Draft Our Sons, Draft Our Daughters, Draft Our Migrants
When they throw a war that no one wants to fight in, who gets forced to the front?
The geopolitical temperature gives every indication of rising towards a third world war. The smouldering conflict in Ukraine; Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran; China’s hungry eyes on Taiwan; shots being exchanged over the Korean demilitarized zone ... the opportunities for a widening of these little, localized brushfires into a vastly more destructive are conflagration are everywhere.
Fighting a war requires men. This is a problem for the Our Democracies, because their men are deeply disinterested in putting on a uniform, picking up an assault rifle, and joining the crusade for Human Rights Values against Russian Orthodox Space Fascism or Borgapitalommunism with Confucian Characteristics or whatever it is we’re supposed to be fighting against. This is true almost independently of one’s politics. Leftists will literally burn themselves alive rather than put their bodies on the line for Zionism. Rightists – meaning, in general, young white men with their shit together – have simply been abused too often by the contemptuous political class. A decade of The Future Is Female and Black Lives Matter and being kicked to the curb in admissions, hiring, and promotions in favour of those who Didn’t Earn It has left them a bit surly.
It doesn’t help that no one has any faith in the basic competence of either political or military leadership. The Anglo countries collectively spent trillions of dollars and many thousands of lives to replace the Taliban with Taliban, the only difference between 2001 and 2020 being that in 2020, the Taliban was left with several billion dollars of high-end American kit they didn’t have before. Oh also, remember those WMDs in Iraq? LOL, just a prank, bro, can’t believe you fell for that, you’re so gullible LMAO.
The idiots followed the debacle in Afghanistan up with the shambolic Ukrainian campaign. Their first brilliant idea was to weaponize the dollar by kicking Russia out of the SWIFT system and confiscating Russian assets, the only result of which has been a strengthened rouble and a weakening of the petrodollar system, with absolutely catastrophic implications for America’s Potemkin prosperity. Their next bright idea was to pour the munitions stockpiles of every NATO country into the howling abyss of the Donbass, which Ivan has been only too happy to systematically chew into wreckage while fighting with both hands tied behind his back ... with the added bonus that the piss-poor battlefield performance of American weaponry has revealed its technological advantage to be an obsolete assumption ... while the inability of Uncle Samantha or any of her allies to match Russian munitions production has demonstrated to everyone who’s paying attention that decades of financialization, service economics, and offshoring have completely hollowed out the American industrial base.
Two years ago I explained why America can’t win World War III.
Nothing that’s happened since has done anything but reinforce this conviction.
But just because the West is absolutely doomed to lose a great power war, doesn’t mean that they won’t try to start one anyhow. As I said at the end of that essay,
“Our leaders would have to be some unholy combination of deluded and retarded to provoke a conflict, which is precisely why they're doing so.
I mean, just look at them.
In every one of our countries, the public mood is similar: these people are terrible and we want them gone. This isn’t a matter of the nominal ideology of any given political party. In America you have the senile crime boss, technically a liberal. In Canada you have the substitute drama teacher, also a liberal. In the United Kingdom you have the jug-eared gamma male, supposedly a Conservative. In France you have the gay investment banker, in theory a ‘centrist’, whatever that even means these days. In Germany you have that nonentity of a balding numpty, who’s supposedly ... honestly who cares. In country after country the incumbents are calamitously unpopular. Which, after decades of declining living standards and a tightening ratchet of micromanagerial tyranny, isn’t surprising.
As an aside, I can’t help but crow a bit about the collapse of Britain’s Brown Ministers. Two months ago I predicted that their rule would be brief, but even I didn’t expect it to all fall apart so quickly. Less than two weeks after I wrote that, the Pakistani street thug who’d elbowed his way into the position of Scotland’s First Minister kicked the legs out from under his own party by reneging on the coalition agreement with the Greens. I feel like maybe I hexed him when I wrote “I believe in you, Yousuf. You can do it!”, sort of like when I hexed Claudine Gay by predicting she’d hold onto her position as Harvard’s president despite her status as a professional black woman. These people should be terrified when I express confidence in them.
Shortly after the street thug shot his party in the other foot (the first being the predictably comedic consequences of his silly hate speech law), 10 Downing’s simpering Punjabi made the apparently bizarre decision to call a snap election. This was very weird, given that the Conservative party is down in the polls; last I’ve heard they’ve fallen even further since the election was called, to third place behind Reform, who are eating their lunch, and Labour, who are almost certain to take an overwhelming victory. My first thought was that Sunak did this in order to staunch the bleeding: the Zero Seats campaign has caught on with the disgruntled Conservative base, and given another year to grow it could well destroy the party utterly at the next election. The Tories have been patriots in the streets and Blairites in the sheets throughout the last two decades of their uninterrupted rule, and the bill has finally come due. Of course, they could always just stop being a nest of vicious little traitors, but this seems unlikely. There’s probably too much kompromat involving pre-pubescent boys for this to be possible. At any rate, in less than a month the only part of Britain to still have a Brown Minister will be Wales, where their Zambian is clinging to power despite losing a no-confidence vote a few weeks ago.
