"welfare mercenaries" sums it up perfectly. and when the State runs out of money, or the mercenaries feel like they aren't paid enough-- then they'll just be gangsters.

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Precisely so. Mercenaries have a tendency to go rogue the moment they feel it's in their material interests.

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That's exactly what the hordes of Indians in Canada will become - and actually are becoming. There are only so many Walmarts, gas stations and coffee shops where they can be "employed" at. They are fighting over crumbs, and are increasingly being recruited into organized car theft rings and other criminal activity. And like in the UK, they are being spread far and wide into small towns across Canada, to the point where very soon Canada will have its own "Rotherams" in towns like Swift Current, Timmins, Prince Albert and every suburb of every city in the country.

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One hundred percent, yes. It is the same regime in the end, the same people, the same tactics, the same end state

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I think the *only* thing that may put a stop to this are the millions of armed, well-honed hunters and bushmen among First Nations and Northern Ontario/Alberta types that can only be pushed so far.

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Would that there are millions of such men. Though I don't think so many are required.

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We'll see. I think across the West there is a demographic of men coming of age that are faced with some pretty stark choices. Historically, it doesn't usually end well.

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Unfortunately true. For now. Vancouver is anticipating more hordes and building like crazy. Real Estate in Vancouver is about the dirtiest shit ever, as bad or worse than NYC. Port city after all, massive trafficking. HA rules to ports, only 3% of containers are ever checked. There's also human feces everywhere. Depressing.

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Hindus are maybe annoying but mostly harmless in Western countries. They are allies against Islam and India is meant to join the West over time, it is prophetic.

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But remember, once Indians get into corporations and public institutions, they only hire other Indians. Eventually, talented whites will have to leave Canada to get decent jobs.

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How are Indians the only control of public institutions and corporations? Canada is huge and nobody can afford to waste talent. At the core whites have forgotten how to exercise power and own property.

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Because companies like IBM outshopped middle management jobs to India. As those managers rose through the ranks, they eventually were able to take on senior roles at HQ.

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I read that as Indians, not East Indians. But the ”gas station” bit has me thinking I’m wrong. The Hindus are essentially pacifists; the Sikhs, on the other hand, are far more politically driven.

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>The Hindus are pacifists


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Er, Brampton would like a word...

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Who cares? They don't belong and aren't wanted.

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Whether mercenaries become gangsters or conquerors depends on their numbers and how well armed they are.

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Brownshirts works also.

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Beautiful written and thorough. Worth saving for later reference.

Something I read recently, which struck a chord: Kindness to your enemies is cruelty to your own children. Cruelty to your enemies is the highest kindness to your children.

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Great quote. Who said this?

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It was in a book by Clay Martin called, “Barbarian Spirit.” I have high regard for both you and Clay. Read his book with an open mind… when you finish, you will ask yourself, “What did I just read?” Recommend reading his “Wrath of Wendigo” first, if possible.

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BTW, that quote and his book, have made me rethink everything I’ve seen from from parents in defense of their children from the homosexual and transgender groomers, and the illegal immigration enablers. If we don’t protect our children, from obvious and known depravity, what sort of men are we?

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But the point about the "grooming gangs" was that they preyed on girls in care who had no functioning family ties. Both the police and social workers ignored their plight because they were the children of the lowest of the working class and often drug addicts.

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And, crucially, because they were White. If they'd been lower class girls of any other group the authorities would not have turned a blind eye.

As to drug addicts: yes, and the rape gangs made them that way.

Not the parents.

Stop blaming the victims.

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No, not because they were white. That is a very American perception. The parents of these girls were mostly from mining villages in South and West Yorkshire, where drug addiction was rife after the closing of the mines. Social work departments took children from the worst affected families and placed them in care homes. It was these care homes that were targeted by the gangs. Girls were not taken off the streets nor from outside ordinary schools. The gangs knew that the girls in the homes were vulnerable and that no one in authority would protect or even care about the fate of the girls.

As for "other" groups, the mining villages were tight, homogeneous societies. A few Bangladeshis might have run Indian restaurants, but that would be about all. Mining was not an industry that attracted immigrants.

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not good men is the sort

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Wrath of the Wendigo is fantastic. Part novel, part historical speculation, part manual.

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Honestly, until we are all shouting for boggings, hangings, and lynchings, I will continue to think we are being weak. Everything else is useful, sure, but the end all be all is the destruction of our enemies. In time, people will change their rhetoric. It can't come fast enough.

