Don't count your chickens...the barbarism is already here (as we can see in Chicago or Paris) and it is banal rather than colourful or life-enhancing and I'd expect that many of the future oases of order and productivity will incorporate ideas from the WEF wish-list.
IMHO the future is certain to disappoint many, perhaps even everyone. T…
Don't count your chickens...the barbarism is already here (as we can see in Chicago or Paris) and it is banal rather than colourful or life-enhancing and I'd expect that many of the future oases of order and productivity will incorporate ideas from the WEF wish-list.
IMHO the future is certain to disappoint many, perhaps even everyone. There is no way that the future belongs to a grotesque like Schwab or anyone like him (NB Schwab is not a person of any significance, he is not a true oligarch, just a professional events manager and talent scout). A fully realised version of the WEF Great Reset is preposterous for geopolitical reasons: the civilizational-states (Russia, India, Iran, China) oppose it and they will ensure that much, if not most, of the world retains sufficient independence to frustrate the worst features of global economic integration under the current rules, let alone the fever-dreams of Davos.
The great danger, however, is that elements of the current oligarchic blueprint will be adapted in piecemeal fashion by future regimes of all sorts. That is how elite-level planning has always worked. We shall have ambient barbarism, supplemented by a technohumanist version of fascism (the fusion of public and private power) with correctional facilities staffed by the mulatta lesbians that BAP predicted. There will be a degree of relaxed control in the slums where the helots are confined, and some wild freedom in the no-go zones themselves, but plenty of digital surveillance and conformism wherever these are required. We won't be eating bugs, but high quality food will be expensive and all good things will become harder to get.
Don't count your chickens...the barbarism is already here (as we can see in Chicago or Paris) and it is banal rather than colourful or life-enhancing and I'd expect that many of the future oases of order and productivity will incorporate ideas from the WEF wish-list.
IMHO the future is certain to disappoint many, perhaps even everyone. There is no way that the future belongs to a grotesque like Schwab or anyone like him (NB Schwab is not a person of any significance, he is not a true oligarch, just a professional events manager and talent scout). A fully realised version of the WEF Great Reset is preposterous for geopolitical reasons: the civilizational-states (Russia, India, Iran, China) oppose it and they will ensure that much, if not most, of the world retains sufficient independence to frustrate the worst features of global economic integration under the current rules, let alone the fever-dreams of Davos.
The great danger, however, is that elements of the current oligarchic blueprint will be adapted in piecemeal fashion by future regimes of all sorts. That is how elite-level planning has always worked. We shall have ambient barbarism, supplemented by a technohumanist version of fascism (the fusion of public and private power) with correctional facilities staffed by the mulatta lesbians that BAP predicted. There will be a degree of relaxed control in the slums where the helots are confined, and some wild freedom in the no-go zones themselves, but plenty of digital surveillance and conformism wherever these are required. We won't be eating bugs, but high quality food will be expensive and all good things will become harder to get.