Any institution that promotes for any reason other than merit is in a state of decay, our country is rotting.

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This rotten empire is collapsing, slowly but surely. I live for the day when it goes tits up.

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Indeed it is and when it does go tits up the people are going to know grief and strife like they have never known. I cannot say I live for the day, but I have prepared for it, as I advise everyone to do.

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You nailed it. That's how you know this is an orchestrated effort.

It makes no sense to do "bad business" unless you can still keep afloat another way. That's when we get into ESG.

The big investment firms prop-up the businesses that check the "correct" boxes. Those businesses get endless low interest rate loans, and can kick the can down the road endlessly

It's all a scam to bring things down in general.

Also keep in mind, Blackrock and Vanguard own everyone's competition. When quality goes down, it goes down across the board. This shit is well thought out.

Like I've said for years. The self proclaimed "elites" wouldn't be trying all this is they didn't think/know they could get away with it.


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We did promote for merit.

We got it, then they sold everyone else out.

Perhaps should have selected for character?



Well, we selected for “merit” instead.

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I work/worked as a full-time community college instructor/university(s) adjunct. As a visibly brown man, many of my contemporaries and administrators are quick to denigrate whites. I assume they think I approve and/or of the same ideological bent. This has been true for the last twenty years, and it has only worsened. The things many of them say can only be described as repugnant and bigoted. The kicker is, the most virulent are other whites, usually management.

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Yes, I've heard the way many goodwhites practically spit when they say the word "white". It's foul.

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Whyte on whyte crime resembles the Old 3nglish deprecation and sanctions of the Scotch and Irish by England’s aristocracy. Who ya gonna blame now? OOH! I know! Biden.

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The real racial conflict in America, if it can be called that, is white vs white.

Racist is a way for striver whites to put others down.

See Karen, same thing.

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"...most virulent are [the] other (((white))) race...


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Yes, ancient, typical tribal culture, also strivers.

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I was about to say...in my short but intensive study of caucasian displacements, a corrupt white guy is usually sitting at the top of the Evil pile-on. They need to go paint up for some Rob Roy recon over this vaccine plague and inflation that killed the economy.

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Oct 20, 2023
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Why would you assume he's lying?

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I have been called far worst by far worst people.

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> by far worst people

have you noted the first line in his bio?

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Have fun with denouncing dah privilege

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It’s a great time to be an employer and hire white people who are very qualified and discriminated against, hence a protected class.

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If only it worked that way.

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Sure, if you like getting sued out of existence.

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I have to wonder if this anti-white-male thing is helping drive the trans thing among white males...

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Without question.

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Yeah trans athletes are a great microcosm of this. Bunch of guys who are kind of mediocre as male athletes seeing an arbitrage opportunity. When I was a fairly anti-social young nerd my friends and I would go "pub stomping" in competitive video games for roughly the same reason. But maturity and hindsight tells me this was a shitty thing to do. At least we didn't have to cut off our dicks to do it...

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A nation which abandons meritocracy will find that reality bites and has very large teeth. Empires fail for less.

Glad I'm retired, I'd never get hired in these days.

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My ex hospital employer( I’m a physician who had to “retire” due the vax mandates ) went from a very well run organization run by middle age white guys , to now being run by a 40 something lesbian who has apparently surrounded herself with women who scream and cry at board meetings to get their way. They’ve learned this works, as people give just so they don’t have to deal with them. Now in the red after years of surplus. Too many women in authority leads to societal collapse , some say. Seems like it’s happening in medicine.

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Only a matter of time before men's hearts are hardened to female tears. Ironically, the woke disdain for "white women's tears" may be something of a precursor.

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They will be next on the hit list and they won’t like it. They used to talk about the glass ceiling, wait until they hit the woke ceiling.

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Already happening in academia. Now that white men have been largely pushed out, white women are increasingly finding that "white" matters more than "woman".

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Hits glass ceiling:

Yeah, there is a ‘glass ceiling’ there because we say it’s there and that we’ve hit it! If you feel for it carefully, you might eventually be able to convince yourself that you can feel it otherwise you’re a muh-sogynist!

Hits woke ceiling:


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The pattern of sociopath queen bee surrounding herself with a crew of sycophant mean girls to destroy a social/work/religious space is a classic. I've seen it happen many times, but it seems like it's a dominant strategy everywhere now.

