Who knows?

I don’t disagree with your dispirited tour d’horizon, but I wonder whether you’ve read “The Present Age” by Kierkegaard—and most importantly, noted the timing when it was published? 1846. The events of 1848 decisively proved him wrong only two years later.

Did you predict the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989? I didn’t.

I love your essays, and I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but the Spirit of 1776 did not originate in the recognition of a risk-free sure thing. It was more mysterious and powerful than that—and ultimately it worked.

I don’t claim to understand what makes men decide to act on principle, regardless of the apparent odds against them, but I wouldn’t discount it as a possible factor in future events.

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Yes, there is some possibility of a genuine popular uprising that topples the regime, along the lines of the wave of discontent that swept away communism in the Eastern bloc.

But I don't think America is quite there yet.

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There is a rumor/theory in the former Eastern bloc, that the collapse was at least partially a planned event. I can tell you for certain that regular people had no idea it was about to happen and were completely surprised. Yet -certain- people were all ready and primed to snatch up state assets on the cheap and became oligarchs or at least rich enough.

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I think it's equally plausible that some people were just better at reading the situation, and took advantage of this. The discontent among the people was quite organic, and their revolt spontaneous. When you look at how chaotic it was, it doesn't seem possible that it could have been coordinated.

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A "spontaneous order".

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...out of all that I read here; this made me pause and smile. What a great analogy for existence.

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Incorrect. The only analogy for existence is Eternal Misery. There is no order or logic that does not create Misery and Only Misery.

Nothing Good Has Ever Happened.

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It was foreseen as a distinct possibility in the 1970s, by the KGB, that the USSR would collapse or splinter in some way within their own lifespan. Therefore, the KGB initiated a plan to move tangible assets outside of the USSR (Austria, London, Italy and Switzerland mainly; not just money in banks but also gold bullion). In the 1980s this was stepped-up to include buying shares via fronts in western corporations of all kinds.

Whether it was with an eye to just set-up a retreat-option for the KGB or if it was as spark for reforming Russia is an open question.

One of those KGB-officers invloved is named Vladimir Putin. That should tell you how long a game the russians are playing.

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How long a game? A game that has never ended since our arrival? As compared to their enemy, which is our enemy; who has planned longer? Verse the knowledge that evil will make us respond.

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Jay Valentine has the answers we seek to prevent the steal if you dare to open your mind. Omega4america.com

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Wow…now that’s interesting.

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But how does a person with integrity implement it?

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They can't. It's a pipe-dream and a LARP. Nothing Good Can Ever Happen.

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This is less a matter of central planning and more a matter of powerful people reading the room.

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FDR: "if it happened, it was made to happen"

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Was rereading this as I tend to do with most of your work John. Coffman is correct tho in sense. The fire, if it is to come will probably be out of left field somewhere totally unexpected. It’s very hard to calm the nerves with that because until it happens it’s simply a figment of one’s imagination.

One thing that troubles me tho, I have a hard time believing DT will just watch/let this happen again. I can see him being caught off guard in 2020. I sure as hell didn’t think they would go to such depths. Now we know they absolutely will and you can just look to AZ if you thought 2020 was a fluke.

I don’t know what that means exactly but I can’t see DT going thru this bullshit again for no reason. I can tell you this I am dialed up to a 10 and shall remain there until I have a concise answer. For better or got worse, these next several months should reveal a lot of answers.

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We can certainly hope that the Orange Man has learned his lesson, and is no longer playing softball. I will however believe it when I see it.

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He’s a Hail Mary, that’s all. That was a great article. Seeing it reposted on several different forums.

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It's getting a lot more play than I expected.

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Playing softball? Perhaps the military is on holidays; not down in DUMBS.

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Jay Valentine has the answers we seek to prevent the steal if you dare to open your mind. Omega4america.com

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Everything always has a romantic side, when in the hands of the civilized...then there is always that yang to the yin. What would life be like without balance? Would there be harmonics? Could it ever be just God, just Omega? Was at one time, without us...without the devils that blame an invisible entity for their own freedom to choose, and its results. Then systematically blame freedom, in particular the one offering it; reality, we refer to as a God; we take for granted.

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Very interesting!! How come we never heard before about that type of analysis/reconciliation of electoral databases?!

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It will certainly reveal a version of hell; imagined or not.

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You Hope Too Much.

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what else is left; right?

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There isn't anything, not even hope. There is only Eternal Misery.

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This essay was painful for me as someone who thought Americans would push back more in May 2020 after two months of lockdown lunacy and as a descendant of pre revolutionary war American colonists on both sides of my family. Indeed this is not 1776 and not enough would push back. The crashing of technology is likely the only hope for such a sudden reversal. And that would create other unintended consequences.

In the longer term the economic suffering that will come from the last 23 years of foolish spending, low interest rates, and money supply are what are likely to spur change and that is not likely to happen in my lifetime as I am 56.

In 2020 the mail in voting provision have sealed the deal for Californication nationwide (meaning one party rule by those will to game the system). Alinsky’s covert revolution appears nearly complete. They won’t stop until weather next Venezuela…

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It's worth noting that some places did. States like South Dakota, Florida, Georgia, to some extent my state Indiana. The governors knew they couldn't keep us down long and eased up. Even Witchmer up in Michigan quit enforcing masks when large numbers stopped wearing them and refused to drop dead coughing in the streets. The oily hag wanted to save face. Organize with others locally to quietly resist the next crap they try to force down our throats. Be a leader.

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I’ve heard that only abut 15% of the population led and succeeded in the Revolution. If true that’s an important data point. Of course the population was much more concentrated back then. Maybe it will be more like the movie “Patriot Games”. Localized, Guerilla warfare.

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I think people need to be more hungry and desperate for a revolution to occur again in America.

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When you can't get fairtrade cocoa sprinkles on your organic skinny soy decaf latte, that's when things will change.

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It isn't desparation that causes revolutions, it's hope.

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Hope is a lie, there have been no real revolutions. Only Eternal Misery.

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.....and knowing that you've got nothing left to lose....armed and righteous men with nothing left to lose can be a formidable foe.

Pay attention to what happened to Pavel Durov (creator of Telegram) in France....interesting timing.

Need some more Green Dragon Taverns.

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The problem is not the critical mass of American men who would commit violence and who could crush any and all enemies. The problem is they dont know who to kill. State capitols could be seiged and captured, alphabet agency buildings burnt down, Wall Street bankers sent scrambling for foreign asylum, rivers of blood flowing. None of that would change your frozen bank account.

Economic implosion and destitution will happen either way, its better that it happens via war. It could be a swift and decisive war, but more likely it will be a chaotic war of attrition with lots of street level tribal violence and starvation induced violence. Very very sad that our evil satanic rulers have put us in this situation. But its where we are and it has to be done.

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The thing is, we literally just should not go to the library during pride month, we should not get in line when there is some tranny or pervert at the cash register and all kinds of little things that we could’ve been doing right from the beginning that nobody is willing to do. Very easy things. That’s what the shame of it is.

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The Soviet-bloc citizens did a ton of this back in the 80's, it helped to sensitize people who was on their side and who was against them. By 1989 they were ready!

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You Hope Too Much. Not even that works. Nothing Works. Nothing Heals. Nothing has ever improved. You can bow out of the line all you want, the money printer goes brrr.

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Yup. In spring & summer 2023 it seems half the businesses were displaying posters for a "Family-Friendly" drag show. Not a story hour at the library, mind you, but a SHOW in the STREET where everyone (including the kiddos of the idiots who live here) could watch it. To my knowledge, out of all the civic leaders (including our dozen-or-so churches), not one spoke publicly against it, at least not in any place I've found. I was the only person that I know of to write a publicly visible article against it: Family-Friendly Drag Queens come to Main Street: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/family-friendly-drag-queens-come

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"None of that would change your frozen bank account."


Bitcoin... and only Bitcoin is the answer to the control and manipulation of national currencies by State actors. Bitcoin and only Bitcoin cannot be debased. And when it's time to leave your jurisdiction, you stored value is waiting there for you because Bitcoin is simultaneously everywhere and nowhere.

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The answer is the same as in every other civil war; the citizens that support the regime. That is why we probably will never have a civil war. The average American con may know his neighbor wants to ruin him, lay his country to waste and mutilate his children. However, he is unwilling to drag his neighbor out of his house and execute him on the front lawn.