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Following fair, public tribunals carried out according to the letter of English Common Law.

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Distillation. We are being distilled by the state. They light a fire and as things heat up the most volatile are siphoned off. Gradually the temperature is raised and the less volatile elements are siphoned off. They are using Divide and Conquer based on courage and patriotic sentiment. There is only one good way out that I can see. Our side needs to turn up the heat rapidly so that everything boils over, and ignore their promises of a return to normalcy, which they will make if they think things are turning against them. Just because king John was forced to sign the Magna Carta didn't mean he planned to honor it.

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I feel the same way about the global mass murder via mRNA injections.

Even just publicly calling for the hanging of everyone who mandated that poison helps to protect us all, making it a moral duty to put the idea of hangings in the minds of the people, and of the criminals:


It also seems entirely just to me to hang every politician who injects a country with masses of less-than-ideal immigrants. It's another kind of deliberate poisoning on a mass scale.

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Bio-weapons are the name of the game, whether they were made in a lab or bred on the savanna, it all means death for us.

Be more vocal, be more revolutionary in thought and action. We will go down fighting, at least. It feels good to know I am not alone in resisting the vaccines and the liberalization. The existence of our people is non-negotiable!

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If it's really "think tanks" funded by global corporations telling the politicians what to do, then those think tanks and corporates are perhaps even more due for justice than the politicians are:


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There are hordes of Sudanese savages currently killing each other in Calais over who gets a place in the boats bringing them to England. Savages. Savages who will be landing on our shores and then housed within our towns and villages in the coming months. I will now self-censor.

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Unfortunately you've probably already said too much for Stalin Starmer’s liking…

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Starmer the Harmer can do one!

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Off to Miniluv with you

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"These young men are not asylum seekers. They are welfare mercenaries: an army of undisciplined aliens brought over to brutalize the local population for a paycheck."

Solid reporting. Thank you.

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Solid because it is so simple. Sometimes simple it’s all we need.

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Dante placed traitors in the deepest part of his imagined hell. By destroying trust, they destroy society.

Clearly, people of the West inhabit a One World Government already. Our oligarchy shuffles our "leaders" in and out on a whim (Ardern, Truss), selects diaper-soiling idiots to lead its most important franchise just for giggles (and cackles), and makes the French vote twice when they find the results of the first election unsatisfactory.

The most distressing thing about this is that a good number of citizens are oblivious to it, and even offer full-throated support of it. Acts of perversion and the destruction of innocent human life in the womb are sacramental rituals in this satanic world. These people have wandered away from the Light. We are all going to pay the price for their blindness.

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Winning over the hypnotized, or at least neutralizing their agency, is absolutely essential. That so many still support the odious regime is perhaps the single biggest obstacle to overthrowing it.

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Winning them over could take many forms. I’ll point to your example of people avoiding police cars out of fear.

Agreement isn’t necessary. Compliance is. I suppose you’d put that under neutralizing their agency, but making it more obvious for the peanut gallery.

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A simple test for John Henry Holiday’s thesis: show this article to 10 people who you know. You will be disowned by 9 of them.

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William is the same man as Chuckles, I've more confidence of Starmer turning nationalist than him. Britain is doomed to Civil War, if she does not do a Revolution that overthrows the Hanovers and their governments.

This seems to be the fate of Britain sadly, let us hope a miracle strikes Revolution happens and it is as bloodless as possible and Remigration is near the top of the new government's priority list.

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As I said - it would be a miracle.

I'm certainly not holding my breath for any bold action from William.

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The male line of Hannover has always been disappointing, more so in the twentieth century. Maybe there is a branch of the family that hasn't degenerated yet.

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This was your one bad call in this incredibly depressing piece. William is a dyed in the wool globalist wokist. He's just not stupid enough to have compromised his and his wife's popularity by personal moral misdeeds. He's all about plausibility, and is a complete snake. He is absolutely 100% his malignant narcissist mother's son.

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Sadly, that is very likely.

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More likely is a Moseley. But what is needed is a Cromwell. And as you say, a persuasive counter-elite from whom such a person might emerge.

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Direct the moslems to go looting in well-to-do neighbourhoods.

That solves the problem quite quickly.

Inform moslems that Antifa et al aim to convert moslem children to homosexual atheists (not even a lie, as such). It yields dividens as you wouldn't believe.

