I'm going to go back and read the whole thing, but your definition of Rightists, "young white males with their shit together" just struck a nerve. You probably don't remember me; I've changed my user name because someone had the exact same name and we were indistinguishable from each other, but I've mentioned here that I have 11 children, 9 boys and 2 girls. My sons work in our family business, work hard, save money, follow the law, no drugs, truly the definition of having their shit together. And they are depressed, stressed, looking at the future of America and ready to throw in the towel. They see no future, no hope, and I'm constantly telling them different. Young men with their shit together should be seeing a vast, shining, future in front of them. Not total darkness. It pisses me off no end what's going on in this country and what my boys have to face. My 13 year old asked me if we were bad because we're white!!! I just can't even express my anger.
First, congratulations on having a family that size. That is truly remarkable, and it sounds like you've raised them well, on top of that.
I'm old enough and stoic enough to be a bit numb to clown world's effects on me personally, but when I think of what it's done to these kids it makes me very angry, and I don't even have kids of my own. With nine boys, it must be exponentially stronger for you. And of course, there's what they feel ... They've got the real brunt of it all, without the benefit of perspective and experience.
I think the boys who make it through this will end up being made of very hard stuff, indeed.
Don't despair. I've heard that the CIA in conjunction with Silicon Techies are working on a way to turn all Russians and Chinese gay. Then all will be well and we'll finally have "World Peace". Like in the old Beatles song "All You Need is Homosexuality".
I don't know about the techies being on board with that agenda. A big SV Trump fundraiser just brought in over $20m and counting. There's something on the wind out in the West…
I've learned through years of experience that gay men are some of the best people to work for. They are usually in a good mood and are genuinely happy to see their surroundings made more beautiful. It might just be me, but lesbian women are nearly impossible to work for. I've never been able to get more than grudging acceptance for the work I do for them. Another tough sell is married couples where the woman is the main bread winner. The man often seems to have a need to show an inflated, almost fake masculinity, like, "I'm not going to let these guys get over on you, honey." They tend to micromanage and hang over you while you're working to make sure you're not cutting any corners. Single, older women are hard to work for as well. They worry constantly, change their mind frequently, and try to get discounts on the smallest things.
So just a tip for anyone considering starting a business-- traditional families and gay men are usually the easiest customers to deal with. But hey, everybody's money is green and I'll take it where I can get it!
If you're telling them different, you're lying to them. Think they'll be able to save up for a house? That's boomer-level thinking, amigo. Gen Z and Gen Alpha will own next to nothing unless you leave them something. And this is coming from someone not really that much other than them!
Oh, we're going to make it, don't get me wrong. I'm 60 and have 25 grandkids. My youngest daughter just got married at the age of 21 and is now pregnant with her first child. Her and her husband both had saved money and had around 50 grand to put down on a house. It was a repossession, needed extensive work. I have many contacts in the construction industry and got her good prices on the things we couldn't do. The whole family chipped in and basically gutted and remodeled the whole place. They spent $150,000 on a house now appraised at $225. So it's doable but we really had to pull out all the stops. Lol, she was almost in tears when I told her my first house cost $26,000. 😁
Wait what? A 13 year old kid shouldn’t be entertaining a question like that with a pappy like you!. Even my kids who grew up in the liberal Bay Area of California never had such self doubt about our race. If anything we joke about it: “those dang white people ruin everything!” What happened to your son? If you can, home schooling or even no school would be preferable to such brainwashing. May God be with you.
All my children are homeschooled but I don't believe in hiding them from the world they'll have to live in. His public schooled neighbor friend told him that and regaled him with all the facts he'd learned in school to support that idea. Of course he didn't believe him, but he wanted reassurance from Dad.
The idea they want to force young men to go risk their lives fighting Russia or China "for democracy!" while their homelands have all been actively flooded with third world invaders is pure clown world.
Particularly in Australia. The Chinese don't need to send an army, it's been invited here and it's several million strong. I see a lot of them at the range. Given how much of a hassle it is to get a firearms license I doubt it's for recreational reasons.
Something I've noticed here as well in the states whether in California, New York and Florida is the amount of non-Whites (Asians, Middle Easterns, and Mexicans) coming in as groups at the firing ranges. They usually ruin the vibes and almost always talking in their own language. Makes you think for sure.
Are you aware of John O'Looney? He states he has evidence that the infinity migrants are actually UN soldiers being trained by Blackwatch (Scottish regiment) and that the UK government is in on it all. Here's the most recent interview I've seen in this regard: https://x.com/JimFergusonUK/status/1789317957488685195
First I’ve heard of that. Wouldn’t surprise me if there’s some truth to it. I very strongly doubt that they’re all soldiers, but it seems almost impossible that some (large?) fraction of them are. @Michael Yon has been ringing the alarm about this for a while, too.
I've got a lot of time for John O'Looney. He's a funeral director sounded the alarm about the jab deaths early on. Seems like a decent human. It's all deeply concerning and even if not the case the fact that so many foreign single men are arriving on our shores means that at some point they will predate on us in far greater numbers than they already do.
I've seen first-hand the large numbers of military-age Punjabi men Trudeau has let in - close to 120,000 per *month* now - and they aren't an impressive lot: barely literate in their own language much less English, thin, spindly, mostly chain-smokers and pathetic incels who have garnered a reputation of not even being able to fulfil simple orders of coffee and bagels at the Indian-owned Tim Hortons and Subway franchises they work at. The others are too wrapped up in organized car theft rings and running trucking and insurance scams.
So I don't think they're the threat in the face of millions of hunkered-down white and Indigenous lifelong hunters north of the Canadian Shield. A draft - or conscription - in Canada would be laughed at so hilariously that our current military - smaller than the NYPD - would quickly collapse under the weight of genderqueer U of T HR grads LARPing as soldiers to defend Canada from Putin's evil hordes of cisnormative alt-right artillerymen. If anything, many here dream of an annexation from a Trump/Vance-led post-regime USA.
You're right! The police have been purposely neutered and will only be used against dissidents that the regime despises. Remember the summer of Floyd happened under Trump and he was completely impotent. He is not going to be our savior. Everyone is on their own and better be prepared with like minded people who have your back for whatever happens in the next 5-15 years.
My advice is to befriend the Asians, once you form a friendship wtih them, most will die for you. Or so experience tells me, Mexicans can be fickle and Middle-Easterners hate us, but Asians have a natural curiosity towards Westerners. Best to bond up with them, befriend them and see about if you're single dating one of their sisters or cousins.
