If No One’s Hiring White Guys, What Are They Doing With Themselves?
Thoughts on the recent Bloomberg report that only 6% of the S&P 100's new hires are White.
Over the last year, several readers have noted that they’ve been having trouble finding work for quite some time. This is despite the unemployment rate being supposedly low due to a supposed shortage of workers. The one thing that all these anecdotal reports have in common is that they come from White guys. Given the ideological psychosis that has gripped the Western world for the past decade, the natural conclusion to draw from this is that White men are being systematically discriminated against by the plump ladies in HR.
Proving this in any individual case is essentially impossible. Most resumes simply disappear into a black hole. On the odd occasion when one actually receives a rejection email, it certainly never says something as blunt as “Sorry, you’re a great candidate with exactly the skill set we’re looking for, but you’re a White dude so we decided to give your position to Tyrone.”
No, instead the email says something like, “Thank you for your interest in the position. We received many applications from highly qualified candidates, and regret to inform you that we cannot offer you a position at this time. We wish you the best of luck.” As application after application meets such a pro forma rejection, it starts to get to you. Sure, you understand the sociopolitical context. You can read the boilerplate accompanying every job ad, we value diversity and especially encourage applicants from all equity-seeking groups. You know BlackRock has grabbed everyone by the stock shorts and curlies, and is shoving ESG down everyone’s throat at the point of their interest rates.
But still.
Maybe you’re being paranoid, and using that paranoia to generate excuses.
Maybe the problem is you.
Maybe you just suck.
A few days ago Bloomberg published a report that should put an end to whatever internal debate you’ve been having over whether or not you’re really being discriminated against: Corporate America Promised to Hire a Lot More People of Color. It Actually Did. They analyzed hiring data from 2020 through 2021 for 88 Standard & Poor’s 100 companies, and found that during the Year of the Blessed Floyd’s Coronation, those companies hired 323,094 people ... of whom just 6% were White1.
When the hiring numbers are disaggregated into more specific ethno-racial categories, the big winners were Hispanics and Asians, respectively comprising 40% and 22% of new hires. Relative to their respective 18.9% and 7% fractions of the population, they were over-represented among new hires by factors of about 2.1 and 3.1. Blacks, while over-represented among new hires, were ‘only’ over-represented by a factor of 1.9. The Racial Reckoning demands diversity, but since diversity just means ‘not White’, hiring managers obviously prefer to bring on high-competence Han and Indians over American blacks.
Of course, since diversity certainly does mean ‘no Whites’, non-Hispanic Whites are under-represented among new hires by a factor of 10 relative to their 60% of the population.
Whites are disfavoured at every level of the hiring process, comprising far less than their 60% share of the population in new hires across the board: 27% of professionals, 22% of managers, and 42% of executives.
At the bottom of the labour hierarchy, the number of Whites employed by the S&P 100 actually decreased, with Hispanics as the preferred replacement for Whites. At the higher levels requiring some degree of professional training, Whites are being replaced with Asians. Only at the very top, executive level are Whites (who for now remain the single largest demographic in the US, as well as in every other Western country) the largest group of new hires, once again demonstrating the principle diversity for thee, but not for me. Even at this level, however, Whites were underrepesented.
The implicit racial hierarchy of the diversity-industrial complex really leaps out at you with that hiring chart. Hispanics and blacks dominate the ranks of dish-washers, delivery truck drivers, box-packers, and so on, while product design, marketing, accounting, and legal are handled by Whites and East and South Asians. Of course, Hispanic isn’t a racial category, but an almost meaningless ethnic category that boils down to ‘has an origin south of the Rio Grande and a Spanish surname’. In practice Hispanic can mean a blue-eyed descendant of the conquistadores, a four-foot-six Mayan, or anything in between. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it turned out that the Hispanics dominating the bottom ranks of that hiring chart were predominantly Indio campesinos, while many of the management-class ‘Hispanics’ are as White as George Washington.