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Being”validated” is more important than being competent or successful as a business. We’re seeing the results in every industry. The theory that more women in supervisory roles leads to societal collapse appears to have some validity. Combined with wokeness , it may be a toxic brew.

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I think the women are the symptom, not the disease. The disease itself is incompetence in men, and that started with industrialism and the dawn of utopian progressivism in the late 1800s, before women were even voting.

Women tend to insist on getting involved in things they're not inclined to do when they feel they can't trust the men who were responsible for it. When leadership is the problem, they pick women who embody their caricature of masculinity: gruff, bullying, antagonistic, stubborn. Not much different from how men in a prison decide who's going to be the "woman".

These pseudo-masculine women tend to make a mess of things. But when they started saying "we could do better", it's not hard to see why. The entire 20th century and most of the 19th were catastrophic in the areas that women were traditionally responsible for or concerned with: social organization and cohesion, fairness, charity, health and well-being, security (especially of children).

This wasn't because of too much masculinity, but because of a lack thereof. But again, the female caricature of masculinity is all the things they find obnoxious about men. Because caricatures emphasize what stands out or distinguishes, not what goes unnoticed. When men are doing their jobs, they don't have to notice what character traits made that happen.

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I describe my situation as "disemployed." The accountant and lawyer were "not amused" but put it on the forms anyway.

Tomorrow is the second anniversary of "Queen Bonnie Day" in which all of the independent thinkers or those with common sense in the BC medical system were purged for non-compliance with the clot-shot coercion. She has reimposed masks! this month.

After 40 years I had had enough and now have time to read Substack and many original papers on immunology and metabolism.

When I started at the local hospital in 1987 it was run by two white guys and one fat white lady Director of Nursing. I am not sure you could fit all of the "managers", all female but one Chief of Staff (he/him! ), in the Boardroom now.

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The growth of administrative staff has been absolutely cancerous in medicine. It's reduced actual medical professionals to the status of hirelings and thereby devastated morale and status, it's dramatically increased the cost of health care both through their bloated salaries and the unnecessary policies they force everyone to follow, and it's led to one disastrous misstep after another, COVID being only the latest and most egregious.

It isn't only in medicine of course.

This entire class of people are worse than useless.

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This is an accurate representation of the of the state of most large enterprises today. Possibly a result of a generational shift in attitude about how we measure success, as well as a flood of less well qualified pretenders from the “everyone needs to go to college” era. These short comings are invisible when times are good , but are glaringly evident during times of crisis. Probably most evident in the educational system, where most of the least qualified ended up.

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I suggest we test this. I just got another degree and I'm applying for jobs. I'd be happy to apply to every job twice and track the responses.

What should my alter ego be? I'm a white dude with a double major in S & M, and I just went back for another bs in T. That's 3 out of 4 for the STEM job market. I also have a decade of management experience.

So, let's say my name is John Doe.

I'm straight, white, and male. Should my nom de application be Jose Ramirez or Tyrone Umgabe, should I be trans or gay, go indigenous or immigrant? How much is to far? Please advise and I'll report back.

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Shaniqua Washington for maximum wokemon points.

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Ok, I'll give it a go. So biracial black/native America. John and Shaniqua will report back with their respective results.

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Based. Keep us posted.

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Y'know, the idea of race never entered my mind, but for at least 2 years now, none of my software job bids at upwork.com have landed me an interview except for one scammy sounding job which wanted to reverse engineer cheat codes for a video game, which I declined. I have a perfect 10 rating at that site, going back 15 years or so, from when they were vworker, then odesk, now upwork.

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Really makes you think.

Thing is, they'll never say "it's because you're white." You simply won't get the interview.

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White Lefties hate us the most. A series of Communist and Fabianist governments have totally ruined Australia. Its a case of “spot the Aussie “ where ever you go.

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Try to get into an "elite" matching organization. They are not as good as they were years ago, but the public freelance sites are just markets matching scammers to scammers these days. I haven't looked at odesk et al for years after being burned one too many times.

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I tried Toptal, but didn't pass the test, which is geared for the standard set of algorithms one learns in a university. I'm self-taught and know only the algorithms I needed to solve specific problems for clients, so I'm out of luck. Any others youcan recommend?

