This same infiltration happened in my home town, Toronto. I had already left in the early 70's, but my family remained.

When they finally left in the early 80's it was explained to me to be 'white flight.' Most of my clan moved north to the Georgian Bay area.

I can see now how our society was destroyed by social engineering and why.

It's like the frog in the pot of water analogy and it's all for control of power and money. 'They' got us good!

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The model was proven successful in the US, and the GAE has since exported it everywhere its influence reaches.

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There’s no social engineering, people should stop posting crap as if those people had any foresight. The Western world isn’t able to plan anything beyond the next earning quarter. What is happening today is the responsibility of everyone of us. We abandoned spirituality, we didn’t care about family anymore, we only look for our own well-being, we don’t care about our neighbors, mothers and fathers busy pursuing capital accumulation, leaving kids to be raised by daycares. Of course, people would rather blame the immigrants or the government, and never take any responsibility for anything. The world you live in is the construct of your own.

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You're pretty naive and ignorant aren't you

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There is definitely social engineering, there are ideologically motivated people in power doing ideologically motivated things, this plainly obvious.

What you say it true too, there is no dissonance in those positions.

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Infiltration. Perfect word for it.

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Tell me again, immigration is not being used as a weapon of war to turn all of North America into a 3rd world cartel/gang ruled ghetto?

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And not only North America.

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All of the West

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It is time for my ritual bashing of William F. Buckley and the NR crowd. They conserved exactly nothing-not the family, not the social order, not economic freedom, not the Constitution, nor even the notion of two sexes. His motto of standing athwart history and shouting No is exactly wrong. It cedes progress to the Left and the shout should have been go back to the nothingness from which you came. It turned conservatives into the handmaidens of the Left and enabled the ratchet effect. And thus it was until the coming of Trump.

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I've always hated that saying. It accedes that there is an arc of history, that its direction is predictable and inevitable, and that the left represents it.

I'm actually working on an essay on this very subject…

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It's sure to be a great one, am pretty pissed at the conservative movement for doing nothing to slow the tide. Hope Trump really does reverse the bloody tide. Can't wait for that essay of yours John, it's sure to be a real banger.

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Looking forward to it.

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I'm less critical of Buckley. I see him trying to stop the "Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times" cycle (preferably it stops when strong men are creating good times). I have felt for most of my life that civilizations move leftward throughout their existence (Conquest's laws, et al), so trying to get a decent civilization off the ground and then STOP any further movement makes a degree of sense.

When it comes to the "conservative movement's failure", I don't view it as a lack of effort so much as a position of great disadvantage. The ideology that makes Western Civilization prosper is a bunch of prisoner's dilemmas; a fragile balance of John Adams' "moral and religious people" respecting each other's rights even when they could individually benefit from violating each other.

I suspect it will always be easier to topple such an arrangement than to create one, and we're seeing that prove out now.

For the record, I'm not seeing the "dissident right" or whatever it's calling itself this week answer any questions that Buckley could not.

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The New Right wants to break the ratchet and roll it back or perhaps go off at right angles. Whether they succeed is another question.

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It's because the left is marching in Satan's Legion down Lucifer's left hand path.

And Satan is king of Earth so it only goes to reason that his children would be blessed

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Break down White ethnic identities, then break down White identity. It sounds like they just have a deep-seated hatred for Europeans, especially considering this exact model is being replicated in once ethnically homogeneous European Countries.

Is there some truth to perfidious Albion? How Jewish was this radical push for integration? I do know that many Jewish communities suffered the same fate as these Polish communities, in Detroit, no less.

One thing is certain: nonwhites are bio-weapons.

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They mimic us, wear suits and speak our langauge but they can never be us. If they are left to their own devices they fall into a state of degeneracy. Look at India for example after the British left, shit on the streets everywhere and cities that look like Stalingrad. And regarding your question, sometimes the devil sacrifices its own to advance his goals.

