Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

I love how you think and write, but I have to say it seems very clear that the "virus" was a means to an end. The end being the injections. The virus created the fear and the motivation to sell the shots. They were extremely gung-ho to get them into 80% of the population on earth. Their target. The marketing was like nothing in human history. The peak surreal moment, for me, was that live televised concert with J-Lo and the Foo Fighters and god only knows who else, desperately pushing the viewers to get those jabs. Like some dark satire out of a Paul Verhoeven movie. And they're still at it, trying a bit desperately now to get them, multiple times with the "boosters," into every living human on earth, over and over again. And we now know they alter human DNA, which they at first denied. It's the most evil thing in our planet's history, and even has a palpable "alien invasion" vibe to it. It's creepy as hell and we still don't know what the end game is, as the altering of the human genome is long-term. They have stayed that reducing the human population is one of their goals, so we can expect birth rates to plummet. And they already have.

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Yeah man. I don't disagree with any of that - no question that a big part of the motivation was getting those shots into people's arms.

But why over-engineer a virus to do that? Seems to me that if the virus itself also had low-level, but pervasive and chronic affects on the general intellect, this would help their agenda. None of which should be interpreted as meaning that the primary weapon wasn't the vaxx - it absolutely was.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Not disagreeing with you either -- I loved your take on the viruses, and it DOES indeed seem like everyone, sadly, is noticeably dumber now! Myself included -- I was struck with a terrible brain fog for quite some time that I couldn't explain that I was lucky enough to eradicate with zeolite treatment (non prescription) . Just looking around where I live, there is more garbage, more poverty, more people who just don't seem to care about anything -- it's especially bad with young adults it seems - all seem very depressed and unmotivated. My son's generation. There are so many inexplicable things that have occurred in the population during this time, it's just creepy as F. And remember how they started by handing out gobs of money? This jogged a memory for me just lately -- the first Batman movie with Nicholson from 1989. There's a scene where he stages a huge parade where he showers the population with money - 20 million dollars of cash raining down upon them - then gasses them.

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I've been noticing this too - friends, colleagues, random people working at stores. Everyone seems vaguely slower and dumber. Been noticing that in myself, too, to be honest.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Agree. I kept saying that I didn't realize how dumb the general public is until 2021. But I now think we've indeed gotten slower and dumber. And as well shell shocked, most people have been numbed by the onslaught of chaotic news, financial turmoil, and unfathomable debt.

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It's overwhelming, isn't it.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Some of us woke up and we seem smarter. Or are we?🤔

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i think many are more aware and some just get all "deer in headlights." but even the aware will fatigue because... now what? then the intelligence to ACT comes in. i think losing one's own illusions about life is a constant and long process like mourning. we've no TIME, though. and that's why i focus on the feral and half-mad: they KNOW what humans are capable of in private and that's why they're feral or mad. but to get THEM to stop playing their own designated roles and stand up and know they are not only worthy of fighting back and living well?...ah... we're at the great turning and they know not yet that they are The Pretty Ones now.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Some of that is also from prolonged stress…that also makes people dumber, ask me how I know 🙄

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It's funny that you mention the Batman movie - a friend of mine said that part of the Joker's scheme was poisoning cosmetics, but in a way that they don't kill the victim when applied separately, but only when the ingredients combined together. Full disclosure, I can't say if that's 100% true, since I never saw anything beyond the last third of the movie and, frankly, I don't really care enough to watch the whole thing to confirm it, but the point is that whether or not that happened in the movie, I would not at all be surprised if that's how the shots or the virus were meant to work. Individually, they're bad, but they're meant to work in tandem with one another. I've always had this sick suspicion that the shots were meant to induce an agent that will react with another they may release in the future, or that it was simply introduced to diminish immunity and set the stage for another virus that will burn through the ones who got the shot like a hot knife through butter. This one seems to be more likely, given what we can quantifiably see from the aftermath of the shots, especially the boosters.

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I wish people would understand 5g is NOT meant for faster internet. DEW! There are patents. Some already in use. Search Karen Kingston for one. She is brilliant and has a substack.

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Search for Todd Calander. He has answers on this thought!

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Yes! Everything looks dirty and gray. People look pale to gray. Mass amounts of trash everywhere - literal trash.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Been feeling like that too since 21, but I think is the depression. By the way, how do you take zeolita?

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

It's a liquid, and you put an eye dropper-full into some water, stir it up, and drink it down. I get mine on Amazon. "Zetox zeolite suspension". The substance that does the trick in the zeolite is called "clinoptilolite" It's some sort of volcanic mineral. I was skeptical but it works wonders.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Any particular brand of zeolite? Any info much appreciated!

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I haven’t seen the comparison to that scene in Batman written down until now. I often compared it at the time, especially when they were chucking out money, hamburgers and doughnuts if you took the shot.

Watching people queue up for them like lemmings reminded me of the people crowded around the Joker’s float trying to catch whatever he threw out to their grasping hands.

The same people that queue overnight outside of Apple stores because they MUST have the latest thing right NOW.

It’s all programming.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by John Carter

hey John,

The first refutation of your theory i would make is that you are still very very smart, your style is still one of the best one can read at the present moment as well as you humour.

Then "they" didn't need the covid thing to dumb the people down, the ordiphone did it already. The average IQ has been lowered ever since that shit enter the market, some studies indicating a 10% decrease and it was 5% in France. It has also been proven that it was decreasing one's IQ even if it was in a room, since an unconscious part of the brain knew the answer to ones question would be given by the "stupidphone".

Furthermore, there would never have been any "green pass, passe vaccinal etc..." without that devilish device and all the project of CBDC would be impossible without it.

During the so called pandemic, that very "bêtephone" was used eavily to manipulate the people into submission by sending never ending doom messages that was acting hormonally thus blinding the people's ability to think clearly.

As an aside, because of the rasta thing (lol), the problem with cannabis is mainly that the concentration of THC has been augmented to the point of changing it's very nature. There still exist old seeds that have a lighter amount of THC as was intended by nature.

That being said man, you are very very bright and I love your writings.

A masculine tonic Rasta

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There's no question that phones have had a broadly deleterious effect on people's brains.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by John Carter

Makes me a lazy speller

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Furthermore John, being beamed 24/24 by 3G/4G waves is also very detrimental...

