Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022Liked by John Carter

"It’s also almost irrelevant, because it won’t happen."

Thanks for writing this piece, John. This is something I've been trying to explain to black-pilled friends (including my own wife) for the better part of two years now.

They fucked up. They don't understand what the internet is, and never have. Like Khan in Star Trek 2, they can only perceive weaponry, and only from one stilted angle of perception. What we are seeing is panic motions, the spasms of a drowning swimmer who lost track of the shoreline.

I had a hearty laugh at the notion of "mainstream" media organs chasing after "alternative" narratives, sealing and padlocking the barn doors after the horses are gone with the wind. It reminded me somewhat of what happened to big box music stores in the early 90's. I am old enough to recall when the dominant section was "pop/rock" -- a sort of catchall for tunage with high frequency radio play -- and "alternative" music was a small set of racks located on the end of one lonely aisle. What a difference a few years made in terms of marketing lingo! Suddenly, "alternative" owned the lion's share of rack space, to the extent that it might as well have been labeled "no alternative". Resistance is futile, indeed.

But the main takeway is that they not only misunderstand the internet, but the human condition itself. Like classical psychopaths, hey cannot even comprehend the creature, let alone the creator. They are doomed to lose, because they don't understand the game they are actually playing.

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That's exactly it. They're schizoautists trying to understand the human soul as mechanism, when it just isn't - not universally, at least. They find a trick that works on dinner people some of the time, and assume that if they just trick harder they'll be able to apply it universally. Doesn't work out and never does. Life finds a way. They're basically trying to outsmart the universe, or God, or the rest of the human species ... and the only reason they think that's possible is that they don't know what they don't know.

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Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022Liked by John Carter

Wonderful , brilliant posting and comments! ( I think you meant dimmer instead of dinner though.) Great insights about memes and the power of humor. I recently stumbled on the comedy of Kyle Dunnigan, who proves your insights hilariously.

I remember ordering an ImpossibleBurger one time at a sandwich place I frequented that had really good food generally so I was tricked into trying it, thinking that it must be their house version of a vegan “gardenburger” sort of thing. Usually, of course, that is usually some kind of grain/bean patty of some sort. It was terrible. Later, when I found out that it was worse than I thought, I was really pissed off about the labeling as “burger.” It was a double bait and switch— a fake on top of a fake and I felt that I should have been warned. I went there for the quality in the first place and had personally praised the owner for the quality of his product in the past. So when I got that It was a WTF? Is going on here? They must have made a very generous initial offer to him to put it out there on his menu. So I can see how that product started to look like it was taking off at first and deservedly augered in shortly thereafter, if my experience is at all representative.

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022Liked by John Carter

I have a sneaky feeling that if we are saved, we will be hilariously saved by fuckups like shitty cheeseburgers, green-haired TikTok groomers and the producers of "Batwoman". The most optimistic feature of our enemies is that they consistently make stuff that sucks.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by John Carter

I think there is definitely a relationship between hilarity and salvation. Consider the argument in the talk “Sex, Laughter, and God Realization “ by Avatar Adi Da Samraj.

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Heh. No, I meant 'some' but swipe typing combined with autocorrect to yield an odd result.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by John Carter

John Carter, it is 4:07 am, 1-24-23 in Detroit and I've just read this masterpiece of yours. Thank you for this GIFT of hope to start my day.

Resistance is fertile (not futile) This is my daily mantra and what I pray for. I am happy to have found your substack. Thank you sir for re-minding us who we are as glorious humans made in the image of God. You rock!

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by John Carter

My thoughts exactly. I just recently stumbled onto this sub, and I'm really enjoying reading through some older pieces.

20th April 2023, Cape Town

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Holy shit, I kept you up until 4 am? I consider that a win.

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Tucker summed up things nicely after the Dark Brandon TOTAL WAR speech (https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/best-dark-brandon-memes-biden-total-war-speech) by basically saying an Admin full of General Milleys and Jean Pierre's are, unlike Lenin and Trotsky, TOO STUPID to pull off totalitarianism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvOkK24fJvk

Remember, the Govt and most USA Institution have been filled to the brim with incompetent BOX CHECKERS for the past 10-20+ years depending on the institution...


