For years now we’ve talked of the left’s Long March Through the Institutions. The metaphor comes from Mao’s conquest of China, but the process has been more similar to the creeping spread of an invasive fungus than it has been to military manoeuvres. Over the course of long decades during which it seemed that the left’s steady advance was absolutely inexorable, progressives slowly, patiently consolidated control over every organ of society. They took power job by job, appointment by appointment, sinecure by sinecure, board position by board position, department by department, committee by committee,
There were those who noticed, and tried to do something about the infection – Senator McCarthy, for example. It is a symptom of the total control of the left over the popular consciousness that despite having known for years now that McCarthy was absolutely correct that the United States federal government was being infiltrated at every level by agents of the communist party, his name has remained a byword for hysterical, unjustified witch hunts.
By and large, however, absolutely nothing was done. We believed in merit, you see, and in the freedoms of speech and conscience. So what if an applicant for a position is an avowed leftist who is hostile to Western civilization down to his very marrow? He’s still the best man for the job, competent within the boundaries of his discipline, and it would be a great crime to blackball him on the basis of his political beliefs. As we saw during the Cancelled Years, such broad-minded tolerance only goes one way. Frank Herbert captured it well: “When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”
As the enormity of the left’s totalitarian control began to sink in, we girded ourselves for a gruelling twilight struggle. It took the left many decades to slowly subvert the universities, the government agencies, the corporate boards rooms, the private foundations, the churches, the city halls, the school boards, the entertainment media, the hobby communities, and every other organ of civil society. We would have to do the same. Our young men would need to live like intelligence operatives under deep cover as they posed as good liberals in order to slowly climb the ranks of the corporate sector, the civil service, academia, or the military; to keep their heads down, say only the the right things in public, maintain Cold War levels of opsec regarding what they said in private, and be seen to support all the right causes. Then, many decades hence, with our guys in key positions, we would be able to reassert control over society.
But a counter-revolutionary long march through the institutions was always a doomed project.
The left understands the method quite well, having perfected it themselves, and its defences against counter-infiltration were well advanced. It was never enough merely to say the right things, and not say the wrong things – the left knows how easily such signals are faked, as these are mere words, and words have no meaning to an egregore which sees in discourse nothing but the currents and tokens of power. Much of the seeming insanity of the Cancelled Years is best understood as the imposition of elaborate, difficult to fake displays of loyalty: offering your child’s genitals to the hungry gender gorgon, opening your veins for the gene therapy injection. Then of course there is DEI, whose explicit intent was to simply deny opportunity to those most likely, on a demographic basis, to oppose the left. There is very little point, as a young white man, in keeping your mouth shut if you will be locked out simply because you are white, no matter what you say.
The psychological demands of stealthy infiltration are spiritually toxic. Anyone attempting this path finds himself embedded in a social context in which all of his friends and colleagues adhere to values which he privately despises, and moreover, he knows that the instant they discover his true beliefs he will be not only fired, but ostracized and isolated. Worse, he’s constantly placed in the position of betraying his own convictions, of going along with and even actively supporting things he knows are wrong, because failing to do so would be immediately suspicious. Since the left is a hive mind, he must ‘pretend’ to give up his agency ... and insofar as you are what you do, there is very little difference between pretending to give up your agency, and actually doing giving it up. Living like this is miserable. It requires iron discipline, and there is very little reward. Some of you doubtless have direct experience of this.
The most important reason that a long march was never viable, however, was that there was not enough time.
The West is in crisis. Public debt has broken up through the exosphere, its rise ever more vertical as the deficits fuelling it continue to expand, and we can all see in its meteoric rise that its inevitable descent will hit the land like rods from God. Third world invaders pour into our countries by their millions at the open invitation of seditious governments whose open aim is to reduce native white populations to second-class minorities in their own homelands within the space of a generation. These two crises of the Great Inflation and the Great Replacement could never be solved by the tactics the left used to bring them about. Even if such a long march could have succeeded in the face of the barriers the left so astutely erected, by the time it came to fruition the victors would preside over wreckage.