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Exactly. Even if patriots did want to stand up and fight, who would they fight? We dont have a simple geographic divide in this country that allows us to decide who is a friend or foe.

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Bitcoin is a scam. There are no ways out.

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Lol, how many comments like these did you leave here? That's four so far.

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Might we be way too comfortable and unaware that our comfort will soon be replaced with shackles.

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The padding on the plush handcuffs is already starting to wear pretty thin.

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We will become less comfortable one way or another in the near future.

Embrace primitive conditions and learn to defend your potato patch--which will keep your family alive. Or wait a bit and get herded into a Smart prison with a pod containing plumbing, 2 hours of daily electricity and regular meals of vile slop. And free internet which is good because you'll be allowed to communicate with people through it. All in exchange for taking an experimental injection every month. And you get to go out or a walk every week if your SCS doesn't fall below average. Different kinds of discomfort.

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They might once they suffer enough, the old saying about any country is only a handful of missed meals away from revolt.

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Christopher Cook’s Substack is great and he feels like we could do our own thing without the government and without violence. @Christopher Cook

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That's bullshit Hopium Addiction.

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There is zero possibility of that. Let me know when all the conservatives and patriots close their facebook accounts and then we'll talk.

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You know what’s really sad? They don’t even have to do a lot to go against the establishment. Our local library had a lot of perversion in the month of June. Perversion that little kindergartners 2 to 5th graders would see.

Did we have to go and burn down the library?! of course not!!

I just didn’t go to the library during the month of June and imagine if everyone did that?!

But no, they can’t be bothered to think even for a moment. They just don’t give a shit. Most of the people who are going to be in chains are going to deserve it.

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That's not good enough. Stop falling for the Hopium Delusion of a republic and learn that you have to brutalize the normies to get anything done.

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Mind that it wasn't a "wave of discontent" that swept away Communism. Referendum in late USSR turned out to be more than 80% for retaining the Union. It was first and foremost a deed by the neo-bourgeois elites for their personal gains against the will of the people.

Which is not something that the US are ready for yet, not while there's more to gain from the Capitol than from creating your local fiefdom.

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"It was first and foremost a deed by the neo-bourgeois elites for their personal gains against the will of the people."

Read: Jews

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In the middle of a war; we better get there fast.

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What it takes is a spiritual movement. How did a bunch of desert nomads conquer the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Europe? How did a handful of Conquistadors conquer the vast empires of the New World? How did the Christian West colonize the world? It takes that inner spiritual fire to accept the hardship and death that come with such actions. Something greater than ourselves and our material security. I believe that the Founding Fathers had such a fire. The population today is either spiritually empty or spiritually adrift. This is the deciding factor. If you were to change an enemy position against overwhelming odds, what would be a stronger motivator, "God, the nation, freedom, and a better life for your descendants", or " Abortion, Diversity, and depopulation"?

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The 2 superpowers had fought each other into exhaustion, leaving the way open.

Steel + native allies.


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The zeal of the Muslims made up for their inferior numbers. Persia was also an empire in decline. The Byzantines lasted a bit longer.

Steel + allies + smallpox. Sounds like Jared Diamond. They were definitely a factor, but not the deciding factor, which was Cortez burning the boats, and Pizzaro confronting the Incas when he could have turned back and returned later with more troops.

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Persia and Byz weren't just in decline, they had just been in a total war with each other that depleted both sides to exhaustion.

Europeans replaced the natives wherever smallpox killed more natives than the native diseases killed the Europeans. Which is why the only areas Euros were able to settle in Africa was the southern cape, which was mostly devoid of natives to begin with. Euros weren't able to replace africans even though africans were the 2nd most backward and stupid of all our native enemies, beating out only the aborigines.

I think smallpox may have been present during the early Spanish conquests, but I don't remember it as being decisive, which is why I separated the answers.

Spanish: steel + native allies

Euro settlement: smallpox.

If it hadn't been Cortez and Pizzaro, it would have been others. Also throw in the 700 year long Reconquista coming to a close, leaving huge numbers of highly trained soldiers with no hope of employment other than plundering someone.

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Also note that Persia and the Byzantine Empire were taxing their people to death to pay for their eternal wars. This made Islam very attractive to the people on both sides, because it had low fixed tax rates by religious law. So the spread of Islam was partly economic.

Then Islam blocked Christian Europe from trade routes to India and China, which motivated explorers to look for alternate routes in the other direction. The fall of Constantinople 1453 led directly to the financing of Columbus in 1492.

I agree with what you're saying about disease. Tropical Africa has a zillion endemic diseases which kill off Europeans, but the same latitude and climate in Brazil lacks those diseases and was quickly filled with Europeans.

Another factor is that Africans have a vast amount of genetic diversity, much more than Europeans, so no one disease ever kills off most of the Africans. The American Indians, otoh, are the most genetically homogenous people on earth, all being descended from a small group of founders. This makes them susceptible to mass die-offs from disease.

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I'd say econ and culture are not separate, so I'm not really disagreeing with you. They are deeply intertwined. For example, if a people have a really good piece of real estate, it's not a coincidence. It's because their culture was such that they could take it from whoever had it before and hold it.

A strong culture by definition is going to take (or hold if they already have some) rich territory, then administer it efficiently so as to make their people more powerful.

The best book on collapsing civs is "Collapse of Complex Societies" by Joseph Tainter. It's purely from an economic perspective, but I couldn't help but see all the cultural/ spiritual aspects behind the economic shifts.

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Yes, all of what you said is true, but it's the practice of modern historians to downplay the spiritual state and motivations of the cultures involved, treating all events as being driven only by external circumstance. The Conquistadors and Jihadis were filled with religous fever, while the Aztecs, Incas, and the Sasanids suffered from a civil wars and instability. These wars and the subsequent destabilization of these empires most definitely had a great demoralizing effect on their people, and the Conquistadors succeeded where their native allies had previously failed. As Napoleon said, “In war the moral is to the physical as three to one.”, and this was against well prepared armies. This, of course, is the reason that the elite try to demoralize us. No matter what the cause, the strongest drivers of morale are spiritual.

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Patient Zero for smallpox in the New World was an African slave that was brought by Cortez's forces. But it wasn't just smallpox. Many Old World diseases were exceptionally lethal to Indians. Chickenpox, measles, flu and really any diseases originating in domestic animals all played a part.

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That's absolutely true. It seems likely that there are regions of teh world developing a new and hearty people with a strong tribal ethos. Those areas will be the hearts of future empires. The plains or the Rockies of the United States, Central Asia (indo-aryans all over again) and Afghanistan are all possibilities. The next civilization is going to look very different, but probably grow out of one of those origin points. My article on what it might look like is here: https://alwaysthehorizon.substack.com/p/a-future-beyond-materialism-holistic

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Good points.

I'm betting on whoever reinstates Patriarchy the best and fastest.

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That would be Islam obviously. In Islam there's no need to re, to re-instate the thing, it was never taken down to begin with. Problem is, it's not exactly a benevolent patriarchy, it kind of suffocates everything it touches.

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It's good at spreading though. Once it runs out of conquered territories to loot it does tend to fade out.

Perhaps there will be a United Cartels of America in the southwest. Catholic reproduction + Aztec bloodthirstiness could be a powerful combo.

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Probably true. Mentioned briefly in teh article I posted. It depends on how apocalytpic the demographic collapse turns out.

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Mostly fraud, usury, propaganda, deception, corruption, intermarriage, and betrayal.

Overwhelming violence, mass genocides, firearms, and smallpox.

The Catholic Church unity of politics, religion and finance. The extension and formal bureaucratic consolidation of how the desert nomadic Gypsy gangsters did it.

Spirituality is always the guise and cover used to justify atrocities.

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It was called the Great Awakening and happened in the 1720’s to 1750’s. There was a second Great Awakening before the Civil War.

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"Kierkegaard argues the present age drains the meaning out of ethical concepts through passionless indolence. The concepts are still used, but are drained of all meaning by virtue of their detachment from a life view which is passion-generated and produces consistent action.[2]" --Wikipedia

yes, and it's worse now. The press of 1846 was divided, and the revolutions lacked coordination.

The "present age" of 2024 is a rarified and etiolated society beyond even K's imagining.

