I recently enrolled in a creative writing course, hoping to hone my craft among like-minded enthusiasts. Instead, I found myself surrounded by what can only be described as a cabal of disgenics—intellectually stunted classmates and a teacher who seems more interested in moral policing than in exploring the art of storytelling. Every example we read is dissected for its political correctness, rather than for plot, character arcs, or language. The teacher appears fixated on whether the text does enough “moral heavy lifting,” as if virtue-signalling were the only goal of literature.
Reading this article gave me fresh courage to push back. It underscores that infiltration—pretending to go along with their worldview—only eats away at my own sense of integrity. Why should I tiptoe around their performative smooth-brained strutting ? If anything, this piece has emboldened me to call out the absurdity of constantly forcing every narrative into a straitjacket of PC moralizing.
Going forward, I plan to speak up, point out the obvious inconsistencies, and challenge the bizarre assumption that every piece of fiction must wear its “woke” credentials on its sleeve. If that means confrontation, so be it. At least then, I’m retaining my agency. This article’s argument—that genuine change calls for moral clarity over meek infiltration—resonates perfectly with the frustration I’m feeling in this class.
It is quite likely that you are not the only one in that classroom grinding your teeth.
Ultimately, though, that professor will never be convinced to abandon her ideology. She simply needs to be replaced. Academia in general will need to be purged.
Academia as we know it needs to be burned to the ground and then rebuilt. Every communist removed and jailed or executed, whichever is appropriate. McCarthy was right. Great work John!
The way we educate our kids is inefficient and ineffective. They sit in parallel rows trying to decipher what the instructor is scribbling on a black or whiteboard while simultaneously trying to understand the topic, hoping they can figure it out later. I haven't been inside a classroom in decades but I don't think it's changed for the better.
The most intense learning experience of my life was the year I spent every waking hour at home cramming for the SAT and Advanced Placement tests for college admission. I learned every aspect of English. I studied everything from basic geometry to calculus. I read a 20-volume science encyclopedia cover to cover. In the end, I knew more than my teachers, and I aced nearly all of the tests. My senior year of high school was mostly independent study because they had nothing left to teach me.
My most memorable college course was an elective geology course I took as a freshman at Caltech. We climbed hills and looked down on the San Andreas fault snaking its way through a valley, then drove to a place where we could see the layers of ground-up rocks where the Pacific and North American plates meet and touch the fault itself. We camped and slept under the stars. We searched for fossils. We handled moon rocks. We met famous scientists and discussed their research. Up in the hills, we met a woman out walking her tiger. It was 50 years ago, and I ultimately ended up in a different career than I originally intended, but I still remember that adventurous Spring.
We need teachers who aren't bureaucratic drones; tracking to weed out the hopeless students from the rest; and a system of learning tailored to each student. This is 2025, and we can catch 200-ton rockets flying back to their launch pads. We have the technology to appropriately educate our children if we can break free of our ideological delusions.
"The way we educate our kids is inefficient and ineffective. They sit in parallel rows trying to decipher what the instructor is scribbling on a black or whiteboard while simultaneously trying to understand the topic, hoping they can figure it out later. I haven't been inside a classroom in decades but I don't think it's changed for the better."
I put four kids through a partial public school meat grinder, and pulled them out of public school after a series of ridiculous events, the final straw being my oldest having his bicycle destroyed by students while he watched, with his teacher egging the students on to do everything they could to break it. The teacher in question bragged repeatedly about being the only felony-possessing teacher in the school, apparently having been convicted of arson, and somehow slipped through the H.R. cracks when he was hired as a teacher.
The other three kids had similarly ludicrous experiences, with teacher after teacher attempting to destroy the souls of any boys who dare cross paths with them. Most of the neighborhood boys were on various psych meds by the time they were 12 and 13, and all of the ones we knew dropped out by 10th grade in high school.
If you were pretty or your parents were rich, however, you amazingly had a really good life as a student.
I have a sibling who is the superintendent of schools, and is desperately attempting to get ducks in a row to retire, the sibling talks about their experiences as if channeling Marlon Brando in "Apocalypse Now!", yet still stays with the job because of...benefits.
That oldest child is now a parent, and gets a bit angry whenever asked about public school, the in-laws are hardcore Boomers and won't shut up about the benefits of public school.