The left’s tactics were those of a chronic disease, gradually wasting the patient, leaching the strength from his limbs. You cannot cure a patient by becoming an opportunistic infection in your own right.
So what to do? Many, despairing, looked to civil war. A coup d’etats, likely followed by blue states separating from the Union. Battle lines would be drawn, brother would be set against brother, cities would be ruined, vast pits would be excavated and filled with the stinking dead. Such a war would never have been limited to continental United States. It would have dissolved the Pax Americana, with brushfire wars springing up across the globe as great powers sought to expand their territories by grabbing resources or strategic trade corridors. Those powers would have gotten involved in the Civil War themselves, backing one side or another, prolonging the conflict in order to ensure the Union remained shattered forever.
On J6, the American government teetered on a precipice. Had Trump applied so much as the gentlest pressure with his baby finger, it would have toppled over. The other side would then have screamed that he was a tyrant who had seized power by force; his own supporters would have rallied to the cause that the election had been stolen; America, and the world, would have been bathed in blood. So Trump pulled back, allowed the heroes of J6 to be imprisoned, and permitted the sclerocracy to impose four years of malevolent mismanagement on the American people.
Many were furious with Trump. He’d lost his nerve; he was a coward.
As it turned out, they were all wrong. It was a strategic withdrawal.
And now, instead of a Long March, we are getting a blitzkrieg.
I’ve been silent for the last month partly for personal reasons that deprived me of the time and energy to write, which I won’t elaborate upon here save to note that it’s nothing anyone has to worry about. But I’ve also been silent because I haven’t been sure what to say. The last weeks have been one of those ‘weeks when decades happen’ periods, and that pace of change doesn’t appear to be letting up. Executive Orders flying off of the big man’s desk, birthright citizenship being struck down, entire government departments getting defunded, the J6 heroes being pardoned, trade wars starting and then stopping before they start, the military heading to the border, DOGE siccing broccoli-headed zoomers armed with large language models to rip through the sprawling financial records of acronym agencies like a cyclone of destruction.
As it turns out, you can just cut things.
These are all great, wonderful things. We are winning, and the pace of winning is dizzying. It’s like we’ve spent the last several years slamming again and again against a seemingly immovable wall, bashing our brains out upon it like an enraged tiger, only for that wall to suddenly turn to sand upon our final desperate push, leaving us sprawled and disoriented on the ground.
That is at least what it has felt like to me. The people on the inside of the Trump administration are not disoriented. Far from it. They are executing a detailed, thorough plan. They’ve identified the enemy nerve centres and are neutralizing them precisely, rapidly, and ruthlessly. Handpicked squads of very competent young men have been turned loose inside the Beltway. It is clear that they are not being micromanaged, but are being left to develop their own action plans on the fly as the tactical situation evolves. This is manoeuvre warfare, with small, nimble, lethal teams dropped into the heart of enemy territory and being given maximum latitude to pursue the campaign’s strategic objectives.
Describing administrative reform via auditing as a form of warfare might seem hyperbolic but that is, I think, precisely the correct metaphor. Armoured by iron-clad job security, the permanent bureaucracy has squatted for decades behind an impenetrable fortification built out of administrative, regulatory, and financial complexity, which they defended using procedural manipulation, slow-walking of unwelcome reforms, and diffusion of responsibility through opaque committee structures. Figuring out who made what decision or which dollar went where was simply impossible for outsiders. From this impregnable position they could then sally forth like feudal lords to loot the serfs using the IRS.
DOGE’s application of AI algorithms has cut through their castle walls like cannon shot, an ultima ratio regum that has left the deep state speechless. The networks are effortlessly mapped, the flows of capital are traced, the corruption is exposed, the swamp creatures left naked and shivering.