The asians along with any other Non-White group all hate us. At the end of the day brother when all is said and done will do things that benefits their group. Fucking them doesn't make you one of them. And we shouldn't be telling guys on our side to do that. No different from the mass media telling us to fuck blacks. I wish I could share what my buddy send me on here. Things like "White-flight" from asians in California??! of all places lol and Various graphs from different asian American interest groups. Most asians whether japanese, indian, korean, chinese, vietnamese etc in the U.S overwhelmingly support mass immigration (legal and illegal), affirmative action, gun control etc. All the things that jews, muslims, hispanics, blacks support that hurts the White populations. They see us as competitors just like any other group does. And we shouldn't treat them any different. Don't let your yellow fever cloud your vision. Don't be a Jeb Bush. Reason he was soft on immigration was because he was fucking a mexican.
I don't have 'yellow fever' to be honest I'm not attracted to Asians, all I'm saying of all of them, they're the only ones liable to ally with us. In particular the Japanese have much more in common with us.
But then again I'm anti-immigration and of a mind that when infighting happens if you're enemies with everyone, you'll die alone. I'm French so I'm hated and could never be accepted by Anglo-Americans (I've been told so, by all those I live near, so I'm moving in two months), so my group are the French, only they will take me on and maybe the Japanese who suffer from 'French fever'. But you Anglo-Americans are going to need allies and friends, and that's why I said what I said.
A man without allies and friends, is a man alone and a man alone doesn't survive. Alliances in hard times are natural and necessary, question is; who will you ally with? Only Quebec & the Arctic are homogeneous these days in North America, the rest of America isn't quite so fortunate to be so united. Maybe parts of the Midwest are but even there it is worth questioning.
Besides, there's nothing wrong with hanging back and observing the situation before swooping in to take out the weakened victors.
the pacific northwest > 80% White; outside the blue hair liberal cities approaches 95% White. There is a growing number of folks in those areas waiting for the black flag to go up - for whatever reasons - to begin a new nation for Whites here. solutions for expelling non-Whites are not going to be spelled out for obvious reasons. Our skin is our uniform- 'goodwhites' will go along or get lost with the rest when the hard men do the hard things to win this war. stupids who dont see the war will get with the program or get dead. Whites must win or our race will die. The enemy has told us this. Why not believe them?
Indeed our politicians are our greatest enemies, and when they declare Australia as an ally to China's enemies - particularly with the US like it always does - the Chinese will be forced to respond, and they have the pieces in place to do so. I don't consider the Chinese or Russians my enemy - quite the opposite - but I'm going to be lumped in with the rest of the retards here (I refuse to call them my countrymen).
Same here mate. I’m very sympathetic to the Russian position in this ongoing Ukraine fiasco but my fellow Aussies just unthinkingly parrot the mantra “Putin and China bad.” I want to educate them but they’re too dumb and disinterested. They want easy soundbites.
Difficult to avoid the conclusion we are beyond delusion and well into the realms of obvious mental illness among the elites and their minions who enacttheir ideas.
Not mental illness as insult. But mentally compromised people. Lost, irrational and on the way down.
If this kicks off, all civil liberties will be tossed in the shitter that very day. You thought the covid censorship was bad? Imagine how they're going to treat muh straightwhitecisgendermen when they rapidly converge around "hell no, and why do women even get to vote?"
And gun ownership? forget about it. As the commenter below suggests, they're going to try tossing young men in vans, but that's going to start a lot of firefights, and not just in the hood.
The petulant, delusional girlboss types running the government will not respond kindly to "hell no". Remember, they can't even have a grown up conversation about why women cannot get equality of outcome. They're going to crank it to 11, immediately tossing out everyone's liberty and material wellbeing out the window, like they do with everything else, and then completely lose control of the entire country. This won't be peace love hippie stuff, because most men have decided already that there are no rules with these people. It will be chaos.
Though I tend to agree with NS Lyons that girlboss types are fairly inept at using physical force. Liberal Elites (Foxes) "are unsuited to, and uncomfortable with, the employment of physical force; they prefer intellectual and rhetorical combat, seeking to overcome obstacles through clever persuasion or manipulation of people and narratives...the instability of such societies then increases relentlessly, generating direct challenges that the Foxes, inept at using force, may lash out at but are unable to resolve.
If Americans today suffer under a sort of escalating “anarcho-tyranny”—in which uncontrolled immigration, crime, substance abuse, and other social pathologies proliferate alongside a state that seems to grow constantly larger and more determined to exert its dominance through control over, and manipulation of, information, ideas, and narratives—the undiluted rule of Foxes may be partly to blame."
I work in an extremely liberal profession, so I talk regularly to some very liberal people. When I saw that 43% of Democrats wanted the unvaxxed interned, I started saying to both Japanese relatives and white friends, we can now see how the camps happened for people of Japanese ancestry. One person was astonished and horrified -- how could I compare the two types of camps? Helloooo, they’re both INTERNMENT CAMPS. Not one of them, white or Japanese, could see how the comparison made any sense. And I thought, that’s all of history right there.
This. This is the depth of their understanding of ethics... And as they create more and more nihilism among those that oppose them, it will be reciprocated.
They think little old Texas church ladies are evil. They don't understand that what they should fear is just a mirror image of themselves. It's coming. I am not looking forward to it.
Is it the same among liberals where you are as it is here (Sweden) that they are horrified at the idea of putting someone in a camp or incarcerating them for something thy did to others;
But (as you state) are on-board with putting people into camps because of who or how they are, think, or feel?
Because our liberals will cry their hearts out for pedos raping children so badly the child become a cripple for life, at the same time they were also calling for concentration-re-education camps for people who didn't take the Covid shot.
The above sentence isn't hyperbole by the way, but actual examples. Pedos they will protect, people saying "No thanks, I don't want it" they want to incarcerate.
I had no idea people in Sweden got so upset with the unvaccinated! The only thing I knew about Sweden was that they were legends and heroes for how they didn't lock down. As to your specific example, there is a book in some American schools — including some middle schools — that is hotly challenged by parents and is just as hotly defended by some teachers, librarians, and writers. It’s called Gender Queer. It’s about a nonbinary person who is trying to figure out their sexuality. This person gets more sexually aroused by fantasizing than by physical touch. One of their fantasies is Plato’s Symposium, and there’s an illustration of what the main character is (are?) imagining — a fully naked grown man with an erection whose hand is cradling the penis of a fully naked young boy. The character says they concocted an "elaborate fantasy" about this. There are a number of illustrations in the book that parents object to — this is just one of them. I guess what I’m saying is that there is definitely something bizarre happening amongst liberals when it comes to sex, sexuality, gender, and even pedophilia.
Intellectuals and academics, some politicians, most "urinalists" and woke-pandering celebrities and pundits spewed hate at anyone unvaccinated, and anyone questioning the necessity of vaccinating anyone than the most vulnerable people (such as immunocompromised).
Normal people didn't behave that way, they just asked why and were satisfied with the answer "I don't need to".