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Almost certainly.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by John Carter

I forget to add one very important feature of the shitphone, it lowers considerably the aptitude to concentrate and the attention spam is now much lower than before...


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I've been talking about Ft. Detrick, which is by my hometown, for three years. I don't know how it came to my attention but it made more sense than the Wuhan release (certainly not a mere leak). I've been putting together some clues on the vaping illnesses and deaths in 2019, together with Malone's 2016 DARPA contract for What a Smoke to develop a research e-cig prototype. Why? and then it turns out nicotine is an antidote for snake venom, which attacks neurological functions like taste, smell, inflation of the lungs, brain function, heart. Curious on your thoughts:



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I remember when that rash of vaping related hospitalizations hit in the summer of 2019. Could have been a vector for releasing the virus into the population, maybe.

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Yes, that's exactly the question raised in the What a Smoke episode. Malone also had a company called Nanotherapeutics conveniently located near Ft. Detrick and DC. So the nanotechnology could have been put into the vape pens. There are several scientists saying this wasn't a virus at all but an aerosolized chemical attack.

The other hypothesis in the Vaping & Snake Venom article is that the illnesses were intentional to make the cure seem dangerous in itself before the neurotoxin was released. That way people wouldn't accidentally figure out that it was the nicotine receptors being targeted.

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Now there's a thought. Poison the well to ensure people stayed away from a prophylactic.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

I read your substacks and yeah this stuff haunts me. The vaping deaths too, that started this. So creepy and just inexplicable.

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Thanks for reading!

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

I absolutely love the idea that nicotine addicts could end up being accidental winners.

Could it be that I got through Covid without any neurological symptoms because I smoke?

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There's a very funny sci-fi story that I'm forgetting but the plot is a wealthy but invisible CEO looking to give the company away to a worthy successor. While everyone's busy checking their boxes and vying for power, an irascible crusty old broad takes smoke breaks outside chatting with a homeless guy, complaining about the woke policies (pre-dating the word) and stupid rules getting in the way of doing the job. You guessed it.

In an early study in France, only 5% of Covid victims were smokers, much lower than the representative population. But much of tobacco is contaminated with chemicals and now I think they've made only synthetic nicotine legal? I don't watch Stew Peters but others have sent me this link: https://rumble.com/v26f5we-live-7pm-legalized-murder-prep-act-big-tobacco-and-robert-malone.html.

I'm not a smoker but once grew tobacco because it's such a glorious plant. Maybe that's the way to go. It's the new illegal pot ;-)

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Curious how the hate tobacco so much, but wink at pot.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

I know! When people tell me they overlook their kid smoking pot because at least its not tobacco I am mystified at the spell they must be under!

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"Better they destroy their lungs AND their minds with this totally not addictive plant, than that they start smoking the demon weed tobacco which ... assists their minds...."

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by John Carter

Hey Tereza,

i France now, many people by leaves of tobbaco and the business is booming. Much much less expensive and less contaminated with chemicals. Others do also grow their own plants and thus save money and are sure their tobbaco is natural.


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I may need to take up smoking for the next snake venom attack! Thanks for the info that this is a booming cottage business, going back to its indigenous sacred roots.

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A very similar plot to Bellwether by Connie Willis.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Agree. I gave my dad nicotine lozenges when he had a freaking weird thing they said was CV and it quickly and noticeably stopped his malaria like shaking. I'm the only smoker at my clinic and the one of the few who hasn't gotten it. Dont know, but looks like nic is helpful.

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You have no idea how bitter I am that my smoking didn't prevent me from catching the rona.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Oh just take a line from their songbook, "It would've been so much worse if..." Hey, you just never know!

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Counterfactuals are hard to argue with.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

I used to stop and smoke when my dust and mildew bronchitis started choking me working in cellars and similar nasty places. It cleared my lungs out for some reason.

I asked my MD why that was, and I got told smoking was bad. (I expect I would have been told the same by my barber too, if I had asked him instead)

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter


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It's the plot of Stephen King's "10 O'clock People"

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That would be me. Haven't been sick in years.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Gonna check out your page. The increase in the chemtrails and calling it dimming the sun seems like possible aerosolized spread. Random thought.

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Thank you and good observation! I've added another dimension making it the 4D Reset: Dispossession, Depopulation, Destruction and Disruption. Geoengineering is definitely part of that. We've been talking about it in the comments on Anne Gibbons' illustration: https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/stormy-weather.

My intro to The Devil & Naomi Wolf has this quote and a link to Conspiracy Sarah's article on the topic. She's hilarious:

If I were a terribly nefarious procurer of the devil’s work, I would think to my horrible self, “Terrible-nefarious-devil-self, how could I negatively affect the most people? What thing effects everyone? ” 🤔

Food, water, and air are already taken…why not villain-ize



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Mar 26, 2023Liked by John Carter

template ;)


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Oh, this is so excellent! I'll share it with Conspiracy Sarah pronto!

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What makes the most sense to me is not a Ft. Detrick release but a military research project subcontracted to the CCP via Deep State actors like Tony F. and his “EcoHealth” cronies. Meanwhile Pfizer can start their mRNA project. Was the Wuhan lab leak an accident? Sabotage by Chinese Deep State actors? (Yeah, they have them too.) A CCP SNAFU? The latter is my guess, but what do I know?

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That's definitely a worthy hypothesis, Jonathan, and one I entertain too, particularly before it went from being 'malinformation' to the official narrative to incite war against China via Taiwan and Australia. But the question it raises is who controls who? Does the US control the CCP so that they'd manufacture our bioweapons, and we'd trust them to do that? Does the CCP control the US, as might be indicated by Hunter Biden's laptop ties and his dad gifting them $11B of our strategic oil reserves just prior to a fuel crisis?

If you've read RFK's The Real Anthony Fauci, especially the chapter on Germ Games, I think we can eliminate that this was an accident. Fauci's 'March Madness' doodle where he plays off epidemic candidates until Ebola and Covid faceoff in the championship makes it clear this was a set-up. The virus was the trigger but the vaccine was the bullet. They've been testing out trigger mechanisms for decades and this one gave the most bang (7+B people) for the buck.

