In a word: EGO.

It just felt so damn good to be in a position of both “saving the world” and being morally-superior to the vile, disobedient UN-vaxxed.

Their egos were so effectively massaged that they did not pause for a millisecond to consider that there was ZERO clinical data supporting the “safe and effective” narrative being regurgitated everywhere by the MSM propagandists.

Similarly, at this late stage, when many of them are dying of clots, heart disease, turbo-cancers and varying stages of neurodegenerative brain disease, it is EGO which prevents them from admitting they were wrong.

This is simply not possible. The VAXXED are the morally-superior ones. It cannot BE that the revolting, grandma-killing UN-vaxxed were right all along. It’s neither up for discussion nor worthy of consideration. And so on and so forth...unto the grave.

And what exactly is EGO, you may ask?

It is the voice of SATAN’S MINIONS whispering comforting lies as they drip venom into the ears of unsuspecting humans.

At root, this four year debacle is more SATANIC than you know.

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Exactly right it is EGO. These people don't just believe in climate change either, it is part of what makes them feel so godly and smart! they are saviors of the world again! Are we sure they don't just self identify as smart?

There are many colleges now I go straight to looking if the applicant attended and immediately reject. This will be a big problem for students at those worthless colleges in another year or two.

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🤞 It's not like they don't deserve it.

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I went to one of those colleges (Oberlin) it is possible to overcome the brainwashing, but for me it took literally decades.

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yep. U can tell in my circle of friends by how shoked and revolted they are when I say that I don't believe in "the latest thing".

seriously gobsmacked because it's a foregone conclusion that only Trumpers and conspiracy theorists believe such nonsense. what happened to you man?

of course, they tremble at the thought of engaging eye to eye, Mano y Mano.

much easier to post on FB.

I can confirm that some of my most intelligent friends fell for everything hook, line and sinker.

the catch? all U had to say was that the great unwashed thought the opposite. it's literally that simple...

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People still use Facebook? Like the old meme about e-mail I only thought Vietnamese grandmas used Facebook.

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I met someone (back in 2015) who thought the internet was still a novelty. Maybe they were right.

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American grandmas too.

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This was a reference to an ancient meme from the 90s probably before your time.

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At the University people are just smart enough to convince themselves of what they want to believe.

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And some didn't have large egos but they did have good intentions and were fooled by the "authorities" and by the propaganda.

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Organizations jam packed with fake smart people moved through the system because someone in their family was smart long ago. Everything is done in the safety of consensus so that no one can be singled out as an incompetent.

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Pernicious nepotism is also a huge issue in Canada.

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Ladies and gentleman, we have a winner!

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That makes the most sense. Especially, the Satanic part.

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"At root, this four year debacle is more SATANIC than you know." Especially with a trail of dead and badly injured bodies in it's wake.

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And sacrificed children.

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They are angry that we are still alive despite our disobedience. Sunken Cost Fallacy and cognitive dissonance.

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You’ve hit upon an important point: “they’re angry that we’re still alive.” Yes, indeed, that is true. This is a potentially dangerous predicament, in my opinion.

Most of the multi-pricked, who are clearly ailing physically & cognitively (if not obviously dying), just don’t want to talk about it.

The attitude is: let’s leave the past in the past and get on with “normal” life...Well, “normal” died and was unceremoniously cremated with great haste and zero funeral arrangements more than 3 years ago.

The vaxxed want to pretend that nothing has happened...that they aren’t in the process of slow motion suicide. They don’t want to contemplate that they have condemned their own children to a similar fate.

Conveniently, the multi-jabbed have forgotten that they fervently wished a painful death upon the disobedient critical thinkers. It’s conveniently slipped their minds that they advocated for the un-jabbed to be imprisoned in concentration camps and that the un-pricked lose custody of their minor children...Mind you, these are the same people who instinctively condemn the Holocaust and automatically decry the incarceration of Japanese-Americans during WW2.

Now they want to make nice. Honestly, I doubt this phase will last long.

At some point, reality will smack them in the face in a manner that can no longer be ignored. Perhaps it will be the tragic deaths of all their children...one by one. I expect what constitutes the “other shoe dropping” will be different for each person.

Logic would suggest that the vaccinated collectively rise up and go after those who inflicted these poisons upon them, at every level of complicity. However, I doubt this scenario will play out.

Remember, this is a cohort of the population who is very impressionable and susceptible to propaganda. Even the apparently highly-educated and allegedly discerning were played like a fiddle by the weapons-grade propaganda techniques deployed by the DoD via captured MSM “news” outlets. They bought it all - hook, line and sinker. For example, double and triple masking. Also, my vaccine won’t work unless you get vaccinated, too.🥺😩😔

I expect the Predator Class will ramp up the propaganda against the un-jabbed yet again in order to deflect blame and forestall retaliation against themselves.

Their likely strategy will will be to weaponize feelings of injustice and envy towards the Purebloods.

For instance:

Why should those loathesome, disobedient people enjoy good health while I am suffering, despite my willing compliance?

Why should I be the one who has to retire from my promising career due to health issues when they get to carry on working? Maybe one of THEM will take over MY job!

Why should those people get to have babies when I’ve had miscarriage after miscarriage?

Why should that new mother/father get to walk around pushing a stroller in public and show off a beautiful, healthy baby, when I’ll never have any children of my own?

Why should he/she get to marry a wonderful person while I’m alone and partnerless because of my terrible health?

Why should that married couple get to enjoy their Golden Years together when I’ve suddenly lost my spouse and most of our savings in hospital bills?

Why should those people experience the joy of having grand-babies when all my adult children are struggling year after year with infertility?