Now, when it is apparent the mRNA-shots don't protect you at all, more and more are coming around to realise that the shots were rubbish and that they were deceived, but also that they themselves failed to look for information that was readily and publicly avaliable all the time: our eq. to the CDC and the FDA published daily updates on all sorts of metrics and stuff about the virus and the vaccine - all anyone had to do was to look for it, not just swallow what the media served up.
The book you talk about serves one purpose: normalising pedophilia/pederasty. Which is how pathological pedophiles see reality: they are victims being persecuted by society.
Which is why pedophiles must be either put down or kept incarcerated for life after the first offense (evidence permitting of course): they are completely incurable and will never stop. From memory, so caveat:
On average, a male pedophile will have 12-16 victims throughout his lifetime. Every pedophile let out means at least one more child abused at least once. It's a compulsive behaviour and it dominates their every day life in every way.
That the "gay rights"-movement doesn't drive a hard zero tolerance-policy against pedophilia tells me all I need to know about them.
I would hate for Trump to win the election only for a false flag “big attack” to occur under his leadership. And then Trump persuades many young Americans to enlist under the guise of nationalistic patriotism. Then these young men will simply end up as cannon fodder for the globalist elites.
Ditto, that kinda happened after the "mysterious flu" was unleashed upon our shores. The establishment or swamp or the invisible hands of the money illusionists, made the newbie feel empowered to launch "Warp Speed" biotech deregulation whilst emptying the cash drawers. Highly probable for whomever gets tapped for the next term.
> The establishment or swamp or the invisible hands of the money illusionists
That would be the right-technocrats.
Most of them still support the vaccine, even if they're quieter about it now, and hardly any of them have lost much status as members of the "alt-right".
I'd just assume and call it a uniparty establishment then. Abolishment and self governance, minus the representatives, could be a worthy cause for an American. And considering our representatives have misrepresented it's Republic apparently, we can't get people in the world to back us up anymore unless we give away resources or in other words keep bribing everyone with worthless paper and munitions. It's a clusterfck of magnanimous proportion.
He specifically said on the All In podcast yesterday that he will not put us boots on the ground in Ukraine and that war with China was avoidable and not necessary.
Two of the very best armies in history--the Grande Armee and the Wehrmacht--were destroyed after picking a fight with Ivan. Looks like the western braintrust is going to give it a go with its army of sexual curiosities, girlbosses, and DEI incompetents. Good luck, amigos. Hopefully the Russian Army will be less rapey than their forebears were 80 years ago as they work their way to Paris.
What cause the losses in the near history was that Russia by then was unified and thus could utilise terrain and population numbers to great effect, something swedish and allied commanders failed to realise, despite Peter the Great already having "invented" and used those (plus winter) to good effect.
Have a look at the participants of the Great Northern War. A certain island nation switches sides halfway through. "Flustercluck" doesn't even begin to describe that war, which was the one that broke us.
The Zelensky-regime has made demands of european nations to deport ukrainian refugees back to Ukraine - not just men but also women and children.
And the european nations are starting to comply, Norway being the first to do so.
The women and children will be put close to the polish border, effectively becoming hostages of the regime to get the men to go to the front.
These are the same ueropean nations who awards citizenship to non-white invaders while those invaders are in custody for raping children, murder, arson, looting or other vile acts typical of their kind.
Meanwhile the criminal non-whites are in many cases fighting aged males fleeing war zones. Supposedly. Yet the regime does not deport them under the theory that they should be fighting their country's war.
As always, a completely different standard is applied to whites.
It's a crime against humanity to force civilians to fight for a regime or a cause they don't support. And it's essentially genocide when you are talking about rounding up refugees to force them back into a war they tried fleeing.
It's not genocide; that's not what that word means.
Crime against humanity is a much vaguer term but I would essentially agree since the ukrainians are real refugees, it would count as such.
It is not however a crime against humanity to conscript able civilians into military service when the nation /they currently reside in or are citizens of/ is under attack.
Ukraine asking male ukrainians in exile to return and fight is fully legal and justified; trying to trick, coerce or force them to is not (and involving women and children refugees in any way makes it a crime outright).
Note that it is the ukrainian regime doing this, and that it is the western nations that have final say.
Also, note the difference in how illegal migrants from Africa/MENA are treated, to how ukrainians are treated.
Thirdly: a refugee who commits a crime in the nation offering asylum immediately forfeits his/her refugee-status and may be deported no matter the consequences for the individual. Therefore, any illegal migrants claiming refugee-status may (technically) be deported immediately, to the nation of origin or to the nation that allowed them to travel without proper documentation.
In the case of (f.e.) a criminal african in Norway, that would most likely mean deportation to Tunisia or Italy.
If you want to read more in-depth and details about genocide as a legal term, about refugees/asylum seekers and how they are defined, et cetera, I recommend looking up the relevant UN declarations pertaining to the terms. I'm paraphrasing from memory above, so I might have mixed things up a bit.
I care as much about the UN's definition of genocide as I care about the FDA's definition of vaccine.
Is there a better word for rounding up people of an ethnic group or nationality for certain death? That's what the press gangs and these refugee round up policies are doing.
Genocide has a very clear definition, as does vaccine. That FDA under lobbying from capitalist pharmaceutical industry changed the definition ot enable profiteering from mRNA-injections does not affect the definition of genocide.
If you define words to mean what you want/need them to, for the sake of your arguement or for emphasis or to incite a stronger reaction, you are in fact doing the exact same thing as feminists, communist and nowadays the woke always to: manipulate definitions of words to suit your purpose.
Far better to learn what the words mean, and learn more of them. The effect of people watering down definitions by doing the Humpty Dumpty-routine results in making communication impossible.
Calling it "sickeningly vile extortion and vistual hostage-taking to create slave-soldiers in the US' proxy war against Russia in Ukraine" is much better (if that is how one sees it) than abusing a very real, well-defined term such as genocide, which really shouldn't be watered down.
I don't view the UN as an authority on anything, including definitions.
Genocide: The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.
The Zelensky regime is using press gangs to round up Ukrainians to go die on the front lines. There are reports they usually last just a few hours in battle. If they forcibly round up Ukrainian refugees, the result will obviously be the same. All unwilling participants.
I don't view it as extortion. And they are dying so fast I wouldn't call them slave-soldiers either. This is essentially an extermination of Ukrainians by a puppet regime.
Zelensky is no longer President. His term has expired without an election.
They really smell the final Victory, don't they? That the only way for a White to survive is as a sexual slave.
The Book used across the White world is a political chronicle of a race war.
The original names of Adam and Eve were Dumuzid and Ninil. It was the official state religion, celebrated in a grand annual ceremony, of Semitic male over Aryan female.
(The very word, "adam", means "semitic male", that is, the only true human. Ishmaelites, do not forget, are also seeds of Abraham. In the original version of Isaac's Sacrifice, "Isaac", a root word for "Scythian", was indeed sacrificed, and the changeling ram, a mischling, a subsitute, accepted in his place as heir.)
