While I agree with the overall thrust of your argument, the Bloomberg article you lead with is really misleading, at least according to the Daily Wire.


He argues that Bloomberg reporters flubbed the math; I didn’t double check, but it looked plausible.

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Good catch. Indeed, that does look plausible, and it would not be at all surprising if the reporters screwed up the math.

Then again, it wouldn't be surprising if corporate America was, in fact, discriminating at this level.

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Truth is somewhere in the middle here. It's true that my profession mostly hires Asians, but whites (men and women) can also still find jobs. Here's the thing, though: I'm in a mathematics-intensive discipline, and taught (as tenured faculty) for some years before moving to industry. Asians are good at, and (more importantly), *interested* in mathematics-intensive subjects. Whites, as a rule, seem not to be. It is my observation as a curmudgeonly Gen-Xer that whites have become intellectually soft (obviously this is a statistical statement not a statement about individuals). So there's a karmic aspect to this. I love Western heritage and mourn the substantial loss, but honestly some of the causes are our own deficits and degeneration of character.

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You're absolutely not wrong about this. Intellectual standards have absolutely cratered among whites.

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Yes, and I am quite aware that many of the causes are external. Our culture has systematically degenerated since at least the 1960s if not earlier. While the process has been somewhat iterative, I am 100% certain that there have been vested interests that have guided it.

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This is absolutely the case. Degradation of the education system, poisoning of the food supply, the spread of drugs, and the promulgation of the "smart nerds aren't cool" meme have all played their part, and absolutely none of it has been organic.

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And don't forget the divorce / single motherhood epidemic.

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Oct 6, 2023
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Is moving to increasingly overtly racist Florida and embracing the 1776 ‘education’ agenda going to help with that intellectual deficit?

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BTW your ilk has over used the scare word "racist" like the boy who called wolf and now it has no effect on anyone with above a room temperature IQ, proud of yourself?

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overtly racist florida? why move there move to zimbabwe

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My complex special needs stepson doesn’t do well with questions; he may just respond to one of the words he picks up, much as you did, missing entirely the context and intent.

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Oct 4, 2023
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Beats anything you have to offer regime propaganda spewer. Yes, I have dealt with this heavily propagandized idiot before, he's not even smart enough to be an actual Marxist with a material class analysis which I can at least respect as a well thought out wrong idea, lol!

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I have a theory about this decline in mental capacity in general. Mental capacity, or intelligence, is highly dependent on nutrition, especially in the first two years of life. Have you ever looked at what's in baby formula? I promise you that the wealthy elites are not feeding their children that crap. The brain is primarily saturated fat and cholesterol, and for some reason the "health authorities" want us to reduce saturated fat and cholesterol (mostly with a pill). I read somewhere that 30% of the population has detectible levels of glyphosates in their blood. Only the wealthy can afford to consistently eat food that isn't grown with toxic chemicals, unless you grow your own. I could go on about this topic for days, but the bottom line is, our general food supply has been ruined by genetic engineering and chemicals and the population has been brainwashed into believing that rabbit food is healthy for a primate with a big brain that was probably developed because of the eating of fatty meat.

As for the difference you see between different cultures (this has nothing to do with melanin in the skin in my opinion) I would wager that Asians and people of Asian descent typically eat completely differently than your average white person or your average black person. This is a cultural thing. It's a cultural thing between socio-economic classes too.

Weak people, mentally and physically, are easier to control. A sickly man cares nothing for liberty or anything else really. Follow the money...

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Not all Asians. There's been a definite tendency in recent years for Americanized Asians to get fat. There's no question that adulteration of the food supply is having a deleterious effect, and I doubt this is unintentional.

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I go to China on business. They eat greens and protein. A bit of noodles. Not much rice. They eat far fewer carbs there. I suspect they get here and eat the carb heavy diet we do and get fat, as we do.

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Portion size. Some reports on this back when. Americans eat more than they used to. Me included.

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When I was growing up one didn’t snack. You had your meal and that was that. Now fridges are constantly full. I suspect 1/ 3 of caloric intake is between meals.

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In my opinion, Ancel Keys and FDR did more to destroy Western civilization than any of the great dictators of the 20th century. Sickliness and government dependency are now the norm. And if you point this out and suggest that people should *do* something about it, *you're* evil.

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In the book Which Way Western Man?, William Simpson had already observed the decline in quality of the white population in the early half of the 20th century. He discussed the decline in the quality of the topsoil as a potential factor. This explanation is plausible imo.

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So the general decline of whites was not because of the Freemasonic and early Zionist organized culling genocide wars; CivilWar, WWI, WWII?

The killing of the most virtuous, self-sacrificing, honorable, fit, and devoted white men, generation after generations?

And such White Christian hating powerful are not still killing us?

God Bless., Steve

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Yes. Everything is a rich man’s trick. It’s all a class war. And that’s where this piece is frustrating, because it seems the author chose racist memes that will garner predictable responses. In fact I think one of these is profoundly wrong: the photograph suggesting the current state of the unhired whites actually makes them indistinguishable from your Sambo - err, “Tyrone” toon above. The picture you want is, seemingly a lot closer to a look in the mirror. These white males you speak of are found in mom’s basement, pale and not mating but gaming with their ilk, or 4channing hate, or, you know, plotting violence (something men, not women, excel at). So there’s that.


Imagine a place where, 400 years ago, someone started adding a drop of rosewater to the murky water they drank, and this was quickly adopted as custom, and rosewater was added in increasing amounts to the public supply. Let’s say that 100 years ago, some folk started objecting, and began adding lemon juice to their own water. And then fifty years ago after much struggle, they took over the water supply and added lemon to the now fully rosewatered public water. They can’t eliminate the rosewater because most folk are used to it, but now instead of the pure clean water available to the very wealthy few, everybody else is getting rosewater with lemon. No one is happy but the rich. The lemon makes the rosewater only somewhat less unpleasant to those who don’t like it, but it spoils the rosewater of those who do.

It’s not the best analogy, but the point is, one way or another the inequities of the past intrude on today. Now, just as the indentured European would-be settlers found themselves in the same lot as enslaved Africans and were sold a bill of goods about race to fool them into thinking they weren’t at the bottom...they’re back at the bottom. And who is still on top? The MAN with the munny.

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You confuse inequity with class-based law, ditto privilege and the corresponding social structure; inequity can only be discovered or exist when one starts out from an assumed position of theoretical equality (itself a logical impossibility because it requires all humans to be equal, meaning identical, in ability et c).