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I think the cooldown is a few months with most of these agencies. You may just try reapplying and take time in the meanwhile to brush up on algorithms. They're all going to do some variant of this: a quick interview and live programming exam, and then a ~2 week test assignment. Most people who aren't actually any good bomb out on the latter because it's easy to drill algorithms but hard to execute on a solo project on a deadline. Competitive programming sites are a good place to get practice in on algorithms (hackerrank et al, I'm partial to codewars).

That said there's also clouddevs, gun.io, and a.team worth looking at. Others are private and only recruit directly, and getting your name out there helps attract attention.

FWIW, I am also self taught and similar experience level. University kids are really not that impressive, and building a career without the shiny paper is harder than anything they had to do in school. If they can do it, you can.

Edit: should say, sorry to be so vague, trying to maintain the anonymity of this handle. Hope that helps a bit at least.

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Thanks very much, no need to apologize. Very good info and much appreciated.

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Reading these stories, I feel like I’m listening to a bunch of Mustangs and Stallions lament the fact that they can’t get into a dog and pony show.

Here’s the thing: white men have built civilization and kept the lights on, but they have also made it way easier for everyone else to do what used to be their job.

Just one example: when the automobile first came into commercial production, there weren’t many (if any) women driving. Just starting up a car could take a certain amount of physical strength, and it was a matter of when, not if, you would get a flat tire. To say nothing of the kind of spatial/dimensional intelligence and reflexes that were required for safe operation of said vehicle.

But then men came up with innovations like the automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, air bags, etc… all of which made it easier and safer to drive a car.

Now just about any idiot can get a license. And we have men to thank for that.

So how have we thanked them?

I don’t think I need to answer that question in this forum. Suffice it to say that every guy who avoids opioids, video game addiction, and all-out misogyny is a hero in my books.

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We don’t get space colonization without White Men, there’s actually a great deal more to build; Infinite building.

(No, China isn’t a substitute).

If we don’t get space colonizing then we humanity decay, fester, turn into one giant world slum except for the fortunate Davos few and their Bugmen, and wait for Diversity to get their childish and Feral Hands on the Nukes- and they’ll use the nukes, probably over a beef in a club. Diversity will then be surprised at the huge bang explosions, and wonder why they are dying of radiation poisoning.

So we definitely have a role, and a motive. Survival, and infinite possibilities and success.

Or we can fester, this comments page a good example of festering.

Take up the White Man’s Burden; and don’t just save the world, conquer the universe.

(Elon M probably agrees, and boy does he know the stakes).

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We'll wait until the state of decay gets bad enough that the threshold for regime change is low enough to be worth the cost. Whether that's soon enough that space exploration is still viable, or avoiding nuclear annihilation for that matter, is anyone's guess.

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Yes , I am liking to show some measure of solidarity.

As it’s life or death I must be frank: your intentions would be feasible if you or someone commanded an army with resources to do this and none do, further there’s no WE, just hundreds of millions of ME, and that is fatal.

Its 1911 China, and when Old Buddha Joe goes, DC goes (the smart and sane ones have already) and the result will be a , ah “sorting process” ala China 1911-1949.

The Winner is The American Mao, the most fit Warlord.

(Ideology immaterial, it usually is).

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I'm not talking intentions, just how it seems to be. If I were calling the shots we'd have kicked out the neoboomers and started that moon base decades ago. But clearly I am not.

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Let me clarify intentions;

You had said “we’ll wait until...”

Respectfully - I don’t think there’s any We out there but the Dems and government, and the Left, that they are collapsing.

Despite this the country can and will endure.

Here’s a bright ray of cold, real hope; and they very much want space.


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Yeah, I mean basically the same thing. There is no "we". "We"s form when people are desperate and hungry enough and find charismatic leaders to unite them. We're not there yet, and no such leader is forthcoming.

The trouble I see with tech billionaires like Musk, Andreesen, and Thiel is their wealth and profits depend on the same old finance - government contractor - regulator - megacorp - ngo circlejerk as the enemy. The success of one group is the success of the other. It's less an opposition and more of a schism in the technocratic priesthood.