John Carter does a great service in describing the current conditions that will undermine resistance to the powers that be.

Yeats "Second Coming" is still prophetic:


The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity."

"Kierkegaard was right." --Woody Allen

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On the practical side of resistance, here's a good first step:

* * * * *



2020 - Poll Watchers go home after being told an imaginary pipe breaks

2024 - Poll watchers need to be physically dragged out of counting centers b/c they refuse to leave while Democrats continue counting votes

This is the energy shift we need to win

No more unsupervised 3AM ballot dumps in swing states and blue counties

No more poster board put up to block windows

If you are a poll watcher, you do not let them kick you out until every other Democrat is also out of the building

5:09 PM · Aug 19, 2024




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Very hopeful. Thanks for sharing.

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DC Draino is a Flynn Networks shill.

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And when the regime does drag you out or worse (remember Ashli Babbitt), then what? Seems to loop back to the original article.

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Win what? An election? Get real, boomer.

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Yes. Call the cops if necessary.

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I don’t think the value of what John Carter wrote is predicated on his ability to predict the future. What is important is that enough people start thinking about the topic deeply.

I suspect that before people revolt, they will need to have a clear vision of an alternative. Are we talking about tweaking the existing model or something more radical? I am sure that a lot of people believe that if we can just get Trump elected, everything will be OK. I’m not one of those. Anyone who has such beliefs is unlikely to want to start a revolution.

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exactly, there's always a chaotic element to history

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It seems to me that the coming awakening will not be a civil war, but rather a revolutionary war. A war with the Tyrants. And yes, war with your neighbors and relatives is horrible indeed. War with tyrants is still war, but it’s more of a good-vs-evil proposition, I think.

I’m two-thirds through my nightly splash of Costco blue agave, so I can’t be trusted; nevertheless, The Tyrant King and his bishops and pawns [the Tyrant King does not possess knights] have trampled everything sacred that can be trampled. There is fairly widespread consensus on that perspective I think.

For months, perhaps several years now, my central question has been: what will be this present age’s 4/19/1775 event. What will ignite that Indistinguishable Liberty Flame. A flame, not delivering Rage, but delivering Resolve. Rage is generally fleeting; Resolve, not so fleeting.

That original 4/19 event, in and of itself, was rather small in reality, and of modest strategic import and tactical impact. Yet we know what it did to galvanize the colonists. And force them to choose sides, or at least acquiesce that sides should surely be chosen.

As for the Trump/Vance duo, that’s a rather different duo than what we had with Trump/Pence, no? Not to mention the character-altering events of Butler, PA.

So maybe this round it might be, “Fool me once, shame on me; fool me twice, shame on you.” [intentional edit]

Is there a Plan? My strong guess is Yes. But who the hell knows.

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It's always impossible to say, in advance, what will spark things. But I think discontent is now close to the level at which this level of Resolve will not be hard to engender.

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there is no coming awakening.

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You Hope Too Much.

There is no Plan other than Eternal Misery.

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Chris, the value of John Carter’s essay is not predicated on his diving the future. The value is in his raising an important question so that enough people start thinking about the problem.

I suspect that before there is a violent revolt against the people who rule over us there will need to be a clear and common vision of what comes next. Right now, I suspect a lot of people believe that if we can only get Trump elected, he can turn things around. I don’t harbor those illusions. Trump is not nearly harsh enough to do what’s necessary. For all his faults, he’s much too decent for that.

All of the things that the Democrats project on Trump are exactly what they would do if they faced his problems and had his popular support. That is, they would throw thousands of people in jail, including, but not limited to, thousands of big tech senior executives, thousands of banking executives, thousands of mainstream media executives and dozens of media personalities, a bunch of lawyers and senior level bureaucrats, some state and federal justice officials, lots of people in the FBI, the CIA, etc.

He is not going to do that. As a result, he will slow down the Democrats, but he won’t begin to stop them.

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The big difference and flaw in your reasoning is that we had MEN in this country in 1776. Today, we have a population of weak beta boys who can't put their devices down long enough to wipe their noses.

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Speak for yourself...only 30% of 1776 supported the rev..only 2% fought

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John your response is imisleading and somewhat short sighted. We can have a hundred percent support now but not one person is going to do anything meaningful. These modern patriots won't even close their facebook accounts sweetheart. Probably the biggest factor in how our nation ended up where we are is the propaganda via social media.

The vaccine wouldn't have happened without facebook. The transgenger nonsense got it's support from Facebook. The shutdowns and covering up the stolen election all made possible by social media shaping the group think. If I recall correctly tea was thrown in the harbor over higher taxes. They didn't sit around sipping it complaining about the taxes now did they? That's the difference between then and now. I also won't go into those who still watch the NFL being complicit in the murder of police officers etc etc.

People no longer have a sense of integrity, values, or ethics anymore as a general rule. We are dominated and slaves to our entertainment, leisure and conveniences.

When the new Kevin McCarthy aka Johnson is impeached from office along with the do nothing but phony investigations Jim Jordan get back to me about what people are going to do. They aren't even using the means they currently have now to hold people accountable which didn't exist in the revolutionary war so I can assure you they aren't going to sacrifice their football, amazon and Disney to actually take a stand.

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another soy boy...tied to your keyboard and your mom's basement...you whole world resolves around stacks like this...you blame facebook, nfl, social media....your a fucking idiot...."People no longer..." boy your social circle must be a lot of fun....fuck off and stay away from mine....as for your last paragraph...ever heard of the uni-party asshat...i will protect your ass because you cant...just shut the fuck up

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Fed alert.

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You sound like a dumb Hopium Addict.

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and you sound like a FJB pedo...see your type all the time...i hunt them part time...hope to be seeing you soon

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Too bad. Things only get worse. Nothing will ever get better. Scream until your lungs collapse.

Ashes and Echoes

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Beautiful commentary, thank you!

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Collapse is inevitable, regardless if Trump wins or not. A Trump win would only slow it down a little, if at all. It may even speed it up, as the regime brownshirts will certainly turn to violence if he wins, as they already have done.

We are at the end of empire stage. Too much is wrong with our society, and it is not just a few bad people at the top. We have an exponential blow out of debt, an economy based essentially on selling things to each other, a youth that has been so addled by smartphones and social media that they cannot think straight, an unhealthy populace where obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disorders and mental health problems abound, a native population that is not replacing itself, and a loss of status in the rest of the world, which is causing a turn from our reserve currency. Not to mention racial resentment, sex resentment, an overwhelming flow of migrants, a broken health care system.

Then there is a ruling class and their laptop minions who are completely out of touch with reality, are left brain driven, and unable to solve any problems whatsoever. It's over and there are plenty of fat ladies around to sing about it.

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Indeed. There is going to be a massive die-off of American citizens in the not too distant future. This is an unspeakable tragedy, as so many of the tragedies perpetuated by American elites in the name of the citizenry around the world.

What worked yesterday as a survival strategy will not work when the gangrenous beast falls by the wayside.

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Your cynicism is justified to a great extent. As the son of an immigrant who loved this country and who was a successful businessman he cherished the Constitution carrying a pocket edition in his suit pocket. As a draftee in the Vietnam War while training on military bases I saw thousands of fellow soldiers marching and training almost as far as the eye can see. Overall despite social mismatches there was an overarching belief in being American and we all took the oath. Despite the degradation of society, government and mainstream media it is my view there are sufficient people who will challenge and prevail against a corrupt and incompetent government causing widespread suffering. The future is unknowable including leadership. Biden-Harris regime are up to this point in American history the pinnacle of rogue government.

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I agree Trump can only delay what seems inevitable. It would take a full return to core values, something the Romans tried several times, and failed at. That doesn’t necessarily mean a return to religious values, but a return to civic responsibility. “Ask not what your country can do for you… etc”

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A more appropriate motto for our age would be “Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country has done to you.”

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Our civilization has very much run its course and we're in the end-stages. I'd like a resurgence of Faustian civilization as much as the next guy... but instead we should look forward. There will be something emergent on the other side. I wrote an article on it, take a look if you have the time: https://alwaysthehorizon.substack.com/p/a-future-beyond-materialism-holistic

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Not if the White race is wiped out.

We are not running out of anyone else or having a shortage of duskies; the only -ONLY- shortage that matters is a racial shortage, the loss of the whites.