The pre-Leninist socialists were not cocerned with equity but with practical matters. That's a much more profitable (if you'll excuse the word) course of both analysis and action, and don't forget they also were pragmatists: reality first, theory second. Lenin and his bourgeois clique turned it topside-down, with well-known results. In post-war Germany, the Nordic nations and some other places theory took a back seat to reality and thus those nations had what is probably the closest working model of socialism, when compared totheory because they stuck to real things and because the nations were racially homogeous and based on lutheran and culture-bound morals and social structures (and strictures).

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I shouldn't respond to your trolling, but none of us here are stupid, I have a tested 140 IQ and am an Oberlin college philosophy grad, John Carter is also from a high level academic background, before he correctly realized that his career would go nowhere in academia due to overtly stated within academia itself bias against white straight men. My only excuse for believing in academia at all was I am older than John and went to college at a time woke discrimination wasn't quite as deleterious to a white straight male's life.

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You’re right, you shouldn’t, but you seem unable to help yourself.

My IQ was about 4 points shy of yours when tested. My father is one of two living philosophers with comets named after them. I have spent an abundance of time in (not merely overhearing) intellectual discourse on many topics.

Please insert your ad hominem insults where the sun does not shine.

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“Oberlin”. Says it all.

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140 is high on the Cattell B scale, but not so much, about 4% quantile of UK population. To enter Mensa, say, you would need 148.

On the CFIT (culture fair) scale instead the threshold for Mensa is 132, so 140 is unrealistically high.

Before boasting about your IQ you have to specify the type of test you took to measure it.

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IQ.....Jew construct. Fake.

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Classtardism is going out, give it up. Didn't you ever think that putting different races together is a rich man's trick (it is) and that I have very good, natural reasons not to want to be around other races?

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It was the exact strategy pursued by the railroads. They understood that introducing other races created racial divisions and strife which undermined the abilities of the workers to act as a team.

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You are right. Environmental toxicity is our #1 problem

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This from Heather Mac Donald's 'The Diversity Delusion' forensic investigation of the effect DEI is having on STEM: "A study by the American Association for the Advancement of Science found “systemic anti-LGBTQ bias within STEM industry and academia.” The notorious James Damore Google discrimination lawsuit revealed an instance where an employee was reprimanded for pointing out that white males are actually underrepresented at Google: “’Being absolutely correct is inappropriate’ when it comes to ‘discussions of race and justice’” he was told. Meanwhile, “driven by unapologetic meritocracy, China is catching up to the United States in science and technology. Identity politics in American science is a political self-indulgence we cannot afford.” https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/how-diversity-narrows-the-mind

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This is what happens when diversity of everything other than opinion is prioritized.

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It’s cultural. When I taught English in Russia and Ukraine, it seemed like about 60% of my teenage students were focusing on physics, mathematics, engineering, computer science, and other “hard” subjects.

We have emphasized credentials over actual skills in the U.S. That’s why so many white kids end up choosing easier degrees.

Given how corporate and government jobs seem to be favoring DEI candidates who also chose worthless degrees, maybe it’s time to encourage white boys to challenge themselves and study something useful

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To a huge extent, this is also a failure of the progressive education system. Early Maths, like multiplication tables requires rote learning. Later Maths, like quadratic requires numerous past questions worked through, and ideally consolidation homework to ensure the new schema gets logged into long-term memory.

The progressive method of teaching, with children 'discovering' knowledge for themselves, or developing maths reasoning 'skills', fails to acknowledge the very basics of how the brain learns: Cognitive Load Theory.

The long and the short of it is that many kids suffer from cognitive overload because they don't have enough of the previous maths schema mapped into long-term memory. This is where maths 'trauma' comes from- tragically they haven't been equipped with the knowledge in long-term memory to be able to perform cognitively complex tasks. Working memory is puny after all.

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I think I know your profession. Do you deal with Heston or Merton models, or XVAs or need to perform a lot of calibrations, if yes then I know what you do

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No, not surprising at all. 😖

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You might wanna reconsider “unemployment rates being low due to a shortage of labor”. Because it’s almost as stupid as your asininely racist cartoon.

DEI is idiocy, and so is ESG: that doesn’t mean it’s okay to let your dumbfuck racism out from under its well-earned rock.

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Nov 7
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Like anyone ever gave a fuck what a dickless rando cretin has to say.

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Obviously a person of diversity was checking the numbers.

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🧐 this is a perfect example of the sheer incompetence - Bloomberg- THE Bloomberg of finance and trading platforms. And they fail spectacularly at simple statistics. And editorial review. Bah.

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Every institution has been hollowed out into a diversity skinsuit.

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It's also possible they knew the numbers were off, but published it anyway to get clicks. The article did go mega-viral, so it worked for them if this was the case.

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Indeed. I've seen this in other contexts, e.g. sloppy scientific work yielding "amazing results" which then results in tenured positions only for the sloppiness to be found, corrected, and the "amazing results" reverting to "exactly as expected by conventional models".

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They're the 'Chosen', but by whom to do what...

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The crazy thing is, the juxtaposition of the open and obvious discrimination against straight white men with the endless lecturing about how privileged we supppsedly are. Meanwhile, blacks (and especially black females) love to recite the culturally-acceptable mantras about how you have to be so much better as a black person to get to the same place as whites, even as they benefit from special grants, SBA loans, scholarships, and DEI mandates reserved especially for them, as well as officials at all levels openly promising to make their next appointment a black female, etc. If it was just discrimination against white men purely on account of their race and gender, that would be bad enough, but it's all the gaslighting on top of it that really gets to me.

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It's infuriating. They just go on and on about it with no trace of self awareness.

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Isn't it though? I first saw it at Occupy, and I was like WTF, literally the majority of poor people in the U.S. are white, which is pretty simple and obvious demographics because we are the majority population. "The progressive stack," was my first real clue the left was deeply off course, though I had always been anti gun control and pro free speech "even for Nazis." I was naive then, but not that naive, LOL.

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If you look at earnings, the average white family earns the average amount per year. Very logical. The largest group average is going to be close to the average. It has to be if the largest group is big enough. African Americans are quite far down the list. Well below average. Because of racism. But….black African immigrants are quite high up the list. Well above whites. And they are very black usually. Much darker than your typical mocha Afrjcan American. South Asian Indians are top or second. Chinese Asians, Jews, are near the top. Nigerians are well up there. Colour of skin is obviously not a factor.

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Hit the nail on the head, sir.

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Your timing is impeccable, John.

I was recently referred to a position very similar to the one I currently occupy at a SaaS company (where I feel I barely squeaked in before the aftermath of Saint Floyd's Summer took full effect) by an Indian-Canadian colleague who used to work with me here.

The company is a similar size, in the same industry, and the role would have been a perfect fit for my skills.

Having talked to some former coworkers who left my current employer, I already knew I was underpaid but not how woefully: according to the recruiter for this position, the salary range was literally double my current pay and the health insurance premiums for my entire family would have been covered.