You get the picture, I’m sure.

Of course, it’s possible that when SHTF-time arrives, the multi-jabbed will properly direct their apoplectic rage at those truly responsible - the psychopathic Predator Class. That would certainly be appropriate.

However, over the past 3.5 years, the vaxxed have been socially and psychologically conditioned through weaponized mind-control techniques to mercilessly attack the un-jabbed without a pang of conscience - then or now...even at this late date.

Zero remorse. Has anyone sincerely apologized to you for his/her past actions? If so, count yourself among the fortunate few.

Given the vaxxed cohort’s past behavior and their total unwillingness to confront reality unto the grave, I would expect them to revert to aggression towards Purebloods once again. This could happen at any time. Who knows when the collective realization of their parlous fate will dawn?

I advocate for being compassionate and caring towards the multi-jabbed. Their situation is appalling and I’m sad to see their suffering. I acknowledge that some were coerced into getting jabbed in order to keep their jobs. I’m not advocating cruelty toward them, but rather brutal, realistic pragmatism.

Who stood up for you or for your rights as a Pureblood during the PLAN-demic/SCAM-demic? Who spoke out and tried to defend you against prejudice and discrimination? Who acknowledged your essential humanity and your inalienable rights as a human being?

With precious few exceptions, the answers to those questions are NO ONE. No one at all.

Many would say, “I felt all alone. I WAS all alone. Many of the people I considered good friends - even my close family members - betrayed and abandoned me.”

It was like this for millions of critical thinkers from 2020 onwards. And nothing has really changed, to be honest.

I would caution every un-jabbed person to remain alert and aware of any signs of renewed verbal aggression. Monitor the MSM for propagandized narratives demonizing the un-pricked...yet again.

It’s probable that the verbal assaults will eventually escalate into physical aggression. Be aware and beware of this possibility.

As for the ailing and dying vaxxed, although we wish none of this had happened to them, when people show you who they really are, BELIEVE THEM. Do not be deceived a second time.

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My thoughts exactly. A close family member got multi-jabbed bragging about how 'nothing can get him now'. He then got a blood clot which almost killed him, then turbo cancer which almost killed him again, which he just got over chemo and now he's got another blood clot in his lung. And still no mention of the true cause because he 'trusts his doctors'.

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Very well put.

The injected aren't talking about what's happening, much less apologizing.

I was treated like a loon, and now it's crickets from them. I can't forget the high percentages that wanted unjabbed in concentration camps, or have custody of their children taken. And now I can't forget that they won't talk about it and will never apologize.

I wish them well, but I now see them as a threat. I wish it weren't so, but I can't unsee what I've seen.

As for whether their rage will be directed at the perpetrators, or at the unjabbed, you are correct: they will go after the unjabbed. Envy works like that, and if they are already envious over simple things like money, we are going to see what envy over matters of life and death looks like.

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ding ding ding !! - i chimed with every word of that, dude (or dudess).

- i actually don't think i've read someone's capsule review of the Klaun-world years that quite so closely matches my own experience and assessment of the pandomime

and in reference also to your comment further up - ego/Satan = yes. nail, meet hammer

subscribed to your stack. please write!! x

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I’d call it a mal formed ego. The Ego is a necessary construct. It was either placed there (or evolved - whatever your belief) for a reason, and that reason is simply that personality & character. It’s what establishes an individual boundary and this is very important lest we all just become some homogenous mass of NPCs who are all the same.

The key distinction is to have a well formed ego, as opposed to some Mal adapted, artificial ego build on idiotic beliefs and arrogance.

It’s about being the owner OF one’s ego, not being a slave to the collective NPC ego, or the often demonic ego of arrogance.

Anyway. Just some nuance. Else fully agreed.

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For my brother-in-law, who is a retired educator, it was abject FEAR of the "killer Covid virus". He's a lifelong hypochondriac and made his doctor get him some kind of "special pass" to get him in the front of the line for the Moderna jabs, and he forced my sister to get two jabs and a booster, against her better judgment and my warnings, so as to protect HIMSELF. Now they're both sick with endless health issues.

"The first duty of man is to conquer fear." Thomas Carlyle

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I never thought it wasn't satanic. Too much evidence to think otherwise.

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You really get it! Now we need to whisper comforting truth from God to un-do Satan's venom~

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Yes, Brother bvd, exorcisim is the answer.

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It wouldn’t hurt, to be honest. At some point we have to FIGHT BACK - both literally and spiritually. Preferably simultaneously.

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How true.

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If ego is fundamentally satanic, what about your own sense of self worth and righteousness?

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Ego can (and should) be tempered by a HEALTHY sense of self-esteem, gratitude for one’s good fortune in life and humility.

Organized religion, belonging to organizations that value & cultivate good character and, of course, the intact, extended family network USED TO prioritize the development of the flip-side of ego in the young and impressionable. It was considered important.

The infiltration and subversion of these three institutions over recent decades has been deliberate and calculated. We are where we are today because of the moral and social breakdown of these groups.

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In the middle of he Covid apocalypse, I remember going to an auto repair shop with no masking signs, no social distancing markers, and the auto workers unmaskes like it was a normal day. It was the only public place for over a year that looked 100% normal.

Auto shop guys aren't dumb, but they do probably have low agreeableness and neuroticism, since the work with their hands means it either works or doesn't, no bullshit.

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Indeed, that's another factor: engagement with physical reality, as opposed to abstractions.

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Which brings me back to that question: Why I do not trust some famous academics. Take Freud and Marx, they created a seemingly coherent system, it is impressive! Beautiful! Great! And THEN only, they grab you and want to fit you in.