Britain is not the only country to call a snap election. After getting thoroughly humiliated by the “far” right Rassemblement Nationale during the European parliamentary elections, the scheming little turd in the Élysée Palace announced a snap election in France, which has thrown the country’s politics into utter and highly entertaining chaos, with announcements of coalitions, retractions of announcements of coalitions, and internal coups.
This sudden enthusiasm for unnecessarily tossing the dice under deeply unfavourable electoral conditions might be a coincidence, but it might also be related to this ridiculous war our morally bankrupt managerial overlords seem hell-bent on starting. You don’t want to go into war with a deeply unpopular government, after all. Better to have a changing of the guard in order to get the stink out of the legislature first, a bit of political spring cleaning, put some paint on the hull before sailing off to face the guns. Get the imprimatur of an electoral mandate from the people before sending them off to die. This is especially true if “far” right parties can be brought to power. “Yes, we hear you! You’re tired of immigration. You’re exhausted by all the gay stuff. We agree, it’s terrible! Now go be good little peasants and play grab-ass with loitering munitions in the name of your country or whatever nonsense it is you little people believe in, so we can replace you with Africans when you’re all dead.”
France’s Macron has, indeed, been amongst the most bellicose of the sad little muppets running our countries into the ground, having recently suggested sending French troops directly to the Ukrainian front, which of course would give Russia every excuse it needs to start, say, dismantling Western Europe’s industrial base with hypersonics. Fair play for Nordstream and all. Brussels wouldn’t really be able to complain. After all, if Russia helpfully destroys Europe’s power grid, that can only bring the EU closer to meeting its 2030 climate goals.
As soon as the British snap election was announced
suggested that Sunak’s decision was motivated by the goal of taking the “sclerotic old nag of a party out to pasture in order that the Western military and security apparatus can clear the decks and prepare for whatever new wars and turmoil are coming.” Consistent with this hypothesis, Sunak then suggested that it was time to bring back conscription.This isn’t really a surprise.
For all the reasons of demoralized alienation outlined above, none of our militaries can meet their recruiting targets anymore by on an all-volunteer basis. As
describes, the American military’s brand has been irreparably damaged, to the degree that reviving the old Be All You Can Be ads was met with howls of incredulity and a chorus of ‘go fight your own wars with your rainbow coalition of neurodivergent genderqueer pronouns of colour’. This is something I pointed out several months ago, myself.Hence a draft. If no one wants to volunteer to die for Israel, or open borders, or gay marriage, or girlbossery, or whatever it is that the West is supposed to fight for, well then they’ll just have to be pressed into service.
Sunak’s suggestion of mandatory military service polls well with retirees, who won’t have to do fight and die, and who think the kids are lazy and unpatriotic and should pull themselves out from under machinegun fire by their bootstraps. For young people raised on stories of the horrors of mechanized warfare, which have been brought vividly to the front of everyone’s minds by the slit trenches and murder drones of the Ukrainian war, the idea of shipping off as fodder for walking Chinese machine-guns sounds much less appealing.
It isn’t only England which is considering a draft. The US House of Representatives just passed a measure to automatically register men for selective service, bringing back a practice that died in the race paddies of Vietnam with a heroin needle in its arm.
Hilariously, they’re apparently considering extending selective service to women, too.
This is funny not just because the thought of Yass Queens being forcibly confronted with the gulf between their Black Widow power fantasies and the ugly reality of industrial warfare in the age of AI brings a black glow to my cynical heart, but because this is literally a meme from the 2016 American election.
The #DraftOurDaughters campaign was a 4chan psyop in the closing weeks of the Trump campaign. The idea was to trick Single Woke Females into thinking that the Cackling Cankle Queen was going to round them up and send them to get murdered in some godforsaken freezing ditch in the Russian steppe. Whether or not any of them fell for this at the time is impossible to say, although I doubt it, but it was great fun all the same.
The regime, of course, did not think any of the pranks of the Great Meme War of 2016 were funny at all, and once they’d successfully taken back power by, uh, “winning” the 2020 election, they went after one of the more influential MAGA anons, Douglass Mackey aka Ricky Vaughn.
of Myth Pilot describes the essential elements of the case here:While the actual meme they arrested and prosecuted Mackey for was a joke telling suggestible low information voters that they could Vote For Her by text message, the Draft Our Daughters memes played a large part in the prosecution’s case.
And now they’re literally doing precisely the thing that they threw the book at Mackey for joking about.
Never tell me meme magic isn’t real.
