As an English woman this is a very depressing read - but there have been many, many depressing reads in the last several years. The north east county of Teesside where I live (about 50 miles south of Newcastle, about 50 miles north of York) is, compared to much of the North West, free from immigrants. Lately however, since the nonsense that was ‘Covid’, I see more and more black Africans in the market town closet to the village where I live: every time I visit the town there seems to be more. However, most of the people are white and either old, very fat, or disabled in some way, and often all of these things. It’s a very working class town, and always has been, and the white people I see appear poor and down at heel, most are tattooed, most are sloppily dressed, most look ill even if they are not obese. I would guess from my own observations, that the old out number the young.

What happened? My parents were born in 1913 and 1925 respectively. They had six children, I am the fifth, born in 1961. Both my parents came from large families. Two of my uncles emigrated to Canada in the 1950s. Another three of my uncles were killed in the two world wars. Another moved away from Teesside. My aunty stayed, she had four children, only one of whom stayed in Teesside, and only one had more than two children - she emigrated to Australia; her brother remains childless and is my only surviving English cousin. As for my five brothers and sisters: one emigrated to Canada in 1973; one moved to London aged 18 and remains ‘down south’, one married a Welsh girl and still lives in Wales. Three of us stayed in Teesside; having had six children, my parents had eleven grandchildren, only four of whom remain in the northeast. I have two children, one lives round the corner from me, another married a French Algerian man and lives near Paris with our only grandchild.

When I was a child - even up to my early 30s - the market town near me was very crowded on market days. Last year, the council knocked down the very large, 1970s shopping centre that had itself replaced lots of very old shops, pubs and hotels. Nothing will be built to replace the shopping centre, the space is to be a park, open to the river Tees which up until the 1960s was lined with industry. What does this empty space signify? That only old, poor people want to go into town and shop? Well, that’s how it looked today as my husband and I walked around the very depleted market (a few stalls where there used to be very many).

My husband and I are amongst the youngest of the boomers, a cohort that of course is beginning to die out; perhaps we should have had more children, (I wish I had). I am almost certain we won’t have more than our one, French grandchild. Looking around today it’s seems we are being replaced, that when I am very old, if I live so long, I will be surrounded by non native English people, especially if I leave my very nice, prosperous, very white village. My village will probably become a white ghetto, depending on the speed of white replacement or white flight (where will we fly to?) I am worried about this, but also saddened and angry because I can envisage the U.K. becoming even more like present day South Africa - blacks murdering whites without fear of the law.

We ‘boomers’ should have paid much, much more attention to politics; but perhaps it just comes down to this: we should have had more children. Except…my grandparents had lots of kids, and far too many of them were either killed or badly mentally damaged by the wars. So, all we can do is trust in god try and to live in faith.

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I'm just south of the Humber Bridge and you could be talking about my small market town. So many Africans now where there were none before. We seem to have two types, middle-aged Africans of both sexes and young males. Also heavy on the Turkish barbers and pizza shops run by Middle Eastern men. Oh, and the car wash run by Romanians. Plenty of fat/old/disabled locals. This situation is replicated throughout England from what I've seen and heard. I do believe we're heading for kinetic white genocide in the coming decades. They're taught to hate us and that wiping us out is the right thing to do/justified. The teachers include both Abrahamic religions that aren't Christianity. One has forced open our borders, the other is the hostile and violent parasite.

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Migrants are being injected into small towns all over the world, now. It's the same in Canada, Sweden, Germany... The days in which we could run and hide in our rural redoubts have come to an end.

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You're right - but living in a colder rural area helps. People from warmer climates don't like living in the North, and will avoid it if they can. Southern cities and northern towns large enough to have advanced infrastructure are magnets, but you will find almost no blacks or POCs outside those areas - in my experience, at least.

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Concur. Have been corresponding with a friend who relocated to rural NY state from the deep south. We all have some stereotypes about New York, but it turns out... rural NY is shockingly, homogenously, white. After spending our whole lives being called racists just because of where we are from, it was incredibly weird to find that this place we'd thought of as uniformly liberal progressive and of course very integrated and multicultural, was so... like the official numbers it's over 90%. We couldn't even imagine that. How does that happen? It's truly weird.