And why, Eve? Because White genes, and White wombs, are the most valuable prize in all the world. The Upgrade, the next stage of the pupae. You're seeing an ecology at work; religion is the guesses of children, but none of it works as we have been told.
The good news is that the 'it' is so real it can be measured, it can be understood, and well used. Whether one speaks in the dialect of religion, of science, or of politics.
For now, it is enough to say that my race is my religion, as every other people do.
The press gangs are supposedly in the smaller towns and in the east, mainly picking up Ukrainians that speak Russian. Zelensky's version of deplorables.
They're definitely not raiding night clubs in Kiev for recruits.
the zoomers(I have 3 myself) have been simmering and unexplainably quiet through all their tortured existences----do they dare turn them to boil!?!---you all are gonna need thicker oven mits
I don't know, the rage has never left us War on Terror millennials. Our entire lives have been nothing but one betrayal after another. I almost signed up with the US Army to fight Al Qaeda. The only reason I didn't was how they scared the shit out of you in High School back then to go to college for a useless degree or you would never make anything out of your life. Maybe I would have come home with some good stories to tell and some of that sweet TBI to go with it. My country called and they went. American boys stacked bodies in good old fashioned firefights across the world only to watch all their efforts fall apart because the serious people in charge were nothing but spoiled nepotism hire children.
I could very easily have ended up going, had I stayed in the military just a bit longer than I did. Honestly, I'm not totally sure how I feel about that. Some part of me wishes I'd had the experience of combat, even if I know the cause it was in service of was ultimately not just meaningless but perverse.
"The social mind has become exceptionally paranoid in the Internet Age."
Correction, should read: "is not paranoid enough"
I see a lot of opportunities for quiet succession on the horizon. Perhaps a few draft-free zones in flyover country, like the shitlibs have declared in their cities during the wars of Bush 2.
We can't "dodge" hypersonic nukes. We've been hoodwinked to believe a military is for defense. Rather, keeping us safer by manufacturing "better" weapons of mass destruction that could very well be used on the dissident of a one world government powered on CBDC. It makes sense when you think about it.
Boy I'm looking forward to 2030 when I don't need to think for myself or own anything and to experience eating the mass amounts of insects that will be apparently so abundant they'll replace all protein categories. Overtaking the planet as it overheats from burning every last drop of fossil fuel in the ground. Because that's when the Rockefeller family will allow hydrogen solar power be consumed at scale, because they'll monopolize that too by purchasing the Sun before it gets any media traction from the sheeple as they bankroll advertising and financing of electric vehicles made in China to the masses. Can't wait!
Get real, they aren't going to be nuking or even droning a county or state capital for refusing to enforce a draft. We should be so lucky if they do; disproportionate responses against dissent creates more dissent. See: every COIN operation ever.
I agree they'll likely try to "own" the sun too, just like the gov in some areas claims to own the rain. I predict the financialization of asteroids too.
"The gov can loan the Ford Foundation $1T because they have a piece of paper that says they own K23432 which has $234T in platinum, so collateral!!"
There's a lil bit of sarcasm in my whole comment, which you've detected. I totally forgot about the asteroid mining in space! Thanks for elaborating, Zorost. : )
Please, don't give those folks any ideas when commenting to such a thought. Remember it's psyop central out here. I'd be inclined to make comments like, " Boy, we sure are getting closer to that "world peace" thing we were all promised the last time this happened", right?
"Peace through strength" isn't cutting it either and we must realize over the last ten years or less, how many "refugee's" have been flooding into Scandinavia, Sweden, basically the more neutral European areas and it has been happening in the US for decades just more prevalent in the last 4 years under the current administration. Something is going on for certain. Slowly then suddenly. . .
1976, the constitutional law of Sweden was changed to mean that Sweden was, always had been, "multicultural". It also opened the floodgates for migrants of the worthless kind, rather than the worthwhile.
In 1991-1994, the gates were opened further with amnesties and a switch-over to allow increasingly unrestricted invasion from Africa and MENA. And again in 2008.
The stated goal is a population of at least 30 000 000 as soon as possible.
The original plan/idea was to allow peoples from Africa/MENA because being the least civilised, they would be the easiest to assimilate and integrate (by "civilising" them). It was assumed they would immediately drop their old ways, and try to become "swedish" by dint of realising how much superior western civilisation was.
Mind you, these ideas came from the "anti-racists" of the 1970s and 1980s. Liberals, socialist democrats, swedish-style neo-cons, libertarians and progressives. The only parties opposing mass-migration (originally) were the communist party and a loose collection of more-or-less nationalist dunderheads prone to less-than-sane outbursts and manifestations (1970s and 1980s).
As we don't eat frogs here, one could say it's been a "boil the crawfish slowly-experience, with people normalising more rapes per year than during the entire Serbia-Kosovo war just to pick one example.
I actually helped edit the English translation of How Sweden Became Multicultural. Fascinating read. It really drove home how the entire policy shift was driven entirely by political games inside the government, with essentially no input from the Swedish people.
It was a similar story elsewhere. Canada was the first country to do this. We invented the modern doctrine of multiculturalism, and then exported it around the world.
I'm going to go back and read the whole thing, but your definition of Rightists, "young white males with their shit together" just struck a nerve. You probably don't remember me; I've changed my user name because someone had the exact same name and we were indistinguishable from each other, but I've mentioned here that I have 11 children, 9 boys and 2 girls. My sons work in our family business, work hard, save money, follow the law, no drugs, truly the definition of having their shit together. And they are depressed, stressed, looking at the future of America and ready to throw in the towel. They see no future, no hope, and I'm constantly telling them different. Young men with their shit together should be seeing a vast, shining, future in front of them. Not total darkness. It pisses me off no end what's going on in this country and what my boys have to face. My 13 year old asked me if we were bad because we're white!!! I just can't even express my anger.
First, congratulations on having a family that size. That is truly remarkable, and it sounds like you've raised them well, on top of that.
I'm old enough and stoic enough to be a bit numb to clown world's effects on me personally, but when I think of what it's done to these kids it makes me very angry, and I don't even have kids of my own. With nine boys, it must be exponentially stronger for you. And of course, there's what they feel ... They've got the real brunt of it all, without the benefit of perspective and experience.
I think the boys who make it through this will end up being made of very hard stuff, indeed.
Don't despair. I've heard that the CIA in conjunction with Silicon Techies are working on a way to turn all Russians and Chinese gay. Then all will be well and we'll finally have "World Peace". Like in the old Beatles song "All You Need is Homosexuality".
