Bravo, John. Your finest piece yet. The historical parallels are brilliant, as is the use of the Sanpaku eyes.
This is the first time in history that a civilization has been taken down with only words, not weapons. Yuri warned of this demoralization 40 years ago. Now we have reached at an inflection point where the ism and phobia siege weapon words are becoming meaningless, so the pushback can gain steam.
If the west falls, the whole world will enter a new dark age. Let our words continue to light fires of courage and clarity.
The current pushback, even elementary school levels (Boston elementary school response against lgbtqbull@$#%), purports that the spell might be breaking. However, there are other issues, spiritual and cosmic, that may make the whole thing mute. God, in Christ, may well be coming back, not to rescue us, but bring the final judgement on everything. See Cosmologically, the galactic cycle is reaching its ~12,000 year cycle where most of what we know is swept clean ( A sort of reboot where almost nothing of what we now have remains.
It is not that history is ending but rather it is reaching its intended target. Either way, the next 10 years will prove it out one way or the other. Either Jesus comes back and everything changes or the galactic cycle asserts itself and all the fulminations of the PTB are brought to naught. I prefer the first, but the second appears unavoidable.
It is not just the words. It is the mechanism and scale that they reach. We need not only words, but platforms and channels to deliver them to the millions. And we need a new political philosophy, of both persuasion and power. Until we have the means to generate and apply public will upon the political processes, we will be fighting the wrong battle. And this requires building systems- of communication, of organization, of actions- that the Dissident Right studiously eschews. Perhaps we prefer rhetoric and dances.
You can also be cheered that your statement is untrue:
"...the emergence of self-improvement culture on the dissident right seems to have come about following the reversals and betrayals of the Trump and post-Brexit years"
Self-improvement culture was baked in as far back as the early 2000s manosphere, with its maxim of:
"Don't wish things were different, wish you were better."
I remember seeing that, mentally comparing it to feminism, and thinking "this is going to win." That this attitude is now a pillar of the entire dissident right is one of several tributes to the manosphere's long-term legacy.
"a civilization has been taken down with only words, not weapons"
That is completely untrue.
The only reason we have global mass migration is because the international globalist predator class has engineered the same violent aggressive pattern that they always prefer.
I am over 70 years of age and the white men have been the modern equivalent of the Roman Army all my life.
It has rampaged around the whole world blowing stuff up and murdering endlessly, rendering land unliveable, destroying sacred sites, stealing resources and littering filthy depleted uranium like damned confetti.
And you WONDER WHY our porous borders are crowded with desperate people trying to survive?
This excuse of a 'civilisation' has been its own worst enemy, backed by propagandised, disinformed egotistic, but seriously dumb, taxpayers.
The truth is that the world has seen too many BILLION$ of your weapon$.
Words cannot describe how easy it has been to fool you to believe your own hubris.
A Pentagon Brief, written and given in lectures by Thomas P. Barnett, outlined the 21st century foreign policy. He taught the top brass to look at the world as only two zones.
He named them the GAP and the CORE.
Succinctly, if you live in the GAP you have two choices: Migrate or Die.
If you live in the CORE you have no choice. Accept immigration, poverty and debt.
Needless to say Europe and North America are in the CORE.
GAP countries are being destroyed to fulfil this evil depopulation agenda and now we are experiencing the strain of accommodating the remnants in these CORE countries.
We are not being invaded.
We drove the people out of their homes - where the fuck did you think they were going to go?
What the spanish, portugese, british and french did is nothing when compared to what arabs, various negro peoples, and the multitude of ethnicites in Asia has always done - to themselves, to each other and to europeans whenever they could.
History did not start with the "discovery" of the Americas, so to speak. Look up when the Turk threatened to conquer Vienna the last time, for just one example.
If anything, Africa and Asia owes the white peoples hundreds of billons of dollars worth of reparations for all the infrastructure and civics we imparted and built in their lands.
Actually, he's completely correct. Particularly as regards Africa, which has been a financial black hole for generations with nothing to show for it. To say nothing of the trillions of dollars squandered on dem programs back home. We'd be snowboarding on Olympus Mons by now if it hadn't been for the resources we wasted on Africans.
Are you saying that colonising, robbing of everything valuable and experimenting by mad scientists with poison needles has benefitted any Africans? Surely not.
One other thing.... what makes you think you were ever told the truth about the aid 'given' to Africa? For the most part, the money never left the donor countries. It was invested in corporate interference and infrastructure to facilitate robbery. Then, to add insult to injury the African nations were charged interest because the 'aid' was only ever a LOAN.
Japan went from a backwards medieval hermit kingdom to a globe-striding imperial superpower in two generations, with essentially no foreign aid. They taught themselves European science and technology, and built themselves up more or less from scratch.
Then their entire country was burned to the ground, and nuked twice. After which they once again built themselves up to become a great power.
Japan has basically no natural resources, btw.
Africa has had trillions in foreign aid, and remains Africa. Was a lot of it grift? Lost to corruption (but wait, why are they so corrupt)? Sure it was. Doesn't matter, frankly. Regardless, the money was wasted. Vast sums have been poured into Africa to exactly no effect, aside from producing a large surplus of Africans. Africans did nothing with their land before the Europeans arrived, or the Arabs for that matter. They're doing nothing with it now that the Chinese are getting in on the game. At a certain point one has to ask whether the common element here might play a more important role in the perennial condition of the continent than whichever imperial power happens to be taking advantage.
Lol the blacks did not even have a civilization, their betters were beavers and termites. They owe us everything... there were only 50 million or so until we uplifted them.
You're quite correct. I would add an additional point: those cultures created the White domination we've witnessed the last few centuries. As Jim Morrison said, "I've been down so God damn long, that it looks like up to me." The Arabic and Asiatic civilizations, including the Khazarian culture of Asiatic/Arab/Turk mongrels, long subdued and terrorized white populations. The Khazarians raped Northern European women to produce a wholly white version which become dispersed throughout Europe and became known as Ashkenazi Jew. The subjugated always learn how to overthrow. The current Globalist hopes to thwart that tendency.
the ottomon empire was anti-turkish, they were ashamed of their nomad heritage. The catholic crusaders sacked constantinople, ending the byzantine empire and opening a power vacuum for the ottomons.
Excellent points. I'm not sure about the circumstances of the actual migrants, but it certainly stands to reason that turning other people's countries into shooting zones for our elite predators' power games, or impoverishing them with sanctions, would cause their broken populations to come to our CORE countries if only for their own safety.
We need to recognize that the violent destruction of other people's communities by our neocons and the destruction of our own by woke libs are two sides of the same coin. Instead of leaving ourselves always on the defensive for want of humanitarian inclusiveness, we should take a strong moral stand against the aggressions of our own empire-builders who pretend to be protecting us by crushing others, and ultimately ruin us as well. Then we can talk better with the wokies who bully us with moralizing, yet take no stand against the arrogant imperialism that causes both sides' problems.
I somewhat agree with the sentiment here, that we ultimately brought this on ourselves and that western civilization is now part of the problem. But let's not remove agency from those outside of western civilization and make them out to be pure victims. What they do when they come to our countries is absolutely unforgivable, we do we(the average people of western countries) have to be murdered and raped by these people because of what our occupied governments did to them? Like I said, western civilization is most definitely part of the problem, but it's a two way street.
Have always had trouble trying to understand if a country does everything they can to show you they hate you, why then, if you need to migrate, do you go straight to the land that supposed to hate you? I would think they would reasonably look at where else they could go myself.
I know you're replying to someone else. But I must say, I'm not gonna sacrifice my own dignity as someone of European descent out of "guilt". Just because our spineless leaders and alien elites made some mistakes in foreign policy over the years, doesn't mean that we need to put up with forced diversity and all that comes with it.
We're not discussing the fertility response to modernity, which is catastrophic everywhere. We're discussing who can build a civilization. In this regard, the Japanese are a victim of their own success.
You gentlemen are correct. I agree with all points and am familiar with Barnett whose book "The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-First Century Paperback" is available on Amazon. The U.S. military has long been subsumed as the Globalist's enforcement arm. Which is why they sit in Syria protecting Conoco's extraction from Syria's largest oil reserve. Look into how the oil is exported; refined; sold; bought; and profits made. You'll find nothing on web. All dead ends down the rabbit hole.
The Globalist manufactured the wars, deprivation, and pollution they rail against; they used the U.S. military as thugs to enforce their debt-slavery IMF loans shoved down the throats of unsuspecting nations; they stir constant turmoil throughout the world by training "natives" to fight other natives in their very own nations; they disintegrate the warrior's mind by bland, insufferable cruelty levied against the unassuming; and they are now, through their NGOs like Soros' Open Foundation who provide information and logistics to immigrant populations, torpedoing the "overly rich" democratic societies. They must scourge them as the Ghost Warriors were so that they never arise and mount a substantial rebellion.
Why should they possibly treat more prosperous or demonstrably more accomplished cultures any differently? Their goal is simply our subservience and to extract our body, mind, and spirit for their use as they extract natural resources throughout the world for the fuel to dominate and control.
Financed, I presume, with Western money that is loaned out in debt-trap arrangements? Or perhaps built up using the wealth they create themselves - except oops, the Europeans are shipping all the wealth abroad. Not to mention that nothing in this world prevents Westerners from just coming up to you and demanding they be sold mines and factories at such-and-such a price or else those poor people over there who you've been opressing for so long might just stage an uprising which we will, obviously under a UN mandate, be required to help!
> But they are migrating to receive an instant first world life our ancestors built.
Using wealth syphoned off from the rest of the planet. Africa might have been a "financial black hole", but what about British Raj? Or Indonesia, or South America?
Oh and,
> Nigeria is peaceful, so why are they moving to the Anglosphere?
you must not be reading the news. :)
> No one hammered Somalia, so why were 500,000 shipped to Minnesota?
Black Hawk down? What was the Black Hawk doing there? Not to mention the ships dumping poisonous waste into fisheries. I could probably find more I'm just not in the mood to go digging.
> No one bombed India or Pakistan.
Yeah, except they bombed each other three times after UK specifically set up countries that will be at war with each other for the next 200 years as a parting kiss of death.
You know, I think you two helped me realize an actually plausible reason for mass immigration into the West.
See, what if the West's elites figured out that they're going to lose the Globe and so settled on milking just the West? BUT then they realized the people in the West are "too used to high living standards" (so they'll demand a lot), but also they "demonstrated a desire and ability to build a civilization", which would translate to being prone to uprisings and generally not good serfs. Ignoring for a moment serfdom was indigenously invented in Europe.
However, if we're to follow the logic you espose and they presumably also hold, the "brown people" never "showed an urge to build a civilization", furthermore - and I'm not claiming or assuming you share the following trait with them, if we assume the Western elites are proper racists, like Russian leaders said they are, they'll probably also belive this lack of urge is genetic. Soo... if you want a literal slave race, but don't have any handy what you do is simply import them. Right? :) Since they "don't have an urge to build a civilization" they'll be easy to control, right? Just give them women occationally and beat them occationally and they'll be fine, like some Egyptian guy wrote 1500 years ago (or whenever).
I'm not advocating any of this is true in fact, but *what if* Western elites THOUGHT it was true?
Anyway, I won't bother you anymore, but I think this thought is worthy of being shared. It's the first time an actually coherent explanation for deliberate mass immigration has been present in my head. Well, OK not the first first time (it passed through once or twice during Merkel's time just without the assumption of racism), but the first time it's likely to stick around.
"This is about a globalist elite sinking nations that threaten them." Precisely, although I would hesitate to refer to them as 'elite'.
I can ignore the historical and current affairs misunderstandings you labour under because you eventually reached the same conclusion as me - simply via a different route.
There is one other piece of evidence that the GAP & CORE Pentagon Brief is accurate. In 2018 the United Nations got everyone to sign up to the Migration Compact which makes rejecting immigrants internationally illegal because migration is a human right.
This civilization was taken down by organized ethnic mafias who seized control of the media, the money, and the spook state.
The rest is downstream from that reality.
