Bravo, John. Your finest piece yet. The historical parallels are brilliant, as is the use of the Sanpaku eyes.

This is the first time in history that a civilization has been taken down with only words, not weapons. Yuri warned of this demoralization 40 years ago. Now we have reached at an inflection point where the ism and phobia siege weapon words are becoming meaningless, so the pushback can gain steam.

If the west falls, the whole world will enter a new dark age. Let our words continue to light fires of courage and clarity.

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Beautiful post.

In my opinion all the paths lead toward doom for white western civilization and possibly for humanity itself...unless there is a Nietzschian transvaluation of values away from the egalitarianism that has been embedded in the west since Paul of Tarsus. Only such a transvaluation of values back toward inegalitarianism -- nobility, honor, immediacy of purpose, warrior values -- has any hope of countering the self-destructive values of the west down to the lowest common demoninator. Whether such a transvaluation is possible at such a late stage I don't know -- but I know that's the only solution. To be able to say: reality is unequal and no amount of social tinkering will fix these things, nor are the "more unequal" groups responsible for this -- that is what is needed if humanity is to survive.

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Nice to see some of the topics that we discussed before making it into your essay. You wrote it out better than I could have.

However, when I bring these examples up, I see them as success stories worth emulating.

My point is that 1) these people actually rose up, which cannot be said for modern Whites and the reason that they rose up is 2) because of a religious movement that necessarily was imbued with mystical practice or led by shamans of a kind.

All peasant/slave revolts are religious in nature is my point and so if there is to be any rebellion at all, it needs to use the technology of inspiring religious feeling in people to get them to rise up.

You did not list them, but there are also more successful examples of the same phenomenon.

Tecumsah had more luck and used his shaman pedigree to unite the Indian tribes into a rare confederacy that made a political miscalculation in relying so heavily on Canadian British.

The Servile wars were also led by psychopomps.

And the Protestant rebellions were actually successful in the end, using mystical the mass-induction techniques of dancing, simulated drowning, cold exposure and so on. There are other semi-successful examples that come to mind as well like the Yellow Turbans from China that got much further than the Boxers.

Most of these examples pit literal stone-age cultures against a mature European empire that was at the height of its Assabiyah. The reason why they had access to these mystical techniques was because of their estrangement from modern civilization, which was both a plus and eventually an insurmountable obstacle. But, as in the case of the Protestants, where tech wasn't as much an issue, they fared much better.

Therefore, if a religious rebellion was ignited, the tech barrier or the reluctance to use modern weaponry will not be as much of a factor. Furthermore, it will be fought by rebels who are not limited by inferior IQ and an inability to work together in large organized structures. White people are far more socialized and able to work beyond clan and tribe structures, for better or for worse. Furthermore, their opponents will largely be janissaries in the employ of the occupation government. History is filled with examples of native rebellions overthrowing foreign powers because of home field advantage. The Arab revolts against the Western powers, for example.

So, actually, the situation is not as bleak as it was for the Indians who were outnumbered, outgunned, and already in concentration camps.

It will get bleaker as time goes on, true.

But the problem has always been trying to figure out how to actually ignite the initial rebellion. Literally millions of words and pages of ink spilled trying to figure out how to get ppl to rise up. And none of these nativist thinkers could provide the correct answer. Instead, they thought like Marxists and assumed that eventually, historical conditions would manifest and a rebellion would manifest spontaneously as a result of bad government policies.

The reason why I wrote out this thesis in my book was to attempt to explain that religious feeling and mystical technology is the match that will light up the powder keg. The underlying conditions are already there. The whole thing is primed to blow.

Whether it will be successful or not is another matter.

But I believe that the "ghost dance" is the key to getting people to rise up.

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by John Carter

Just a friendly heads-up, but today (21st) marks the end of the human race according to climate change science. Greta Thunberg tweeted five years ago that if we did not stop using fossil fuels completely before the end of today, all humans would die.