Why would the Chinese Deep State (agreed on its existence) target its own people as the epicenter? They're definitely down with the 4D Reset but are they in charge of it? I ask that in https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-reset-and-ukraine-same-or-different masters?

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In terms of who's running things, my short answer would be 'no one, really', but the longer answer would be that there is an element which has its tentacles in China as well as the US, and turns their respective state apparati to its own use.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by John Carter

If you can understand French (with an italian accent) you might be very interested by that interview from France Soir:


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Fortunately I know French, though I had to slow down the playback of the video.

This interview (in French) of an Italian scientist confirms my interpretation of what is going on:

Medical science and military weapons science have merged, though the former is intended to improve lives and the latter to destroy them.

Now, to oversimplify, but just a tiny bit, we can have research developing weapons that are much more useful than nukes (for those who possess them) while simultaneously making progress on great new medical technologies such as mRNA vaccines which could (hypothetically) be used to cure cancers.

AND, all this can be done while bypassing annoying regulatory and social obstacles, such as the American FDA, and worldwide civilian fear of experimental drugs.

Thank you, Bugey libre!

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You wrote:

> the question it raises is who controls who? Does the US control the CCP so that they'd manufacture our bioweapons, and we'd trust them to do that? Does the CCP control the US, as might be indicated by Hunter Biden's laptop ties and his dad gifting them $11B of our strategic oil reserves just prior to a fuel crisis?

My best guess:

1. Deep State squabbling, and there are many layers of Deep States, not just in the USA.

2. The squabbling means who controls who changes from one time slot to the next. Biden can be on the payroll of the CCP and also can bash TikTok when the pro-Americans gain an upper hand.

3. Some of the US Deep State factions hate America more than others.

4. Those who don't hate America hate each other depending on whether they are military power hawks or doves.

5. To err is human, hence SNAFUs.

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As some have observed, there's too much synchronicity to this global assault for it NOT to be coordinated by a very small group if not an individual. I definitely entertain the possibility in that article that the attack on Russia via Ukraine is coming from the US Deep State neo-cons and the Great Reset is someone/ something else. And that Biden blowing up the Nord Streams was driven by the oiligarchs. That would certainly be the most hopeful scenario that these are rats fighting over the chickenfeeder. But there's a lot of convenient overlap for it to not be coming from the same place. With the vaccine, the US is running out of soldiers and with Ukraine, it's running out of weapons and ammunition. Oh, and we have 11 yrs left of oil production. That could all be serving a Chinese kingpin or China could another sacrifice to serve someone else. Dunno.

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You wrote:

> I definitely entertain the possibility in that article that the attack on Russia via Ukraine is coming from the US Deep State neo-cons and the Great Reset is someone/ something else. And that Biden blowing up the Nord Streams was driven by the oiligarchs. That would certainly be the most hopeful scenario that these are rats fighting over the chickenfeeder.

But then you wrote:

> there's a lot of convenient overlap for it to not be coming from the same place… That could all be serving a Chinese kingpin or China could [be] another sacrifice to serve someone else.

How about the "same place" being Big Tech entities? Their information gizmos created a Global Village and of course they want to run it. But…

1. They hate each other

2. Meanwhile there are rats fighting over the chickenfeeder. Many, MANY rats.

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The nicotine hypothesis holds water and definitely protects from both viral and vaccine shedding. Vaccine shedding being another area that the powers that be are using the novirus squad to obfuscate currently.

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Bingo. Add the G's. You have a phased array of radiation weapons.

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I never knew there was a concert. Was it live? Is it on you tube?

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Agreed wholeheartedly!!!

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What if the global elites DO have an antidote? They don’t think nationally. It’s an Elysium class. We’re useless eaters. Release the mild gimpy Kraken, pump up the fear, inject as many arms as you can. The sick get dumber, the injected get infertile and get clots and turbo cancer and heart diseases. New aristocracy with much smaller population of peons.

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It's definitely possible they have an antidote - possibly the very medicines they discouraged the rest of us from using.

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If there is a “they” then yeah, that, or harvesting the glands of missing migrant children. I think that there is at least an economically motivated international class, pursuing their interests. I see lots of coordination, but there might not be an actual “they”. At least, I haven’t found a box of magic sunglasses. I’m also looking at our deep tradition of scapegoating. I think we leap to it, at least in Judeo-Christian world. Probably all humanity does. I don’t want to engage in it, but I find myself fuming at “them” every day.

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What is an international class pursuing their own interests but a "they"? "They" is a general pronoun, it doesnt specifically refer to ZOG or the Reptiloids.

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I only mean that I am undecided as to the existence of a coordinated plan or campaign, led by a connected cabal. Complicated things can happen, and something that looks like planned coordination can occur, merely because various actors are pursuing their own interests. Respectfully submitted.

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No way any sane person releases an infectious agent without first developing a reliable prophylactic and an equally reliable antidote.

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But are they sane?

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Probably not. Even people who are clinically sane who are prepared to work on gain of function would surely have a very dark, very amoral and utterly reckless dimension at work behind their thinking. Fortifying potentially lethal pathogens is Mengele grade medical malpractice. If the authorities were half-way responsible, they'd revoke the medical qualifications of anyone involved.

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Exactly, yes. There's no scenario where working on weaponized viruses has any upside, and this is so morally obvious, even from a utilitarian standpoint, that the moral sanity of everyone funding and conducting such research is questionable at best.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023Liked by John Carter

Bit of a rambling video... https://m.twitch.tv/videos/1765840549 but the idea is that a corona virus was already circulating the planet like they do constantly (so PCR tests jacked to 40 would see that same matching variant) Then you release Viral clones of the current one in select places at the same time. Think Italy, New York, Wuhan, etc. There are doubts as to gain of function actually being a thing other than propaganda but Viral Clones are used by scientists to study and could be described as having the same concept as a gain of fuction virus. They are much more contagious and virulent at first than the typical virus. While they still degrade with each instance of passing on to the next level. They start at a higher level. Having clones like this released at multiple locations at once plus having it in the background would create the illusion that it is everywhere at once. This is not how normal virus spread btw. People in the know... the infamous "they" ... would just want to avoid the target cities for a while until that settled down. The normal virus circulating was nothing more than a flu and could be treated with the antibiotics and typical respiratory meds whose use was miraculously cut in 1/2 during that time from a normal years useage. This was a binary weapon. The Jabs are the actual weapon. "They" knew not to take the jabs. The antidote is don't take the jab. This is not Dolts botching shit. This is premeditated murder and disability along the lines of using 5.56 rounds to take more people off the battlefield. Yes we are at war.