Also, I think Bezmenov was a Birch Society psy-op. I mean his main gripe with the USSR was that his superiors looked down on him going native with an Indian woman lover while stationed in India. Bezmenov's authenticity was not confirmed by previous spooks who switched over either from what I gather. And they were very good sources of info prior to that.
The ruling elite are engineering a controlled demolition of what is currently in place to make room for what’s to come. As soon as robots are capable of making the things humans currently make, the ruling class will no longer have a need for humans. VPOTUS Harris let the truth come out when she mused about the benefits of depopulation will have on creating a cleaner environment.
In my opinion all the paths lead toward doom for white western civilization and possibly for humanity itself...unless there is a Nietzschian transvaluation of values away from the egalitarianism that has been embedded in the west since Paul of Tarsus. Only such a transvaluation of values back toward inegalitarianism -- nobility, honor, immediacy of purpose, warrior values -- has any hope of countering the self-destructive values of the west down to the lowest common demoninator. Whether such a transvaluation is possible at such a late stage I don't know -- but I know that's the only solution. To be able to say: reality is unequal and no amount of social tinkering will fix these things, nor are the "more unequal" groups responsible for this -- that is what is needed if humanity is to survive.
left out the most important resistance tool and the biggest contributor to your own happiness. It is not enough to lift , pray and work. If you don't find a woman , marry her and have a real family then there is NO future. full stop . god made them man and woman for a reason. I am an old man and I know numerous happy , fulfilled old men . the thing they all have in common is an old wife, kids , grandkids and most are starting with great grandkids. don't bitch about the women . I see classy , untatted,unpierced, hair long and no wierd color women at mass every sunday alone . i also see some of those women pregnant , with their hub , absolutely radiating joy and love .
Agreed. but fair or not , like it or not that is the only answer. I was simply pointing out that no success without family is worth a sh*t. you have a hard oad , so you better start early. best of luck to you .
Marcion viewed reproduction as being an evil act, creating more slaves for the demiurges reality prison. I have little time for the talking monkeys anyway, they have always been fake and gay.
Use aryan or europan instead of white, it is another fake and gay term of this fake and gay world. It was invented by english anglos (german heritage) to demonstrate their superiority over other europeans during the height of the british empire.
The judeo-christian values of equality and universalism are as anti-human as always. Communism is just the final mutation of this resident evil boss. Both theocracy and communism were dreamt up by Plato, the terrible god of civilization.
I don't know about Graco-Christian, but Byzantium and its faith, Christianity, most certainly relied on the Septuagint as one of its pillars. You can't understand Christ without it. Early Church Fathers were the cream of classical civilization and turned their extraordinary education (meant to serve the state) to serve what they considered the fullness of truth, that's how theology came to be.
byzantium is not real, an anglo construct. They referred to themselves as basilia ton rhomaion aka roman empire. Modern day turkey was known as rum to the arabs aka rome. They were also nicene christians aka judeo-christian
They can argue, but they're wrong - because they start from false premises. Every Christian should read The Naked Bible by Mauro BIglino, and then start their quest to know the Christ personally.
Also, Plato is a mixed bag IMO. Personally, I don't blame him for most of the world's problems, but rather those that failed to think some of his propositions completely through to their inevitable conclusions.
I think we all tend to miss the key point: labels evolve to meet the needs of those who use them and tell us a great deal of information about their authors and early adopters. Correcting them is useful only when done for analytic purposes. Policing linguistic usages strikes me as old-maidish. IMHO the terms 'Western' and 'civilization' certainly deserve retirement because they increasingly describe lost realities and are too vague for most purposes. As for 'white', 'European', 'Indo-European'...I just give up. Ultimately we are all forced to use the words in best we do so mindfully.
Yes... and no. The term itself is new, designed to chain europeans to the fate of the jews. On the other hand nicene christianity has always been judeo (torah) christian (NT). Rolo argues that this is the ancient chain binding europeans to jews.
I don't know about the coined term and its purpose. But the idea of a "chain" is quite odd considering the early history of persecution by the Jews and the eventual naming of the sect as "Christian" (beginning at Antioch). Jesus was the one who prophesied the destruction of the temple and mourned over Jerusalem, "If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes." This is quite an established break from "fate" one would say. We should not be confusing faith and geopolitics of a particular time or place and the questions (and whatever answers) that come from that context. Yes Christians (at least in its earliest understanding) consider themselves to be inheritors of the God of Abraham, Isaac, etc, and Jesus to be Messiah, the Christ. I point to St Paul as great example of these teachings.
One thing that might be of interest here is that later rabbinical Judaism sought to separate more distinctly from Christianity as a reaction to it. The very strict monotheism is different from Second Temple Judaism which entertained questions of "persons" in God
Nice to see some of the topics that we discussed before making it into your essay. You wrote it out better than I could have.
However, when I bring these examples up, I see them as success stories worth emulating.
My point is that 1) these people actually rose up, which cannot be said for modern Whites and the reason that they rose up is 2) because of a religious movement that necessarily was imbued with mystical practice or led by shamans of a kind.
All peasant/slave revolts are religious in nature is my point and so if there is to be any rebellion at all, it needs to use the technology of inspiring religious feeling in people to get them to rise up.
You did not list them, but there are also more successful examples of the same phenomenon.
Tecumsah had more luck and used his shaman pedigree to unite the Indian tribes into a rare confederacy that made a political miscalculation in relying so heavily on Canadian British.
The Servile wars were also led by psychopomps.
And the Protestant rebellions were actually successful in the end, using mystical the mass-induction techniques of dancing, simulated drowning, cold exposure and so on. There are other semi-successful examples that come to mind as well like the Yellow Turbans from China that got much further than the Boxers.
Most of these examples pit literal stone-age cultures against a mature European empire that was at the height of its Assabiyah. The reason why they had access to these mystical techniques was because of their estrangement from modern civilization, which was both a plus and eventually an insurmountable obstacle. But, as in the case of the Protestants, where tech wasn't as much an issue, they fared much better.
Therefore, if a religious rebellion was ignited, the tech barrier or the reluctance to use modern weaponry will not be as much of a factor. Furthermore, it will be fought by rebels who are not limited by inferior IQ and an inability to work together in large organized structures. White people are far more socialized and able to work beyond clan and tribe structures, for better or for worse. Furthermore, their opponents will largely be janissaries in the employ of the occupation government. History is filled with examples of native rebellions overthrowing foreign powers because of home field advantage. The Arab revolts against the Western powers, for example.
So, actually, the situation is not as bleak as it was for the Indians who were outnumbered, outgunned, and already in concentration camps.
It will get bleaker as time goes on, true.
But the problem has always been trying to figure out how to actually ignite the initial rebellion. Literally millions of words and pages of ink spilled trying to figure out how to get ppl to rise up. And none of these nativist thinkers could provide the correct answer. Instead, they thought like Marxists and assumed that eventually, historical conditions would manifest and a rebellion would manifest spontaneously as a result of bad government policies.
The reason why I wrote out this thesis in my book was to attempt to explain that religious feeling and mystical technology is the match that will light up the powder keg. The underlying conditions are already there. The whole thing is primed to blow.
Whether it will be successful or not is another matter.
But I believe that the "ghost dance" is the key to getting people to rise up.
Excellent analysis, Rolo, and a helpful complement to John Carter's insightful essay. Your view of religion/spirituality as a cultural technology is especially helpful. I think we will use that technology more effectively than the Ghost Dancers did. The bad news is that South Africa is the fate our occupation governments are pushing us towards. The good news is that America has a warrior/rednecķ class that is a much larger portion of the demographic than the whites were in Rhodesia/South Africa, plus America's warrior/redneck contingent have taken to heart all the lessons from Rhodesia/South Africa (as well as the GWOT), plus America's geography provides them with a lot of friendly territory that will be hard for the regime to control. If the culture war goes hot (definitely am not advocating for anything illegal, but just reading the tea leaves and seeing where things are headed), America's rural whites will be more like the Taliban and the Viet Cong than Rhodesian/South African farmers, in terms of their success. For fostering cohesion and high morale, the religious/spiritual angle will be important, but the future leaders of this movement will know how to use the appropriate technology and techniques to win battles too.
Yes, SJWism and the tranny thing is textbook religious manipulation. I mean it is exactly what the early Christians were known for when they were sending temple-toppling eunuch fanatics at their pagan adversaries.
Weaponized trannies hopped up on raging hormones on a religious crusade against the enemies of the regime is nothing new!
Successful revolts from below are very, very, rarely successful.
Any mass upheaval will come only when the collective affect become regime-disruptive. When this happens, it is over. When a people become ungovernable by established rulers regime collapse is guaranteed. The religious stuff is relevant only because religious shifts (above all mass conversions) take place when the old beliefs lose their meaning, when old values become maladaptive, as a consequence of catastrophic change such as a shift from pastoralism to agriculture or urbanisation.
The quasi-shamanic stuff will make a powerful comeback because of a reaction to dematerialised experience in the form of digital culture and infotainment.
What you've said is true. But you neglect the other if not more important battleground in a spiritual war; high culture. Culture is the ethical transmission "how to feel" passed down from one generation to the next. Virtue is taught through imitation of the heroes, gods and ancestors not by mere copying but through the imagination and "moving with them" which high culture provides. The repudiation of a common tradition blocks the individual's path to membership in the "original experience of the community."
People should learn about – and move with – their past culture and develop an identity based on something besides the rancid sentiment of a Hollywood production. The irony is most men have very little interest in transmitting culture. Look at all the pop culture "stars" like Bruce Springsteen (who apparently hates white people). It's the spiritual equivalent of eating processed food.
Pop culture is downstream from elite culture. Therefore, you're going to have to start figuring out how to change high culture. And that requires learning how to manipulate images, gestures and sounds in time. I'm sorry but all the carefully crafted essays and talk shows in the world cannot change this. They can't change this because humans aren't primarily rational creatures and need, as you know, to be emotionally moved to feel part of an ongoing inheritance and home.
I don't think we disagree in our shared disdain for the elites.
But you haven't thought deeply about what culture is. It is hard to engage when you seem to only consider popular media to be culture. Or art or something visual and passive to be consumed like that.
I don't have a distaste for the elites, or rather elitism. Just the opposite. I'm saying if you want to defeat modernism you need to influence and control high culture first. I believe I wrote "pop culture is downstream from high culture." That's pretty emphatic. I then said you (meaning non-apologetic white men) need to figure out how to manipulate images, gestures and sounds in time because writing essays isn't good enough. That's not being passive. Just the opposite. I don't know how I can make myself any clearer.
Basically, I'm saying you'll never defeat modernism, progressivism, whatever you want to call it without religion AND high culture. Becoming religious in the traditional sense isn't good enough because your enemies control the high ground and have learned to feed you shit and are laughing at you, and most people don't even know it, referencing the case of Springsteen to prove my point. I'm saying, STOP BEING PASSIVE and learn how to make your own culture. Go to art, drama and music school for one thing.
This is ripe with truth. We have European high art as a foundation. This is something that makes J. Peterson fawning over Harry Potter such a tell that he is a midget.
European high art is extraordinary in its richness - intellectual and spiritual depth as well as aesthetic beauty.
Study our art music visual art, architecture, landscaping ... ... This will also attract men and women of quality. It is essential to proper elite formation.
Hard agree. Too many on the alt/dissident right are cultural low brows. Heavy metal and alt-rock is as bad for your psyche as processed food is for your gut. A true forest rebel (Junger) has a large collection of classical music from Gregorian Chants through the late Romantics and knows it by heart.
The point about politics is to mobilise people in defence of their interests, not to raise the tone of culture. There is already a great tendency for people on the right to larp as defenders of a culture that has largely vanished. The alt/dissident right does not need more 'high brows' needs more realism and honesty. A true rebel is someone who tells the boss to get fucked, not someone who spends their leisure hours pining for the Middle Ages. A great rebel is a good organiser. A successful rebel is an effective fund-raiser.
The more the alt/dissident right goes down the 'cultural' path the faster it becomes irrelevant.
Depends on the metal. Black metal, melodic death metal, atmospheric metal - these can possess every bit the emotional and structural depth of classical.
Just a friendly heads-up, but today (21st) marks the end of the human race according to climate change science. Greta Thunberg tweeted five years ago that if we did not stop using fossil fuels completely before the end of today, all humans would die.
