=== grid vandal

gridvandal would be a neat neologism for the upper cadre of the worshippers of St Gretchen of Aspberg (patron saint of the Cult of Thermageddon),

It has a vaguely Norse/Scando sound, and would fit nicely in a sentence in which the local jarl of the griðvanðalir declared "climate deniers" subject to fjörbaugsgarður and skóggangur (lesser- and full- outlawry, respectively).

Perhaps on a new Dísablót, dedicated to propitiating a particularly malevolent dís. Hilariously, dísir means both 'ladies' and what the Greeks would call άρπυιαι 'harpies'.

All of the foregoing would be much more readable if Substack's $7/hr Reddit-tier H1b coders had enabled EM and I tags in comments. Fuckers,

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Thanks bro, very honored! Admire your writing very much.

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I was really quite happy to see that you'd written again ... and it was a very good piece, too, which is not surprising, you're highly talented.

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Thanks bro I plan to be publishing these kinds of tutorials roughly every ten days. That's slow enough for it to not really distract from my day job. Hopefully it's helpful for other people, but if nothing else, I enjoy the self-expression, and I learn during this research which I would be doing anyway. The next piece is almost finished, is about how to write imagery in prose. Planning to publish in the next 2 weeks.

FrogTwitter has a huge cluster of geniuses, a significant amount of them are brilliant autodidacts with the ambition to create stories, so hopefully I can play a small part in accelerating their growth, and softening the path.

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I'm looking forward to it.

Hopefully you'll turn your hand to fiction directly, though. I recall a post of yours several months ago, it showed great potential, was enormous fun to read.

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Thanks I write fiction under other psuedonyms IRL, this pseudonym is oriented towards nonfiction.

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May 27, 2023Edited
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Specifically I created this pseudonym to Fedpoast and participate in the FrogTwitter art scene.

But I lost interest in Fedpoasting when I ran over the macroeconomic trends and realized — yes we live in a fake speculative bubble economy, but all of the Boomer lifestyles are tied up in overinflated assets (houses, stocks, pensions). That fraud can continue as long as the social consensus agrees to pretend that the Emperor has no clothes.

My current expectation is that fraud will just continue to be doubled down on until around 2030 when the Boomers have died off, then lots of long-ignored crises will erupt simultaneously.

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Hits different when the praise comes from people you respect.

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I don't remember what your subscription cost, but it feels like I was paid back on my first read.


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I'm glad you think so. And many thanks for your support!

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Thanks for the kind words, brother. If I had the jack to afford it, I'd probably owe you 10% commission by now.


"Target has been spooked into hiding its boy's tick suits in the back."

I think you meant "tuck suits." Although it wouldn't surprise me if they were also hawking bug costumes for arachnid-identifying tykes. Not sure which is worse.

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Good catch. Fecking autocorrupt.

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Like the old joke, "A minister, a priest, and a rabbit walk into a bar. The bartender asks the rabbit what he wants to drink. The rabbit says, 'How should I know? I'm only here because of autocorrect.'"

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We've had "quiet cabins" on trains here (Sweden) for 20+ years now. By pure coincidence, it's always also first class cabins. Don't know about the US/UK but here there's a very real and tangible difference between first class and second.

You don't get there faster, but you get to travel without having to sit too closeto the hoi-polloi and you are free of the frequent violence when people of certain racial backgrounds refuse to pay for tickets,or just cause havoc and harass white people for fun.

Kaos in mythology is the void before creation, and what is left after creation is destroyed. The magic you speak of is kaotic magic - the magic of destruction. We are living the Kaoskampf: they, the woke and the rich, wants to destroy what they cannot rule. As they cannot destroy life nor can they rule death, they instead destroy the essence and meaning of it.

Like some min-max kobold only intent on wrecking the game and stop others from having fun "the wrong way", they would rather burn everything and piss on the ashest han let others enjoy the fire; you mentioned liches so my cache of gaming metaphors flew open. I'd not compare them to Acererak or his ilk, though, but to Saruman. Especially Saruman after the Fall of Isengard.

They have ignored the basic tenets of magic:

As above, so below.

Do not call up that which you cannot put down.

Magic is addictive.

