The creation of an organized minority with high social trust and a honor code would provide the backbone of a strong counter-liberal movement, make networks that emphasize brotherhood and solidarity among its members, for this to work you’ll need some sort of code of conduct or general guidelines: it can be simple and even short but the rules that do exist will need to be enforced with a zero tolerance policy and it has to be an absolute commitment with no deviation, if that sounds too hard maybe just have an outer and inner circle for the group(regular members and leadership class division) and have the more strict code be enforced in the inner circle with a more lax code for the outer circle.
This sort of parallel society organization has proven itself to be of great use under tyrannical governments in the past such as in the Soviet Union, its how many people and groups survived the almost century long communist regime.
Yes. There needs to be an internal code, and high standards. At the same time there needs to be a way to recruit. So exoteric and esoteric circles. Public events/organizations used as recruiting platforms for more exclusive inner circles.
In fact I really want to share my 20 year story of innumerable rule breaking and cunning but somethings are not for the internet. But what I’ve learned at 53 is your own internal morality trumps external laws. You just work and go for it. My big adventure is doing all the things with none of the qualifications. Running the nightclub at 18. Getting my arm broken in a fight. Building a straw bale house. Dancing in music videos. Marrying a red hot model. Playing the largest festivals in Australia as a drummer, lead singer. Do whole farm design for mixed crop agriculture. Land selection biz fir boomers to cash in on the country. Bar work. Labourer. Carpenter. Songwriter. Just fucking go. Ask her out. Set the goal. Turn up and dream. Fortune favours the brave and oligarchs eat pussies for breakfast.
I think spiritual renewal is unlikely to occur inside an ethos which sees immigrants as “Third World bio waste“ and fantasizes about lap-dancers as a reward for preeminence in a fist fight… I enjoy your writing, and I see where the yearning for the land and era of the red ensign is coming from. But a gratuitously xenophobic and misogynistic vibe is unlikely to appeal to a critical mass of “adventurers.” I would hope that you eventually take your good imagination and exceptional verbal pyrotechnics and plot a friendly nation building venture with everybody who is already here, recent arrivals and all. You might be surprised to find how many of your better, even nostalgic, impulses are shared by members of the immigrant community. Immigrants are adventurers, after all.
Through my work, I have had decades of contact with immigrants and the children they bear once they get here. Although you would be better than I am at uncovering research on the topic, it’s my general impression that people who leave a familiar environment and go far from home, often having to learn English beyond the age when it’s easy, as well as start from scratch economically, are go-getters, and probably represent the cream of their countries of origin in terms of intelligence and energy. We would probably agree on a list of characteristics, including independence of thought and willingness to take risks, which we would like to see predominate among our fellow citizens. As a generalization, I see such admirable traits in a high proportion of immigrants. One policy controversy is over sheer numbers. Many immigrants are as much in favour of reducing these numbers as you are. In general, they are sensible people and know that the reckless policies of the Trudeau administration cannot be sustained and are actively harmful to housing supply and, foreseeably, social cohesion. A percentage of immigrants from communist China are under the thumb of the CCP who have leverage over them because of relatives back home or pensions coming from back home. A tiny percentage of Punjabi immigrants pine for an independent Khalistan and bring that sometimes violent struggle along with them. These are problems, but in my opinion, such problems do not come close to overshadowing the tremendous benefits these immigrants have brought to our country. If you want allies against wokism, safetyism, socialism, atheism, and the bleak nihilism of anti-child environmentalist hysteria, these are your people.
Immigrants may have had those qualities in the past. They haven't for some time. However, it's all rather beside the point, which is that we were never asked. Our political elites just decided to change our demographics, rapidly, discontinuously, at a historically unprecedented rate, with absolutely no benefit to us.
Even the economic argument falls apart, as per capita GDP has not improved one little bit. To the contrary, it is flat. Meanwhile wages are suppressed, housing is inflated, the birth rate is depressed, and public services stained to the breaking point.
The other arguments in favor of immigration are pure nonsense. They are not advanced honestly. I do not say that you are dishonest, but that the arguments you use have been deployed dishonestly. The proof of this is that the arguments used to support mass immigration are different in every Western country, yet the final conclusion - that Western countries must accept unlimited migration from the third world - are the same in every country. This indicates that it is precisely this mass third world population replacement that is the goal, with the arguments supporting it being developed to appeal to the consciences of each country on a case by case basis. Our political elites, whether in Canada or the US or the UK or France or Germany or Sweden, are intent on destroying our native cultures and turning the white peoples of the world into minorities in every single one of their countries.