For such as Starmer, they have a choice:

Blindfold, or no blindfold.

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Yes, clever misdirection like this could work quite well, exploiting the natural fracture points in their alliance.

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This is the primal strategy of our ancient racial Enemy, the contagious Bronze Age slaveraider cult:

A permanent minority gets its enemies to kill each other.

How? By whispering stories, stories to both sides.

"Hypnotized by the civic religion of Civil Rights" is the finest phrase in the 21st Century English language. It is the Summa of all that assails us.

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It was working in Michigan before Oct 7.

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Some of the old Apache methods would more fitting for a vile traitor like Starmer.

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Ants? Hooks? Haircuts? All good ideas.

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I've come up with a few good ones myself. Will pass them along to the tribunals when these criminals are due for sentencing.

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The suggestion box will overflow, I'm sure.

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Careful. Someone might accuse you of fedposting.

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I am sure we are all on their list.

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Do we know who is importing all these "people?"

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In fact, we do.

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Who’s behind it? Who funds the journey? I feel these might be the people that we should be thinking of eliminating.

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Various United Nations organizations, NGOs, Soros of course, a number of large religious charities.

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Always loved "Chato's Land".

And I'm the guy who argues that people who insist on preferential treatment based on religion/race/whatever, should therefore also suffer the punishments of the religion/race/whatever in question.

My oh my, but I do believe things would quiet down all over, after the initial rush.

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The Apaches, along with the Sioux and even the Comanches, were thoroughly pacified by a relative handful of soldiers backed by the power of the state. We’ll have to do much better than that.

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Those blood-thirsty lesbians and their troll coppers will be the first to be tossed off the rooftops, but I suspect their self-hatred is blinding them to this fact. It's white women like them that will be the first to strap on the bombs before entering Tube stations. They strike me as the same dead-eyed, burka-clad zombies that the Taliban and ISIS used as human IED's in Afghanistan and Iraq, lining up to martyr themselves in the name of Replacement.

As for children, Mark Steyn has said that we are at the literal child-sacrifice stage of post-national multiculturalism, and that seems to be playing out.

And as for Starmer, he's reminding me more and more of a wretched, evil amalgam of Honecker and Ceausescu, and deserves the fate of the latter.

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Starmer has already earned infamy, in just slightly over a month.

If he lasts out the full five years - big if, that - he may go down as the worst tyrant in British history.

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In five years I think Britain will be a hollowed-out hellscape of ruin and despair that would make Czechoslovakia c. 1978 seem like paradise. He will rule over ashes.

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Him, or whoever inherits the mess. Collapsing countries have a tendency to rotate through prime ministers very quickly.

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Addendum, and you might want to remove this, even ban me if you need to cover your back, which is a-okay with me:

The one, only, slution for any "white" nation?

Ethnic cleansing.

There, cat out of the bag.

Ethnic cleansing.

The arguement "Achmed at the chip-shop is a nice bloke" is as hearing a trojan saying "#notallgreeks".

Edit: Please note that ethnic cleansing doesn't mean "kill'em all"; it means remove people of undesirable ethncicity and repatriate them to their land of origin.

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Just another term for remigration, really.

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Burning down asylum centers during their construction phase seems like an effective containment strategy (I say, in a purely detached evaluative capacity), though the kind of migrants can actually run businesses wouldn't be my first priority for arson, personally. I would mention that the provo IRA were at their most effective when they were bombing london's financial district but phoned ahead to let civvies evacuate. High pressure on the elites, minimum body-count.

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Speaking of a hypothetical scenario, it'd be more cost-effective to let the work be completed and then ruin the building in some way.

That way, they have to eat the cost of building and tearing down and rebuilding.

Even more effective would be consecutive strikes against the construction companies' machines, stores, and other projects, ruining machinery and creating costs.

Reason: their insurance companies would refuse paying out the insurance after the first five-six times multi-million equipment is destroyed.

Methods there are a-plenty, methods that do not put people's lives in danger in the slightest, but I'll have to leave that to anyone's conscience, creativity and intelligence.

A final note: avoid grandstanding. The point is making the current policies and politics impossibly expensive in every way possible, nothing else. Drama, acknowledgement, grandstanding, speechifying, et cetera is your ego helping the enemy defeat you.

'The Five Rings' and 'On War' as well as the 'Simple Sabotage Field Manual' are recommended reading:


And if anyone knows how to run a destab-op, it's the CIA, yes?

