken, how flawed and broken are the others in comparison? That is a can of worms that no Western politician wants to touch with a 10ft pole.
And because they refuse to touch it, our own countries rot.
Not sure that Zimbabwe is the telos. Rhodesia was sacrificed to ensure African cooperation with the West during the Cold War. It was also an experiment in majority rule. It's destruction cost the West very little as the mining sector worked well enough under Mugabe and the destruction of agriculture simply removed competition for US, Canadian and Australian farmers.
The destruction of Rhodesia was also a loyalty test for the UK. Westminster/Whitehall proved its loyalty to Washington.
A planet of favelas is the telos, with agreeable safe havens in places like Switzerland available to the planetary ruling class.
Yes, but given fertility patterns, those favelas will ultimately fill with Africans. Hence: Zimbabwe.
The favelas I thought were a mishmash of mystery meat?
It’s all bad, yes.
The yellow dogs of humanity, yes.
Things are bad if the people running Switzerland have gone soft in the head on migration.
Thiel luckier than most but who really knows about any of this? The government of New Zealand is scarcely any better than their peers.
Either we reverse this now, or never.
If never, Europe dies.