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The jews are behind this. They push the destruction of the goyim's ethnic, cultural and tribal identity & cohesiveness while they maintain their own. Their god commands them to be the only tribe left standing. It's both a survival strategy and a strategy of domination. The jewish communities did not suffer the same fate because their cohesiveness isn't dependent on a physical location/neighborhood.

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The 2010s (esp via Obama) brought out an increasingly blatant collaboration between big, government, big business, and the nonprofit sector in consolidating power among a small ruling elite. It was no longer a managerial elite; it is a ruling class, as Angelo Codevilla observed.

This, however, was not a fundamental change in the way of doing things in the United States, as the writer points out. It was the culmination of a process begun in earnest at the beginning of the twentieth century: progressivism. It took the local centralization of power and corruption and nationalized it. There was to be no escape.

This is a story of one (critical) aspect of that effort.

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Really, that was what Civil War One was about. Lincoln, not Wilson was the first Progressive.

That was the first big consolidation of power and the emergence of a corporate ruling class.

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(Replying from a foreigner's angle)

What is funny to me as a Swede reading this, is that the history of "racial integration" which you describe here was actually taught (briefly) in schools here until the 1980s, as an example of how totalitarian/authoritarian capitalists would use different cultures/ethnicities as weapons against human rights, worker's rights, democracy in general and so on and so forth.

Which of course isn't news to any student of history: capitalists have ever fomented strife among what they see as their slave caste, which exists only for exploitation, and have always hated free speech, freedom of expression and freedom of association, to say nothing of their hate for democracy and meritocracy both.

"Free markets for me but not for thee", so to speak.

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How surprising that they stopped teaching that. I wonder what changed in Sweden that made such a curriculum undesirable…

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(It all happened during the 1980s and was finalised during the 1990s)

We-l-l. . . basically, the Socialist Democrats realised they were losing the workers and the middle class both at the same time, in no small part due to their idiotic policies during the 1970s, including a Party/Union-radicals led scheme for legally buying controlling shares in the major banks and industrial corporations, a scheme which then would have been made law so that all businesses over a certain size would be under the (in)direct control of the Party and the National Union.

At the same time, the conservative parties (Farmer's Union Party and the Moderates, and the Christian Democrats) dropped any remaining nationalism or patriotism in favour of USAmerican 1980s neoliberalism/neocon-ideology.

This led to both the Socialists and their traditional opposition realising that they suddenly shared policies and politics on 19 out of 20 issues, making a mockery of democracy as a process of government, and removing any real debate or real consequences for impopular policies. Furthermore, the 1990s saw a change in reporting on politics, from issues to personalities/identitarian/celebrity-gossippy-stuff; reading up on a budget proposition is tedious, boring and time-consuming - running an outrage-porn article about "NN waved his dick around at party function" (In reality, he was out back taking a leak but who cares if it sells papers?) or such became the norm.

And to compound all this (which is like summing up a galaxy by saying "Oh my god, it's full of stars"), we had a very real generational shift during the 1990s: the generation born during the 1910s and 1920s, the builders of modern Sweden, retired in droves leaving the executive spots open for the 1940s generation.

The one who was young during the 1960s, and found their inspiration in US Campus Radicalism, anti-Vietnam war roleplaying, Maoist ideals, and all lot more "flum*".

And this generation then recruited each other's kids to be their second-in-commands, creating a dynastic power structure of each successive generation being less able, of lower IQ, and more ideologically blind than their predecessors.

When I say many Swedes of my age and older reason and analyse as if it's 1975, it's not a joke - they are stuck in that decade, mentally and conceptually, and cannot understand how different the world is.

*Flum is an idiomatic word that to my knowledge lacks a straight English equivalent. Any Swede would immediately know what's meant by it, but a translation would need to be quite lengthy with examples. Think of a female middle-aged AWFL sociology professor at Brown, peace-pins and flower-power hairstyle, trying to explain that even if there would be photo-evidence of Haitians stealing and eating pets, it's because of Phalocratic patriarchal cis-hetnormative white supremacist racism making you code the images that way. That's about the closest I think I can get. Add maybe a stink of PlayDo, the feeling of corduroy, nicotine-gum halitosis, and patchouli+henna covering the reek of whatever's underneath the clothes.