It's 09:20 here, so we've got a couple of hours left, according to climet change science.
We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
The only consolation I can draw for now is the general intellectual, spiritual and esthetic nullity that is our global overlord, Social Justice Inc.
The Indians were steamrolled by the European Industrial Revolution and all its enormous brainpower, firepower, and the flood of money, guns and brilliance that crossed the Atlantic; the Han were felled by the might of the British Empire, a confident civilization at the peak of its powers, which still has its fingerprints on so much of modern life; and the Judeans of course were crushed by the Romans, who basically set the template (even down to the names of our days and months) for centuries of civilization to come.
Then we get to Social Justice Inc., which runs entirely on the rapidly dwindling seed corn of a prior time and people, whose only memorable historical monuments will be mountains of trash, who have created ZERO great art or artists or architecture, and whose religion is all rage and empty ritual but no renewal or rejoicing, essentially as pleasurable as coitus sans release.
Let's always remember that the postmodern academy which functions as our civilizational cerebrum has created one product of note that defines them: Deconstruction, which acts as an intellectual cuisinart, and can only slice and dice but never build or create. None of the works of the postmodern theorists will ever be recited at a wedding or funeral, in a love letter or at the bed of a dying loved one—the whole project is a monument to sterility and spite.
Once the money runs out all the tentacles of the global corporate state will wither and die, all the apostles of the creed of Social Justice will pretend they'd never meant it or run off to find gods more durable and less disposable. They have absolutely nothing of value to offer or to pass down, thus they will be swept away and forgotten, the only question is when and how.
By the way, this post for some reason reminds me of the differences between current day China and the GAE. In the GAE the corporations hold sway and control the state, but in China the CPC holds sway and controls the state, and corporations are not allowed to control it.
If you ask me, allowing the corporations to control everything was what really killed the country that used to knows as the US or America. Once they (and the ethnic group that controls them) took over, the native born people became an obstacle that needed to be overcome.
And they have done a good job overcoming us too, so far. Perhaps it will be different in the future, we'll see.
Computers can stay because you can do work on them as well as typing Substack comments. But smartphones, televisions, and surveillance cameras have got to go. Heard about the grassroots warriors destroying ULEZ cameras in London? Reactionary heroes.
The USA never existed, just yankee propaganda. It was always an empire made up of three separate nations... although they are trying hard to bodge the damn thing together
I see lots of ghost dancing across right wing Substack, and it bugs me greatly.
And I will take your essay as an excuse for over the top self-promotion: I write almost entirely about action plans. I do not know with certainty if my plans will work, but I do know that acting on available information in a semi rational fashion beats the crappe out of conspiracy theorizing and other efforts to explain our fall.
(And ten minutes of training with a .357 magnum beats 10 years of kung fu or weight training. Or, as the libertarian comedian Tim Slagle said, "I have a WARRIOR's belly!")
With that written, I will admit that reviving our traditional religion is PART of my action plan. But it's not the ritual, but the underlying values (and potential divine intervention) that interest me.
And, by the way, the Jews faced a similar situation in the time of Jeremiah. While there was plenty if idol destruction and other religious reforms at the time, the wealthy Jews balked at obeying the Jubilee Laws. But the Jubilee Laws were critical to maintaining an independent Jewish state surrounded by empires. The Jubilee Laws created a vast population of ornery rednecks with Skin in the Game. A country with such rednecks can field a defensive army sufficient to repel the army of an invading empire.
The US situation is analogous to Judah in Jeremiah's day. Our elite are consolidating land and business opportunities. Our military has become professional and small compared to the overall population. Our government no longer trusts its own people. There are so many state secrets that democracy is meaningless on the subject of foreign policy.
Any revival of ceremony must come with revival of underlying relevant ideas. Getting people back into churches to sing more hymns will not likely save us. The spirit of Laws of God can if properly applied for the modern age.
But we must also revive our old secular religion: democracy and limited federal government. A democracy can field a bigger army than a low trust kleptocracy. If we embrace the ideals of the Founding Fathers, we can still field a bigger army than national socialist China -- at least for defensive purposes.
As for how to get the younger generations enthusiastic about the ideals of the West, I have plenty of action plans for that, including actions that will make Santa Claus worshiping Republicans cry.
(Hint: don't mortgage the younger generations' future and then expect them to respect you. And either cut the crappe out of spending or raise taxes on passive investors vs. those who work for their income.)
And, by the way, if you don't like my solutions, please complain and/or neener dance! While I am boastfully claiming that I have answers, I admit that some of my answers may not be correct. Let us debate and find the more likely correct answers. Be forewarned that if your argument is convincing, I will incorporate your ideas into my eventual book. Tell me how you want to be cited in that eventuality.
(But before you neener dance, note the records of New England and Scandinavia. Ideas that have failed miserably elsewhere have worked more or less because they had something resembling true democracy. Or, as I point out in Rule 6, the slogan "You can't fight City Hall" is an indication of scale issues vs. ideology.)
This is also an argument for Christian revival in the U.S. If Jesus is our King of Kings, then multiple genetic nations can still be part of the same nation.
Admitting immigrants who have different cultures and religious is indeed dangerous. Serious hazing to prove that such immigrants love The American Way is in order.
The pantomime oligarchy of democracy is just another example of our species obsession with fake gayness. Are we so vile that we cannot even look at ourselves? Do we just lie to ourselves forever?
Context is important. The Biblical Law allowed people to use their family plot and their future labor as collateral. In those circumstances, collecting interest was illegal, but there was a potential period of debt servitude.
But that debt servitude was limited, and debtors were supposed to be given capital upon release.
What we have now is a system where debtor's prison and/or servitude is illegal, but young people are by default starting life in a condition of deep debt with interest.
As someone who is pretty deep in debt for the purpose of starting a potentially lucrative business, I'm cool with paying interest should I succeed. But the option of bankruptcy should be available should I fail.
But for the young, startup capital should be the norm, with taxes to pay-it-forward upon success so the next generation can have the same opportunity.
And this will be one of my future Rules: replace the federal student loan system with a glop of capital for ALL natural born citizens upon reaching 19 (or maybe 20) years old. Let colleges compete with other uses of that capital. Let colleges compete with starting a business, a down payment on a house, or a bitchin sports car. (And yes, a wrecked bitchin sports car is a better education than a degree in Modern Indignation Studies.)
Note the political judo. I just gave you a key to destroying the ultimate source of wokeness while providing Reparations for the Previously Persecuted and the wet dreams of the Bernie voters.
One of the reasons that debt is so attractive is that in our money system money is created through debt. You go to the banker and take out a loan. The bank doesn't have that credit, mostly, and they go to the FED who creates it by writing it into their accounts. Now you have to pay it back, using your work to justify that money, and pay the interest and charges. You pay of the loan, it is great, but if you go bankrupt, well, at least the bank got rich.
You are a fool not to go into debt because the minimum 2% inflation eats your money as it hides under your mattress or in savings (where the bank makes money by loaning it out at a higher rate) or in stock speculation, and you are a fool to risk bankruptcy, and there is no choice in the matter.
Wealth has become defined as "access to money" and that is about it. Well, maybe access to money AND the ability to pay it back.
Yep. Easy home refis are a great way to short the dollar. With 20% equity, I have 5 to 1 leverage that's in my favor as long as inflation stays over 3%.
My problem is with crony capitalism/corporatism where the government and corporate boards decide who wins and who loses based on politics, acquaintances, and fidelity to the Party (we all know which one) and state (which is unfortunately the current state of affairs).
But do the daily practices preached by the gospel of the dissident right not have intrinsic value? Lifting weights, training combat sports, reading books, having sex with your wife, and raising good children simply lead to a better, more fulfilling life, and maybe that's all the reason we need. At least the CDC and the WEF have not taken away our ability to choose good lives.
Counterpoint: training martial arts is also generally good for its own sake.
All those things are good, but the question is: do they have political significance? They can, of course. Very much so. But this should be remembered, kept front of mind.
They have political significance because others have given political significance to them.
This is more hilarious counter-productive activity from the wannabe world-rulers. They continually degrade & kill their supporters, because they fear a fully-functional plebiscite, lost in a fantasy of their industrial-technocratic dystopia somehow being run by AI instead of people.
Dunno how I found this post in 2025, but I’d say these things DO have intrinsic political significance since they serve as organizing points to introduce like minded individuals. Given the wave of support that “men-osphere” circles such as martial arts and lifting weights (JRE) had on the 2024 election, I’d say this was a success.
I sometimes think back on the events of my life, and of American history, and Western history, and try to figure out at what point it all started to go wrong. I've come to conclude that Douglas Adams was correct when he wrote, paraphrasing, "The Universe began 13.8 billion years ago. This is widely regarded as a bad move."
I spent part of yesterday watching two versions of the Quiet American: the CIA-tainted original Mankiewicz version and the 2002 version w/ Michael Caine that hews more or less faithfully to the source material. It’s almost funny watching how Mankie’s version goes off the rails — you can almost hear the CIA apparatchik whispering facile nonsense in his ear as the entire drift of the film veers off into la-la-land in the last 15-20 minutes. Lying to the American people about what “we” were up to in southeast Asia from roughly 1945 through the 60’s was key to ginning up support at home for the Vietnam war.
So there was of course great use in denying what we are and keeping the American people ignorant of what it’s govt has been up to. Didn’t see the movie but I’m reminded of that phrase “eternal sunshine of the spotless mind” for how clueless and propagandized we’ve been. And in the end your ironic line is correct: it is insane to deny what we are because doing so ends in calamity and shame.
I've spent the better part of this day coming to terms with this. Good to know history doesn't lack for examples of other peoples who have had to suck it up through the terminal decline of their civilization.
For every rising civilization there's a falling one. History is littered with such examples. A civilization dismantling itself, however, may be unique.
True. Many westmen have driven the usurpers and subverter from their land. The most recent one to do so, however, is now considered to be the literal devil.
Until we can start being honest about Mr. Moustache Man we will not move past this.
Seems like less dismantling and more mere attenuation solely to fulfill a myopic and materialist desire to plunder. Most are totally oblivious to the existential consequences, or think they'll be able to somehow spin them towards even greater advantage.
Self-pity over decline is disgusting. Cultures die when they lack the capacity to renew themselves. If the 'West' dies, so what? Whatever was valuable in it remains to be resuscitated by those capable of doing so (the fragments and embryonic tribes and nations-to-be).
People feel entitled to demand eternity for their folk-ways and their prejudices. When they realise that this is unrealistic they whine and become rancorous.
Frankly, I'd rather see the West die than have everything preserved by either the Longhouse or the right's nostalgia-addicted droolers as part of a freakish anthropology museum exercise in identity-preservation. Cultures thrive when they adapt, use the resources available to them, and enable people to flourish. A culture that cannot do this has no automatic claim on the emerging generation. We are experiencing a collective katabasis (journey through the underworld, decline into death) for any number of reasons. Expecting a cultural peak-moment to endure indefinitely is retarded. This expectation comes naturally to lazy consumers of ideas and culture.
Another barnstormer, John. Muchos gracias. I agree unreservedly as well. I have always felt that these invocations to return to the "old ways" and tradition were a bit of a dead end. Not that there is anything wrong with getting and staying fit or reading the works of Ovid and regular church attendance. No, they're all fine and good but they're not going to lead us out of the darkness or make so much as a dent in the political and social order.
You can't go back. That world no longer exists and it is futile to try to resurrect it. Instead of immersing ourselves in the "old ways" how about we devote our (considerable) collective intellectual and emotional energies to creating "new ways" by which I mean, new ways to make the cost of occupation unbearable for our rulers? Sure it will take time but what's the alternative? Voting harder? Praying?
Something else that I think is worth mentioning here is the rise of the Russia-China axis. I am not claiming that either Russia or China are necessarily our friends but, for sure, they are the enemies of our enemies and their power and influence are growing. The confidence of our ruling class is predicated upon them being considered the Masters of the Universe, Lords of All They Survey. At the moment, they still are, but maybe only just. That global hegemon looks shakier with each passing day. If our rulers lose their top spot in the world rankings, that will definitely dent their self-belief and deny them the mantle of manifest destiny upon which they depend, psychologically speaking.