And the final rule:

A rock to the back of the skull trumps all magic (or technology if you prefer).

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Indeed, the answer to dark magic is the blade of a wrathful Cimmerian.

I wonder if the quiet cabins on British trains are similarly racially coded. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. And of course, yet one more reason to doom them, if so. Sweden may be as ostentatiously cucked as the UK - although I'm not sure it is, having lived in Sweden myself - but the trends are very much in the opposite direction from what I can see. Swedes seem to be losing patience much more rapidly than the English and the Scots, and the Riksdag is much more responsive to changes in the national mood than Parliament.

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We'll see.

Our current givernement is made up of the Moderate party (huge fans of mass-migration since their corporate masters desire to destroy worker's rights), the Liberal party (which are best characterised as the epitome of blinkered Libtard NIMBY Karens), the Christian Democrat party (which is pro-mass welfare for religious organisations, meaning they support tax money going to islamic schools - think the stereotypical Old Maid stern and soured church lady; pro book burnings if it's "smut", that kind of thing).

The Sweden Democrats, the only party even slightly critical of the EU or migration and multiculturalist policies, are not in governement but acts as a silent party to give the coalition majority.

That it is nowadays a crime to reveal facts which may "damage Sweden's standing and reputation among nations" and that media maybe both censored and censured using that rubber-band law does not give me very high hopes. 35%+ of the population consists of non-swedes, the vast majority being africans, arabs and other mid-easterners.

An example of how naive, in all ways, most swedes are: to handle and transport stolen goods is not a crime per se, not even out of the country.

This has been a known loophole my entire life, yet has never been fixed despite customs, police, prosecutor's office, financial crimes unit and taxation bureau all having filed reports, investigations and complaints for 50+ years.

Yet nothing is done, because?

Because then you'd immediately see which groups - ethnicities - are the criminals and that's racist. Notice I didn't name any ethnicity? That's because this post could constitute a crime already: hate crime speech intended to denigrate non-swedes.

All publicly available data on ethnicity/crime are sorely out of date, or too generalised to be meaningful. When I wrote the department of corrections and asked for figures on the amount of pork/other pig products bought for the prisons' kitchens, the information became unavailable.

"For security reasons".

Since I have a family member who's worked as a cook in a prison, well, non-white non-swedes make up 75%+ of the clientele in the low security prisons, 95%+ in max security. Oh, and the major group dong time for crimes against the elderly? Rhymes with "tipsy".

As long as I cannot speak those words here in my own nation without it constituting a crime which could get me months in prison, something the vast majority of the swedes agree with as a good law, I have no hope of positive change.

But being a pessimist and a cynic by nature, I'm happiest when I'm proven wrong.

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Jesus, 35%? I honestly didn't realize it was that bad.

I'd been under the impression that Sverige Demokrater had won the last election, albeit not sufficiently to form the government. That suggests that while the permanent Swedish state remains in the hands of replacement enthusiasts, the mood among the Swedish people itself is shifting.

Meanwhile in Britain, or Canada for that matter, it is perfectly irrelevant who wins the election, and the sorts of laws you describe are being or have already been implemented, with no sign of any resistance from the native population.

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SD (Sweden Democrats) got 20.54% of the votes for parliament, netting them 74 seats out of 349.

In brief, the Chairman of the Chamber asks party leaders in turn about whether or not they have a credible foundation for a majority governement. If not, he then moves on to check what the basis is for a minority governement.

SD has done a tremendous job, going from nothing to being in the top three in under 20 years. Åkesson is very much a realpolitiker, and living under constant threat of violence and murder for 20 years (including family members) has only sharpened him.

Violence and threats cheered and tacitly endorsed by, among others, former PM Fredrik Reinfeldt, who infamously stated that "If you have opinions like those (that Sweden is the land of the swedes, my note) you should expect to get hurt".

This Reinfeldt said when he was PM, more than 10 years ago now.

I could write a thesis-length text about the political shenanigans and the 24/7/365 brainwashing, but it's suppertime. A real silver lining is that the good migrants, the ones who appreciate order and who show respect and gratitude, are voting Sweden Democrat more and more.

