“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
In Rotherham, site of the most infamous of the Pakistani ‘grooming’ gangs that targeted at least 1400 ten-year-old white girls with false friendliness and hard drugs to transform them into junkie rape toys, the locals gathered during the rioting to torch a hotel containing ‘asylum-seeking’ migrants.



So far as I know they didn’t succeed in burning the building to the ground with all occupants trapped inside, as in a good-old-fashioned Viking hall-burning.
Indeed, so far as is known, not a single person has lost their life in the unrest. Pause to appreciate that remarkable fact.
Two-Tier Keir was particularly inflamed about the Rotherham hotel-burning, calling it out specifically in his declaration of war upon the English people. As with everything this vicious weasel has done since the Troubles came to England, this invocation of the name of Rotherham almost seemed like a calculated insult. He and his kind stood back and did nothing, no, they ran cover for the Pakistani rape gangs because they didn’t want to be suspected of racism. Or so they say. There are rumours that some of them were getting paid in kind by the gangs.
Which wouldn’t be at all surprising.

As an aside, the ‘grooming’ gangs were not – are not, it is still going on – limited to Rotherham. It’s estimated that tens of thousands of White girls have been victimized by them.
Naturally, the left was outraged by the hotel burning. There were children in that hotel, they insisted. They left is very concerned for children, so long as they aren’t White. And, maybe there actually were children, and if so that would be truly horrible. Unlike the left, I deplore the endangerment of children of any colour.
The propagandists do love showing us pictures like this.
But we also know how the left loves to infantilize their pets … that their definition of ‘child’ is remarkably elastic.
And the truth is, the vast majority of the migrants seem to look a lot more like this.
Supposedly, this is video from inside the Rotherham Holiday Inn, during the attempted hotel burning.

Looks like women and children to me, bigot.
The simple fact is that young men, from all around the world, have been rushed into our countries, for ‘humanitarian reasons’, by the millions, in a matter of just a few years, and they’re nestled inside large existing pockets of legal immigrants from the same countries.
The globalists have brought in armies.
The arrangement is all delightfully roundabout and deniable. The foreign young men are brought in bypassing normal border controls, which under almost any other historical circumstance would already be considered an act of war. They are then paid stipends by their employers, in the form of room and board and spending money, which comes via the benefits the state generously provides. They are housed in large numbers in strategic areas, and then given free reign to wander about the local premises. The state then turns a blind eye to their various forms of criminal predation, while harshly punishing any protective retaliation on the part of the natives.
The young men are not ‘asylum seekers’, that’s just some nonsense the state tricked half the population into believing because it already had them hypnotized by the civic religion of Civil Rights. For example, look at this deliriously happy lesbian clasping her hands in glee as a brown man – a Labour councillor, no less – calls for the throats of ‘Nazis’ i.e. White people to be slit.
He was arrested, following public pressure, in a blatant PR ploy to try and nullify the two-tier policing charge. See, one brown guy was punished for words! Never mind the hundreds of White men arrested for mean tweets. Never mind that one of Starmer’s first acts in office was to empty the prisons of violent rapists and murders, in order to free up space for White men who say naughty things on the Internet. The system is completely fair.
These young men are not asylum seekers. They are welfare mercenaries: an army of undisciplined aliens brought over to brutalize the local population for a paycheck. Occupying their own cities with mercenaries is a thing tyrants do, and our managerial states have become nothing if not tyrannical.
Given that, it isn’t at all surprising that an angry mob of masked, crusader-caped locals showed up at the hotel to intimidate, smash windows, and set fires.
“Women and children!” the propagandists say.
A paramilitary garrison recruited from third-world hellpits, sane people with eyes say.
Sanity is racist, of course.
But then again, if the English – and everyone else – had been racist for the last twenty or thirty years, none of this would have happened.
It’s not like it was difficult to foresee.
The next step will be for the welfare mercenaries to professionalize. The government has announced a new rapid reaction force for mosque security. Given persistent recruitment shortfalls in the disgraced police and the rotting military, it wouldn’t be at all surprising if they started deputizing mosque defence to local defence militias drawn from their surrounding communities, which would essentially be license for immigrant areas to militarize. There’s already a Muslim Defence League, which the British government doesn’t seem to have a problem with.

What do you want to bet the young men housed in that hotel in Rotherham are going to do as the mosque defence forces ramp up? Why, they’ll join those state-sanctioned militias, probably meaning the state is about to put melee weapons and, perhaps, firearms into their hands. Ultimately in their tens if not hundreds of thousands.
For their safety, you see.
Yours, well, that’s not so much of a concern.