Fast forward into the not-too-distant future when our masters no longer rule the world and have to contend at home with a significant minority of the people over whom they still rule despising them and doing everything they can to throw sand in the gears at every turn. Will they still seem so invincible?
I think a few stark military defeats will do wonders. Not running home with our tails between our legs. I'm thinking loss of carrier groups. Something major, that shakes confidence and makes it undeniable that the regime has forfeited the mandate of heaven. At that point, indeed, I suspect that their power at home will be shaken, hopefully terminally.
Meanwhile the thing we need to focus on is Becoming Worthy. A new elite is badly needed. That is obvious to everyone ... I think even the present elite knows that they are not equal to their positions, hence their desperation.
Counter-point: if I was China (as the only credible military threat to the US in a war) I'd act to encouage the US to spend more on military matters, rather than open conflict. I'd also act in such a way that the US' cost for supporting its cronies kept increasing year over year.
Consider the societal and financial knock-on effects of this: inflation, crisis after crisis, loss of confidence people/governement, opportunity to corrupt US officials and infiltrate US finance and businesses, et cetera.
It's quite funny, since this is what China has been doing since the early 1990s, and it's all based on the US grand strategy on how to destroy the USSR without open war, combined with the KGB's strategy for cultural/societal/financial infiltration of Europe (a strategy that they put into effect in the late 1970s/early 1980s).
Why sink a carrier group unless I absolutely desperately have to, when I instead can trick my enemy to expend non-replaceable resources in building three more, using parts and materials bought from me?
Already underway. Have heard claims that the Red Army leadership became too demoralised to make much effort to save the system after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon when US made fighter jets destroyed the Syrian air force while it was still on the ground.
The success of Putin's hypersonic missiles and air-defence systems may very well become a comparable game-changer in the West.
I disagree that China is the only credible military threat to the USA. I think it's Russia. The Russians have proved that they have the best and most reliable machines but they also now have a well and truly battle-hardened modern army with up-to-date institutional knowledge. If the Russians invaded Alaska, say, what could the US do in response that they are not doing now (to no effect) in Ukraine?
The only option for the USA would be to go nuclear immediately.
That, although frankly I suspect that with regular bomb testing no longer being performed, maintenance of the nuclear arsenal has suffered. Possibly to the point that the warheads no longer function. When was the last time a thorough inspection and evaluation was undertaken? Around the same time Fort Knox was last audited?
Threat? Hardly. Russia has no claims on US territory and wishes to be left alone. Ditto China. Russian and China become threats only if the US actively seeks conflict.
The real threat is illegal immigration, the drug cartels and domestic collapse.
Agreed, yes. But the people who control the USA don't see it that way. They are unconcerned, it seems, with the plight of their nation and may even be hostile towards it. The see their constituency as the entire world over which they believe they are entitled to rule. Hence, America has neither friends nor allies, just supplicants or enemies and you're either one or the other.
Both Russia and China represent a threat to that hegemonic global rule and neither will willingly bend the knee. So, as far as Washington is concerned, they are enemies to be tamed, defanged and politically conquered. Neither Russia nor China has any claim whatsoever to any US territory but the Americans (again, the people who control the USA, as opposed to the American people) absolutely will not stop waging war on both on every front until maybe, the Russians and the Chinese feel that they have no choice but to act in their own defence. At that point things may well get, shall we say....spicey.
I see China as the threat because it is openly challenging US global 'hegemoney', which Russia isn't capable of doing.
An invasion of the actual US isn't what I mean, there's no need for that at all. Proxy-wars intended to bleed the enemy is the modern warfare of today, and China is very good now at "let him and you fight"-style scenarios, as well as using the greed of international capitalism as a lever to introduce ever-greater levels of corruption into competing systems.
China is defeating the US by helping the US make itself weak, corrupt and splintered. Much more efficient than trying to occupy territory right away - why bother, when you can fight the Long War and use the enemy's ideals against him?
Ohh, somesuch reasoning is so passé, let's upgrade to up-to-date, shall we 😝 Modern warfare (whatever its generation, 4? 5?) is no longer about physical land conquest as an ultimate goal. Sure not the main battlefield 😏 'Tis human mind collective where it's being largely waged.
🗨 The winner of any conflict in the long run is solely determined by will. When will is broken, fighting may continue for some time, but the decisive point has been surpassed. This simple fact is difficult for many to understand. They think of weapons, resources, and manpower. These things are all important, but only insofar as they impact will.
🗨 I am monarch of all I survey, / My right there is none to dispute; / From the center all round to the sea, / I am lord of the fowl and the brute. ~~William Cowper, 1782
Studying the past gives us perspective. By learning from that which is similar, we can reason our way out of today. Not by doing what they did, but by understanding why they did what they did, and how closely it matches what we can do.
History is unique among the social sciences (dare I say the sciences as a whole), because unlike other sciences, whose job is to isolate phenomenon and extract principles that work in all observed contexts (hopefully, therefore, in all contexts), history attempts to leave most of the meat on the bone, as it were. The historian implicitly, and often explicitly, acknowledges that things are messy, and this is only a particular reading of events that we have incomplete records for.
It is the only field where the proof is always left as an exercise to the reader, because the proving is what is taught.
I live in hope that the US will split and the conservative faction will carry the torch for a while longer. A united America is in NO ONE'S best interests!! Doesn't matter where you fall left to right.
I've thought long about this and having studied it, I don't think the left would ever just let us leave. They get no pleasure out of forcing each other to bend the knee. The greatest joy, the buzz they crave and the addiction they must feed is individual and tribal power. They have to keep the right around to be victims to their pathologies.
Indeed. That internal migration is already happening. Partly this is conservative whites removing themselves from untenable situations, but partly it's libs who don't understand why their states have become untenable, and set about voting for the same policies that destroyed their home states.
Tropical Helm's Deep (Florida and Texas) are reservations for the Ghost Dancers. They will function as oversized Bantustans. They are vulnerable to disruption by the future, utterly predictable, 'Fergusson effect'.
God that's bleak. But very likely accurate. The inhabitants don't understand why civilization is crumbling, so while they can run from the effects, they're unlikely to make the fundamental, bold changes that are necessary.
When entire populations are under sustained stress, when established ways of life crumble, denial and fantasy on a mass scale become the norm. It is easy to miss because it is all normalised by the wider culture. These things have happened many times before, in many countries, to people of different backgrounds. The mass movements of the 20th c. fed upon various forms of precisely such delusion.
To explain: the pale fugitives from the Blue Zone who have settled in Florida and Texas cling to the hope that the constitutional Ghost Dance will provide safety from expropriation, physical violence and the grossest, most outrageous, forms of social engineering (surgical gender affirmation for pre-teens, COVID plague-management). It is a futile hope because consent decrees, extradition to rival jurisdictions and, in the longer term, ethnic displacement are all on the cards. and placing one's hopes on an extinct constitutional order is on par with dreams of buffalo meat barbecue. Ultimately, the Tropical Helm's Deep crowd are betting that things will calm down elsewhere over time or that they will die before it all just collapses.
Personally, I think the idea that either Florida or Texas will become another Ravenna (the Adriatic enclave in Italy where civilization held on for a bit while the barbarians settled the north) or another Venice (where refugees from the barbarians settled on islands in the lagoon) is preposterous.
The Future Alawites of America in Idaho or Montana may have a chance of holding out.
This fascinating article suggests that left and right derive from openness vs conscientiousness. What I concluded from it is that pathological lefties are likely extremely low in conscientiousness, while those on the right are high in that Big 5 trait.
I can’t say I necessarily enjoyed this but it needed to be written by someone and needs to be read by everyone. We cannot live in denial. Only the Truth can set us free.
Bravo, John. Your finest piece yet. The historical parallels are brilliant, as is the use of the Sanpaku eyes.
This is the first time in history that a civilization has been taken down with only words, not weapons. Yuri warned of this demoralization 40 years ago. Now we have reached at an inflection point where the ism and phobia siege weapon words are becoming meaningless, so the pushback can gain steam.
If the west falls, the whole world will enter a new dark age. Let our words continue to light fires of courage and clarity.
That failure of their weaponized lexicon is our best hope. If the spell breaks, their control dies, and we get our civilization back.
And thank you!
The current pushback, even elementary school levels (Boston elementary school response against lgbtqbull@$#%), purports that the spell might be breaking. However, there are other issues, spiritual and cosmic, that may make the whole thing mute. God, in Christ, may well be coming back, not to rescue us, but bring the final judgement on everything. See Cosmologically, the galactic cycle is reaching its ~12,000 year cycle where most of what we know is swept clean ( A sort of reboot where almost nothing of what we now have remains.
It is not that history is ending but rather it is reaching its intended target. Either way, the next 10 years will prove it out one way or the other. Either Jesus comes back and everything changes or the galactic cycle asserts itself and all the fulminations of the PTB are brought to naught. I prefer the first, but the second appears unavoidable.
It is not just the words. It is the mechanism and scale that they reach. We need not only words, but platforms and channels to deliver them to the millions. And we need a new political philosophy, of both persuasion and power. Until we have the means to generate and apply public will upon the political processes, we will be fighting the wrong battle. And this requires building systems- of communication, of organization, of actions- that the Dissident Right studiously eschews. Perhaps we prefer rhetoric and dances.
You can also be cheered that your statement is untrue:
"...the emergence of self-improvement culture on the dissident right seems to have come about following the reversals and betrayals of the Trump and post-Brexit years"
Self-improvement culture was baked in as far back as the early 2000s manosphere, with its maxim of:
"Don't wish things were different, wish you were better."
I remember seeing that, mentally comparing it to feminism, and thinking "this is going to win." That this attitude is now a pillar of the entire dissident right is one of several tributes to the manosphere's long-term legacy.
"a civilization has been taken down with only words, not weapons"
That is completely untrue.
The only reason we have global mass migration is because the international globalist predator class has engineered the same violent aggressive pattern that they always prefer.
I am over 70 years of age and the white men have been the modern equivalent of the Roman Army all my life.
It has rampaged around the whole world blowing stuff up and murdering endlessly, rendering land unliveable, destroying sacred sites, stealing resources and littering filthy depleted uranium like damned confetti.
And you WONDER WHY our porous borders are crowded with desperate people trying to survive?
This excuse of a 'civilisation' has been its own worst enemy, backed by propagandised, disinformed egotistic, but seriously dumb, taxpayers.
The truth is that the world has seen too many BILLION$ of your weapon$.
Words cannot describe how easy it has been to fool you to believe your own hubris.
A Pentagon Brief, written and given in lectures by Thomas P. Barnett, outlined the 21st century foreign policy. He taught the top brass to look at the world as only two zones.
He named them the GAP and the CORE.
Succinctly, if you live in the GAP you have two choices: Migrate or Die.
If you live in the CORE you have no choice. Accept immigration, poverty and debt.
Needless to say Europe and North America are in the CORE.
GAP countries are being destroyed to fulfil this evil depopulation agenda and now we are experiencing the strain of accommodating the remnants in these CORE countries.
We are not being invaded.
We drove the people out of their homes - where the fuck did you think they were going to go?
You really should read history.
What the spanish, portugese, british and french did is nothing when compared to what arabs, various negro peoples, and the multitude of ethnicites in Asia has always done - to themselves, to each other and to europeans whenever they could.
History did not start with the "discovery" of the Americas, so to speak. Look up when the Turk threatened to conquer Vienna the last time, for just one example.
If anything, Africa and Asia owes the white peoples hundreds of billons of dollars worth of reparations for all the infrastructure and civics we imparted and built in their lands.
You really should brush up your reading and comprehension.
I was referring to the recent 70 years, love. I made that quite clear.
My understanding of history is sound.
Africans and Asians should be PAYING for colonisation? 🤡
You are nuts.
Actually, he's completely correct. Particularly as regards Africa, which has been a financial black hole for generations with nothing to show for it. To say nothing of the trillions of dollars squandered on dem programs back home. We'd be snowboarding on Olympus Mons by now if it hadn't been for the resources we wasted on Africans.