Basically, what they do is what babies do: trying to fit a square item into a round hole, except some people end up goulag-ed or dead. Acafemic to me sounds like unpractical.

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I work in the trades and can tell you that: 1) white collar groups who sit and 'think' in cubicles while understanding nearly zero about their physical environment are judged as idiots by the more physically intelligent even while they are being judged back -- the difference is the trades are aware of your opinion of us and 2) the trades had a much lower vaccine uptake and much higher skepticism rate and they always will. We are much more a 'do your own research crowd'

Generally, I have found the white collar "high IQ" class of people to conform much more to the mid-wit definition rather than being victims of some hyper-rational, over-thinking. They don't research things outside their narrow field any more than anyone else...maybe less. They just lean on the headlines from different publications.

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In my experience, people in trades are much more skeptical of the supposed high IQ, educated class. Try reading a blueprint or welding instructions one time and you'll take them off the pedestal real quick.

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Academic disciplines are now rigidly segmented. You won't find many polymaths in modern academia. The average historian has no interest in genetics, and the average mathematician has no interest in chemistry.

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John Ionnides is one of the few, not shy to display his opera geekdom at biochemistry conferences.

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Headlines from respectable publications. Truth and accuracy are not essential. But the sources must be respectable ones (CNN; New York Times) which their fellow snoots also accept and pour over.

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"hey just lean on the headlines from different publications." The entire "cathedral" in NrX terms summed up perfectly. It's literally is my headline is better than your headline, nah. To see it in action go to Xer and try not to barf.

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This is why I tell people that I practically always feel good in the company of DO-ERS and engineers, they are not BShitters nor gullible. Try asking a mechanic about your favorite pronouns, and tell us... Those guys do not spend hours in a meeting to solve often imaginary problems, they identify a problem and go straight into the resolution phase. They are BASED! GROUNDED! And CREATIVE!

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There are two types of intellectuals, those with serious intellectual work where things are correct or not (engineers, architects, auto mechanics), and university intellectuals who just argue back and forth.

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As a physician of 33 years who “ retired “ rather than be terminated for my refusal to vaccinate, I agree with your assessment of why smart people went along with the covid charade. I believe there are generational factors among physicians as well. The older physicians , who were more likely in private practice for years, like myself, were more likely to be terrorized by the age related death propaganda of covid, even though they may have a more independent streak. The younger generation of physicians are mostly employees, so refusing was less likely , as their employment depended on getting jabbed. Training in medicine also implies “ being trained”, and most follow the dictates handed down from above . My decision was aided by my seeing numerous adverse effects in my patients that were unusual and made me want to seek answers. I also didn’t want my wife to find me dead in bed. I believe my inherent curiosity made me a better physician, and also may have saved my life. I’m ashamed of most of the medical establishment, and sorry for the rest who were pressured into acquiescence or unemployment.

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I don't judge the oldsters who got it. The risk-benefit analysis made more sense for them. However, I do wonder how the young would have reacted had they been working in independent practices rather than under the thumb of hospital management.

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Over 80% are captured by the system, driven out of private practice through regulation and often burdened with significant debt. I often wonder if by design.

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I do blame cogent but weak-kneed seniors for only thinking of themselves. They had the responsibility to resist tyranny and, as a group, they failed. Efficacy/safety/death are trivial juxtaposed to the creation of Neo-Serfdom. (On the other hand, huge cohorts of seniors were imprisoned in nursing homes and hospitals, having fewer rights than the average felon, many dying alone in their own feces. Disgusting. We are all guilty.)

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What about if they were forced to take it knowing it was dodgy to keep their jobs but then injected men, women, pregnant women and children

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I was fortunate in that my facility did not give any injections. I directly told my patients that I would not recommend it except in very high risk patients, never to children, and never to pregnant women. The doctors who recommended it to those latter groups should have to answer for their actions. Ethically reprehensible.

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Thank you. Well said

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I would qualify that by suggesting that it was evident very early that the jab shouldn’t have been recommended to anyone

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That's where the satanic part comes in. There is no other way to rationalize or excuse.

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Randall, your "inherent curiousity" is a sign of your intelligence. (That is, true intelligence.) Thank you for refusing to vaccinate.

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To my point-“This Morning star's 'cause of death confirmed' by friend despite having 'no apparent health problems'” Dead in bed is catching.

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When you read the above, John, do you get that sinking feeling that the smiling five-year-olds that you just explained 'competing ideologies in geopolitics' to, maybe didn't get it?

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My freshman Philosophy professor started the semester with the question , "Does God exist?". Five minutes later, he proceeded to melt our brains with "What is God?".

I didn't lose my job, but not getting the shot(s) has stopped my career progression at this company. Such is life. But, the way these fat humps are always sick, I might soon be getting a promotion I don't want.

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It sounds horrible, but similar thoughts have occurred to me.

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The way things are going, you will be CEO by the end of the decade.

I joke, of course...but not really.

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Difficult to wish them well.

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I have an ex-girlfriend, chemistry PhD from Berkeley, undergrad from Harvard, who values her reputation as a "smart" person so much that she injected not only herself with that dubious concoction, but her children as well. She also happens to work for a pharma company. Doubting her employer is probably not an economically viable option, as you point out. So my attempts to present good evidence that the shot is harmful get absolutely nowhere with her.

Also interesting: when I once suggested direct democracy, as in letting the people directly vote on legislation rather than our so-called "representatives", she was horrified. Let _ordinary people_ vote on our laws? Never! Same attitude from a different angle.

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Poor kids, but, many such cases. For their sake I hope the more dire predictions - sterility and such - prove baseless.