This is a hostile act. It is not intended to benefit us, and it does not benefit us.
Therefore I oppose it, and have no time whatsoever for arguments that we “need” these people, that they “contribute”, or any of the rest of it.
Economy went gangbusters in America during the Great War despite many immigrants going home to fight. This shocked the tycoons into realization that productivity and high wages were better for their business than cheap wages. This was one reason they supported the immigration restriction act in 1924.
And I would like to see a return to the Red Ensign and Dominion Day. The old flag was just way more interesting and is emblematic of the rich historical tapestry ripped from the walls by the Philistine functionaries of that era.
I would encourage you to read my work on this platform for a counter argument as to why this is simply unacceptable from the perspective of a 17th generation ethnic Canadian. Not only has historic polling data over the last 125 years indicated an explicitly clear disinterest in foreign immigration into Canada, the public did not consent to Lester B. Pearson’s 1967 immigration reform, the 1971 Multiculturalism Policy (which abolished assimilation as a practice for the succeeding 49 years, leading to the formation of unassimilated ethnic enclaves who now control their regions), or the Multiculturalism Act of 1988. As of the time of writing, approximately 92% of East-Indian migrants have been in Canada for less than 44 years.
Less than 1% can trace their origins in 1961, according to Statistics Canada census data from those dates. Canadians are descendants of reactionary loyalist conservatives, and theocratic Norman French royalistes of the ancien régime. I am not interested in sharing resources or opportunities with foreigners, as they are solely here to siphon wealth away from Canada, and are openly engaged in a symbiotic relationship, with parasitically pilfering Canadians.
We have no interest in "appealing" to everyone. Assuming we do is where you went wrong with this one. We care about Truth and reality as it is. Our goal is not to pander or appeal, it is to help people see reality for what it is. And if they won't, they will be made to one way or another. So when you say xenophobic and misogynistic, I hear you tell us to deny reality.
Having read the whole thing now - I hope when Sam The Mountie heard your speech he threw away his badge and tore off his dress and shouted “Hell yeah goddamnit I wanna be a MAN again!”
Excellent stuff, John. Wish I could have been there but, alas, I live on another continent.
But still, there are two points I want to make here, both related to your references to the fairer sex. First, you mentioned that there was only a couple of women there but that they were both hotties. That is a very good sign and let me tell you why. Hot women have an inbuilt radar that enables them to seek out and find the best men. You can always tell if any movement of any nature is going to be successful or not by counting the number of pretty women who turn up to its gatherings. It is true in business, culture or politics.
So, this is something you should keep tabs on. If hot chickies continue turning up to your meetings, even in small numbers, it's because you've pinged their radar, i.e., you're attracting the best men.
Secondly, and somewhat related to this, is you mentioning, further down in the post, that women mostly support the current system of managerial suffocation and decline. And they do, but only because there is nothing better on offer and women are conformist by nature. They support it by default. If you can inspire men to offer them something better, their ardent support will follow - not in small part due to their radars all flashing like crazy.
You've nailed it. The hottie index is a leading indicator for political change.
My impression from visiting Sovereign House in NYC was that there were a reasonable number of beautiful women orbiting that scene, which is a good sign.
Some interesting ideas, tbh I'm also often in and out of the country every few years to months, and find it more and more difficult and painful every time I come back.
We definitely to start organizing on a small communal level and look into forming small ethno groups among us French, Scots, Irish, Anglos and keep the trash- I mean the outsiders out. No outsiders. Canadians only.
Damn but I hate what the NGOs have done to our country, and find eastern europe and Japan ever more attractive with every passing week, I'm due to leave in a two and a half months (thankfully). Fucking Politicians, we definitely need a change in government/rulership style I'm in favour of a monarchy but only after the invaders are booted out.
Agreed, we’d need a new monarchy, one with loyalty to the people unlike the corrupt and venal Hanovers. I’d prefer one of the Stewarts from Ireland, or Louis XX from Spain myself but dunno what you think. My view is a charming, temperate ruler who loves the French or the English population with a passion and a fondness for the other and a massive preference for decentralization are the only options.
Sadly for us, we have only traitors and buffoons proposing themselves as potential leaders.
Maybe we should invite one of the descendants of the Tokugawa and see if they’d take up the job also lol.