Are you saying that colonising, robbing of everything valuable and experimenting by mad scientists with poison needles has benefitted any Africans? Surely not.
One other thing.... what makes you think you were ever told the truth about the aid 'given' to Africa? For the most part, the money never left the donor countries. It was invested in corporate interference and infrastructure to facilitate robbery. Then, to add insult to injury the African nations were charged interest because the 'aid' was only ever a LOAN.
Counterpoint: Japan.
Japan went from a backwards medieval hermit kingdom to a globe-striding imperial superpower in two generations, with essentially no foreign aid. They taught themselves European science and technology, and built themselves up more or less from scratch.
Then their entire country was burned to the ground, and nuked twice. After which they once again built themselves up to become a great power.
Japan has basically no natural resources, btw.
Africa has had trillions in foreign aid, and remains Africa. Was a lot of it grift? Lost to corruption (but wait, why are they so corrupt)? Sure it was. Doesn't matter, frankly. Regardless, the money was wasted. Vast sums have been poured into Africa to exactly no effect, aside from producing a large surplus of Africans. Africans did nothing with their land before the Europeans arrived, or the Arabs for that matter. They're doing nothing with it now that the Chinese are getting in on the game. At a certain point one has to ask whether the common element here might play a more important role in the perennial condition of the continent than whichever imperial power happens to be taking advantage.
Lol the blacks did not even have a civilization, their betters were beavers and termites. They owe us everything... there were only 50 million or so until we uplifted them.
You're quite correct. I would add an additional point: those cultures created the White domination we've witnessed the last few centuries. As Jim Morrison said, "I've been down so God damn long, that it looks like up to me." The Arabic and Asiatic civilizations, including the Khazarian culture of Asiatic/Arab/Turk mongrels, long subdued and terrorized white populations. The Khazarians raped Northern European women to produce a wholly white version which become dispersed throughout Europe and became known as Ashkenazi Jew. The subjugated always learn how to overthrow. The current Globalist hopes to thwart that tendency.
the ottomon empire was anti-turkish, they were ashamed of their nomad heritage. The catholic crusaders sacked constantinople, ending the byzantine empire and opening a power vacuum for the ottomons.
Excellent points. I'm not sure about the circumstances of the actual migrants, but it certainly stands to reason that turning other people's countries into shooting zones for our elite predators' power games, or impoverishing them with sanctions, would cause their broken populations to come to our CORE countries if only for their own safety.
We need to recognize that the violent destruction of other people's communities by our neocons and the destruction of our own by woke libs are two sides of the same coin. Instead of leaving ourselves always on the defensive for want of humanitarian inclusiveness, we should take a strong moral stand against the aggressions of our own empire-builders who pretend to be protecting us by crushing others, and ultimately ruin us as well. Then we can talk better with the wokies who bully us with moralizing, yet take no stand against the arrogant imperialism that causes both sides' problems.
I somewhat agree with the sentiment here, that we ultimately brought this on ourselves and that western civilization is now part of the problem. But let's not remove agency from those outside of western civilization and make them out to be pure victims. What they do when they come to our countries is absolutely unforgivable, we do we(the average people of western countries) have to be murdered and raped by these people because of what our occupied governments did to them? Like I said, western civilization is most definitely part of the problem, but it's a two way street.
Have always had trouble trying to understand if a country does everything they can to show you they hate you, why then, if you need to migrate, do you go straight to the land that supposed to hate you? I would think they would reasonably look at where else they could go myself.
Traitors and alien parasites must be killed together... the cancer of nations. Spare me the guilt trip
It would seem that you are not capable of guilt or empathy. Do you know what that signifies?
Sometimes the kindest thing you can do for something is to end it as quickly and painlessly as possible.
I know you're replying to someone else. But I must say, I'm not gonna sacrifice my own dignity as someone of European descent out of "guilt". Just because our spineless leaders and alien elites made some mistakes in foreign policy over the years, doesn't mean that we need to put up with forced diversity and all that comes with it.
Exactly. "Our foreign elites were mean to send people so we don't get to have a country anymore." Nah.
That I learn from the best... continue your delusions soulless biomass
Frances. Brilliant.
Further to the point, Japan was burned to the ground and nuked twice for good measure. And yet.
And yet they're dying out faster than whites. Not exactly a success story, amiright? ;)
Japan and Germany were turned into Forge worlds by the occupiers. Yes, "Forge world", like in Warhammer 40k. That was their part in the Hegemony.
We're not discussing the fertility response to modernity, which is catastrophic everywhere. We're discussing who can build a civilization. In this regard, the Japanese are a victim of their own success.
Racial aliens are biological weapons
Diversity and multiculturism comes from the assyrians, their reasons were not very nice...
You gentlemen are correct. I agree with all points and am familiar with Barnett whose book "The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-First Century Paperback" is available on Amazon. The U.S. military has long been subsumed as the Globalist's enforcement arm. Which is why they sit in Syria protecting Conoco's extraction from Syria's largest oil reserve. Look into how the oil is exported; refined; sold; bought; and profits made. You'll find nothing on web. All dead ends down the rabbit hole.
The Globalist manufactured the wars, deprivation, and pollution they rail against; they used the U.S. military as thugs to enforce their debt-slavery IMF loans shoved down the throats of unsuspecting nations; they stir constant turmoil throughout the world by training "natives" to fight other natives in their very own nations; they disintegrate the warrior's mind by bland, insufferable cruelty levied against the unassuming; and they are now, through their NGOs like Soros' Open Foundation who provide information and logistics to immigrant populations, torpedoing the "overly rich" democratic societies. They must scourge them as the Ghost Warriors were so that they never arise and mount a substantial rebellion.
Why should they possibly treat more prosperous or demonstrably more accomplished cultures any differently? Their goal is simply our subservience and to extract our body, mind, and spirit for their use as they extract natural resources throughout the world for the fuel to dominate and control.
> What about building up their own countries?
Financed, I presume, with Western money that is loaned out in debt-trap arrangements? Or perhaps built up using the wealth they create themselves - except oops, the Europeans are shipping all the wealth abroad. Not to mention that nothing in this world prevents Westerners from just coming up to you and demanding they be sold mines and factories at such-and-such a price or else those poor people over there who you've been opressing for so long might just stage an uprising which we will, obviously under a UN mandate, be required to help!
> But they are migrating to receive an instant first world life our ancestors built.
Using wealth syphoned off from the rest of the planet. Africa might have been a "financial black hole", but what about British Raj? Or Indonesia, or South America?
Oh and,
> Nigeria is peaceful, so why are they moving to the Anglosphere?
you must not be reading the news. :)
> No one hammered Somalia, so why were 500,000 shipped to Minnesota?
Black Hawk down? What was the Black Hawk doing there? Not to mention the ships dumping poisonous waste into fisheries. I could probably find more I'm just not in the mood to go digging.
> No one bombed India or Pakistan.
Yeah, except they bombed each other three times after UK specifically set up countries that will be at war with each other for the next 200 years as a parting kiss of death.
Exactly this.
You know, I think you two helped me realize an actually plausible reason for mass immigration into the West.
See, what if the West's elites figured out that they're going to lose the Globe and so settled on milking just the West? BUT then they realized the people in the West are "too used to high living standards" (so they'll demand a lot), but also they "demonstrated a desire and ability to build a civilization", which would translate to being prone to uprisings and generally not good serfs. Ignoring for a moment serfdom was indigenously invented in Europe.
However, if we're to follow the logic you espose and they presumably also hold, the "brown people" never "showed an urge to build a civilization", furthermore - and I'm not claiming or assuming you share the following trait with them, if we assume the Western elites are proper racists, like Russian leaders said they are, they'll probably also belive this lack of urge is genetic. Soo... if you want a literal slave race, but don't have any handy what you do is simply import them. Right? :) Since they "don't have an urge to build a civilization" they'll be easy to control, right? Just give them women occationally and beat them occationally and they'll be fine, like some Egyptian guy wrote 1500 years ago (or whenever).
I'm not advocating any of this is true in fact, but *what if* Western elites THOUGHT it was true?
Anyway, I won't bother you anymore, but I think this thought is worthy of being shared. It's the first time an actually coherent explanation for deliberate mass immigration has been present in my head. Well, OK not the first first time (it passed through once or twice during Merkel's time just without the assumption of racism), but the first time it's likely to stick around.
"This is about a globalist elite sinking nations that threaten them." Precisely, although I would hesitate to refer to them as 'elite'.
I can ignore the historical and current affairs misunderstandings you labour under because you eventually reached the same conclusion as me - simply via a different route.
There is one other piece of evidence that the GAP & CORE Pentagon Brief is accurate. In 2018 the United Nations got everyone to sign up to the Migration Compact which makes rejecting immigrants internationally illegal because migration is a human right.
So few people are aware of this:
This civilization was taken down by organized ethnic mafias who seized control of the media, the money, and the spook state.
The rest is downstream from that reality.
Also, I think Bezmenov was a Birch Society psy-op. I mean his main gripe with the USSR was that his superiors looked down on him going native with an Indian woman lover while stationed in India. Bezmenov's authenticity was not confirmed by previous spooks who switched over either from what I gather. And they were very good sources of info prior to that.
Very murky.
What YB didn't tell you
The ruling elite are engineering a controlled demolition of what is currently in place to make room for what’s to come. As soon as robots are capable of making the things humans currently make, the ruling class will no longer have a need for humans. VPOTUS Harris let the truth come out when she mused about the benefits of depopulation will have on creating a cleaner environment.
Luckily for humans, robots will never be able to create anything.
This is the correct take. It's the high IQ populations that are being reduced. Too hard to control.
Beautiful post.
In my opinion all the paths lead toward doom for white western civilization and possibly for humanity itself...unless there is a Nietzschian transvaluation of values away from the egalitarianism that has been embedded in the west since Paul of Tarsus. Only such a transvaluation of values back toward inegalitarianism -- nobility, honor, immediacy of purpose, warrior values -- has any hope of countering the self-destructive values of the west down to the lowest common demoninator. Whether such a transvaluation is possible at such a late stage I don't know -- but I know that's the only solution. To be able to say: reality is unequal and no amount of social tinkering will fix these things, nor are the "more unequal" groups responsible for this -- that is what is needed if humanity is to survive.
Hard agree.
Light is darkest before the dawn; such transvaluations tend to only happen under conditions of extreme societal stress. Which we are now experiencing.
left out the most important resistance tool and the biggest contributor to your own happiness. It is not enough to lift , pray and work. If you don't find a woman , marry her and have a real family then there is NO future. full stop . god made them man and woman for a reason. I am an old man and I know numerous happy , fulfilled old men . the thing they all have in common is an old wife, kids , grandkids and most are starting with great grandkids. don't bitch about the women . I see classy , untatted,unpierced, hair long and no wierd color women at mass every sunday alone . i also see some of those women pregnant , with their hub , absolutely radiating joy and love .
Those old men did not have our problems...
Agreed. but fair or not , like it or not that is the only answer. I was simply pointing out that no success without family is worth a sh*t. you have a hard oad , so you better start early. best of luck to you .
I so agree. If you will allow an old woman with no husband or children to say you are 100% correct.
Marcion viewed reproduction as being an evil act, creating more slaves for the demiurges reality prison. I have little time for the talking monkeys anyway, they have always been fake and gay.
Use aryan or europan instead of white, it is another fake and gay term of this fake and gay world. It was invented by english anglos (german heritage) to demonstrate their superiority over other europeans during the height of the british empire.
self extermination is your new christos, unless we choose something much more fun...
We, I, will not go quietly into oblivion. That is not our, my, destiny.
The judeo-christian values of equality and universalism are as anti-human as always. Communism is just the final mutation of this resident evil boss. Both theocracy and communism were dreamt up by Plato, the terrible god of civilization.
'Judeo-Christian' is even faker and gayer than 'white'.
The West's tradition is Graco-Christian. Your welcome ; )
Much better.
I don't know about Graco-Christian, but Byzantium and its faith, Christianity, most certainly relied on the Septuagint as one of its pillars. You can't understand Christ without it. Early Church Fathers were the cream of classical civilization and turned their extraordinary education (meant to serve the state) to serve what they considered the fullness of truth, that's how theology came to be.