I was referring to the teaching method when I said I don't think it's any better. I've watched some of Leonard Susskind's physics lectures, and they're the same as I experienced. The social and behavioral environment is another story. I went to all-White Catholic schools through high school, so I experienced none of the pathologies of diversity. It was a different time, and it might as well have been a different planet.
I'm not sure that there is a one-size-fits-all teaching method from any source. The initial problem, for me anyway, is that boys and girls seem to have different attention spans, different motivations, different interests, and that's just the beginning. And then there's the type of instruction that best fits a student.
In regard to that observation, on occasion, I've been tasked with training new employees while employed in often wildly different career paths, not because I was spectacular at the task, but for some reason, the new recruit seemed to be able to get up and running/adapt to the new job the quickest with me doing the training.
It was primarily an issue with trying to quickly determine how best the student/new employee/fresh meat learned, and proceeding from there.
Did he or she learn best from simply reading about how to do it/your blackboard? Verbal instruction/talking about what's on the blackboard or skipping the blackboard entirely? Leaving them to figure it out on their own/sit next to them and read a newspaper, while also being there if they have any questions? Demonstrating by example/physically recreating a process for them to see?
Me personally, I learn best by seeing the process being done beforehand, I tend to overthink instruction manuals (picture visuals are interesting at times due to the two-dimensional nature of, well, pictures), and realize there's enough gibberish in almost everyone's vocabulary to make vocal instruction without visual cues being the worst way for me personally to process something new.
On a side note: I personally despise most math teachers, simply because no two I encountered were able to teach math the same way, and never managed to get past a basic pre-algebra course, despite getting desperate later on and actually paying professionals to learn...and naturally it was only after shelling out several grand that it was pointed out that I might have a mild touch of dyscalculia, in that the numbers seem to move around.
In other words, it's been my observation that math teachers only speak the language they know, and if the students can't pick it up, well it must be a communication problem on the student's end, never mind I think it's entirely the opposite and that those same math teachers need an English teacher as an interpreter.
How does this apply to your original point? I am pointing out that there is no functional, one-size-fits-all teaching method that actually works, and that any larger classroom setting is merely attempting to mold/bend/force a large group of students into learning exactly the same way. If I toss in the general belief that modern-ish classrooms are actually training modules for factory assembly lines ("Okay, everyone take a five minute break and get back to your conveyor belt before the whistle blows!"), and that for whatever reason, Americans find it incredibly easy to keep their kids in potentially dangerous environments (enter the school bully, some abused child with incredible and disruptive psych issues, or terrible teacher/other school employee) whereas if they personally had to work in similar situations, they'd quit immediately...any child entering a large classroom-format school is already several steps in the hole.
Add to that a classroom's tendency to move at the pace of the slowest student...whose slowness could be due to anything I previously outlined above being an issue, or the child could simply be genuinely a slow learner...this is an additional challenge to any child entering the non-magical Hogwarts School of Public Employee Union Members.
There are some benefits to private schools, but if anything, any class size over five or six students is mostly a waste of time, and that's even if everything is going well. I haven't even gotten into whether or not the subjects being taught are of any solid or possible interest of a student, as demonstrated previously, I suck at math, and because I've had nothing but problems (schools and colleges are sexual about the concept of "the well-rounded student" to inflate their earnings/tuition), I am therefore about as interested in math as I am interested in the idea of thinking that if I'm quick enough, I can stop a garbage disposal with my bare hands.
To that end, I've had several stories published, I wrote for a few online news businesses for nearly a decade, I've been a content creator for numerous entities both here and overseas (the overseas gigs were legendarily unhinged, at one point I was sent images of a business owner who was in a fetal position under his desk due to something I had written being an emotional trigger for something completely and entirely unrelated to what I had written, the subject being...a single paragraph), I've ran three businesses, I've managed other businesses, am something of a historian over several subjects, occasionally write the odd joke or satire story (okay, a lot of them), and somehow managed to do all of that while publicly dissing math and the people who teach it.
But if you don't have those math skills...and accompanying divorce rates...most colleges will lock you out of the system with extensive math requirements for almost every degree offered.
I was a teacher for decades so that I could have the hours of my own kids.
There’s a huge shortage of teachers now anyway, because most women just wanted to have the hours of their own kids and the Department of Ed, are always pushing longer hours.