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If migrants were interested in rural living, they wouldn't have come to Western countries in the first place.

I also have a hunch that street people like to hang out where there is free wi-fi and high speed internet. So the more you are willing to give up the extreme end of the "mod cons," the safer your habitat,.

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Thank you for naming the violent parasite that is at the root of all of this. Every single country that has problems with replacement level immigration has Jews working in the background to make it happen. And I don't care about being called an anti-semite for saying so. I wear the badge proudly.

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“It’s the Jooooos”

No it’s not, you’re a disgusting antisemite!

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Actually this op is correct. Not recognizing Jewish power exists is one of the major blind spots of western peoples.

Here's a detailed breakdown of the influence of a tiny few Jewish academics in Ireland and their help in kicking off our replacement migration path. Just to counter your silly antisemitic argument - not that I believe you will read it.


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I see the same in the towns and cities near me - many are old but even more are fat, tattooed, sick. I would say however the problem isn't the lack of young English, it's the excess of foreign men.

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Our elites told our young people it was beneath them to work, so they went to college to become baristas and dole gatherers. Foreign young men were imported to get the work done and keep wages low. This is not hard to understand.i

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Q : How does that theory fit in with the actual truth ?

A : Not very well

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Please provide the actual truth.

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They don't cross half the world to get to Sweden, Germany or Britain to find work that "the natives won't do"

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WWI was a Pyrrhic victory for England as well as France. Neither fully recovered and WWII was another major nail on your coffin. It just took a long time for it to become obvious. EU wasted so much time and treasure fighting amongst themselves that they didn’t see the real threats growing south of them. And now you have nothing but cowardly leadership helpless to defend you. Ps I am voting for Trump/Vance 2024 while we still have a chance here in the US.

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I will vote for that ticket, too. But I know it won't matter. Maybe DJT only goes along with pharma and other cabal interests out of expediency, but I doubt it. Vance appears a product of deepstatespook constructed hero training school.

Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex.

Trust only in Jesus.

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Both Britain and Europe are whiter than America.

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America, the continent, is multicultural.

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I increasingly do not see a peaceful solution to this predicament. A people who excuse and even tacitly condone the murder of white children cannot be ousted from power peacefully.

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There is very little hope for a peaceful solution. Our governments were given abundant opportunities for peace, have rejected them all, and have now isolated themselves within echo chambers in which they convince themselves that they cannot lose, and therefore need not negotiate.

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There seems to be a certain madness in the political elite of the west, you see and hear it everywhere. This "Rivers of Blood Speech" was delivered by Enoch Powell in 1968 he was a British Member of Parliament. Powell described what he perceived to be the evolving position of the native born British population, this quote was prescient and predicted what is happening in the UK now.

"For reasons which they could not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country. They found their wives unable to obtain hospital beds in childbirth, their children unable to obtain school places, their homes and neighbourhoods changed beyond recognition, their plans and prospects for the future defeated; at work they found that employers hesitated to apply to the immigrant worker the standards of discipline and competence required of the native-born worker; they began to hear, as time went by, more and more voices which told them that they were now the unwanted. On top of this, they now learn that a one-way privilege is to be established by Act of Parliament; a law which cannot, and is not intended to, operate to protect them or redress their grievances, is to be enacted to give the stranger, the disgruntled and the agent provocateur the power to pillory them for their private actions".

The Act of Parliament was the Race Relations Bill. I recently made a comment on feeling a stranger in a very strange land because of my experience when using public transport, I heard no English being spoken only foreign languages it was strange and surreal. Powell exactly described how I felt on that day, I was made a stranger in my own country.

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The state failed in its primary duty, even an inner core of that primary duty, to prevent little girls from being murdered. And it has the nerve to call the people protesting that failure, "criminals".

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If you recognise any police present, police engaging in assaulting their own people on behalf of the slave-lords of Downing Street, confront said police with what they are doing.

Do it in a legal manner, but do it publicly.

Ask them why they assault their own people, yet let invaders roam free.

Ask them why they co-operate with a regime that supports sharia-courts and moslem slave-trading rape gangs.

Ask them if their parents and grandparents and children would be proud of them.

