I can tell you, as a lifelong Texan, that shit is getting weird down by the border.
I used to go down to Nuevo Laredo quite a bit for business, but it’s become way too dangerous in the last decade+. however, I still have friends who live in Laredo and McAllen. they all say the same shit: a constant stream of generic buses, migrants with pre paid visa cards, languages other than Spanish, non-profits and NGO’s occupying abandoned strip malls for 3-4 weeks to process new migrants etc.
the point is that this isn’t the border scene from even 5-6 years ago. the rumors going on now are that there is coordination between the cartels and the ngos/USgov. for what purpose, who knows?
I mean, the Texas border has always been a bizzaro liminal space, but now it’s evolving into something that’s closer to dystopian sci-fi. imagine the film Sicario where both the Cartels and the USgov are trafficking people instead of drugs. there is a crucial piece of this puzzle that remains in the dark. stay tuned…
I cannot express enough how much this would not work...
Senegalese and Squatamalans have never won a war in history, Equitorial fighter are outperformed by white fighters at ratios of nearly 20 to 1. Rork's Drift, Jadotsville... that's the kind of stuff that happens when white's are outnumbered by an order of magnitude.
Meanwhile North American whites are the most heavily armed demographic in world history, and they know what a minute of angle is.
As far as I can tell it's far more about feeding the NGO machine with decaying bodies and voter rolls with population than any coherent plan.
Nonwhites can’t achieve 2 to 1 ratios in the US or Europe. Its easy to achieve massive ratios in anti-colonial conflicts against administrations 10,000 miles from home... its very difficult to achieve in their homelands
That's all you need to achieve. You can search for "Sweden koran burnings" or "Sweden Easter riots" and find clips and pictures of mobs of sandpeople overwhelming swedish police.
Also, whenever a darkie is in a conflict with a whitey, other darkies swarm to aid their fellow racial brother. Whites don't because whites aren't racist: whites wants to know what the conflict is about, it matters more than the race of the involved parties.
To darkies, it doesn't.
Scale that up and we have a problem even at 5% darkies in a white population.
(Which is borne out by figures for violent crime, sexual assaults et cetera in all previously all-white nations.)
I've seen Swedish police. It doesn't take much to overpower those ladies.
Had a wild conversation with a soy-Swede once. You know the type - tall, lanky, intelligent, soft-spoken. He'd actually been in the military, thanks to the draft. Told me how one thing he didn't like was the way army guys would back each other up in a bar fight, without trying to understand who'd started it, who was in the wrong.
But, I suggested to him, did he not see the Darwinism, competitive advantage of such a swarming instinct? I was also surprised at his reaction because I had experienced the same thing when I was in the army, and had gloried in the feeling of being part of an invincible pack with whom civvies dared not fuck. It is deeply intoxicating to a young man. Or should be.
He replied that he saw the advantage, but still felt it was wrong.
Eventually, inevitably, the conversation turned to the migrant invasion, and he began insisting of course that it was racist to want his people (and what are 'my' people, he asked) to persist. All that mattered was that his values went on.
But these Muslims, I told him, do not share your values, and never will.
The tragedy of the overbred leftist is that their values are doomed, whether at the hands of the invaders, or at ours.
That's exactly correct and why the Anglo-right will probably lose even with a monopoly of young military age young men in the US and Canada. Because the boys south of texas are hard too and I promise you their third world living conditions have made them harder than the first world young boys in the gym that you met. The anglo-right will always lose because it has no universal vision and thus no understanding of other groups' interests which means it can never coordinate with other groups with the same interests. Even when the left is always making dumb plays the Anglo-right is too slow to realize how they can take advantage. A good example is Ukraine where the anglo-right stupidly chose to actually sympathize with Russia, the source of cultural marxism, instead of allying with the Ukrainian right and using the war as an opportunity to de-legitimize the left like the Polish were doing. But you left the poles out to dry and look what happened. Poland is ruled by the left now. Another thing is you guys don't understand that you have allies in Latin America like in Brazil, Columbia and Chile but you ignore us and leave us out to dry isolated and we have to contend with every leftist party in latin America that coordinate internationally, the Russians who still mantain the legacy soviet network in Latin america, AND the Anglo left who support them as well.
Therefore you too will be isolated unless you realize this. You need to stop seeing this in nationalist Anglo-white centric terms in my opinion. We in the Latin American right want to coordinate against the marxist power structure in our continent who allied with the current elites in your countries and the best way to do that is to see it in Christian vs marxism terms in my opinion. The left always wins because they coordinate globally while the right is always fragmented by national lines. They don't even have to divide an conquer, we do that to ourselves unfortunately. Which is why I don't think there will be any great national revival in many places and certainly not in the anglo-sphere. Fortunately leftwing delusions will lead to their own overreach and collapse too. Which is why I'm basically just a prepper by this point. I don't see how that crown in the gutter can be picked up unfortunately. Don't get too hung up by pampered elite silliness in the Anglo-left and pride parades and think they're soft when they command the funds and the tech. If they ally with the Latin American left who are allied with the cartels they'll crush you. Your only hope is to ally with the right in Latin America and coordinate beyond the anglo-sphere for once.
I don't really disagree with this. Narrow geo-nationalism is a losing strategy in a globalized world, and the fundamental conflict is a spiritual rather than racial divide.
For the record, I'm extremely sympathetic to the Latin right, and have gotten into a few arguments defending Milei, Bolsonaro, et al.
As to a left-cartel coalition taking down America: this is extremely plausible.
Amen. And even our goods, touch kids have been conditioned to be afraid to call a person by their wrong pronoun. Unfortunately I’ve been in a few wars and I’ve been around the Russian military. It’s so absolutely ridiculous to think of the US fighting them now. The average Russian is 10 times tougher than our tough kids, the average one. I’ve been saying since day one the Ukrainians would lose their ass, to much liberal lamentations. Long term you have to be tough to be free, we’ve lost most of the tough in the west, what’s coming is as natural as the sunrise. Same thing that happened when Rome fell. Centuries of dark times. Just console in the fact that we got to see civilization at its most decadent.
Russians may be tougher but believe me if SlavSquat is right, the Novus Ordum is hard at work there too.... just not with the social rot stuff of trannyism etc.
Pilgrim Pass and JC bring up an important element which is the complete failure of the the United States writ large, business, banking, government to recognize the vast opportunities that join North and South America nations through their people and nearly unlimited natural and other resources, not to mention maybe four common languages, rather than dozens. Ask yourselves which is cheaper and easier to defend, the western hemisphere with a land bridge and short tramp steamer logistics, or 3,000 miles of sea lanes between the USA and Europe, or better still, 7,000 miles of sea lanes between the the western hemisphere and the Orient. Look at the absolutely pathetic situation in the eastern Mediterranean, Red Sea and Persian Gulf, in which and under maintained, over extended US surface warfare navy, cannot maintain sea lane integrity for the major open ocean sea freight and petroleum shipping companies. The current 5th and 6th Fleet assets along with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit and their three amphibious ships have been at sea for nearly 8 months, with no end in sight, and still no meaningful control of the tactical area of responsibility for the combatant commander. Goldwater Nichols is in a shambles. Magic words; The Monroe Doctrine. If we here in the States had half a pea brain we would be treating our south and Central American neighbors like the gold mine they are metaphorically, embracing them supporting they and they us, and telling the rest of the world to kiss our collective asses. It would take and intuitive work to create the relationships, and kick the left to the curb, and build a hemisphere of capability. But, apparently it is easier to spend resources in another endless conflict in Ukraine and Gaza. And the elites wonder why the Zoomers who have been born as iron to sharpen iron, generations of warriors leaving the elites to fend for themselves
Ukraine is about to replace its white population with mass immigration. Russia is purging LGBT satanism from its borders with brutal force. F Ukraine. I hope Russia wipes their Jewish Zelensky fake Nazi regime from the face of the earth.
Russia is the SOURCE of the LGBT stuff via the KGB. And they invaded Ukraine by calling the Ukranian right nazis and they jailed an activist in russia by saying that he made a racist comment and they assassinated the character of Nalvany by calling him a white supremacist. any of this sound familiar? The russians are a syncretic mess of old soviet stuff, tsarism and 90s Russian neocon bs.
AMERICA is the SOURCE of ALL LGBT/DEI stuff via the CIA. The CIA also overthrew the actual legitimate Ukraine gov. in the Euromaidan coup of 2014, installing the current regime which uses the Banderista "right wing" ultranationalists (eg the retards in Azov) to push for even more of the GAE bullshit that infests the west. Congrats you fell for the conspiracy-jacket psyop used by the British propaganda division at GCHQ to turn the western right into more anti-Russian cannon fodder.
Why do you think Zelensky is a fake Nazi because he is Jewish? Hitler was likely Rothschild's illegitmate grandson - so this is just par for the course....
These people (Bolsheviks, Nazis, Freemasons, Kabbalists, Illuminati, Theosophists, Scientologists, Knights Templar, Ismailis, Assassins, OSS/CIA/MI6 et al - they're all the same thing) are liars. Deception is their greatest tool. They lie about everything unless telling a partial truth achieves greater deception.