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Flum is such a brilliant word. So evocative, with a hint of onomatopoeia.

The 68ers are a plague everywhere, but Sweden seems to have more than it's fair share of middle aged nagging schoolmarms who are as blind to the destruction and decay wrought by their policies as they are oblivious to the cringe of their propaganda.

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Flum - so now we in the US know how to describe the communist university instructors at work on the latest batch of kids. Except, I think the ones teaching now are worse and include pedos.

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Pedo-apologists have always featured prominently in this, as a part of the "gay rights movement", where they hide out to this day.

It was not uncommon in the 1960s for child-psychologist to publicly endorse parents having sex in front of their children, to "teach the children about love"; some psychologists also endorsed adults "teaching" children how to "love".

Publicly, all presented as some scientific truth revealed by the psychologists and wrapped in technical jargon to make it seem legitimate.

It went so far here that the Liberal party put forth a suggestion for the construction of "intercourse rooms" in High Schools, in the 1970s.

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Wasn't cheese pizza legal in Sweden up through the 70s?

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You'll have to explain that one to me. I'm "lost in translation" here.

First pizzeria opened in 1947 (just looked it up) - ASEA in Västerås started serving it to Italian guest-workers, and one Italian opened a restaurant in Stockholm, but it took until the 1980s for pizza to make a real breakthrough as food.

Part of it was an urban legend (called "Klintbergare" after a Swedish folklorist and ethnographer who published a collection famous and persistent such stories) about rat meat being used on pizzas.

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I detail the Democrats' need to fragment White America here: There’s nothing crazy about the Democrats’ agenda. Every Democrat policy is designed to build the party’s voting coalition. The Democrat dream: perpetual division and a White minority: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/theres-nothing-crazy-about-the-democrats

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An outstanding article. Packed with stuff that is relevant today. The regime is threatened by cohesion and tradition amongst the subordinate classes. That they have made Detroit a template for social engineering says it all. Given the opportunity the regime will recreate something akin to Salem's Lot from coast to coast. But forewarned is forearmed. We know what we have to do and it is eminently achievable: prosocial choices at a granular level.

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Perhaps more importantly, we know what the consequences of failure are: Detroit, everywhere.

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Exactly, but, not to blackpill, the players now involved are more dangerous than low IQ ex-sharecroppers. The partnership between the regime and Tren de Aragua, the cartels or the jihadis introduces vastly more formidable forces into communities thst are unprepared for organised malice. And the mischiefs wrought by Gunnar Myrdal's legacy took place during times of spreading abundance and social resilience.

But people adapt to threat. It wakes people up. Hormesis kicks in.

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The regime trying to use more capable elements for its biowarfare may come back to bite it. Cartels harder to push around than blacks, and more ambitious.

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I'd bet everything I've got that this is exactly what is sure to happen. The trouble is the wannabe tough guy amoral realists who make these decisions have never had contact with genuinely dangerous people. No one who has such experience would be so complaisant. Not in a million years.

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This is why foxes invariably give way to lions.

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We just have to be a lot more ambitious than the cartels, and harder.

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You get a like from me just for mentioning Myrdal!

Even here in Sweden, most under 50 haven't heard of him - they only know about his son Gunnar, the Khmer Rouge-apologetic.

And don't forget Alva Myrdal, the woman who suggested that the State be made warden of all children, and that the children be taken from their parents and raised anonymously by trained professionals in communal cribs, to create the model citizen.

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Where would we be without such experts? I concluded a long time ago that Gunnar Myrdal was the human equivalent of a rabid plague rat fed angel dust and DMT. Whoever inflicted him on the US deserves a special place in Hell.

Not surprised to hear that the woman he married was a sadist and a nutter or that the boy grew up to apologise for Pol Pot.

I think it was Emerson who once wrote that if he knew that a man with good intentions was approaching to visit him he would start running. Wise man.