Ethnostates are the way to go but they are not immune to the failure to breed. So they are faced with alternatives of of immigration, like Europe or disappearance like Japan. I am a loss as to how to counteract the failure to breed.
I have a whole essay series on that question ;) tldr: fix economic issues eg housing; deurbanize society (people have larger families in villages); bring back home industry (so women can work from home while caring for the little ones). And of course lots of natalist propaganda.
The only reason the Great Depression was so bad was that so many were urban labor. The Long Depression of 1870 was worse but also have less impact because so many have their own farms to fall back on. I mean, how many cars can you keep selling? It’s either space or breaking up large billionaires farms for the extended family to live on like the Waltons. This is the only way out. Break up the plantations, revitize small towns, make the family a corporation again, and pay off only the native creditors outside the Globalists camp. They can wear the barrels, sniff, sniff…
Deurbanization has all sorts of positives, including this one. Crime, housing prices, and bad schools have the effect of driving people of child-bearing age and inclination out of the cities. Instead of conservatives trying to fix these problems, we should stand aside and let Democrats (or Liberals in your case) do their thing. Home industry will be less efficient than megacorps, not to mention Chinese ones but if the alternative is demographic failure, it starts looking good. A national security argument can be made. The best natalist propaganda is happy families. We need a billionaire or three to fund awareness of this or perhaps pressure on the advertising industry to show it. I would note that a religious revival would have positive effects too but I don't know how to make it so. Another idea is to get rid of the "car seat tax". The problem isn't really car seats but the CAFE standards which force people to buy little cars they don't want and can't fit more than two seats.
A pure focus on efficiency tends to degrade resiliency. I suspect it is also related to the pernicious focus on GDP rather than per capita GDP.
That said, technological developments have made home industry far more practical than it was in the recent past, and as eg 3D printing matures that will become even more the case.
The other advantage of such distributed industry is that it makes deurbanization much easier.
There is also joint ownership for extended families like our herder ancestors. There is also co-op where people who are a part of the same church can be allowed in. The last have a big advantage in that a temple could run apartment complex while the new members are tested daily. After, say five years, they would be given an option to become a shareholder in a co-op village. Since it’s freedom of religion, it’ll be much harder to civil-right it out of existence.
What actual real industry we still have has already decentralized out of big metro areas. New neighbor in my big town has a home shop making niche auto parts. He relocated out of LA metro. Another neighbor has a machine shop and a FFL. What is left in NYC is finance, law and media. They can have that but we need get some level of finance and law in our areas.
Then there was King John I who got the barons so stirred up over how his French advisors were fighting their rivals down to the last Englishmen. Their cry was “England for the English!”
Great article. "You get people used to disobedience in small, easy ways, and that prepares them to disobey in larger, more dramatic and more effective ways." Excellent.
Good luck. No sarc. I see the problem as on of Canada (and the US and most of the countries in the world) are just too big. Democracy and self governance really doesn't scale much beyond a New England town meeting. So the adventure should be devolution. Organize yourselves in cells though or they will crush you.
Or honeycomb structure in which every hood and district have their own self-contained unity but can come together in a flash to offer aid like the flood in NC.
“ Politicians aren’t going to do anything about immigration on their own. Is there any way of interfering with that via private direct action? Canada’s problem obviously isn’t the same as Europe’s … overwhelmingly, immigration to Canada is perfectly legal.”
There is one crazy idea. Panama already have a large number of American retirees living there. The whole country is a chockpoint. A colony of mad lads could set up camp there and act to block the path from Colombia while building nice homes and businesses far from either C or A. I also wonder if a spaceport in Central America could be built much like a Chinese free zone. Jobs for the natives, alternative to the cartels, and competition to drive Uncle Sam mad enough to give Musk everything he wanted.
“I’ve spent a considerable fraction of my adult life outside of the country, usually for years at a time – I escape every time I can, and every time I return I feel this sort of a gravity clutching at my soul, like I’m stepping into a dark cloud, a cloying miasma that wants to smother my spirit.”
Ireland is the exact same. People won’t even make eye contact with you on the street/road anymore. We’ve gone from a highly localised, high trust, ethno state to a diversified soup of economic hardship. Crimes that would have been national news for months 20 years ago now get a scant headline and then it’s on to the next atrocity. We’re rapidly being outmanned and soon to be outgunned. But I’m still here… and as long as there’s a few likeminded people still here… it ain’t over…
Hold the line. It will get much worse before it gets better. AK-47s being smuggled in on shipping containers and passed out to migrant camps levels of worse I expect.