I’m only a woman so obviously take what I’m saying with a pinch of salt! But certainly from what I’ve seen over the years in right wing or dissident circles, the position you’re describing has certainly been the case, though in the past 18 months I’ve seen a massive spiritual shift, that we need to allie with as many other nations as possible, as we realise that we have so many left leaning liberals, those that refuse to take their own side in a fight, but if they’re fighting for diversity then they’re right there at the front, ready to do battle against the Anglo/ European trad circles, who want rid of the jewish hold over every western nation. I see this as being the primary focus now, whereas previously it was every little nation or dissident group against the others; we are all fighting for the same thing, but can agree on nothing! The Art of War has been a very important book in terms of the changing mindset of the huge amount of nationalists I know in England, Europe, America, Australia Canada etc. There does remain a fear though that other groups or nations still hate us so they may end up being a Trojan horse, rather than a trusted allie.
When old women begin to take up guns, after never having one.... it is telling. The social ambience has changed indeed. And let me state: it is not the physical strength it is the MENTAL and Spiritual strength that leads to winning. And too: you have nothing to lose, you don't fear death, and you have EVERYTHING to defend - your legacy, your family, your property, you self.... The female of the species is the deadlier of the two when roused to defense of its cubs.... and you know its getting bad when that happens. Things NOT being discussed in gun shops much, or in the body politic.
As I’ve been saying for quite a few years now, as Americans we will have to get comfortable with idea of killing. It’s them or us. Stay asleep if you will.
When I read your stuff I get a kind of simultaneously sick and giddy feeling. I feel both less crazy and more furious; it's like you take everything I see, read, intuit, and hope, and make it visually tangible. And oddly, I can't thank you enough for doing so. In other news from crazytown aka academia, I actually had a straight white male student parse the term Nazi today, after I showed them that the swastika was actually an ancient Indian symbol and that in Sanskrit it translated to "to be good." He said, "Yeah, well people get everything wrong with their dumb Natzee talk. It meant National Socialist and they were trying to make Germany better." This was in a course on the History of Modern Art in a room full of dangerhairs! Whoa. It seemed to embolden the others. Later in the class another student said the work of Marcel Duchamp was "stupid and ugly" and "beauty has a purpose." The social mood has changed indeed.
These kids have been held down and kicked for so long. Meanwhile they've been linking up in the quiet parts of the Internet, and comparing notes. They're starting to realize they're not nearly as alone as they think.
Give them a permission structure and it will be like uncorking a volcano.
I had to look up Marcel Duchamp to be reminded that he was the guy who submitted a urinal with graffiti on it to an art exhibit in 1917. Oh Vey. AH always said he would win in the end. I think we might have just misunderstood the timeline involved…
First show of modern "art" in was in the NYC ARMORY!!! Those artworks were indeed weapons of war: they used the term "avant-garde" from the French military for those artists willing to die for a cause. The cause was ridding the world of beauty and truth via art. I was swindled for the first 10 years of my teaching career. No more, and I am now helping them see what they already instinctively know.
You should change your name from John Carter to John Banger. We need to be handing out red pills in the form of Substacks to Zoomer boys at gyms. They are the "hard times create strong men" generation. I am cautiously optimistic about the Zoomers I have met, but they need all the help they can get. First order of business for them is to fight off the demoralization of Zoomer women who are drifting left as the men drift right, consooming CCP TikTok propaganda about killing their babies, mutilating their genitals, and slaving for corporations.
"You will find love; you will have many children; you will live in a house, with a nuclear reactor in the basement and two flying cars in the garage; you will eat the steak; you will build amazing and beautiful things; you will own your own life; you will be happy; and your grandchildren will go to the stars." Beautiful slogan for e/acc. Sounds a bit like GATTACA.
Certainly we need to offer a better vision statement than the WEF. The elite want a locked down prison planet. Shooting for the stars and bringing adventure back into is life is far more appealing.
The only appropriate response to the "you will own nothing..." nonsense is get fucked. Make me do it.
It is strength they fear. As the article alludes to the people most aware the leaders are winging it are the leaders themselves. When challenged they crumble.
I have to think that where the two curves (F vs M: Right vs Left) crossed that was where the marriage rate began to tank. Those women need men to red pill them.
'You will find love; you will have many children; you will live on 100 acres, with a wood burning stove in the basement, and two border collies, tractor in the shed, a big garden, boats in the boat house, an airplane in the hangar; you will eat venison; you will build amazing and beautiful things; you will own your own life; you will be happy; and your grandchildren will never forget you.'
Great post. I'd like to add that women are part of this backlash as well. We may be in an era of over feminization where balance is needed, but the Longhouse represents a minority of women. Most women want what all women have wanted... children, security, a strong man, and the ability to flourish creatively and contribute to their communities. I'm afraid sometimes that the backlash will bring us too far back. Correcting an overly matriarchal society with an overly patriarchal one isn't the answer. Balance is.. and right now things need to swing back to the masculine to achieve that.
I considered adding a bit about the predictions that 45% of women will be childless by 2030, and my own expectation that this is going to lead to a lot of girls reevaluating things.
Yes, both of my daughters have expressed liking Trump. We keep them out of politics so my guess is that he is the "rebellion" candidate and being teens they like that image. They are also both choosing career paths that are entreprenureal and allow flexibility because "we want to be home when we have kids". The Girl Boss shine is fading fast.
Thanks. I certainly hope so. I have a career but raising my kids is definitely the most important, most fulfilling "job" I've ever had. Their father and I are proud of the people they are becoming. So blessed.
We cant underestimate the fact that Jesus Christ is Lord. And women typically love Jesus, and in fact have higher rates of church attendance and faith than men. This has only started to dwindle in the last 30 years for young women. This is because the Left and their imperial edifice of lies has worked so hard through the millennials to make everything Christian evil in the propagandized brains of “modern young women” (read: progressive).
However Jesus Christ calls His sheep to Himself, and no scheme of the regime can disrupt the workings of God in the world. Young women and young men ARE in fact turning back to God. I’m not saying its a tidal wave revival, theres too many ethnic and geographic factors and zoomer subcultures in modern America for there to be one demographic narrative/trajectory.
However these young women are being saved from the Satanic Leftist lies and these young men are being saved from nihilism, self-hate, and the techno-tyranny. Thanks be to God. No government/globalist propaganda can stop moves of the Holy Spirit, or challenge God’s sovereign divine providence, and darkness will not overcome the Light.
This is great news, and Christendom will in fact rise again, because strength and wisdom come from the Lord. And as persecution, unfettered evil (publicly celebrated and mandated evil), and potentially mass democide ramps up- the starkness of the World vs the Kingdom will only become more apparent.
This is great news on the women front, more and more abandoning leftist lies over time.
The only bad news is the feminization of the Church by the Boomers and their Millennial heirs. When a young man seeks Truth, when God’s tug on his soul compels him into a church for the first time- is he gonna see a soy-boy scarf wearing mild-mannered mealy-mouthed pastor preaching a feminized Gospel? Is that young man going to see the power and glory and virtue and authority and righteousness and justice of the True and Living God in the message he hears? In the worship music and the architecture? No, his soul may be saved, but he will still be stuck in social and spiritual no mans land because modern protestantism (and a lot of the RCC) has been infiltrated and subverted by gay commies.
The young men and young women need strong Spirit and Truth filled churches with strong authoritative teachings and values and counter-cultural, civilization-building attitudes. They need strong models for both the men and women. They need a consistent pro-Christendom message- which is the Gospel, btw. Instead of the “social justice” false gospel. Instead of the “America bad” false gospel. Instead of the “we have no enemies” false gospel. Instead of the “follow your feelings” false gospel.
We the Church, globally, cannot make peace with the world. Nor did Christ come to bring peace on earth, but rather, a sword (Matt 10:34). The world will hate us (John 15:19) but Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33). The millions of young Americans that have been and will be saved in this decade cannot be allowed to be re-consumed by the wicked culture as those of the 1970 Jesus Revolution. Instead we must bring them into strong churches and family and raise up strong godly figures to lead the preservation of goodness in this world so that the Left can destroy itself while Christendom rebuilds itself.
Not so sure about that. Most people never change their opinion on anything, and especially not a subject that is deeply painful.
The same with parents' (mostly mothers) of children which have been led onto the trans path. Most of these people will never change their mind. If they come to see that the trans-movement was in fact an error, that will mean accepting that they were instrumental in destroying their children's lives. Some people will come to accept that realisation, for most it will be to painful.
Most childless women past childbearing age will never defect from the system. That would mean coming to terms with the realisation that they wasted their lives on material pursuits of little value.
And yet, in fact, we do see detransitioners who regret their self-mutilation, and are filled with fury against those who led them down that primrose path.
it is not necessary for ALL women to recognize the errors of feminism; if only a certain fraction of them to do so, but this fraction is motivated and outspoken, it can have a disproportionate cultural impact.
I've mentioned here before that I work as a tutor, so I'm pretty plugged into the Zoomer zeitgeist. The awake ones (overwhelmingly boys) lift, think about how to make money, and want be part of a "tribe" of like minded brothers. They understand that nobody cares about them and have adopted the Andrew Tate solution. The ideal is to become "rich and dangerous".
It's a start, but it's a pretty limited outlook. Materialism is fun, but we can't build a culture on it. Unfortunately, they associate all art, literature, and classical music with libtards, even though these things are a huge part of what made the West great. I think an important challenge going forward will be undoing all of this conditioning and introducing them to this world.
As the mother of a boy right on the cusp of zoomer and alpha, I'm pretty sure if a 20-something man offered him a chance at Glory, he and all of his buddies would line up. He's already getting up before dawn to work out, since school wastes so much of his day.
The only men who have tried to push the western cannon on these boys have been effeminate. But they are well versed in the language of hero (Halo), journey (Minecraft), and battle (Fortnight).