Alas, despite being given a chance by the white, 20-something female HR recruiter (who likely just has an incentive to pass along anyone who appears competent), I didn't even get to speak with the white woman in the Bay Area who would have been my manager because they "decided to go with a late-stage candidate."

I noticed basically the same role was open on a different team, so I asked the recruiter about it and had my friend push my resume for that one, too.

This one actually got me an interview with the woman who'd have been my manager-- again, a white woman, this time an overweight, late 30s woman who studied Women's Studies and Social Work, spending half her professional career fundraising for the Social Democrat party in Canada before somehow transitioning into a SaaS technical role.

I was wary of reporting to such a person, but given the potential pay raise, I was willing to try to play nice with almost anyone.

We actually had a great 30-minute conversation where I felt I developed good rapport with her and demonstrated my abilities as a near-perfect match for the role, especially given my own personal experience as not just an employee in the space but an end user of software products in the e-com niche as an entrepreneur myself.

Go figure, I got the exact same email, word for word, from the recruiter about them wanting to go with another "late stage candidate."

Now, the positions are gone from their site, so it's possible they really did have two other candidates and I just missed it by the skin of my teeth, though I had to wonder whether I was competing against other straight, white, married males with dependents or more single cat ladies who vote for progressives.

This was a year after Amazon put me through a 2-month, 8-interview wringer (including making me talk to the same person twice), where I had great rapport with the guys who'd have been on my team, my immediate supervisor and his boss, and the subject matter experts who assessed me. I am almost certain I was shot down by the very last interviewer (the secret "bar raiser" who holds veto power over the entire chain of interviewers), who was a white woman my own age, the only one with pronouns in her signature, and who was training another woman to conduct the interview at the end of a 5-hour day where my brain was already fried.

Although I didn't get that job, I think I dodged a bullet since most of the tech companies did massive layoffs last fall, including my own, though I managed to be enough of a generalist with enough history here I wasn't redundant enough to axe.

In both cases, I received no feedback about why I wasn't selected, but it's one thing when you interview for a job where you figure out you're probably in over your head or the fit isn't that great or you make a poor showing of your skills in the interview and quite another where it feels like a position fits like a glove and would come with a sizeable raise and career advancement.

I haven't exactly been pounding the digital pavement, but if I can't even get a job when I have a referral, it feels pointless. And to be honest, I sort of gave up on the corporate world a while ago and have no desire to try to climb the ladder, especially seeing the writing on the wall for guys like me.

Which is why I've been buckling down continuing to build my own personal brand and consulting services. Would rather be done with all the woke HR departments and keeping my head down just to get a paycheck anyway.

P.S. Feinstein's corpse isn't even cold yet and Gavin Newsome has already nominated a black lesbian woman who doesn't even live in California to be her replacement as senator. As if Karine Jean-Pierre wasn't a warning.

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Sounds like you've been experiencing this first hand. It's incredibly demoralizing, on the one hand; but on the other, we no longer need to give these corporations any loyalty, or tie up any of our self worth in our ability to advance within them.

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This just parallels every other trend in our society as my wife continues her suburban homesteading while raising our two young children.

I really never expected when I was a kid in the 90s that I would live through the collapse of my civilization in the prime of my life, but I suppose no one does.

I try not to let it overwhelm me, but it is so tragic and all the more galling when you look at what absolute clowns our rulers are. I'm actually more angry at all the idiots who allowed-- and continue to allow-- them to hold any sort of respectability, let alone power.

How the average person doesn't see that the emperor is wearing no clothes at this point is one of the great pains of my life.

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The sheer absurdity of it is the worst part. It would be one thing if we'd been conquered, put to the sword, our lands ravaged, our cities burned, our women, daughters, and sons taken as slaves. Having our rulers throw open the gates, hold our arms behind our backs, and give it all up with smiles on their faces is actually far more humiliating simply for how bafflingly ridiculous it is.

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Our traitors posing as representatives know they'll profit more through Mr. Global's bribery than their severance packages. Generous as those are. And their subjects don't mind being lied to yet implicitly trust them enough to get experimental goo pumped into their arms. For reasons.

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Anytime you hear someone say they were "called" to public service...

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kind of like I want to be a cop because I want to help people.

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1000% this!

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It's so painful, I wonder how many people know but are lying to themselves or pretending...

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A whitepill that occurred to me recently is I think there are really only a 100 or so laptop class ass whores who are actual human shitlibs who crank out talking points for the day on Xer, and aside from a few very elderly people, fat trans HR department heads, and wine moms the rest are bots to make us think shitlibs are popular and triumphant when they are not. So what if shitlibs are only actually 5 percent of the population, and we are the counter 5 percent, and the 90 percent are just trying to get by under the radar?

The question is, how to you get the intert mass of people to see that?

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"The question is, how to you get the intert mass of people to see that?"

Show them that they A) pay taxes for the clown-show and B) how much of their taxes go to A).

Ideological talking points bore most people to tears and they just shut down; that they have been forced to pay X amount of their wages to pedopropaganda aimed at their kids is tangible and real.

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very very good question

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It is consistently only about 8%-11% who are progs. Research shows. Maybe 1% evil. Another 8%-10% minions. Activists, etc. About 20% can think for themselves. And 70% who are essentially NPCs. They’d hate blacks if they were told to. Or Jews. Or whites. Or Chinese. Or Russians. We actually out number them, the active haters, 2-1. The great mass lean our way but are swayed by propaganda.

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Yes parallel economies and other opting out schemes are the only long term hope.

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A big problem is they can't offer the goodies the corporations' economy can. That makes starting them like pulling teeth. Sans Novocain.

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Reduced standard of living in the short term seems unavoidable tbh.

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Yes I live in a 650 sq foot house in literally one of the poorest counties in America. But I have an acre of land, and many lakes and clean running trout streams within walking distance of my house. I'll make it even if shit goes full south.

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It's a hard time to be a white male, we've had a lot of young male suicides in my area and what you describe illuminates the entire situation...wishing you the best of luck and success with your company!

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Put an intersectionality flag on your desk and say you're bi.

If H.R. wants dumb numbers, give them dumb numbers.

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I'm not sure this actually works anymore. I've noticed that LGBT is often not included in the "diversity rainbow" of equity-seeking categories in job ads I've seen from the last several months. I suspect they finally got wise to this obvious dodge.

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As the leftist holiness spiral moves into the singularity stage, the requirements for acceptable holiness become more extreme.

"Leftist Singularity" aka "Holiness Spiral", are terms created by the blogger Jim from blog.jim.com. His theory is that when a nations military has dominated all competing groups, the result is that countries priesthood becomes the dominant force.