“ Personally – and some of you will call me a liberal cuck for this – I don’t think that every last non-white, or for that matter every non-Anglo, has to be sent back. Just most of them,. National identity is partly but not exclusively genetic; it’s possible, with enormous work, to join a tribe one was not born into. But the bar should be very high: not only learning the language, but marrying in, and integrating to the point that numerous members of the core nation will personally vouch for you. Very few recent immigrants meet that test.”
This have always been a part of the Indo-European history. We originally organized ourselves as a ritual-based clan in which blood is the majority (but not 100%) of the base. We have to make allowances for foreign brides and slaves to participate in the ancestral cult. It take 10 generations (250 years, given the 25-year per generation) to rid ourselves of any bad mutations from the mixed blood. But during most of history, they were with the nearest neighbors not all that different from each other.
Only in extreme cases like the Aryans in India and the Europeans on the frontier are very dissimilar unions possible. Washington and Jefferson has hoped for some union between the Anglos and the Indians. One friend of Jefferson fathered about 7 children with the aborigines. He later regretted it and advised against it because his children always stood against the Americans because they were more similar in looks and mentality of their mothers’ peoples. This hard experience was the reason for most laws that would be overturned by the case of Virginia v. Loving.
The custom of 10 generations for a freedman’s family to go from the status of ex-slave to nobility and of Athens requiring the vote of 6,000 and then the entire Assembly in favor of a immigrant being made a citizen (can can be vetoed by any citizen) speak to this hard experience.
There is very deep wisdom to this, which we have ignored to our great detriment.
Citizenship should be by blood, and when foreigners are allowed residence only their descendants - after some generations of residency, and after marrying in - should be permitted the franchise.
Two outstanding examples are the Bantu in America and South Africa. Despite more than 250 years of sharing our lands, they are hopelessly corrupt and self-seeking and violent. Our values clearly didn’t rub off on many, which is a shame as I has lived along them in both the South and in NYC. Many are nice people but they seem to be exception, not the rule.
this is very intriguing and I will reread this later today. I'm concerned about the country my grandsons (6 yo with 3 youngers) are becoming part of. I find your experiences are exciting to consider. And adventures! In the past 4 years (from the covid madness) I've embraced every action that didn't turn out as expected to be an adventure. Motorbiking across 4 provinces (covid policies again), stranded with a dead bike battery in the middle of nowhere, a deer collision with my truck, again, in the middle of nowhere Canada - people showed up to help me. We Canadians are great people.
State and house church movement in PRC gives a bit of a preface on how these organisations will require tiers of involvement to both get new members and protect existing ones. Not a lot of people are involved with both, but those who are have a general awareness of who should not be let into house communities. Also, petulant children have a way of blowing up house congregations, so when it is available, have a layer that can act as permanent plausible deniability, evolving into the next equivalent of the state-approved gathering as reorganisation takes place.
I was sadly unable to attend, mainly because the gay race communists put an effin’ OCEAN in the way, but for some reason I pictured this meet-up happening at the former Mr Gameways Ark building on Yonge St. Please nobody burst my bubble…
"...people are atomized, lonely, disconnected from one another, we’re all individuals with no social trust...."
This is EXACTLY what Mattias Desmet proposed as the underlying requisite condition for mass formation --- atomization, disconnectedness. You must be on the same wavelength with Desmet, JC.
Also ... "It is rooms like the one we are in now that will constitute the seeds of great trees whose branches may one day be adorned by the hanging corpses of our enemies."
God! That is BRILLIANT! Wish I could have been there.... :-D
The creation of an organized minority with high social trust and a honor code would provide the backbone of a strong counter-liberal movement, make networks that emphasize brotherhood and solidarity among its members, for this to work you’ll need some sort of code of conduct or general guidelines: it can be simple and even short but the rules that do exist will need to be enforced with a zero tolerance policy and it has to be an absolute commitment with no deviation, if that sounds too hard maybe just have an outer and inner circle for the group(regular members and leadership class division) and have the more strict code be enforced in the inner circle with a more lax code for the outer circle.
This sort of parallel society organization has proven itself to be of great use under tyrannical governments in the past such as in the Soviet Union, its how many people and groups survived the almost century long communist regime.