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I’m afraid these predictions are accurate. The young multi-jabbed have been sterilized, I am sorry to say😢.

The Japanese post-transfection distribution data showed that we were all LIED to about the vaccine remaining in the arm muscle. Within a few hours, the spike protein made a beeline for both the testes and the ovaries.

For those women who are able to conceive, they frequently miscarry. Pathologists report the placentas are riddled with clots and necrotic tissue...the fetuses never had a chance. The Deathvax™️ is a depopulation bioweapon intended to ensure that the next generation will be infinitesimally small...and very sickly.

Another intentional feature of both the lab-created, DoD-funded viruses and the gene therapy serums masquerading as “vaccines” is the seeding of prions causing neurodegenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The lipid nanoparticle allows the spike to pass through the blood/brain barrier and, effectively, infect the brain with prions. If you examine mortality data - or even just speak with a nursing home worker - you will discover that the previously fit & healthy elderly in large numbers are developing rapid-onset dementia post-vaxx, which finishes them off very quickly.

It’s not just the elderly, either. Drive your car to the supermarket and you’ll likely encounter a fellow driver swerving from lane to lane, destined to have a “vaccident”. This driver could be 24 or 54 years old - it really depends on how many times he or she lined up for the needle.

Many of the multi-jabbed now have vaccine-induced A.I.D.S. to varying degrees. This is manifesting as turbo-cancers in a lot of them, since they no longer have a functioning immune system. Their immune systems will never recover and each subsequent bout of COVID - or even just catching a cold - sends them to the hospital.

Even so, many are lining up for the next iteration of the non-sterilizing Deathvax™️, which is a pathetically obvious mis-match for the latest circulating strain of COVID.

As Geert Vanden Bossche has predicted repeatedly, the Psy-Op 2023 Deathvax™️will drive viral mutation within the bodies of the jabbed. The multi-pricked will inadvertently spew out novel, possibly more lethal variants of the virus. If this occurs, it will wipe out the progressively-ailing multi-pricked. The un-vaxxed will be in dire straits, too. And thus, the death spiral will continue...very much on purpose.

One recent development is the discovery that the spike re-activates endogenous retro-viruses within the bodies of the multi-jabbed. That’s why so many are hospitalized with chicken pox and with mononucleosis these days. No one infected them. They essentially re-infected themselves...and they’re not doing too well with destroyed immune systems.

The way things are going, the majority of the multi-jabbed will be gone in 3-5 years. That’s predicted to be roughly 70% of the U.S. population. They won’t last long enough to contend with the heartbreak of infertility and broken marriages...that’s one sort-of silver lining, I guess.

There’s one possible ray of hope and that is the prejudice and incompetence of the psycho-killers who distributed the Democide Juice. We know that certain Red State regions received the majority of the most poisonous batches. It stands to reason that other regions were receiving a less lethal formulation of the Deathvax™️. Big Pharma skipped animal trials and longitudinal testing and went straight to using human beings as guinea pigs. There were micro-experiments within the overall experiment. I believe future data will show that some regions have inexplicably lower mortality compared to other places...entirely due to the prejudice of the psycho-killers.

Secondly, many batches were grossly mishandled and not stored in sufficiently cold temperatures. This may have rendered the deadly contents of the vaccine vials inert and spared some of the jabbed a premature death.

If we are lucky, we may scrape by with a 55-60% reduction in our demographics instead of a 70%+ population crash. 45% of American citizens remaining - especially if we re-militarize under completely new leadership - may be just enough to preserve our Constitutional Republic, expel the millions of lawless male invaders of military age posing as “refugees”, severely punish the Predator Class traitors within in a manner that will echo across the centuries, and repel the malevolent, avaricious enemies without (looking at YOU, China) eager to take full advantage of the United States’ grave misfortune.

The road ahead will be extremely difficult, but there are glimmers of hope and reasons to face the future with a cautious degree of optimism. All is NOT lost.

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This comment really lays it out and sums it up. Bravo.

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I hope patriotic, pragmatic Canadians will join us in rebuilding. I think we’re going to need political and military alliances - a quasi- “United States of North America” union (for at least a few decades) to repel invaders, deport interlopers, punish the traitors within and retain our sovereignty as Nation States.

Neither country will have sufficient numbers to safeguard our nation alone - but united, we stand an excellent chance of preserving BOTH Canada’s and the USA’s respective cultural and political identities.

Then we can progress to taking back Europe from the malevolent barbarian hordes.

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Being in Western Canada myself, I would LOVE the protections that the Constitution and BOR are supposed to bring. But when the courts and establishment destroy your rights and freedoms as well as they can as quickly as they can... It's difficult to not be too discouraged...

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In the final analysis, the right to bear arms is the key to preserving freedom. Ironically, legal and peaceful firearms ownership does more to maintain law and order than anything else.

Those extreme leftists who use law-fare and thugs with badges to deny you your inalienable rights as a human being really want to deny you the right to exist at all. In short, these commie nihilists want to KILL US ALL.

They are terribly frustrated that the U.S. 2nd Amendment curtails their attempts at imposing tyranny. For all their unhinged histrionics, the commie traitors within know that there is a loaded firearm behind every blade of grass. There are more weapons of self-defense than there are people in the U.S.A.

Once Justin Castreau has met his parlous (and entirely deserved) fate, Canadians must set about restoring the right to own and use firearms. No compromises or half-measures will be acceptable. All civil and human rights revolve around the right to self-defense.

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As a citizen of both the USA and Canada, I have long believed it makes sense for the two to be amalgamated.

I’m not fussed about Europe. Barbarian hordes come, and they recede. Always has been.