School is not what you think. It’s really bad for the kids. They are being told what to do every minute of the day. This does not create thinking people. They are treated like crap as well.
And why not? Already publicly murdered his reputation unjustly because women got in line to do drugs and have sex with him to cause divorce and hypergamisly marry him.
Consensual when he was sexy wealthy and powerful, and acted the perfect father role model to likely millions of children and young adults. Everyone's TV dad when destroying fatherhood was the new Feminist goal and so many children-fathers suffered from it.
So, active State directed tacking down some of all those now bitter cat-ladies willing to spew poison vomit for their own consensual sexual power-plays that failed .. Bill C that is best known as everyone's Faher-model and the core of so many now adults and parents.
Was the attack on Bill alone - or was fatherhood and the psychological damage it would do to so many of us?
And why was legal double-jeopardy ignored? Because our Sick vicious womanhood must see him hanged? Some other reason?
I don't know if we even need to bother getting up from our chairs, judging by what I'm seeing in regards to falling enrollment numbers (men are pretty much exiting college stage left and leaving the women to get all the swanky, make-it-up-as-you-go-along-or-simply-borrow-and-rename-something-from-Freud-or-Jung, theoretical-only psychology degrees), the problem may eventually correct itself.
I bailed on the academic scene at UVIC in 2012 feeling as much as seeing that the wave of LIBTARDism was a growing wall of insanity hundreds of feet high and I was ankle deep in water about to get CLOBBERED. Like the time at King's Beach, Caloundra in Aussie when I was seventeen and nearly drowned, same situation after a hurricane in Townsville caused 20' swell and I went body surfing for the first time. Got my head whacked on a sandy bottom and was passed out at the bottom of the ocean - had an out of body experience in a black ''construct'' in which my own voice urged me to awaken and RISE. I came back to consciousness crawling out of the ocean and vowed not to make the same mistake again. After watching the surf for many hours over the next few days I got back in, this time armed with flippers and a boogie board, and learned that TRUE JOY may be found while FLYING through a giant twenty foot glasslike tube made of water as a giant wave hurls you forward towards the beach - inside the glass tube, in full control of your position thanks to the extra thrust of the flippers and elevated position the board allowed. It's easy to state that ''academia will need to be purged'', but it's going to take time. My boomer relatives are still posting absurdly anti-Trump and anti-right nonsense on FB - and those putting their faith in Pierre are likely to be disappointed - he's proven that he'll obviously just follow whichever way the wind blows to his advantage after the fact. We need a revolutionary leader in Canada, big time. It's not Trump, obviously, but maybe the HUGE RIGHT WIN to the south can help install the right man for the job. Whoever and wherever he may be at this hour. It's time to RISE.
Kudos to Jason for surviving and understanding this.
My sojourn at UVic (1970-79) was spent in the Elliott Building so I was slightly distanced from his experience, but in retrospect I now understand that it was rising even then.
I read your essay as very US centric, and have seen very little evidence of potential improvement here. I read Canada as 95% indulging in TDS, although considering the Truckers' Convoy I might trim that to 70%.
I recall the PNE in 1963 (it was still reasonable for two pre-teens to wander around Playland with a bit of change for rides) where some people were handing out "Diefenbucks" worth 93 cents US when we had previously been at USD par. The 7% deterioration was a direct attack on our last populist government. In 2025 nary a word has been uttered when the loonie entered the 68 cent range last week. I see the American curtailment of the administrative state as a considerable hazard for Canada, as there is no equivalent potential here. AfD in Germany and Reform in the UK might be able to respond appropriately but I am not hopeful that the PP Conservatives here have the gumption and ability to purge our bureaucratic masters.
I fear that a 50 cent loonie is in our future.
Maxime Bernier, as a Quebecoise, is too concerned with government matters to engage the population in our economic and existential (I loved the Prussians essay) hazard.
The electoral situation in Canada in grim, and the population is one of the most heavily propagandized on the planet.
Then again: would they take up arms to defend Canada? I strongly doubt it. Their performative anti-Americanism is paper thin. Except perhaps amongst boomer women … and I don't think they actually matter so much. What will matter is what young Canadian men (Canadian, not immigrant) think.
