Earth Lives Matter releases a statement decrying the Martian requirements to become a settler. They say that the absence of lower iq people is evidence of discrimination, racism and misogyny. Riots break out in major cities across the world, despite martial law being in effect, with rioters demanding the decolonization of Martian colonization. Spray painted messages stating the historical wrongs of the demographic makeups of the first settlers must be undone with new quotas of subsidized settlement groups.

On Mars, as the news of this reached, a few old settlers made their way out of the spacepub, drew a raised fist in the red earth, and pissed on it. They looked at one another, clapping hands on backs, and sternly saying "Never" as they went in for a final round before returning to their homesteads.

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Pretty much how that would go down.

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Let them come. If the tyrants on earth want to subsidize a colony, welcome them. Diversity Settlers, in their own colony, probably won't last long. Those thar survive will only do so by taking up the Martian ethos, thus becoming Martin's themselves.

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Speaking of our Ancestor's ancestral home, and THEIR colony:


I just KNEW all of this stuff sounded familiar!

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I would rather die in a failed Mars colony than ride out Imperial decline back here on yeast-Earth.

We must become our own Antarctic Space Nazis, or die trying.

Also, the first colony must be Carter City.

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I was thinking Carterville, Vulcan would also be nice.

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Or perhaps Hopium. Helium is taken.

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Thank you for a brilliant and thought provoking article. The issue of colonization of Mars has been well studied and thought out for at least the last 50 years. This is not including all of the Science Fiction novels that were written in the 1930s and 40s. The best way to protect our species is for us to explore the cosmos as it separates out the best and the brightest and the strongest genes from the remaining pool of society. Those that can withstand the vigor of space, travel, exploration, and colonization will lead the human race into the future and protect it from the petty men and women that have small minds left on earth. Hope you and your family have a happy Thanksgiving, even though you may be in Canada.

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That's exactly the idea.

I'm Canadian, so we celebrated Thanksgiving over a month ago ;)

I wonder if Martians will celebrate Thanksgiving? Their year is 2 Earth years long…

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It's amazing how Pierce Brown's Red Rising novels and your optimistic space-futurist articles have completely re-awoken my capacity to dream about the possibilities of man's future with a sense of awe instead of dread. I do hope that some of my descendants will make the journey across the ink, and play their part in spreading human flourishing to the stars for generations to come.

Thank you for another terrific article!

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The only problem with Red Rising was that he insisted on it being a dystopia. The Golds were a spectacular ruling class.

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Agreed, the way I see it the reason the setting is dystopic at all is due to tyranny of a ruling class that has lost its way. I think he paints a clear and intellectually honest picture that the only way humanity was going to get out of the mire we find ourselves in now was for a class of man possessing requisite iron will to rise up and conquer our baser desires, symbolized by the planet Earth. I think it's hard to sell the effectiveness of hierarchical order to "modern audiences," so it needs to be shown in an evil light.

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A lot of this reminds me of Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", from the decadent Earth, to the hyper-libertarian(the good kind) ideology, to every bit of oxygen being treasured. It necessitates a gruff, practical sort of man than can be both very social and willing to destroy everyone who gets in his way.

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Libertarianism has been a long-standing tradition in sci-fi for a very good reason.

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Is I just me or does Libertarianism in Sci-fi seem way cooler than real life? Lol!

Happy Thanksgiving! 🍁👍

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Much cooler.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Great stuff! My family of mostly sci-fi readers from age 6, is totally supportive of Mars exploration, though I have cautioned that the technology isn't quite there yet...

BTW, the meteor that exploded over southern Canada 12,900 years ago, leaving a layer of iridiulm like the Dinosaur killer, melte most of the ice sheet....it didn't set humanity back, it advanced humanity by creating access to most of North America...I totally agree that the disfunctional rights and customs now prevailing in the West will rapidly disappear....A very interesting view of this is contained in Heinlein's Hugo award winning The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, which includes throwing rocks at a tyrannical Earth in the move to secure the Moon colony's independence....

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Technology isn't quite there, but it's getting very, very close.