The enemy have been left disoriented, and far more so than those of us cheerleading from the cheap seats, and they are demoralized to boot. The Trump admin is so far inside the blob’s OODA loop that it’s flicking the unclean beast’s dangling tonsils with its insolent middle finger. In a matter of weeks the left’s entire world has cracked apart at its foundations. They did not just lose an election – they lost everything. Comfortable life-long sinecures, the gushing river of fedbux feeding their subversive projects at home and abroad, the sheltering concealment provided by bureaucratic obscurity ... all of it, abruptly, seemingly without warning, has evaporated. The pace of events has frozen them in shock, and indeed I sympathize, for just as their cognitive circuits have seized up with disbelieving despair, so have I felt my own overloaded with dreamlike elation.
It isn’t only the left whose world has come undone, practically overnight. Our world, too, has changed irrevocably. For long, desperate years we have been as hunted animals in the wilderness, partisans hiding in the badlands of the Internet, launching culture jamming raids to harry the enemy at his points of weakness. We have become accustomed to our role as outsiders locked in permanent guerrilla war with the Regime. We’ve taken horrific casualties, yes – careers destroyed, lives ruined, in some cases even lives lost: millions of young men have died deaths of despair, and while only a few of them were direct combatants in the meme war, the civilian casualties must be counted towards the enemy’s grim toll.
Infuriating as the meme war could often be, there was also a sense of comradeship within the Society of Frens. When your account got banned, or your friend got doxxed, people would come together, offering solidarity, even helping out financially. We were all in this together, after all. More, the meme war was fun, and over the years we became expert in our trade. There’s a thrill to piling into the replies of a hapless libtard, a fierce joy in dismantling their pseudo-intellectual paramoralisms to the point that they ragequit the interaction by blocking you, a grim pleasure in taking some piece of hackneyed focus-grouped public relations slop and reformatting it into counter-propaganda that leverages the system’s own words and imagery against it, a quiet satisfaction in seeing the ideas germinated in your anonymous shitpoasts being laundered through the mouths of high-profile personalities.
By and large that’s over now. The legacy media is simply irrelevant to the public discourse now. The libs are mostly shocked into silence. Our hungry frogs are so starved for prey that they’re falling on squishy centrist conservatives, who stupidly stepped into the role vacated by the shitlibs when they fled X for the great hugbox in the (blue)sky. We’ve won. We’re not partisan raiders, but an occupying force. We aren’t being hunted, but are the hunters. We are not at war with the Regime, because we are the Regime. It will take time to adjust to this, and many will not adjust well.
There was a Taliban soldier who, after the fall of Kabul, lamented that he missed the good old days of sleeping under the stars with his brothers in arms, playing a lethal game of hide and seek with the US military. Hard and uncomfortable as that was, in retrospect it had been a lot more fun than sitting in an air-conditioned office dealing with the administrative minutiae of parking regulations.
That’s us, now, and we haven’t really come to terms with it. The enemy has collapsed. Decades of preference falsification have come apart, as they always do, in a preference cascade – people admitting that they don’t actually believe the things they pretended to believe because everyone else was pretending to believe them and they didn’t realize everyone was pretending, only now they do know, so they’re saying what they really believed all along, and so is everyone else. It’s an Emperor’s New Clothes moment, a Fall of the Berlin Wall moment. The invulnerability conferred by the appearance of monolithic consensus has been cracked; the illusion having been dispelled, the spell is impossible to cast again. They’re done.
We’ll be dealing with the fallout for many years to come. There are so many secrets to be revealed, so many ugly little scandals to be uncovered, such a depth and variety of mendacious little conspiracies and corrupt petty grifts that have permeated our society at every level, paralyzing it so it could be parasitized. Clearing out the organizational, financial, cultural, and psychological wreckage will take decades. These people have been running their sick social engineering experiments for generations; we’ve all grown up in their MKULTRA world, and have no real idea just how fake and gay our kayfabe Truman Show society really is. But I think we’re going to find out, and it’s going to shock a lot of people – both those who, though ‘redpilled’, didn’t really know just how bad it really was, but especially those who, because bluepilled, had no idea that their entire identity is a psyop. People’s minds are going to shatter from that; many will never come back (how do you come back from surgically trooning yourself, or worse, your child?), and we’ll be carrying that burden of walking wounded for the rest of our lives.