Welcome to 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy and Life Has Never Been Better (Tales From the Great Reset)

- Welcome to the year 2030. Thanks to the Great Reset, you will own nothing and you will be happy - just like Ida in her city...


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Aug 27, 2022Liked by John Carter

Much like Wile E. Coyote doesn't ever seem to get that he's going to lose. Every time.

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Or like the little Dutch boy, who runs out of fingers to shove in the dike before the sea runs out of water.

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Your vision is much more attractive than my vision of an extended dark age not much different in appearance than that which followed the fall of the Roman empire. I hope you are more right than I am.

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Here's the whitepill: a return to barbarism in the context of a new dark age is still a better outcome than the WEF global dystopia. Civilization falls, but humanity survives, and the forces enslaving humanity disappear.

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022Liked by John Carter

Don't count your chickens...the barbarism is already here (as we can see in Chicago or Paris) and it is banal rather than colourful or life-enhancing and I'd expect that many of the future oases of order and productivity will incorporate ideas from the WEF wish-list.

IMHO the future is certain to disappoint many, perhaps even everyone. There is no way that the future belongs to a grotesque like Schwab or anyone like him (NB Schwab is not a person of any significance, he is not a true oligarch, just a professional events manager and talent scout). A fully realised version of the WEF Great Reset is preposterous for geopolitical reasons: the civilizational-states (Russia, India, Iran, China) oppose it and they will ensure that much, if not most, of the world retains sufficient independence to frustrate the worst features of global economic integration under the current rules, let alone the fever-dreams of Davos.

The great danger, however, is that elements of the current oligarchic blueprint will be adapted in piecemeal fashion by future regimes of all sorts. That is how elite-level planning has always worked. We shall have ambient barbarism, supplemented by a technohumanist version of fascism (the fusion of public and private power) with correctional facilities staffed by the mulatta lesbians that BAP predicted. There will be a degree of relaxed control in the slums where the helots are confined, and some wild freedom in the no-go zones themselves, but plenty of digital surveillance and conformism wherever these are required. We won't be eating bugs, but high quality food will be expensive and all good things will become harder to get.

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deletedAug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022Liked by John Carter
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If Shadowrun happens, complete with netrunner elves and cyborg street samurai trolls, I will be very content with that.

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deletedAug 25, 2022Liked by John Carter
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And I don't want it to be BORING.

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deletedAug 25, 2022Liked by John Carter
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"...I get to be Konrad"

Then I got dibs on Turner in the Sprawl (hopefully minus the whole getting blown up by a drone and reconstructed by Doctor Frankenstein part).

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deletedAug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022Liked by John Carter
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Getting to it, sorry. Trying to figure out exactly what to write.

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We all do, William.

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Welcome to 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy and Life Has Never Been Better (Tales From the Great Reset)

- Welcome to the year 2030. Thanks to the Great Reset, you will own nothing and you will be happy - just like Ida in her city...


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Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022Liked by John Carter

Agreed 100%! It will turn out to be just a wet dream for scum like Rotschilds Gateses Soroses Musks and the rest who are like them.

I return Schwab's "You will own nothing and be happy" to him like this:"You will own no one and you will be unhappy"

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Isn't he . already? Who can like themselves when they are as warped as he is?

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by John Carter

I sure hope this is true. Not much good news out there these days, so a different perspective is more-than-refreshing. Many thanks.

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"babies first redpill"

"It turned out that resistance is fertile."

Brilliant! 😂😂😂

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Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022Liked by John Carter

Thanks for the much-needed dose of optimism. I hope you are right. They won some major battles during the pandemania, but hopefully the tide has turned and their wins ultimately amount to pyrrhic victories that cost them the war.