I don't know about the techies being on board with that agenda. A big SV Trump fundraiser just brought in over $20m and counting. There's something on the wind out in the West…
I've learned through years of experience that gay men are some of the best people to work for. They are usually in a good mood and are genuinely happy to see their surroundings made more beautiful. It might just be me, but lesbian women are nearly impossible to work for. I've never been able to get more than grudging acceptance for the work I do for them. Another tough sell is married couples where the woman is the main bread winner. The man often seems to have a need to show an inflated, almost fake masculinity, like, "I'm not going to let these guys get over on you, honey." They tend to micromanage and hang over you while you're working to make sure you're not cutting any corners. Single, older women are hard to work for as well. They worry constantly, change their mind frequently, and try to get discounts on the smallest things.
So just a tip for anyone considering starting a business-- traditional families and gay men are usually the easiest customers to deal with. But hey, everybody's money is green and I'll take it where I can get it!
And like Reagan said, this is the last best hope; no new frontiers.
Hope your boys learn to do all they can as well as they can for as long as they can and leave the outcome to God.
If you're telling them different, you're lying to them. Think they'll be able to save up for a house? That's boomer-level thinking, amigo. Gen Z and Gen Alpha will own next to nothing unless you leave them something. And this is coming from someone not really that much other than them!
Pooling the clan resources is doable with a family size he has. They could do better than isolated 1-3 child families.
Oh, we're going to make it, don't get me wrong. I'm 60 and have 25 grandkids. My youngest daughter just got married at the age of 21 and is now pregnant with her first child. Her and her husband both had saved money and had around 50 grand to put down on a house. It was a repossession, needed extensive work. I have many contacts in the construction industry and got her good prices on the things we couldn't do. The whole family chipped in and basically gutted and remodeled the whole place. They spent $150,000 on a house now appraised at $225. So it's doable but we really had to pull out all the stops. Lol, she was almost in tears when I told her my first house cost $26,000. 😁
Just had to say that this is the kind of example the below-40 generations need (and a fair amount of us "north of 50" too, sadly):
Family is family, and family helps family.
Someone needs to make a bumper sticker --"The future is feminine" with feminine crossed out and "family" written over top of it.
Your family is blessed, and your sons will do well. I would tell them to keep the faith, keep their eyes open, and be quietly proud of themselves
Thank you for the encouraging words.
Wait what? A 13 year old kid shouldn’t be entertaining a question like that with a pappy like you!. Even my kids who grew up in the liberal Bay Area of California never had such self doubt about our race. If anything we joke about it: “those dang white people ruin everything!” What happened to your son? If you can, home schooling or even no school would be preferable to such brainwashing. May God be with you.
All my children are homeschooled but I don't believe in hiding them from the world they'll have to live in. His public schooled neighbor friend told him that and regaled him with all the facts he'd learned in school to support that idea. Of course he didn't believe him, but he wanted reassurance from Dad.
Your family is blessed, and your sons will do well. I would tell them to keep the faith, keep their eyes open, and be quietly proud of themselves
Your family is blessed, and your sons will do well. Tell them to keep the faith, keep their eyes open, and be quietly proud of themselves
The idea they want to force young men to go risk their lives fighting Russia or China "for democracy!" while their homelands have all been actively flooded with third world invaders is pure clown world.
Really just takes the breath away, doesn't it?
Particularly in Australia. The Chinese don't need to send an army, it's been invited here and it's several million strong. I see a lot of them at the range. Given how much of a hassle it is to get a firearms license I doubt it's for recreational reasons.
Something I've noticed here as well in the states whether in California, New York and Florida is the amount of non-Whites (Asians, Middle Easterns, and Mexicans) coming in as groups at the firing ranges. They usually ruin the vibes and almost always talking in their own language. Makes you think for sure.
That's rather concerning, yes.
Are you aware of John O'Looney? He states he has evidence that the infinity migrants are actually UN soldiers being trained by Blackwatch (Scottish regiment) and that the UK government is in on it all. Here's the most recent interview I've seen in this regard: https://x.com/JimFergusonUK/status/1789317957488685195
First I’ve heard of that. Wouldn’t surprise me if there’s some truth to it. I very strongly doubt that they’re all soldiers, but it seems almost impossible that some (large?) fraction of them are. @Michael Yon has been ringing the alarm about this for a while, too.
I've got a lot of time for John O'Looney. He's a funeral director sounded the alarm about the jab deaths early on. Seems like a decent human. It's all deeply concerning and even if not the case the fact that so many foreign single men are arriving on our shores means that at some point they will predate on us in far greater numbers than they already do.
I've seen first-hand the large numbers of military-age Punjabi men Trudeau has let in - close to 120,000 per *month* now - and they aren't an impressive lot: barely literate in their own language much less English, thin, spindly, mostly chain-smokers and pathetic incels who have garnered a reputation of not even being able to fulfil simple orders of coffee and bagels at the Indian-owned Tim Hortons and Subway franchises they work at. The others are too wrapped up in organized car theft rings and running trucking and insurance scams.
So I don't think they're the threat in the face of millions of hunkered-down white and Indigenous lifelong hunters north of the Canadian Shield. A draft - or conscription - in Canada would be laughed at so hilariously that our current military - smaller than the NYPD - would quickly collapse under the weight of genderqueer U of T HR grads LARPing as soldiers to defend Canada from Putin's evil hordes of cisnormative alt-right artillerymen. If anything, many here dream of an annexation from a Trump/Vance-led post-regime USA.
Summer of Floyd. The regime told law enforcement across the country to do nothing during wide scale arson and looting.
Everyone including non-Whites understands we are on our own living under these politicians.
You're right! The police have been purposely neutered and will only be used against dissidents that the regime despises. Remember the summer of Floyd happened under Trump and he was completely impotent. He is not going to be our savior. Everyone is on their own and better be prepared with like minded people who have your back for whatever happens in the next 5-15 years.
My advice is to befriend the Asians, once you form a friendship wtih them, most will die for you. Or so experience tells me, Mexicans can be fickle and Middle-Easterners hate us, but Asians have a natural curiosity towards Westerners. Best to bond up with them, befriend them and see about if you're single dating one of their sisters or cousins.
The asians along with any other Non-White group all hate us. At the end of the day brother when all is said and done will do things that benefits their group. Fucking them doesn't make you one of them. And we shouldn't be telling guys on our side to do that. No different from the mass media telling us to fuck blacks. I wish I could share what my buddy send me on here. Things like "White-flight" from asians in California??! of all places lol and Various graphs from different asian American interest groups. Most asians whether japanese, indian, korean, chinese, vietnamese etc in the U.S overwhelmingly support mass immigration (legal and illegal), affirmative action, gun control etc. All the things that jews, muslims, hispanics, blacks support that hurts the White populations. They see us as competitors just like any other group does. And we shouldn't treat them any different. Don't let your yellow fever cloud your vision. Don't be a Jeb Bush. Reason he was soft on immigration was because he was fucking a mexican.