Yes. There needs to be an internal code, and high standards. At the same time there needs to be a way to recruit. So exoteric and esoteric circles. Public events/organizations used as recruiting platforms for more exclusive inner circles.
Indeed, such as the first rule of Fight Club, is you don’t talk about Fight Club. 😉
In fact I really want to share my 20 year story of innumerable rule breaking and cunning but somethings are not for the internet. But what I’ve learned at 53 is your own internal morality trumps external laws. You just work and go for it. My big adventure is doing all the things with none of the qualifications. Running the nightclub at 18. Getting my arm broken in a fight. Building a straw bale house. Dancing in music videos. Marrying a red hot model. Playing the largest festivals in Australia as a drummer, lead singer. Do whole farm design for mixed crop agriculture. Land selection biz fir boomers to cash in on the country. Bar work. Labourer. Carpenter. Songwriter. Just fucking go. Ask her out. Set the goal. Turn up and dream. Fortune favours the brave and oligarchs eat pussies for breakfast.
You nailed it John!
Fight Club used the escalation concept I suggested here. Big inspiration for sure.
I think spiritual renewal is unlikely to occur inside an ethos which sees immigrants as “Third World bio waste“ and fantasizes about lap-dancers as a reward for preeminence in a fist fight… I enjoy your writing, and I see where the yearning for the land and era of the red ensign is coming from. But a gratuitously xenophobic and misogynistic vibe is unlikely to appeal to a critical mass of “adventurers.” I would hope that you eventually take your good imagination and exceptional verbal pyrotechnics and plot a friendly nation building venture with everybody who is already here, recent arrivals and all. You might be surprised to find how many of your better, even nostalgic, impulses are shared by members of the immigrant community. Immigrants are adventurers, after all.
“You have a problem with being invaded? You should make common cause with the invaders, they are also interested in invasion.”
Through my work, I have had decades of contact with immigrants and the children they bear once they get here. Although you would be better than I am at uncovering research on the topic, it’s my general impression that people who leave a familiar environment and go far from home, often having to learn English beyond the age when it’s easy, as well as start from scratch economically, are go-getters, and probably represent the cream of their countries of origin in terms of intelligence and energy. We would probably agree on a list of characteristics, including independence of thought and willingness to take risks, which we would like to see predominate among our fellow citizens. As a generalization, I see such admirable traits in a high proportion of immigrants. One policy controversy is over sheer numbers. Many immigrants are as much in favour of reducing these numbers as you are. In general, they are sensible people and know that the reckless policies of the Trudeau administration cannot be sustained and are actively harmful to housing supply and, foreseeably, social cohesion. A percentage of immigrants from communist China are under the thumb of the CCP who have leverage over them because of relatives back home or pensions coming from back home. A tiny percentage of Punjabi immigrants pine for an independent Khalistan and bring that sometimes violent struggle along with them. These are problems, but in my opinion, such problems do not come close to overshadowing the tremendous benefits these immigrants have brought to our country. If you want allies against wokism, safetyism, socialism, atheism, and the bleak nihilism of anti-child environmentalist hysteria, these are your people.
Immigrants may have had those qualities in the past. They haven't for some time. However, it's all rather beside the point, which is that we were never asked. Our political elites just decided to change our demographics, rapidly, discontinuously, at a historically unprecedented rate, with absolutely no benefit to us.
Even the economic argument falls apart, as per capita GDP has not improved one little bit. To the contrary, it is flat. Meanwhile wages are suppressed, housing is inflated, the birth rate is depressed, and public services stained to the breaking point.
The other arguments in favor of immigration are pure nonsense. They are not advanced honestly. I do not say that you are dishonest, but that the arguments you use have been deployed dishonestly. The proof of this is that the arguments used to support mass immigration are different in every Western country, yet the final conclusion - that Western countries must accept unlimited migration from the third world - are the same in every country. This indicates that it is precisely this mass third world population replacement that is the goal, with the arguments supporting it being developed to appeal to the consciences of each country on a case by case basis. Our political elites, whether in Canada or the US or the UK or France or Germany or Sweden, are intent on destroying our native cultures and turning the white peoples of the world into minorities in every single one of their countries.
This is a hostile act. It is not intended to benefit us, and it does not benefit us.
Therefore I oppose it, and have no time whatsoever for arguments that we “need” these people, that they “contribute”, or any of the rest of it.
Economy went gangbusters in America during the Great War despite many immigrants going home to fight. This shocked the tycoons into realization that productivity and high wages were better for their business than cheap wages. This was one reason they supported the immigration restriction act in 1924.
