Damn... I'm only 1/6th of the way through this but it hits home. I'm a combat veteran who graduated with a 3.9 gpa from the university of Arizona in political science and economics. I simply couldn't find much good work out there... and I looked. For years. In 2014, before I graduated college I tried to join the FDNY but everyone from my list was struck because of a racial disparity lawsuit (that includes black and brown applicants-they had to use the old civil service roster at tremendous cost, all because the city had been sued by progressive NGO's because the civil service tests demonstrated racially disproportionate outcomes, which any psychometrician will tell you is a feature of ALL standardized tests).

I'm in recovery from addiction but I have certainly been struck by the phenomenon of nonwhite and female peers with mediocre intellects, poor work habits, and zero life experience shooting up the status hierarchy. They often perform jobs which have very little appreciable concrete benefit: journalist, therapist, non-profit administrator.

I try to avoid blaming others and I focus on my own life. That's close to a necessity for folks in recovery. I have certainly detected some very striking patterns though. What have all of these policies gotten our society?

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What they have gotten us is ruin, and the quiet despair of a great many good men.

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which was the goal, amirite?

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dont know if you read anon conservative; he has theorized (proven?) that our entire society has been infiltrated to the extent that overlords have people in place to crush any young White males who show 'resistance to authority', exceptionable abilities which might result in discovering outside the bounds of the narratives, perhaps an ability to create new or exciting places for White men to excel... and this has been going on in accelerated manner since America made the world safe for the diaspora of the chosen. (WW2)

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Hang in there James! Read the passage from Isaiah Chapter 61 in my comment below.

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I'm smart and ferocious and energetic. I recently managed to find a good job assistant editing a public policy magazine but for YEARS I languished in sales and warehouse management. I loaded trucks. I cleaned windows. Our system is so encrusted with credentialism that it's become an assumption that's baked into every interaction-it's truly invisible to most people.

Credentialism is the main barrier to intergenerational mobility and dynamic hiring and (when you look at the disparate rates of male/female credential earning) it has done more damage than any other factor to the ambitions and station of young American men.

They created an expensive system with high barriers to entry and then systemically discriminated against us. This has been happening for decades.




If these programs were strict and worthwhile and satisfying to the male ego, they would be creating better employees and teachers and managers and thinkers. But if they were all of those things they wouldn't serve their primary purpose-remolding society in a very distinct form.

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When a deep and abiding truth is revealed, whether fiction or non-fiction, fantasy or opinion, something in my chest just heaves and I begin to weep. This is such a piece. The stupidity and the waste. The sheer malice and contempt. As an American it is shocking and painful to witness the degradation foisted upon our men, which has been so painstakingly catalogued in this piece.

And as a retired tech worker (Amazon HQ nearly 10 years) on several teams, many of which relied on cheap Indian engineering labor, I can also say this with confidence and with hope: no one on Earth thinks like Americans. We are the innovators and the risk-takers. We power the world with our ideas and our fucking git 'er done attitudes. Especially our men.

Make no apologies, and take no prisoners.

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That's one hell of a radicalization pipeline. I probably shouldn't have read this before work.

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Man you must have either read very quickly, or you have a lot of time before work.

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I get up at 5:00 to lift, get done around 7:30. Don't need to be into the office until 9:00. But yes, I am a rather voracious reader.

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Excellent morning routine

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thankfully Trump won and he's going to turn this around very rapidly. But it's good to document what happened to young men

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we will see

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I hope so. And I have to admit, most initial signs look very good.

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Barack Obama did not rise to prominence from obscurity. He was a CIA-managed project, from top to bottom, practically from the moment of his birth.

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As a 70-something boomer, it breaks my heart and infuriates me to read material like this. There was "affirmative action" back when I was starting out, but that craziness has exploded and metastasized. I would like to do something to help, but I am not now, nor was I ever in a position to do so.

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it's okay bro we appreciate the consideration and Trump is going to fix this rapidly

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honestly man it's nice for a Boomer to just express basic good manners, it's very refreshing.

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Let’s hope

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It started long before you were born with egalitarianism and the idea that all men are equal by nature.

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You are a boomer who admits something has gone very wrong for younger generations. That's a small contribution in itself.

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This essay brought to you by 726MB of RAM.

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Painful and has all the making of a revolution. Historically, marginalized talent has drifted left but I suppose that this time could be different.

And to answer why the conservative donor class doesn't step up, what they care about is tax policy and what they don't care about is the culture. They and their children are secure so who cares about the rest. Secure until they are not, of course.

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Leftward drift was and is inhibited by the hostility of the left to those who might otherwise join it. I've seen this happen in real time, and experienced it myself.

As to the priorities of conservatives: this is why they make themselves irrelevant.

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Long Wars and struggle. Controlled Opposition.

Failure to Demobilize.

Poppy Cropping-fear of young

Long Wars and struggle. Controlled Opposition.