It has been encouraging to see the number of people who've been red-pilled thanks to the WEFsters overreach during the scamdemic, the St Floyd riots, the weaponization of federal law enforcement against political enemies, etc; but there are still a lot of NPCs who happily "vote blue no matter who." Hopefully more people will be awakened from their dogmatic slumbers. If not, the good future you dream of may have to come on the other side of a civil war -- hopefully not, but even if it comes to that, we are in much better shape today because the WEFsters overreach has awakened so many people.

Anyway, thanks for the great read, and keep fighting the good fight, Mr Carter!

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Civil war of some sort may well be inevitable, although I'm increasingly optimistic that it can be avoided. If so, so be it, but ... have you noticed the regime media has lately started talking about civil war? That strikes me as more desperation on their part.

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They are getting desperate. Ultimately, they lose, for all the reasons you articulated, but I imagine that in the near-term they either tighten the screws overmuch to keep control of the narrative, governments, and financial systems, and thereby provoke a full-on revolt, or they make a last-ditch effort to engineer the apocalypse via real bioweapons or nukes, while they hide themselves in their bunkers. The elites do have some cataclysmic weapons at their disposal, and I doubt they would ever willingly abdicate their thrones. Their desperation is real, because they know the writing is on the wall, and they are outnumbered by angry peasants a million to one.

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Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022Liked by John Carter

"The elites do have some cataclysmic weapons at their disposal..."

Do they? Or do they only dream they do, in the same way they dreamed that their will can be made flesh, and that their utopia of bug-eating, interchangeable drones is inevitable. If one of them orders a Code Red on humanity, how certain is it that the suicidal order will be carried out by the managerial class?

To fully understand them, we must understand cowardice. I would bet that is a difficult chore for everyone posting here, myself included. But we must try to understand it, though we think they have no chance of ultimate success. Even (especially?) hopeless causes can cause a lot of damage on the path to defeat.

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"Do they? Or do they only dream they do"

Ooga booga!

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I wish I got this reference. I bet it was a doozy.

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Wasn't a reference exactly. Just indicating that their tactic is largely to try and scare everyone into complying by making us think they're larger and stronger than they are.

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You make a good point, and I hope you're right. Hopefully no one from the managerial class would be stupid enough to act out Slim Pickens' role in Dr Strangelove and ride the bomb rodeo style to its target!

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Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022Liked by John Carter

Yeah, I actually had that very scene in mind. Strangelove is maybe the greatest horror-comedy film ever made. The dual climax of Kong's pseudo-kamikaze strike matched with Strangelove's depiction of the bunkers basically satirizes the whole of our fears about "them".

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Civil war scenarios derive their appeal from the possibility of a decisive resolution of the present conflict. We are all getting exhausted by the situation and want things settled. Yet eschatology, even in its most refined and secular forms, is not a sound basis for political thinking.

The regime could collapse, but it is much more likely to use the next few crises as an opportunity for renewal. The alchemists version of the acronym INRI gets it right: igne natura renovatur integra...nature is made whole (or renews itself) by way of fire. The disgrace and replacement of the gerontocrat gangsters will provide vast opportunities for their most talented proteges to thrive. Leviathan will die, but the eggs it laid will hatch.

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An uplifting piece, John, and a pleasure to read. I do not want to weaken your resolve or enthusiasm, but there is the possibility that the 'resistance' (like you or me or any of the readership) are just adapting to long-term shifts and that we are able to do this because the system can function happily enough without our active support and regardless of our ideational and rhetorical defiance.

The great problem that our masters, the Sado-Malthusians, face is the existence of a large number of surplus people. The growing number of resisters and dissenters mocking them cheers us all, but they remain in control of all existing institutions. A thriving anti-hegemonic counter-culture may exist for generations to come on the margins and may occupy the energy and time of the underemployed or marginalised (the precariat, the cancelled and the NEET).

A transhumanist technotopia or a technotronic dream are not realisable, but the Brazilian/Haitian model is a viable option and is taking shape. The Blue States are getting remade as low intensity no-go zones (at least until they are re-gentrified in half a generation or so) but the Red will end up like the better parts of Brazil and over time internal immigration will create an abundant number of favelas there too. Imagine something like a better version of ELYSIUM without the satellite-colonies or BLADERUNNER without the off-world settlements.