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Fauci did the research on HCQ in 2005 on Sars1. Chris Witty researched IVM in 2011.

They had the antidotes. I would include nicotine patches in that too.

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I think it was released at the military games. I also had it in January 2020. That was why I didn’t get the shots, because of natural immunity and because they were ham-fisting it with fear and agit-prop. I studied the 20th century totalitarian regimes so I am allergic to that shit. I think I had two or three variants, but I typically get the flu, so maybe not. The first time was definitely weird and “novel”. I think it exists, but I want to know why people keep saying that no lab has isolated the virus yet? And yet we read of furin sites? Huh? And how can a scientist in Africa name a variant but not isolate it? Huh?

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It is also weird to me that people say this.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

It was circulating prior to the military games. Probably at least August 2019. I think we've got a lot of opportunism. They knew it was circulating early on looking at the money trail. To me there has always been something about the jab. There has been a desperation to get a jab into 100% of the population that doesn't make sense and $$$ doesn't explain it. And there has been an incredible loss of the ability to think in the majority of the population. But that happened prior to the virus and the jabs (I'm in Australia where there were few cases of the virus for a long time)

I find the collusion between the chuinese and the US military frightening. The product that was injected into the US population was manufactured in china and delivered to pfizer manufacturing plants to be combined. Reports are that the product was labelled purely in chinese with mixing instructions.

I also think the jabs were more toxic than expected. Hiding the effects hasn't been possible. Too many know of injuries and deaths

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Thanks for the info about the formula being made in China. I wonder how many batches were ruined by inept preparation in the receiving countries. Some researchers found nothing but saline in some vials, and self-building metal creatures in others.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

The quality control (or lack thereof) was appalling. There was no way they could produce a consistent product

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Right! I read once that in conservative red areas the protocols were implemented better than in the blue cities, thus making the shots more lethal in the red voting areas.

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Folsom Labs in China

Read Naomi Wolfe's substack. She also has videos on Rumble.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

I had it March 2020 myself. For me was like getting asthma out of nowhere.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

It is interesting that nobody “important” has died of Covid or the shots. Not a one.

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Yes let’s spread this Thought Crime like a virus. Don’t let them think we forgot.

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Also, CCP and USA (at least) worked together on this. And Eco-Alliance ass holes for Health, however many nations are in that. Also, follow the money trails for the vaccines. I want to see a chart of the oligarchs that profited most, and I want to know if any of them sickened, died, or actually got vaccinated. I don’t think it’s possible to get that chart and trust it, at least as far as the vaccinations. I think Uncle Joe got saline shots.

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I would say rather, elements within the USA and PRC worked together - in particular, those suborned to the WEF.

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Brilliant insight. The intelligence community worldwide works across jurisdictions. There is a good chance that the Western and Chinese agencies have penetrated one another and that corrupt elements within the Chinese IC and the CCP are working with the West to bring down Xi. The West suborned treason within the Soviet IC during the last stages of the Cold War and afterwards and is playing the same game now in China. To complicate matters, Chimerica is a thing. Precisely how the Wuhan operation fits within the relationship between the various factions of the US and Chinese IC is a mystery.

The WEF are not an autonomous collection of Bond villains. They are a front for the Euro oligarchs, used by the Western IC to talent spot/recruit people of interest. As with all complex intelligence operations, there would be multiple levels of intermediation.

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Indeed, all of these groups interpenetrate one another to a ridiculous degree. China and Russia are infiltrated by American influence, but America is heavily infiltrated by Chinese influence.

Insofar as there's something resembling a hidden global government, it isn't a dark smoky room of conspirators. More like a ball of yarn or a thicket - a densely interlinked social network stretching across legislative, intelligence, regulatory, media, industry, finance, and intelligence. Within it are multiple factions that both cooperate and vie with one another as opportunism demands. There's no one really in charge of it.

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Exactly. Essentially the intelligence sector (or the most senior strata) functions as the covert cybernetic element within the regime. Like mafia clans they compete but will always close ranks to protect the sector. And because they cover up what they are up to (above all their use of confidential informants), they become compromised, leading to cover-ups that are later used to spin conspiracy theories. And the psyops units spread misinformation about the sector, muddying the waters still further. The old boy networks and the revolving door ensure that they are integrated into key institutions.

On the bright side, the entropy and incompetence afflicting the wider system seeps into the IC, reducing their capacity. And they recruit heavily from the same sources. Multigenerational members of the covert services often cause trouble (i.e. Kim Philby) or are simply embarrassingly short on talent (i.e., Obama, who was outed by the late Angelo Codevilla, who used to work for the Senate intelligence committee and knew how to spot them).

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Third-generation competence decline is one factor. Then there are the affirmative action hires, who seem y be playing an increasingly prominent role in the alphabet agencies. Very often when these worms are brought out into the light they're less than impressive specimens.

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Some French has also played an important role in the whole scam, like the infamous Institut Pasteur and all those who built the Wuhan lab and other key players at the highest level of government.

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I think you are over the target. The goals likely were 1) screw up the Trump economy, 2) make people into NPCs, 3) cover the looming collapse from ending QE, 4) cull the elderly population to lower costs to care for elderly, 5) get mRNA shots approved and 6) further the Great Reset. Since there were several different overlapping factions, some goals were only held by a few of the factions, instead of all of them.

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I think it was even simpler:

1. screw up the Trump economy in a desperate attempt to prevent his re-election

2. make hundreds of billions of dollars doing it

That's enough motive right there.

Pfauci was clearly pfucking around with viruses for years to convince sheeple to get Pfizer jabs of various kinds. This is just his latest cime. He should hang for it.