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Clever sabotage would do a great deal to slow things down, without necessarily endangering lives. Saboteurs of course could expect to spend many years in jail if caught.

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Diversity is good and so is the food.

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Diversity is neither good nor bad; it is description of a state of being.

A diversity of tools might be good; a diversity of VDs is not.

You don't need the turk to make meatballs.

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I need Turks to make Turkish meatballs. I don't need 40% of the country Turkish.

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You actually don't need Turks to make Turkish meetballs. You just need a recipe.

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Only in theory, in real practice diversity is strength and the spice of life. Everyone would be just fine with 10% minorities in the British isles, carefully selected.

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Oh God you're speaking in platitudes. If you're going to repeat regime propaganda, at least have the common courtesy to use original phrasing.

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OK, but if you scatch the history of just about any Londoner, you will find they are all immigrants of one sort or another.

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From where?

Other parts of England?

Or do you just mean contemporary London?

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A few salient points.

1) Mass migration into the UK has been a source of contention since the 1950s and 60s. Successive elected governments have mismanaged migration but without any electoral backlash. Previous race riots (Notting Hill in 1958) led to minor, temporary, changes in immigration policy but the transformation of Britain since then makes this an extremely unlikely prospect for now.

2) The rate of migration escalated sharply under Blair. Advisors to the government have admitted that their preference for greatly increased migration at that time was inspired by a desire to demoralize the Right.

3) The scale of migration follows trends in trade and financial policy. Post-Cold War neo-liberalism sought open borders to complement freedom for trade and financial flows.

4) Migrant and refugee settlement is now managed by Westminster as a strategy of tension, to destroy cohesion and to constrain the native population.

5) The reverse colonisation of the UK is reminiscent of British imperial policy, which at various times involved substantial migration. The examples of Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, British Guyana and Mandatory Palestine.

6) The UK economy has been under US control since 1945 and the Anglo-American Loan Act. Churchill, then in opposition, voted against it. He was supported in this by pro-Moscow Communists. America slowly euthanased British industry via a publicly unacknowledged process akin in its effects to the Morgenthau Plan. The UK is now effectively post-industrial.

7) The substantive Americanisation of public administration, public policy and society took place under Thatcher and Blair. The UK is now governed by a comprador class loyal to Washington.

8) The denationalisation of the UK suits US interests and a change of government in Westminster would achieve little unless the UK breaks with the US.

9) Hostile foreign governments (above all Washington, Tehran, Doha and Islamabad) look set to use the British Muslim community as a fifth column to maintain pressure on Westminster in much the same way that Ankara dies with its diaspora in Germany and the Netherlands. Muslim radicals (Hamas) can mobilise on a significant scale with the support of municipal and national law enforcement. Muslim communities have already established de facto no go zones where routine law enforcement requires explicit public cooperation by Muslim leaders.

10) Muslim extremists are free to intimidate MPs as is evident from the case of Mike Freer (MP for Finchley and Golders Green who resigned after credible threats to his life) and the murder of Sir David Ames (MP for Southend West killed by a Muslim extremist).

9) The prospects for successful resistance to the ethnic replacement of the British are poor. No portions of the political class are willing to risk a break with Washington. Farage and his colleagues criticise illegal immigration. They pointedly disregard the more serious issue of legal migration. There is simply no organised political resistance to global economic integration in the UK.

10) The likely outcome of the current protests will be to fortify the establishment of a police state committed to neoliberal economics and the empowerment of the native managerial class. Westminster will tack to the Left on a range of issues, including some foreign policy issues which will be presented to the people as proof of British independence. However, this will all be discretely coordinated very closely with Washington.

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What I find interesting about 2) is that the same acceleration seems to have happened everywhere in the Western world, at right around the same time, strongly suggesting coordination.

That Washington is behind this cannot be doubted. Fortunately the American empire is fading. There's also some prospect of wresting control back in Washington, though Americans will probably have to fight for this.

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It is complicated but unprecedented coordination became possible because of cheap air travel, instantaneous communication, the consolidation of a truly transnational ruling class and the convergence of trade, finance and governance. There were also very big incentives at a granular level to buy in to the consensus. The families of senior officials now expect to get seriously rich, so the opportunity cost of bucking the latest trend is keen financial and social frustration.

Coordination within the Anglosphere is very real. Senior officials in the cybernetic core of all Anglo regimes often have US degrees. Or they go on secondment to Washington. The Americanisation of public administration is notable.