The ice sheet would have melted in any case, in all probability. The immediate effects were to abruptly drop global temperatures while setting much of North America on fire. Most likely a lot of people died. So it was certainly a setback, even if in the long run we rebounded (and are now probably a lot more advanced than they were).

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Since mr Carter mentions Tunguska, for a fun time, look at a map to see what lies on or almost of the 60th parallel North, same as the impacted area in Siberia. Just a few hours difference and no more St. Petersburg, f.e.

Currently reading von Däniken's 1969 "Erinnerungen an die Zukunft: Ungelöste Rätsel der Vergangenkeit", and he mentions Tunguska quite a lot in the latter parts. His greatest contribution will always be daring to ask awkward questions, so that others too may dare.

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Interesting. What's his take on Tunguska?

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Tunguska was a meteor that exploded over Siberia, leveling hundreds of square miles of forest.It wasn't known before that meteors could explode..There were few human casualties..The light from the explosion and fires was apparently visible from London...If it had exploded over London, hundreds of thousands would have died....

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As an old prospector myself, my favourite meteor was the Manicouagan Event, which created an eponymously named lake in northern Quebec about 214 min years ago. It was an asteroid about 3 miles in diameter and left a crater 60 miles across. If you google it, NASA has some great pics.

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Check out Mackey Chandler’s ‘April’ series. It postulates a scenario similar to the above, where the orbital residents declare independence from what they call the Slumball down at the bottom of the gravity well. The series is up to 14 books now, and touches on many of the issues discussed here. Plus it’s a hoot. Recommended. I liked it so much I re-read the whole series every time a new one comes out.

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Damn! You scooped my Heinlein reference.

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Portugal was the initiator of the Age of Exploration, at least above the level of random fishing boats or outlawed Vikings. Then they pulled back for domestic reasons which is why they are a world power. :>). Ming China did much the same leading to hundreds of years of decline. Only about 50 years kept the two from colliding in the Indian Ocean.

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The Chinese treasure fleet is one of history's great cautionary tails. If they hadn't lost their nerve and turned their backs on the world, it's possible the century of shame would never have happened.

Arguably America's current woes are related to turning its back on space in the 70s. Imagine what the country would look like by now if it hadn't.

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We had to pay for The Great Society after all.

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Oh, we've paid all right.

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The difference was that the Portuguese voyages were turning a profit, whereas the Chinese treasure fleet was an expensive prestige project.

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This is true. Sailing around to give away treasure is a very weird thing to do.

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Good point...In fact, Portuguese fishermen were fishing the Grand Banks off Canada long before Columbus arrived ...and of course the Norse were there far earlier, but couldn't survive the natives' hostility...

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Regarding the critical role of manure in making topsoil, I have a question that simply MUST be asked:

How much shit can a Starship ship, if a Starship must ship shit?

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You don't load the ship with shit. You load it with people and food. The people convert the food into shit, which you then use as fertilizer.

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But that’s not as funny. Jeez.

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But if you want to accelerate the process, you can use manure to make topsoil for grasses, then bring in dairy cattle. Less regenerative agriculture and more generative. Expand the fields as you clear out perclhorates.

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Cattle probably won't be available for quite some time. Early protein sources more likely to be fish. That said, fish effluvia is an excellent fertilizer - this is the basis of aquaponics.

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Minor nitpick: I believe Martians will be LESS agreeable than the general population.

Agreeableness is one's tendency to conform, even when one doubts the rules; on Mars obeying a stupid order can get you killed. I did a quick check with Gab.AI and it confirmed that military personnel are more disagreeable than the norm.

Agreeable people are easy to dominate temporarily, but tend to follow the drift of the crowd. Disagreeable people are harder to convince, but easier to lead once you do.

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That's a very good point.

Throw low agreeableness into the mix along with the rest of the profile and you've got a very high proportion of natural geniuses.

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This essay is much, much more important than the title would imply. One would do well to consider it in the context of a program in History and Moral Philosophy. It discusses those who had little, controlled even less, and conquered, conquered, conquered.

That has been bred out of us, for now, or certainly set to a very slow simmer.

For now.


Mindset, Brothers and Sisters, Mindset!