I understand the White urging towards ascension, but Heaven is not the problem.

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It won't be wiped out. 1M is enough to reconquer the planet... just like antelope though, when bereft of natural predators the herd grows weak. Natural rise and fall is how civilizations have cycled for all of human history. We're in a period of radical scientific development coinciding with a closure of one epoch and the beginning of another. There's not going to be an apocalyptic ending, there'll be a senility and then new birth. Keep your eyes open for what form that new birth takes.

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Whites will melt away as they have in Mexico, Cuba, Brazil etc. They still have money but they're too small of a minority to control their destiny.

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You Hope Too Much. There's no wombs left to birth anything else. None. It's just going to be infinity brown peopkle consuming infinity goyslop as the robots torture us forever.

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LMAO Glad to see you still have the energy to get up in the morning and write a dozen uplifting comments.

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Nothing Good Ever Happens.

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you dont know anything about the bible do you?

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I know a fair bit on the subject, but I'm not sure where you're going with that statement.

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God has his plans...we are following those pre-destined events...as far as runnin our course...thats what its all about...do what you can with what you have...serve and spread the word...but fight evil at all times...the end is coming and its not going to be pretty...set your mind to that

Read your article...the next civilization is Gods, not ours....thats in the bible...we can wish all that we wish but unless he does a Job, its going to end and restart in 5-6 years

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John you might need to brush up on scripture. We are not following any pre-destined events. We are seeing prophecy unfold but we still have free will. The concept of predestination which is taken out of context on a regular basis since the term if I recall is only mentioned twice in scripture doesn't mitigate free will nor are we acting out a prescripted event. Prophecy is the result of God knowing the choices people will make and how it plays out not because he is controlling the outcome. You also clearly deny the rapture which is in scrtipture so I'm guessing you are a calivinist. The rapture will happen first and nobody knows when that will be, then we go into the tribulation before the second coming of Christ which you confuse with the rapture. Scripture is crystal clear on this.

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well, you took my statement and made several assumptions....1st pre-destined means it is already destined to come...I am not talking about our actions...our actions have very little to do with the final result...my actions only effect my souls future and the secondary effect on others (saving souls, discipleship, etc)..believing we can change the outcome is small minded and narcistic....i never said anything about free will...you can off yourself right now if you wish...wont change the outcome overall but will affect your immediate and future soul...2nd the bible is very clear...rapture..never said anthing about it...again after 5-6 years (my estimate) the tribulation will begin...can you see what or where you will be at that time Nostradamus? i sure as hell cant...will i be raptured, already in heaven, or destined by God to remain and fight...I dont have that answer and neither do you so fo......"clearly deny" you arent too sharp are you? finally u used a guess...calvinist...I am a Child Of God...clear and simple on Team Jesus...my role is still be processed but at this time I pray, I serve, I worship, I work, and I spread the word...its that simple...3rd Now that you have made your aspersions of me, I have replied in kind..so fo brother...use a better tone...ask more questions first

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Alright, well... how much do you want to bet things just keep going on in 5-6 years? The civilizations of the fertile crescent grew and fell. The indo aryan civilizations grew and fell. The apollonian civilization grew and fell. We're now in the closing days of the Faustian civilization. The next civilization will be something new, not a rehash of the old.

I also have an article on the nature of God, maybe you would consider reading that and giving your thoughts.

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no...in 5-6 years the Lord appears and we are into a 1000 year reign...we can do what we want, free will, but the point is the christian church will reign under Jesus...yes we will marry, drink, do biz, etc.. but the consequences of our actions are immortality...yes... would love to read your article..send link

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Lol, you worship a Jewish Volcano Demon.

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Only it's never over, because everything always gets worse forever.

You also Hope Too Much. They can always shove infinite goyslop down the throats of infinite brown people to make infinite fat blacks to make infinite misery.

Loss is Infinite. Ashes and Echoes

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With all the bogus criminal charges brought against him, the Regime has proven that they can indict a ham sandwich. Clearly, they are in the process of electing one now.

As you wrote, the Big Man did indeed lose his nerve in the aftermath of 2020. He had the opportunity to become our Orange Julius Caesar, but waffled and went golfing instead. With the blatant fortification, the Deep State tossed Trump in the Rubicon. He just had to swim to the other shore. He failed, and our country is paying the price.

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Yep. If he'd pushed on J6 we'd be in a whole other timeline.

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Maybe Thuvia will save us.😀

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I totally agree.

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What do you suggest he should have done? They were already calling him a tyrant and traitor. The courts abdicated their duties.

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Then he should have become the tyrant and let us lynch the libshits. Optics is fake and gay.

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I concur, somewhat. I also concur that Trump is not the next Caesar, but it is hard to lead an army, when all the Generals and most of the Colonels and Majors are on the wrong side. Any idea of using the military (lead by asshats fluffing for their retirement gig with Raytheon, Northrup, et al) would have been a weeklong flash in the pan, if even that long.

My bet is on nothing happening if the Kackeling Kommie gets installed. Many will talk of war, until they see not one of their neighbors stepping off the line. There is some hope that the states who see through this would simply nullify federal authority.

In the mean time, prepare and pray.

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Quite frankly, if this happens and nobody does anything but wave signs loudly, talk big and blame everyone else for their inaction, then they get what they deserve

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I hear you, but Trump's obsequiousness gave the Regime 4 more years to scrub the ranks and brass of more patriots.

That Trump abandoned his J6 followers also speaks poorly of him.

Pray indeed! Only God can save us from the Gay Communist regime seeking to take permanent control.

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The "trans" revolution has made Gay Communists seem quaint and as threatening as garden gnomes. The perversion that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah has destroyed the USA.

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True, mostly.

I don't see how Trump could pardon people yet to be arrested. The few snatched up in the last two weeks of his tenure maybe, but that would not have been helpful to the hundreds since then, or to his political chances in the future. It's one thing to look the other way when the democrats and rinos ignore the black block and brown shirts of the left. It is entirely another to exonerate those who got caught up in the fedsurrection and actually did break laws. I know that J6 was a setup, a sting and psyop, but righteous anger does not exempt one of consequences.

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Trump offered zero support to them. The vast majority of J6ers simply wandered around the capital after being waved in by the police force. No visits by Trump, not even a mention of their plight, as far as I can remember.

An unarmed woman was shot through a locked door, and the Regime hailed the shooter as a hero. The left erupts in histrionics and violence when a thug meets his inevitable end, and our leaders treat injustices against us as embarrassing episodes never to be spoken of.

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She was halfway through the broken window of that door when she was shot.

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With a couple of officers armed with automatic weapons a few feet away from her on the other side of the door. Had she broken through, the physical disparity between the subjects would still have disqualified him from using deadly force, a point that was drilled over and over to me during my concealed carry class

I guarantee you that if I shoot an unarmed woman halfway through a broken door of my home during a burglary attempt, I would be in prison.

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You do understand she punched the Antifa guy who broke the glass. Was climbing through to protect, not harm.

If only she stood around and didn’t follow her oath of office, to protect and serve.

Ashli would be alive.

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Not true, SCA, she was pulling on the backpack strap of a "rioter" who was trying to go through that window. She had tried several times to stop him.

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no she wasn't. You are a liar. I saw the video.

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The main thing I have always had against Trump is that he chose not to pardon Julian Assange. Did the USA have the power all along to give him his freedom back?

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Pence recommended that Trump not pardon I believe.

Pence being a Judas.

Involved w Pelosi staging the DNC insurrection and a coup

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Don't forget it was the security detail around Pence that shot Mrs. Babbit.

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Sadly, it was never HIS JAN6 To begin with and that I state as an African in Africa that actually deals in true politics, not couch politics little lady.

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Not sure why you think being an African burnishes your credentials in any way.

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Why would a Jewish Volcano Demon save us from the depredations of his Jewish Chosen People?

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He did not abandon the J6..fo

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He did. He should be speaking out in every rally and he is not.

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There is a process..get elected, release and pardon all involved...talking about it doesnt do shit....unless you wish to storm the bastille...they know Trump and we are coming for them

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That's retarded and you're a dumb Q LARPer.

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Trump is very much a Gracchi, not a Caesar. This means we have 40 to 60 years to wait for Caesar.