When a priesthood is in a dominant position, it then becomes in their interest to find new and novel interpretations of scripture that show how God's will was actually to give the priests more free shit at the expense of the populace. For example, "do not steal" becomes "you did not build this yourself therefore you are stealing by not giving your fair share". or "do not commit adultery" becomes "do not keep your wife from finding herself via sex with random men, preferably priests".

At this point, it becomes in the interest of every priest to "out holy" every other priest. Since more holiness means more goods for the priesthood. In the name of God of course. However, this also means that the priests are now in competition with each other, and that means that being "less holy" or even worse "unholy" allows the priests to kill heretic unholy priests whose crime is not being up on the latest agreed consensus as to what exactly is holy.

This incidentally explains why so many women at womens marches simply cannot explain what a woman is. They are there for holiness, not rights. Since it was decided by the priesthood (the universities) that womens rights are holiness, they march for womens rights, in order to be holy. They want to be holy because women depend on others for resources.

A woman can be honorable and genuinely holy and give herself in perpetuity to a man who will take care of her.

Or she can giver herself out to the lying faggots in the priesthood who will find great excuses for the thug class to steal shit from the producers. In return the lying faggots in the priesthood will pimp her out as a temple whore to the military and merchant class youths or even the older members of those classes.

So right now the priesthood has become so holy, that they declared that having a uterus is no longer a necessary requirement of being a women. Because holiness. As a result the temple whores are in a bind, it's obvious that a uterus is in fact a requirement of being a woman but if they say so they will be unholy and cast out by the lying faggots in the priesthood to die in the wilderness. Tough position.

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Excellent comment.

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You just described how Byzantium rotted from within.

Granted, it's fall took six centuries to complete, but still.

For an antithesis to the rot you describe (splendidly, by the way), look at what happened to Alexander's brief empire after his death. In fact, the Diadoci and their actions could be said to prove your point from the opposite direction.

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The Diadoci display a different sort of rot. For example, I was just reading Plutarch's biography of Demetrius, and he made a point of noting how unusual his family was among the Diadoci in that sons weren't trying to kill their fathers for the throne.

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Byzantium: priest-caste corrupting everything as per the initial comment I responded to.

Diadoci: ambitious warleaders expending the resources and manpower of the empire they helped make, in a contest of strength.

I wouldn't call that rot, more slash-and-burn.

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Now that’s an interesting observation. A few years ago I came across an ad for a “crew leader” for a national forest strike team in Colorado or New Mexico. It sounded like really macho shit. Then I saw the minimum qualifications: “must identify as LGBTQIA2S+” (that’s a direct quote—I screenshotted it). You also had to exhibit “the ability to effectively work on diverse teams or with a variety of populations, including those underrepresented at our organization and those of BIPOC communities.” I mean you had to be on the rainbow spectrum to lead a national forest crew—it was the bare minimum requirement. Gives new meaning to the “gay lumberjack” stereotype.

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Gen question: if you said you were 'Hispanic' how do HR know? Why not lie and say your grandmother was a Spaniard? How will they check?

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I normally “decline to answer” all of the optional demographic questions, but I’ve actually seriously considered identifying as a “trans woman” and just forcing them to play their game no matter how absurd it seems. Are they really gonna challenge me on my chosen identity in this climate?

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I had a waiter say to me ‘Hi I am Brad, he/him, and I will be your waiter today’. I said ‘Hi Brad. I am William, he/her, and I guess I will be your customer today’. He started to say something then he said ‘He/her?’ I explained I was a he when talking to me, but a she when referring to me. So if the busboy says ‘who gets the extra napkins?’ you can say ‘the woman in the green sweater’. He asked if I were pulling his leg and I got offended. ‘I don’t feel comfortable being referred to as a male. I feel it objectifies me wrongly.’ I said he should accept my gender identity! He apologized profusely for doubting me.

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Historically I've done the same, but I will be adopted a victim class identity on every job application for a Fortune 1000 company from here on out.

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That just perpetuates the whole charade we need to go medieval warrior Vlad the Impaler punk on their asses, FUCK THEM!

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The authoritarians must have their violence...

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It's a silly reference but have you seen 'Layer Cake'? It's worth watching the introduction for the ending line about not taking the piss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwoCyF6qJzE.

If you are competent and reliable there will always be work. I don't know about large companies but the individual customer is not yet forced to buy from government-approved sources and can build up a reputation. In Britain this is seen by a lot of British medics going private with the Third-World dross staying in the public hospitals.

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This is pretty much what I'm suggesting, yeah. The competent will have to establish a new societal infrastructure composed of loose, informally organized networks of freelancers and independent contractors.

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The Liberal World Order is catching onto this trend as well and making gig-economy jobs illegal too. They are forcing companies like Uber to hire and pay the independent contractors, pricing their jobs out of the marketplace. Seattle just did this, and nobody wants to pay the premium.

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The gig economy is just another form of extractive digital serfdom, frankly. At best it's a way to hold on, but it isn't the path to the good life.

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I recommend using Gab for this purpose. It can be a time suck and troll magnet but also great for networking.

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My last full-time job was at Craigslist. The sole HR woman there systematically threw out every resume from white males for a number of years until the hiring managers finally realized what she was doing. She was fired, and not replaced. They function much better with no HR department at all now.

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HR adds nothing. If anything, it's negative value. That most companies haven't realized this is a testament to just how many useless jobs our fake economy sustains.

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It would be far easier if HR were reduced to their old 'Personnel' role of completing routine paperwork in the hiring process and making sure wages, tax etc are paid. That's it. Managers choose whom they hire and that's it.

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Problem is that hiring is one of the primary power points in a company. Once the leadership delegates that authority, it will result in the new source of authority becoming the de facto leadership.

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Managers are less likely to be fat black menopausal women who particularly dislike young, healthy men. That said there is nothing more nauseating than an old, ugly women slavering over a young man. It's worse than old men and young women by far. So in conclusion I'm not sure whether it's worse having one of these creatures throw your CV in the bin or keep eyeing you up at work.

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I have a completely useless "bullshit job," to use David Graeber's term, Graber's book on that topic is actually really good and funny even though he identified as a left anarchist before he died. He was probably lucky to shuffle off this mortal coil so he didn't have to see what the left became.

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Graeber was great. I think he did see what was happening to the left, and if I recall, even warned about it.

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There are a few like him, not many. I doubt you have heard of Derick Jensen but he was the Earth First to Earth First an extremely radical at the time "left" anti technology activist. Now the left loaths him as he kept his values and is outspoken about trans cult. He isn't the best public speaker, but this is still worth your time IMO. You can hear the screeeing in the background, lol!


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I've heard that name before. Believe it or not I used to be deeply embedded in the leftist cultural matrix.

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Weren't all of us old schoolers? LOL!