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Experience with new environments always sparks innovation. If asteroid mining becomes a thing, lots of really smart people will be scrambling to find ways to do it faster, cheaper, better....

Who knows what might develop as a result of that!

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One thing for sure, wherever hard working WHIMs go to find their fortunes, alcohol and prostitutes soon follow. There will still be demand for distilleries and bordellos in our glorious future. I'm not a woman, and I don't think I'd make a good pimp, but my expertise in chemistry and my homebrewing experience might just be the ticket.

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Martian vodka will be distilled from Martian potatoes within three months of the settlers planting the first potato. Count on it.

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Now this is the plan: get your ass to Mars.


Let's hope we can get our asses there before it's too late. The artwork alone is almost enough to inspire great men to take the leap, but the post is what brings it all together. Absolute banger, mate.

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We're on the path. The species will do this glorious thing.

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"This does however point to a profound difference between Musk and the money-grubbing financiers who manage our miserable vaisya-dominated bazaar of a social order. To the merchant class, money is the only possible point of doing anything; to Musk, money is merely a means to a higher end."

That right there is a very important point that needs highlighting even more. Money? Has no value at all, intrinsically. Water, air, food, shelter does. A Mars settlement (I'd argue for using settlement over colony, since a colony is beholden to a place of origin having dominion over the colony) would quite probably use some version of social credits rather than money, credits based on a combination of need and contribution. The reason for this is equally simple:

Fairness. You work and do your best and you do it right, or others suffer due to you being delinquent. In such an environment, hoarding or even having arbitrary tokens are nothing but a cause for conflict. I do not, however, mean social credits the way it is used in China and (informally, so far) the Americanised-Sinofied West. Your labour, not your opinions, will determine your worth.

And since the settlement needs your labour, and you needs the settlement, and there's a minimum of material needs everyone must be supplied with and supply the energy and materials for, some form of communal economy will evolve as the most stable form.

If. If the settlements do not make themselves dependent on Earth currencies and units of "worth". If they stay on a "dollar-standard", they can't do anything but fail, as they'll become locked in the same trajectory towards totalitarian capitalism, so close to communism you'd be excused to mistake one for the other in poor light.

And here's where Spirituality enters the game: what authority will underwrite the ideals of the settlers? You can't worship toil alone, and we need only look at our present to see where making Greed God leads, and atheism has mutated into High School contrarianism and "goth" vulgarisation of nihilism. What idol, what avatar, what higher notion then, since all the old ones (not /the/ Old Ones, though) are Earth-bound and will bring their Earth-problems with them?

(You do not want jewish and arab settlers behaving as per their respective races on a Martian colony, which they inevitably will if allowed there.)

The Engineer Hero is too human and too vague, as well as too inhumane in cold logic and emotionless rationale. The God-Machine needs a degree of ignorance preventing further technological development. Martial ability? Maybe, but sooner or later it will need an out against someone, and being a good fighter does not equal being a good steward. Technical prowess? Difficult to judge, and lead back to a leading guild stifling advancement.

What spiritual need, forceful need, can make it work and can we make work for us?

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The obvious answer is the Sky Father.

Suitably updated to reflect our understanding of just how deep the sky really is.

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Islam simply could not be replicated on Mars. The fundamentalists among them believe that human beings cannot ascend “beyond the (Copernicus-style) sphere of the Moon”. For that reason Khomeini declared the Moon landing a fake and the Iranian Ministry of Information said “Capricorn One” was really a documentary(!) There could be no fixed direction of prayer, no way to observe a lunar based calendar, no possibility of making the Hajj. My guess is that any person of Muslim descent forward looking enough to go to Mars would already have mentally left Islam behind. Nonetheless whoever is recruiting volunteer settlers would have to screen out anyone whose religious or nationalistic attachments would pose a threat to settler solidarity.

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The ones I'd be worried about would be those who viewed living in the firmament a blasphemy, and were ultimately going there to destroy it.

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I watched Capricorn One in a movie theatre in Tehran in the early 1980s and there actually was a Persian language message posted at the beginning of the film that said the events depicted in the film were real and not fiction.

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Notice I don't say "moslems" but arabs.