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I think it was the "Carnegie Corporation" who invited Myrdal to the USA.

Wikipedia has some quite informational but heavily slanted pages, about a quite influential yet surprisingly anonymous man:



Of course, Wikipedia being PC does not give the full title in the link:

"An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy"

Basically, and me putting it into plain speak instead of sociological terminology, Myrdal's idea was that using social engineering american Negros could be uplifted to become just as upstanding and productive and profitable citizens as the white (Anglo-Saxon) Americans.

Over here in Sweden, the legacy of the Myrdals is one we still live with, but they have certainly fallen from grace, now being synonymous with state over-reach and authoritarian practices.

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“Its original purpose was to grant citizenship and legal protection to blacks, but as time passed, the ambiguity of the law made it a playground for activist judges to make judgements based on sketchy legal precedents.”

written and passed by radical republicans (as a requirement for readmission to the union which confederate states had allegedly never seceded) to shift political power and has been coopted by communists to do the same. and some republicans still miss the irony.

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The dubious way they added those amendments doesn't even rise to the level of a banana republic.

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This isn't just an American phenomenon, back in the 60s in my country they were importing these so called guest workers from Morocco and other non white countries. They settled them in the major cities and said in 10 years they will all go back home. Well guess what, they didnt and those areas are still the main ghetto's in the country untill this day.

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They always lie. “They're just guest workers.” “The refugees are only here until things calm down back home.” “The immigration amnesty is just this one time.” “Changing immigration law won't change demographics.” “We've always been multicultural.” “We need them for the economy.”

All lies.

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It's why I refuse to go back to Ontario, and will only live in a French only region. I don't mind if someone is 'black', of old Celtic (i.e. French) descent or anglo, or what have you, I like to have the principal binding factor of my neighbourhood be the French language and culture.

I refuse to live anywhere where it isn't either Japanese or French, the former for love of their culture but as that's not an option in Canada, French it must be. Preferably rural Quebec (where I might have recently scored a really good 30$ an hour job/promotion) where it is French and French only that is spoken.

Though I can't stand cities of any kind, so looking forward to this new step in my career. I'm looking to also purchase a house for around January with any luck, in the small corner I'm moving to.

Most people in Quebec though are bound by language and love our language dearly more than anything else. But that said, I can't stand the wokeness of one of the cities I recently worked in, I must admit though, I've plans to visit Arizona again as I do so love the South USA. They along with the English of GB are my favourite people of the Anglosphere.

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“urban renewal”

if the government claims something you can almost assuredly bet that the actual outcome will be the opposite. coincidence? patterns.

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“This mess started when freedom was eroded”

brevity is beautiful.

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Destruction in the name of “progress”. Leave it to the Do Gooders to tear ANYTHING apart.

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I thank you for this informative article. Certainly race and class play an important part in the current situation. And indeed, the elites do use blacks as a weapon. But this explanation is too rational, I believe. It doesn't explain the insanity.

It doesn't explain gay marriage and drag queen story hour, not to mention the growth in transvestites and sexual fluidity. Why are they so hellbent on pushing homosexuality? Why the brainless interest in romantic love, as if that's the only kind? Arranged marriage has worked in multiple cultures for thousands of years and is still used about 50% of the time in India. Why the queering of history?

Walking around Washington, DC, is like visiting an outdoor lunatic asylum-halfway house. Strung-out, violent junkies right next to women with baby strollers who live in $500K condos. Or women in spandex, lots of women, running past convicted rapists, begging for trouble. Or seeing upon first glance what appears to be a normal man until you notice he has breasts.

Also, the insane wars. I doubt if any of them can explain why we are slaughtering 100s of thousands of men in Ukraine. Somehow they at some point equated Putin with Trump and whatever those two men represent is their waking nightmare. To what lengths they are willing to go to destroy them and what they represent we don't know. But it seems at this point there is no limit

There's a lot more going on out there, folks.