Word was that the Muslim Defence League were out in force in Birmingham, beating up random old White men under suspicion of being members of the English Defence League (which was disbanded a decade ago, but never mind) ... proving once again that ‘racist’ is nothing more than a racial slur for White people. The police did nothing, of course.
A few days later hordes of Muslims and other ragtag diversity were out in several different cities at once, brandishing knives and machetes, once again in order to ‘defend themselves’.

In this case it seems that someone spread a rumour that there were going to be multiple anti-immigration rallies across the country, thereby galvanizing the dildos-and-melanin crowd to come out looking for a fight, only to stand there looking foolish. Some have crowed that this was a prank by right-wingers, and while this would be very funny if so, it seems unlikely in light of the slick, professional signage being waved about by the lower primates deleriously fellating the regime, to say nothing of the coordinated media messaging that erupted across newstands the next day.
It seems far more probable that the rumours of phantom anti-immigration rallies were planted and disseminated by state intelligence and associated private sector consulting firms, which then coordinated a ‘response’ across the astroturf activist NGOs and primary state propaganda platforms. The obvious goal is to wrest back control of the narrative by insinuating that the majority of the British people stand with the occupation government, while those struggling for national liberation are a tiny minority of low-status thugs.
Meanwhile Two-Tier Keir is moving aggressively along multiple fronts to smash the nascent uprising. Whether the riots will continue this weekend remains to be seen. They probably won’t – riots tend to burn themselves out in a week or so – but just in case, Starmer is keeping a ‘standing army’ (his words) of 6000 riot cops ready to deploy anywhere at a moment’s notice. There have already been hundreds of arrests, and the Crown Prosecution Service is working overtime to charge, try, convict, and imprison those rebels dumb enough to commit mischief while wearing identifiable clothing in a surveillance state. The ones who tried to burn down the Rotherham hotel are in for a particularly rough time: that’s likely an attempted murder charge. Then again, people are being sent away for years in the UK for mean tweets...
On the subject of mean tweets, the UK’s occupation government is now talking about having the citizens of other countries arrested and extradited to the UK for their mean tweets. They’ve been getting dragged hard for that, because it just sounds so absurd on the face of it, but it’s possible this is more than power-inebriated hubris. The UK is one of the Five Eyes countries, which mutually spy on one another’s citizens and then share the intelligence as a way of getting around domestic surveillance laws that prevent them from spying on their own citizens. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if, behind closed doors, they have also been talking about holding one another’s citizens accountable to one another’s laws. In practice this would mean that the laws of the most repressive country would apply to everyone. The globalist war criminals could then dispense with the tedious chore of getting the same repressive laws passed in each of their managerial jurisdictions.
We can probably also expect the full panoply of extralegal repressive measures to be deployed: takedown notices on social media; police house calls to enforce ‘non crime hate incident’ notices; debanking of independent media outlets. The works.
Word is that the state will now be dispersing its welfare mercenary garrisons, spreading the burden out to rural communities, as it were. Currently, in addition to hotels, the welfare mercenaries are being barracked in old military bases, such as the RAF Weathersfield site in Essex:
Or RAF Scrampton, in Lincolnshire:
We probably shouldn’t overinterpret the fact that military facilities are being used to quarter the migrant formations, but the symbolism is hard to ignore.
Dispersing welfare mercenary squads throughout the countryside is an aggressive move, as it will mean the occupation forces descend directly on every shire in the country, with all the joyful looting, raping, and murdering that promises to accompany their arrival. Bringing welfare mercenaries directly into contact with small, previously homogeneous villages that liked it that way will remove the one refuge that white British still have from diversity, leaving them nowhere left to run. This is likely to spark further reaction.
The Irish have already been responding to their own occupation government’s program of garrisoning their villages with welfare mercenaries with wildcat arson of vehicles or buildings intended for transport or housing of the occupation forces, though not (yet) with people inside the building as the enraged Rotherhamians just tried to do. Those smaller garrisons require a lot more resources to keep track of and protect.
Look, I don’t condone rioting, or burning down migrant reception centres, or what have you. Rioting is ineffective, at best, and counterproductive, at worst. The most likely thing it accomplishes is getting you arrested, to absolutely no good effect.
But I’m also not going to sit here and condemn such actions.
Let us say that I understand.
This is a war. A low-intensity war, to be sure, a war in its very earliest stages, but a war nonetheless.
It is a guerrilla war, of partisans struggling for the liberation of their people from a state that tyrannizes, robs, oppresses, tortures, insults, imprisons, and silences them.
A state which has spent decades gradually ramping up Interahamwe propaganda that depicts them as brutish, ignorant, drunken, indigent, foolish, incompetent, hateful, subhuman, and beneath contempt.