If Trump and DOGE succeed, they will be a template that others can follow. I see no one else in the Anglosphere who is comparable and who could take up arms against their own regimes, but they may appear. The country that I'm most afraid will be lost is the UK. They are too far gone, and reconquest will be necessary.
Cheers rjt. I spent a lot of time in the Clearihue building and the library - it was a thrill that library - it looks so corporate now - the differences in appearance and experience between my first and second sojourns in there (1999-2000 and 2011-2012) were like night and day. This is partly due to the fact that my B.a. was in English (2000) and I went back after being an expat for years in 2012 for a PDP in the Education department and man, was it DIFFERENT. The woke and 4rth wave feminist hate movements had dug in and started to dominate by 2012 whereas there was still a sense in 2000 of connection to the original purpose of the Academy - the ancient Greek tradition of the pursuit of Knowledge and human understanding. By 2012 it felt like the campus was in the grips of ideological warfare with no holds bared and no punches pulled, and from what I know now, it only got worse over the next decade and has become practically a total PC/WOKE libtard loss...
Intellectual wasteland/graveyard/boneyard, SAVAGE. I have stories...
We pretty much have a 50 cent loonie NOW given inflation and the lack of a matching rise in wages. Interesting the perspective on Bernier - I was hopeful he might be our AfD, but I lack the time to devote to digging in and what I'm hearing isn't what I expected.
I got lucky with a ''golden contract'' in Saudi teaching health and safety for a few years through American contacts and am looking to maybe go a similar route in Alberta in 2025/6. Helping to enable Canadian heavy industry (electrical+oil+gas) to flourish seems a more sane, intelligent, rational choice than hanging around BC working a minwage Joejob where a significant population of the under-40's are just RIPPED on psychadelic drugs and opioids, damn. At least I'm currently rural and due to several decades of hard work have the benefit of a peaceful homestead, old-growth cedar forests nearby, and a lot of physical labor and growing food to keep things in perspective!! If we are to have a future less bleak, thinking positively and forging a reality that's connected to tradition and our ancestors is certainly something to keep in mind.
Interesting video essay from V, a Romanian vlogger. He said many communist apparatchiks seamlessly went to shill for the new regime. Similarly I am sure many of the positions adopted are performative.
And for what it's worth, my teacher--a respected Shakespeare and Spenser scholar, and science fiction writer--predicted today's situation back in the mid 1980s.
One evening, about five years after I graduated, as we shared steaks and martinis at his favorite local dive, he reflected on what was happening to the college where he had taught for 35 years, my own alma mater. This was about a year before his forced retirement.
"Pretty soon," he said, "the number one qualification for a Ph.D. will be how many years you spent watching Marx on TV, on the Isle of Lesbos." I didn't doubt him, based on the trends I saw (I was in grad school then). But the precision of his prediction at that institution was uncannily accurate.
I.e., today's supposed "Shakespeare" professor at my undergrad alma mater, ostensibly replacing him in the roster, is a sex-obsessed shaved-head lesbian who pontificates about vampires and Sexy Handmaidens. For her, teaching "Shakespeare" means grinding various axes around her failure to mate. Excuse me, I mean, "Gender And Feminist Studies."
I doubt she's ever even heard of the Early English Text Society.
The current humanities departments should just be shuttered and reopened with entirely new staff. Total reboot from factory settings. No one with a lit PhD issued in the last twenty years need apply.
That's one possibility. Another is to recruit internally, from the very large number of young men who should be professors, but who were pushed out for unfashionable identities. Many frogs have a great depth of knowledge in literary and historical matters, and are well suited to being professors
Why not just shut down universities altogether for awhile till we get this stuff better sorted?
I mean, the only reason NOT to is wanting to retain the cachet of Degreed Superiority. In which parents/teenagers go into massive interest-bearing debt with the hope that renting a seat in the institution will allow them, upon graduation, to leapfrog ahead of, you know, lineworkers, welders, plumbers, pipefitters, riggers, logistics workers, janitors, facilities maintainers, etc.
Of course universities are little cities sustained by workers of that sort. So maybe we try putting them in charge of admissions selection. After all, they are the ones who keep it all running. Not the deanlets and advisers and counselors and administrators (with the exception of Margaret, who for decades now has run everything for six departments, nine deans, five special programs, and the president's office).
Agreed, eliminate the tenure and certification bottleneck.