CON INC A Controlled Opposition since William F. Buckley. He was quite openly CIA alumni.

After WW2 the Cold War - on the American side the Democratic administration of Truman - didn’t want to repeat the experience of Europe wherein genuine and grassroots opposition to Communism was Fascism.

This wasn’t entirely wrong.

The Interwar democracies of Europe proved utterly incapable of resisting Communism without Fascism from the very start. Weimar’s Social Democratic Party had to resort to war veterans within weeks, this is the origin of Fascism and the Nazis.

So the still Liberal Anti Communist Democratic Administration made both the Conservatives and over time the Leftists controlled or highly infiltrated opposition.


As is normal after long wars and struggles there’s a problem of demobilization of the forces assembled. In 1989-1991 the Warsaw Pact and USSR demobilized and disbanded.

NATO and the US Cold War government did not.

The present problems began when this arrangement drifted into a permanent jobs program and wasn’t dismantled after the Cold War, like NATO itself it lurches on… and then the Clinton’s arrive. Not that Bushes did anything about it (the Bushes problem is they always worked within the system, and well.. the boys are unfortunately limited).

Then Obama (himself a 3d generation IC/Intelligence Community baby) marries Clinton neoliberal money coalition with the professional, white male hating Left; this is a marriage of vast USAID neoliberal “reinvented” government with IC sneakery and 1960s radical hatred of white men, combined with fear of the competent youth.

Poppy Cropping- Fear of Young

They’re afraid of you. I’m 58 and would be too, had I not accepted being a soldier and my death for the common good. Hey you gotta die of something, you might as well die for something; and you young men rising means we’re going to survive. Don’t quit.

And kill anyone who tries to stop you, including me (I won’t).

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Sorry to write a long answer/ but otherwise it’s incomplete

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Bush 1 was CIA. The freaking director for a while. Bush 2 was mainly malleable like Biden.

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Never said he wasn’t CIA director.

I just said Bushes core failure was trying to work through the system.

Bush I missed his chance to tear down NATO when the Warsaw Pact went away; mind you he was instantly handed in 1990 the crisis of Iraq annexing Kuwait- by Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie, who told Saddam he could settle accounts with Kuwait as he liked. He invaded.

In 1992 Bush 41 gave the Chicken Kiev speech that NATO would not expand East, he also declined to intervene in Bosnia. He then strangely found himself being primaried by Pat Buchanan , and the result was 2 terms of Clinton.

Bush 43; elected to absolutely not nation build.

early in 2001, one of our spy planes bumped into a Chinese fighter, and had to make an emergency landing in China.

As it was CLASSIFIED the NeoSchlongs beat the war drums.

Bush 43 politely declined.

In August 2001; Bush 43 is presented with “Al Qaeda is determined to attack America.”

(No 💩 it was public for years)

The CIA advised Bush to invade Afghanistan using the Northern Alliance, US Airpower, CIA strike teams. Bush declined.


In October 2001 this plan was executed, after some disturbances in September 2001.

… and Bush 43 never said No again.

As I said, the Bushes problem was they tried to work within the system. Same with Trump 1.0.

Trump 2.0 has learned.

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The Bushes WERE the system. Correct about the distinction between Trump 1.0 and Trump 2.0.

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No, they weren’t

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Hey for any young guys like me out there in Engineering I found that defence tech has a much higher rate of call backs for white guys. Granted it's still shit but at least you don't directly compete against H1B

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I’m no whiz kid, but I have three graduate degrees and a law license. Over the last several years, I’ve intermittently reached out to conservative/libertarian organizations to see if I could help out in some way. All I ever get in return is placement on a general mailing list and constant donation requests. I’ve given up at this point.

Part of it is my fault- I don’t want to be anyone’s FTE. I’m a freelancer and I intend to keep it that way. Perhaps if I applied for FTE positions, I’d be offered one somewhere.

But perhaps one problem is the failure of conservative organizations to adopt more flexible, decentralized models to accommodate more independent-minded people. Maybe we need more of a decentralized gig conservative/libertarian activism economy. I know I would willingly participate, fwiw.

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A Tour de force!

A lot going on here. Immigration is Job One; close the door, send them home. The lying Democrats produced multiple studies showing that immigration did not affect wages; and gravity does not affect rocks. Bastards.

It is obvious that Conservatives are lousy mentors.

It is obvious that many purportedly conservative organizations are run by shitlibs related to someone or who put out.

It is obvious that the conservative movement, if one exists, has no moral or ethical foundation.

It is obvious that John Adams was correct.

It is obvious that culture matters and cool cocktail parties don't.

It is obvious that conservatives have not developed a bench and now can't because that takes a lot of work starting at home with 2 year olds and continues for another 25 years.

I might have missed a few points.

It is obvious that Trump bought us some time, and sadly it isn't likely to be wisely used.