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There's an answer so simple it's trite and therefore overlooked by us all, because we go looking for logical plans, agendas, ideas and ideologies as drivers of change.

That answer is, and I'll try to be brief:

First, you have a societal issue that people organise and rally around to change. If and then the organisation is successful in changing that in the direction they want it changed, the organisation doesn't dissolve but instead find another cause.

(This is well-known, I'm just reinventing the wheel as a set-up for the main course).

However, consider also the time-frame involved: years, maybe decades. This means that you will get generational change within the organisation, continously and naturally. And how is the New Guard to show the Old Guard that they too are True Believers? By being even more pure in their interpretation of ideas, and pushing the logic and the tangent of the initial cause one step further.

You can start with Jesus and four centuries later you end up with the Catholic Church. Or workers demanding to be treated as humans winding up as the Soviet Union. Or women wanting equality before the law becoming feminism.

Take any idea, and start pushing it towards it's own end using the idea's own logic, and you'll always end up somewhere you neither wanted to nor thought possible.

And that's, in short, the answer to "Why the queering of _______?".

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Once you've destroyed religious, cultural and national identity, what's left but the family and biological identity? It seems to me there are overlapping agendas at play. The first is the socialist desire to erase all traditional social structures and replace them with the state. In this they are allied with the administrative state and managerial class who, like the socialists, wish to reduce human beings to raw material for the purposes of the state. The attack on biological reality serves a secondary purpose. It is designed to condition the population to accept as fact obvious untruths, and not just accept them but to champion them as a great virtue. Once you've conditioned the population to the point where they will confidently proclaim women can have penises, what can't you get them to believe?

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Theodore Dalrymple:

—“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”—

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The WEF stated outright that they want to have 500 million people by 2030. Homosexuality is killing all of us. People are afraid of all the filthy diseases, wear a condom, birth rates go down. not to mention how they are sterilizing peoples kids with the tranny stuff.

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Not to mention how they had told us older people how dangerous gay men were over the years, warning us about pedos, bath houses, glory holes, new diseases and then they get the next generation to worship these gays. This causes riffs in family. The more you don’t have your family the more you have to depend on the government.

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Our ruling class is so degenerate that they would embarrass Caligula.

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Ahrimanic vs Sorathic evil.

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I lived in Detroit between 1967 - 1970. My mother had remarried and moved with her three children from a rural town on the East coast to a largely Polish, Italian, Slavic neighborhood of Detroit. I was going into the 6th grade as a thin blonde blue eyed girl. Bussing from the inner city had already begun in earnest, and my neighborhood was get dangerous. The junior high that I entered the next year more closely resembled a prison than any school I’d ever attended. Police were posted at every entrance, and checked all bags for weapons. We were only allowed plastic spoons in the cafeteria. I walked to and from school every day with a friend, regardless of weather or civil unrest. For no reason, other than being WHITE, gangs of black kids would ambush and beat us up, until we began walking in larger groups, carrying chains (or choke collars used for large dogs).

Seriously, it was a scary time, but I had to become outwardly tough to survive it. Eventually, my mother packed us up and returned to the rural town we came from.

I so appreciate reading about the history of what happened to Detroit, because now I understand better what was happening and why. Oh, and by the way… Urban Renewal and social engineering eventually destroyed my small rural town, though in a far different way.

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The narrative focus on the struggle of blacks against racism has been used to overwrite the absolute horror show whites were forced to endure. By denouncing any criticism of these policies as small-minded bigotry, whites were effectively silenced - a perfect inversion of the victim/victimizer relationship.

Years ago I came across an extensive series of first-hand accounts, similar to your own, published on American Renaissance. Eye opening. We've been lied to and gaslit for generations.

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As late as the mid-70s, Greek Town was fairly safe. The Mafia made it so because they liked the restaurants. In the end, they gave up.

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Greek Town is nice again, but that's because of an uncompromising police presence.

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Nice to know. Been a long time. Used to go there with friends. One was a Polish woman who had very a hostile opinion of retsina

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This is true.

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