It's 09:20 here, so we've got a couple of hours left, according to climet change science.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by John Carter

Bravo! Such a great piece of writing...

The only consolation I can draw for now is the general intellectual, spiritual and esthetic nullity that is our global overlord, Social Justice Inc.

The Indians were steamrolled by the European Industrial Revolution and all its enormous brainpower, firepower, and the flood of money, guns and brilliance that crossed the Atlantic; the Han were felled by the might of the British Empire, a confident civilization at the peak of its powers, which still has its fingerprints on so much of modern life; and the Judeans of course were crushed by the Romans, who basically set the template (even down to the names of our days and months) for centuries of civilization to come.

Then we get to Social Justice Inc., which runs entirely on the rapidly dwindling seed corn of a prior time and people, whose only memorable historical monuments will be mountains of trash, who have created ZERO great art or artists or architecture, and whose religion is all rage and empty ritual but no renewal or rejoicing, essentially as pleasurable as coitus sans release.

Let's always remember that the postmodern academy which functions as our civilizational cerebrum has created one product of note that defines them: Deconstruction, which acts as an intellectual cuisinart, and can only slice and dice but never build or create. None of the works of the postmodern theorists will ever be recited at a wedding or funeral, in a love letter or at the bed of a dying loved one—the whole project is a monument to sterility and spite.

Once the money runs out all the tentacles of the global corporate state will wither and die, all the apostles of the creed of Social Justice will pretend they'd never meant it or run off to find gods more durable and less disposable. They have absolutely nothing of value to offer or to pass down, thus they will be swept away and forgotten, the only question is when and how.

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By the way, this post for some reason reminds me of the differences between current day China and the GAE. In the GAE the corporations hold sway and control the state, but in China the CPC holds sway and controls the state, and corporations are not allowed to control it.

If you ask me, allowing the corporations to control everything was what really killed the country that used to knows as the US or America. Once they (and the ethnic group that controls them) took over, the native born people became an obstacle that needed to be overcome.

And they have done a good job overcoming us too, so far. Perhaps it will be different in the future, we'll see.

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I see lots of ghost dancing across right wing Substack, and it bugs me greatly.

And I will take your essay as an excuse for over the top self-promotion: I write almost entirely about action plans. I do not know with certainty if my plans will work, but I do know that acting on available information in a semi rational fashion beats the crappe out of conspiracy theorizing and other efforts to explain our fall.

(And ten minutes of training with a .357 magnum beats 10 years of kung fu or weight training. Or, as the libertarian comedian Tim Slagle said, "I have a WARRIOR's belly!")

With that written, I will admit that reviving our traditional religion is PART of my action plan. But it's not the ritual, but the underlying values (and potential divine intervention) that interest me.

And, by the way, the Jews faced a similar situation in the time of Jeremiah. While there was plenty if idol destruction and other religious reforms at the time, the wealthy Jews balked at obeying the Jubilee Laws. But the Jubilee Laws were critical to maintaining an independent Jewish state surrounded by empires. The Jubilee Laws created a vast population of ornery rednecks with Skin in the Game. A country with such rednecks can field a defensive army sufficient to repel the army of an invading empire.

The US situation is analogous to Judah in Jeremiah's day. Our elite are consolidating land and business opportunities. Our military has become professional and small compared to the overall population. Our government no longer trusts its own people. There are so many state secrets that democracy is meaningless on the subject of foreign policy.

Any revival of ceremony must come with revival of underlying relevant ideas. Getting people back into churches to sing more hymns will not likely save us. The spirit of Laws of God can if properly applied for the modern age.

But we must also revive our old secular religion: democracy and limited federal government. A democracy can field a bigger army than a low trust kleptocracy. If we embrace the ideals of the Founding Fathers, we can still field a bigger army than national socialist China -- at least for defensive purposes.