It's a political filter, a litmus test to determine Hive suitability.
In the US, two accrediting institutions have a chokehold on the entire educational system; similar has now developed in our law colleges as well, so shut down the gripping hands and let self-selected councils of peers arise to judge. Craftsmen wlll know if you're talking spit or not.
My Shakespeare professor at the University of Toronto in 1994 was a wonderful man, Alexander Leggat. Not only a Shakespeare scholar but an actor who worked with Peter Brooke at the Royal Shakespeare Company. The love of the Bard's words shone through with each lecture. It's a tragedy students now can't benefit from that.
Men possessing genuine depth of knowledge born of passion for their chosen subjects have been squeezed out everywhere in favor of political performance artists.
Agreed. Actually, looking back on my two undergraduate degrees at U of T in the late 1990s my professors - mostly male - were well-respected veterans of their fields: professional, neutral, intellectually rigorous and all still wore jackets and ties to their lectures. I'm so thankful I was an undergrad in that era.
My teacher's mentor was Matthew Black. He was also a protege of Alfred Baugh. And his publications--on Spenser, Shakespeare, Elizabethan historical poetry, Roman Britain--I still read with awe (he gave me reprints of all of them).
My alma mater was a former military college. It had "gone civilian" very shortly before I matriculated there. Thus I had the advantage of being able to select as my teachers men who had spent decades turning boys into men. But the incursion of what-was-to-come was rapidly underway, as the liberal arts department was headed up by a jew whose vision was bringing in as many "international" students as fast as possible (especially from India), with federal and international aid money, then offering whatever courses they wanted. You might think they'd benefit from a Baugh-based course in "History of the English Language," but no--it would remind them of the Horrors of Colonial Oppression. And who needs Shakespeare or Spenser--the future belonged to INTERNATIONAL STUDIES.
Seeing how rapidly it all fell apart was a life-altering experience for me. I have waited and worked my entire life in the hopes that there would come a time when a stance might converge against the Lucrative Managed Decline. I'm still not sure we're there...because it has taken so long and so many are dead now who might have borne witness.
Your closing sentence is spot on, and I excised from my previous comments some thoughts on that very point. The amount of intellectual and moral larceny committed against generations of young people is what feeds the quiet anger that has sustained me since grad school. They are taught to despise that which they never even knew.
2-years in my 4-year BS degree in CS I spent summer work-study job in a basic medical research lab, a dream job that I was so well fitted for that the Lab PI (Head Scientist) offered to turn that position into a Staff Full Time job that would allow me to finish my degree with 1/2 normal load.
Part of his desire to hire me was that in a short time that summer I wrote computer code that better controlled the experimental equipment and collected-displayed data, as well as code to easily apply filters and statistics etc. He had actual publishable data from my work, and wanted more of what I could do.
So, he set-up the new position and the University publish the position for applications - required. I filled out an application that happen to match the job skill set perfectly, of course, and handed it into HR department.
The feminist Quota 'hire no white men' HR department 'lost' my application. The PI never got it from the pile of others mailed or handed in. Innocently I went back and filled out another and told them in HR that my first application was lost and the PI was expecting to get this .. if I had suspected something I would have stayed silent and we (PI and me) could see if it disappeared again, and perhaps 3-times would be peer-review publishable.
Over the first few years the job went from Dream Job I danced into work every morning to a kind of living-hell, confused and abused by man-hating meritless women staffers and co-workers I did not understand. I had worked and studied and socialized very well with men and women for many years and 2 different states before moving into this Witch-filled Satanic hell-hole all around the part of the State that University Poisoned.
Confused because I had never ran into demonic-possessed evil women before, and did not believe real witches existed, that the older generations hanged were really witches, etc.
Now when I hear of a school or workplace shooter I hope to myself that he only killed those Witched and minions that actively targeted him, and when someone states that a man should never hit a woman I ask them why not? You wake-up and girlfriend holding penis and knife ready to throw in garbage disposal and go on 'the view' where the Sick vile womanhood vomits laughter? I usually follow with having personal experiences with woman that it might be best to throw off a tall building foe self and others protection.
Sex-segregation in education, employment, and never a woman have power over others is my clear belief. No power like voting, no unsupervised child raising or educating and the like, for maybe a few generations, at least.