A state which has begun to insist that there is no such thing as the English people, that ‘ethnically British’ is an invalid category, indeed that Anglo-Saxons don’t even exist, while its propaganda organs erase them from their own history and myths.
notes, if current trends continue, by the mid-2030s White British (and what a reprehensibly redundant term that is, akin to ‘biological woman’) will be a minority in British schools. It’s been estimated that by 2056, Whites could be an absolute minority in the UK, although that projection was done all the way back in 2010, before migration rates went to warp 10, so it must be taken as an optimistic scenario.
Here’s what that looks like geographically (sort of - the hexagons are normalized to constant population size or something). Note that these are the projections if migration is largely curtailed. Ethnic displacement is already baked into the cake due to differential TFR.
Say, that looks familiar.
This is a state which is engaging in a long, patient, systematic genocide of its own people: erasing their culture and history, holding down their fertility, and inviting in foreign tribes to push them off of their land.
I do not think the English people will take this lying down. To the contrary, some of them, at least, seem to be remembering whose cross adorns their ancient banner.
Only 14% of the British population voted Reform, and can be presumed to be so deeply against autogenocide that it is their primary issue. This is dwarfed by the combined electoral weight of those casting their votes for Labour, the Lib Dems, or the Greens. A good half of the citizens of the UK support some form of civil rights liberalism, whether in its blandly managerial corporatist variety or in the loonier socialist flavours. They support the system because they benefit from it, and they benefit from it because they work inside of it. It is literally their job to genocide their own people.
That said, most polls show a majority – if a slim majority – of the British population oppose mass immigration. Since those polls presumably include the 18% of the population who are non-white immigrants, who presumably overwhelmingly support mass immigration, it can be assumed that a sizable majority of the actual British people oppose immigration.
Not that it matters. Voting certainly isn’t going to accomplish anything. That’s been tried, for over twenty years. Given demographic realities, voting becomes less likely to solve things with every passing year.
That leaves ... other methods.
There’s almost no end to the kind of mayhem that small cells of dedicated mischief-makers could get up to. One wonders about the newfound solidarity between the Northern Irish republicans and the Ulster Unionists. Might there be quiet knowledge transfer workshops meeting in dark basements underneath out-of-the-way pubs in quiet little towns, in which grizzled Irish veterans pass on their highly specialized, long-dormant skill-sets to their former enemies? Sure, many of those guys just turned into opportunistic gangsters after the Troubles wound down, using their skills and networks to smuggle drugs; some others are nothing more than communists. But some - many, I suspect - love their land and people dearly, and must be feeling a wrenching ache in their hearts at what has happened to their homeland.
So what might such resistance cells get up to?
Systematic sabotage of surveillance cameras is practically de rigeur.
Burning migrant reception centres is an obvious play.
Burning immigrant-owned businesses is another.
Burning businesses that employ immigrants would be a logical extension from there.
That’s just to start. Relatively peaceful, in comparison to what could follow should things continue to escalate.
Consider IEDs left in the road for buses transporting welfare mercenary detachments.
Burning the houses of police officers wouldn’t be surprising. Or simply assassinating police officers. During Colombia’s Dirty War, Pablo Escobar put a price on the head of every cop in Medellin. When the police drove by everyone took cover, because everyone knew it was only a matter of time before some desperate favela rat took a shot at them.
Targeted assassinations of politicians, senior bureaucrats, propagandists, Muslim ‘community leaders’, and anyone else in the enemy chain of command would hardly be unprecedented in such a conflict. Car bombs, luggage bombs, first-person-view suicide drones. Practically any commercially available drone can be turned into a weapon, it’s just a matter of attaching explosives. Sure, heads of state and senior cabinet ministers and so on can be provided security. But what about when everyone working for the state is a target?
Bombings of government facilities are not inconceivable. Remember Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City FBI facility?
How about mass shootings of the kind perpetrated by Anders Breivik or Brenton Tarrant, directed at mosques, or at schools with majority immigrant populations, or, once again, at government facilities? Imagine the carnage a handful of Breiviks could cause at the Home Office.
Of course there would be reprisals. The British state would become even more of a police state than it already is, and the Islamic community would take revenge after their own barbaric fashion. It would be just like Northern Ireland, with the state caught between the unionists and the republicans.
Look, I do not want things to escalate to that level, okay? I am not advocating any of this. The thought of it fills me with horror. A generation of low-intensity warfare will leave Great Britain an impoverished ruin. No one builds or invests in a country beset by violent ethnic conflict, so you can say goodbye to London’s status as a centre of global finance ... especially as the financiers themselves are very likely to be high-priority targets. Innocents will get caught in the crossfire – children, on both sides. Men will stain their souls with war crimes, and become beasts. These kinds of things invariably degenerate into terrorism and the terrorists always end up as criminal gangs; even if they win, they’re a curse on the land for a generation afterwards.