Not that the ladies need to worry about dying on the front lines. I doubt they’d be squandered on anything so silly as combat. They’ll be given much more important things to do, supporting and supervisory roles, really essential stuff like ensuring that the barracks are kept stocked with cross-sex hormones or that all uniformed personnel make sure to use respectful terminology when addressing the enemy. You wouldn’t want to use exclusionary or marginalizing language about someone who’s shooting at you, after all.
Conscripts are sullen at the best of times. These are not the best of times. The current social reality is that the young men who would make the best soldiers – already fit, motivated, and self-controlled – are precisely the cohort that most loathes the regime, for the regime has for their entire lives taken every opportunity to tell them how much it loathes them. Forcing them to fight on its behalf is not going to endear it to them. Putting weapons in the hands of people who despise you and then teaching them to use those weapons at a professional level might be ... not the best idea.
thinks that a draft would probably result in civil war.And I agree. Right now, the most likely result of rounding up every young man physically, intellectually, and emotionally capable of enduring combat, would be to radicalize those young men even more deeply against a system that hates them and offers them nothing but misery, poverty, loneliness, and second-class citizenship in a country that, as they have been relentlessly told, “doesn’t belong to you”. The ones forced into uniform would, very quickly, become discipline problems to say the least. Lieutenant Shaniqua, fresh from her Combat Intersectionality program at West Point, would get fragged the moment she ordered a section attack on a dug in Russian position. Assuming, that is, that they even got to the front in the first place: opportunities for sabotage are practically endless. You can’t deploy if the engines in the troop carrier keep breaking.
Now, some will point to the way in which almost everyone, including the vast majority of zoomer males, went along with the Covidian hysteria and meekly lined up for their injections as evidence that they’ll go along with the draft without complaint, too. I’m not sure that follows. There is a lot of bitterness over what happened during the lockdowns, particularly among young men who tend to feel – accurately – that they were lied to and poisoned. Fool me once, etc. What matters in this case is not what most people will do, but what those most suited for fighting will do. Those are very different groups, and the latter are precisely the ones most likely to be distrustful of the regime.
Of course, this antipathy for the ruling class is much the way that the young men of the so-called Greatest Generation felt throughout the Dirty Thirties, as a consequence of which, in the United States at least, there was no appetite for war with the Axis powers ... until the Day That Shall Live In Infamy took all of that anger that had been simmering through the social order for a decade, and gave it an external focus of aggression. Should Russia or China, or some smaller power with which they are aligned, attack America on a similar scale, if we should have Another Pearl Harbour as 9/11 was preemptively described, perhaps conscription will be more popular. Perhaps it won’t even be necessary.
Assuming, of course, that such an incident is not immediately rejected as a false flag event. The social mind has become exceptionally paranoid in the Internet Age. Regardless of who is really behind a large-scale terrorist attack, an origin in alphabet agencies rather than foreign militaries will be suspected by default by a huge part of the population, and that swarm of autists will immediately start sniffing around the incident. No doubt foreign adversaries understand this quite well, and might even set things up to make their own attacks look like self-inflicted false flags. Was the dirty bomb in Manhattan an Iranian attack, a false flag pretending to be an Iranian attack, or an Iranian attack pretending to be a false flag pretending to be an Iranian attack? Such recursive doubt could well insulate the social mind against the psychological shock inflicted by the attack, perhaps preventing it from generating sufficient emotional energy to motivate an enthusiastic large-scale mobilization.
The possibility that a false flag would be immediately suspected as such isn’t, I think, mere wishful thinking. Throughout the teens, there were successive attempts to frame up Syria for gassing its own citizens in order to justify direct American military intervention; in ever single case, the psyop was rapidly detected by the online media, thereby generating a counternarrative that completely disarmed the regime’s psyop. Nordstream is another case in point. No one believed for a moment that this was, as the legacy media uniformly insisted, the Russians attacking their own pipeline. Everyone knew it was America. I mean come on.
So, I don’t see much prospect for a false flag overcoming the reluctance of Post-Westerners to rally to the Prolapse Pride Flag.
The only other option, then, is to hire large numbers of mercenaries.
Mercenaries have their own, perennial issues. Their loyalty is only as deep as their last paycheck, and there is nothing that stops one’s enemies from offering them a better deal to turn on you, or merely step aside. Furthermore, once a country starts relying heavily on mercenaries, it is not long before its military starts to resemble an occupying force, alienating the local population from their ruling elites even more deeply. During the American Revolutionary War, one third of the colonial British army was composed of Hessian mercenaries, whom they’d also made use of during the Seven Year’s War. The presence of foreign mercenaries was one of the 27 grievances enumerated against the king by Jefferson. The revolutionaries responded by offering any Hessians who deserted liberty and land, and in at least one admittedly miserable case convinced a tenth of a Hessian garrison to take them up on it.