Sure, you know some woman that should be fine with that power .. yet are ignorant of Blood Bank studies of Parental Fraud that found 1/3 of the 90,000 children-families studied had the wrong impossible father listed, or that a 3-year study of a good police department found that over 40% of the filed rape accusations were false?
.. Sure, head-up-ass Vag-Supremacy worshipping castrated belly crawling white-knight, you know of one woman .. like the tall Chinese?
'Red Pill moment'
Basically I was raised with a lot of Feminist lies, these were realized along with the Betrayal of so many women I trusted and they poisoned my life from the crib, so much needless failure, suffering, confusion, .. all my life goals and possible success was dead before I left home as an adult. 50+ years of poisoned life, love-joy-hope was murdered from childhood.
My moment caused a 'Psychic Death' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ego_death in a kind of Ego-Reset that I later realized included the ejection of the Generational Demon that had blinded me, actively, with specific delusions that was blocking me from some key lies.
And followed a religious conversion. It would require pages to outline this fully. This prevented the Red-Rage, transforming it into a Black Pill and then White Pill in God's Love.
I've found reading from the late 19th to mid-20th century to be the most fulfilling and insightful. Anything after that is sporadic at best. Currently, there's Faulks for example, but his recent work has gone downhill on the woke train. Any recommendations?
Choose your battles wisely - it takes many a successful triumph to win the war - and the hybrid war is at fever pitch now, all levels, all lines, all minds.....
Share this with your prof and tell him/her that art isn't social work and that if they want to help the poor, soup kitchens are always looking for help.
(Is from the Preface to "Mademoiselle De Maupin" by Théophile Gautier, 1894)
"What purpose does this book serve? How can it be applied to securing the moral and spiritual well-being of the most numerous and poorest class? What! not a word of the needs of society, nothing civilizing and progressive! How, instead of dealing synthetically with the great problems of humanity and following through the events of history, can you waste time writing poetry and novels which lead to nothing, and which do nothing to help the generation forward in the pathway of the future? How can you concern yourself about form and style and rhythm, in presence of such grave interests?"
No, fools, no, cretins and goitrous creatures that you are, a book does not make gelatine soup;—a novel is not a pair of seamless boots; a sonnet is not a syringe with a continuous stream; a drama is not a railroad,—all essentially civilizing things and tending to assist humanity along the pathway of progress.
By the bowels of all the popes, past, present, and to come, no, two hundred thousand times no.
I know that there are those who prefer windmills to churches, and the bread that feeds the body to that that feeds the soul. To them I have nothing to say. They deserve to be economists in this world and also in the other.
Nothing is really beautiful but that which cannot be made use of; everything that is useful is ugly, for it is the expression of some need, and the needs of man are vile and disgusting, like his poor, weak nature.
If students are allowed to bring texts for analysis, search and pick ones written by sources you think the teacher approves of.
But choose examples that are "problematic". Old Testament-stuff f.e. or something from the Koran or Talmud, or Baghavadghita if religious. Gulliver's Fourth Journey (the one with the hiorses) or Beatrix Potter - plenty of imaginary subtext in her shorts - or Chinua Achebe's "Things fall apart" ("toxic masculinity" galore, but as a cultural feature of an African tribe), and so on.
A good teacher would enjoy the challenge, and laud the student for bringing something with some "meat on the bone" so to speak. A bad teacher objects to such a challenge.
I might just do that if provided the opportunity - I think several class members would have a heart attack and start “questioning” the text a lot though.
It’s inefficient and ineffective by design. You got an education because you did it yourself, without the help of the educated. Inefficient and ineffective indeed.
For those still doompilling: as JC notes, there are lots of opportunities for those on the Right to throw their efforts, big and small, into the breach and continue to push ashore. Think of what 47 has done as nothing more than establishing a beachhead in an amphibious assault. To be truly successful, you have to sustain the momentum. Follow-on forces have to pour into that salient before the enemy regroups, counterattacks, and pushes you back into the sea. You have to get past all of that and into the enemy's rear-area (heh) and that's where the real work is.
There are so many opportunities for glory on the battlefield here. All of that grift and graft that's being exposed needs follow up - not just to stop it by EO, but to reclaim what was taken through that (now-exposed) fraud. There are mechanisms and ways to do this and there are those who even now are marshalling for this next set of actions.