Then there’s the physical world, the realm of bricks and mortar, steel and flesh. Tens of millions of migrants who need to be removed, and replacements found for their labour (personally, I advocate employing former USAID staff and DEI zampolit as fruit pickers and roofers). Cartels that need to be wiped out. Factories that need to be built. An economic system based on administrative makework and ZIRP plunder that needs to be reconfigured. School curricula that need to be redesigned. A military that needs to be revitalized. A sick-care system that needs to be turned into a healthcare system. A poisoning system that needs to be turned into a food system. Wherever you turn, things are in a desperate state.
All of this must be done while balancing the largest weight of public debt in the history of mankind, without dropping it and devastating the economy ... while at the same time heading off the inevitable challenges from foreign adversaries such as Russia or China, who will see the instability in Washington as a sign to go for it ... or, as
suggested, view the potential rejuvenation of America with alarm, as a sign that waiting for it to slowly collapse in on itself is now a losing strategy, and that their best bet is therefore to move immediately, lest the window of opportunity close forever. Rather than the war in the Ukraine winding down, we may see its expansion to Taiwan.And, here’s the annoying thing: it is you, yes, you, the person reading this right now, the rightist dissident that set himself against the powers of the Earth when the risk of doing so was greatest, who is responsible for doing all of this. Or at least whatever your small part in it is. You’re not on the outside looking in anymore: you’re the Regime, now. For years we’ve contented ourselves by pointing out the injustice, incompetence, and inefficiency of the demented ruling class and its army of flying rainbow butt monkeys. Mere critique is no longer enough. The worldsoul has heard us, and it has decided to give us exactly what we said we wanted: power. We have said for years that we know better than the fools in charge. Now we’re the fools in charge. We’ve talked the talk, now we have to walk the walk. It is put up or shut up time.
Maybe you read that and think, “Well hold on, I’m not in the government, I’m just a citizen (or maybe you’re not even a citizen, because you don’t even live in America). How am I the Regime?” What I mean by this is that the people in government now are people whose ideological makeup heavily samples the memetic space of the open source right (which I think is a better term than ‘dissident right’, given present realities). They believe in tradition and hierarchy, in strength and beauty, in health and truth, in personal responsibility and personal initiative, in great projects and national greatness. The Regime is not simply the people in elected office, but the entirety of the power structure, spread across all of the nodes of society – media, finance, academia, and so on.
Those who support the Regime, even if not individually in positions of power, still partake of its power: thus, the libtard could say ugly things about white people in social situations and expect you to nod and laugh. Now that shoe is on the other foot. The actions of the new administration have given you implicit permission to take action of your own, in your own personal life, in whatever way you can. Does your company have a DEI office? Has its HR department been discriminating against white male applicants? Does your university still force students to pretend the 1619 project is real? Does your open source project have a tendentious code of conduct on its github page? Does your town council still fly the prismatic pennant of pederasty? Does your local elementary school still bedeck its hallways with BLM fists? Does your sister-in-law demand that you respect your nephew’s (his name is not Luna) pronouns? Well huh, maybe you can do something about that. You don’t need to keep your head down any more. You don’t need to stay silent. You can just say things.
Two incidents over the last few days are worth mentioning here. The first was one of the DOGE boys, who goes by the handle Big Balls, was doxxed.