Ask them, in public, what more than 350 000 british soliders, nurses, doctors, and others died for between 1939-1945.

Ask them. At social gatherings, at the corner store, on the the street, when they are pikcing up their kids from school.

Be polite, act witt dignity and proper decorum, make sure to toe the law, and if possible document it.

But do it, no matter when in England or Britain you reside, no matter your sex or age or origin.

It is the only way to within those police, and the civil servants and all the anonymous functionaires of the totalist capitalist-fascist state, kindle anything akin shame and guilt over betraying the ideals they supposedly defend.

Do not let them hide behind "only following orders". Never.

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This is the classy way to do it.

There are other options, for instance, refusing to serve them, sell to them, or even to acknowledge them in social situations; to ostracize them, making them pay a steep social cost for being traitors to their own.

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I think that’s a smart way to do it, trying to talk to these people are impossible because the brainwashing has been too intense. Also lots of them are now immigrants.

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While I appreciate your sentiment, I don't think you are going to shame people who happily facilitated the rape of hundreds of girls and young women.

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My cousin was a Police Officer in Australia. I'll never forget when he referred to the general public as "civvies", as if he was somehow separate from and above the rest of us. That's how they all see themselves. It's why they can shoot rubber bullets at protesters as they flee without remorse. It's how they can tackle from behind a guy just talking to two other officers and smash his head into the tiles. It's how they can point-blank pepper spray old ladies in the face. You would have as much success instilling shame in a rabid dog as with one of these "people".

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Exactly. They are a gang. 'Us vs. them'.

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Arasaka - everyone of those incidents you illustrate remains fixed in my memory (plus many more) Hopefully Dan Andrews will eventually see justice for running over that young cyclist - and the police who helped him get away with it.

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Those "police" are traitors to their own people and don't deserve to be treated as humans

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The west's ruling class blathers about their "whiteness", like it's a sin, because deep down they know they are useless and need to externalize the feeling onto other whites. They need to get the message that it's not their "whiteness" that makes them contemptible, it is simply what they are.

I don't know what the solution to the UK's problems are, other than the obvious (mass deportation). Here in the US, I'd like to see Covid and the Vax mandates racialized, personalized, and moralized, blaming white leftists for supporting the government that created the disease, and also mandated a "cure" that causes heart failure and cancer... Comparing it to the Tuskegee experiments, asking why blacks were "prioritized" for the "cure", and making a big deal out of how cash strapped blacks are and how they could not afford to lose their jobs over leftist's mandates.

We cannot avoid the violence at this point. It is coming. The insane and idiotic ideas that emanated from Academia (multiculturalism, social constructionism, gay race communism) will cause death in the near and medium term. The only question is who kills who.

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You misspelled Jews. It's not just Academia. It's everything - media, entertainment, government policies etc etc. If you don't correctly diagnose the problem, you'll never fix it. It's known as "Every. Single. Time." for a reason.

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It's hardly exclusively Jews, or even mostly Jews. The Tribe has influence beyond their numbers, sure, but they aren't the only ones to blame for all of this.

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Jews are over-represented in this group, yes, but it is not exclusively Jews, nor is it my experience personally with Jews or with those whose works I have read.

Many Jews are intelligent, so they are more likely to find themselves in top positions of media, entertainment, government, and academia.

It is true that some Jews view "us" as outsiders (thus things like Mayorkas' declaration that he is somehow entitled to flood the US with illegal immigrants because some of his family members were killed in the holocaust, or Barbara Lerner Spectre's quote about Jews being "in a leading role" of the multicultural destruction of Europe).

So I'm not going to argue that there's nothing to what you're saying, but there are many Jews who have been a tremendous net benefit to society, both in terms of technological and philosophical advancement... And many more who will contribute to making the future better than the bleak hellscape that exists now.

Besides just having Jews as personal friends, I very much would like them to be on the side of a better future for this country.

So, I believe it is you who is misdiagnosing this problem - not by seeing a pattern that isn't there, but by placing the demarcation at "Jews" rather than "Jews who also happen to be pieces of shit".

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Well said. There is a gulf between acknowledging a prickly issue which has been avoided far too long, and developing a monomania that insists that issue is the ONLY issue.