Precisely so. We have a beachhead, the enemy are panicking and disorganized, but they are also furious. One thing I should have emphasized is that if we DON'T follow through, their retribution will be shockingly brutal.
But, I think that morale is high, the momentum is with us, and eagerness for revenge and change is a widespread and powerful fuel.
Yes, their retribution will be unbelievably brutal if it is allowed to take place. Look at how they treated people who did *nothing* to them - white people, men, unvaccinated people, cops. All these groups were attacked for simply being.
Now that they are truly angry, these lunatics will use the state's monopoly on violence to viciously go after Americans.
That's why I like to hammer on the point that libs killed blacks with the jab. Libs are complete pieces of shit, and they will gin up violence. We should do everything in our power to make sure it is visited upon them by their own coalition while the rest of us move forward reforming or destroying their institutions.
Not just Americans. Brainwashed lib. Canucks might lose their veneer of politeness this year with the election looming in October, even the woketard new-age acid stoner hippies that rub shoulders with hardened burly axe-wielding lumberjacks and rednecks from Alberta in my neck of the woods in BC. Probably a good time to shore up your psyop and physical defenses and WATCH YER ASS!!! Also, I have a rule: ''Contingencies will save yerass''. Lastly, you might be a redneck if you think HARASS is two words.
Let me guess, with that description you live in Nelson, or at least in the Slocan Valley? "woketard new-age acid stoner hippies" living alongside "burly axe-wielding lumberjacks and rednecks from Alberta" kind of gave it away :) (No need to out yourself, btw, I just appreciated the description!)
Thanks for the laugh, and the memories (used to live there once upon a time).
(You didn't say draft dodgers - the original stoner hippies if memory serves; I presume they've mostly died out and we're on to the next gen now)
I'm a 4rth gen. local here - North end of Kootenay Lake - not afraid to ''out meself'', as my personal history is so radically, insanely unusual that any judgements made will most likely be way off - and I've been in motion constantly since my teens - but you hit the nail square with current geography!! I came back to settle down in my home and native land after 16 years abroad (with summer vacations off here consistently throughout) to find that I was just as comfortable in Asian dive bars playing rock and roll music onstage with drunken savage expats as here - more so in some ways - but the trees and the lakes remain as beautiful as ever, for now. I'm a world-bridger - fit in with pretty much any crowd around here but not a fan of the more drug heavy ketamine crew and hardcore racist rednecks. The self-styled hillbillies are OK, but I have boundaries of personal decency and respect and don't like hearing the N word tossed around too much unless it's a Dave Chappelle re-ennacment.
Also, I've gone pretty hardcore alt-dissident-right lately, with all that entails sooooooo...... Alberta here I come!! Maybe...
Our own retribution should be, if not shockingly brutal, at least firmly punitive. The tribes have been well defined and the battle lines drawn, so there is no point engaging in the folly of pretending that there can be any unity.
TRUE AND TRUE. I also took a month away from Subst*ck, calling it a reading break after Wilhelm (zee apologist) put me onto Imperiumpr*ss and I got into 'The Cultured Thug' and 'The Populist Delusion', deciding to treat them as my own curriculum in a self-administered M.a. lvl. course, since there were no options at that level at any Canadian institutions that I could see that would offer me these options without expecting me to denounce them (&myself) as the foulest, most deranged rhetoric (&individual)!! The Populist Delusion was rather academic, but brilliant and true in its analysis - almost disturbingly so re: party politics. The Cultured Thug was *exhilarating*, straight up. After the experiences of the past two decades this is a book every self-respecting white male still standing needs on his personal reading list. I've quit my wage slave gig and am moving on to higher earning potential job possibilities looking at several training options presently - after a break to catch my breath and kick some summer butt around the homestead and online. It's been a RUSH (&rather exhausting). Time for the supporting team to kill adds while our DPS BURNS THE DECREPIT LIBTARD MF BOSSes. Now's the time, and the time is NOW. Keep it up!!!
The beast isn’t dead yet… remember how close the Germans came to breaking through at Bastogne. Utmost attention and personal protection for our leaders is now required. The deep state will not go down without a fight.
"You can just say things now. And you should say things."
* 99.99% of western-world peoples have a blind-spot for BigPharma medical. Including Trump.