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You don't impose planetary lockdowns and vaxx mandates to take down one national leader, no matter how influential. There's no question getting rid of Trump was a priority, but it was not the only goal.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Well yes, there were also the motives of profit and control. They were playing around with Event 201 in Oct 2019, but the failure to remove Trump by impeachment meant they had to accelerate the plan.

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Again, think multiple overlapping factions, multiple goals. Fauci couldn't do all by himself. He needed cooperation of politicians, the WEF, the Deep State, tech oligarchs, the DNC, the RNC, Wall Street, and more. Fauci is a mere pawn in the game.

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Right, Fauci didn't do it all by himself. Those other actors knew about Fauci's creations for years and decided to use his latest one because it looked like Trump had re-election in the bag.

That's the simplest explanation I can think of.

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This one is tough to prove. China did have a big motivation to research coronaviruses as they had a couple of previous SARS attacks. And I can utterly believe that scientists would play gain of function games in order to understand the virus. I know enough scientists. This one fits the personality profile of some people I have known over the years.

The rush to use mRNA vaccines also fits known patterns. Those who invent a new kind of hammer are eager to find an appropriate nail to use it on. Throw in corporate greed and the legal problem of continuing vaccine production after any other remedy is found and you have sufficient motivation to downplay ivermectin. No grand coordinated campaign is necessary.

Finally, I'd note that I have found conspiracy theorists to be notorious in misreading documents. A warning by a government agency gets morphed into a plan by the same agency. I've seen a warning against a totalitarian strategy by a World Economic Forum member interpreted as advocacy for such a strategy. The misinterpretation was so bad that I want to read Klaus Schwab's book for myself to find out what he's really saying -- but the damn book is so boring that I conk out after a few pages.

Just because the government was running SARS drills before COVID-19 hit doesn't mean that the government wanted SARS to hit. Being prepared is what protective agencies are supposed to do.

(But yes, grabbing power is another thing that protective agencies do...)


So, whereas a mix of honest effort plus the usual public choice perverse incentives could explain all that happened, I'd like to point out that Larry Niven wrote a book in 2000 in which elitists manufacture a bug in order to get people to take a vaccine, a vaccine which reduces fertility. See "Saturn's Race".


Also note that COVID-19 hits the eldest the hardest. Our government is going broke making retirement payments...

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I think the best argument against Hanlon's razor, as recently articulated by Morgoth, is that the 'mistakes' made by the elites always seem to error in one direction.

I'm mildly embarrassed not to have known of that Larry Niven book. I've read a great deal of his work. Big fan.

The possibility of the 'vid being intended to thin out the ranks of the boomers occurred to me, but removing 1 in 20 octogenarians doesn't seem like nearly enough to balance the books. Euthanasia, on the other hand....

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It's all in how the elites cash in on a mistake.

For example, the threat of civil disorder could be used to either create a panopticon and create more secret police agencies. Or it could be used to reinvigorate the Second Amendment. DeSantis did the latter, which gives me some orts of hope.

For the former, note Bush's reaction to 9/11. This could have been an excuse to arm pilots, and even create a militia of armed frequent fliers who pass background checks and get some training. Instead, we got the USA PATRIOT Act and the ridiculous security theater at airports today.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

This post certainly opens up Pandora’s Box, again. I agree with Horselover that the main purpose of the virus was to get as many people, especially the young, jabbed. Even so, the virus could have many uses, from disrupting the global economy, creating an Orwellian state in a matter of months before our very eyes, and making us all a little dumber. More like the “cattle” pejorative that the elite enjoy using.

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Certainly the reaction to the virus was used to create a proto-totalitarian situation. But why engineer a virus to do this?

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Assuming that your French is up to it, part of the answer is most likely Patrick Zylberman's TEMPETES MICROBIENNES (Gallimard, 2013). So far untranslated. The blurb available in English is worth a glance.


The wider political significance is best explained by Giorgio Agamben (an Italian philosopher) who has written a great deal over the years about the way the state instrumentalises crises to strengthen its control over people. Agamben has been an exceptionally fierce and lucid critic of the way the pandemic has been handled. He was refused admittance to the US a few years back. Agamben comes from a post-Marxist perspective. Several pieces that he wrote on the pandemic were in the internet buy appear to have been taken down or suppressed. He is a genuine dissident intellectual. This interview may help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=867_5upU55o

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Agamben has been great on this. His articulation of the dynamic whereby the technocratic state reduces humanity to bare life is spot on.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Personally, I vacillate between Brian Mowrey's and J.J. Couey's theories.

As for the 'dumbing effect', I don't really buy into that based on my own experience with Covid, and that of my family's and close friends'; furthermore, your sound, sober and intelligent writing post-Covid is evidence that you have sufficiently recovered.

Lastly, I haven't really been able to move on from this at all. It continues to be a primary focus of mine. Why? Because of the injustice, the insanity, the cruelty, and the epochal social effects of the last three years. It is extremely disheartening to learn that, according to many worldwide polls, a significant portion of humanity (particularly, the young adult cohort) believes that the only mistakes made during this colossal bamboozlement was that government(s) didn't respond more vigorously. Now, how does one come to terms realizing that there will be no justice, no accountability, no reconciliation, and, that this will more than likely happen again? Seriously! How? Because, everyday, I struggle to accept that, according to many of my fellow human beings, this was a justifiable and reasonable human response.

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I suspect the cognitive effects of the virus are temporary. It threw me for a loop for a couple months. Honestly I'm still not sure my brain is fully back to previous performance levels, but I do appreciate your vote of confidence.

It's incredibly frustrating that these people are all trying to escape any sort of accountability for their crimes and outrages, and absolutely maddening that the normies are happy to let them wiggle out the way they are.

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You wrote:

> It's incredibly frustrating that these people are all trying to escape any sort of accountability for their crimes and outrages, and absolutely maddening that the normies are happy to let them wiggle out the way they are.

Trying and getting away with it because of the asymmetry of huge amounts of Big Tech and CCP money. The normies are the same folks who, back in the day, didn’t want to accept that the Emperor was naked.