Considering the 9-million-strong S&P 100 workforce as a whole, Whites are under-represented at the bottom, approximately proportionately represented in the middle, and over-represented at the top.
This suggests White people looking for jobs have been taking the brunt of the Great Awokening, while those who already have a position have stayed relatively safe, at least so far ... and have probably kept quiet about the new hiring policies lest they draw the baleful eye of the HR department. The fact that Whites are already more or less proportionately represented, but are being heavily discriminated against in the interests of increasing representation of other groups, suggests that achieving some equitable racial balance isn’t the goal of these policies. The goal is simply to push Whites out of the workforce.
The Bloomberg report only looks at racial diversity, and has nothing to say about sex or sexuality. However, as we all know, there are two types of white person who are allowed to count as diverse on the margins: white women, and gay men. While the data are silent on this question, I would be shocked to find that the 6% of new hiring allocated to White applicants was an even 3/3 split between men and women. Whether the split is 2.9/3.1, 2/4, or 5/1, I have no idea. In the extreme latter case, only 1% of new hires would be White males, meaning that they would be underrepresented by a factor of about 30 relative to their fraction of the population.
The S&P 100 are probably under more intense pressure to comply with ESG directives than most other private employers, but I doubt that this means they aren’t representative. Government agencies have been infamous for their naked affirmative action policies for decades. University admissions have become extraordinarily and notoriously lopsided, with boys and especially White boys becoming an endangered species on campus. While numbers are very difficult to find, anecdotally the same seems to be true of university hiring, with younger professors being disproportionately female and diverse in order to try and balance the scales against all the stale pale males dominating the older echelons of the professoriate. Essentially every large institution in our society is prioritizing hiring women and non-Whites, which by necessary symmetry means that they are prioritizing not hiring White males.
All of this raises the question: if no one is hiring White men, and they can’t even get into college, then what exactly are they doing with their time?
Here’s one popular answer:
Twenty years ago, the most common cause of death in most states for Americans in the 18-44 age bracket was a car accident, with suicide, homicide, cardiovascular disease, and cancer cleaning up the rest. Now, the map is dominated by non-fentanyl suicide (in the west) and fentanyl suicide (in the east).
Now, I know what you’re thinking: advances in automobile safety, improvements in highway construction, and stricter controls on speeding and drunk driving have simply reduced car accidents so efficiently that drug overdoses became more significant, but surely the total number of people dying can’t actually have changed that much. In fact it must have gone down, right? Progress, right? Things only ever get better.

Deaths from car accidents have been relatively constant since 1999 or so, aside from a small drop around 2006. Opiods surpassed car accidents as the most significant cause of death around 2008 entirely due to the increase in overdoses. A couple of years later more American adults were dying of drug ODs than from all other accidental causes combined. In 2020 something like 80,000 people OD’d. That number has only increased since: to over 106,000 in 2021, an annual rate that seems to have held fairly constant although hard numbers for 2022 and 2023 are hard to come by.
Blaming fentanyl is a bit out of date, by the way. Just as fentanyl replaced oxycontin, it has apparently been replaced in turn with xylazine, which provides a stronger hit and is therefore much more popular with the junkies, with the only downside being that it causes tissue necrosis.

It’s a literal zombie apocalypse, brought to you by the infernal symbiosis between Mexican cartels and the simpering HR covens whose cherished diversity initiatives push more new customers into the cartel’s sales funnel every day.
We usually think of affirmative action as being something primarily targeted at well-paying, prestigious positions, but the Bloomberg study shows, I think, that this is absolutely not the case anymore, assuming it ever was. Remember, White employment at the bottom of the S&P 100 corporate ladder – which comprised 60% of the hiring performed by those companies – decreased by almost 19 thousand jobs. If Whites had been hired proportionately to their population, 117 thousand White people would have gotten low-level jobs with these companies. Remember, these are generally going to be people without university educations or professional training, maybe only with high school diplomas, from working-class backgrounds, probably without a lot of savings or strong social safety nets, and already living in communities ravaged by drugs ... exactly the people who are most at risk of developing an unshakable enthusiasm for the white powder that takes the pain of existence away.