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She's a roast beef sandwich, not a ham sandwich. Trump is much more a Gracchi than a Caesar unfortunately. Kind of surprised he wasn't successfully killed. If he lives to take office, then we'll be off-script for the roman transition from republic to empire... otherwise we've been nearly in lock-step with it for 200 years.

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If Harris "wins" it may actually be more of Trump's luck. The "economy" can't have many years left in it and is as likely as not to crumble on her watch.

Seriously though, the one thing I'd bet money on is that we are going to get the mother of all financial crashes before much longer. THAT will be the time for secession, maraudiing hordes of zombies, or what have you. I think the writing business will still be OK though. It has survived much worse in the last 500 years.

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God I hope I can still get paid to write during the zombie apocalypse. Would make for great content.

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I will give you 3 beaver pelts per essay...but there might be delays if the Toyota Hilux Express has a fuel crisis.

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$90 / essay is pretty sweet. Deal.

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And Id supply you with baked apple pie from my apple trees with apples I have canned.

This is actually doable and we don’t need the government when you really think about it

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Government is almost wholly unnecessary, yes. The same is true of the vast compliance bureaucracy that the private sector has to maintain as a result of state hypertrophy. These middle managers and administrators are a parasitic plague on the economy. Eliminate them, all of them, and we would be much wealthier and much freer overnight.

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Lol, You Hope Too Much. The NYC Art Hoe crowd, lmao even.

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Unfortunately accurate. There's a reason Buffett is selling massive amounts of stock and stockpiling cash reserves.

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Maybe Vance will be positioned to take up the torch after Trump. I like what he's said so far.

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Vance is also a military man.

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Sort of.

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Vance is Zionist Cuck brvh. There Are No /ourguys/. None. There has never been any hope. Only Eternal Misery.

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Did you read his book? I wrote a review of it on my substack, you should take a look.

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Silver-est lining in the darkest of clouds!

Dunno, though. During my brief period (10/15-11/16) as a "Never Trumper," my final big essay on why HRC winning--not that you would vote for her!--would be the lesser of 2 evils, was that her admin would be so bad that conservatives would get a big rebound.

Man, that looks so naive now! Given what the regime did even under Trump in 2020, which of course had quite a bit of lead-up, and what's it done under Biden, my ignorance was extreme. And one can only imagine what it has planned under a Harris admin, and even better, under a Harris admin during a "crisis!"

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The die was cast when America elected Obama, not once, but twice. A people that is willingly governed by a man who despises it is not a nation, merely an accretion of biomass.

The absence of any significant pushback from Biden after the last election confirmed the lack of spirit. Furthermore, the refusal or disinclination of anyone to rally to the cause of the Jan 6 political prisoners sent a message to potential troublemakers: you are on your own.

Fundamentally, the election is irrelevant. The issue at stake is managed decline. Trump offers the possibility of applying a degree of caution and common sense to decline, Harris the certainty of exponential progress to the same.

The pushback to election fraud will ultimately come from bond holders. An illegitimate regime can issue negotiable securities but financiers understand that gangsters cannot be trusted to honour their debts. Slowly, very slowly, America's trading partners and allies will look to reduce their exposure to US federal debt. As this process unfolds the regime will seek to consolidate the financial system through currency reform. Central bank digital currencies. Mark of the beast stuff.

As the US transforms into Greater California or New Lebanon foreigners with hard currency will snatch up assets. Rival regimes will buy out US institutions. Washington will partner with the Third World. The Global Majority diasporas and fifth columns within the US will mobilise to demand concessions/tribute.

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All extremely plausible, but not, I think, yet inevitable.

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The USA plays no part in the events outlined in prophecy. It's unclear how you can say you believe scripture but then beleive there is a future for the sovereignty of our nation. The event's outlined in scipture regarding Russia, Iran and Israel cannot play out if the USA remains a sovereign nation with our founding principles so we have to either be going along with what's to come or unable to impact it. Either way it means our nation as we know it is over, Or Scripture will not be fulfilled. We are so close to the end it's not feasible this country will bounce back far enough to fall again.

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I do not believe Gog or Magog or the King of the North represent Russia. I think its Turkey

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Lol, you worship a Jewish Volcano Demon.

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0bama didn't govern, he groomed.

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No Phillip the Die was cast when the republicans in office started pathologically lying and allowing the democrats free reign to do whatever they want. The Die was cast when the phony patriots in this country continued to watch the NFL, shop on Amazon and tune into Disney, Star Wars, Marvel movies and ESPN.

The die was cast when republicans at home sat on their hands waiting for someone to fight their battles for them.

The die was cast when Mitch Mcconnell continued getting re-elected. The die was cast when Johnson wasn't impeached and removed from office. The die was cast when Jordan wasn't impeached over his virtue signaling investigations that go nowhere and accompish nothing.

The die was cast when republicans sat back in apathy for the last 40 years and allowed progressive liberalism to invade our schools, our communities and our government.

The die was cast when republicans continue to blame the democrats and label them as the liars in spite of the fact they have done exactly what they said they would do. The republicans are the ones who lie over and over again. Is Hillary in jail? What exactly have the republicans done aside from carrying the democrats waters.

The die was cast when only 7 republicans voted to remove McCarthy.

The die was cast when republicans failed to realize that if they want to see the root cause of why this nation is not in decline but essentially finished as of 2020 they need to go no further than their bathroom and look over their sink to see the culprit.

That's when the die was cast.

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It is disgusting when they went back to watching the NFL. How pathetic can you get?! go out and do some exercise instead of sitting there with another man’s name on your back!! we have a bunch of fat lazy idiots

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Exactly!!! they capitulated on every single issue, including the most extreme and perverted.

It just goes to show that they are all in on it

Out of every politician, the only ones I like to hear are Massie and Parker. The rest make me sick.

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Well, guys get swoony over the dramatic stuff but nothing is more effective than a boycott. But boycotts require discipline. People are back to buying Bud, ain't they?

Nobody needs to play games online. Nobody needs to take the family to any of Disney's locations, or Universal's. Nobody needs to keep their mortgage with Chase or JP Morgan or Citi. Nobody needs to text all the time.

Nobody really needs Amazon, except for the homebound and certainly there are plenty of people without the means of leaving the house and driving a longer distance than is reasonable to get the items they do actually need. But for the rest of us it's just laziness and the greedy desire for more junk.

If half the country stopped texting for one day, you think the corporations wouldn't notice?

But more important is local control, and that's looking ahead to what sort of country you want two generations forward. Control the school boards; the taxing authorities, the permitting authorities, you get your country back district by district. All local elected offices are feeders for the parties reaching all the way to DC eventually. Choke off the rise of the people you don't want ruling you.

But these are undramatic actions; they require will and patience.

And honesty. What bred all those women you loathe? The failures of great-grandfathers and grandfathers and fathers lead to miserable angry women. Why did generations of men fail their daughters? Fix that, you'll fix a lot more.

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Local autonomy is very important, I agree.

As to what broke women, the answer is social media and feminism. Men didn't invent feminism. The only thing men can be blamed for is indulging - and therefore failing - the century-long shit test Western women threw at them.

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The core of that shit test was whether Western men would allow sexy military-age men to illegally swarm into their countries without a fight.

Western men failed by refusing to stand up to the harpies.

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The harpies neutered their men as part of the shit test. The migrant invasion is the result.

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I see it as a feedback loop. Most American and European men were intimidated into becoming "feminist", and that turned off women, who have an innate aversion to weak men that they can easily control. Women looked for sexier more dominant men that they could not intimidate no matter how much they scream and cry. When their own men did not object to importing foreign men, but remained cowed, women were yet more turned off by their domestic and domesticated men, and yet more determined to let in a flood of swarthy sexy men. I learned a lot of this from:


When those foreign men started raping Western white women, the feminists knew they had found the dominant men they secretly dream of.


"Results indicated that 62% of women have had a rape fantasy"

None of this can be spoken out loud in polite company, yet.

Thank God for the 38% of women who are opposed to mass importation of foreign men.

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The rape fantasy statistic was one of my first redpills. I've never looked at women the same way.

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Good reading, thank you.

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You are both correct.

I was telling a young me and the other day that the 19th amendment needs to be kicked out

He said, but it doesn’t look good that that would happen

I said yes, it does. We never thought Roe v wade we would be overturned.