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The vax is probably primarily a population control device - it kills off or weakens much of the population and sterilizes the rest to ultimately reduce the world population. This is a long term globalist goal. People have to start accepting that many of these dystopian ideas we've laughed at in the past, or called conspiracy theories, are true....and happening.

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"The Japanese post-transfection distribution data showed that we were all LIED to about the vaccine remaining in the arm muscle." This is true, but wouldn't common sense dictate that anything that goes into the body that is not a simple mechanical device, would not stay in one place but would circulate or move around? That just seems like basic common sense to me.

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We in the US were fortunate in our Founders and the foundational documents they crafted for us. No system of human governance can be perfect. This model works better than any other but it's always necessary, from time to time, to haul us back to its designed operation.

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They've been trained to view themselves as elitists so they don't have anything in common with the Great Unwashed (which is most of us) but in reality....the real Elite who run the world, view people like your ex the same way. Expendable. That's why they can take the vax too because they're not part of the elite socio-economic class they think they are. They're useful right now....but not indefinitely.

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Very nice post John. I have come to believe that dissidents share high disagreeability on the Big 5 personality test. Very much agree about the midwit meme. From what I've seen vaccine uptake *decreased* for those at the PhD level per here: https://unherd.com/thepost/the-most-vaccine-hesitant-education-group-of-all-phds/

Also, this Maurice Samuel quote about IQ continues to be applicable:

“There is no test or guarantee of a man's wisdom or his reliability beyond what he says about life itself. Life is the touchstone: books must be read and understood in order that we may compare our experience in life with the sincere report of the experience of others. But such a one, who has read all the books extant on history and art, is of no consequence unless they are an indirect commentary on what he feels around him.

Hence, if I have drawn chiefly on experience and contemplation and little on books - which others will discovery without my admission - this does not affect my competency, which must be judged by standards infinitely more difficult of application. Life is not so simple that you can test a man's nearness to truth by giving him a college examination. Such examinations are mere games - they have no relation to reality. You may desire some such easy standard by which you can judge whether or not a man is reliable: Does he know much history? Much biology? Much psychology? If not, he is not worth listening to. But it is part of the frivolity of our outlook to reduce life to a set of rules, and thus save ourselves the agony of constant references to first principles. No: standardized knowledge is no guarantee of truth. Put down a simple question - a living question, like this: "Should A. have killed B.?" Ask it of ten fools: five will say "Yes", five will say "No." Ask it of ten intelligent men: five will say "Yes," five will say "No." Ask it of ten scholars: five will say "Yes," five will say "No." The fools will have no reasons for their decisions: the intelligent men will have a few reasons for and as many against; the scholars will have more reasons for and against. But where does the truth lie?

What, then, should be the criterion of a man's reliability?

There is none. You cannot evade your responsibility thus by entrusting your salvation into the hands of a priest-specialist. A simpleton may bring you salvation and a great philosopher may confound you.

And so to life, as I have seen it working in others and felt it within myself, I refer the truth of what I say. And to books I refer only in so far as they are manifestations of life.”

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The comment by "Dr T" on the article at Unherd that you linked, is right on the money - but still fails to point out that anyone who doesn't have a merit scholarship is probably a scrub who is wasting everyone's time.

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Interesting questions! There may also be a bit of memetic judo that happened. Remember not that long ago when vaccine skepticism was fashionable among highly educated intellectuals, and vaccination rates (especially for young children) were lowest in college towns? That, along with many other things (remember when the Left was anti-war?) got suddenly and very dramatically turned upside down all at once across the world. Old heuristics that worked in the past probably got a lot of people in trouble after everything got turned upside down.

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Pepperidge Farms remembers.

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When acceptance of a pharmaceutical is turned into, in people's heads, a cognate for political allegiance, lots of weird things happen.

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Old left was anti-establishment, anticonformists.

New left trust the establishment and took their jabs and boosters.

1st wave feminist were same job/same pay.

3rd wave do not protect women (hijab is her choice) and hate men but never call a woman plumber to fix a leak.

I now have to regularly defend men against those clueless harridans returning ""toxic feminity"" when they mentioned ""toxic masculinity"". Some guys are pissed off and I do not blame them.

Why that? Any good-movement-to-start-with is always infiltrated by the satanic commies and turned against us, that' s why.

Took me years to see the pattern!

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They are unabashedly communists.

Many are clearly demon-possessed and devoid of any remnants of a conscience.

A great many wither, melt and collapse in a fit of apoplectic rage like the Wicked Witch of the West at the very mention of anything related to Christianity.

What is that, if not satanic?...The moniker FITS.

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It's as if the Third Wave looked at a bunch of predictions and back handed insults made by those who opposed suffrage and women in the marketplace back in the nineteenth century. They read them and said, "Let's do everything these men accused us of. Act hysterical, play dumb, cry to get our way, shriek and refuse to have reasonable conversations, dress like men, sleep around, hate children, and shirk accountability. Only more so. And blame the patriarchy."

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Using expressions like "satanic commies" is a little ridiculous in my view.

All of human life is the struggle for power and resources, who gets them, who controls them, who doles them out as patronage. This is true everywhere and in every defined system of governance, no matter what one calls the dogma that creates the rules of operation. That's how social systems are formed. We're hardwired to be a hierarchal species and therefore instinctively seek either leadership or follower roles.

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I understand! I used to think that way until I learn about the baphomethan cult and their ""practices"". And you think it is normal. No, it is not, what is normal is cooperation, and stopping stifling the creativity of the people by choking them or suppressing progress (Tesla comes to mind...). Just because it has been the "normal" does not mean it is normal.