Nevertheless, I suspect in the end they’ll go with mercenaries over conscription. The entire point of bringing up conscription may simply be to make expansive (and expensive) utilization of mercenaries seem the more acceptable of the two choices, a regrettable least-bad-option to deal with the lazy and cowardly reluctance of the young to serve (as the regime will certainly characterize their refusal to fight for people who hate them).
But where will these mercenaries come from? Blackwater? They’re pricey, and there aren’t really that many of them. Only so many former special forces operators to go around.
Mercenaries do not have to be private contractors, however.
If I had to guess, the regime will offer foreign recruits citizenship in exchange for service. Based, right? That’s the old Starship Troopers ideal after all. It’s entirely possible that the hordes of fighting-age males that have been allowed across the meaningless borders of English-speaking countries have been let in deliberately, in order to create simultaneous crises of public order, humanitarian misery, and economic strain that can be solved in one fell swoop by offering them all military service in the great crusade for Our Rules-Based International Human Rights Liberal Democracy.
There’s precedent for this. During the first (ahem) Civil War, there were draft riots in the North, where a lot of men had, to put it mildly, mixed feelings about going to war with other Americans. Lincoln got around this by recruiting large numbers of German and Irish immigrants, who were effectively given citizenship in exchange for service.
The medium-term consequences of such a policy are easy enough to predict. It will create a class of men whose familiarity with the tools of violence has been hardened in combat, who have the right to vote and live in the countries the regime invited them into, who have bank accounts fat with accumulated danger pay and access to various veteran’s benefits, and who as racialized minorities are officially oppressed and therefore have the skids greased for them in institutional and public life. These men will have no loyalty whatsoever to the countries they fought for, because they have no roots there, and did not fight for those countries for love or ideals, but for money. It is all but assured that they will quickly muscle aside the ruling class that brought them in, the same way the janissaries used by the Ottomans came to control their empire, or the Germanic barbarians the Romans filled their legions with came to control former Roman territory.
That presumes, of course, that the foreign fighting age males are remotely interested in fighting for the countries they’ve invaded. They’re already inside, after all. They’re already getting free housing, free food, free everything. The privilege of voting in our fake elections seems like thin gruel. Legal residency is a meaningless promise when the AWFLocracy has no stomach for deporting them. For a migrant draft to work, the regime would have to harden its policies towards them, cutting off benefits from and deporting those who refuse the deal.
Then again, that might be precisely what the regime is intending to do. They can spin it as resurgent nationalism. “See, we’re listening to your complaints! No more free riders. No more parasitism. If they want to stay in Our Democracy, they have to fight for freedom liberty America Our Values, just like everyone else!” A lot of nationalists would eat that right up. And in the process, maybe, convince themselves that they’d won the political battle ... and then accept the draft, or even volunteer to fight, thereby getting themselves killed, and solving all of the regime’s domestic and foreign political problems.
If there’s a big attack, don’t take it at face value. Don’t be stupid. Don’t sign up to fight for them. It’s a trick.
If there’s a draft, don’t go along with it. Do everything you can to undermine, sabotage, and resist it. Skip the country if need be. Riot if you have to. Speak in nothing but racial slurs when the recruiting sergeant gets his hands on you.
And if they try to fill the ranks with migrants? Honestly I don’t really have a good answer for that, except ‘pray’ and ‘brace yourselves’, because putting guns in the hands of these people goes nowhere good, fast.
Above all, remember who the enemy are, and don’t get yourselves killed fighting for them.

Thanks for reading this PSA. I threw this together in a few hours because it seemed somewhat urgent to get out there. Honestly I’d rather be writing about other things, like network nationalism, or electromorphogenetic fields, or eugenics, or sword and planet space opera stories, or well, you get the idea. If you’ve been reading Postcards From Barsoom for any length of time, you know that my subject matter can be, to put it mildly, as eclectic as it is eccentric. You can get an idea of the kinds of things I write about here:
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I'm going to go back and read the whole thing, but your definition of Rightists, "young white males with their shit together" just struck a nerve. You probably don't remember me; I've changed my user name because someone had the exact same name and we were indistinguishable from each other, but I've mentioned here that I have 11 children, 9 boys and 2 girls. My sons work in our family business, work hard, save money, follow the law, no drugs, truly the definition of having their shit together. And they are depressed, stressed, looking at the future of America and ready to throw in the towel. They see no future, no hope, and I'm constantly telling them different. Young men with their shit together should be seeing a vast, shining, future in front of them. Not total darkness. It pisses me off no end what's going on in this country and what my boys have to face. My 13 year old asked me if we were bad because we're white!!! I just can't even express my anger.
The idea they want to force young men to go risk their lives fighting Russia or China "for democracy!" while their homelands have all been actively flooded with third world invaders is pure clown world.