The enemy dredged up some edgy tweets he’d made about not marrying outside of his ethnicity and disliking Indians, and he was then forced to resign. The Internet immediately erupted in howls of betrayal and outrage. Musk polled X, asking if he should be brought back, and the overwhelming response was ‘hell yes’. Vance and Trump then supported this. Big Balls was then rehired. When some mealy-mouthed congressman tried to go after Vance for supporting the kid’s right to make edgy jokes, Vance raked him over the coals.
The Big Balls incident looks like it was stage-managed to me. Musk would certainly have known how his base on X would react, as would Trump and Vance. If they hadn’t fired the kid, the legacy media would have crowed that DOGE was harboring racists. They’ll still say that of course, but now it’s quite obvious that no one cares.
The next incident, while not as high-profile, was certainly organic.
, the author of the truly excellent Theft of Fire, was kicked out of the Self-Published Science Fiction Competition, which he didn’t know he’d entered, because he’d violated the Code of Conduct, which he hadn’t agreed to, first because he didn’t even know he was in the contest, and second because the CoC had only been inserted the day before after a rabid pack of gender botherers had kicked up a fuss about a ‘Nazi’ (Eriksen is a libertarian, for the record) being in the contest.Just a few years ago, Eriksen would have been cancelled, quite possibly with cascading consequences such as having his social media accounts yanked and his book taken down off of Amazon. This time, the response from the science-fiction community was swift and decisive. Not only did Eriksen sell a whole lot of books, but a large number of other writers publicly pulled out of the competition themselves ...
... which also resulted in their own sales increasing.
As it’s in a fairly late stage, the roster of novels is mow much thinner. By trying to cancel Eriksen, the contest cancelled itself.
Between these two incidents, it is safe to say that the Cancelled Years have officially come to an unlamented and ignominious end. The reign of terror of emotionally unstable hysterics is over. You can just say things now.
And you should say things. The Trump admin is feeding the swamp creatures to its pet DOGE, but there’s a whole country that needs to be taken back. Politicians and their staffers can’t do that themselves. This is swarm warfare. You will not get direct orders telling you what specifically to do, you are expected to improvise, to figure out on your own the best way of advancing the global strategic objectives, and then act accordingly. This is the same tactical doctrine we refined during the Meme War, so you should know what you’re doing, by now. And since you know what you’re doing, you can just do things.
I realize much of this no doubt sounds triumphalist, and perhaps in a short period of time it will look like the delirious ravings of a man prematurely drunk on a victory that has not, in fact, manifested. Certainly it remains the case that the bad people are in power throughout the media, academia, and much of the private sector. The migrants have not actually been deported in anything like the necessary numbers. The cartels continue to pour fentanyl into the street. Virtually every other government in the West remains in the hands of the enemies of the Westman. Being from one of those globalist-controlled countries myself has made the experience of the last month almost dissociative, adding an extra frisson of dreamlike unreality as Americans celebrate a new and shocking victory over the forces of Mordor on an almost daily basis. It is like watching from afar as a single small point of light ignites in a sea of boiling darkness.
I do not think that light will remain isolated. What is happening in America now, this Second American Revolution, is inspiring patriots across the Western world. Furthermore, the rainbow totalitarianism that has swallowed the West is almost entirely an American political project, imposed by means fair and foul upon their imperial vassals. The funding spigot that nourishes the NGOs and ‘independent’ media outlets and activist human rights lawyers and all the rest of it has been choked off. The diplomatic support the loyal satraps of the GAE could count upon has been withdrawn. Domestic opponents of the comprador governments will find that the new sheriff in Washington is very interested in throwing his considerable weight behind them.
I suspect that the next few years will see very rapid political change across the West. Just as the fall of communism was not limited to the USR but spread like wildfire throughout the Warsaw Pact, the fall of gay race communism will not be an isolated event within the USSA, but will bring down governments all over the world. In most cases this will probably be fairly peaceful, achieved at the ballot box. In other cases things may become more turbulent. Brussels has signalled that it is prepared to nullify elections whose results it does not appreciate. They already did this in Romania, using some obscure judge to zero out the electoral victory of a nationalist candidate for the country’s presidency. They’ve said that they’re considering doing the same thing on a wider scale. If they do, I do not think it will end well for them. The American Regime – which, you must remember, no longer refers to our enemies – is in possession of a 5GW platform specifically designed for bringing down governments by inciting colour revolutions. The governments of Europe are weak and unpopular; should they cling to power, they will be removed the hard way. And the same will prove true, I think, of the governments of Britain and Canada.