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The simplest explanation is susceptibility to fear, which was the basis for most of the propaganda. This is a lethal virus, people are dropping like flies etc.

That was the case for me with several family members. The fear was the substrate and overlayed was the fact they couldn't believe they would lie at that scale. So that is perhaps somewhat rational.

Like you from Diamond Princess onward it was a hard no from me. I never considered it even once. When I began to think they'd make it mandatory I knew I would still not take it.

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Susceptibility to fear maps to neuroticism. You'd think intelligent people wouldn't jump at shadows but nah.

When they tried making it mandatory my resistance power level went to 9000. There's that low agreeableness kicking in.

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I was the same. When people asked me about it when they floated the mandatory thing they were shocked when I said it made me even more determined. And it did. It wasn't posturing. It was such an obvious tell. I was convinced they knew it was dangerous and needed minimal numbers in the control group.

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I remember seeing a survey they were wringing their hands over, where they discovered that mandates increased resistance. For the kind of theatre kid head girl who thinks mandates are just swell, the concept that ordering people to do something makes them more likely to tell you to fuck off just because is completely alien. I don't think that ever occurred to them.

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If something is good for me I don't need to be forced to do it. The infantilizing bribes, nagging, threats, insults, nonstop propaganda campaign, getting yelled at by Dementia Joe on TV. All red flags for me. But no one else seemed alarmed.

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That is a masculine trait. I suspect this is why. In a feminized world, where diplomacy is overvalued, a polite "get fucked" is unexpected.

The first thing the ladies do when they join a male space is to police language.

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That's because in a male milieu an order from someone who carries no respect nor have the acknowledged authority to actually give orders is met with:

"No, whatcha gonna do about it?" or even more obvious "Make me" with an implicit threat of violence from the refuser.

As men, we both know how to give orders to avoid that situation, and how to handle it if it pops up anyway.

Women don't, since the implicit threat of violence isn't there, as they instead use bullying and ostracisation - social methods - to force compliance and consensus.

When the "head girl" gives an order and the man says "No", she experiences syntax error: she cannot threaten him since he's much more dangerous, and he's not attacking her so she cannot demand he be physically coerced by other men and she cannot use emotonal blackmail or other female means of coercion since she simply doesn't rank or mater in his understanding of hierarchy.

Que breakdown and Kamala-cackle and other such signs of weak repressive female behaviour.

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I agree. What a world we live in.

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NOT ME! Hahahaha! I always had many men friends, and while swearing 24/7 is a no-no, I think swearing is therapeutic.

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I am a woman but have that masculine trait (?) in spades. Jab "persuasion" was never more than coercion and emotional blackmail. Personally I think it is the trait of cowardice.

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Yes, it is not only a masculine trait. BUT a long time ago, women were not supposed to swear or even show anger. Anger can be holy anger and I am all for it.

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Or avoidance. As for masculine traits it really means traits associated with males. Obviously not exclusive to men.

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They found their psychology degree in a Xmas cracker, Hahahaha! The top rulers are inbred and the minions got promotion due to Peter' s principle.

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This is exactly how I react when I am told "Do that or else", I reply with a big FU! On top of that I have no TV! Hahahaha!

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When they first lied about the masks - the lie that masks work but Fauci had to lie to make sure nurses had them - and they lied about PCR tests detecting infection, 95% known false positives declared "cases" that was all the lies I needed to know not to take the damn jabs. Once you catch someone in big lies you any person with street smarts and/or who values truth and abhors liars knows not to believe the liar again. About anything. Otherwise you might as well be the spouse who believes their mate they catch cheating on them who tells them it was the first time and it will never happen again. "Lie to me! Lie to me! Lie to me some more! I'll love you more if you just lie to me!!" Just. Like. That.

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If it was a good thing it would not need to be forced on us.

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This is fascinating, and seems very plausible and likely true. The higher-educated "smart" people around me, every single one of them, were pro-vaxx, pro-lockdown. They bought all of it. Most of them still buy it. I note that, in my world, they also bought completely all things progressive/trans/woke.

Naturally, this led to a culling of almost everyone in my life personally and professionally. Like many, I'm left with one or two friends (from the original, historical cohort) who are trustworthy. Friendships of 30 years, colleague relationships of 20 years, are all gone. Painful, sure, but less painful than the justified fear of what these people would do to me, or supporting seeing done to me, when they get the chance.

Self-interested ego alert: I can't change it, only disclose it. I like to probe my own mind and character, and here's what I've come up with. Data offered only as data, this is not a fishing expedition.

I'm at the upper end of measured IQs. This has been both a personal help and a personal hindrance. Intelligence is strongly mediated by character traits, and my very high neuroticism has pushed me into bad choices in my life, trumping my native ability to problem-solve many times.

For me--and I suspect there are many like this---my inherent disagreeableness and inclination to defy legitimate authority overrode everything else. I didn't take the vax, I complied with Covid protocols only under loud and vocal duress, and defied them whenever possible. Sure, my thinking mind didn't believe in the necessity/safety of the super-speed vax. But my tendency to defy those who tell me what to do, especially under threat of punishment or through use of emotional guilt, was the trait that had the most effect, I think.

It's hard for me to grok people who *aren't* inherently angered and reactive against manipulation and illegitimate authority. It makes me into a berserker. I will gladly follow orders from an *actual* superior who is my superior because he is best suited to the job (skills, demonstrated ability to lead well, etc.). But I will do nothing that someone tells me to do simply because they have the "social right" to do so.

Not only will I not do it, I will make the interaction loud, defiant, an uncomfortable for every party participating in the attempt to make me buckle down.