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I object to the absence of orbital rings and off-world colonies.

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You'll have to take that up with the mulatta lesbians with the butch haircuts.

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I shall protest most strenuously.

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deletedAug 26, 2022Liked by John Carter
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Thank you for the encouragement. I am thinking of a substack newsletter.

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deletedAug 26, 2022Liked by John Carter
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Phillip is one of the top commenters who should really be writing his own blog.

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“There is an alternative to corporate media BS, and we’re it!”

—Peter Nayland Kusk

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I'll provide one little detail about the fake food. I was in Bulgaria during the lockdowns, and the people were not fooled. BG was one of the freest and most open places in 2021, I was lucky to be there. One day, I was shopping in my local Kaufland and noticed cricket flour on offer. It was rather expensive, $3 or so for a little package. I thought, who will buy this, all Bulgarians have a connection to their grandmother's village, they make their own cheese there, etc. Well, I was right. I went to Kaufland a few days later, and the cricket flour was gone and never came back.

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I absolutely love your writing and especially your ideas. This makes perfect sense, in terms of the timing, your point about the mainstream now on the defense rather than the offense, all of it. Thank you.

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The Beyond Meat anecdote reminds me of this:

I went to Churchill (Manitoba) one fine October for a tourist trip to trundle around in big wheel buses to gawk at polar bears (the bears wait in Churchill for Hudson Bay to ice over). Bears often hang out down wind from the tourist lodging, which wisely has jail bars over the windows (to protect the tourists).

One night, bears broke in through a door near the kitchen and made off with a pallet of food. The pallet contained: burgers, cookie dough, and tofu. The pallet was found the next day, with everything consumed except for the TOAD FOOD. Smart bears!

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That's too funny. I don't blame the bears at all. Who can look at tofu and conclude that, yes, those rubbery tasteless slime cubes are food, I should put them in my mouth?

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by John Carter

"Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the face..."

They weren't counting on a limitless army of John L. Sullivans.

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That was wonderful! The world has seemed so hopeless these past many months. If nothing else, cricket flour would have sent everyone over the edge screaming (except maybe Gates - he probably likes that crap). I knew they wanted to decimate our numbers but for all the thought they put into it, they screwed some things up enormously. So how do we get people to leave off with the EVs now? My niece totaled hers a couple of days ago, and without insurance, so it is now just green... garbage. Bwahahahahaha!

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deletedAug 25, 2022Liked by John Carter
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This essay by truly excellent Megha Verma:


Makes the point that, because our understanding of the natural world will always necessarily be incomplete, any attempt to replace something in the natural world with human artifice is doomed to failure. Instead, the proper role of technology is to extend existing capabilities (eg visible band telescopes) or add previously unavailable capabilities (eg radio telescopes).

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deletedAug 25, 2022Liked by John Carter
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With that argument, base 60 is clearly superior.

What really drives metric is its utility with logarithms, which are indispensable in the hard and applied sciences. Imperial is all very well and good in the gym or the house building trade, but it's unwieldy for precision manufacturing once you get the chip fab scale.

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by John Carter

The best thing ever occurred when Schwab and company panicked out of this patient gradualism methodology.

Heavenly ending to a terrific explanation as to what is now occurring. But I won't discount the bugs, many people would rather stand in line for their free portion of bug & grass soup than to actually plant and tend a garden. Hahahahaha!

Let them have their bugs!

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Excellent essay. I wish I could be more optimistic. I suspect the incoherence is necessary for the reset and think the second order effects didn't catch them off guard. People like Soros and other power elite may not be able to check their own email, but they own the system that created it. That class knows how to delegate and command. With thay being said, thanks for the essay. You are a very talented writer.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by John Carter

At work, I used to laugh uproariously at the things our "Superiors" would say during meetings, etc., as everyone else looked at me in bewilderment - which is why the following was my favorite line of a great article.

"Every time they say anything, the Internet has a good laugh at their expense."

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They're very entertaining, aren't they? Without even trying.

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