I feel like Mr Kreosote. Stuffed to the point of bursting.

(That's meant as praise, to be sure.)

"Why is it that progs feel the need to hold up ‘the indigenous’ (whatever that means) as paragons of virtue and justice?"

Because they loathe themselves. They don't hate themselves, as hate is an attractive force - you seek out what you hate, to oppose and fight it. Nor do they accept themselves or know themselves, but deny instead. At most, they can experience stimuli and emotion at the pre-pubescent child's level: virtually no introspection or imagined third person position persepctive. This is also why they cannot manage abstract thought. Theoretical, imaginary and hypothetical stories in their minds, yes, but not actual abstract thought as such, stepping from one angle to the next or expanding and narrowing focus, or even following an idea to its logical end once freed of material constraints; instead, they replace all this with a feeling of self-loathing and imaginary theoretical ideals just over the next horizon, shrouded in the mists of 'If Only' and blind to the paradox of combining progressivism with an ideal.

Progress can only ever be measured backwards: are indoor plumbing better than outhouses? Yes. Thus, progress. One cannot measure like this: a toilet which breaks down the bodily waste in its component chemicals, separating and refining and storing them for recycling is oh so much better than a WC, therefore WC is bad.

Yet, that is what the progressive does: creates a wickerman of ideals, climbs into its head, and sets it a-flame.

And then blames the questioner for its failure, all the while loathing itself for failing.

Malal be cursed-praised!

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Regarding the error of using the black speech of our victimizers, NoWhiteGuilt wrote: "When you use their verbiage, you legitimize their ideology"

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Indeed, and not only externally. It validates the ideas at the very least worth engaging with in one's own psyche.

There's also the damage done to clarity by a vocabulary populated by euphemisms in a syntax built from circumlocutions.

This is one of the reasons I try to use the grammar of dissident intellectualism.

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💬 That's the game the other side is playing, and we'd best win it.

thejohnstephens.files.wordpress.com/2022/01/pysdnga.jpg 😇🤸

🗨 They want us to be them, to copy them, to mimic them, to imitate them, so that by fighting darkness on their terms we become darkness ourselves. (brownstone.org/articles/where-is-the-silver-lining)

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Love "I try to use the grammar of dissident intellectualism" !

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Thanks for the shoutout, John! And thank you for putting this together, already found a few new gems I subscribed too.

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My pleasure!

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''To be fair, we don’t yet have cannibal rape gangs.''

Need to give Cormac Mcarthy a call.... but he is dead

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Thanks for the shout out! Really appreciate featuring in this collection.

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My pleasure!

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Thanks these look like delicious morsels

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Yours was particularly so.

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Thanks bro!

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Always trying to improve and offer useful observations

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Thanks for the shoutout!

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💬 this has all been driven by ESG

ESG Dystopia: Why Corporations Are Doubling Down On Woke Even As They Lose Billions --> alt-market.us/esg-dystopia-why-corporations-are-doubling-down-on-woke-even-as-they-lose-billions 🔥

🗨 You must signal your virtue to get access to money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

On the surface, 'tis all flat bland boring like that ↑↑. Wait...

🗨 ...but what if they know something we don’t?

Hint: “too woke to fail” riches 😏

🗨 Unlike the crash of 2008, though, the next stimulus event will not be a fiat free-for-all. Instead, it will be RESET; a highly limited rescue plan with digital money being infused into select institutions. In other words, only a portion of the existing economy will be given a life boat, and guess who will qualify for a spot on the raft?

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Success contingent on kissing the (poo-encrusted) ring. Fortunately society is failing in proportion to the degree it embraces this model. It will be self-limiting.

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Honored to be included in this curated list. Thank you

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My pleasure. I quite enjoyed Debt Troopers.

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Great list.

Just popped in to say that Simpletonius is a weasel who runs away from his betters.

No courage behind his convictions, clearly.

Debate me, coward!

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No beefing in my comments.

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Alt grifters shall be known by the mark of the coward, the brand of youtube... the brand of twitter

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Praise the Lord :)

Yes, RINO's are more likely to pack fudge, and demoRats having always been skirt-chasers;


The only thing on SMO I think you missed was the 'shit' on Prigozhin, made it clear to everyone who is a UK-London 'alt-russia' whore, and who really cares about 'mother russia' ( nationalism )

This gets back to "rolo'" making a nickel's on substack, there is not much money in monetizing content, unless you are sucking up to the UK oligarchs;

The persona-non-grata by "Team Saker" of Prigozhin showed all too well who is real alt-Russia, and who is faux alt-russia UK sock-puppets;

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