It is so, so hard for me to get people who don't react this way. Tell me what to do just because you think you're socially entitled to, bureaucratically entitled to? Get fucked.

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I can understand the people who immediately and meekly comply with every fresh demand, but I have a very hard time respecting them. Some people were born to be slaves, and intellect has nothing to do with that.

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I can’t speak for my IQ level as I’ve never tested, but I am very much wired in the same way toward illegitimate authority. Ridiculous edicts and shaming from the entitled and worthless bureaucrats are also equally infuriating to me.

I was being pressured by my employer and family and every other person I knew, but when Joe Biden made his speech letting us know that he was going to implement a mandate (“Our patience is wearing thin”) my blood boiled and I knew I would die penniless in a ditch before I ever took that damned shot.

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I am wired that way. Beserker is the correct term. "Better to die fighting than live on your knees" is etched on my soul.

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Pick your hill wisely, but once picked, make the other guy die on it.

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I wouldn't have been nearly as skeptical of the efficacy and necessity for gene therapy shots if I hadn't already dug deep into how rotten the "climate change" movement was, with the tortured data groups and overly modeled certainty and "97% consensus!".

Once you see past the curtain of one psyop, you start noticing other walls are also curtains...

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The current "mental health" system is a psy opp. The drugs they coerce people to take "forever"--often in mixed batches--fix nothing. There is no known chemical imbalance that causes odd behaviors. All to prescribe drugs that cause neurological problems that can be blamed on the broken brain. Which allows more mind altering drugs to be prescribed. I was shocked to discover this and did a lot of research. Which showed how corrupt our medical system is. Coupling it even more with the state has made it ten times worse.

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Pattern recognition, plain and simple!

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Nice article. The people with higher cognitive ability also tend to be more highly educated. Education is as much about establishment brainwashing as it is actually learning actual facts and skills. This brain washing inculcates faith in corrupt establishment institutions like the media, government, public health agencies, the WHO, "philanthropists" like Bill Gates, etc. The highly educated with some exceptions (the really smart people as you point out), are most oblivious to the fact that our institutions are largely a scam and front for the real decision makers in our society, which are the global oligarchs that own the World. Oligarchs who push policies that further their own wealth, power, and agenda.

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I don’t consider myself to be wise, but I do have a fairly well tuned bullshit detector, even if it takes a day or so to rev it up. The reason my wife and I understood all of the problems involved with the Plandemic and vaccines was largely due to following Dr. Mercola for the past 5 years. Without his information and others he had interviewed, I’d probably be dead and maybe her too. He’s one of the “Disinformation Dozen”, so you know you can trust him!

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I was a fan of Mercola too prior to the Covid shenanigans. So perhaps priming is a factor. The bullshit from the doctors and the big pharma people is nothing new.

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That part rather amazed me. Pharma has been selling dangerous snake oil for decades and even a few years ago this was common knowledge.

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Plus mega-fines, so it wasn't a secret.

I do think the heavy media buy in was the clincher for many. I don't consume the mainstream so that helped. But I know others who did and simply could not process the scale of the lie.

Even after I explained about the Trusted News Initiative set up by the BBC they just couldn't make the leap.

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There were a lot of people who still trusted the media. Honestly, I found that somewhat surprising, too, given how much the media lies. For me, if the media is univocal on something, that's a powerful indicator that it's bullshit. Most of the species hasn't caught up yet.

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One reason I pray you reproduce, John.

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Not following mainstream media daily indoctrination seems to be the key to maintain sanity in these days.

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And also we knew about all the suppressed protocols and cures and frequency medicines (Check book Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries by Jonathan Eisen, you can finf it on pdfdrive dot com).

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Not among the people I went to college with.

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Me too, I have an inbuilt BS detector which is very reliable. I have also been reading Mercola, and other traditional* medicine sites for years, and I just do not know why because no health problem at all, I think I sensed IT IS A FREEDOM ISSUE.

*traditional* medicine is the opposite of modern medicine, so let' s keep our vocabulary parallel to reality...

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The past few years I have watched people much smarter than me gladly get the shots. Your reasoning makes sense but I still just can’t believe how willingly they all complied.

What saved me??? Other than not being that smart lol...

I had a rough childhood and as a result I don’t trust easily and am very suspicious of authority figures of any kind. There is no way in hell I’d believe authority figures have my best interests in mind and are trying to help me. So, no jab for me. Thanks mom and dad for being horrible parents lol.

I also have good instincts about things/people...wouldn’t have survived my childhood otherwise. I guess being intelligent doesn’t mean you have street smarts and can tell when people are trying to screw you over.

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I think the category error people make is to assume that we are rational animals, guided by something called "Reason", wherein our brains are posited as divining rods of truth, or at least calculators that process info and spit out a rational fact-based decision and proceed from there.

Our brains are organs embedded inside vulnerable mortal mammals and are designed to help us survive and thrive, first and foremost. These brains are also deeply social and work to connect us to the other members of our tribe, to extend various feelers to them to make sure we maintain our place in the safety of the group or that they all don't hate us and want to stone us while we sleep. (Our brains are as much social as personal.)

Whatever we think of as "Intelligence" is irrelevant here or at least secondary. Our elite class (which is often mostly elite because they are on the cutting-edge of conformity) took one look at the tribal breakdown of the Covid panic—dissent was coded as MAGA which codes as downscale racist rube, while obedience was coded as upstanding compassionate citizen helping to save Democracy™—and whatever words or thoughts they emitted to justify their actions was entirely ex post facto.