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So, he was eventually attacked by the monster he helped enable, that doesn't make him great.

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There you go again crapping on things you don't even bother to investigate.

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> Graeber was great.

No, he wasn't. You can get 110% of the value of reading his book by reading the title.


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I like Charles Haywood BTW, it's possible to like a multitude writers, and not just be the rightwing version of a cultist hipster who only reads from the pre-approved list of titles.

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You really love shitting on things based on having a thimble full of knowledge about them don't you? Why is that?

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HR's job is to comply with employment law.

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Of course but this reality doesn’t matter. It’s a woman’s job, like many bullshit jobs it was created so that women could be « independent « but without actually doing any real valuable work.

The biggest failure of the west is the lie about women’s nature and their capacities (or lack thereof). Everything derives from that failure. Without women in positions of power we would never have gotten nonsense like DEI.

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Oct 3, 2023
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The people doing the hiring _were_ the new hire’s future co-workers and managers.

The problem was that incoming resumes were all filtered through the HR lady, who was secretly throwing out every resume from a white male.

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In the deepest darkest years of patriarchy women would stay at home weaving cloth (and raising kids, running the household, tending to the goats, chickens etc etc). Cloth was so valuable it was even used as currency. So women basically stayed at home printing money all day.

Today, thanks to all the liberating technology invented by men we have HR departments instead (‘busy work’).

Still at least the kids are thriving in their new roles at daycare centres and schools.

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Oct 3, 2023
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I never saw her myself, because I couldn't get my resume through while she was there.

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The real revolution will begin when all workers and employees refuse the old Bankster payroll model that adds so much expense and red tape to having employees. This is the only thing that will save the corporate model. Otherwise, independent local production will take over and outcompete outmoded corporations built on cheap shipping and foreign production. It's too expensive to move goods and parts over the highways now. International shipping is in crisis. What will we do without government regulation? We will develop guilds and apprenticeships that will support prices and quality (what government regulations were supposed to do). This is the anti-corporate model and it is winning. A lot of white guys are going into the trades, owning their own tools, and working for themselves, as free people do.

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I think there's a lot to this. Informal business relationships are inherently almost impossible to regulate, and are far more nimble.

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Every time I see the word "guild" it brings a smile to my face. The enlightenment modernist winners wrote the histories denigrating the high middle ages. But the return of the repressed is coming.

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Cyberpunk medievalism. This is the way.

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I think that used to be called steampunk. :-)

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A lot of ancient science and technology is also coming back. Metaphysics. Electric universe stuff. The shape of water and resonance theories. Improved medicine and new electric gen. tech. All this is being rediscovered.

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Yes, and almost none of this is happening inside the Academy, which is probably not accidental, and indicative of where the intellectual energy is shifting to.

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The future of knowledge is a return to the 17th century. Neo-Rosicurianism...the culture of the early Royal Society was steeped in Masonry and hermeticism.

I am not arguing for mumbo jumbo but for re-developing practices of discrete, even underground, organisation, mutual support and mentoring. Something like this already exists in the seriously controversial areas of medical research (hbd) where 'silence is golden'. But we need more. We adapt or die.

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The Invisible College is already the future of intellectual life, and in far more disciplines than HBD.

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Sorry for my ignorance, but what is "hbd"?

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Sorry for using an acronym without spelling it out first.

HBD is human biodiversity...variation in the genome. Draws on physical anthropology, physiology, DNA, psychometrics.

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Yep I have always been an avant gardist, up through that the late 2000s it felt like that energy though it was vitiated was still barely on the left. After Occupy was destroyed by Trostskyite proto-woke proto-ANTIFAs, and the Dim Party, I felt a pretty rapid vibe shift to intellectual energy being on the right, and I didn't look back.

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Yep. I picked up on that shift by 2015 or so.

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Yes, astrology will lead the cultural awakening as the anti-Woke apparatus for knowledge...leading to embodied wisdom. Something just occurred to me from reading your excellent article and arriving to this epiphany at the end of the comments: diversity hires are a superficial response to a deep problem in western culture -- the left brain corporate state fascist repression of intuition, a human trait associated with .. you got it ... women and minorities! As we are faced now with quantum reality via AI, the crashing of western civilization can be traced to the exile of Carl Jung (an astrologer) from the western philosophical tradition for his occultism and repression of electromagnetics in popular science. If Tesla, obsessed with the magic of the autonomous integer (3,6,9) was widely taught in the university ... well that opens the door to the occult. The elites don’t want the masses to have their secret knowledge. So instead, the diversity hire!

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Yes. Occult just means hidden. Plant medicine is occult (for example). There are many medical practices that are occult in the west that are recognized medicine in the east. We're calling this the apocalypse, where we pull back the curtain and see what's been hidden. The devil doesn't like that, so he does his worst to keep it from happening. His whole system of ritual magic that destroys the human empathic responses of its practitioners and priests is being exposed. The system of blackmail that controls our governments is being exposed. There aren't people who are more enthralled by religious superstition than these priests and witches (who despise and exploit humanity). I learned these ideas by reading the book Demonology by KJ1. It is not a grimoire like other old books by the same name, but is a philosophical dialogue and a warning against the ravages of religious superstition. Now, I've claimed I believe in the devil and I'm warning you against religious superstition. This could cause a modern educated person to repel against my ideas, but I'll let you figure it out.

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If and when the financial crisis hits, and much of that debt based free money evaporates… I think we’re seeing the first wave of it now. Years of zero cost money for the big players have distorted incentives. Once HR can no longer be freely funded, it will shrink.

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Yes. The huge distortion of fiat money not backed by silver and gold (alchemical metals symbolizing the Sun and Moon!) is a reflection of human engineered perversion of natural law, the basis of what is considered “occult” knowledge leading to Self- empowerment because it was hidden from the masses by the priests.

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This is happening in medicine as well. The system is going to implode from incompetence and wokeness, which has no place in that arena.

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Medicine and engineering are the two most terrifying occupations for this to be applied.

Well actually. Airline pilots.

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Agree. We are witnessing the self immolation of our technical class. No one will be able to fix the broken things.

Barsoom looks better and better.

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As usual, a great article John. If you want an idea of what will happen in the airlines, take a look at the differential in historic accident rates between Western and non-Western airlines since the dawn of mass air travel.

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Mining. Luckily it is so immediately dangerous that the very dangerous jobs have not suffered with woke policies (as much as they try).

Corporate is another story.

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I read somewhere that the exact same thing happened in Egypt millenia ago.

They had a medical class that focused only on what could be honestly observed, this led to advances in care. They saved lives and were effective, this gave them respect and power.

Power attracts the corrupt and unimaginative who want a free ride. At that point advances in genuine observation were put aside so the corrupt unimaginative drones would be able to maintain power by just memorization rather than actual creative ability. This spiraled and the entire profession became a priestly shit show.