Islam can be molded: all it takes is that a recognised council of the imams, kadis, whatever declare it a sacred duty to spread the Dar al Islam to Mars.

A compass of sorts can easily be made so that it point towards Earth; it's not as if moslems far from Mekka bother with being exact with the direction of prayer - a general "South and East" (from where I am) is sufficient.

And a monotheistic and monocultural settlement would be plenty more stable than any multicultural one, as evidenced on Earth already. Plus, you can't screen for religion and culture without being racist and supremacist in some way, a big no-sell in the West at present and for any foreseeable future. Any non-Westerners going along to Mars would be the fully assimilated and naturalised ones.

As all the Abrahamic faiths, islam is at its core inherently pragmatic if it comes down to brass tacks - the priests, rabbis, imams /will/ declare as sacred whatever it is they realise they simply cannot do without, and find workarounds. Just look at how salafis and jews handle interest on loans: usury is haram, but fees aren't. And as if by magic, the monthly fees paid match what the interest rate would have been.

While the jews simply reasoned that that rule only apply to their fellow sons of David, not the goyim, and the Christians simply started to ignore it when it became too incovenient.

The whole "religion vs tech"-bit is a misunderstanding: the Abrahamic faiths oppose /all/ tech that threatens to upend their current powerbase, but once they realise they can't stop it, or that one of the other sects are using the tech to their advantage, they pivot and change their tune.

No reason settling space won't follow the same pattern they have kept up for more than two millennia.

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Having lived in an Islamic nation for three years I can tell you that you are flat out wrong about Muslims non-chalantly not being fussy about the direction of prayer. The evidence from Mosques built since the eighth common era century to the present is not only are mosques built with the exact t direction of prayer but that their knowledge of geography encompassed the belief that the Earth was round. If you ever stayed in a modest hotel in Indonesia or Malaysia the direction of prayer is posted on the ceiling so guests know the correct direction. A man and his family in Seattle were murdered because the father had published an article claiming that the traditional method of determining the qibla was a degree off. Pragmatic indeed

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And having lived and worked in the most islamised city in Sweden for 20 years, I stand by my assessment, as that is based on experience.

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I lived a traditionally Muslim country where the norms are observed rigorously. What sloppy Muslims do in Sweden is of no consequence.

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If China remains wealthy and powerful in the foreseeable future, they will probably aim to build a Martian or Lunar colony of their own. Without Americans doing it first it would seem whimsical, but if Americans do it, it becomes prestigious and worth repeating. People deride the Chinese as copycats, but Chinese rocket companies are the ones moving quickly to replicate the Falcon 9 style of reusable booster while most oldspace companies are left in the dust. Any potential differences between these colonies would be of great interest to future anthropologists.

It also seems unlikely that long term Martian colonists will try and maintain an Earthlike physique. Especially the children born on Mars, with few prospects of ever going to Earth. What would be the point? The low gravity may twist and deform what we know of the human body into a strange new creature, the Martian Sapiens. And that creature will be different from any far future Titan colonists.

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“Replicate” is really the key word when it comes to Chinese technology.

The other reason to maintain a good physique, not mentioned in the essay, is that it helps one to withstand high-g acceleration. If Earthlings can take 3 g’s but Martians can only tolerate 1, they're at a severe disadvantage.

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Also, from all of Chinese history however they were always state-bound, from their Zheng-He to today's space program they can't escape the role of the state, if they ever colonize Mars or the Moon, the way they are going to treat the colonies is going to be like how they treated their tributaries, they will prioritize military and political safety first (through commissariat or units loyal to the state) before they ever give a slight form of autonomy

You wouldn't be seeing something comparable to the New World turning into United States or Canada, instead, you would be seeing something comparable to how China treats its periphery nation states, albeit in this case, not in the form of state but a newfound colony

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Well, the Chinese pattern has been to establish urban colonies - chinatowns - and then work to become market dominant minorities. Usually not directly controlled by the Chinese state, but presumably influenced to some degree.

That's immigration rather than settlement, of course. AFAIK the only settlement they've really done is ethnically cleaning Tibetans and Uigers to replace them with Han.

Going into the wilderness to build civilization isn't really their thing.