Smart people may say or do things that look and sound stupid to others, or that may be stupid when placed under rigorous Socratic questioning, but they're understandable when the other option is social death and the loss of careers and income that they've worked their whole lives for.

Conformity is adaptive! (which means sometimes stupidity is too)...

Thanks to John!

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The current booster rollout is election polling.

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with 2 masters, I am pleased to know i am open, but have low conscientiousness (actually, I am pretty good at acting ethically, its been the bane of my existence) , Low agreeability, and low neuroticism...I felt all the time I WAS neurotic for not trusting "the $cience"...I know I am an outlier...but it made it really easy for me to say no. I had the option of testing every week, which I felt was an invasion, but the money was good and I wasn't ready to retire. I also sprayed Xclear up my nose before getting tested, just to be safe.

I do wish I'd tested positive occasionally...2 weeks with pay...see how conscientious I am?

I didn't take the jab, didn't worry much (surrounded by Covidiots).....and I will be eternally grateful I found Substack.

Gotta say, this is a good explanation of why people act the way they do. Thank you.

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High openness, low conscientiousness (not the same as conscience), high agreeability, high neuroticism, extroverted enough to hate lockdowns. I said, "No." But man has it been rough! Sick of the ridicule from family. And I'm worried it is killing my parents.

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I misunderstood where the psy-op was. I figured the COVID jab would be a useless placebo, like the flu shot. They'd pay their pharma buddies and then declare victory GWB-style. Why would they use a dangerous new product with a hideously complex manufacturing and delivery system to sweep an overblown cold under the rug?

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Because they wanted, in the case of moderna needed, mrna tech to "work". If you haven't noticed, they are now selling all sorts of mrna shots to the public. It was a failed technology that moderna was going bankrupt attempting to make safe. Now they are flush billionaires and all the wealthy interests who had invested in them are a lot richer. Rinse and repeat as they say.

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And yet it's now a proven failed technology. The scenario wouldn't even have succeeded as a B movie.

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Failed according to who though? To you and me, yeah. But they keep peddling this shit with their "nothing to see here" attitude. Shameless money-grubbing monsters. But I do think people are waking up.

The big push is on now to sell the "latest" vaxx that is for the older strains anyway, and then when the new one comes out they'll really ramp up the bullshit. But again, I don't see a lot of people taking the shots -- only the true branch covidians are lining up like sheep to the slaughter. It's dark, sick shit I tell ya.

RFK Jr is the only one talking about this stuff -- saying we need to repeal that awful law Reagan signed in the 1980's that allows vaxx pushers to sell their poison without testing it for safety. Not that I'd even trust them if it was "tested for safety" anymore. I think their greed really screwed them this time and all the PR in the world isn't going to bring us back to the trough.

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They don't even need to get people to take them as long as they can convince the government to keep *buying* them.

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Good point. The self-licking ice-cream cone strikes again. It seems these days the only thing government actually does is funnel fed fiat money to banks, pharma and the MIC.

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because they wanted to kill people and make money from injection caused illnesses and injuries at the same time.

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And that fact is what causes our smart jabbed friends to consider the rest of us as crazy conspiracy kooks. They just cannot wrap their heads around the idea that the

“elite/rulers” using false facts and climate lies found a way to depopulate the planet , saving big bucks on medicare/social security expenses( not to mention less consumption of the dreaded fossil fuels) AND those who survived the jabs are now so sickly they will need new “ meds” for the rest of their lives. Imho

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I agree. Hard for people with a conscience to realize that such evil exists and they really are only useless eaters for the reptilian creatures who are doing this.

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To be fair, I had a hard time as well believing that. I really did not want it to be true! But after awhile the evidence is overwhelming and one has to accept the truth/facts. Whether or not it is easy or pleasant. 🤨

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I am almost convinced the primary goal was to make a lot of money, and not really care if some people die (collateral damage).

There is a minority that wants depopulation, but fortunately it is still frowned upon in most circles, so it is difficult to get traction. The depopulation squad needs to work using indirect ways.

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The army uses a technique called departmentalization. My guess is most of the schemers were motivated by greed. The insider depop clique is relatively small and keeps secrets from the outer circles.

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we can agree to disagree. the "depopulation squad" are working in every way. Direct and indirect. From farming to controlling people in fifteen minute cities everything adds up to a deliberate culling of the herd. Which is all people are to them. Any other injection would have been halted months or a year or two ago. They aren't a minority, gates et al have repeatedly said what they intend over the last fifty years at least.

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Agree to disagree is a great plan. We are not going to change them at any rate.

And I don't think we disagree that much. I am sure we both think they are psychopaths and despise them, it is only a matter of what role do we think they perform.

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Maybe parts of the system work and a zero-efficacy shot would have been rejected?

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It's weirder than that, though. Efficacy is negative, even before adverse reactions. By any measure, the outcomes would have been better if the had used a placebo. So... why didn't they?

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My tinfoil suspicion is that the shot had other goals that had nothing whatsoever to do with immunity.

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That seems clear. I think Peebo above has a good take.

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Look at the food pyramid to see how these people treat the gullible

Profit motive or something more sinister?

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The initial randomized trials showed good short term efficacy (but many adverse reactions). That was enough for approval. As best I can tell, efficacy wanes to zero or worse but that information came in the second half of 2021 and was "deamplified".

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Well, they showed antibody production, if I recall. They certainly didn't demonstrate immunity from infection, which is why they went with "protects against severe outcomes". But even that there was no actual evidence for.

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Those trials were anything but random. The two-week period between jab and "vaccinated" status was very carefully chosen to get adverse reactions down and efficacy up enough to pretend it worked.

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A placebo could be easily shown to be such in the lab.

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