The philosophy, art, science, and governance were Greek in origin. The religion was overwhelmingly Christian. Thus, Graco-Christian.
byzantium is not real, an anglo construct. They referred to themselves as basilia ton rhomaion aka roman empire. Modern day turkey was known as rum to the arabs aka rome. They were also nicene christians aka judeo-christian
Christians would argue otherwise, they cling to that torah... and then we have Plato. Much of the worlds problems stem from his ideas.
Can't remember ever seeing anyone in HR who was a Platonist.
They can argue, but they're wrong - because they start from false premises. Every Christian should read The Naked Bible by Mauro BIglino, and then start their quest to know the Christ personally.
Also, Plato is a mixed bag IMO. Personally, I don't blame him for most of the world's problems, but rather those that failed to think some of his propositions completely through to their inevitable conclusions.
I think we all tend to miss the key point: labels evolve to meet the needs of those who use them and tell us a great deal of information about their authors and early adopters. Correcting them is useful only when done for analytic purposes. Policing linguistic usages strikes me as old-maidish. IMHO the terms 'Western' and 'civilization' certainly deserve retirement because they increasingly describe lost realities and are too vague for most purposes. As for 'white', 'European', 'Indo-European'...I just give up. Ultimately we are all forced to use the words in best we do so mindfully.
Yes... and no. The term itself is new, designed to chain europeans to the fate of the jews. On the other hand nicene christianity has always been judeo (torah) christian (NT). Rolo argues that this is the ancient chain binding europeans to jews.
I don't know about the coined term and its purpose. But the idea of a "chain" is quite odd considering the early history of persecution by the Jews and the eventual naming of the sect as "Christian" (beginning at Antioch). Jesus was the one who prophesied the destruction of the temple and mourned over Jerusalem, "If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes." This is quite an established break from "fate" one would say. We should not be confusing faith and geopolitics of a particular time or place and the questions (and whatever answers) that come from that context. Yes Christians (at least in its earliest understanding) consider themselves to be inheritors of the God of Abraham, Isaac, etc, and Jesus to be Messiah, the Christ. I point to St Paul as great example of these teachings.
One thing that might be of interest here is that later rabbinical Judaism sought to separate more distinctly from Christianity as a reaction to it. The very strict monotheism is different from Second Temple Judaism which entertained questions of "persons" in God
When rome made the transition from secular empire to theocracy jews were given many privileges over the ''pagan'' natives.... never a good sign
Demiurge is a good moniker lol
for us all
Followers of The Old Testament (Jews of the Torah) and of the New Testament (Christian Bible) certainly do exist.
Nice to see some of the topics that we discussed before making it into your essay. You wrote it out better than I could have.
However, when I bring these examples up, I see them as success stories worth emulating.
My point is that 1) these people actually rose up, which cannot be said for modern Whites and the reason that they rose up is 2) because of a religious movement that necessarily was imbued with mystical practice or led by shamans of a kind.
All peasant/slave revolts are religious in nature is my point and so if there is to be any rebellion at all, it needs to use the technology of inspiring religious feeling in people to get them to rise up.
You did not list them, but there are also more successful examples of the same phenomenon.
Tecumsah had more luck and used his shaman pedigree to unite the Indian tribes into a rare confederacy that made a political miscalculation in relying so heavily on Canadian British.
The Servile wars were also led by psychopomps.
And the Protestant rebellions were actually successful in the end, using mystical the mass-induction techniques of dancing, simulated drowning, cold exposure and so on. There are other semi-successful examples that come to mind as well like the Yellow Turbans from China that got much further than the Boxers.
Most of these examples pit literal stone-age cultures against a mature European empire that was at the height of its Assabiyah. The reason why they had access to these mystical techniques was because of their estrangement from modern civilization, which was both a plus and eventually an insurmountable obstacle. But, as in the case of the Protestants, where tech wasn't as much an issue, they fared much better.
Therefore, if a religious rebellion was ignited, the tech barrier or the reluctance to use modern weaponry will not be as much of a factor. Furthermore, it will be fought by rebels who are not limited by inferior IQ and an inability to work together in large organized structures. White people are far more socialized and able to work beyond clan and tribe structures, for better or for worse. Furthermore, their opponents will largely be janissaries in the employ of the occupation government. History is filled with examples of native rebellions overthrowing foreign powers because of home field advantage. The Arab revolts against the Western powers, for example.
So, actually, the situation is not as bleak as it was for the Indians who were outnumbered, outgunned, and already in concentration camps.
It will get bleaker as time goes on, true.
But the problem has always been trying to figure out how to actually ignite the initial rebellion. Literally millions of words and pages of ink spilled trying to figure out how to get ppl to rise up. And none of these nativist thinkers could provide the correct answer. Instead, they thought like Marxists and assumed that eventually, historical conditions would manifest and a rebellion would manifest spontaneously as a result of bad government policies.
The reason why I wrote out this thesis in my book was to attempt to explain that religious feeling and mystical technology is the match that will light up the powder keg. The underlying conditions are already there. The whole thing is primed to blow.
Whether it will be successful or not is another matter.
But I believe that the "ghost dance" is the key to getting people to rise up.
Excellent analysis, Rolo, and a helpful complement to John Carter's insightful essay. Your view of religion/spirituality as a cultural technology is especially helpful. I think we will use that technology more effectively than the Ghost Dancers did. The bad news is that South Africa is the fate our occupation governments are pushing us towards. The good news is that America has a warrior/rednecķ class that is a much larger portion of the demographic than the whites were in Rhodesia/South Africa, plus America's warrior/redneck contingent have taken to heart all the lessons from Rhodesia/South Africa (as well as the GWOT), plus America's geography provides them with a lot of friendly territory that will be hard for the regime to control. If the culture war goes hot (definitely am not advocating for anything illegal, but just reading the tea leaves and seeing where things are headed), America's rural whites will be more like the Taliban and the Viet Cong than Rhodesian/South African farmers, in terms of their success. For fostering cohesion and high morale, the religious/spiritual angle will be important, but the future leaders of this movement will know how to use the appropriate technology and techniques to win battles too.
Yes, SJWism and the tranny thing is textbook religious manipulation. I mean it is exactly what the early Christians were known for when they were sending temple-toppling eunuch fanatics at their pagan adversaries.
Weaponized trannies hopped up on raging hormones on a religious crusade against the enemies of the regime is nothing new!
Successful revolts from below are very, very, rarely successful.
Any mass upheaval will come only when the collective affect become regime-disruptive. When this happens, it is over. When a people become ungovernable by established rulers regime collapse is guaranteed. The religious stuff is relevant only because religious shifts (above all mass conversions) take place when the old beliefs lose their meaning, when old values become maladaptive, as a consequence of catastrophic change such as a shift from pastoralism to agriculture or urbanisation.
The quasi-shamanic stuff will make a powerful comeback because of a reaction to dematerialised experience in the form of digital culture and infotainment.
What you've said is true. But you neglect the other if not more important battleground in a spiritual war; high culture. Culture is the ethical transmission "how to feel" passed down from one generation to the next. Virtue is taught through imitation of the heroes, gods and ancestors not by mere copying but through the imagination and "moving with them" which high culture provides. The repudiation of a common tradition blocks the individual's path to membership in the "original experience of the community."
People should learn about – and move with – their past culture and develop an identity based on something besides the rancid sentiment of a Hollywood production. The irony is most men have very little interest in transmitting culture. Look at all the pop culture "stars" like Bruce Springsteen (who apparently hates white people). It's the spiritual equivalent of eating processed food.
Pop culture is downstream from elite culture. Therefore, you're going to have to start figuring out how to change high culture. And that requires learning how to manipulate images, gestures and sounds in time. I'm sorry but all the carefully crafted essays and talk shows in the world cannot change this. They can't change this because humans aren't primarily rational creatures and need, as you know, to be emotionally moved to feel part of an ongoing inheritance and home.
I don't think we disagree in our shared disdain for the elites.
But you haven't thought deeply about what culture is. It is hard to engage when you seem to only consider popular media to be culture. Or art or something visual and passive to be consumed like that.
I don't have a distaste for the elites, or rather elitism. Just the opposite. I'm saying if you want to defeat modernism you need to influence and control high culture first. I believe I wrote "pop culture is downstream from high culture." That's pretty emphatic. I then said you (meaning non-apologetic white men) need to figure out how to manipulate images, gestures and sounds in time because writing essays isn't good enough. That's not being passive. Just the opposite. I don't know how I can make myself any clearer.
Basically, I'm saying you'll never defeat modernism, progressivism, whatever you want to call it without religion AND high culture. Becoming religious in the traditional sense isn't good enough because your enemies control the high ground and have learned to feed you shit and are laughing at you, and most people don't even know it, referencing the case of Springsteen to prove my point. I'm saying, STOP BEING PASSIVE and learn how to make your own culture. Go to art, drama and music school for one thing.
This is ripe with truth. We have European high art as a foundation. This is something that makes J. Peterson fawning over Harry Potter such a tell that he is a midget.
European high art is extraordinary in its richness - intellectual and spiritual depth as well as aesthetic beauty.
Study our art music visual art, architecture, landscaping ... ... This will also attract men and women of quality. It is essential to proper elite formation.
J Peterson was ALWAYS a grifting midget, why else do you think he is allowed by the system? Real voices are banned from jewtube or twitter
Hard agree. Too many on the alt/dissident right are cultural low brows. Heavy metal and alt-rock is as bad for your psyche as processed food is for your gut. A true forest rebel (Junger) has a large collection of classical music from Gregorian Chants through the late Romantics and knows it by heart.
The point about politics is to mobilise people in defence of their interests, not to raise the tone of culture. There is already a great tendency for people on the right to larp as defenders of a culture that has largely vanished. The alt/dissident right does not need more 'high brows' needs more realism and honesty. A true rebel is someone who tells the boss to get fucked, not someone who spends their leisure hours pining for the Middle Ages. A great rebel is a good organiser. A successful rebel is an effective fund-raiser.
The more the alt/dissident right goes down the 'cultural' path the faster it becomes irrelevant.
Any proof of heavy metal (music genre) being bad for you?
Suggestion: talk to an actual musician about the complexity and skill (or lack thereof) invovled in heavy metal.
I'll think you'll be surprised, really.
Depends on the metal. Black metal, melodic death metal, atmospheric metal - these can possess every bit the emotional and structural depth of classical.
Culture is the rejection of the primal, the only truth man has ever known.
Just a friendly heads-up, but today (21st) marks the end of the human race according to climate change science. Greta Thunberg tweeted five years ago that if we did not stop using fossil fuels completely before the end of today, all humans would die.
It's 09:20 here, so we've got a couple of hours left, according to climet change science.
We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Pam Popper:
Del Bigtree:
Naomi Wolf:
Alas since civilization (castration) came around we have always lived in a fake gay world.
Enjoy them, lol.
Five more years. It would be hilarious if I didn’t know they were scaring small children with this narrative to make them depressed.
Oh heck! Never gonna get to eat them potatoes with anchovies at your place, am I?
Bravo! Such a great piece of writing...
The only consolation I can draw for now is the general intellectual, spiritual and esthetic nullity that is our global overlord, Social Justice Inc.
The Indians were steamrolled by the European Industrial Revolution and all its enormous brainpower, firepower, and the flood of money, guns and brilliance that crossed the Atlantic; the Han were felled by the might of the British Empire, a confident civilization at the peak of its powers, which still has its fingerprints on so much of modern life; and the Judeans of course were crushed by the Romans, who basically set the template (even down to the names of our days and months) for centuries of civilization to come.
Then we get to Social Justice Inc., which runs entirely on the rapidly dwindling seed corn of a prior time and people, whose only memorable historical monuments will be mountains of trash, who have created ZERO great art or artists or architecture, and whose religion is all rage and empty ritual but no renewal or rejoicing, essentially as pleasurable as coitus sans release.