The child blows the whistle on the normies. We, here, are all that child.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

I quite agree with your sentiment in not being able to move on from this. I experienced the same after ‘waking up’ over the so-called 9/11 episode around 2005. I found myself inclined to try to discuss it at every opportunity - most often to be met with scepticism and a sort of (mostly) polite withdrawal by most ordinary people, also with a degree of almost suspicion. The trouble is that the realisation of the enormity of that crime, outright lies, deception and cover-up by officialdom leads one on to question a great many generally accepted historical narratives and widely accepted scientific theories. Then of course, another set of circumstances come along to ‘guide the herd’ down another path overwhelming last season’s calamity. The younger generation seem to have little understanding or concern for things that took place a decade or two ago, while I in my 60s, cannot forget or let it go.

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9/11 was one of those events that woke a lot of people up, and got them looking at other aspects of consensus reality far more critically. For me it was pivotal.

The JFK assassination had a similar effect.

But both of those pale next to what the coronavirus debacle has meant.

Every time They pull one of these ops, they extend their power a little further ... but they pay a price, because each one of those ops shakes a certain fraction awake, in proportion to the scale of the op, and of these some fraction will keep digging and ultimately free their minds.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by John Carter

I agree with your perspective and with all these personal assessments I believe them while also thinking they are anecdotes that don’t scale to make useful input. We’d had bad illness in our family in the past and the role of timing, ‘influence’ and availability of treatments can really impact how an individual feels afterwards.

I’m not dismissing the personal misery or severity at all - I don’t think it can be ascribed to this disease given all the other things going on.

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Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023Liked by John Carter

Long Covid is such a $Thing these days, but it's generally not permanent, and other illnesses also have longer-term sequelae, a fact which is largely overlooked. Guillain-Barré, for example, has been a result of other viruses in the past.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

I'm leaning towards Fort Deepdix in MD and their very public shutdown in Summer of 2019. It's a BSL4 gov't facility working on the nastiest bugs on Earth. My best guess is their broken exhaust handler was likely broken for a LONG time, probably months. Remember "Evali"? That's what they finally coined as the vaping popcorn lung thing that liquified the lungs of several hundred people that spring/summer. Blamed on 'vapes' the condition had a high fever and often presented in clusters of dead and injured. We know that at least 2 nursing homes near the Deepdix portal experienced... ahem.... nobody will officially talk about it... that summer.

So consider this. It's likely many different pathogens were blown out into the community as early as say.... January of 2019. Once the leak was discovered just imagine the shitstorm of Phear, loathing, and some laughter among the various Dr. evil apparatchiks.

Sarscov2 was merely one of the escaped variants. It survived and prospered mainly because of it's low lethality and extremely high transmission rates unlike "Evali".

Everything we see since then has been an elaborate cover story and profiteering by the cancerous organs of the state intelligence apparatus.

We still call it the "Spanish Flu" over a 100 years later when everyone now knows it came from a militard base in Kansas.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

I see them using an escaped virus as an excuse to get their new mRNA technology established. They've been very worried about synthetic biologics. Any schoolboy can now make some pretty nasty stuff. Add in the fact that the global economy was about to tank and that the pension funds were broke and the indifference to loss of life might start to be explained.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Not quite a schoolboy but certainly possible with 20-30 million for a small private lab. So no state actors are really required anymore.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Your full of shut. I,ve hud covaids 2 tims an d am just az smurt.

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I see what you did there.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

The fact that you're still coming up with words like "enstupidating" and "bedumbening" even after being imbecilated could cause your theory to become somewhat enflattened.

I can't remember where I read it, but someone postulated that the jabs themselves were designed to make people more obedient to the narratives (neurology anyone?), which made the vaccinees ever more difficult to reason with. I thought that sounded pretty crazy at the time. On the other hand...

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That I didn't think of this is proof of viral retardening.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by John Carter

Yes, unfortunately there's that.

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by John Carter

Like a pharmaceutical version of toxoplasmosis.

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Yep, it's a schizopost, but you did warn us.

I almost bailed out halfway through, thinking this page was a lost cause on this subject, but I'm glad I kept going, because you stuck the landing.

Your characterization of the 'no virus' camp is full of confusion and inaccuracy, and because you just wrote your thoughts on the issues, no harm done in my view. I wish there was more open & respectful discussion of the issues you address.

I've been part of the 'no virus' group for more than 20 years, long before there was any group. I came across the work of German virologist/microbiologist Dr. Stefan Lanka around 2002, and because most of his work was in German, and his English was poor, it took me many years and lots of painful research to figure out his arguments. He's been tirelessly exposing the fraud of virology for almost 30 years, with 'the fraud' being the fact that nobody has ever scientifically proven the existence of a virus. I'll spare you the details, not knowing if you're interested.

The 'no virus' people only hold that a 'virus' has never been scientifically proven to exist, not just a 'SARS-CoV-2 virus, but any virus. The virology research claims of more than a century are pure fraud, with the fraudulent methods established by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, which was a leading part of the Rockefeller/Gates takeover and monopolization of medicine in the early 20th century.

That has absolutely nothing to do with 'terrain theory'. Because some of the newbies to the 'no virus' group also happen to believe in terrain theory as a cause of disease does not marry that to the century-long virology fraud. I am not part of the 'terrain theory' camp, and neither is Lanka.

Similarly, what you call 'contagion' has nothing to do with the lack of scientific proof of 'viruses'. Stating that without another explanation for 'contagion' that you like better, you're gonna stick with faith if 'viruses', a theory for which you have no scientific evidence to back up, seems to me to just be a commitment to keeping religion in lieu of reason.

What if this infinitely intelligent reality we live in requires us to let go of the false, irrational beliefs before we can see the paradigm that could be if humans were rational? I suggest that the better explanation you're waiting for will never come unless the mind opens and makes lots of space first.

The 'no-virus' argument also has nothing to do with what did or didn't actually make people sick, or what actually killed people, or whether or not there was a massive military psyop launched in 2020, or whether or not there was a lab in Wuhan that was doing some kind of biological warfare research.

The 'no virus' argument is a matter of science, or at least should be, that sits all by itself. If people were rational, that is.

You did mention that 'covid-19' started as a computer model, and it still is only found as a computer model. Have you not followed Christine Massey's FOIA campaign of the past 2 1/2 years, documenting that no government or research institution in the world, to this day, has proof of isolation of a SARS-CoV-2 'virus'? Her group is well over 250 written responses, and not one claim that such a virus exists.