That's what I read anyway. It was from Orson Scott Card, so I don't know what his sources were.

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Interesting observations. There are solutions, but all will be painful and terribly few may be willing to pay the price.

Personally, simply giving up hasn't been an option. Thought about it once or twice. Anyone tells you they haven't wondered if the world might be better off without them is lying. That's just part of being human. These days, agitation, unease, being uncomfortable for any reason, can be addressed by pharmacology. ASK YOUR DOCTOR IF HELPMECOPE IS RIGHT FOR YOU. The side effects might kill you or make you want to kill yourself, but by God, no one should have to suffer through character building episodes, right? The FAIR is in August and they charge admission.

Too much of this is the natural consequence of seeking equal outcome instead of equal opportunity.

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I also have stared into the abyss of giving up. It seems to be a thing my brain does.

Fortunately, neither giving up, nor helpmecopewithzac has been an option for me.

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You are too talented to give up. It would be an unforced error.

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I'm not so conceited. It's honestly just sheer bloody-minded stubborn cussedness that keeps me going.

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I'd take your side in a foxhole any day!

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Oct 3, 2023
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I do think there are a lot of people who never have suicidal ideation. They can't conceive of what would cause someone to do that. I can't understand how most people wouldn't have suicidal ideations given the absolute state of things, and a lot of people definitely do, but not everybody.

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In chess, giving up is always an option, but it never helps.

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You're absolutely right in the respect that these companies and institutions are going to bleed themselves to death on a hundred thousand small inefficiencies. I'm of a school of thought that efficiency at all costs is more harmful than helpful, in many ways, but at the same time, there has to be a base level of functionality in any given system before it falls together entirely, which is exactly what's going to happen to these larger companies and institutions as they accrue more and more dead weight. I think that a big solution will present itself in parallel systems. The more and more people are squeezed out, the more necessity there will be for these parallel economies to form, and there will be more and more incentive for people to engage and propagate them. All in all, this is a pretty disturbing and disheartening article, but, at the same time... you're not wrong when you say there's also plenty of opportunity ahead for those who are willing to reach for it.

Also, I'd be interested to see what the data looks like on demographics and how they hire. In my own experience, white men, as you said, hire who they must, but I've also experienced first hand that, when left to their own devices, women tend to hire women (race notwithstanding), black men tend to hire black people, but black women hire exclusively black women. I've heard other people corroborate that, but if the data exists, I'd like to see if it backs up this experience.

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This is exactly my experience. White men tend to prioritize competence, and will work with anyone who can get the job done. Every other group tends to prioritize their group, with the exception of White women who seem to go out of their way to help minorities.

Now, whether there's data for this? I'd be a bit surprised if there was. The last thing anyone wants is for these impressions to be corroborated.

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A lot of white females are dumb woke bitches, or Vicious Bitches as I called them in my article. They actively hate white males and empathize with and fetihize minorities.

And then this happens:


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She looks like a nice person, though. I say that sincerely.

This whole thing is bonkers. I wonder who did it, and why?

Took me most of the article to realize “ecosystem” in this case doesn’t mean plants and trees. Her business seems like part of the problem for sure, but that doesn’t mean she deserved to be brutally murdered.

“According to her social media, LaPere's company 'uses technology to automate the process of digitizing ecosystems, from entrepreneurial communities, to industry sectors, to corporate networks and beyond.

'Our proprietary tech allows us to create platforms that are pre-populated with information about the resources, organizations, businesses, and people within any given community, and keep that information continually up to date.

'Our platforms help answer the question "who is doing what?", enable organizations to engage stakeholders at scale, and provide valuable data on the makeup of any given ecosystem.'”

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Great stuff. I wrote along similar lines in my series on teaching. I think it’s going to come down to networks in small towns, an integrated system of education designed to create groups of interconnected elites, decentralized credit systems, alternative methods of credentialing, and control of legal processes on the county level (elected sheriffs).

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In Russia you can expect a majority of people in corporations to speak English, so learning Russian is not really required to find a job. Russian culture is basically western, food is great, land is stunningly diverse and beautiful, people are cheerful, safety and quality of living is excellent in major cities like Moscow, Saint Petersburg or Kazan. And we still pay skilled (and not so skilled) expats more than local hires, so they can afford a decent living (medical expenses are usually covered by social package from your job). If you are married and with kids, there are a number of English schools. If you are not, there are caring and honest women looking for a husband.

It is not all sunshine, but Russia is a great place to stay while one is waiting by the river for the body of HR-department to float by.

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I've visited Russia, and quite liked it. Considered moving there but was scared off by the opacity of the immigration system. How would you recommend someone find a position in Russia?

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I was actually surprised to discover Russia (and Ukraine prior to the war) has a *surplus* of women in their fertile years. Quite interesting, that.

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A legacy of “Russian cross” in Wild 90s, when mortality was high and birth rate was low. It was not a good time to stay in Russia, to put it mildly.

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But you came out on top. Respect.

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This is all true.

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Here in the rural mountain west there is a big shortage of workers, especially skilled trades. Electrician, plumber, building trades, well drillers, mechanics and so on. Tradesmen I've talked to say no one wants to work and they can't get anyone anyway. Makes one wonder who is going to fix and build stuff after they retire. Which for some of them isn't that far off.

It takes competence and intelligence to build, operate and maintain complex systems. the diversity hires people will find that out. South Africa and Rhodesia will be the future for most of the United States.

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I hear exactly the same thing from tradesmen and contractors here. Part of the problem, I think, is that manual work has been coded as low status, as a result of which the youth have no familiarity with it. That, combined with demoralization - the sense that it doesn't matter, you won't ever get ahead - leads many to prioritize enjoying themselves in the moment over working hard for the future.

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Manual work is high-status in Australia. The guys are treated like kings and domestic electricians and plumbers (almost always white) make obscene amounts of money.

As it should be.

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I'd say the trades can make a very good but not obscene money

King's Counsel and Surgeons : now that's obscene money

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I know it's been ages since this came out and nobody's reading the comment section anymore, but in the meantime absolute evidence confirming all of this article has came to light. IBM and RedHat have been instituting racist policies, including race-based hiring quotas but also more. Here's a summary post: https://conservativenerds.locals.com/post/5035886/the-ibm-red-hat-leaks-what-weve-learned-so-far Probably more will come to light. Good for cross-referencing the statistics with actual cases. :)

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Yep. All the deboonkers citing Little Bennie Shapiro's Daily Wire article claiming the Bloomberg study was fake news are revealed for the shills that they are.

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Factoring in all of the dead and disabled young/middle aged white guys that had Fortune 500 jobs who were forced into the safe n' effective should be considered too. I know more than 10 in my professional circle.