Ted Giotta wrote this week about how the themes of classical music have found a home in video game soundtracks, and I would argue they look at more "art" each day in the form of digital drawing than any soldier of armies' past. They appreciate the true fruits of classical artists of the past--not the deconstructionists who sought to take away form and substance from paintings.
They want glory and honor and they have the stories and the youtubers to push them towards it. They just need a leader.
A long time ago I read a book by Anthony Burgess (of Clockwork Orange fame) called "1985" He has some criticism of Orwell's 1984, and presented another, surprisingly for its time (written in 1978), prescient alternative future. One of the things he mentions, is that when schools, and society in general, fail to, or directly works against, giving young men a proper education, then classical education becomes a thing young men will seek out for themselves as a way to rebel.
I see that all around these days. Techno music in games may be one such manifestation.
One more missing piece: a short clear manifesto of what went wrong and how to fix it, a statement that all of those young men will instantly and enthusiastically agree with.
Something along the lines of "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Yes, we are slowly distilling it, but someone still needs to put the words together into the short statement that gets itself copied widely and motivates the changes needed.
Maybe you could write a rough draft as a post here and we could all chime in with feedback for the second glorious version, the one to be printed up as a single page and stuck on walls. Crowdsourcing!
Ironic that the only governor with the gall to stand up to the regime is the only one who physically can't stand. There's a lot riding on how things play out in Eagle Pass in the desert wastes of South Texas, which, seems poetically apropos like the perfect place for a classic, Western-style showdown between the black and white hats. You're right about the orange man losing his nerve at the last minute (assuming he ever truly had intentions to follow through with it, which I'm still not convinced he was). I suppose Abbot should know well what will happen to him if he loses his.
General 'Hot Wheels' Abbott would not be the first American cripple to win a war; unlike the commie, however, he's at least honest about his condition.
I think Trump absolutely lost his nerve. That might be for the best; had he pushed when the regime was tottering, it may well have unleashed a level of chaos and bloodshed that we can't properly imagine. As it is, we've been given a good, stiff taste of what the alternative looks like.
Exactly! Hell, Trump didn't even have to ruminate over dipping his toe into the Rubicon. The Deep State dumped him right in the middle of it when they fortified the election...he just had to swim to the other shore. He didn't. He famously went golfing instead.
They categorically will not allow it. If it can't be stolen, he won't survive to next January, and they'll believe they're saving the world by doing it.
I've become so cynical and jaded that if he isn't assassinated, or at least a genuine attempt made to do so, I will fear that he's just another one of them.
Now that he's all but secured the republican nomination, efforts to put him in prison will intensify.
If that doesn't work though, if Biden continues to stumble, losing support over his age and mental decline, his corrupt, criminal family, waning support for Ukraine, unpopular (on the left) support for Israel and the new Houthi conflict, and Trump actually (and unlikely) takes the general by un-fudgeable margins, they certainly have a deniable asset and a set of secret service bodyguards who will compromise their oath just this once.
These are the same people who conspired to deny President Trump nuclear authorization. They have convinced themselves that a second Trump presidency is a threat to the entire world, and not just the threat to civility, propriety, dignity, and the status quo that he actually is.
Well said and thorough. You may be right but it is unlikely , to risky in my view (guess). They know that the permanent bureaucracy runs the world and elected politicians are comparatively powerless. They did fine during trump45 and will be able to withstand trump47.
As late as the beginning of 2001, Enron was still being heralded by much of the mainstream press as a brilliant and innovative company with a future so bright, it's executives had to wear shades. By years end, it was in bankruptcy and those same executives were facing criminal prosecution. Things can change quickly, especially in today's world. The regime is starting to lose even the Boomer normies. As for the Zoomers, they lost that generation when they stole their childhoods with the scamdemic lockdowns. My own children are zoomers, and I have overheard conversations between them and their friends that are similar to what you heard in the gym. The wave of liberalism/leftism crested in 2020 and is now receding, the regime knows it, and they are deathly afraid of what will be revealed at low tide.
Of course, this can make them all the more dangerous in the short-term. What do psychopaths with nuclear weapons do when they find themselves in danger of a revolt followed by the Qaddafi treatment? We're about to find out.
It's really going to come down to the dollar. Their apparatchiks have no loyalty to the regime. They're all hired guns. As soon as they cannot be paid off anymore, they won't fight for it. Hyperinflation will be painful, but it will save us from a fate worse than death if the regime holds onto power. With debt levels being what they are, hyperinflation is inevitable, and there are any number of black swan events that could act as the spark for it (war being the most likely).
A proper understanding of American generations by birth years (its purposely obfuscated by the Census’s retarded boundaries)
1940-1960: Boomers, born and grew up mostly in the high, idealistic dummies. Coming of age was 1955-1980.
1960-1980: Gen X, grew up in the downturn when crime ticked up. Fed a gospel of individualism. The boomers controlled most art and culture and a lot of the labor force by the time they were teens. Immigration picked up. Patriotism and civility was still the norm. Coming of age was 1975-2000.
1980-2000: Millennials. The Long March Through the Institutions had fully captured the public schools by this point. The overwhelming Leftists propaganda that was emanating from the most stupid of Boomers who had (intentionally due to their stupidity and treason) been elevated to the top of all institutions was totally locked. Immigration from Mexico very very high. Exalts in diversity. Coming of age was 1995-2020.
2000-2020: Gen Z. Raised in poison swamps and clown world. Being well adapted to clown world just means youre a clown. However they fully understand the brokenness of things. Some (incomprehensibly) ascribe it to NOT ENOUGH Leftism, still, somehow. Many more see that their civilization has been subverted. Immigration from broader Latin America and Asia fairly high. Youth is only half-white. Most people are chill and get along good, but few say “dIvErSiTy iS OuR sTreNgTh”
Millennials will go down in history as one of the most detrimental generations in human history to their civilization. They are also anomalously leftwing compared to all other generations. They will lose and will not propagate bc so many have wasted or sabotaged their lives already with retarded life choices.
Gen Z will be much more conservative. The next generation even more so. 2020 was a year with so many changes that the the next generation (I refuse to call them Alpha, kill me) will be the most homeschooled, most red state/southern US centric generation ever. Also the ethnic admixture seems to tilt in favor if preserving Western Civilization bloodlines rather than destroying or replacing them (this is due to high white man-latina woman and white man-asian woman marriage rates. Pray for strong patriotic fathers). Pray for Christian fertility (I think it will go up)
NBC Exit Polls from 2022 midterms showed that age 18-24 cohort voted 3-5% more republican than the 25-29 age cohort. This surprised me because I though those born in 2000 would be the crescendo of leftist voting but in fact the pendulum is already reversing amongst those born in 1997 (like me). Every election will show the youngest age cohort being less and less Democrat (prediction) for the foreseeable future. And the oldest Millennials that were 40 in that election were creeping closer to 50/50 parity. The electoral future landscape demographically tilts heavily in Real America’s favor
The electoral college map tilts heavily in Real America’s favor (which is why the criminal Census Bureau fraudulently stole 4 house seats from Republican states).
Trump winning even 5% more black or hispanic voteshare easily takes states like Arizona and Georgia and North Carolina and Nevada out of play for Democrats. This trend will grow more pronounced for Gen Z and not less, at least among Hispanics and Asians. The admixture of the population at a slow growth rate (1 million legal immigrants per year currently) will produce a mostly White milleiu that doesnt want to genocide Whitey or destroy America. Which is why Democrats need to flood the border NOW and aim for replacement NOW otherwise peace and prosperity will continue under and revitalized mildly-right wing nationalist body politic.
The Democrats can either destroy America now, or they will run out of time to do so. Therefore every upcoming election will be more heavily cheated than any in prior human history.
The Millennials will go down in history as the great loser generation that tried to literally suicide Western Civilization but failed bc they were all broke and gay and idiot socialist atheists.
Those of us over thirty suffer from an ability to remember a time that wasn’t like this. We can remember when there was promise ahead of us and pride to be taken in this country. I think some lingering (admittedly delusional) hope that we might somehow get back to that is what keeps so many of us from the type of action you’re predicting amongst the younger generation. They have never known anything other than this madness. They won’t have the emotional baggage of better times to create inner conflict in them. The institutions and values of this country were never worth respecting in their lifetimes.
I’m 37 now but from Britain, and in the last 15 years or so so since I’ve been consciously, acutely aware of everything that had been happening then and before, I’ve since watched the penny drop in real-time; and go from blissful ignorance to confusion, fear, horror and finally anger as the red-pill kicks in.
I caught the last of the relatively normal years growing up, and although education had been significantly ‘dumbed’ down and some of the younger teachers were already sub-par and lacking in competence compared to older teachers, there were still a good number of the latter around who’d been at it as far back as the early Seventies. The street still had elderly residents who were addressed as Mr or Mrs (Surname) because it’s polite manners and respectful, with the men being WW2 veterans who would wear their blazers on Armistice Day with all their military decorations... It’s not very long wham I think about it; I mean, I’m still the younger side of 40, the last memories are only from about 25 years ago; yet it feels so distant... almost as if out of living memory or from a prior life. All gone and replaced with whatever... this is.
What these young lads were saying is expressed over here too, but with people around my age and older you may hear the strain in our voice as we try to keep a level tone that doesn’t turn into a snarl, or see odd expressions on our faces as we struggle to keep it from contorting with rage.