Empire not fading at all. It is shrinking. It may be disrupted. But the empires grip on Canada, Australia and key portions of Latin America remains very tight indeed. A successor empire to the GAE may be worse than the one we already have.

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It may be worse, yes. But it may also be our salvation. I've written before about transforming this into a global Anglo civilization-state … shedding universalist pretensions … total change in leadership necessary of course.

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If change happens it will come from the para-elite. High IQ whites stepping up to provide solutions that those now in charge shy away from. Am disgusted, but not surprised, by the lack of sane or decent voices regarding the current unrest. I am a strong believer in law and order, but the pearl clutching over the riots turns my stomach as does does the lack of empathy. It is astonishing that people who supported "necklacing' in South Africa etc get offended by a bit of unruly behaviour from people whose neighbours kids have been knifed to death.

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There are essentially no sane voices within conventional politics. Musk and the other tech bros, however, are quite clearly conducting politics by informal means, and having a huge impact on the culture. If there's hope for a counter-elite, right now, it lies with them.

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No, it doesn't. Musk is no good guy. He's never done anything but sponge off the public.

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A global state of Anglo civilization is just another way of saying Israel writ large, as it is prophesized in the Bible. Many from all nations will come to learn and settle in the camp of Israel, nearly verbatim quote. It is universalist by definition, this is God's plan. That's why everybody already speaks English

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Neoliberal economics can only be sustained and justified in the context of actual economic growth, and that is sputtering out (even most of the muslim world is facing plummetting TFR and AI doesn't seem to be replacing the workforce fast enough to compensate for contracting youth populations.) In that sense the current legitimating paradigm is doomed.

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To quantify things, when the Tories were kicked out in 1997 annual legal immigration into the UK was roughly 300,000.

When Blair went in 2007 it had doubled to 600,000.

Under Cameron it reached 800,000.

For the last couple of years legal immigration alone was 1.2 million annually.

These figures put things in perspective. The system is now either sunk into some sort of collective morbidity in which ideology and virtue signalling substitute for calculation, or they are actively aiming to replace the native British as fast as possible.

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My read is that it is that last thing. They are aiming to make irreversible changes to European civilization, such that civilization becomes impossible forever. They want to burn the West to the ground, and salt the earth.

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I agree though that is not the way that I would put it myself. IMO the cybernetic element within the regime aims to make it impossible for future resistance. This requres destabilising and disrupting the existing population, reducing cohesion and setting new standards of obedience. Mass migration suits these requirements admirably. The replacements have much lower expectations of material reward and vastly different expectations in regards to the rule of law and arbitary authority. They are keen to police the behaviour and speech of the natives.

The regime has no sentimental investment in British culture or heritage. And it is indifferent to the genomic continuity of the British people. Escalating migration flows generates momentum for further global economic integration, a process ggat requires active management. And management guarantees jobs for managers (invariably a major cosideration in everything the regime does).

The regime has been getting desperate because of the weakenening financial system and competition from Russia and China. The 'Great Game' and the 'Race for Africa' are now undertaken using migration into the West as a reward for current or potential allies. The regime is creating client communities to bind the Wedt as closely as possible with the Islamic world and Africa. It is preparing for networked tribalism as a geopolitical instrument in the service of the GAE.

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It's certainly occurred to me that migration is a geopolitical quid pro quo. The equivalent of selling the family heirlooms and taking out a third mortgage on the family estate in order to keep their lifestyle going.

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Migration is very much caught up with cementing alliances. Migration in exchange for trade and investment flows has been the skeleton in the closet of Canberra for quite a while. Ottawa would be in much the same position. London too.

And the Global South figures prominently in the thinking of Washington. Obama gave a speech at West Point where he gave the game away. In a single throwaway line he admitted that America's grest challenge was to engage the rising middle classes of Asia etc. IRL this means close cooperation with Global Majority eites and that in turn involves visas on a mass scale, as well as providing jobs, opportunities for investment, education.

The GAE was hoping to partner up with China, now they are pinning their hopes on India, Argentina, Venezuela (if they can achieve regime change), Qatar and eventually even Iran. Washington's relaxed attitude to Hamas and Hizbollah organising in the West and its willingness to let fairly hard core Palestinian groups organise in elite colleges is all about signalling that d'etente is on offer.

When the UK deindustrialisation gathered pace in the 70s London sold whatever it could to their clients in the Gulf. Washington will do the same but on a much bigger scale.