30% of people out there are idiots just waiting to see which side is stronger and will jump on that side like anything

If everyone started to see sensible people saying that studies have shown many times, women are fooled by anything, way more than men ever are, and that it’s best to stop the women vote because it’s just populism silliness, that 30% would jump right on the bandwagon

And I’m seeing a lot of strong men start to talk about this. In places where they don’t censor at Substack or rumble, etc.

We can do it!! believe me a lot of women are on board. When we would all attack the feminist on Twitter it was 60% women. Every time women would say oh look at the little boys scared of women so they have to attack them and I would say hello. Look at the names dummy. 60% of the people attacking feminist are women.

Not one of them ever answered me.

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Thank you for helping to expand the Overton Window!

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“Free” sex cost the West e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. … 50 years from now, I think Western Europe’s grandsons won’t care what god they have to pray to. They’ll acquiesce to the Islamization of W. Europe if that’s the only way that their NWO Great Reset Neofeudal paychecks can attract a faithful wife to them. And for their part, W. Europe’s formerly “middle class” fifth-generation descendants of 2nd-wave “feminism”will convert in order to avoid systemic rape.

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No guesses as to why "Home economics" or its eq. in other nations was pushed to extinction and irrelevance: it taught precisely the wrong things from a corporate perspective.

Same thing with PE: discipline, cometitiveness, sportsmanship - all undesirable traits from a politician's viewpoint.

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In middle school my kid had a wonderful teacher who had them do a "live like a grownup" project that was probably the most valuable experience he ever had, educationally. They had to "find a job" using the help-wanted ads; "rent an apt." using the classified ads too; and budget with their "salaries." My kid was shocked at what a weekly food bill would be as we went through the aisles and he added up the costs for what he'd buy if he was a single guy on his own. Most of his classmates "ran out of money" before the end of each month but the lessons of that project really did set him up for life. That was 20 years ago.

I still wonder why a class like that is not part of every kid's education everywhere.

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That exercise used to be standard for home econ over here, until the early 1990s, and it was coupled with "consumer's rights"-knowledge; basic legal stuff like how to return damaged goods and such, but also how to budget.

My wife sometimes ran a modified version for the "tuff gangstaz" she had in one class: they first got to sketch out how they wanted to live - what kind of car, what kind of apartment, sneakers, bling, et c.

She totalled it on the blackboard and then asked how they would pay for it.

"Selling drugs" they said, cocksure in that way teenaged boys are when they've never learned discipline (not physical punishment, discipline).

"Okay" she goes, and the proceeds to show how much they'd need to seel each month to break even. And then she caps it off with:

"And we all know what happens if you miss your payments and kicks to your supplier, right?"

Her colleagues were horrified but the kids agreed with her - she spoke truth, not rectal photons.

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Is the problem here that your family has monopolized too much of the already-limited world supply of common sense?

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Heh, I'll take the compliment!

Nah, it's that much-abused term "life experience". The wife and I grew up so that we were adults by age 18, not just in the legal sense but in the real sense of the word.

No prolonged teenage-years until 30 for us.

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Great question, SCA. But we all know, by now, the "system" banks on ignorance in numbers, lost children from broken families that is apparently systematically planned through divergent ideology and distortion of what free will actually means: "Responsible Accountability" - to action and natural law.

I digress, to the acception of too few parents as yourselves. Thankfully. 🫶

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I had lousy parents. I had to teach myself to be a good mother. Of course the first step is loving your kid above anything else in the universe *and* understanding what love actually means.

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>I had to teach myself to be a good mother.

Woman, you are on the internet, this by default makes you a ruined woman, lmao. Get back behind the door of your house and never let anyone but your husband see you for the rest of your life.

Islam Is Right About Women.

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Is this the very best you can do? Heavens. I thought our host attracted a cleverer audience...

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That’s why I the Department Of Education has to be broken up immediately

They don’t give the children any useful information during any of their time at school

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Real problem is at the state and local level. Ed Department is useless but not a major player in our K12 problems. Possible to make an argument the student loans have destroyed higher education.

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Why? Because your debt is their profit, and your addictive consumerism is their power base for your control. Why ruin a "good thing"?

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The point though is that there was a good teacher with the common sense to create such a useful project. Why did other teachers not do the same?

I've talked about this one class ever since--how profoundly significant it was for my kid's future. I wonder how many other parents did.

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"Why did other teachers not do the same?"

I can answer that, but you won't thank me for it.

It was easier to not do it, than to do it.

Sure, I could gear up and ramble on about the class-distiinctions of teachers of different backgrounds [insert 2 000 words of sociology here] but at the heart of it was and is, it simply was easier all-around not to do it.

I still remember when it was decreed that your PE-grade wouldn't count towards your average, over here. Then home economics was reduced to nothing, then shop (sewing, woodworking and metalworking), then attendance, then they changed the grading system.

Now, some schools take ten years to turn out classes with kids who are virtually illiterate and Sweden has to cheat in PISA to not drop under 50th place.

Not wanting to do it, and not wanting to see it - is the reason.

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The public-school teachers that I know are either radicals interested radicalizing the students, or plodders doing their time until their pensions are vested. A teacher who bucks the system is rare. It's also the fact that doing something not defined in the curriculum always receives push-back from the administrators.

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Actually I do thank you for every comment, even if you torture me with the meals I'm never gonna eat at your table.

But yes. And it's nothing so new as some people like to pretend. I was in public school in an excellent district in NY starting 68 years ago and I had plenty of awful teachers and some of the very worst of them were fine upstanding conservative married ladies. It's a lucky kid anywhere who gets one or two memorable good teachers who teach something worth retaining.

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But why were they being taught "find a job", and not "start a business". You see, our oligarchy's propaganda works on multiple levels; some of which even influences us. We complain how public school has been corrupted, but it was always so. From the beginning the purpose has always been to create serfs, not citizens.

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bs schools used to be good and in that i mean that actually stuck to their mission

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I would never want to start and own a business. All my life I enjoyed the freedom of being able to leave a bad job if I wanted to and find another one, and to use my two-three weeks' vacation as a real vacation, and to have my weekends belong to me and not be a 24/7 captive of something that might or might not succeed.

People should be able to choose what suits their tastes and their talents.

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From experience, every small businessman has two words to heart: Free me! You're pretty much married to it.

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Not if you do it right. Then you have others manage it. Have I been able to do this yet? Absolutely not, it’s a very difficult thing to do, but it can be done.

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“Free” sex cost the West e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. … 50 years from now, I think Western Europe’s grandsons won’t care what god they have to pray to. They’ll acquiesce to the Islamization of W. Europe if that’s the only way that their NWO Great Reset Neofeudal paychecks can attract a faithful wife to them. And for their part, W. Europe’s formerly “middle class” fifth-generation descendants of 2nd-wave “feminism”will convert in order to avoid systemic rape.

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The CIA installed Gloria Steinem. Ms Magazine.

The Summer of Love

Sex, Drug, Rock and Roll.

Wasn’t all the grandfathers fault.

Propaganda is a difficult thing to fight.

Especially in the 60’s when we were clueless to how evil the CIA was.

It’s still working.

Every false accusation of Racist, Bigot, Phob of one sort or another, still is working to silence good people.

What sane mother would cut of their child’s penis?

That’s not grandfathers fault.

That’s indoctrination and sophistry using woman’s emotions to push an agenda.

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What sane mother would want to leave her precious, most precious belongings to some stranger when they are a few weeks old and go to work in a man’s world?!

Sickos!! Even cockroaches make better mothers than American women.

Just try taking a baby from the mother of any other creature on earth and see what happens. They will do their best to kill you.

And it wasn’t impossible I know many women who made it work you have to sacrifice and that is something these people who have a garage full of such crap that they have to put it in storage on top of that

In 1968 there was not one storage facility and now there are millions

Women traded their babies for cheap junk that they don’t even use

When I saw that happening in the 80s, I said anything could happen that was really the straw that broke the camels back. If you can get a mother to not care about her own precious baby, then you can do anything.

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Other than blaming three generations of men, I agree wholeheartedly.

Shutting down the economy and noncompliance would turn the tide, but the track record of American's stamina to not cave to consumerism is the weak link.

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What then has created so many desperately miserable and angry women? Feminists? What created so many enraged feminists? A sensible upbringing with two parents of reasonable competence?