There’s an easy way to stop this nightmare from spiralling into Hell on Earth.
But that’s off the table. To the contrary, the occupation government intends to accelerate migration, and has embarked on a program of native repression. So long as the occupation government remains in power, escalating low-intensity guerrilla warfare is essentially inevitable.
Isn’t that just smashing?
It would take a miracle to avert this.
Royal intervention could be such a black swan. There’s no hope of this from Chuckles, the ‘Defender of All Faiths’ (and therefore none), who finally broke his silence on the riots to offer a milquetoast statement about ‘compassion’ and ‘community spirit’. Perhaps we might look to his son? If Prince William came riding out of Buckingham Palace adorned in the blazing glory of hisfull military regalia to give a stirring speech to the world in which he threw the weight of the Crown behind the cause of the ancient peoples of Albion, things could change in a heartbeat.
The government would be thrown into chaos. The people would rise up. Parliament would be dissolved by military loyalists, who would lead away the traitors who slither through its halls in blackbags and zipties, sending them into perpetual exile in the Orkneys. Collaborators on local councils would be subjected to citizen arrest. Oh, there would be riots in immigrant-occupied zones, sure. But there would be no shortage of volunteers to put the riots down, and put the rioters on one-way flights. There would be protests from the ‘international community’, as well ... at least until William the Liberator’s shining example inspired similar uprisings in the Crown’s Dominions.
This is surpassingly unlikely. At no point in their wretched history have the Windsors shown anything but contempt for the people they rule. All indications are that they are passive collaborators in the dispossession of Albion and her various colonies. There is no sign that William has the mettle necessary to grasp the mantle that destiny offers him.
As I said, it would take a miracle.
But this is a time for miracles.
Prove us wrong, William.
Be the man history calls you to be.
Barring a miracle, the darkness that has spread over the land will deepen. The Anglo-Saxons, the Welsh, the Scots, and the Irish will face a protracted, desperate struggle in which the only options are annihilation on the one hand, and ruin on the other. Should they be defeated, fifteen hundred years of Anglo-Saxon history, and thousands of years in the case of the Cymry and the Irish, will be drawn to an ignominious close, all because a cabal of traitorous communists seized control of the state apparatus for a few decades.

But while violence is inevitable, it is unlikely to save Great Britain on its own. War is politics by other means; politics is war by other means. Well-spoken public-facing diplomats are absolutely essential. This enables the violence to be used as a negotiating tactics. “Look, we are reasonable men. We abhor violence. But there are those who are ... less reasonable ... so if you don’t parley with us, we can’t be held responsible for the crazy things they might do...” This was the dynamic between MLK and Malcolm X, it was the dynamic between Sinn Fein and the IRA, and it’s the dynamic the Muslims use. The combination of silver tongue and cold steel is very effective.
Particularly when arrayed against those who deceive with wooden tongues that they may steal our future in cold blood.
Political cadres are essential for another reason: a credible counter-elite is absolutely crucial. The resistance forces of the British peoples need to be able to point to well-presenting, intelligent men who are more than merely spokesmen, more than just entertainers and journalists, but who constitute a plausible alternative to whom to hand power. Young, smart, fit, charming, uncompromising in their patriotism, and uncompromised by involvement in the festering cesspool of traitors and pedophiles that the exhausted occupation regime has become.
If you’re reading this, don’t throw your freedom away for the chance to throw a brick at a cop.
Albion needs you for greater things.
Thank you for taking the time to read this missive which, careful as I have tried to be, still probably puts me on Keir ‘Stalin Is My Spirit Animal’ Starmer’s shitlist, or at any rate probably violates UK law. Insofar as the UK still has laws. If you know people who might enjoy it, you should
If you really enjoyed it, you should
So that you don’t miss whatever I write about next … which, God willing, won’t be British metapolitics.
As always, a million gold-wrapped thank-you’s to my patrons, whose generosity enables me to keep the lights on here, paying the bills by pissing on tired platitudes of the technocrats, tyrants, globalists, and other assorted vermin animals that have unaccountably wrested control of our civilization away from men of genuine nobility.
"welfare mercenaries" sums it up perfectly. and when the State runs out of money, or the mercenaries feel like they aren't paid enough-- then they'll just be gangsters.
Beautiful written and thorough. Worth saving for later reference.
Something I read recently, which struck a chord: Kindness to your enemies is cruelty to your own children. Cruelty to your enemies is the highest kindness to your children.