I do believe your description of your two illnesses that you're calling 'covid', and I do think there's a new, widespread illness that started in late 2019-early 2020. I think it was obvious by March 2020, when the NYC hospitals were filled, that something unusual was happening. Sometime in March 2020, I saw a video from a lead ICU doc in one of the major NYC hospitals, that he recorded at home after a hard shift. He explained the symptoms they were seeing, and that they were nothing like the pneumonia that they'd been told 'covid' would cause. I think his name was Saidel, and I can't find the video anymore. He said people had clear lungs, but had acute hypoxemia, with plummeting blood oxygen saturation, and he'd never seen anything like it before. They were given a protocol that when the blood O2 reached a certain level they had to put the person on a ventilator. He described patients who were sitting up and having normal conversation with him, pleading to not be put on the ventilator, but the hospital did it anyway, and they were all dying. The NYC hospitals literally killed over 90% of all their 'covid' patients in 2020.

So yes, there was/is a new illness that doctors had never seen before, and the cause will likely never be known, because almost everyone believes the virus fiction created by the Rockefellers.

One of the things people would've realized in 2020 if thinking rationally is that hypoxemia is not a lung problem; it's a blood problem. The vast majority had clear lungs; no sign of the claimed 'respiratory virus'. Hypoxemia, when in normal air, means that the blood isn't able to pick up oxygen, so reason suggests looking at the blood. A few smart doctors who did found systemic blood coagulation. And this is why HCQ worked; it's a strong blood alkalizer. Putting someone who has systemic blood coagulation on a ventilator is a death sentence, which obviously was the plan.

Anyway, when I first saw Dr. Saidel's video, my first thought was cyanide, as that's exactly how cyanide kills: systemic blood coagulation. But obviously cyanide presents a major problem with method of exposure, globally. And the 'covid' symptoms were less acute than cyanide exposure, but much longer lasting, and global, so to me that pointed to some new toxin that's poisoning the blood of people all over the planet. And now there's lots of evidence that that's exactly what has happened.

Sorry, my comment is long, so I'll wrap by saying that I think you hit the target with your closing theory of the 'dulling' of humanity in order to make it easier for the rulers to pull off a radical and disruptive agenda. That's always been the true reason for vaccinations, and for fluoride in the water, and mercury in the teeth, and the pervasive poisoning otherwise, but it still wasn't enough, so the poisoning program was radically intensified beginning in late 2019. Now, graphene oxide is in the air we breathe, and it's in the 'covid' vaccines, and it's slowly killing all life on Earth. And everyone is ignoring being poisoned, because they're so sure it's all because of a virus that nobody can find.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Great comment. I remember that young doctor’s video and his observation that the victims had something wrong similar to lack of oxygen seen in altitude sickness. The jabs poison the blood and interfere with red blood cells ability to transport oxygen.

Sasha Ladipova on Substack has pointed out that people have a very exaggerated idea of the ability of a “virus” to “spread.” Much easier to scare ignorant people so that they rush around injecting poisons into each other out of fear.

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Thanks. Yes, that video told us early in the 'pandemic' that it's blood poisoning, not any claimed respiratory virus. About a week after that video, I did a search to see what happened to that doctor, because I knew he'd be in trouble for posting the video. I found a report that he'd been transferred out of ICU and into the ER, and that's the last I heard of him. Would love to find that video again.

Sasha Latypova has indeed pointed out that in the virology labs, when claiming to prove 'transmission' of a 'virus', they can't get the animals sick by just having them living together. They don't even attempt anymore to prove the airborne transmission story, because past experiments never worked. They literally inject ground-up dead animal soup directly into the lungs of the animals to make them sick, never proving any 'virus' in the dead animal they ground up and injected. It's barbaric, and not even close to scientific.

But as you point out, people seem to need the religion of nature attacking them in order to justify the pervasive irrational fear and the anti-nature way we live. Believing the stories and getting the poison injections is easy, because it requires zero personal responsibility.

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Yes. Right around that early time in the operation there was a story about a young Chinese doctor who was alledgedly trying to cast light on what was happening. Next thing you know he “died of covid” and disappeared. There was also a young woman doctor in the Midwest somewhere back during the period when they were venting people Willy Nilly who committed suicide. I had the feeling that she got buffaloed against her better judgement and quickly realized what she had done and was so overwhelmed with guilt and shame she couldn’t live with herself. That was early in the run-up while they were kick-starting the panic and building toward a self-sustaining terror wave. Whatever poisoning tech is at work can’t seem to make a wave by itself. The victims have to co operate in the process. I guess the human immune system is too miraculously effective otherwise.

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Search out Zee Media.com. She has interviews of her and Karen Kingston. This shit is frightening.

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Bingo!!! Do you happen to follow Karen Kingston's substack?

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My working hypothesis for long covid is that in that state of brain fog you lose good habits and build bad ones. That combined with the malaise of late stage bureaucracy/externalized locus of control leads to persistent declines in cognitive performance.

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This is an important insight. Virtuous circles become vicious. Behavioral maladaptations extend the damage done by the initial hit from the virus. How many people fell back into drug addiction or porn addiction due to long COVID induced depression and weakening of executive function?

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

We know from history the CIA et al are willing to do all kinds of experiments with medical treatments (MK Ultra, etc), the global media was already coordinated on messaging. Public was primed to fear a pandemic from multiple movies and video games, doomsayers, even Bill Gates. As well, many looked forward to larping a pandemic.

A very small team could make some nudges in media, release the virue into the targeted spreader population and given the above factors, a small spark blows up into an out of control global firestorm.

Point being I've been very hesitant to believe that such a campaign is within any groups ability to contain or execute. But with all the factors lined up the way they are a few smart people could do this. Very likely most, if not all, global leaders didn't know about it. Who knows, maybe this has been tried many times before and the fuse fizzled out before it hit the powder.

Mayba RNA is the CIA's LSD of this century.

And yes, I do think that we've gotten dumber. And agree it could easily be from the virus/vax combo.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

Very interesting write-up, I have been connecting the dots in a similar way.