As for how to get the younger generations enthusiastic about the ideals of the West, I have plenty of action plans for that, including actions that will make Santa Claus worshiping Republicans cry.

(Hint: don't mortgage the younger generations' future and then expect them to respect you. And either cut the crappe out of spending or raise taxes on passive investors vs. those who work for their income.)

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by John Carter

I sometimes think back on the events of my life, and of American history, and Western history, and try to figure out at what point it all started to go wrong. I've come to conclude that Douglas Adams was correct when he wrote, paraphrasing, "The Universe began 13.8 billion years ago. This is widely regarded as a bad move."

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by John Carter

But do the daily practices preached by the gospel of the dissident right not have intrinsic value? Lifting weights, training combat sports, reading books, having sex with your wife, and raising good children simply lead to a better, more fulfilling life, and maybe that's all the reason we need. At least the CDC and the WEF have not taken away our ability to choose good lives.

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I've spent the better part of this day coming to terms with this. Good to know history doesn't lack for examples of other peoples who have had to suck it up through the terminal decline of their civilization.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by John Carter

Wed 3 Aug 22 09:32 Post

my own faith is that this globalist center wont hold.

but i do think they are going to screw up the human project and

smash it into unknowable splinters.

some places, some groups, some humans will continue to make art and

enhance life, and not forget, not look away, and not hate.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by John Carter

I live in hope that the US will split and the conservative faction will carry the torch for a while longer. A united America is in NO ONE'S best interests!! Doesn't matter where you fall left to right.

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Studying the past gives us perspective. By learning from that which is similar, we can reason our way out of today. Not by doing what they did, but by understanding why they did what they did, and how closely it matches what we can do.

History is unique among the social sciences (dare I say the sciences as a whole), because unlike other sciences, whose job is to isolate phenomenon and extract principles that work in all observed contexts (hopefully, therefore, in all contexts), history attempts to leave most of the meat on the bone, as it were. The historian implicitly, and often explicitly, acknowledges that things are messy, and this is only a particular reading of events that we have incomplete records for.

It is the only field where the proof is always left as an exercise to the reader, because the proving is what is taught.

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Another barnstormer, John. Muchos gracias. I agree unreservedly as well. I have always felt that these invocations to return to the "old ways" and tradition were a bit of a dead end. Not that there is anything wrong with getting and staying fit or reading the works of Ovid and regular church attendance. No, they're all fine and good but they're not going to lead us out of the darkness or make so much as a dent in the political and social order.

You can't go back. That world no longer exists and it is futile to try to resurrect it. Instead of immersing ourselves in the "old ways" how about we devote our (considerable) collective intellectual and emotional energies to creating "new ways" by which I mean, new ways to make the cost of occupation unbearable for our rulers? Sure it will take time but what's the alternative? Voting harder? Praying?

Something else that I think is worth mentioning here is the rise of the Russia-China axis. I am not claiming that either Russia or China are necessarily our friends but, for sure, they are the enemies of our enemies and their power and influence are growing. The confidence of our ruling class is predicated upon them being considered the Masters of the Universe, Lords of All They Survey. At the moment, they still are, but maybe only just. That global hegemon looks shakier with each passing day. If our rulers lose their top spot in the world rankings, that will definitely dent their self-belief and deny them the mantle of manifest destiny upon which they depend, psychologically speaking.

Fast forward into the not-too-distant future when our masters no longer rule the world and have to contend at home with a significant minority of the people over whom they still rule despising them and doing everything they can to throw sand in the gears at every turn. Will they still seem so invincible?

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by John Carter

I can’t say I necessarily enjoyed this but it needed to be written by someone and needs to be read by everyone. We cannot live in denial. Only the Truth can set us free.

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Will we have disaster and rebirth, or a slow drop into final extinction.

With the world teetering on a final holocaust, it's obvious which I am rooting for.

Never before has a nation fell this far, but never before did a nation have American men to pull it out of the inferno which has been set.

I give us one chance in three.

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