I will openly say I’m enraged, as I no longer hide because I can’t and they can arrest me for it but it won’t stop me from feeling it or having extremely dark thoughts about it all - how to fix the problems which have been imposed on us, dealing with the treacherous dross filling our institutions and state apparatus in such grave fashion I won’t repeat them in any detail to be respectful of both Substack’s policy and of John’s account. It’s hard not to let myself go and begin spilling out everything that’s consuming me.
I can’t speak of elsewhere in the West, but here beneath the outward calm of state enforced repression and shit-libs ruining people’s lives for being outspoken against the state of affairs here, there’s something very ugly roiling to the surface.
People might not be protesting or anything because the state would immediately criminalise it and I think tempers would become more than flared at the sight of the inevitable bussed-in ‘counter-demonstrators. Many hold them as accountable and criminally complicit for the crimes committed against us as we do the state and the perpetrators themselves.
Excellent comment. I relate to this in so many ways. That snarl just beneath the surface is something that I've had an increasingly difficult time keeping chained up.
I hear the British government is now floating a draft. Have they thought through the consequences of arming their disarmed populace, I wonder?
I don’t actually know about the draft thing to be honest as the only news and other media I happen upon is when the telly’s on at a mate’s house because I can’t stand it; my first thoughts are why TF are they watching an African channel then I realise it’s the adverts haha. I’ll have a look into that.
The military isn’t very popular here anymore; we have one recruitment office in town with an enormous picture that screams ‘Woke’, the adverts are the subject of ridicule by the people who would have once probably joined and the RAF rejecting people from technical apprenticeships because they’re white, very similar to what’s going on across the entire Western world.
Given this government has done its upmost to render people as utterly defenceless as possible because they’d rather we were assaulted, raped and blown to pieces instead, I don’t know what this would be for, but I know it won’t be to do anything to genuinely protect us or God forbid, protect ourselves. They’re probably panicking the numbers are falling off a cliff or even more cynically are trying to stuff numbers into foreign wars to get them killed; but the citizens themselves would not be granted that right.
If it were up to me, I’d keep them out of the hands of our ideological enemies, the people they’ve imported and the degenerates and everyone who was based would get a full carry permit, free training in firearms discipline (because most of us will be more than rusty having never used them before) and a grant to go buy themselves a gun.
I’ll probably be in prison next week for writing this lmao
The local recruiting office features an enormous picture of a slightly effeminate, podgy er... thing, covering the entire window, smiling like a tart at anyone that’s still misguided enough to think that it’s still the rigour, discipline, gruff masculine banter and socially conservative norms and mores of the 1960’s military but with better tech.
Our enemies’ PR teams are abysmal which is good news for us...
I don't know what will happen, but we have our own version here in the UK too. Inherently tough men, who often do physical jobs, or jobs at one small remove; real jobs, often their own small business. Tough, pragmatic women too. Usually, they live in a place; their parents are a street or two away, their sons and daughters are following along. Anchored in reality and community; people with something to fight for. Ordinary people, not career soldiers, but who would go when called. Not political, not expecting life to be fair or easy, slow to anger. Invisible, as they don't march, don't tweet, are busy making everything work. But also, and within generational memory, the materiel that built and defended and empire. There is a force there, which if set moving and given aim, would turn leviathan to fleeting dust.
Yes, the United States is the grand battleground of human history, for this epoch however long it lasts. America reigns or all the West dies. This is the hill to die on and there is no running, no refuge. We are the big spectacle, we are the chess piece of greatest consequence. Its either American Greatness of Global Dark Age. Thats all
There have been so very many "No one will ever put up with that" moments over the last few decades that we, none the less, put up with. So very many clowns in the gutter around the crown, so very very many "First they came for...I wasn't... so I did nothing" people that frankly I've little hope for our Republic and/or civilization.
It isn't so much that one of those moments has arrived. It's more the mood.
Like you're watching this couple you know squabbling, the woman is just utterly horrible, you're thinking wow I can't believe that guy is just taking the abuse like that, doesn't she realize how dangerous he i- Oh fuck there we go.
We became Homo sapiens by teams of beta males killing off the alpha males: we murdered our way to niceness. This self-domestication only goes so far: we may be the least reactively aggressive primate — hence being the most gracile of genus Homo. But we are the equally most proactively aggressive primate, along with Chimpanzees, and much better at cooperating. All successful human societies put considerable effort into creating and maintaining effective male teams. The retreat from doing so has never been a path to success. A more effective set of male teams then takes over.
There is nothing more terrifying in the history of the terrestrial biosphere than a team of ordinary, competent human males who decide to make war their business.
Defending the border is good. Shipping them all across the interior to "stick it to the lib sanctuary cities" should be recognized as doing dirty work for the regime.
Have you noticed all of the sanctuary mayors and governors begging for more money and resources? Shipping illegals to those cities gives an excuse for the feds to send billions to their state and local level cronies.
Sounds a lot like a Ft Sumter event. My family served in every generation and every war. That completely ended with our children and my brothers and cousins children. Not one served. They do all share a fierce sense of patriotism to what they believe America is supposed to believe. And they all feel cheated that they didn’t get the opportunity to serve and prove their manhood. That’s a particularly volatile set of feeling.
Your writing is consistently the best.* My 80 year-old Mum adores you.
My sense is that even the zoomer girls are tired of THE MESSAGE. I mean what happens to the ones who miss out on the 'elite' jobs, in a contracting economy? They end up as checkout chix at supermarkets and whatnot (and this at best). Femininity also has its own intersectional stack--which I guess has to accommodate M2F trannies, thus leading to disempowerment and mounting infuriation--and after all they're still ciswhite. You can imagine how hollow rings the girlpower talk when such is their lot. So I think (hope desperately) they will surprise and overcome in time.
My popularity amongst elderly women never ceases to surprise me.
For white women, being next to bottom on the progressive stack was fine so long as it meant they could beat up on white men. Now white men have stopped indulging them, and have just left the stack entirely, they're simply at the bottom of it. A stack which, meanwhile, white men are planning the controlled demolition of.
I suspect they'll be quietly making their exit from it before it all comes down.
*How dare you sir. JK the Librarian's captions are 🤌
I can tell you, as a lifelong Texan, that shit is getting weird down by the border.
I used to go down to Nuevo Laredo quite a bit for business, but it’s become way too dangerous in the last decade+. however, I still have friends who live in Laredo and McAllen. they all say the same shit: a constant stream of generic buses, migrants with pre paid visa cards, languages other than Spanish, non-profits and NGO’s occupying abandoned strip malls for 3-4 weeks to process new migrants etc.
the point is that this isn’t the border scene from even 5-6 years ago. the rumors going on now are that there is coordination between the cartels and the ngos/USgov. for what purpose, who knows?
I mean, the Texas border has always been a bizzaro liminal space, but now it’s evolving into something that’s closer to dystopian sci-fi. imagine the film Sicario where both the Cartels and the USgov are trafficking people instead of drugs. there is a crucial piece of this puzzle that remains in the dark. stay tuned…
Michael Yon has been covering this extensively. He's of the opinion that an army is being imported, for the purpose of surprise democide.
I cannot express enough how much this would not work...
Senegalese and Squatamalans have never won a war in history, Equitorial fighter are outperformed by white fighters at ratios of nearly 20 to 1. Rork's Drift, Jadotsville... that's the kind of stuff that happens when white's are outnumbered by an order of magnitude.
Meanwhile North American whites are the most heavily armed demographic in world history, and they know what a minute of angle is.
As far as I can tell it's far more about feeding the NGO machine with decaying bodies and voter rolls with population than any coherent plan.
The Rhodesian Bush War also comes to mind, especially Operation Gatling:
I don't think I've ever seen a more lopsided casualty ratio: 1 dead Rhodie, 1500 dead Afro-Marxists.
Just to be contrarian:
1) What about coloured soldiery led by white officers?
Also 1): At 20:1, the coloureds win anyway, being both more numerous and proliferate.
Look at chinese strategy in Korea, or vietnamese strategy against France/USA. Wasn't the white man won any of those wars.
Even with white leadership I doubt they'll be as effective as white units tbh. Besides which, the left isn't allowed to have white leadership.
I shouldn't laugh but I will, and not nicely.
Nonwhites can’t achieve 2 to 1 ratios in the US or Europe. Its easy to achieve massive ratios in anti-colonial conflicts against administrations 10,000 miles from home... its very difficult to achieve in their homelands
Yes. But: power at a point.
That's all you need to achieve. You can search for "Sweden koran burnings" or "Sweden Easter riots" and find clips and pictures of mobs of sandpeople overwhelming swedish police.
Also, whenever a darkie is in a conflict with a whitey, other darkies swarm to aid their fellow racial brother. Whites don't because whites aren't racist: whites wants to know what the conflict is about, it matters more than the race of the involved parties.
To darkies, it doesn't.
Scale that up and we have a problem even at 5% darkies in a white population.
(Which is borne out by figures for violent crime, sexual assaults et cetera in all previously all-white nations.)
I've seen Swedish police. It doesn't take much to overpower those ladies.
Had a wild conversation with a soy-Swede once. You know the type - tall, lanky, intelligent, soft-spoken. He'd actually been in the military, thanks to the draft. Told me how one thing he didn't like was the way army guys would back each other up in a bar fight, without trying to understand who'd started it, who was in the wrong.
But, I suggested to him, did he not see the Darwinism, competitive advantage of such a swarming instinct? I was also surprised at his reaction because I had experienced the same thing when I was in the army, and had gloried in the feeling of being part of an invincible pack with whom civvies dared not fuck. It is deeply intoxicating to a young man. Or should be.