Somehow all large events that have unfolded over the last years lead to a rapid altering of society, in which the population is controlled via technology like CBDC's, digital ID's and biometric monitoring. Covid was used to accelerate a lot of this.

An example of this is the seemingly clear divide between east and west, but if you dig a little deeper you see that even in Russia these control measures are being implemented. They locked their population down, used a vaccine developed with help form astrazeneca, implemented digital controls for their population, and are at the forefront of developing a CBDC. China is already mostly there. Even countries like Saudi Arabia are starting concepts like the Line City to herd their population in a nicely controlled environment. Things like 15-minute cities are popping up everywhere in the world.

As to the question of the virus being lab-made, I think it is not the most important question to ask. The question is: why is suddenly every country on earth trying to turn their society into a digital prison using similar technology that is somehow being developed everywhere at the same time? Is this a coordinated effort, or is this somehow a natural evolution of a society in which governments are upping their ever present efforts to increase their hold on populations? I tend to think it is the former.

All roads lead to to a digital prison society with a dumb, obedient peasant population being lorded over by a small clique of technocrats.


Edit: on feeling dumber after the infection, I seriously feel this way (I am not vaccinated, and had covid twice if you believe the PCR tests). It feels as if my mind moves slower, and it feels as if the people around me have the same problem. For me this was the worst immediately post-covid, and is slowly improving. Having said that, it is just a feeling that cannot be objectively quantified.

Edit 2: I very much doubt the narrative that lots of people on here have about the elites being some sort of all powerful secret nazis dead set on depopulation. Besides some anecdotes from people like Gates wanting to reduce the world population and this having some relation with vaccines, there is not much clear evidence for this. If this were true, then why would they allow the population of africa and much of asia to explode? This has been made possible with western technology en free aid to these countries. Why do they import turd-worlders en masse into the first world? It just doesn't make sense.

What would make more sense, is that there is a depopulation agenda for whites mainly of western european descent, and to a lesser extent high iq east asians (for example japan). Somehow all major governmental policies of these countries (feminism, anti-natalism, mass immigration) result in less of these people, and more of low iq immigrants.

I think the results of this fit perfectly with the creation of a digital prison society. For this, you need a dumb compliant population, not a high iq population with a tradition of independence and toppling dictators (founding stock americans being a prime example of this).

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Excellent comment. The depopulation theorists always conveniently overlook Africa, where the globalists are doing everything in their power to encourage population explosion. Which suggests that the goal is not, actually, to kill everyone off.

It's only smart humans they want gone.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

One of the features of reported history that has alway fascinated me is the report that in many cases, the financiers of wars financed both sides of a conflict. Which means that these financiers were confident that things are arranged in such a way that they can remain insulated and protected from the armies they are enabling the formation of. How is this possible? It must be that they know there is always a ready supply of ambitious leaders they can raise and shift their support behind to unmake any pyramid they have made. It must be a matter of attrition--they can just keep supplying fuel until whoever they wish to undermine is fatally weakened “seven ways from Sunday” by the next aspirants they choose to assist. The art of ruthless management of conflicts must be such that a little guy with a briefcase can remain in control of huge juggernauts by controlling the foci of their attention to carry out the huge destructive and constructive work of forcing groups of people to do what you want them to do, which is kill large numbers of each other.

In the case of this covid scam it was necessary to get billions of people to forget/ignore that it takes a minimum of 10+years cautious testing/monitoring to produce a “vaccine” that a sane person could allow themselves to be injected with because they were at least armed with some carefully collected statistics to understand more accurately what their chance of a bad side effect was. This most basic caution used to be common knowledge for every six-year-old, part of “don’t put that in your mouth because it could be poison” lessons from infancy. Just this one guardrail should have been enough to protect people from what has happened, but they were successfully stampeded past it from behind by the media engine, while being led by line-dancing Judas Goat “medical professionals” in front. This made it possible to effect the very efficient murder of what may well turn out to be billions of people. The sheer work of administering billions of injections is a vast undertaking, but the script was the same one used during the Spanish Flu. It had masks and the injection of “serums” and people were stampeded into not noticing that everywhere the serums went, the “flu” seemed to “spread.” (There is an interesting interview between Dr. Thomas Cowan and an engineer named Shimon who studied this.)

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If they truly created a bioweapon that made everyone stupider kudos to them. I didn't think such a feat was possible. Me thinks you're on the right track though, with a few more missing steps.

There's one rabbit hole you haven't been down. Perhaps in thought, but not in writing.



Barrie Trower knows. They refused to award him his research PhD at Essex on this. In the UK, a PhD is needed for expert witness testimony in court cases. They refused his, and banned him from campus for 30 years. If Sci fi is your thing, follow the 5G is a weapon trail and G.O. tipped pokers causing anosmia. At the end of this rabbit hole you don't even need a virus. When I got sick last April for the first time in 16 years (flu/covid etc), I checked nperf site two weeks later and they had just put this shit up on my street outside my building.


Inject people with G.O., spray GO in the skies (geoenginwatch dot org), infect them with pokers. Control them via 5G frequencies with 100k above in LEO and millions on every street corner. You can make them sick, detached, nervous, stupid, suicidal, homicidal.


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Mar 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

I agree with TGC. I hadn't been sick in at least 5 years. A few months ago, I had something for more than a week. I had severe headache and neck pain, felt like I had meningitis/encephalitis, lost my sense of smell, and couldn't taste coffee for months. I spent all my sick time, when I wasn't sleeping, on my lap top.

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If I hear someone saying the loss of smell or taste during a cold is a "novel" phenomenon one more time, I am going to lose my shit.

Call me a crazy old bat, but waaaaay back in the 1970s when I was a wee child, I remember people saying all the time: "You know, when you have a cold, if you bite into an apple and a raw potato, you won't be able to tell the difference - because when you have a cold, you often lose your sense of smell and taste."

Does anyone else remember this?

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I genuinely never heard of this before, but wasn't around in the 70s.

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Yes. Thank you. A sane person!

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I remember that, but I thought it was from the congestion. However, I'm pretty sure anosmia is a symptom of other contagious illnesses also.

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AFAIK it's fairly unique, actually.

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