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This is a thoughtful AND honest comment. I agree.

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I sometimes think we just need to consider liberal whites completely lost. Any semblance of ethnic or cultural loyalty is gone from them, and they’d sooner join the state and other cultural/ethnic groups in oppressing their fellows than lend a helping hand. They are completely consumed by the state ideology, its educational system and its accompanying media apparatus. What would actually snap them out of it? I do not know. Utter madness.

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They're going to be mugged by reality.

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The trouble with the MSM "far Right" narrative in incidents such as these (and elsewhere) is that it always fails to mention that these "far Right" reactions happen against a backdrop of a culture that is constantly and at all other times "far Left". A fair kind of journalism would report these events along the lines of "In the UK recently - a country ruled by a far Left Machine - a couple of far Right protests have erupted....."

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Far Right is just anything not Far Left.

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I have to contradict you here, Graham:

"A fair kind of journalism would report these events along the lines of "In the UK recently - a country ruled by a far Left Machine - a couple of far Right protests have erupted....."

Fair journalism would report thusly:

"Recently in the UK, currently under [insert party name here]-rule, protests against the governement erupted at..."

Using normative terms means it's no longer fair. Compare:

"Moslems protested today in Copenhagen against the caricatures of the prophet Mohammed..." with

"Islamists protested today in Copenhagen against the caricatures of the prophet Mohammed..." and

"Protests were held today in Copenhagen against the caricatures of the prophet Mohammed...".

Only the first one is fair, objective and unbiased. "Islamist" is a nonsense-term made-up after 9/11 in order to separate moslem from islamist concept-wise, in the minds of the western public, and the bottom example instead leaves out both "moslem" and "islamist" and make it seem as if the protests were spontaneous events.

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Too be fair part of the point of the term "Islamist" was to separate Muslims from Islamists in the minds of the Muslims themselves.

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The front page of the online New York Times today called them “Far right groups…”.

How about calling them parents? Teachers? Church members?

It’s time to speak for children and women. This the case here in the USA as well.

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There are two camps: The far-right and the far-wrong.

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“This in turn creates mass chaos, which allows the institutions to justify increasingly draconian laws related to surveillance, which is the end goal of this entire project of mass migration.”


The Establishment cares nothing for anguish, suffering, outrage. They care nothing for such trivia. Power is their driver, their god, their joy. As such, they are not human.

Yeah, they have human DNA, human skin, human hair. But they are not Human. They should not be granted authority over real Humans. Ever.

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It used to be that excess aimless young men were killed off in wars to ensure the greater stability of society. Then starting with WWI the very best were killed or left profoundly damaged in one way or another. Not so many made it through as Tolkien did--able to take the great horrors he'd seen and turning them into an enduring body of work in which the true hero was the ordinary humble working-class man whose fidelity and courage saved everything.

Then WWII mopped up most of the rest of the finest. And here we are today left with too many guys who have a childish adulation of warrior myth but haven't themselves any durable qualities of strength and will. They mistake the survivors' cameraderie and contempt for the softness of civilians for a glorying in war. No one was left to us who could rebuild what those two world wars broke. Lots of stuff was constructed but not by healthy people. And here indeed we are.

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That hypothesis does not work out though, attractive as it may be.

Finland was the nation that suffered the greatest losses relative population size: 300 000+ men of fighting age, out of a population of barely 4 000 000 people total. Yet Finland as a nation and finns as a people withstood wokeification and political correctness until quite recently (ca 2010s).

Meanwhile, the USA suffered ca 350 000 men lost to the war (both theaters), but it is from the USA that the post-WW2 political correctness of the 1970s and the woke ideas of the post-2000 comes, and the US (along with the rest of the anglosaxon-dominated offspring of the British Empire) is largely the driving force of all things woke.

And Russia, who suffered more dead than all other Allies together by a wide margin, is not only unaffected by political correctness but is actively opposing it, whereas Sweden who wasn't an active party in WW2 is neck-to-neck with Canada and Germany in madness.