And I would like to see a return to the Red Ensign and Dominion Day. The old flag was just way more interesting and is emblematic of the rich historical tapestry ripped from the walls by the Philistine functionaries of that era.
You will not find a single third world immigrant, no matter how “based”, who supports these things.
I would encourage you to read my work on this platform for a counter argument as to why this is simply unacceptable from the perspective of a 17th generation ethnic Canadian. Not only has historic polling data over the last 125 years indicated an explicitly clear disinterest in foreign immigration into Canada, the public did not consent to Lester B. Pearson’s 1967 immigration reform, the 1971 Multiculturalism Policy (which abolished assimilation as a practice for the succeeding 49 years, leading to the formation of unassimilated ethnic enclaves who now control their regions), or the Multiculturalism Act of 1988. As of the time of writing, approximately 92% of East-Indian migrants have been in Canada for less than 44 years.
Less than 1% can trace their origins in 1961, according to Statistics Canada census data from those dates. Canadians are descendants of reactionary loyalist conservatives, and theocratic Norman French royalistes of the ancien régime. I am not interested in sharing resources or opportunities with foreigners, as they are solely here to siphon wealth away from Canada, and are openly engaged in a symbiotic relationship, with parasitically pilfering Canadians.
We have no interest in "appealing" to everyone. Assuming we do is where you went wrong with this one. We care about Truth and reality as it is. Our goal is not to pander or appeal, it is to help people see reality for what it is. And if they won't, they will be made to one way or another. So when you say xenophobic and misogynistic, I hear you tell us to deny reality.
Having read the whole thing now - I hope when Sam The Mountie heard your speech he threw away his badge and tore off his dress and shouted “Hell yeah goddamnit I wanna be a MAN again!”
Sadly, no.
I suspect he went home wondering ‘what the hell are these maniacs talking about? what's a “wifejak”?’
Excellent stuff, John. Wish I could have been there but, alas, I live on another continent.
But still, there are two points I want to make here, both related to your references to the fairer sex. First, you mentioned that there was only a couple of women there but that they were both hotties. That is a very good sign and let me tell you why. Hot women have an inbuilt radar that enables them to seek out and find the best men. You can always tell if any movement of any nature is going to be successful or not by counting the number of pretty women who turn up to its gatherings. It is true in business, culture or politics.
So, this is something you should keep tabs on. If hot chickies continue turning up to your meetings, even in small numbers, it's because you've pinged their radar, i.e., you're attracting the best men.
Secondly, and somewhat related to this, is you mentioning, further down in the post, that women mostly support the current system of managerial suffocation and decline. And they do, but only because there is nothing better on offer and women are conformist by nature. They support it by default. If you can inspire men to offer them something better, their ardent support will follow - not in small part due to their radars all flashing like crazy.
You've nailed it. The hottie index is a leading indicator for political change.
My impression from visiting Sovereign House in NYC was that there were a reasonable number of beautiful women orbiting that scene, which is a good sign.
Some interesting ideas, tbh I'm also often in and out of the country every few years to months, and find it more and more difficult and painful every time I come back.
We definitely to start organizing on a small communal level and look into forming small ethno groups among us French, Scots, Irish, Anglos and keep the trash- I mean the outsiders out. No outsiders. Canadians only.
Damn but I hate what the NGOs have done to our country, and find eastern europe and Japan ever more attractive with every passing week, I'm due to leave in a two and a half months (thankfully). Fucking Politicians, we definitely need a change in government/rulership style I'm in favour of a monarchy but only after the invaders are booted out.
Monarchy is definitely the way to go.
Unfortunately, the actually existing monarchy is terrible.
Agreed, we’d need a new monarchy, one with loyalty to the people unlike the corrupt and venal Hanovers. I’d prefer one of the Stewarts from Ireland, or Louis XX from Spain myself but dunno what you think. My view is a charming, temperate ruler who loves the French or the English population with a passion and a fondness for the other and a massive preference for decentralization are the only options.
Sadly for us, we have only traitors and buffoons proposing themselves as potential leaders.
Maybe we should invite one of the descendants of the Tokugawa and see if they’d take up the job also lol.
I think I'd prefer a European monarch, all things considered.
Frankly Canada might have to pull a Henry VIII, and bring the monarchy home, just as Henry brought the seat of the Church to England.
A Spartan-style dual monarchy with an English king and a French king would be interesting
Now there's a thought.