Worse, not only am I not interested in either version of the bugman future, I strongly suspect they're totally on the wrong track. I want my descendants to explore space, but it's going to be difficult, dangerous, and gritty, not this shiny post-scarcity star trek utopia they believe in where every line goes up if only we tech hard enough.

Anyway, I'd be happy to be wrong about this. Just not holding my breath.

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This link essentially goes to what Marc Andreessen and others want to do - save the country.

They are of course tech businesses, practical people, with resources.


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No America then no space


Ultimately no Space, no America.

The world has gotten too small

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“They wonder who will do the work.”

They’re just as guilty as her/hers HR departments, the tradies. I have been actively trying for an automotive or welder apprenticeship for nearly a decade and can’t get a sniff. Now 45 WM, I gave up this year trying to better things in life.

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That's nuts. I thought they were insanely short-handed in the trades.

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They are. Just don’t be white over 30.

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There goes my backup plan of getting back into welding when the tech world implodes. I guess I'll start practicing my lines: "Welcome to Walmart. I love you."

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Any student of history will tell you -first the target is demonized, then the expropriations, incarceration follows, then killing.

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Great post! Even if Bloomberg got the precise amount of anti-white-male discrimination wrong, the fact that white males are a disfavored class gives the lie to all the Marxcissist agitprop about how much harder it is to be nonwhite or female in the West today. We're basically living in a nightmarish series of real-life Monty Python sketches, like this one where a human librarian has to wear a gorilla costume in order to get interviewed for a job: https://youtu.be/ukJmF6f0JdQ?si=sbeHuDsxZ26u8XIj

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Ironically, I have it on good authority that wearing a gorilla costume is an excellent way to not be seen.

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That's the sasquatch's secret.

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I work in the NHS in Britain. I won't say in which type of department/specialty but they struggle to get any staff as there simply aren't the numbers. The nurses are almost all foreign and the worst are the Indians. All Christians oddly but don't speak to anyone else, don't make eye contact and are a nightmare to have do anything. They duck their head away, won't meet your eye and come up with whatever stock answer they think will make you go away. By contrast the Filipinos will grin cheerfully at the prospect of more work and zoom off before you've even finished the sentence to get on with it.

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Partly this is because we allowed our birth rates to languish for so long, importing the bodies we didn't bother making instead of fixing the societal problems that led to a barren social womb. And partly it's because we neglect the education of our own.

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"I'm broke, no joke.

I ain't got a nickel for a Coke.

But I ain't black, you see,

so Uncle Sam won't help

poor N'wah hatin' me!"

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Does this surprise anyone?

"The most well-established finding in the psychology of the workplace is that both sexes prefer a male boss to a female one."

I found that interesting little nugget of information in this article by Richard Knight, just posted on The Occidental Observer:


The whole article is worth the read, but here's another interesting paragraph:

"An anecdote that brings in race as well as sex concerns a recruitment agency’s experiment with 'blind recruitment', where applicants were shortlisted in ignorance of both characteristics. Only their merit was appraised. The agency abandoned the practice when it 'selected an all-White, male field of candidates. All the diverse candidates failed to progress to interview', wrote the company’s managing director. This wasn’t the desired result, so the agency went back to discriminating by race and sex."

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I've heard similar stories about recruitment, and all other attempts to do fully blind evaluation. That the ideologues didn't reevaluate their religious beliefs when such experiments falsified their premises says it all, really.

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If you have the time to read the article, do. There's some really funny anecdotal stuff about a couple of reality TV shows (one American, one British) about how men and women coped with being left on a deserted island. The stories are pitifully true to life.

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Great article. I'd heard of the Island shows before, but I thought it was just the Danes who did one. Hilarious that they kept running the experiment with subjects from different countries and getting the same results.

I also hadn't known that Cambridge had hired a literal retard as a professor. Clown World never disappoints.

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Thanks for the share. It made me think, you know, one of the tactics men use when women or children are being unreasonable is to say "have it your way," and wait patiently until they've had enough of having it their way. Apparently this time we're doing it on a civilizational scale.

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And now many of these same people applauded the elevation of DEI over meritocracy--and are now discovering the true meaning of what happens to useful idiots when they're no longer useful?

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Yes, it’s tough to feel sorry for people who signed their own death warrants.

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