I actively hire for bleeding edge IT workers for a huge global institution. It's not really DIE that I've seen factor in, that's all garbage lip service. It's that 90% of the resumes I see are from a select few bodyshops that cater almost exclusively to Indian/Asian candidates. Of these candidates, about 10% of the resumes are legit and maybe half of those actually might fit the role. The offshore/onshore brown-people consulting firms have simply dominated large corporation HR departments through aggressive marketing campaigns and outright kickbacks. They have engaged in massive fraud with huge pools of fabricated talent. I'm one of the few hiring directors who will grill you on hard technical tasks the first day in person which were covered during the interview process. I've lost count now of how many outright charlatans I've fired within the first few hours of day 1. The audacity is overwhelming.

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I've suspected something very much like this for some time. Ethnocentric minorites achieve positions of leverage due to diversity hiring policies, then turn around and prioritize hiring their coethnics, with the result that non-ethnics are largely locked out. At that point applying for a job becomes a question of who sees your application first.

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From my experience in huge companies it's not even minorities in positions of leverage (They are often lily white Karens/Head girls). These offshore/onshore headhunter companies have just absolutely dominated their field due to fraud and graft over the traditional local agencies I used to deal directly with.

Believe me, when I see a name I can pronounce or an address of an actual local real human, they get priority. DIE is bullshit and everyone knows it.

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I've stopped pretending to 'treat everyone equally' as this only works in a homogenous society where the average man in the street can be trusted. The various browns et al will conquer by our rules and then rule by their own. I'm racist in favour of the British (the real ones, not our recent guests) in everything that I do: where I shop, whom I offer extra help at work, everything.

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I've had lifelong brown friends and will treat everyone with the respect that they earn over time. That being said there is certainly an initial prejudice that I cannot deny.

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Friends get treated like friends, and that trumps tribe. When they aren't friends, though....

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I'm not friends with anyone out supporting Hamas, wearing Islamic headdress or an illegal immigrant. That deals with most of the foreigners here already.

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God bless you, and I wish I could work in your company.

One of the most frustrating things about corporate life is watching stupid people get into positions where they can hire and fire. Stupid people have almost no ability to assess whether a potential hire is smart or not. This can lead to catastrophic mistakes down the line (At my old job, I once spoke to a server administrator who didn’t know how file paths work.)

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I've run multiple remote video technical interviews with candidates who seem like amazing and intelligent people. Only in-person under scrutiny is the deceit easily revealed. There's an entire industry on the Indian side for coaching these liars through tough remote interviews. It's given myself and my coworkers an entire book of hysterical stories and characters who were fired.

You're absolutely correct when stupid non-technical managers are hiring these people they have absolutely no idea and will often go to great lengths to cover up their mistakes once the idiots are revealed. Large corporations are being sucked dry by these parasites.

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Thanks for this essay. It's personal to me. I wanted to be an English professor but I didn't fit in. I've made a go of it in working class jobs such as caregiving through an agency and wine warehouse work. I've made good friends in the Mexican working class in Napa valley. In the 1980s there was no Mexican wine workforce in Napa. Now there are more than 3,000 descendants of immigrants from one small Mexican town of 500 people (I know or knew several). Now the wine industry depends on more than 50k wine workers a year, some of which are migrants. The parallel economy already exists. So many Spanish speaking Californians already work under the table and barter, it seems like the real economy. And all the corporate stock options and Bankster bubbles appear to me like the false economy to which there is no bottom. Corporate real-estate buyers like Black Rock simply hold up the fake value of real estate and use that lie to leverage more borrowing, resulting in a prohibitive cost of housing. When the corporate system collapses, professionalism will mean nothing. Those who have successfully unincorporated from the evil system will thrive, but how will all the professionals live when the corporate system collapses?

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The professionals will either starve, or learn to do something else.

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I literally thank God I got in under the wire for buying a cheap cottage outright in northern Michigan. Real estate has tripled up here since Covid which is insane. I figure even with no jerb or social security I can always rip out the propane furnace, put in a wood stove, and live on fish and game, piss on the system.

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they'll just ban your right to fish and game or use a wood stove.

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LOL, no. I live in an area with 500 sq miles of wilderness, 12,000 people total, and no traffic lights. We can snipe them with deer rifles from hidden positions in the vast forest, they wouldn't stand a chance.

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Hubris kills. So do IR drones. Don't get cocky.

Your body heat is a beacon in the forest - even an exposed wrist or around your eyes is enough to drop a grenade.

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The Taliban won against muh technocracy with guerilla tactics and so can rednecks, lock and load!

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Go suck a throbbing black cock Fed!

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I wonder how many will wind up in pods in smart cities eating bugs.

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Add me to the tally. White, male, GenXer laid off in 2020 for COVID from a national broadcast company where I held a senior managerial position. 98th percentile IQ and a degree in Bioengineering. Hundreds of resumes/bios sent out since 2020 has resulted in myriad stock replies as you quoted verbatim in your essay, about 8-10 video interviews, and zero offers. Have tried applying to positions I'm clearly overqualified for earning 60% of my former salary. Nothing. Can't even land an interview from my former employer for the position I was hired for in 2011 where I received regular corporate recognition for my performance and 9 years of nothing but exemplary reviews. What began as frustration is rapidly becoming depression and desperation. This is not a good direction for our society. I've taken to teaching myself UI UX Design and web-building, since a freelance career seems one of the few viable routes left.

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Christ, that's both heartbreaking and enraging. Sadly it matches my experience over the last few years very closely.

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Oct 4, 2023
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This is part of their business strategy and the companies employ thousands of lobbyists to increase the number of those visas. And the companies also of course off shore as many jobs as possible to India since after all- they speak English and are quite cheap

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John, I really enjoy your work and I hate being any type of scold, but that cartoon caricature of the black guy with the giant lips (Tyrone) and his illiterate note is just really ugly and infra dig.

I say this with all due respect as someone who thinks you should be read more widely and who doesn't want your excellent work to be written off as "racist".

Everyone to the left of Mitt Romney is dying to tar anyone who doesn't mouth their dogma as a bigot, why make it easy for them to write you (and the rest of us) off?

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Because it's a classic and funny meme that pierces straight to the sordid heart of modern American hiring practices.

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Hey we're all adults here and we can agree to disagree, and i usually scoff at 9 out of 10 bigotry accusations, but the Amos & Andy Mammy stuff strikes me as ugly and hateful.

Like I said, I appreciate your work and think that image is beneath it.

But don't worry I won't call HR and demand you be sent for reeducation...

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Honestly, I sort of hesitsted before including it, so I'm not really surprised at least one reader found it distasteful. But it's damn near the funniest treatment I've ever seen. That's 4chan for you - hilarious and discomfiting.