I don't have 'yellow fever' to be honest I'm not attracted to Asians, all I'm saying of all of them, they're the only ones liable to ally with us. In particular the Japanese have much more in common with us.
But then again I'm anti-immigration and of a mind that when infighting happens if you're enemies with everyone, you'll die alone. I'm French so I'm hated and could never be accepted by Anglo-Americans (I've been told so, by all those I live near, so I'm moving in two months), so my group are the French, only they will take me on and maybe the Japanese who suffer from 'French fever'. But you Anglo-Americans are going to need allies and friends, and that's why I said what I said.
A man without allies and friends, is a man alone and a man alone doesn't survive. Alliances in hard times are natural and necessary, question is; who will you ally with? Only Quebec & the Arctic are homogeneous these days in North America, the rest of America isn't quite so fortunate to be so united. Maybe parts of the Midwest are but even there it is worth questioning.
Besides, there's nothing wrong with hanging back and observing the situation before swooping in to take out the weakened victors.
the pacific northwest > 80% White; outside the blue hair liberal cities approaches 95% White. There is a growing number of folks in those areas waiting for the black flag to go up - for whatever reasons - to begin a new nation for Whites here. solutions for expelling non-Whites are not going to be spelled out for obvious reasons. Our skin is our uniform- 'goodwhites' will go along or get lost with the rest when the hard men do the hard things to win this war. stupids who dont see the war will get with the program or get dead. Whites must win or our race will die. The enemy has told us this. Why not believe them?
I know right? Eh whatever, we’ll survive no matter what.
Indeed our politicians are our greatest enemies, and when they declare Australia as an ally to China's enemies - particularly with the US like it always does - the Chinese will be forced to respond, and they have the pieces in place to do so. I don't consider the Chinese or Russians my enemy - quite the opposite - but I'm going to be lumped in with the rest of the retards here (I refuse to call them my countrymen).
Same here mate. I’m very sympathetic to the Russian position in this ongoing Ukraine fiasco but my fellow Aussies just unthinkingly parrot the mantra “Putin and China bad.” I want to educate them but they’re too dumb and disinterested. They want easy soundbites.
Aren't there underground cities and towns growing in the desert where folks are living off the grid in preparation for that over where you are?
Difficult to avoid the conclusion we are beyond delusion and well into the realms of obvious mental illness among the elites and their minions who enacttheir ideas.
Not mental illness as insult. But mentally compromised people. Lost, irrational and on the way down.
Mass mental illness is what is going to bring it all down in the end.
Yep. It will definitely help to be a one-eyed man at that stage, albeit painful to experience.
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
If this kicks off, all civil liberties will be tossed in the shitter that very day. You thought the covid censorship was bad? Imagine how they're going to treat muh straightwhitecisgendermen when they rapidly converge around "hell no, and why do women even get to vote?"
And gun ownership? forget about it. As the commenter below suggests, they're going to try tossing young men in vans, but that's going to start a lot of firefights, and not just in the hood.
The petulant, delusional girlboss types running the government will not respond kindly to "hell no". Remember, they can't even have a grown up conversation about why women cannot get equality of outcome. They're going to crank it to 11, immediately tossing out everyone's liberty and material wellbeing out the window, like they do with everything else, and then completely lose control of the entire country. This won't be peace love hippie stuff, because most men have decided already that there are no rules with these people. It will be chaos.
Yes, they will almost certainly react hysterically, thereby accelerating things still further.
Though I tend to agree with NS Lyons that girlboss types are fairly inept at using physical force. Liberal Elites (Foxes) "are unsuited to, and uncomfortable with, the employment of physical force; they prefer intellectual and rhetorical combat, seeking to overcome obstacles through clever persuasion or manipulation of people and narratives...the instability of such societies then increases relentlessly, generating direct challenges that the Foxes, inept at using force, may lash out at but are unable to resolve.
If Americans today suffer under a sort of escalating “anarcho-tyranny”—in which uncontrolled immigration, crime, substance abuse, and other social pathologies proliferate alongside a state that seems to grow constantly larger and more determined to exert its dominance through control over, and manipulation of, information, ideas, and narratives—the undiluted rule of Foxes may be partly to blame."
You make a good point. People seem to have forgotten about the internment of Japanese Americans. I imagine something just as bad, most likely worse.
I work in an extremely liberal profession, so I talk regularly to some very liberal people. When I saw that 43% of Democrats wanted the unvaxxed interned, I started saying to both Japanese relatives and white friends, we can now see how the camps happened for people of Japanese ancestry. One person was astonished and horrified -- how could I compare the two types of camps? Helloooo, they’re both INTERNMENT CAMPS. Not one of them, white or Japanese, could see how the comparison made any sense. And I thought, that’s all of history right there.
“The people who interred the Japanese were bad people so those camps were bad. We are good people, so our camps can't be bad. Totally different!”
This. This is the depth of their understanding of ethics... And as they create more and more nihilism among those that oppose them, it will be reciprocated.
They think little old Texas church ladies are evil. They don't understand that what they should fear is just a mirror image of themselves. It's coming. I am not looking forward to it.
Is it the same among liberals where you are as it is here (Sweden) that they are horrified at the idea of putting someone in a camp or incarcerating them for something thy did to others;
But (as you state) are on-board with putting people into camps because of who or how they are, think, or feel?
Because our liberals will cry their hearts out for pedos raping children so badly the child become a cripple for life, at the same time they were also calling for concentration-re-education camps for people who didn't take the Covid shot.
The above sentence isn't hyperbole by the way, but actual examples. Pedos they will protect, people saying "No thanks, I don't want it" they want to incarcerate.
I had no idea people in Sweden got so upset with the unvaccinated! The only thing I knew about Sweden was that they were legends and heroes for how they didn't lock down. As to your specific example, there is a book in some American schools — including some middle schools — that is hotly challenged by parents and is just as hotly defended by some teachers, librarians, and writers. It’s called Gender Queer. It’s about a nonbinary person who is trying to figure out their sexuality. This person gets more sexually aroused by fantasizing than by physical touch. One of their fantasies is Plato’s Symposium, and there’s an illustration of what the main character is (are?) imagining — a fully naked grown man with an erection whose hand is cradling the penis of a fully naked young boy. The character says they concocted an "elaborate fantasy" about this. There are a number of illustrations in the book that parents object to — this is just one of them. I guess what I’m saying is that there is definitely something bizarre happening amongst liberals when it comes to sex, sexuality, gender, and even pedophilia.
Books like genderqueer, being given to children no less, are what lead to Weimar’s Sequel.
Yes, and it's so eerie to think about. I hope people like you understand how much you are appreciated by those of us trying to navigate the madness.