And you know, this fantasy that once upon a time were housewives and wage-earner husbands ignores all of human history. It was only in the postwar prosperity in America that a middle class was able to thrive with one-earner households. Women have either always worked side-by-side with men on farms or tenant plots or the family shop etc. etc. etc. etc. Women at home with 9 kids often took in boarders or laundry or did seamstress work at the kitchen table etc. etc. etc. The competence of women was not a mystery. Untold generations of girls saw their mothers using entrepreneurial talents so the family would survive and perhaps even thrive.

These morons shrieking "teach girls to code!" seem not to have realized that women have always coded. Even in illiterate societies one finds extraordinary textiles woven by women who had to figure out how to do that, keeping patterns in their heads and orally transmitting them. What turned women so disrespectful of other women? Wonderful loving fathers and respectful husbands?

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Kinda off subject and my apologies for kinda butting in, although I'm kinda involved now by subsequently exuding my thoughts in your post.

...But you are kinda missing an important factor, beyond anyone's comprehension.

There's a war that has been waging for thousands of years now, regarding wealth and power originated from the Silk Road days.

Okay, now back to WWII. "Rosie the Riveters" and so forth.

The American way of life after WWI (not WWII, yet) was the beginning of the ending of the Family value system.

By the time WWII rolls around, women were at their wits end, by design most likely, their husbands are away making that money. Their children were being whisked off to war.

Enter: "The Manhattan Project". Not the movie, although it's great entertainment. I suggest viewing the actual documentary.

Personally, I believe that we're all being manipulated to destroy ourselves for the benefit of those still pursuing the stolen treasures and ideology of the past, that which we in the present will never be privileged to, yet are actually led to believe.

Sorry for getting all "Imperialist".

Here's the documentary essay from:

@lilybit or something like that.

Hopefully I can edit my reply and insert it. Otherwise I'll put it in another comment on your post. 🫶

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I can agree with much of what you write. But I can't lay the blame solely on several generations of men. Sorry, but I can't. It is a shared malfeasance that has brought us to this point.

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I keep seeing Conservative SubstackLand snarling without pause about all them angry harridan women but nobody ever seems to ask what made them. I have my views on what at least helped to make them.

Tell me yours.

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Short version of a long story; accountability.

No one is held accountable for their actions, everyone gets a trophy and a smiley face, everyone is equal and all the other progressive one world clap trap, drummed into the minds of the "average" person.

Who started it? I don't know. Probably old white men who wanted to add a few more zeros to their bank accounts, so their trophy wives could get another fur coat, yappy lap dog and then tell the nanny to pamper their trust fund urchins.

Like I said, I agree with most of your perspectives, just not the laying of all blame on three generations of "men".

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I should specifically have said "old white men who wanted a few more zeroes to their bank accounts?"

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See: Paul Harvey's "If I Were the Devil" from 1965. He saw all of it coming 60 years ago.


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History is a cycle. It ain't no forward march forever. But things must get terrible enough for the sky really to fall, for a time, and human ingenuity and damnedness to reflower. For a time.

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It's the Jews.

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It's the Jews you dumb Trollop.

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We will always outfox you, dear.

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Incorrect. It's the Jews. The Jews made Feminism. The Jews made consumerism. It's not the fault of all men, but of the churchmen who decided to worship a dead Jew.

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you can fix a women...alert!

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Liar Liar. Nothing can ever be fixed. Nothing good can ever happen> Everything will only get worse forever.

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ok ludiate...like the positive attitude...God controls all...check your bible...yes it will get worse because He said so...unless there is a Job moment...

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100%. It can be done. It has been done in the past. It’s done in a number of countries. All you have to get is that 30% in the middle who jumps on the bandwagon for whatever the stronger opinions are. And a lot of men have been talking about this. Many many women as well.

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while i love your passion...unless women are threatened they will not change their mind...scene it too much...most just want security...not love...they will pretend as long as they are safe...sad

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You Hope Too Much. Local politics never works, it's all bullshit by Freemasons.

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It's true they have more nimble minds than you, kid.

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I think if/when Kamala is installed the US will degrade to a Janus-faced amalgam of Argentina and South Africa: an extreme, bloated public sector akin to a North American Peronism; late East Bloc economic stagnation; an even more entrenched racial spoils system akin to the ANC's Economic Opportunity cadres; remaining white areas of the country descending into defacto Boerestaats that are subject to constant state harassment; cities further descending into Escape from New York status; and so on.

Red states will hold out for as long as they can, and a Vance run in '28 - assuming he isn't assassinated or driven into exile - *might* forestall total collapse, but I think a Kamala installation will essentially drive a stake into the heart of the country. Coupled with demographic warfare via millions of more Tony Montanas coming from south of the Rio Grande replacing millions of dead Boomers, the country is doomed to a permanent decline. And just wait till that Competency Crisis *really* comes home to roost. Incidentally, the UK will decline in direct tandem as Starmer and Harris are a demonic mirror-image of Thatcher and Reagan.

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That's more or less the default future if America remains on its current trajectory. So how do we charge that trajectory?

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Above my pay grade. We just have to hope that enough people are invested in theirs and their children's futures that they will dig deep and do what needs to be done to turn things around. Perhaps regimes are much more fragile and tenuous than we think.

It didn't take long for every domino to fall in East Europe during 1989-1990. I remember it happening and, at the same time, remember people thinking it would *never* happen.

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Hope doesn't come into it. The Eastern European uprisings didn't just happen out of the blue. They were the result of a decade of patient, courageous resistance from men and women who, in some cases, sacrificed everything, only to be completely forgotten.

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True. Then maybe we're at the left bookend of that decade. I'm wondering if a "Solidarity" movement c. 1980 might be brewing somewhere.

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Yes, it's quite possible that we're there. Then again we might only be halfway through.

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All we have to do is go on strike for as long as it takes until the regime vacates the premises. If everybody just sat their ass at home for a week two weeks a month, whatever it takes and refuse to participate. Alternatively, we could lay siege to the big blue cities, especially Washington DC and starve them out.

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America has a lot of inertia. It will take a huge, catastrophic event to change anything.

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Well-said, sir, well-said indeed.

What think you of the disintegration of the Union?

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I think it will depend on whether there's a functioning judicial system after Harris decides to pack it with Critical Race Theory-trained commissars who view any semblance of constitutional federalism as a "white supremacist" antique that must be thrown into the ash heap of history. If that's the case then all bets are off, as they will try to square peg-round hole a French-style unitary state onto a Republic that was designed as the explicit opposite. If whatever remains of the Republican party - state and federal - decides to just roll over and play dead and fume on social media rather than begin some kind of rearguard action against it, then shut the lights off, we're done.

The lawfare being conducted against Trump will be tame in comparison to the show-me-the-man-I'll-show-you-the-crime legal apparatus that will be built by the law students waving Palestinian flags and tearing down statues at Ivy League law schools. The long march through the institutions will turn into the legal equivalent of Munich in 1972.

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I agree with your observations, but vis-à-vis disintegration of the Union, at first glance I think the more egregiously unconstitutional the federal government is, the more likely the states start soft-secceeding from the Union. I.e., refusing to enforce federal dictats and federal judges' rulings, refusing to acknowledge FBI, etc. If Washington then tries to reestablish its usurped authority with brute force (army? If so, clearly Posse Comitatus is suspended), then that might easily provoke a true disintegration of the Union.

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I think we're kinda-sorta seeing the beginnings of that with the Texas border situation and the Texas Rangers basically telling the feds to fuck off.

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Yes, this is the most plausible scenario.

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Excellent comment

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Also recall, as Luttwak reminds us, that it is almost always the (unknown) colonel and not the general who starts a coup. The generals, as you say, are too beholden to the Regime. The colonels are not political appointees.

Point is, we won't see the man coming, assuming we get one.

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We may hope that there is some enterprising colonel out there.

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I believe there are more than one.

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Never Hope That Much.

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This is "The Man on Horseback" example.

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Case in point, in 1999 nobody knew who is Mr. Putin.

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"Let me add, that only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters".

- Benjamin Franklin, letter to the Abbés Chalut and Arnaud (17 April 1787).