He replied that he saw the advantage, but still felt it was wrong.
Eventually, inevitably, the conversation turned to the migrant invasion, and he began insisting of course that it was racist to want his people (and what are 'my' people, he asked) to persist. All that mattered was that his values went on.
But these Muslims, I told him, do not share your values, and never will.
The tragedy of the overbred leftist is that their values are doomed, whether at the hands of the invaders, or at ours.
WWII D day. How to establish beach head? Have more men than the opponents have bullets. Paraphrasing the logic behind D day.
No such excuse.
The USA lost the Vietnam War, period.
Why it lost is topic for analysis, yes, as are all wars - but saying "X lost due to Y" does not change that X lost.
Sweden lost at Poltava due to the gunpowder being cut with sawdust to make it last; does that mean Sweden didn't lose at Poltava?
Of course it doesn't. Russia won, we lost.
And has the quality of White politicians improved since then?
When the Saxon begun to hate. A brilliant speech by Kai Murros.
Quantity has a quality all of its own.
-Joe Stalin
That's exactly correct and why the Anglo-right will probably lose even with a monopoly of young military age young men in the US and Canada. Because the boys south of texas are hard too and I promise you their third world living conditions have made them harder than the first world young boys in the gym that you met. The anglo-right will always lose because it has no universal vision and thus no understanding of other groups' interests which means it can never coordinate with other groups with the same interests. Even when the left is always making dumb plays the Anglo-right is too slow to realize how they can take advantage. A good example is Ukraine where the anglo-right stupidly chose to actually sympathize with Russia, the source of cultural marxism, instead of allying with the Ukrainian right and using the war as an opportunity to de-legitimize the left like the Polish were doing. But you left the poles out to dry and look what happened. Poland is ruled by the left now. Another thing is you guys don't understand that you have allies in Latin America like in Brazil, Columbia and Chile but you ignore us and leave us out to dry isolated and we have to contend with every leftist party in latin America that coordinate internationally, the Russians who still mantain the legacy soviet network in Latin america, AND the Anglo left who support them as well.
Therefore you too will be isolated unless you realize this. You need to stop seeing this in nationalist Anglo-white centric terms in my opinion. We in the Latin American right want to coordinate against the marxist power structure in our continent who allied with the current elites in your countries and the best way to do that is to see it in Christian vs marxism terms in my opinion. The left always wins because they coordinate globally while the right is always fragmented by national lines. They don't even have to divide an conquer, we do that to ourselves unfortunately. Which is why I don't think there will be any great national revival in many places and certainly not in the anglo-sphere. Fortunately leftwing delusions will lead to their own overreach and collapse too. Which is why I'm basically just a prepper by this point. I don't see how that crown in the gutter can be picked up unfortunately. Don't get too hung up by pampered elite silliness in the Anglo-left and pride parades and think they're soft when they command the funds and the tech. If they ally with the Latin American left who are allied with the cartels they'll crush you. Your only hope is to ally with the right in Latin America and coordinate beyond the anglo-sphere for once.
I don't really disagree with this. Narrow geo-nationalism is a losing strategy in a globalized world, and the fundamental conflict is a spiritual rather than racial divide.
For the record, I'm extremely sympathetic to the Latin right, and have gotten into a few arguments defending Milei, Bolsonaro, et al.
As to a left-cartel coalition taking down America: this is extremely plausible.
thank you bro
I'm actually working on a long piece right now regarding Network Nationalism - riffing on the network state but trying to take it a little further.
Your Neo-Medievalism YT videos are very much at the back of my mind.
thank you, indeed there's hope :´)
Bolsonaro may be legit - I don't know. But Milei is a card-carrying WEF member. Just saying.
Amen. And even our goods, touch kids have been conditioned to be afraid to call a person by their wrong pronoun. Unfortunately I’ve been in a few wars and I’ve been around the Russian military. It’s so absolutely ridiculous to think of the US fighting them now. The average Russian is 10 times tougher than our tough kids, the average one. I’ve been saying since day one the Ukrainians would lose their ass, to much liberal lamentations. Long term you have to be tough to be free, we’ve lost most of the tough in the west, what’s coming is as natural as the sunrise. Same thing that happened when Rome fell. Centuries of dark times. Just console in the fact that we got to see civilization at its most decadent.
I left a like because I agree, not because I enjoy what is being said. But Charlemagne came after Rome so, the sun always rises. So there's hope.
Hard times, strong men.
that is why examples of this are hidden...https://odysee.com/@Qwinten:b/Scrubbed-from-the-Internet---THE-GINGERBREAD-MAN:4
Amen. I find myself agreeing and not liking all the damn time anymore.
So all we need to remember is the treachery of the Venetians and ensure we are ready for it this time.
Russians may be tougher but believe me if SlavSquat is right, the Novus Ordum is hard at work there too.... just not with the social rot stuff of trannyism etc.
Pilgrim Pass and JC bring up an important element which is the complete failure of the the United States writ large, business, banking, government to recognize the vast opportunities that join North and South America nations through their people and nearly unlimited natural and other resources, not to mention maybe four common languages, rather than dozens. Ask yourselves which is cheaper and easier to defend, the western hemisphere with a land bridge and short tramp steamer logistics, or 3,000 miles of sea lanes between the USA and Europe, or better still, 7,000 miles of sea lanes between the the western hemisphere and the Orient. Look at the absolutely pathetic situation in the eastern Mediterranean, Red Sea and Persian Gulf, in which and under maintained, over extended US surface warfare navy, cannot maintain sea lane integrity for the major open ocean sea freight and petroleum shipping companies. The current 5th and 6th Fleet assets along with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit and their three amphibious ships have been at sea for nearly 8 months, with no end in sight, and still no meaningful control of the tactical area of responsibility for the combatant commander. Goldwater Nichols is in a shambles. Magic words; The Monroe Doctrine. If we here in the States had half a pea brain we would be treating our south and Central American neighbors like the gold mine they are metaphorically, embracing them supporting they and they us, and telling the rest of the world to kiss our collective asses. It would take and intuitive work to create the relationships, and kick the left to the curb, and build a hemisphere of capability. But, apparently it is easier to spend resources in another endless conflict in Ukraine and Gaza. And the elites wonder why the Zoomers who have been born as iron to sharpen iron, generations of warriors leaving the elites to fend for themselves
Ukraine is about to replace its white population with mass immigration. Russia is purging LGBT satanism from its borders with brutal force. F Ukraine. I hope Russia wipes their Jewish Zelensky fake Nazi regime from the face of the earth.
Russia is the SOURCE of the LGBT stuff via the KGB. And they invaded Ukraine by calling the Ukranian right nazis and they jailed an activist in russia by saying that he made a racist comment and they assassinated the character of Nalvany by calling him a white supremacist. any of this sound familiar? The russians are a syncretic mess of old soviet stuff, tsarism and 90s Russian neocon bs.
To be fair, it was the USSR that was the source of cultural Marxism, which should be treated as distinct from Russia.
That said Russia is definitely not the based and tradpilled bastion of nationalism some on the right make it out to be.
And the USSR itself was in turn a creation of Western bankers. And Marx was a Rothschild cousin.
I thought it was the Frankfurt School of Jewish / German expats ?
AMERICA is the SOURCE of ALL LGBT/DEI stuff via the CIA. The CIA also overthrew the actual legitimate Ukraine gov. in the Euromaidan coup of 2014, installing the current regime which uses the Banderista "right wing" ultranationalists (eg the retards in Azov) to push for even more of the GAE bullshit that infests the west. Congrats you fell for the conspiracy-jacket psyop used by the British propaganda division at GCHQ to turn the western right into more anti-Russian cannon fodder.
Why do you think Zelensky is a fake Nazi because he is Jewish? Hitler was likely Rothschild's illegitmate grandson - so this is just par for the course....
What's unlikely?
These people (Bolsheviks, Nazis, Freemasons, Kabbalists, Illuminati, Theosophists, Scientologists, Knights Templar, Ismailis, Assassins, OSS/CIA/MI6 et al - they're all the same thing) are liars. Deception is their greatest tool. They lie about everything unless telling a partial truth achieves greater deception.
Nothing is unlikely.
I don't agree with the Russia take but the rest is on point. Greetings fellow southerner.
I’m only a woman so obviously take what I’m saying with a pinch of salt! But certainly from what I’ve seen over the years in right wing or dissident circles, the position you’re describing has certainly been the case, though in the past 18 months I’ve seen a massive spiritual shift, that we need to allie with as many other nations as possible, as we realise that we have so many left leaning liberals, those that refuse to take their own side in a fight, but if they’re fighting for diversity then they’re right there at the front, ready to do battle against the Anglo/ European trad circles, who want rid of the jewish hold over every western nation. I see this as being the primary focus now, whereas previously it was every little nation or dissident group against the others; we are all fighting for the same thing, but can agree on nothing! The Art of War has been a very important book in terms of the changing mindset of the huge amount of nationalists I know in England, Europe, America, Australia Canada etc. There does remain a fear though that other groups or nations still hate us so they may end up being a Trojan horse, rather than a trusted allie.
I agree with a lot of this but the problem is welfare. If the dems are promising free money, how can the republicans win?
When old women begin to take up guns, after never having one.... it is telling. The social ambience has changed indeed. And let me state: it is not the physical strength it is the MENTAL and Spiritual strength that leads to winning. And too: you have nothing to lose, you don't fear death, and you have EVERYTHING to defend - your legacy, your family, your property, you self.... The female of the species is the deadlier of the two when roused to defense of its cubs.... and you know its getting bad when that happens. Things NOT being discussed in gun shops much, or in the body politic.