To clarify my earlier meanderings:
Intellectuals and academics, some politicians, most "urinalists" and woke-pandering celebrities and pundits spewed hate at anyone unvaccinated, and anyone questioning the necessity of vaccinating anyone than the most vulnerable people (such as immunocompromised).
Normal people didn't behave that way, they just asked why and were satisfied with the answer "I don't need to".
Now, when it is apparent the mRNA-shots don't protect you at all, more and more are coming around to realise that the shots were rubbish and that they were deceived, but also that they themselves failed to look for information that was readily and publicly avaliable all the time: our eq. to the CDC and the FDA published daily updates on all sorts of metrics and stuff about the virus and the vaccine - all anyone had to do was to look for it, not just swallow what the media served up.
The book you talk about serves one purpose: normalising pedophilia/pederasty. Which is how pathological pedophiles see reality: they are victims being persecuted by society.
Which is why pedophiles must be either put down or kept incarcerated for life after the first offense (evidence permitting of course): they are completely incurable and will never stop. From memory, so caveat:
On average, a male pedophile will have 12-16 victims throughout his lifetime. Every pedophile let out means at least one more child abused at least once. It's a compulsive behaviour and it dominates their every day life in every way.
That the "gay rights"-movement doesn't drive a hard zero tolerance-policy against pedophilia tells me all I need to know about them.
Except that back then, the average American believed the lies. Will they today?
I would hate for Trump to win the election only for a false flag “big attack” to occur under his leadership. And then Trump persuades many young Americans to enlist under the guise of nationalistic patriotism. Then these young men will simply end up as cannon fodder for the globalist elites.
This is terrifyingly plausible.
I think it's inevitable if they "allow" Trump to win this time.
Ditto, that kinda happened after the "mysterious flu" was unleashed upon our shores. The establishment or swamp or the invisible hands of the money illusionists, made the newbie feel empowered to launch "Warp Speed" biotech deregulation whilst emptying the cash drawers. Highly probable for whomever gets tapped for the next term.
> The establishment or swamp or the invisible hands of the money illusionists
That would be the right-technocrats.
Most of them still support the vaccine, even if they're quieter about it now, and hardly any of them have lost much status as members of the "alt-right".
I'd just assume and call it a uniparty establishment then. Abolishment and self governance, minus the representatives, could be a worthy cause for an American. And considering our representatives have misrepresented it's Republic apparently, we can't get people in the world to back us up anymore unless we give away resources or in other words keep bribing everyone with worthless paper and munitions. It's a clusterfck of magnanimous proportion.
He specifically said on the All In podcast yesterday that he will not put us boots on the ground in Ukraine and that war with China was avoidable and not necessary.
Well, maybe. He fell for COVID pretty hard.
We can hope!
Is he? He was literally the president at the time.
Two of the very best armies in history--the Grande Armee and the Wehrmacht--were destroyed after picking a fight with Ivan. Looks like the western braintrust is going to give it a go with its army of sexual curiosities, girlbosses, and DEI incompetents. Good luck, amigos. Hopefully the Russian Army will be less rapey than their forebears were 80 years ago as they work their way to Paris.
Getting into a land war with Russia is almost invariably a very bad idea. It's practically proverbial.
You left out the Swedes, who were no military slouches themselves when they went in, and got drubbed.
We won most of our wars with Russia and its predecessor Novgorod, but we lost the ones that counted. Here's a summary:
What cause the losses in the near history was that Russia by then was unified and thus could utilise terrain and population numbers to great effect, something swedish and allied commanders failed to realise, despite Peter the Great already having "invented" and used those (plus winter) to good effect.
Have a look at the participants of the Great Northern War. A certain island nation switches sides halfway through. "Flustercluck" doesn't even begin to describe that war, which was the one that broke us.
Good point, we did so well in Afghanistan where all others had failed. I'm sure a march on Moscow will be easy.
Look at the Zelensky regime throwing unwilling men into vans to see where the empire plans to get its fighters.
Want to be really disgusted?
The Zelensky-regime has made demands of european nations to deport ukrainian refugees back to Ukraine - not just men but also women and children.
And the european nations are starting to comply, Norway being the first to do so.
The women and children will be put close to the polish border, effectively becoming hostages of the regime to get the men to go to the front.
These are the same ueropean nations who awards citizenship to non-white invaders while those invaders are in custody for raping children, murder, arson, looting or other vile acts typical of their kind.
Meanwhile the criminal non-whites are in many cases fighting aged males fleeing war zones. Supposedly. Yet the regime does not deport them under the theory that they should be fighting their country's war.
As always, a completely different standard is applied to whites.
It's a crime against humanity to force civilians to fight for a regime or a cause they don't support. And it's essentially genocide when you are talking about rounding up refugees to force them back into a war they tried fleeing.
It's not genocide; that's not what that word means.
Crime against humanity is a much vaguer term but I would essentially agree since the ukrainians are real refugees, it would count as such.
It is not however a crime against humanity to conscript able civilians into military service when the nation /they currently reside in or are citizens of/ is under attack.
Ukraine asking male ukrainians in exile to return and fight is fully legal and justified; trying to trick, coerce or force them to is not (and involving women and children refugees in any way makes it a crime outright).
Note that it is the ukrainian regime doing this, and that it is the western nations that have final say.
Also, note the difference in how illegal migrants from Africa/MENA are treated, to how ukrainians are treated.
Thirdly: a refugee who commits a crime in the nation offering asylum immediately forfeits his/her refugee-status and may be deported no matter the consequences for the individual. Therefore, any illegal migrants claiming refugee-status may (technically) be deported immediately, to the nation of origin or to the nation that allowed them to travel without proper documentation.
In the case of (f.e.) a criminal african in Norway, that would most likely mean deportation to Tunisia or Italy.
If you want to read more in-depth and details about genocide as a legal term, about refugees/asylum seekers and how they are defined, et cetera, I recommend looking up the relevant UN declarations pertaining to the terms. I'm paraphrasing from memory above, so I might have mixed things up a bit.
I care as much about the UN's definition of genocide as I care about the FDA's definition of vaccine.
Is there a better word for rounding up people of an ethnic group or nationality for certain death? That's what the press gangs and these refugee round up policies are doing.
Genocide has a very clear definition, as does vaccine. That FDA under lobbying from capitalist pharmaceutical industry changed the definition ot enable profiteering from mRNA-injections does not affect the definition of genocide.
If you define words to mean what you want/need them to, for the sake of your arguement or for emphasis or to incite a stronger reaction, you are in fact doing the exact same thing as feminists, communist and nowadays the woke always to: manipulate definitions of words to suit your purpose.
Far better to learn what the words mean, and learn more of them. The effect of people watering down definitions by doing the Humpty Dumpty-routine results in making communication impossible.
Calling it "sickeningly vile extortion and vistual hostage-taking to create slave-soldiers in the US' proxy war against Russia in Ukraine" is much better (if that is how one sees it) than abusing a very real, well-defined term such as genocide, which really shouldn't be watered down.