Studies have shown that these deaths of despair are predominantly a White male phenomenon. Like American Indians trapped on reservations after the buffalo herds had been slaughtered and left with nothing but time and firewater on their hands, a lot of White guys are simply hitting the exit button.
The analogy between what is currently being done to White people, and what was done to the Red man, is a close one. The Red man’s traditional way of life was hunting, fishing, gathering, and a bit of farming, activities for which he needed land; when that land was taken away, he could no longer live as he had, and as a result, mostly he just died. Over the last century the ‘traditional’ mode of life for White men became employment with a large corporation, whether as a blue-collar factory worker or a white-collar symbol manipulator. Those institutions are, from an economic perspective, the equivalent of a hunter-gatherer’s or farmer’s land: they’re the environment within which most White people have made their living for over a century. The factories were largely sent overseas decades ago, leading to the economic and social devastation of the rust belt and the lumpenproletarianization of the working class; now, diversity hiring initiatives mean that White men are being steadily pushed out of the administrative positions with which some were able to maintain a reasonable standard of living during the offshoring era.
Obviously, not every single White guy is just giving up, moving to the tent cities that have sprouted like mushrooms everywhere, and taken up new lives as needle-fed vegetables.
So how are the ones who aren’t just laying down and dying coping?
At this point I’m just going to start speculating.
Some are probably living on their savings (that would be me), moving back in with family to keep costs down (also me), while trying to support themselves with side gigs (me again, plz hit like and subscribe). Not everyone can get paid for their opinions on the Internet, and making a decent living at it isn’t exactly easy what with real estate through the roof and inflation raging along. Just making rent for a one-bedroom apartment averages around $2000 a month, now, for instance. Want to eat, too? Hope you’re making fifty grand a year. Good luck.
One solution to the high cost of living in Western countries is just to leave, which is exactly what the digital nomads and passport bros have been doing. Why put up with the daily humiliation, demoralization, and frustration of the quality of life Western states offer at outrageous expense, when you can live somewhere nicer, for cheaper? So long as currency arbitrage works in favour of the citizens of Western countries, this will be a viable strategy for freelancers and other contractors who work remotely. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find that the ranks of the digital nomads are disproportionately young, male, and White. And, it should be emphasized, single: such a lifestyle is much more difficult when one has children.
As fun and fashionable as influencing is, most of those who are denied employment within the corporate, government, or academic sectors and decide to strike out on their own won’t try to make a living with Internet content generation. More likely they’re going the entrepreneurial route, trying to make a go of it with small businesses, by freelancing, at startups, or in consultancies.
Just telling people to start their own business and become an entrepreneur isn’t really helpful, though. Most people aren’t psychologically equipped for that. Running a business, even a small one, is a ridiculous amount of work. If the business prospers, the upside potential is high, but the brutal fact is that most don’t prosper, and if they don’t the founder risks losing everything. On top of the intrinsic uncertainties of entrepeneurship, small businesses are especially hard to make profitable in the age of the managerial state. Crushing tax burdens, extensive regulatory requirements, and the endless demands for permits all work against you. It’s not accidental that an increasing fraction of the economy has been consolidated within large enterprises, which on the one hand are more capable of meeting regulatory compliance standards, and on the other are happy to lose money in order to squeeze their smaller competitors out of the marketplace. On top of this, there’s rampant discrimination here, as well: minority, immigrant, and woman-owned businesses are often eligible for tax benefits that White men cannot access, making them harder to compete against, while at the same time it is currently very fashionable for venture capital to fund startups run by people of diversity at the expense of those run by the non-diverse.