Here goes the sick and giddy feeling again.
As I’ve been saying for quite a few years now, as Americans we will have to get comfortable with idea of killing. It’s them or us. Stay asleep if you will.
When I read your stuff I get a kind of simultaneously sick and giddy feeling. I feel both less crazy and more furious; it's like you take everything I see, read, intuit, and hope, and make it visually tangible. And oddly, I can't thank you enough for doing so. In other news from crazytown aka academia, I actually had a straight white male student parse the term Nazi today, after I showed them that the swastika was actually an ancient Indian symbol and that in Sanskrit it translated to "to be good." He said, "Yeah, well people get everything wrong with their dumb Natzee talk. It meant National Socialist and they were trying to make Germany better." This was in a course on the History of Modern Art in a room full of dangerhairs! Whoa. It seemed to embolden the others. Later in the class another student said the work of Marcel Duchamp was "stupid and ugly" and "beauty has a purpose." The social mood has changed indeed.
This is rather epic.
These kids have been held down and kicked for so long. Meanwhile they've been linking up in the quiet parts of the Internet, and comparing notes. They're starting to realize they're not nearly as alone as they think.
Give them a permission structure and it will be like uncorking a volcano.
I had to look up Marcel Duchamp to be reminded that he was the guy who submitted a urinal with graffiti on it to an art exhibit in 1917. Oh Vey. AH always said he would win in the end. I think we might have just misunderstood the timeline involved…
First show of modern "art" in was in the NYC ARMORY!!! Those artworks were indeed weapons of war: they used the term "avant-garde" from the French military for those artists willing to die for a cause. The cause was ridding the world of beauty and truth via art. I was swindled for the first 10 years of my teaching career. No more, and I am now helping them see what they already instinctively know.
You should change your name from John Carter to John Banger. We need to be handing out red pills in the form of Substacks to Zoomer boys at gyms. They are the "hard times create strong men" generation. I am cautiously optimistic about the Zoomers I have met, but they need all the help they can get. First order of business for them is to fight off the demoralization of Zoomer women who are drifting left as the men drift right, consooming CCP TikTok propaganda about killing their babies, mutilating their genitals, and slaving for corporations.
"You will find love; you will have many children; you will live in a house, with a nuclear reactor in the basement and two flying cars in the garage; you will eat the steak; you will build amazing and beautiful things; you will own your own life; you will be happy; and your grandchildren will go to the stars." Beautiful slogan for e/acc. Sounds a bit like GATTACA.
GenXers need to start adopting zoomers. Right Wing Big Brother Squads.
I genuinely found nothing objectionable about the social order depicted in GATTACA, aside from their rather stark aesthetics.
Sacred band, Golden girdle, and such thing.
But without the pederasty, please.
"Man these Greeks are incredibly based OH GOD WTF IS HE DOING TO HIS ERASTES"
Let it be remembered that the actor who played young Ethan Hawke was called...
Vitalists seethe and cope
Certainly we need to offer a better vision statement than the WEF. The elite want a locked down prison planet. Shooting for the stars and bringing adventure back into is life is far more appealing.
It's the easiest sell in the world.
The only appropriate response to the "you will own nothing..." nonsense is get fucked. Make me do it.
It is strength they fear. As the article alludes to the people most aware the leaders are winging it are the leaders themselves. When challenged they crumble.
I have to think that where the two curves (F vs M: Right vs Left) crossed that was where the marriage rate began to tank. Those women need men to red pill them.
'You will find love; you will have many children; you will live on 100 acres, with a wood burning stove in the basement, and two border collies, tractor in the shed, a big garden, boats in the boat house, an airplane in the hangar; you will eat venison; you will build amazing and beautiful things; you will own your own life; you will be happy; and your grandchildren will never forget you.'
Great post. I'd like to add that women are part of this backlash as well. We may be in an era of over feminization where balance is needed, but the Longhouse represents a minority of women. Most women want what all women have wanted... children, security, a strong man, and the ability to flourish creatively and contribute to their communities. I'm afraid sometimes that the backlash will bring us too far back. Correcting an overly matriarchal society with an overly patriarchal one isn't the answer. Balance is.. and right now things need to swing back to the masculine to achieve that.
I considered adding a bit about the predictions that 45% of women will be childless by 2030, and my own expectation that this is going to lead to a lot of girls reevaluating things.
I believe that could be quite decisive.
Yes, both of my daughters have expressed liking Trump. We keep them out of politics so my guess is that he is the "rebellion" candidate and being teens they like that image. They are also both choosing career paths that are entreprenureal and allow flexibility because "we want to be home when we have kids". The Girl Boss shine is fading fast.
Not just the Girl Boss shine, our children become what we are not what we say, obv their home has been a strong base.
Thanks. I certainly hope so. I have a career but raising my kids is definitely the most important, most fulfilling "job" I've ever had. Their father and I are proud of the people they are becoming. So blessed.
Not necessarily in a good way. Women who are childless and past child-bearing years basically become the stereotypical wicked witches.
Recall the old saying "women who die maids lead apes in hell".
Never heard that saying, but it's a great one.
We cant underestimate the fact that Jesus Christ is Lord. And women typically love Jesus, and in fact have higher rates of church attendance and faith than men. This has only started to dwindle in the last 30 years for young women. This is because the Left and their imperial edifice of lies has worked so hard through the millennials to make everything Christian evil in the propagandized brains of “modern young women” (read: progressive).
However Jesus Christ calls His sheep to Himself, and no scheme of the regime can disrupt the workings of God in the world. Young women and young men ARE in fact turning back to God. I’m not saying its a tidal wave revival, theres too many ethnic and geographic factors and zoomer subcultures in modern America for there to be one demographic narrative/trajectory.
However these young women are being saved from the Satanic Leftist lies and these young men are being saved from nihilism, self-hate, and the techno-tyranny. Thanks be to God. No government/globalist propaganda can stop moves of the Holy Spirit, or challenge God’s sovereign divine providence, and darkness will not overcome the Light.
This is great news, and Christendom will in fact rise again, because strength and wisdom come from the Lord. And as persecution, unfettered evil (publicly celebrated and mandated evil), and potentially mass democide ramps up- the starkness of the World vs the Kingdom will only become more apparent.
This is great news on the women front, more and more abandoning leftist lies over time.
The only bad news is the feminization of the Church by the Boomers and their Millennial heirs. When a young man seeks Truth, when God’s tug on his soul compels him into a church for the first time- is he gonna see a soy-boy scarf wearing mild-mannered mealy-mouthed pastor preaching a feminized Gospel? Is that young man going to see the power and glory and virtue and authority and righteousness and justice of the True and Living God in the message he hears? In the worship music and the architecture? No, his soul may be saved, but he will still be stuck in social and spiritual no mans land because modern protestantism (and a lot of the RCC) has been infiltrated and subverted by gay commies.
The young men and young women need strong Spirit and Truth filled churches with strong authoritative teachings and values and counter-cultural, civilization-building attitudes. They need strong models for both the men and women. They need a consistent pro-Christendom message- which is the Gospel, btw. Instead of the “social justice” false gospel. Instead of the “America bad” false gospel. Instead of the “we have no enemies” false gospel. Instead of the “follow your feelings” false gospel.
We the Church, globally, cannot make peace with the world. Nor did Christ come to bring peace on earth, but rather, a sword (Matt 10:34). The world will hate us (John 15:19) but Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33). The millions of young Americans that have been and will be saved in this decade cannot be allowed to be re-consumed by the wicked culture as those of the 1970 Jesus Revolution. Instead we must bring them into strong churches and family and raise up strong godly figures to lead the preservation of goodness in this world so that the Left can destroy itself while Christendom rebuilds itself.
Essay done
Not so sure about that. Most people never change their opinion on anything, and especially not a subject that is deeply painful.
The same with parents' (mostly mothers) of children which have been led onto the trans path. Most of these people will never change their mind. If they come to see that the trans-movement was in fact an error, that will mean accepting that they were instrumental in destroying their children's lives. Some people will come to accept that realisation, for most it will be to painful.
Most childless women past childbearing age will never defect from the system. That would mean coming to terms with the realisation that they wasted their lives on material pursuits of little value.
And yet, in fact, we do see detransitioners who regret their self-mutilation, and are filled with fury against those who led them down that primrose path.
it is not necessary for ALL women to recognize the errors of feminism; if only a certain fraction of them to do so, but this fraction is motivated and outspoken, it can have a disproportionate cultural impact.
I've mentioned here before that I work as a tutor, so I'm pretty plugged into the Zoomer zeitgeist. The awake ones (overwhelmingly boys) lift, think about how to make money, and want be part of a "tribe" of like minded brothers. They understand that nobody cares about them and have adopted the Andrew Tate solution. The ideal is to become "rich and dangerous".
It's a start, but it's a pretty limited outlook. Materialism is fun, but we can't build a culture on it. Unfortunately, they associate all art, literature, and classical music with libtards, even though these things are a huge part of what made the West great. I think an important challenge going forward will be undoing all of this conditioning and introducing them to this world.
Reframing: they are concerned with obtaining glory. This is good and healthy for young men. It is the raw stuff from which armies are forged.
Time enough for them to appreciate the higher things later in life.