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We need to be discomforted at this point. The only other option is the VR goggles and the bug paste. I'll walk off into the woods with my dog to live on the land or die before I take the Cypher from the Matrix choice.

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No what's "ugly and hateful," is the waste of white talent due to the people being white. If you must put this in some tedious normie boomercon framework it isn't even following "meritocracy," or MLKs content of character. Hint smart blacks get this.


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Oct 3, 2023
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It goes back WAY further to asshat cultural Marxists like Marcuse and Rules for Radical guy who I forget his name and am too lazy to search right now, lol.

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Let it rip, John. Don't ever censor yourself.

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Counterpoint: if you constantly and continually adjust your way of expressing yourself, how yout think and reason and associate to the whims and will of your opposition, what happens?

You edge ever closer to their position, on all issues incuding your own ontological foundation if'n I'm to use big words.

Eventually, their initial position has become yours, without you noticing. Example:

In Sweden, "nigger" was always a slur and a most uncommon one at that, there not being many negros of any origin until post-2005. Suddenly, "negro" was declared a slur by the usual suspects in such matters (i.e. not any of the africans, since they identify by tribal and national origin - not skin colour), and people adjusted. Now, using the term "afro-swede" is the "correct" one.

However, as swedes are not negros since we're not a negroid race, this implies negros can be swedes and swedes can be negros. It should be obvious by now that this nivellation of meaning serves to make us no longer a distinct people in our own right, only a descriptive moniker based in citizenship.

I.e. cultural genocide.

That's why never adjust your vocabulary and terminology to the demands of your enemy.

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The post-Westphalian equivalence between 'nation' and 'state' is a large part of what makes that possible. Historically, a Swede is a member of the Swedish nation, with linguistic, genetic, and religious correlates. Now, 'Swede' refers either to a member of the nation, or to a citizen of the state governing the geographical territory occupied by the nation. Which then opens the door to shifty re-definitions such as 'Afro-Swede'.

Of course there are also Finno-Swedes, so this sort of thing has in a sense been going on for some time.

The other point here, is that when one accepts the enemy's definition of what constitutes offensive speech, and then curbs it, one pre-emptively surrenders to the enemy's frame. To the contrary, if one's sworn opponent says, 'that's offensive', the response should be to be even more offensive. If they're emotionally weak this will put them into a rage, making them that much easier to beat. If they're not, then perhaps you can respect them a bit more. Traditionally warriors would exchange ritualistic insults before battle for exactly this reason.

Now, we've been operating until recently under the understanding that we're all part of one society, and that the left is not 'the enemy' in some kind of existential sense; therefore, rules of decorum apply. Many on the right still imagine this to be the case. Once you realixe it is not, and that we are, in fact, enemies, there can be no more reason to tiptoe around the verbal taboos of the other side, aside from the purely tactical that is.

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Regarding finns, Finland used to be called "Östra Rikshalvan"; Eastern Half of the Realm when it was part of Svea Rike or simply Riket as was the common term (Rike is the same as Reich in german).

In other words, finns used to be part of the same kingdom as swedes. Hence "finlands-svensk" (finno-swede) being something perfectly natural and spontaneous, as well as a cultural and linguistic subgroup of both parent groups, not a political construct.

Regarding the term swede, that refers to one of the original peoples settling here after the Ice Age (well, the name came later obviously, but most swedes are the genetical desecendents of Ice Age hunters). The original distinct makro-scale groups were Svear (swedes), Götar (goths) and Gutar (gotlanders), each one containing many sub-groups of their own (such as my own: Dalkarl, meaning "Man of the Dalelands").

But yes, the mixing of administrative terms with everyday vernacular using the same words has been ruthlessly exploited by what I'll call "leftists" for brevity's sake.

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Hey I finally agree with you on something Commander Riker. :-)

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Quoth the Raven: what the fudge?

Joking aside, wouldn't you agree debates are better when people don't agree on all things in all ways?

Darn, did I just creat a paradoxical question?

(Three rethorical questions in a row, my english teacher would of bawled me out...)


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The sad truth is that Tyrone exists. BUT, as all of us (should) know, Tyrone isn’t the beginning and end of black culture and experience. Ben Carson exists. Candace Owen exists. Jay Z exists. Zuby exists. It’s not racist to like one person and not another even if they share a skin tone. In fact it’s racist to believe all black people are represented in just one picture.

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"Clever," (midwit) exactly your kind of narc attitude is what needs to be destroyed if we are going to have honest conversations about the facts on the ground. Without honest conversations all is soma and you might well stick a needle in your arm and fade into the white light. FUCK THAT!

As Otto said in Repo Man when asked where he was going by the worm, he said, "away from you."

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Hey now, be nice. Clever Pseudonym has been commenting here for a long time and has earned the right to criticize my aesthetic choices ;)

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Ok, your call, I wouldn't put up with that shit, lol. I have had run ins with him before.

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I generally only ban people when they're obviously trolling other readers in the comments. Readers can disagree with me on anything to their heart's content as long as they're respectful.

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I wasn't saying ban him, I'd just have a sharper tongue, but then you already know I can be a prickly ass, LOL!

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I was being honest and that's why I respectfully made that comment to John. We have exchanged comments many times and he knows I'm no narc or SJW and I don't think you really respect any other adult (or man to man) if you can't critique them.

That is the basis of all honest conversation and if that attitude "needs to be destroyed" you're just asking for a circle jerk or group therapy.

I would not subscribe to his Substack if I didn't appreciate or enjoy him, and it would have been much easier for me to ignore it, esp when I knew I'd be inevitably attacked.

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Yeah, just to be clear, I'm not at all put out. Critical feedback from my respected readers is critical.

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thx i didn't think you were at all.

best wishes as always

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It is a very difficult matter to get right. Our culture no longer enables the expression of opposition with any finesse or subtlety and the alternatives are to stay silent or simply risk coming across as either malicious or ignorant. My working assumption is that unless there is solid evidence otherwise we need to assume the best of controversial or edgy authors.

Also there is a difference between antagonism which is both proportionate and situational and antagonism which is existential and unbalanced. The nuts on the internet, especially rw twitter, stand out easily enough...John is not one of these IMHO.

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The internet is far more limiting when it comes to communication than most people realize.

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Don't worry about Raven bro, he's a huge asshole. I can say this without risk that its going to start anything up with him because he muted me.

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thx im good

once you comment on the internet you have to be prepared to be attacked

lotta unfuckable mutants out there!

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LOL, says the guy who uncritically believes the MSM 911 story, lulz.

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Only on notes, sadly mute doesn't work on comments. Nice slur when you thought I wasn't looking though, very sly, Lolbertarian thy name is Pareto's fox.

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