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This is the nub of the matter. A servile population enables a failed state. Neither left nor right nor independents can claim the high ground when there is no high ground to claim. Gangters will rule because they are prepared to open fire. I wish someone would change my mind.

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Our ancestors apparently evolved living in small groups or troops like chimps and bonobos. We have multiplied to such an extent that we outnumber almost all larger animals, and are closer in numbers to insects. Yet we lack their social instincts and group minds. No one has ever solved the problem of finding an ideal system of government for humans; it seems to me that while some individual humans are highly intelligent, as a species we may not be intelligent enough to survive.

The present social and governmental systems seem hopelessly corrupt. As Warthog remarks, gangsters rule and there is no obvious way to break their hold. It must be a gradual grass-roots movement, eventually replacing our systems of government with something better. The Chinese and the Russians are probably more advanced in this sense than we; perhaps we can learn from them.

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Let's devalue intelligence when it comes to getting stuff done - midwit will do well enough when energy and ambition are in adequate supply - quoting shamelessly from Raw Egg Nationalist on Xitter "Can you imagine Hernan Cortes or Frederick II sitting down to take an IQ test?" https://x.com/Babygravy9/status/1824797037776310776

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Nothing will happen. Nobody is coming to save us. The globalist regime in the west needs to be treated like the communist occupation government in Poland. We need to form our own groups and institutions.

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This is the correct mindset.

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agree totally, workin on it

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Thank you. Best wishes with your writing and employment.

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'The regime stole the election in broad daylight, grinned with its hands in the cookie jar, looked the country right in the eyes with crumbs dribbling down its wobbling chins, grinned “What cookie?”, and dared anyone to call it on their blatant lies'.

They did, didn't they? And they enjoyed every moment of it, because every moment of it confirmed and underlined their power over others. Over you.

"The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth. A Galileo could no more be elected President of the United States than he could be elected Pope of Rome. Both posts are reserved for men favored by God with an extraordinary genius for swathing the bitter facts of life in bandages of soft illusion".

- H.L. Mencken (“The Art Eternal”, New York Evening Mail 1918, as quoted in Alistair Cooke, “The Vintage Mencken”)

"[Bureaucratic systems] always create a culture of complicity. It’s not just that some people get to break the rules – it’s that loyalty to the organization is to some degree measured by one’s willingness to pretend this isn’t happening...

"Career advancement is not based on merit, and not even based necessarily on being someone’s cousin; above all, it’s based on a willingness to play along with the fiction that career advancement is based on merit, even though everyone knows this not to be true. Or with the fiction that rules and regulations apply to everyone equally, when, in fact, they are often deployed as a means for entirely arbitrary personal power".

- David Graeber, "The Utopia of Rules", pp 26-7.

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Graeber was an absolute gem.

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"Only the good die young".

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So here’s my question… no one thinks presidential elections are legitimate, going back to the hanging chads issue of the 2000 election, to Hillary Clinton and ‘Russian collusion’ to the midnight surge for Biden in 2020. So why won’t the legislative branch pass some laws giving a framework for federal elections? I understand that elections are run by each state as they see fit, but can the federal government say ‘for federal elections, voter ID is required, there can be a max of 5 days early voting, votes must be finalized within 24 hours of polls closing, voter registration must be verified against death certificates every 3 years, that kind of thing? Not exactly how to run the elections, but a framework? It seems like a no brainer for bipartisan support, or am I just naive?

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They don't want laws to prevent cheating because they like cheating. I should think it's obvious.

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I’m not as black pilled as you are, I think there really are good legislators that are trying to do the right thing.

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Both sides

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If they're already stealing the elections, AND ARE IN BED WITH EACH OTHER, any law to prevent stealing likely won't pass because first the thieves will need to lose the election. :) But if it's really the Uniparty, then there's nobody to force the laws into place.

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I’m with you. It’s either that the constitition won’t allow it, or what you just said. I only see those 2 options.

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Who knows what the Constitution allows? It depends on which judge or Constitutional scholar you ask.

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Most citizens support the idea, but most politicians don't.

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Nice post. Well, the future is simply California applied nationally: a permanent one party state. The two last vestiges holding back parabolic shitliberalism from spiraling into a Stalin/Mao purity spiral are the Supreme Court and part of Congress leaning Republican. Once those are gone, they come for the guns in the indirect manner you state (not going house to house) and then they work to genocide the white population through a wide variety of measures. The CBDC/woke AI angle is also a very important one. This is all coming.

But all of human history since the neolithic has been a push toward greater and greater centralization and loss of autonomy/control, with some bumps here and there, and the decline of human capital. This upcoming loss is just one further ratcheting toward the end of humanity along with the destruction of the natural world.

Philosophical pessimism sucks, it's hard to accept but it's true, and the real thorny question is how to stay positive and hopeful even in light of it...

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I'm not sure that it's true that a monotonic movement towards greater centralization characterizes history. There have been numerous eras in which central control broke down completely. It's more of an oscillation.

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3D printers are wonderful things that you can make all kinds of stuff with, no loicense needed 👁

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Until you need a license for the printer

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The regime will suppress any grassroots rebellion by threatening to or actually choking off people's prescription drugs. We have a populace in which 60% of the households are living paycheck to paycheck, and roughly the same proportion -- with considerable overlap -- are poly-pharmaceutical and borderline obese to obese. Indebted, chemically dependent serfs whose replacements have been crossing the open southern border. Sorry, but I have no hope in the general body politic which is as unhealthy as it looks. Take charge of your own body, health, and money -- find or build networks if not communities with like-minded people. Abandon any of the many heads of the uni-party as a potential savior.

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You're not wrong. A huge part of the reason the American population is so supine is that they've been chemically zombified.

OTOH all of those are basically NPCs at this point. The protagonists can ignore them - they're like mobile scenery.

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Use the Church of the catacombs as the example. Build small networks of trust that have few points of connection to reduce the attack surface. Live a life of joy if only to spite the regime. Win converts. It is the long game to a brighter future none of us may live to see. When the regime eventually captures you and seeks to make a spectacle of your death, die with a steel will and a smile on your face. It is the hardest ask and I know not if I have the strength but I pray that I do.

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I agree with your assessment: fat, dumb, sick & miserable. What do think about “heading for the hills” in the USA for the homesteading lifestyle?

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As if there are any safe hills over yonder. Nah, the closest thing would be to run across the pond to Russia like the Countryside Acres guys did.

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Excellent read, John!

I agree that the points you make are absolutely essential. After 2020, the belief that elections are an effective mechanism for the electorate to force their will on the State is shown to be an unsustainable delusion. This being obviously so, there seem to be only two paths for Americans: resignedly doing what they have always done, knowing that at the very best is will only slightly postpone the inevitable; or putting an end to a union that no longer represents any of the founding ideals of the nation.

I hope for the latter, but I give the former heavy odds.

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The wolves are not going to let half the sheep leave the flock, at least not without a fight.

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I agree and I grieve for a Nation that was free and healthy.

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I’m afraid the die has been cast and our fate decided regardless of the election’s outcome. Trump served his purpose, he exposed the Deep State, the RINO traitors, and the Dems begin to say the quiet part of their agenda out loud. If Trump gets reelected, I doubt that he will be able to get anything done. Even with a majority in the Senate and House, the Republicans have never shown a willingness to unite. The Deep State bureaucracy has shown its colors, so why would anyone expect them to support Trump? Even Trump’s appointees, at best are willing to stand on the sidelines, and at worst will work against him - see current FBI director.

I hate to be pessimistic, but there is no evidence that the Right/Conservatives/Republican/MAGA will fight. Did anyone protest when the people arrested for Jan 6 were jailed and sent to prison? Did anyone protest when the FBI raided Mar-a-lago? Did anyone protest when Trump was almost assassinated? Did anyone protest when the Secret Service and FBI lied and stonewalled at the Congressional hearings investigating the attempted assassination?

On the flip side of the coin, the Left/Liberal/Commies/Democrats will protest, riot, and burn down cities at the drop of a hat. The police shoot a black man - RIOT, LOOT, BURN! The Supreme Court rules against the Left - RIOT, LOOT, ASSASSINATION THREAT OF SC JUSTICE! The US backs Israel after being brutally attacked by a terrorist organization - RIOT, LOOT, BURN, TAKE OVER COLLEGES!

The Right is disorganized and complacent - we get what we deserve.

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