Ethnostates are the way to go but they are not immune to the failure to breed. So they are faced with alternatives of of immigration, like Europe or disappearance like Japan. I am a loss as to how to counteract the failure to breed.
I have a whole essay series on that question ;) tldr: fix economic issues eg housing; deurbanize society (people have larger families in villages); bring back home industry (so women can work from home while caring for the little ones). And of course lots of natalist propaganda.
The only reason the Great Depression was so bad was that so many were urban labor. The Long Depression of 1870 was worse but also have less impact because so many have their own farms to fall back on. I mean, how many cars can you keep selling? It’s either space or breaking up large billionaires farms for the extended family to live on like the Waltons. This is the only way out. Break up the plantations, revitize small towns, make the family a corporation again, and pay off only the native creditors outside the Globalists camp. They can wear the barrels, sniff, sniff…
Deurbanization has all sorts of positives, including this one. Crime, housing prices, and bad schools have the effect of driving people of child-bearing age and inclination out of the cities. Instead of conservatives trying to fix these problems, we should stand aside and let Democrats (or Liberals in your case) do their thing. Home industry will be less efficient than megacorps, not to mention Chinese ones but if the alternative is demographic failure, it starts looking good. A national security argument can be made. The best natalist propaganda is happy families. We need a billionaire or three to fund awareness of this or perhaps pressure on the advertising industry to show it. I would note that a religious revival would have positive effects too but I don't know how to make it so. Another idea is to get rid of the "car seat tax". The problem isn't really car seats but the CAFE standards which force people to buy little cars they don't want and can't fit more than two seats.
A pure focus on efficiency tends to degrade resiliency. I suspect it is also related to the pernicious focus on GDP rather than per capita GDP.
That said, technological developments have made home industry far more practical than it was in the recent past, and as eg 3D printing matures that will become even more the case.
The other advantage of such distributed industry is that it makes deurbanization much easier.
There is also joint ownership for extended families like our herder ancestors. There is also co-op where people who are a part of the same church can be allowed in. The last have a big advantage in that a temple could run apartment complex while the new members are tested daily. After, say five years, they would be given an option to become a shareholder in a co-op village. Since it’s freedom of religion, it’ll be much harder to civil-right it out of existence.
What actual real industry we still have has already decentralized out of big metro areas. New neighbor in my big town has a home shop making niche auto parts. He relocated out of LA metro. Another neighbor has a machine shop and a FFL. What is left in NYC is finance, law and media. They can have that but we need get some level of finance and law in our areas.
Then there was King John I who got the barons so stirred up over how his French advisors were fighting their rivals down to the last Englishmen. Their cry was “England for the English!”
A Brotherhood of the Strong Haiku
Seduce the Women
Sally forth Adventurers
La Cosa Nostra
It's an adventure if you can check off at least two (and preferably, three) of hot, cold, sick, bloody, starving, or lost.
Sounds about right.
Great article. "You get people used to disobedience in small, easy ways, and that prepares them to disobey in larger, more dramatic and more effective ways." Excellent.
Good luck. No sarc. I see the problem as on of Canada (and the US and most of the countries in the world) are just too big. Democracy and self governance really doesn't scale much beyond a New England town meeting. So the adventure should be devolution. Organize yourselves in cells though or they will crush you.
Small groups with a cell structure are almost certainly the way to go, yes.
Or honeycomb structure in which every hood and district have their own self-contained unity but can come together in a flash to offer aid like the flood in NC.
“ Politicians aren’t going to do anything about immigration on their own. Is there any way of interfering with that via private direct action? Canada’s problem obviously isn’t the same as Europe’s … overwhelmingly, immigration to Canada is perfectly legal.”
There is one crazy idea. Panama already have a large number of American retirees living there. The whole country is a chockpoint. A colony of mad lads could set up camp there and act to block the path from Colombia while building nice homes and businesses far from either C or A. I also wonder if a spaceport in Central America could be built much like a Chinese free zone. Jobs for the natives, alternative to the cartels, and competition to drive Uncle Sam mad enough to give Musk everything he wanted.
That's a very interesting idea. Panamanian fortress town to control the North American geographical choke point.
They will just go around. Need defense in depth.
“I’ve spent a considerable fraction of my adult life outside of the country, usually for years at a time – I escape every time I can, and every time I return I feel this sort of a gravity clutching at my soul, like I’m stepping into a dark cloud, a cloying miasma that wants to smother my spirit.”
