You make a good point, and I hope you're right. Hopefully no one from the managerial class would be stupid enough to act out Slim Pickens' role in Dr Strangelove and ride the bomb rodeo style to its target!
You make a good point, and I hope you're right. Hopefully no one from the managerial class would be stupid enough to act out Slim Pickens' role in Dr Strangelove and ride the bomb rodeo style to its target!
Yeah, I actually had that very scene in mind. Strangelove is maybe the greatest horror-comedy film ever made. The dual climax of Kong's pseudo-kamikaze strike matched with Strangelove's depiction of the bunkers basically satirizes the whole of our fears about "them".
You make a good point, and I hope you're right. Hopefully no one from the managerial class would be stupid enough to act out Slim Pickens' role in Dr Strangelove and ride the bomb rodeo style to its target!
Yeah, I actually had that very scene in mind. Strangelove is maybe the greatest horror-comedy film ever made. The dual climax of Kong's pseudo-kamikaze strike matched with Strangelove's depiction of the bunkers basically satirizes the whole of our fears about "them".