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A mammoth and encyclopedic entry - had me completely invested though. Great thanks to the author.

An interesting side-note that you guys may not have come across (and I wonder what it means regarding the American work scene described here):

A week or so back, in one of his executive orders, the Great Orange aimed a big hit at South Africa. There were a number of charges against SA, but one of the talking points was a complaint against South Africa's BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) Laws and their discrimination against racial minorities in the South African world of work. If Trump (and Musk) are interested in racial hiring practices in a random country, what does that mean for hiring practices in the States?

The other thing with the same executive order was a claim that he would look into granting refugee status to America for Afrikaners.

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Extremely kind, thank you. And I think Trump is going to rapidly turn America around.

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When I heard Pres. Trump granting refugee status to Afrikaners I thought - Wow, about time.

Then - Do that for all Christians worldwide facing religious based attacks. If the entire Western nations did this and otherwise closed most other immigration, then can argue that most Christians being immigrated are non-Whites (but make better neighbors then those hostile to our culture coming in before.)

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My 23 year old son recently signed up for the Air Force and is looking forward to being told what to do for a change. Young men are finding this path now

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He'll get sick of it soon enough.

Hilarious descriptions of Rufo, the "sucked dick for wooden nickels." Reminded me of asking an enlisted guy whose time was up in the Navy what he was going to do next. He replied "I'm going to suck off elephant herds at a nickle each to get my self-respect back."

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This teller doesn't want an express ticket to high power corporate, to the halls of power.

He would like some land, some crops, some animals, and neighbours who have the same. He would continue to tell his stories, for he is useless in other matters, but some of those neighbours?

With the ability of technology, some would be programmers, others all manner of careers that once needed an office, but can be done over video calls. If they don't like caring for their land, for the animals, they'd hire the people who didn't like even the corporate divorced from office to do so, a luxury afforded by their position, landlord not merely by ownership but by a job beyond subsistence.

It's merely a dream, a dream that shall not be met, but we need not be crushed together like sardines in cities, to have our time stolen in commutes. A vision of cities emptied out, transformed into places of market and entertainment, not places people are corralled into like battery hens, to live on ramen and anti-depressants.

The current structure if things, even the 'better' jobs than fast food waging, are quite the boobie prizes.

Make no mistake Americans, your path has taken a better turn, better than most of us imagined possible, but still, all of us, from east to west are under the sick and twisted form of modern society, even if the favouring of the other, the madness of the unreal is scourged out...

It's still a beast that eats men, grinds them up and defecates into the maw of cities.

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That was a journey in itself. Thank you so much for putting that all together.

I have a new and deeper understanding of so many intertwined issues here.

A truly impressive and very important work.

Just a few months ago I was at the pub with some coworkers from my university and I remarked something about this very issue and a left leaning colleague denied its existence. I doubt they could do that now, but who knows. Crazy how people have been so misinformed and gaslit.

Yes, something is coming.

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very kind, thank you

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True story whose only value is to add epsilon information to the immense data set in this post.

I am a mid-level manager in a Fortune 500 (industry undisclosed). We are not able to hire in the US (we can in the EU and I did manage to snag one exceptional white guy over there). The system I built has now been successfully implemented, but due to a reorg my team now sits under an Indian immigrant SVP. For whatever reason he wants to outsource the next phase of this system to a consulting firm that seems to hire mostly Indians. SVP doesn't seem to understand why this is a bad idea from a technical perspective, especially since a parallel initiative is failing because the same consultants don't really understand what the company really needs. Because I am sometimes not very bright, I have remained perplexed because SVP should have enough experience to know better. Now, after reading this massive work, I fully understand the truth.

Anyway: if a billionaire were to start up a new university founded on absolute meritocracy, in a heartbeat I would leave my position (Gen-Xer here, retirement on the visible horizon) to teach and mentor young Americans for half the pay I make now.

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If you are able to hire talented new people then I recommend contacting my friends at Exit to hire some smart young white men who have been overlooked by the existing system, or who are seeking an alternative.




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The only entry-level positions I can hire are internships, reasonably well-paying but only available to PhD students. Most of these students are not white (for reasons discussed in your post). Currently I'm not allowed to hire permanent positions in the US (go figure).

Our department has recently hired some white guys, but they are all mid-level.

I had forgotten about Exit, I'll take a look anyway and see how I can help.

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"Currently I'm not allowed to hire permanent positions in the US (go figure)."


Yes this is a good way to prevent you from hiring any white Americans

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Anyway we are going to change this under Trump but it's been built up for decades at this point. I appreciate that your heart is in the right place.

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The joke is that if you hire one Indian, you hire their entire family and tribe, because they purge and filter out anyone else who doesn't come from their specific dialect and clan as soon as you give them hiring power.

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This is a good and long corporate essay about how Indians operate with nepotism in American companies: https://socialmatter.substack.com/p/on-indians

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