Ireland is the exact same. People won’t even make eye contact with you on the street/road anymore. We’ve gone from a highly localised, high trust, ethno state to a diversified soup of economic hardship. Crimes that would have been national news for months 20 years ago now get a scant headline and then it’s on to the next atrocity. We’re rapidly being outmanned and soon to be outgunned. But I’m still here… and as long as there’s a few likeminded people still here… it ain’t over…
Hold the line. It will get much worse before it gets better. AK-47s being smuggled in on shipping containers and passed out to migrant camps levels of worse I expect.
But they will lose in the end.
“ Personally – and some of you will call me a liberal cuck for this – I don’t think that every last non-white, or for that matter every non-Anglo, has to be sent back. Just most of them,. National identity is partly but not exclusively genetic; it’s possible, with enormous work, to join a tribe one was not born into. But the bar should be very high: not only learning the language, but marrying in, and integrating to the point that numerous members of the core nation will personally vouch for you. Very few recent immigrants meet that test.”
This have always been a part of the Indo-European history. We originally organized ourselves as a ritual-based clan in which blood is the majority (but not 100%) of the base. We have to make allowances for foreign brides and slaves to participate in the ancestral cult. It take 10 generations (250 years, given the 25-year per generation) to rid ourselves of any bad mutations from the mixed blood. But during most of history, they were with the nearest neighbors not all that different from each other.
Only in extreme cases like the Aryans in India and the Europeans on the frontier are very dissimilar unions possible. Washington and Jefferson has hoped for some union between the Anglos and the Indians. One friend of Jefferson fathered about 7 children with the aborigines. He later regretted it and advised against it because his children always stood against the Americans because they were more similar in looks and mentality of their mothers’ peoples. This hard experience was the reason for most laws that would be overturned by the case of Virginia v. Loving.
The custom of 10 generations for a freedman’s family to go from the status of ex-slave to nobility and of Athens requiring the vote of 6,000 and then the entire Assembly in favor of a immigrant being made a citizen (can can be vetoed by any citizen) speak to this hard experience.
There is very deep wisdom to this, which we have ignored to our great detriment.
Citizenship should be by blood, and when foreigners are allowed residence only their descendants - after some generations of residency, and after marrying in - should be permitted the franchise.
Two outstanding examples are the Bantu in America and South Africa. Despite more than 250 years of sharing our lands, they are hopelessly corrupt and self-seeking and violent. Our values clearly didn’t rub off on many, which is a shame as I has lived along them in both the South and in NYC. Many are nice people but they seem to be exception, not the rule.
this is very intriguing and I will reread this later today. I'm concerned about the country my grandsons (6 yo with 3 youngers) are becoming part of. I find your experiences are exciting to consider. And adventures! In the past 4 years (from the covid madness) I've embraced every action that didn't turn out as expected to be an adventure. Motorbiking across 4 provinces (covid policies again), stranded with a dead bike battery in the middle of nowhere, a deer collision with my truck, again, in the middle of nowhere Canada - people showed up to help me. We Canadians are great people.
It can be remarkable what fate can show you when you throw yourselves into the winds of serendipity.
State and house church movement in PRC gives a bit of a preface on how these organisations will require tiers of involvement to both get new members and protect existing ones. Not a lot of people are involved with both, but those who are have a general awareness of who should not be let into house communities. Also, petulant children have a way of blowing up house congregations, so when it is available, have a layer that can act as permanent plausible deniability, evolving into the next equivalent of the state-approved gathering as reorganisation takes place.
Stan Rogers 🤌
The masculine urge to salvage your beloved Mary Ellen Carter with your frens
"Rise again!"
I was sadly unable to attend, mainly because the gay race communists put an effin’ OCEAN in the way, but for some reason I pictured this meet-up happening at the former Mr Gameways Ark building on Yonge St. Please nobody burst my bubble…
I shall refrain from bursting.
Frickin ocean.
"...people are atomized, lonely, disconnected from one another, we’re all individuals with no social trust...."
This is EXACTLY what Mattias Desmet proposed as the underlying requisite condition for mass formation --- atomization, disconnectedness. You must be on the same wavelength with Desmet, JC.
Also ... "It is rooms like the one we are in now that will constitute the seeds of great trees whose branches may one day be adorned by the hanging corpses of our enemies."
God! That is BRILLIANT! Wish I could have been there.... :-D