Let's always remember that the postmodern academy which functions as our civilizational cerebrum has created one product of note that defines them: Deconstruction, which acts as an intellectual cuisinart, and can only slice and dice but never build or create. None of the works of the postmodern theorists will ever be recited at a wedding or funeral, in a love letter or at the bed of a dying loved one—the whole project is a monument to sterility and spite.
Once the money runs out all the tentacles of the global corporate state will wither and die, all the apostles of the creed of Social Justice will pretend they'd never meant it or run off to find gods more durable and less disposable. They have absolutely nothing of value to offer or to pass down, thus they will be swept away and forgotten, the only question is when and how.
"the whole project is a monument to sterility and spite."
I could not have said it better myself. Preach!
Thanks again, John.
I'd rather die Ghost Dancing (w style ;)) than bend the knee to such dour sour drones.
Non serviam!
Indeed. Say what you will about the Ghost Dancers, they died on their feet.
stone age savages are happy to embrace death, hell who can blame them? They were much closer to the root of human existence
Amen! And once the Ponzi Scheme known as the Federal Reserve goes bust and there's no more easy money to fund it, Social Justice Inc will be finished.
truly a religion full of Sound and Fury…signifying nothing. also, my man CP might be Substacks greatest commenter…
Thanks!! You very kind!
Wait till I tell my wife ;))
But dont ever accuse me of optimism again ;))
cheerful fatalism!
By the way, this post for some reason reminds me of the differences between current day China and the GAE. In the GAE the corporations hold sway and control the state, but in China the CPC holds sway and controls the state, and corporations are not allowed to control it.
If you ask me, allowing the corporations to control everything was what really killed the country that used to knows as the US or America. Once they (and the ethnic group that controls them) took over, the native born people became an obstacle that needed to be overcome.
And they have done a good job overcoming us too, so far. Perhaps it will be different in the future, we'll see.
Conquest through hypnosis is a bold strategy, and I think will prove unstable in the long run. But we'll see.
Computers can stay because you can do work on them as well as typing Substack comments. But smartphones, televisions, and surveillance cameras have got to go. Heard about the grassroots warriors destroying ULEZ cameras in London? Reactionary heroes.
Incredibly based. Hero.
Hypnosis and poisoning, ha ha!
I want to build an "un-poison yourself" resource site.
Corporations are psychopaths, by design.
I sometimes think hostile alien ethnics that control most corporations have turned psychopathy toward outgroups into a lifestyle.
You're not the only one to suspect that....
the alien parasite and the traitor are the cancer of nations
The USA never existed, just yankee propaganda. It was always an empire made up of three separate nations... although they are trying hard to bodge the damn thing together
LOL, I doubt you're even carbon-based. Are you carbon-based? Humor us and prove it.
Carbon? GROSS
I see lots of ghost dancing across right wing Substack, and it bugs me greatly.
And I will take your essay as an excuse for over the top self-promotion: I write almost entirely about action plans. I do not know with certainty if my plans will work, but I do know that acting on available information in a semi rational fashion beats the crappe out of conspiracy theorizing and other efforts to explain our fall.
(And ten minutes of training with a .357 magnum beats 10 years of kung fu or weight training. Or, as the libertarian comedian Tim Slagle said, "I have a WARRIOR's belly!")
With that written, I will admit that reviving our traditional religion is PART of my action plan. But it's not the ritual, but the underlying values (and potential divine intervention) that interest me.
And, by the way, the Jews faced a similar situation in the time of Jeremiah. While there was plenty if idol destruction and other religious reforms at the time, the wealthy Jews balked at obeying the Jubilee Laws. But the Jubilee Laws were critical to maintaining an independent Jewish state surrounded by empires. The Jubilee Laws created a vast population of ornery rednecks with Skin in the Game. A country with such rednecks can field a defensive army sufficient to repel the army of an invading empire.
The US situation is analogous to Judah in Jeremiah's day. Our elite are consolidating land and business opportunities. Our military has become professional and small compared to the overall population. Our government no longer trusts its own people. There are so many state secrets that democracy is meaningless on the subject of foreign policy.
Any revival of ceremony must come with revival of underlying relevant ideas. Getting people back into churches to sing more hymns will not likely save us. The spirit of Laws of God can if properly applied for the modern age.
But we must also revive our old secular religion: democracy and limited federal government. A democracy can field a bigger army than a low trust kleptocracy. If we embrace the ideals of the Founding Fathers, we can still field a bigger army than national socialist China -- at least for defensive purposes.
As for how to get the younger generations enthusiastic about the ideals of the West, I have plenty of action plans for that, including actions that will make Santa Claus worshiping Republicans cry.
(Hint: don't mortgage the younger generations' future and then expect them to respect you. And either cut the crappe out of spending or raise taxes on passive investors vs. those who work for their income.)
I'm not so much hot for democracy. More a fan of warrior republics tbh.
Given the number of People's Republics, I just use the term democracy for representative democracy (aka republican government in the original sense).
And yes, I have written quite a bit on the problem of how democracy doesn't scale AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT. See Rule 6.
(That link is part 1 of a multi part series.)
And, by the way, if you don't like my solutions, please complain and/or neener dance! While I am boastfully claiming that I have answers, I admit that some of my answers may not be correct. Let us debate and find the more likely correct answers. Be forewarned that if your argument is convincing, I will incorporate your ideas into my eventual book. Tell me how you want to be cited in that eventuality.
(But before you neener dance, note the records of New England and Scandinavia. Ideas that have failed miserably elsewhere have worked more or less because they had something resembling true democracy. Or, as I point out in Rule 6, the slogan "You can't fight City Hall" is an indication of scale issues vs. ideology.)
New England and Scandinavia coincidentally also had people of shared high-trust (western) biospirit, no?
The highest even, which is why we fall now. We trusted that the stranger was like us, or wanted to be like us.
He doesn't, no more than the wolf wants to become a dog if he is let into the sheep enclosure.
This is also why the comparatively much lower-trust Slavic nations are holding up so well. Their instinct is to distrust the stranger and the state.
Yes, Diversity and democracy don't mix so well.
This is also an argument for Christian revival in the U.S. If Jesus is our King of Kings, then multiple genetic nations can still be part of the same nation.
Admitting immigrants who have different cultures and religious is indeed dangerous. Serious hazing to prove that such immigrants love The American Way is in order.
Unless you adopt some "we wuz Hebrews" version of Christianity then the religion undermines European ethnic identity.
The jew platonic theocracy is all about their superiority and racial preservation, time for european christcucks to learn...
Be careful what you wish for! Uncle Samantha is recruiting and arming trannies, illegals and girl-bosses. A warrior republic from Hell.
Tranny shariah vs shariah... shariah
May the most morally crippled win...and then expire from their wounds.
The pantomime oligarchy of democracy is just another example of our species obsession with fake gayness. Are we so vile that we cannot even look at ourselves? Do we just lie to ourselves forever?
a republic is just a castrated democracy?
Usury is poison. Bringing back the jubilee!
E. Michael Jones defines capitalism as "State sponsored usury".
Context is important. The Biblical Law allowed people to use their family plot and their future labor as collateral. In those circumstances, collecting interest was illegal, but there was a potential period of debt servitude.
But that debt servitude was limited, and debtors were supposed to be given capital upon release.
What we have now is a system where debtor's prison and/or servitude is illegal, but young people are by default starting life in a condition of deep debt with interest.
As someone who is pretty deep in debt for the purpose of starting a potentially lucrative business, I'm cool with paying interest should I succeed. But the option of bankruptcy should be available should I fail.
But for the young, startup capital should be the norm, with taxes to pay-it-forward upon success so the next generation can have the same opportunity.
And this will be one of my future Rules: replace the federal student loan system with a glop of capital for ALL natural born citizens upon reaching 19 (or maybe 20) years old. Let colleges compete with other uses of that capital. Let colleges compete with starting a business, a down payment on a house, or a bitchin sports car. (And yes, a wrecked bitchin sports car is a better education than a degree in Modern Indignation Studies.)
Note the political judo. I just gave you a key to destroying the ultimate source of wokeness while providing Reparations for the Previously Persecuted and the wet dreams of the Bernie voters.
But it will make Establishment Republicans cry.
One of the reasons that debt is so attractive is that in our money system money is created through debt. You go to the banker and take out a loan. The bank doesn't have that credit, mostly, and they go to the FED who creates it by writing it into their accounts. Now you have to pay it back, using your work to justify that money, and pay the interest and charges. You pay of the loan, it is great, but if you go bankrupt, well, at least the bank got rich.
You are a fool not to go into debt because the minimum 2% inflation eats your money as it hides under your mattress or in savings (where the bank makes money by loaning it out at a higher rate) or in stock speculation, and you are a fool to risk bankruptcy, and there is no choice in the matter.
Wealth has become defined as "access to money" and that is about it. Well, maybe access to money AND the ability to pay it back.
Yep. Easy home refis are a great way to short the dollar. With 20% equity, I have 5 to 1 leverage that's in my favor as long as inflation stays over 3%.
I see nothing wrong with capitalism.
My problem is with crony capitalism/corporatism where the government and corporate boards decide who wins and who loses based on politics, acquaintances, and fidelity to the Party (we all know which one) and state (which is unfortunately the current state of affairs).
Capitalism and usurious rentier parasitism aren't exactly synonymous.
The way I heard it, the early capitalist thinkers were arguing against rentier lords.
I believe this is accurate, yes.
But do the daily practices preached by the gospel of the dissident right not have intrinsic value? Lifting weights, training combat sports, reading books, having sex with your wife, and raising good children simply lead to a better, more fulfilling life, and maybe that's all the reason we need. At least the CDC and the WEF have not taken away our ability to choose good lives.
Counterpoint: training martial arts is also generally good for its own sake.
All those things are good, but the question is: do they have political significance? They can, of course. Very much so. But this should be remembered, kept front of mind.
They have political significance because others have given political significance to them.
This is more hilarious counter-productive activity from the wannabe world-rulers. They continually degrade & kill their supporters, because they fear a fully-functional plebiscite, lost in a fantasy of their industrial-technocratic dystopia somehow being run by AI instead of people.
Dunno how I found this post in 2025, but I’d say these things DO have intrinsic political significance since they serve as organizing points to introduce like minded individuals. Given the wave of support that “men-osphere” circles such as martial arts and lifting weights (JRE) had on the 2024 election, I’d say this was a success.
having sex with your wife is a chore and no amount of rationalization or moralizing will change that!
Al Bundy, is that you?
The poor thing @JaW's wife def pushed Rolo's buttons 🤦
Not when you have natural ownership
I sometimes think back on the events of my life, and of American history, and Western history, and try to figure out at what point it all started to go wrong. I've come to conclude that Douglas Adams was correct when he wrote, paraphrasing, "The Universe began 13.8 billion years ago. This is widely regarded as a bad move."
Black pilling isn’t helpful. Quasi-gnostic black-pilling is even worse.
If you think the demiurge is depressing... the humanurge theory is even worse
But then we are that bad move made flesh. Guess it must be up us to take the reins. No use denying what we in fact are. That would be insane, lol.
I spent part of yesterday watching two versions of the Quiet American: the CIA-tainted original Mankiewicz version and the 2002 version w/ Michael Caine that hews more or less faithfully to the source material. It’s almost funny watching how Mankie’s version goes off the rails — you can almost hear the CIA apparatchik whispering facile nonsense in his ear as the entire drift of the film veers off into la-la-land in the last 15-20 minutes. Lying to the American people about what “we” were up to in southeast Asia from roughly 1945 through the 60’s was key to ginning up support at home for the Vietnam war.
So there was of course great use in denying what we are and keeping the American people ignorant of what it’s govt has been up to. Didn’t see the movie but I’m reminded of that phrase “eternal sunshine of the spotless mind” for how clueless and propagandized we’ve been. And in the end your ironic line is correct: it is insane to deny what we are because doing so ends in calamity and shame.
I've spent the better part of this day coming to terms with this. Good to know history doesn't lack for examples of other peoples who have had to suck it up through the terminal decline of their civilization.
For every rising civilization there's a falling one. History is littered with such examples. A civilization dismantling itself, however, may be unique.
We didn't dismantle ourselves. We let the enemy in the gate, and they worked their poison spells on us. Or so it appears to me.