As the mother of a boy right on the cusp of zoomer and alpha, I'm pretty sure if a 20-something man offered him a chance at Glory, he and all of his buddies would line up. He's already getting up before dawn to work out, since school wastes so much of his day.
The only men who have tried to push the western cannon on these boys have been effeminate. But they are well versed in the language of hero (Halo), journey (Minecraft), and battle (Fortnight).
Ted Giotta wrote this week about how the themes of classical music have found a home in video game soundtracks, and I would argue they look at more "art" each day in the form of digital drawing than any soldier of armies' past. They appreciate the true fruits of classical artists of the past--not the deconstructionists who sought to take away form and substance from paintings.
They want glory and honor and they have the stories and the youtubers to push them towards it. They just need a leader.
I wish I could pin this.
A long time ago I read a book by Anthony Burgess (of Clockwork Orange fame) called "1985" He has some criticism of Orwell's 1984, and presented another, surprisingly for its time (written in 1978), prescient alternative future. One of the things he mentions, is that when schools, and society in general, fail to, or directly works against, giving young men a proper education, then classical education becomes a thing young men will seek out for themselves as a way to rebel.
I see that all around these days. Techno music in games may be one such manifestation.
Gustav Holst's 'Planets suite'; specifically "Mars - bringer of War" might change their minds?
Such a great movement.
One more missing piece: a short clear manifesto of what went wrong and how to fix it, a statement that all of those young men will instantly and enthusiastically agree with.
Something along the lines of "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
I feel like the entire discourse of the Dissident Right has been a collective effort to distil such a manifesto.
Yes, we are slowly distilling it, but someone still needs to put the words together into the short statement that gets itself copied widely and motivates the changes needed.
Maybe you could write a rough draft as a post here and we could all chime in with feedback for the second glorious version, the one to be printed up as a single page and stuck on walls. Crowdsourcing!
92 words.
The classic elevator pitch is 100 words.
That should be the maximum length for the introduction.
The rest of the manifesto could be longer
Ironic that the only governor with the gall to stand up to the regime is the only one who physically can't stand. There's a lot riding on how things play out in Eagle Pass in the desert wastes of South Texas, which, seems poetically apropos like the perfect place for a classic, Western-style showdown between the black and white hats. You're right about the orange man losing his nerve at the last minute (assuming he ever truly had intentions to follow through with it, which I'm still not convinced he was). I suppose Abbot should know well what will happen to him if he loses his.
Great work as always.
General 'Hot Wheels' Abbott would not be the first American cripple to win a war; unlike the commie, however, he's at least honest about his condition.
I think Trump absolutely lost his nerve. That might be for the best; had he pushed when the regime was tottering, it may well have unleashed a level of chaos and bloodshed that we can't properly imagine. As it is, we've been given a good, stiff taste of what the alternative looks like.
"Trump absolutely lost his nerve."
Exactly! Hell, Trump didn't even have to ruminate over dipping his toe into the Rubicon. The Deep State dumped him right in the middle of it when they fortified the election...he just had to swim to the other shore. He didn't. He famously went golfing instead.
Trump 24 will be a different story should he manage to win (if it’s close they will steal it).
This time I think he will cross the Rubicon. And if he does, there will be Carnage. These people are not going to give up.
They categorically will not allow it. If it can't be stolen, he won't survive to next January, and they'll believe they're saving the world by doing it.
If they assassinate him he becomes a martyr, and the possibility of the country burning becomes a near certainty.
They think they will win. They think that regardless of the consequences, it will be worth it.
They don't have the foresight to realize that the cost to everyone will be unimaginable.
There's a lot of hubris, yes. But also - they have no good options right now.
That’s my thought as well. If he mysteriously dies, it will be a rallying cry.
I've become so cynical and jaded that if he isn't assassinated, or at least a genuine attempt made to do so, I will fear that he's just another one of them.
Now that he's all but secured the republican nomination, efforts to put him in prison will intensify.
If that doesn't work though, if Biden continues to stumble, losing support over his age and mental decline, his corrupt, criminal family, waning support for Ukraine, unpopular (on the left) support for Israel and the new Houthi conflict, and Trump actually (and unlikely) takes the general by un-fudgeable margins, they certainly have a deniable asset and a set of secret service bodyguards who will compromise their oath just this once.
These are the same people who conspired to deny President Trump nuclear authorization. They have convinced themselves that a second Trump presidency is a threat to the entire world, and not just the threat to civility, propriety, dignity, and the status quo that he actually is.
My bet is that they want Nirmata.
Well said and thorough. You may be right but it is unlikely , to risky in my view (guess). They know that the permanent bureaucracy runs the world and elected politicians are comparatively powerless. They did fine during trump45 and will be able to withstand trump47.
What do you mean when you say we’ve been given a good taste of what they alternative would look like?
I mean everything that's happened under the "Joe Biden" regime.
Gotcha clown world
Did he lose his nerve, or, as I believe credible, the Deep State masters simply told him what he could not do--and there went his populist promises.
As late as the beginning of 2001, Enron was still being heralded by much of the mainstream press as a brilliant and innovative company with a future so bright, it's executives had to wear shades. By years end, it was in bankruptcy and those same executives were facing criminal prosecution. Things can change quickly, especially in today's world. The regime is starting to lose even the Boomer normies. As for the Zoomers, they lost that generation when they stole their childhoods with the scamdemic lockdowns. My own children are zoomers, and I have overheard conversations between them and their friends that are similar to what you heard in the gym. The wave of liberalism/leftism crested in 2020 and is now receding, the regime knows it, and they are deathly afraid of what will be revealed at low tide.
Of course, this can make them all the more dangerous in the short-term. What do psychopaths with nuclear weapons do when they find themselves in danger of a revolt followed by the Qaddafi treatment? We're about to find out.
Might be they end up folding when no one follows their orders. I doubt that though.
It's really going to come down to the dollar. Their apparatchiks have no loyalty to the regime. They're all hired guns. As soon as they cannot be paid off anymore, they won't fight for it. Hyperinflation will be painful, but it will save us from a fate worse than death if the regime holds onto power. With debt levels being what they are, hyperinflation is inevitable, and there are any number of black swan events that could act as the spark for it (war being the most likely).
The backlash is building. Trump could well benefit, and be inspired perhaps to truly lay waste to the DEI ESG Deep State. Perhaps.
The Soviets held onto power too, until they didn't. Most of them just headed for the proverbial hills in the aftermath, keeping their head low.
A proper understanding of American generations by birth years (its purposely obfuscated by the Census’s retarded boundaries)
1940-1960: Boomers, born and grew up mostly in the high, idealistic dummies. Coming of age was 1955-1980.
1960-1980: Gen X, grew up in the downturn when crime ticked up. Fed a gospel of individualism. The boomers controlled most art and culture and a lot of the labor force by the time they were teens. Immigration picked up. Patriotism and civility was still the norm. Coming of age was 1975-2000.
1980-2000: Millennials. The Long March Through the Institutions had fully captured the public schools by this point. The overwhelming Leftists propaganda that was emanating from the most stupid of Boomers who had (intentionally due to their stupidity and treason) been elevated to the top of all institutions was totally locked. Immigration from Mexico very very high. Exalts in diversity. Coming of age was 1995-2020.
2000-2020: Gen Z. Raised in poison swamps and clown world. Being well adapted to clown world just means youre a clown. However they fully understand the brokenness of things. Some (incomprehensibly) ascribe it to NOT ENOUGH Leftism, still, somehow. Many more see that their civilization has been subverted. Immigration from broader Latin America and Asia fairly high. Youth is only half-white. Most people are chill and get along good, but few say “dIvErSiTy iS OuR sTreNgTh”
Millennials will go down in history as one of the most detrimental generations in human history to their civilization. They are also anomalously leftwing compared to all other generations. They will lose and will not propagate bc so many have wasted or sabotaged their lives already with retarded life choices.
Gen Z will be much more conservative. The next generation even more so. 2020 was a year with so many changes that the the next generation (I refuse to call them Alpha, kill me) will be the most homeschooled, most red state/southern US centric generation ever. Also the ethnic admixture seems to tilt in favor if preserving Western Civilization bloodlines rather than destroying or replacing them (this is due to high white man-latina woman and white man-asian woman marriage rates. Pray for strong patriotic fathers). Pray for Christian fertility (I think it will go up)
NBC Exit Polls from 2022 midterms showed that age 18-24 cohort voted 3-5% more republican than the 25-29 age cohort. This surprised me because I though those born in 2000 would be the crescendo of leftist voting but in fact the pendulum is already reversing amongst those born in 1997 (like me). Every election will show the youngest age cohort being less and less Democrat (prediction) for the foreseeable future. And the oldest Millennials that were 40 in that election were creeping closer to 50/50 parity. The electoral future landscape demographically tilts heavily in Real America’s favor
The electoral college map tilts heavily in Real America’s favor (which is why the criminal Census Bureau fraudulently stole 4 house seats from Republican states).
Trump winning even 5% more black or hispanic voteshare easily takes states like Arizona and Georgia and North Carolina and Nevada out of play for Democrats. This trend will grow more pronounced for Gen Z and not less, at least among Hispanics and Asians. The admixture of the population at a slow growth rate (1 million legal immigrants per year currently) will produce a mostly White milleiu that doesnt want to genocide Whitey or destroy America. Which is why Democrats need to flood the border NOW and aim for replacement NOW otherwise peace and prosperity will continue under and revitalized mildly-right wing nationalist body politic.
The Democrats can either destroy America now, or they will run out of time to do so. Therefore every upcoming election will be more heavily cheated than any in prior human history.