Alternative hypothesis:

What is true however, is that WW2 (and for the US and UK the Korean War) marks the end of politicians who were at least middle-aged and who came to politics after decades of real-life experience (and often from all sorts of different backgrounds), in favour of the first generation of the current crop of professional politicians, who only knows politicking and nothing else: compare Eisenhower's life to that of Bush Jr or Bill Clinton.

Which is why we get laws and the application of same with no connection or correlation to reality.

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Keep in mind though that the American men of fighting age who didn't serve in WWII were the leavings. Women had to make marriages of convenience, really with them, or never marry because their true and irreplaceable loves were dead, or marry men returned from war crippled in many visible and invisible ways.

It's all the damaged children of these damaged post-WWII marriages, in the US at least, with a terrible shortage of well-functioning self-respecting fathers producing them, who have made the derangement of culture so possible.

Our host here likes to revile the Boomers but we are not responsible for the parents we had to endure. That we survived them at all is remarkable.

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Eisenhower was a genocidal maniac, Bush, a moron and Clinton a pervert - what's the diff ?

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Fascinating insight ...

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I keep hearing this but most survived, including very many high-quality men. The view is that war 'breaks' everyone, no, some were strengthened and improved by conflict.

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The official version of events in the UK media is that the murders are an isolated incident and the public must stop talking about it, let the police handle it, but the protests are a nationally coordinated far right extremist conspiracy, which must be met with aggressive force and further destruction of what few civil liberties remain.

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Official stories are to protect officials. - Liam Scheff

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Kudos to you, JC of B, for overcoming your scruples and posting this thoughtful, devastating indictment of the failing status of British (so-called) democracy. From what I can glean form this piece, Britain is farther along the road to ruin than the US is. And we're within eight years of dissolution.

A statement attributed (erroneously) to Alexander Tytler:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage."

I thiink it's safe to say that we -- the common citizens of our respective democratic republics -- are into that last stage of the cycle. It took the Romans more than fifty years to slide from a republic into a permanent dictatorship. It looks as if it will be just about that long for the US to make that same transition.

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The Anarcho-tyrannic playbook is being run throughout the West. The more important question is not "Why?" but: "What is the playbook against anarcho-tyranny?" I can think of no options likely to be successful other than violent revolution. Worse still, perhaps that is the endgame of the A-T playbook.

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It is the endgame. Most dystopian predictive programming books and movies have the theme where a violent, popular uprising by the proles gives the regime the "legitimate" reason it needs to crack down even harder, all in the name of keeping the peace. We saw during the coof that people are all-too prepared to give up their freedom for "safety and security".

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Why is it, that the white people are the only race that can be demonized and that's okay but just try and do it to someone else and it's a whole different story. And this seems to be worldwide now, England, the U.S., etc... This is being done by design to create hate and division.

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"Pro-Palestine protestors can riot... and nothing negative will ever happen to them in the Western World."

That's not really true, is it? They're beaten by police, beaten by mobs of Jews (in L.A.), doxxed and targeted for retribution. Billionaires set up programs to identify them and put them on "don't hire" lists (try getting hired at a law firm or hospital if you're on the "Dangerous Anti-Semite" list). So no, not really "nothing" happens to them.

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Yes, really, nothing happens to them.

If a protest consisting of germans in Germany would chant "Ausländer Raus!" the police would crank up the water-cannons.

Meanwhile, palestinians can march under banners celebrating the Holocaust, provided the banners are in arabic.

In Malmö, Sweden, a journalist (herself a child of arab migrants) recently ran an article in Sweden's third major daily paper about this exact thing, but in Sweden. Palestinians, negros, gypsies, whomever may freely spew hate, march without permission, occupy public parks and turn them into typical shitholes akin to said races' homelands, and so on - without any official interference.

Police refuse to file reports, prosecutors refuse to investigate - and on the off chance any such case reaches a court, the guily party gets time off or is cleared due his or her race/origin.

And the journalist found a mob of palestinians, other similar scum, and lefties outside the apartment building she lives in.

Did police deign to respond to an illegal, hostile and threatening gathering trying to quiet a journalist?


Meanwhile, I can go to prison for writing this, as it violates a law that makes it a crime to report things that may reflect badly on Sweden.

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Yes since they aren’t throwing gays off roofs and cutting peoples’ heads off yet they must be horribly oppressed.

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