True. Many westmen have driven the usurpers and subverter from their land. The most recent one to do so, however, is now considered to be the literal devil.
Until we can start being honest about Mr. Moustache Man we will not move past this.
Seems like less dismantling and more mere attenuation solely to fulfill a myopic and materialist desire to plunder. Most are totally oblivious to the existential consequences, or think they'll be able to somehow spin them towards even greater advantage.
There's a malevolence as well. "They hate us because they ain't us."
Self-pity over decline is disgusting. Cultures die when they lack the capacity to renew themselves. If the 'West' dies, so what? Whatever was valuable in it remains to be resuscitated by those capable of doing so (the fragments and embryonic tribes and nations-to-be).
People feel entitled to demand eternity for their folk-ways and their prejudices. When they realise that this is unrealistic they whine and become rancorous.
It's as unseemly as whining about an unavoidable death, which is equally inevitable.
This may interest you. The author ends by looking at the civilizational implications of the present crisis.
Frankly, I'd rather see the West die than have everything preserved by either the Longhouse or the right's nostalgia-addicted droolers as part of a freakish anthropology museum exercise in identity-preservation. Cultures thrive when they adapt, use the resources available to them, and enable people to flourish. A culture that cannot do this has no automatic claim on the emerging generation. We are experiencing a collective katabasis (journey through the underworld, decline into death) for any number of reasons. Expecting a cultural peak-moment to endure indefinitely is retarded. This expectation comes naturally to lazy consumers of ideas and culture.
We've gotta turn that katabasis into an anabasis.
Man I just want to exterminate the human race, is that too much to ask? The enemy of truth must die
Wed 3 Aug 22 09:32 Post
my own faith is that this globalist center wont hold.
but i do think they are going to screw up the human project and
smash it into unknowable splinters.
some places, some groups, some humans will continue to make art and
enhance life, and not forget, not look away, and not hate.
Another barnstormer, John. Muchos gracias. I agree unreservedly as well. I have always felt that these invocations to return to the "old ways" and tradition were a bit of a dead end. Not that there is anything wrong with getting and staying fit or reading the works of Ovid and regular church attendance. No, they're all fine and good but they're not going to lead us out of the darkness or make so much as a dent in the political and social order.
You can't go back. That world no longer exists and it is futile to try to resurrect it. Instead of immersing ourselves in the "old ways" how about we devote our (considerable) collective intellectual and emotional energies to creating "new ways" by which I mean, new ways to make the cost of occupation unbearable for our rulers? Sure it will take time but what's the alternative? Voting harder? Praying?
Something else that I think is worth mentioning here is the rise of the Russia-China axis. I am not claiming that either Russia or China are necessarily our friends but, for sure, they are the enemies of our enemies and their power and influence are growing. The confidence of our ruling class is predicated upon them being considered the Masters of the Universe, Lords of All They Survey. At the moment, they still are, but maybe only just. That global hegemon looks shakier with each passing day. If our rulers lose their top spot in the world rankings, that will definitely dent their self-belief and deny them the mantle of manifest destiny upon which they depend, psychologically speaking.
Fast forward into the not-too-distant future when our masters no longer rule the world and have to contend at home with a significant minority of the people over whom they still rule despising them and doing everything they can to throw sand in the gears at every turn. Will they still seem so invincible?
I think a few stark military defeats will do wonders. Not running home with our tails between our legs. I'm thinking loss of carrier groups. Something major, that shakes confidence and makes it undeniable that the regime has forfeited the mandate of heaven. At that point, indeed, I suspect that their power at home will be shaken, hopefully terminally.
Meanwhile the thing we need to focus on is Becoming Worthy. A new elite is badly needed. That is obvious to everyone ... I think even the present elite knows that they are not equal to their positions, hence their desperation.
Counter-point: if I was China (as the only credible military threat to the US in a war) I'd act to encouage the US to spend more on military matters, rather than open conflict. I'd also act in such a way that the US' cost for supporting its cronies kept increasing year over year.
Consider the societal and financial knock-on effects of this: inflation, crisis after crisis, loss of confidence people/governement, opportunity to corrupt US officials and infiltrate US finance and businesses, et cetera.
It's quite funny, since this is what China has been doing since the early 1990s, and it's all based on the US grand strategy on how to destroy the USSR without open war, combined with the KGB's strategy for cultural/societal/financial infiltration of Europe (a strategy that they put into effect in the late 1970s/early 1980s).
Why sink a carrier group unless I absolutely desperately have to, when I instead can trick my enemy to expend non-replaceable resources in building three more, using parts and materials bought from me?
It would be a great historical irony if the USSA were brought low by the same strategy it used against the USSR.
Already underway. Have heard claims that the Red Army leadership became too demoralised to make much effort to save the system after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon when US made fighter jets destroyed the Syrian air force while it was still on the ground.
The success of Putin's hypersonic missiles and air-defence systems may very well become a comparable game-changer in the West.
I disagree that China is the only credible military threat to the USA. I think it's Russia. The Russians have proved that they have the best and most reliable machines but they also now have a well and truly battle-hardened modern army with up-to-date institutional knowledge. If the Russians invaded Alaska, say, what could the US do in response that they are not doing now (to no effect) in Ukraine?
The only option for the USA would be to go nuclear immediately.
Assuming American nukes still work.
With girl-boss engineers and diversity-hire physicists?
That, although frankly I suspect that with regular bomb testing no longer being performed, maintenance of the nuclear arsenal has suffered. Possibly to the point that the warheads no longer function. When was the last time a thorough inspection and evaluation was undertaken? Around the same time Fort Knox was last audited?
Threat? Hardly. Russia has no claims on US territory and wishes to be left alone. Ditto China. Russian and China become threats only if the US actively seeks conflict.
The real threat is illegal immigration, the drug cartels and domestic collapse.
Agreed, yes. But the people who control the USA don't see it that way. They are unconcerned, it seems, with the plight of their nation and may even be hostile towards it. The see their constituency as the entire world over which they believe they are entitled to rule. Hence, America has neither friends nor allies, just supplicants or enemies and you're either one or the other.
Both Russia and China represent a threat to that hegemonic global rule and neither will willingly bend the knee. So, as far as Washington is concerned, they are enemies to be tamed, defanged and politically conquered. Neither Russia nor China has any claim whatsoever to any US territory but the Americans (again, the people who control the USA, as opposed to the American people) absolutely will not stop waging war on both on every front until maybe, the Russians and the Chinese feel that they have no choice but to act in their own defence. At that point things may well get, shall we say....spicey.
I see China as the threat because it is openly challenging US global 'hegemoney', which Russia isn't capable of doing.
An invasion of the actual US isn't what I mean, there's no need for that at all. Proxy-wars intended to bleed the enemy is the modern warfare of today, and China is very good now at "let him and you fight"-style scenarios, as well as using the greed of international capitalism as a lever to introduce ever-greater levels of corruption into competing systems.
China is defeating the US by helping the US make itself weak, corrupt and splintered. Much more efficient than trying to occupy territory right away - why bother, when you can fight the Long War and use the enemy's ideals against him?
Ohh, somesuch reasoning is so passé, let's upgrade to up-to-date, shall we 😝 Modern warfare (whatever its generation, 4? 5?) is no longer about physical land conquest as an ultimate goal. Sure not the main battlefield 😏 'Tis human mind collective where it's being largely waged.
The goal of all warfare is to break the will to fight; contemporary techniques recognize this explicitly and assault the will directly.
🗨 The winner of any conflict in the long run is solely determined by will. When will is broken, fighting may continue for some time, but the decisive point has been surpassed. This simple fact is difficult for many to understand. They think of weapons, resources, and manpower. These things are all important, but only insofar as they impact will.
h/t Smith, Grant Smith 😊 He would know.
🗨 I am monarch of all I survey, / My right there is none to dispute; / From the center all round to the sea, / I am lord of the fowl and the brute. ~~William Cowper, 1782
Studying the past gives us perspective. By learning from that which is similar, we can reason our way out of today. Not by doing what they did, but by understanding why they did what they did, and how closely it matches what we can do.
History is unique among the social sciences (dare I say the sciences as a whole), because unlike other sciences, whose job is to isolate phenomenon and extract principles that work in all observed contexts (hopefully, therefore, in all contexts), history attempts to leave most of the meat on the bone, as it were. The historian implicitly, and often explicitly, acknowledges that things are messy, and this is only a particular reading of events that we have incomplete records for.
It is the only field where the proof is always left as an exercise to the reader, because the proving is what is taught.
The past has one lesson, kill the fucking thing dead aka humanity
Important sub-lessons: When, how, and where to do so. In addition, you can get them to do it to themselves if you're patient and savvy about it.
However you can whenever you can
No talking monkey no past
flesh is weak, mechanicus are pretenders, necrodermis is forever
Yeah but they went to sleep so long they became irrelevant
I live in hope that the US will split and the conservative faction will carry the torch for a while longer. A united America is in NO ONE'S best interests!! Doesn't matter where you fall left to right.
I've thought long about this and having studied it, I don't think the left would ever just let us leave. They get no pleasure out of forcing each other to bend the knee. The greatest joy, the buzz they crave and the addiction they must feed is individual and tribal power. They have to keep the right around to be victims to their pathologies.
True. What's the point if you can't keep grinding your boot into someone's face and making him ask and thank you for it?
Also, the first thing that would happen if the US split, even if amiably:
Mass-migration from the Progressive-Liberal mainly non-white part to the Conservative mainly white one.
Indeed. That internal migration is already happening. Partly this is conservative whites removing themselves from untenable situations, but partly it's libs who don't understand why their states have become untenable, and set about voting for the same policies that destroyed their home states.
Tropical Helm's Deep (Florida and Texas) are reservations for the Ghost Dancers. They will function as oversized Bantustans. They are vulnerable to disruption by the future, utterly predictable, 'Fergusson effect'.
God that's bleak. But very likely accurate. The inhabitants don't understand why civilization is crumbling, so while they can run from the effects, they're unlikely to make the fundamental, bold changes that are necessary.
When entire populations are under sustained stress, when established ways of life crumble, denial and fantasy on a mass scale become the norm. It is easy to miss because it is all normalised by the wider culture. These things have happened many times before, in many countries, to people of different backgrounds. The mass movements of the 20th c. fed upon various forms of precisely such delusion.
ghost dancers in those vibrant shitholes? Don't make me laugh
To explain: the pale fugitives from the Blue Zone who have settled in Florida and Texas cling to the hope that the constitutional Ghost Dance will provide safety from expropriation, physical violence and the grossest, most outrageous, forms of social engineering (surgical gender affirmation for pre-teens, COVID plague-management). It is a futile hope because consent decrees, extradition to rival jurisdictions and, in the longer term, ethnic displacement are all on the cards. and placing one's hopes on an extinct constitutional order is on par with dreams of buffalo meat barbecue. Ultimately, the Tropical Helm's Deep crowd are betting that things will calm down elsewhere over time or that they will die before it all just collapses.
Personally, I think the idea that either Florida or Texas will become another Ravenna (the Adriatic enclave in Italy where civilization held on for a bit while the barbarians settled the north) or another Venice (where refugees from the barbarians settled on islands in the lagoon) is preposterous.
The Future Alawites of America in Idaho or Montana may have a chance of holding out.
This fascinating article suggests that left and right derive from openness vs conscientiousness. What I concluded from it is that pathological lefties are likely extremely low in conscientiousness, while those on the right are high in that Big 5 trait.
Also, that dividing a polity along such lines is unlikely to work - akin to a hemispherectomy in order to stop seizures.
I can’t say I necessarily enjoyed this but it needed to be written by someone and needs to be read by everyone. We cannot live in denial. Only the Truth can set us free.
Alas for truth is mankinds enemy
Will we have disaster and rebirth, or a slow drop into final extinction.
With the world teetering on a final holocaust, it's obvious which I am rooting for.
Never before has a nation fell this far, but never before did a nation have American men to pull it out of the inferno which has been set.
I give us one chance in three.
Those are pretty good odds, actually.
Yes, they are, maybe too good, maybe not.
John, this is one of your finest pieces, a true prediction, let's hope yours and mine aren't being too generous.