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1 in 5 Swedes voting SD is quite remarkable when you consider the demographic situation and the pervasive brainwashing in the Swedish media and educational system. Assuming that the SD vote is predominantly ethnically Swedish and not from a migrant background, and that Sweden's population is 35% non-Swedish, something like 1/3 of actual Swedes are now voting SD.

Of course the establishment in Sweden will do everything in its power to prevent this from having an immediate policy effect, but the wider European establishment is fighting exactly this desperate conflict across the entire continent, trying to hold back AfD in Germany, RN in France, the various political insurgencies in Italy under Salvini and Moroni, and trying and failing to roll back the gains made by Orban in Hungary. Not even a comprehensive list.

Meanwhile, that European establishment is itself largely an extension of American foreign policy. But America's ability to project influence abroad is waning fast, just at the time that populist and nationalist opposition movements in Europe are rising up to challenge the prevailing post-war consensus.

In the case of a country like Sweden, which has a powerful consensus culture, I could see things changing there very rapidly, practically overnight, especially once the pressure from foreign sponsors is removed.

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Sweden resembles Germany in the aspect that when consesus on an issue changes, it changes the way a school of fish changes direction.

To clarify, consesus (here, geographically and contextually) doesn't mean that you have to agree or endorse the consesus, "just" that you're not supposed to oppose it, especially not openly and absolutely not with solid arguments based in publicly available facts and empiric knowledge.

To an outsider, this of course looks like total conformism and the change when "everyone" turns on a dime can be very scary to witness, especially if you yourself vividly remember that just a few short weeks ago, believing X about Y meant being WrongBadEvil, and now it's something everyone's always believed.

I think working so much with Asperger-juves has inocculated me somewhat against the "school of fish"-reflex. (Or I like to believe that anyway.)

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That's an insightful lens to use to bring the bigger patterns into focus, and you make an important point about the creative potential inherent in chaos.

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For readers interested in the community/atomization discussion in a couple of these posts, McConkey has also been covering it lately, e.g. here: https://thecirculationofelites.substack.com/p/hopes-of-a-soft-landing


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I need to get back into McConkey, I haven't been keeping up and have been feeling a bit guilty for this.

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He's been on an interesting track lately: rightwing socialism. Read more to get over the cognitive dissonance that might inspire. ;)

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I mean, he describes himself as a right-wing Marxist, no? So it fits. In any case, that socialism (very broadly defined) and the right are necessarily at odds is really an accident of Cold War American politics ... which bizarrely found a way to conflate market triumphalism with Christianity.

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Yeah, but he's discovered some new things since then, too. A lot of the old populism was about keeping tradition structures, e.g. farming community structures. It was the peasants against the revolution, in France, for example. Both the Marxists and the liberals were anti-traditional modes of community and economics. So rightwing as opposed to the left in all its technocratic and totalizing aspects. And socialism against the imposition of capitalist modes that destroyed existing customs.

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Communalist traditionalism, basically, as opposed to bourgeois liberalism.

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Your weekly digest is one of the neatest things on Substack. It's an amazing community with a lot of talent.

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It's hard to keep on top of. Firehose of great writing.

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This is good stuff, and it’s from this kind of ferment, or this ferment itself, that real answers will come when the call is made.

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Thank you.

This is my thinking, too - there are many of us, writing and thinking deeply about the many facets of these problems, from a myriad of backgrounds and perspectives. My hope is that this helps a small bit to bring them into conversation with one another, and that solutions will emerge from that conversation.

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Isn’t it 27 May, though? Not March?

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Oh. Ha!

There's no typo more embarrassing than the title typo....

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Honoured to be included in these, John.

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Great write-up, as always! If I am ever in danger of feeling egotistical about how smart and well-read I am, all I need to do to disabuse myself of such arrogance is to look at one of these digests and realize I'm not even close. I guess that's a good problem to have, though: more good stuff to read than there is time to read it all.

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Great list of links again this week!

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Wew lad!

You continue to impress .

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Thanks for including my story, John! Much appreciated! 👍🏻😎🤘🏻

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Thanks for the shout out, John. "Write Wing" got a pretty good chuckle out of me.

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I can't take credit for that pun, I think it was Rolo I heard it from first.

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