Yeah, that's a perennial problem - elites that are too insulated from reality, such that they effectively pay no cost for their mistakes. Then again that strategy only works if they win the war, where 'winning' means here simply that it doesn't end with your country under occupation.
America and the UK have become very, very accustomed to…
Yeah, that's a perennial problem - elites that are too insulated from reality, such that they effectively pay no cost for their mistakes. Then again that strategy only works if they win the war, where 'winning' means here simply that it doesn't end with your country under occupation.
America and the UK have become very, very accustomed to winning in that sense, which has given our elites the sense that they are untouchable - except by other elites, but the gentleman's agreement they live by, "don't betray your class and you'll be looked after", protects them from that.
Historically, when elites get that rotten, it ultimately ends very badly for them. The barbarians eventually arrive, and they aren't so interested in gentleman's agreements.
Yeah, that's a perennial problem - elites that are too insulated from reality, such that they effectively pay no cost for their mistakes. Then again that strategy only works if they win the war, where 'winning' means here simply that it doesn't end with your country under occupation.
America and the UK have become very, very accustomed to winning in that sense, which has given our elites the sense that they are untouchable - except by other elites, but the gentleman's agreement they live by, "don't betray your class and you'll be looked after", protects them from that.
Historically, when elites get that rotten, it ultimately ends very badly for them. The barbarians eventually arrive, and they aren't so interested in gentleman's agreements.