Convergence/engagement with the Global South suits the DEI element of the ruling class. One of Obama''s top aides recently wrote that the Civil Rightsmovement did as much, if not more,, to win the Cold War than Vietnam. That is the view at the top. Diversity wins allies. Ergo browning out via migration extends the life of the regime.

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It's not Washington. Like John said in his "Class Formation" essay, it's a network state of the globalized elite. Cybernetic class consciousness.

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It's both, really. The network state has nodes of varying importance. Washington is preeminent among these.

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Comment for the algorithm. It's not my country, and I have no right to criticize them, but goddammit the English are decades late in putting a stop to this. It's going to take an action that will make the big H of WW2 look like a pub fight to set things right again.

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The English aren't the only ones who are way, way behind the curve. We're all in the same boat.

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Yes, the First and Second Amendments, bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers, are the essential instruments we need to defend ourselves in America 🇺🇸

We must now find the resolve within ourselves to apply those instruments with boldness and determination to the purpose for which they were intended, so that “government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.” 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Yes! The entire US Constitution is a precious thing worth defending. It was all that kept us from becoming Australia during covid and the balance between states rights and the federal government has never been more crucial. We must vote to defend it and trust it will survive the attacks from those who find it inconvenient to their cause.

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I have the habit of writing down quotes, they come in handy:

“The left believes that the heart of all educational, moral, aesthetic and political endeavours must be battling power differentials”

John McWorter

Power is the enemy. This is important, this phenomenon is at the heart of their unreality.

That England was once great, becomes proof of her evil. Tearing down the English nation/people and handing it over to people from poor countries is a form of justice. We didn’t deserve all our success in the first place: we stole it. Their home countries are disasters because we or someone or something oppressed them. So, the destruction of England and the English is justice.

All successful people are reviled for their success. Self loathing is a virtue, it proves you are a caring and compassionate person. Power differentials need redress; their project is to achieve equality of outcome.

This is the weird distortion field, the invincible ignorance emitted from the libtard left.

“ The progressives of today think they are special but so does every present day in every time and space. Presentism is the lock on the gate of history. Until we acknowledge that no time and space is special we are trapped outside of history. Once we abandoned the illusion of uniqueness, we can learn from every past in every way “

Curtis Yarvin, Gray Mirror Substack, highly recommended.

The nature of power has not changed. Battling power differentials is new, super weird, eminently unrealistic, and massively destructive.

We have traded in Christ’s love for a simpering humanistic sociological fantasia that believes that the proper application of managerial techniques will create a new kind of nation.

Thusly we are turning England into Pakistan, London into Islamabad.

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Well said.

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Another well thought out and well written piece. The US is surely on its way to what the UK experiences today. And, as has been noted many times, we’ll not be able to vote our way out of it…

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Wise of you to put a disclaimer on the spicy content. But yea, I don't think this will end well. The Regime will keep on doubling down, and the people are getting fed up with anarcho-tyranny. The Brits have lived through a downward spiral for the past 25 years, and with Brexit being sabotaged and more invaders pouring in than ever, the realization is setting in that it's never going to get better, life will keep getting worse, more stabbings/rapes/murders/dispossession, unless they take decisive action. A population with no recourse and little to lose is exactly how you get open revolts.

Curtis Yarvin also discussed the possibility of royal intervention, which as you said would be a miracle, in more ways than one: its likelihood, and its potential as an ace-in-the-hole.

Also, I get the joke of photoshopping Queer Starmer onto Stalin or other dictators, but it has an uncanny effect due to his weak, pathetic physiognomy, which as always, never lies. Stalin may have gotten a bit carried away, but at least he was a mighty leader who took on the brunt of the Third Reich's war machine and won. There's no way in hell these pitiful stooges could've survived in times of warlords and iron-fisted dictators, they are entirely the product of effete decadence. Really, most Western leaders would be unrecognizable to the statesmen of the past, with the exception of Donald Trump of course. Other than the Orange Emperor, you have to search outside the Western world to find proper leadership, eg Putin & Xi Jinping.

But speaking of Trump, my country is looking forward to a very interesting November. There's no way to predict what happens, but whatever goes down, it will likely send shockwaves to the vassals and satrapies of the US, including britbongland, with unknown consequences.

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Starmer might not have Stalin’s strength of will, but he certainly aspires to Stalin’s ruthlessness.

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