I agree. "Genocide" is overrated, because everybody keeps accusing everybody of genocide for just about anything.
I don't view the UN as an authority on anything, including definitions.
Genocide: The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.
The Zelensky regime is using press gangs to round up Ukrainians to go die on the front lines. There are reports they usually last just a few hours in battle. If they forcibly round up Ukrainian refugees, the result will obviously be the same. All unwilling participants.
I don't view it as extortion. And they are dying so fast I wouldn't call them slave-soldiers either. This is essentially an extermination of Ukrainians by a puppet regime.
Zelensky is no longer President. His term has expired without an election.
They really smell the final Victory, don't they? That the only way for a White to survive is as a sexual slave.
The Book used across the White world is a political chronicle of a race war.
The original names of Adam and Eve were Dumuzid and Ninil. It was the official state religion, celebrated in a grand annual ceremony, of Semitic male over Aryan female.
(The very word, "adam", means "semitic male", that is, the only true human. Ishmaelites, do not forget, are also seeds of Abraham. In the original version of Isaac's Sacrifice, "Isaac", a root word for "Scythian", was indeed sacrificed, and the changeling ram, a mischling, a subsitute, accepted in his place as heir.)
And why, Eve? Because White genes, and White wombs, are the most valuable prize in all the world. The Upgrade, the next stage of the pupae. You're seeing an ecology at work; religion is the guesses of children, but none of it works as we have been told.
The good news is that the 'it' is so real it can be measured, it can be understood, and well used. Whether one speaks in the dialect of religion, of science, or of politics.
For now, it is enough to say that my race is my religion, as every other people do.
And we all know of course certain people of protected categories will be spared.
The press gangs are supposedly in the smaller towns and in the east, mainly picking up Ukrainians that speak Russian. Zelensky's version of deplorables.
They're definitely not raiding night clubs in Kiev for recruits.
the zoomers(I have 3 myself) have been simmering and unexplainably quiet through all their tortured existences----do they dare turn them to boil!?!---you all are gonna need thicker oven mits
The rage that's built up within the zoomers is volcanic.
I don't know, the rage has never left us War on Terror millennials. Our entire lives have been nothing but one betrayal after another. I almost signed up with the US Army to fight Al Qaeda. The only reason I didn't was how they scared the shit out of you in High School back then to go to college for a useless degree or you would never make anything out of your life. Maybe I would have come home with some good stories to tell and some of that sweet TBI to go with it. My country called and they went. American boys stacked bodies in good old fashioned firefights across the world only to watch all their efforts fall apart because the serious people in charge were nothing but spoiled nepotism hire children.
I could very easily have ended up going, had I stayed in the military just a bit longer than I did. Honestly, I'm not totally sure how I feel about that. Some part of me wishes I'd had the experience of combat, even if I know the cause it was in service of was ultimately not just meaningless but perverse.
"The social mind has become exceptionally paranoid in the Internet Age."
Correction, should read: "is not paranoid enough"
I see a lot of opportunities for quiet succession on the horizon. Perhaps a few draft-free zones in flyover country, like the shitlibs have declared in their cities during the wars of Bush 2.
Indeed, draft sanctuary counties could well become a thing..
We can't "dodge" hypersonic nukes. We've been hoodwinked to believe a military is for defense. Rather, keeping us safer by manufacturing "better" weapons of mass destruction that could very well be used on the dissident of a one world government powered on CBDC. It makes sense when you think about it.
Boy I'm looking forward to 2030 when I don't need to think for myself or own anything and to experience eating the mass amounts of insects that will be apparently so abundant they'll replace all protein categories. Overtaking the planet as it overheats from burning every last drop of fossil fuel in the ground. Because that's when the Rockefeller family will allow hydrogen solar power be consumed at scale, because they'll monopolize that too by purchasing the Sun before it gets any media traction from the sheeple as they bankroll advertising and financing of electric vehicles made in China to the masses. Can't wait!
Get real, they aren't going to be nuking or even droning a county or state capital for refusing to enforce a draft. We should be so lucky if they do; disproportionate responses against dissent creates more dissent. See: every COIN operation ever.
I agree they'll likely try to "own" the sun too, just like the gov in some areas claims to own the rain. I predict the financialization of asteroids too.
"The gov can loan the Ford Foundation $1T because they have a piece of paper that says they own K23432 which has $234T in platinum, so collateral!!"
There's a lil bit of sarcasm in my whole comment, which you've detected. I totally forgot about the asteroid mining in space! Thanks for elaborating, Zorost. : )
Please, don't give those folks any ideas when commenting to such a thought. Remember it's psyop central out here. I'd be inclined to make comments like, " Boy, we sure are getting closer to that "world peace" thing we were all promised the last time this happened", right?
"Peace through strength" isn't cutting it either and we must realize over the last ten years or less, how many "refugee's" have been flooding into Scandinavia, Sweden, basically the more neutral European areas and it has been happening in the US for decades just more prevalent in the last 4 years under the current administration. Something is going on for certain. Slowly then suddenly. . .
+100 000 rapeugees for 15 years now, here in Sweden.
Population is ca 11 000 000. Out of which about 8 000 000 are swedes.
Woah, correction, It's been 15 years of forced immigration on Sweden!? Time flys when your getting invaded...
It's been longer than that.
1976, the constitutional law of Sweden was changed to mean that Sweden was, always had been, "multicultural". It also opened the floodgates for migrants of the worthless kind, rather than the worthwhile.
In 1991-1994, the gates were opened further with amnesties and a switch-over to allow increasingly unrestricted invasion from Africa and MENA. And again in 2008.
The stated goal is a population of at least 30 000 000 as soon as possible.
The original plan/idea was to allow peoples from Africa/MENA because being the least civilised, they would be the easiest to assimilate and integrate (by "civilising" them). It was assumed they would immediately drop their old ways, and try to become "swedish" by dint of realising how much superior western civilisation was.
Mind you, these ideas came from the "anti-racists" of the 1970s and 1980s. Liberals, socialist democrats, swedish-style neo-cons, libertarians and progressives. The only parties opposing mass-migration (originally) were the communist party and a loose collection of more-or-less nationalist dunderheads prone to less-than-sane outbursts and manifestations (1970s and 1980s).
As we don't eat frogs here, one could say it's been a "boil the crawfish slowly-experience, with people normalising more rapes per year than during the entire Serbia-Kosovo war just to pick one example.
I actually helped edit the English translation of How Sweden Became Multicultural. Fascinating read. It really drove home how the entire policy shift was driven entirely by political games inside the government, with essentially no input from the Swedish people.
It was a similar story elsewhere. Canada was the first country to do this. We invented the modern doctrine of multiculturalism, and then exported it around the world.