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Elon may be looking to Mars, but governments are looking at earth orbital space. It's difficult to attack orbital facilities from the gravity well of earth, and easy to defend. Whoever controls these orbitals controls the earth. It's just a matter of dropping rocks on your opponents. Surely the globalists understand this. It's a mystery to me why they have not acted on this.

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I suspect that they consider the downside of encouraging space industry - humanity escaping beyond their ability to control it - to outweigh the military advantages of dominating the orbital high ground.

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As soon as settlement of the New World began, the reigning powers began to set up fortifications. They really have two choices: stop Elon and others like him, or colonize space themselves to establish a presence. While independent settlements would strive to be self sufficient, governments would make sure that their colonies were always dependent on the mother country. The question is would such a colony revolt and end up a USA, or would it be a Canada?

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> Well, the Chinese pattern has been to establish urban colonies - chinatowns - and then work to become market dominant minorities. Usually not directly controlled by the Chinese state, but presumably influenced to some degree.

The oversees Chinese weren't acting with the support of the Chinese state. In fact they were frequently actively being opposed by it.

> AFAIK the only settlement they've really done is ethnically cleaning Tibetans and Uigers to replace them with Han.

The Chinese state has at various points attempted to place Han colonies along the silk road.

There was also the gradual colonization and Hanification of what is now South China.

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Was any of that really settling, though? Or just moving into already settled areas and breeding?

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For certain values of "settled".

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Martians raised in a 0.3 g environment would likely be able to withstand 3-4gs of acceleration for short periods. You only see periods of 8-10gs for when capsules like Soyuz fuck up the reentry process on earth, so I doubt it will be a big deal unless these Martians are trying to dive headfirst into Jupiter for some reason.

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When the Chinese are free from suffocating Maoist/XiJiangist control they have proven to be great entrepreneurs. If their Martian colony thrived I can imagine the CCP panicking over their inability to control their colony from afar. The best potential of Chinese civilization might develop there.

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They make very good merchants. They aren't a creative people in general, however.

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Bronze Age pervert made a similar observation about East Asian societies.

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A long while back I made remarks on the brain-drain from Earth and how it will adversely affect Earthside life. I also pointed out how regression to the mean with subsequent generations of colonizers will result in space-eugenics, the dumping or rejecting of people too dumb to risk keeping around.

Looks like I was right on both counts...

Also, I think you are wrong here: "low neuroticism (anxious cowards won’t even think of going)"

Neurotics are not cowards; they have overly sensitive nervous systems. This can easily substitute for conscientousness. Their neuroticism will drive them with fear where conscientousness drives a person with a sense of duty. Neurotics have the advantage of being hyper-alert. They will double check things, pick up on anything going wrong immediately, and they are able to constantly spin off scenarios where things can go wrong, thereby providing alternative interpretations of risk. Neurotics get a bad rap. It's true they can be dysfunctional or pathological, but a disciplined neurotic stabilized by other personality types is an ASSET. His/her general anxiety can, when focused, be a powerful tool. There's a reason neurotics exist. Evolution created them because every tribe needs a canary in the coal mine. It's to the modern world's discredit that the neurotic is not better utilized and stabilized.

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The most productive times in my life, I was riven with anxiety and extreme neurosis. I effectively worked 80+ hours per week on intellectually draining work because of fear.

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The real heart of the patch work system will never be on earth. To the stars, can and should be the answer for any question worth asking. That should be man's true scale and ambition. My worst fear is that somehow Musk is lost, before the next 20 years up. There is a feeling that should he endure in the good graces of the heavens, he will take us there.

Mars can be terraformed far quicker than people realize, it's stupid to think that it could probably be done for the cost covid relief in the states. It hurts me personally, that I think progressives are anti space when it can represent the best of technological, diversity, and environmentalism(at least on the surface.)

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There is no good reason not to try.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving! (It was over a month ago in Canada).

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I was trying to form of joke of you guys having turkey every day with Justin Trudeau, but I can't get it to sing.

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You're not helping me enjoy the taste of turkey (I'm already not a fan).

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You're not necessarily supposed to relish it---but to be grateful for the tradition.

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This is also my position on the turkey question.

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