The Millennials will go down in history as the great loser generation that tried to literally suicide Western Civilization but failed bc they were all broke and gay and idiot socialist atheists.
Those of us over thirty suffer from an ability to remember a time that wasn’t like this. We can remember when there was promise ahead of us and pride to be taken in this country. I think some lingering (admittedly delusional) hope that we might somehow get back to that is what keeps so many of us from the type of action you’re predicting amongst the younger generation. They have never known anything other than this madness. They won’t have the emotional baggage of better times to create inner conflict in them. The institutions and values of this country were never worth respecting in their lifetimes.
The rage that has built in the hearts of this generation of boys will become a forest fire that scours the land clean.
The sooner the better!
I’m 37 now but from Britain, and in the last 15 years or so so since I’ve been consciously, acutely aware of everything that had been happening then and before, I’ve since watched the penny drop in real-time; and go from blissful ignorance to confusion, fear, horror and finally anger as the red-pill kicks in.
I caught the last of the relatively normal years growing up, and although education had been significantly ‘dumbed’ down and some of the younger teachers were already sub-par and lacking in competence compared to older teachers, there were still a good number of the latter around who’d been at it as far back as the early Seventies. The street still had elderly residents who were addressed as Mr or Mrs (Surname) because it’s polite manners and respectful, with the men being WW2 veterans who would wear their blazers on Armistice Day with all their military decorations... It’s not very long wham I think about it; I mean, I’m still the younger side of 40, the last memories are only from about 25 years ago; yet it feels so distant... almost as if out of living memory or from a prior life. All gone and replaced with whatever... this is.
What these young lads were saying is expressed over here too, but with people around my age and older you may hear the strain in our voice as we try to keep a level tone that doesn’t turn into a snarl, or see odd expressions on our faces as we struggle to keep it from contorting with rage.
I will openly say I’m enraged, as I no longer hide because I can’t and they can arrest me for it but it won’t stop me from feeling it or having extremely dark thoughts about it all - how to fix the problems which have been imposed on us, dealing with the treacherous dross filling our institutions and state apparatus in such grave fashion I won’t repeat them in any detail to be respectful of both Substack’s policy and of John’s account. It’s hard not to let myself go and begin spilling out everything that’s consuming me.
I can’t speak of elsewhere in the West, but here beneath the outward calm of state enforced repression and shit-libs ruining people’s lives for being outspoken against the state of affairs here, there’s something very ugly roiling to the surface.
People might not be protesting or anything because the state would immediately criminalise it and I think tempers would become more than flared at the sight of the inevitable bussed-in ‘counter-demonstrators. Many hold them as accountable and criminally complicit for the crimes committed against us as we do the state and the perpetrators themselves.
Excellent comment. I relate to this in so many ways. That snarl just beneath the surface is something that I've had an increasingly difficult time keeping chained up.
I hear the British government is now floating a draft. Have they thought through the consequences of arming their disarmed populace, I wonder?
I don’t actually know about the draft thing to be honest as the only news and other media I happen upon is when the telly’s on at a mate’s house because I can’t stand it; my first thoughts are why TF are they watching an African channel then I realise it’s the adverts haha. I’ll have a look into that.
The military isn’t very popular here anymore; we have one recruitment office in town with an enormous picture that screams ‘Woke’, the adverts are the subject of ridicule by the people who would have once probably joined and the RAF rejecting people from technical apprenticeships because they’re white, very similar to what’s going on across the entire Western world.
Given this government has done its upmost to render people as utterly defenceless as possible because they’d rather we were assaulted, raped and blown to pieces instead, I don’t know what this would be for, but I know it won’t be to do anything to genuinely protect us or God forbid, protect ourselves. They’re probably panicking the numbers are falling off a cliff or even more cynically are trying to stuff numbers into foreign wars to get them killed; but the citizens themselves would not be granted that right.
If it were up to me, I’d keep them out of the hands of our ideological enemies, the people they’ve imported and the degenerates and everyone who was based would get a full carry permit, free training in firearms discipline (because most of us will be more than rusty having never used them before) and a grant to go buy themselves a gun.
I’ll probably be in prison next week for writing this lmao
"even more cynically are trying to stuff numbers into foreign wars to get them killed"
This is my hunch as well.
The local recruiting office features an enormous picture of a slightly effeminate, podgy er... thing, covering the entire window, smiling like a tart at anyone that’s still misguided enough to think that it’s still the rigour, discipline, gruff masculine banter and socially conservative norms and mores of the 1960’s military but with better tech.
Our enemies’ PR teams are abysmal which is good news for us...
No one is convinced by the propaganda except for the propagandists themselves. As you say, this is a very good thing for us.
I don't know what will happen, but we have our own version here in the UK too. Inherently tough men, who often do physical jobs, or jobs at one small remove; real jobs, often their own small business. Tough, pragmatic women too. Usually, they live in a place; their parents are a street or two away, their sons and daughters are following along. Anchored in reality and community; people with something to fight for. Ordinary people, not career soldiers, but who would go when called. Not political, not expecting life to be fair or easy, slow to anger. Invisible, as they don't march, don't tweet, are busy making everything work. But also, and within generational memory, the materiel that built and defended and empire. There is a force there, which if set moving and given aim, would turn leviathan to fleeting dust.
I so hope that you are right because our nation is being destroyed before our eyes.
Every single one of our nations is being destroyed.
Yes, and it is so, so hard to watch and be powerless to do anything to stop it.
It's extremely difficult not to become bitter and lost in despair.
I think of hill forts quite frequently.
You are not powerless.
As with addiction, realising and accepting the problem is the first step to power over it.
Since you also read Carter's excellent texts, you already have that insight.
Therefore, you have power and power begets power.
Yes, the United States is the grand battleground of human history, for this epoch however long it lasts. America reigns or all the West dies. This is the hill to die on and there is no running, no refuge. We are the big spectacle, we are the chess piece of greatest consequence. Its either American Greatness of Global Dark Age. Thats all
There have been so very many "No one will ever put up with that" moments over the last few decades that we, none the less, put up with. So very many clowns in the gutter around the crown, so very very many "First they came for...I wasn't... so I did nothing" people that frankly I've little hope for our Republic and/or civilization.
Prove me wrong. Please prove me wrong.
Indeed. There have been many such moments.
It isn't so much that one of those moments has arrived. It's more the mood.
Like you're watching this couple you know squabbling, the woman is just utterly horrible, you're thinking wow I can't believe that guy is just taking the abuse like that, doesn't she realize how dangerous he i- Oh fuck there we go.
We became Homo sapiens by teams of beta males killing off the alpha males: we murdered our way to niceness. This self-domestication only goes so far: we may be the least reactively aggressive primate — hence being the most gracile of genus Homo. But we are the equally most proactively aggressive primate, along with Chimpanzees, and much better at cooperating. All successful human societies put considerable effort into creating and maintaining effective male teams. The retreat from doing so has never been a path to success. A more effective set of male teams then takes over.
There is nothing more terrifying in the history of the terrestrial biosphere than a team of ordinary, competent human males who decide to make war their business.
I'm an old lady, so I had to look up what fedposting is.
We are in Central Texas and I wonder how long it will be before the problem moves this far north.
God Bless Greg Abbot and God Bless Texas.
Defending the border is good. Shipping them all across the interior to "stick it to the lib sanctuary cities" should be recognized as doing dirty work for the regime.
Why? Why does screwing NYC help the fed? I think it’s funny. It’s a taste of their own medicine.
Have you noticed all of the sanctuary mayors and governors begging for more money and resources? Shipping illegals to those cities gives an excuse for the feds to send billions to their state and local level cronies.
Gotcha. But I think they are experiencing some bona fida chaos, so yes more funds but I think it is a net loss
Chaos is the goal for the same people that give cashless bail for horrible crimes while throwing the book at people for self defense.
You give them more credit than I do, I thought it was a byproduct of abject stupidity.
Sounds a lot like a Ft Sumter event. My family served in every generation and every war. That completely ended with our children and my brothers and cousins children. Not one served. They do all share a fierce sense of patriotism to what they believe America is supposed to believe. And they all feel cheated that they didn’t get the opportunity to serve and prove their manhood. That’s a particularly volatile set of feeling.
That sense of being cheated is something I should have emphasized much more clearly. Whoever manages to appeal to that will win their hearts.
You sorta spoke about it in Pixel Valhalla.
Nicely said, JC. We are headed for very interesting times indeed.
This year is gonna be a wild ride.
Your writing is consistently the best.* My 80 year-old Mum adores you.
My sense is that even the zoomer girls are tired of THE MESSAGE. I mean what happens to the ones who miss out on the 'elite' jobs, in a contracting economy? They end up as checkout chix at supermarkets and whatnot (and this at best). Femininity also has its own intersectional stack--which I guess has to accommodate M2F trannies, thus leading to disempowerment and mounting infuriation--and after all they're still ciswhite. You can imagine how hollow rings the girlpower talk when such is their lot. So I think (hope desperately) they will surprise and overcome in time.
* The Librarian has funnier captions though
My popularity amongst elderly women never ceases to surprise me.
For white women, being next to bottom on the progressive stack was fine so long as it meant they could beat up on white men. Now white men have stopped indulging them, and have just left the stack entirely, they're simply at the bottom of it. A stack which, meanwhile, white men are planning the controlled demolition of.
I suspect they'll be quietly making their exit from it before it all comes down.
*How dare you sir. JK the Librarian's captions are 🤌
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