Most people don’t want to put in the kind of work involved in starting their own business, nor are they comfortable with the level of risk involved. They’d rather work for someone else, and have less responsibility, a health and dental plan, and a reliable paycheck. I expect that of the White guys who have been locked out of the large institutions, more are finding employment with small businesses than starting them. Employers with fewer than 50 employees and which don’t have contracts with the federal government are, for now, exempt from affirmative action requirements. The upside is that you probably have a lot less administrative overhead to deal with, although this will depend a lot on the personality of the owner. The downside of small employers is that there’s usually not much room for advancement.
The only other option that I can think of is to defect. Western institutions may be doing their best to DIE, but their Asian, Russian, and Arab counterparts are much less interested in this. I suspect that many of them are happy to recruit the White talent being neglected by White countries. Of course, this will often require relocating internationally, and possibly learning a new language – although that should be seen as an opportunity. Furthermore, while foreign organizations might not have caught the woke cordyceps, by the same token they’ll tend to be much more blatantly ethnocentric than Western corporations. One will always be a second-class citizen, and, with the growing geopolitical tensions between the West and the Rest, possibly regarded with a degree of suspicion.
Those are the good options: freelance; start a small business; work for a small business; defect. None of them are easy.
The easy option is the needle in your arm. That’s the option they want you to take.
Exile from the institutions our fathers built may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The soul-crushing mediocrity of the corporate life is infamous for the drab weariness with which it curses human life. The bullshit jobs which managerial bureaucracies spawn in abundance may pay the bills, they may be easy and comfortable, but they also slowly strangle the spirit with their sheer pointless tedium. They become golden cages in which we grow tame and fat while our imaginations die. In the wild lands outside the walls of the institutions we will be forced to live by our wits. This will not be easy, and so it will make those who rise to the challenge hard.
There is another silver lining. As the institutions lard themselves down with affirmative action hires who cannot competently discharge the duties for which they are paid, those institutions will become increasingly incompetent. In the short term, they will try to cover for these deficiencies with outside contractors – surely generating opportunities for those who, on account of their skin colour, have been forced into freelancer status. In essence this will mean that the institutions are having to meet payroll twice over: once for their incompetent employees, and once more for the contractors who actually do the work. This inefficiency will gradually kill the beasts, and the proliferating swarm of free agents doing the actual work will in time feast on their great stinking carcasses, and grow to replace them.
Thank you for lending me your time, patience, and attention in reading this ... or at least skimming it. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. What are your own experiences? Those of your friends and family? Have you been seeing this kind of discrimination too? How are you, or the people you know, coping with it?
As always, my gratitude towards my paid subscribers is hard to exaggerate. Your support means a lot to me. Every single one of you is an aristocrat of the soul.
Almost as soon as I hit publish on this, a reader noted that the Daily Wire did their own analysis and concluded that the 6% figure is absurdly low not because of discrimination against wypipo, but because the Bloomberg reporters suck at math. This wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest, and from reading the Daily Wire analysis this hypothesis seems plausible to me. So, alternate headline: “In eagerness to show the triumphs of diversity, Bloomberg diversity hires flub statistics, make anti-White discrimination look far worse than it really is.” Kind of an own goal really. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who saw red when I read this story.
While I agree with the overall thrust of your argument, the Bloomberg article you lead with is really misleading, at least according to the Daily Wire.
He argues that Bloomberg reporters flubbed the math; I didn’t double check, but it looked plausible.
The crazy thing is, the juxtaposition of the open and obvious discrimination against straight white men with the endless lecturing about how privileged we supppsedly are. Meanwhile, blacks (and especially black females) love to recite the culturally-acceptable mantras about how you have to be so much better as a black person to get to the same place as whites, even as they benefit from special grants, SBA loans, scholarships, and DEI mandates reserved especially for them, as well as officials at all levels openly promising to make their next appointment a black female, etc. If it was just discrimination against white men purely on account of their race and gender, that would be bad enough, but it's all the gaslighting on top of it that really gets to me.