In truth, those governments have no option. DOGE isn’t only going to be about rooting out corruption and firing leftists. It is a much more ambitious project, intended to reformat the American federal government: slimming it down, refocusing it on results, turning it into a machine for improving lives. It will be a massive upgrade in capabilities. Other governments will be forced to follow a similar path simply to remain competitive.
To quote the great orator many are now comfortable saying was the principal villain of the Second World War (because now, you can just say things): this is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end, but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. The coming years will be very hard. Many things will come undone. There will almost certainly be violence, and wrenching economic pain is probably inevitable (particularly if you worked at USAID). But this is also a time of great opportunity, with great potential for adventure. The doors of the cage have been opened, and the only thing preventing you from walking through them is the learned helplessness of a dog that has been confined and shocked for its entire miserable life. Look, it’s scary out there, I get it, all you know is the cage ... but the people who shocked you are on the other side of that open door, there’s nothing between you and them, and you can just do things.
So get out there and do them.
I really must apologize for my silence last month. You might say I was sort of on vacation, although that wouldn’t quite be accurate as I was in fact working rather intensely ... just not on this. In any case, I genuinely didn’t have the time, energy, or opportunity to write, and I’ve also fallen behind on editing a few really incredible guest posts, which you’ll be seeing, I hope, shortly.
I’d also like to thank my supporters for their incredible patience. You have no idea how much that means to me. Vacation or no, this is currently my only income stream, so not only could I not do this without you, I wouldn’t even be able to eat. From the very bottom of my heart, then, thank you for sticking with me during a month that was as quiet on Barsoom as it was violently eventful in the rest of the world.
I recently enrolled in a creative writing course, hoping to hone my craft among like-minded enthusiasts. Instead, I found myself surrounded by what can only be described as a cabal of disgenics—intellectually stunted classmates and a teacher who seems more interested in moral policing than in exploring the art of storytelling. Every example we read is dissected for its political correctness, rather than for plot, character arcs, or language. The teacher appears fixated on whether the text does enough “moral heavy lifting,” as if virtue-signalling were the only goal of literature.
Reading this article gave me fresh courage to push back. It underscores that infiltration—pretending to go along with their worldview—only eats away at my own sense of integrity. Why should I tiptoe around their performative smooth-brained strutting ? If anything, this piece has emboldened me to call out the absurdity of constantly forcing every narrative into a straitjacket of PC moralizing.
Going forward, I plan to speak up, point out the obvious inconsistencies, and challenge the bizarre assumption that every piece of fiction must wear its “woke” credentials on its sleeve. If that means confrontation, so be it. At least then, I’m retaining my agency. This article’s argument—that genuine change calls for moral clarity over meek infiltration—resonates perfectly with the frustration I’m feeling in this class.
For those still doompilling: as JC notes, there are lots of opportunities for those on the Right to throw their efforts, big and small, into the breach and continue to push ashore. Think of what 47 has done as nothing more than establishing a beachhead in an amphibious assault. To be truly successful, you have to sustain the momentum. Follow-on forces have to pour into that salient before the enemy regroups, counterattacks, and pushes you back into the sea. You have to get past all of that and into the enemy's rear-area (heh) and that's where the real work is.
There are so many opportunities for glory on the battlefield here. All of that grift and graft that's being exposed needs follow up - not just to stop it by EO, but to reclaim what was taken through that (now-exposed) fraud. There are mechanisms and ways to do this and there are those who even now are marshalling for this next set of actions.