don't forget Shame!
Guilt & Shame are the ultimate strings with which to control the human puppet...
if you can climb to the top of Mt. Morality and dictate to the plebs what should make them feel guilt and/or shame, you can lay a trail of narrative bread crumbs and lead them wherever u want.
Guilt & Shame are the ultimate strings with which to control the human puppet...
if you can climb to the top of Mt. Morality and dictate to the plebs what should make them feel guilt and/or shame, you can lay a trail of narrative bread crumbs and lead them wherever u want.
Well put, I have developed a fine tuned guilt trip sensor in myself over the years. Anyone who tries to push the guilt trip button is immediately called out in my life. Its truly weird that the progressive left pushes the accept everyones lifestyle without shame argument while shaming anyone who doesn't support that idea. in our upside down world those who should feel the most shame for their life choices are the ones showing their pride !
don't forget Shame!
Guilt & Shame are the ultimate strings with which to control the human puppet...
if you can climb to the top of Mt. Morality and dictate to the plebs what should make them feel guilt and/or shame, you can lay a trail of narrative bread crumbs and lead them wherever u want.
Well put, I have developed a fine tuned guilt trip sensor in myself over the years. Anyone who tries to push the guilt trip button is immediately called out in my life. Its truly weird that the progressive left pushes the accept everyones lifestyle without shame argument while shaming anyone who doesn't support that idea. in our upside down world those who should feel the most shame for their life choices are the ones showing their pride !