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Sep 6, 2022
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Indeed, for the plebs it's an ersatz religion, just as wokism and covidianism. Obvious.

The question is - why did the elites choose THIS and not something else? The precise nature of the environmental threat is arbitrary.

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I sometimes wonder if the choice of heat isn't related to the reiigion-replacement function. Something akin to an epigenetic memory of tradcath depictions of a fiery Hell, bouncing around like an echo in the limbic system.

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Maybe because the elites come from academia, or they get their ideas there? I mean, if you don't know, who will you go to ask?

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That merely moves the locus of the question. However, when it comes to climate science, or any other highly politicized field, the academics tend to follow power rather than vice versa.

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You are probably right. When we are discussing this issue here, I wanted to ask you. What exactly is now belief, vision, ideology or uniting idea in America? Is there some? Besides woke, transgender, bitcoin, musk and LGBT community.

And I am asking seriously, what are kids thought in school, when they ask what makes them American? Or how old people answer question, what will be fate of America in next years? And how students at university answer the question, what will be America in 10 - 20 years? Do they even talk about this? And when no, isn't that strange?

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The short answer is, there is no uniting idea - America is too deeply divided for that to be possible. Longer answer: there are two Americas. One is the heritage America, the real America, which is much as it was always presented: liberty, life, etc. The other is pseudo-America, the neo-marxist, managerial liberalism state, which seeks to supplant the original. The woke stuff is a cultural weapon deployed by the latter against the former.

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It kinda feels like before WW2 - in Germany, it was rich jews vs poor workers. In America, it is now immigrants vs heritage people. I know nobody is asking, but the only reasonable thing to stop this would be to truly reform the economy. No more dept consumption and no more outsourcing. Everything has to be produced inside America, and it has to be paid from actual money, not from future earnings.

This would bring back some balance and work for people. Otherwise, it will escalate further, and I think America is already on the brink of civil war now.

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I don't think it's immigrants vs heritage population, precisely, in America or anywhere else in the West. Immigrants are being used as a proxy force by elites, and the heritage population understands this very well: their dislike is very much directed against their rotten elites rather than against immigrants. However, the elites hide behind immigrants, claiming that any dissent from their rule is racist.

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I hope nobody will kill me for commenting on my own comment, but the more I read writing from others, I suspect it's kind of our fault also. Should we create some new religion or some secret island, story or ideology for bored, rich and stupid elites? I mean it seriously, if it's true that this is just because they feel useless, but they have all the money, power and influence, shouldn't we do some kind of game for them to have something to chase?

Some secret language or place without map which they can conquer? Should we, as the plebs, really put our resources to create some ideological framework how to keep our elites busy and not to mess with us? I mean, some racing for them and some prices - they for sure love to win, they love to be smart, and they love to help people, but everything has been already discovered. Maybe, they need some adrenalin and when you are super rich, there is not much of it. Just an idea for thinking, but I feel, it might have some point

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This is one of the reasons space colonization is absolutely crucial to maintaining a healthy society. It gives the elites a productive outlet. Further, as an unforgiving but highly rewarding arena, it should produce elites that are actually elite. Which we currently don't have.

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I suppose there's no dice on bringing back combat tournaments? I am not optimistic that most of the powerful and wealthy elites could contribute much to space, but I'd bet a lot of them could don armor and pollax and fight it out in the arena.

I would also accept a suitably deadly American Gladiators style outlet for elites.

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I would pay good money for ringside seats to watch Bill Gates have a go at Hillary Clinton with a spiked mace.

Honestly my money would be on Killary.

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I mine would be too, although I could see Gates snapping into berserk rage if really pushed. Killary I think might be too cold blooded and might be taken aback if so. I am not sure that woman has warm feelings of any sort inside her.

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Well, maybe, but just to add one more point. I don't think that we have become somehow super evolved. There is a lot of work on planet earth, I personally see so many things which would need renovation or innovation and for sure in America is that too. The thing is that someone set up economy that it's more beneficial to split and resell anything for better price or outsource it to third world than to build new and better. That's the so-called financialization.

So no, there is a lot of work, but someone has setup the system wrongly to benefit different activities and orientations. There is plenty of space, and you can build above, inside or improve anything you want.

They just have to stop with cheap labor from third world, outsourcing and with dept accumulation - they have to start repaying their dept. That's the only thing which we need to do in the system to fix this, and the craziness will end.

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Sep 6, 2022
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Certainly. There's no honor amongst thieves.

So far as A/B testing goes, they do that, too. Obviously global warming was the winner there. But why? That's what I was trying to get at - I doubt it's just random. There has to be a reason it's preferred. Hence my suspicion that the appeal is at symbolic level: get the cattle to accept a rejection of life.

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Perhaps "elemental" symbolism offers a clue. Fire vs. Ice and the instinctive, visceral reactions living creatures demonstrate. Freezing and burning are both horrific prospects, but most would choose the slow cold route over rising flames. A world "in flames" would as such have greater potential to inculcate the required fear response preceding any narrative and/or memetic injection into the targeted space.

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Sep 6, 2022Edited
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Indeed, they're generally cunning and clever, but not necessarily highly intelligent.

They've clearly gotten caught up in some form of ideological possession. However, the ideology they follow is almost certainly not the ideology they tell the masses to follow.

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Sep 6, 2022Edited
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That's why I hedge - is what we think we're seeing, real? Maybe it's just an emergent phenomenon, with sinews of greed and nerves of graft. And honestly for the overwhelming majority of the participants in the egregore, that's almost certainly exactly what it is.

But then there's shit like Epstein, and one wonders just what kinds of nasties have wormed their way into the soft tissues of the halls of power.

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Sep 6, 2022Edited
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I still prefer Conan.

Set always strikes a chord, even though I don't hate snakes so much as Robert E. Howard apparently did. Just that cold, emotionless disdain for all human life, worshipper or no. His priests knowing full well he is evil and hates them, but doing it for the power he provides. The Inner Party in a nutshell.

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Why no flame thrower for graft?

Asking for a friend.

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Sep 6, 2022
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Oh, I might be misinterpreting what you mean by "remove by flame throwers" then. I figured it was basically force.

Although... it does seem that no matter what laws are enacted, they don't get enforced if the powerful don't want them to be. So maybe we are back to the other flame thrower idea.

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Sep 6, 2022Edited
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Part of me thinks that the best answer to abuse of government power is to have the public be so prone to burn those who abuse it that no one wants to wield it for fear of immolation no matter what they do. Sort of a once you take office you lose most of your rights as a citizen until you leave it. Of course, we do the opposite and grant all sorts of immunities to law makers and enforcers, along with all the other bureaucrats. That's never made sense to me... here's a whole bunch of extra power to abuse, but we are going to make sure you don't get punished for doing so like you would if you weren't given the power.

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Sep 6, 2022Edited
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