* Injecting poisons into muscles and veins is 10,000 times more toxic than ingesting poisons via the mouth into the stomach (of seed oils, glyphosate, tap water, etc).
* Putting aside as to whether or not TPTB would force a stock market crash upon hearing the following from Trump,... Trump could (against his gut (?)) choose to start bad-mounting medical doctors, medical scientists, and public health [sic] officials—as a group. Doing so would create a new beachhead.
* War Secretary Pete Hegseth could then follow-up with an order stopping poison-injections of the Troops, saying it's effecting 'mission readiness' -- too many illnesses (symptoms of poisoning) caused directly as result of the poison-injections.
* The above would give HHS Secretary Bobby Kennedy "license" to go in deep and mop up.
We still have a few battlefields to crawl onto with this new admin...but with a little free speech, we are battle ready...and will hold their social media feet to the fire.
And, I'm hoping for the best for the UK...and all nations - that this astonishing revolutionary momentum might permeate the globe and inspires all to throw some flames and come boldly out of that cage...and to say things, LOUDLY...and do things...BOLDLY
The revolution cannot be limited to the United States. It must spread to Europe as well, a remorseless revolutionary movement to restore western civilization.
Aristotle held that courage is the greatest virtue because it enables all the others. He was right. It is contagious. Speak the truth and we will shatter the empire of lies and free ourselves.
History will note that Donald Trump’s courage was his greatest virtue.
Indeed. Here in the UK it's effectively a police state. Any word of wrongspeak is not tolerated. There's still rainbow crosswalks, rainbow buses, rainbow trains and a lot of blue hair self-righteousness. I think many people are quietly fed up with it but the courage to speak out in general is starting to build thanks to 47.
Regardless of political circumstances, the cultural effects of what's happening in DC right now will be profound. Much of the tyranny relies on people being bullied to keep their heads down. If they start speaking out more…
We keep trying to hold Trump's feet to the fire on the DeathJabs...but his picks for his medical team are triggering us...and a cancer vax seriously set our hair on fire. But, we will not only NOT COMPLY, we will, and actually are, raging against it all...
We're hoping, but we can't be sure...Bourla thinks he's not radical at all...and he tells the congressional committee that he is not anti-vax and that his kids are vaxxed...we're hoping he's gaslighting them...a big head fake?
Isn't Canada vaxxing young children again...? OMG...Be still my heart.
RFKJ knows what needs to be done, but will he be muzzled and neutered and play along? The red dye, that won't be eliminated from our food supply until 2027? Rather an insulting and ridiculous scrap of fake meat...
Time will tell. But we have to get him in there before we can unload on him if he lets us down...😍
Elon posted how USAID came to be DOGE’s first target. DJT issued the total funding freeze just to see who squealed the loudest, and DOGE watched for who violated the order the most. That turned out to be USAID, and away they went.
Trump taking on the juggernaut of Pharma PR and The Sackler Method (vertically integrated product research, development, marketing/propaganda, and prescribing, coupled with data harvesting) in general would be one of the greatest turning-hinges in human history.
That Entity has been responsible for billions of deaths and untold suffering.
Pharma PR firms cleaned up bigtime in the "covid" operation...and trillions more were disbursed not as PR contracts/fees but as "public" agency handouts to the likes of Kaiser Permanente, Pfizer, etc.
Thing is, it can't happen without a robust gang of Digital Warriors in the trenches and making beachfall. There are vastly many people who STILL believe that Pharma is "health care" rather than "symptom management for profit."
And how can they not, when we all know that the only place you have to turn when something physically troubling happens is the Pharma borg/matrix.
I suspect DJT is a vax dissenter. I recall him Tweeting on the connection between stabs and autism long before he announced his POTUS run in June '15.
News from the UK: Reform now consistently polls higher than any other party. It's more popular than not only the withered and dying conservatives, but also more popular than the party that won the election less than a year ago. It's also the most popular party amongst young men, period. Labour will certainly try to blow things up before they leave, and they may even try to create a permanent left wing dictatorship by granting the vote to imported migrants from reliably left-wing parts of the world (i.e. Muslim). But they will face the ignomy every day of being told they are hated, again and again, with every new poll that comes in.
Reform barely existed 10 months ago. The snap election was called at an unexpected time specifically to throw Farage off balance. Yet Reform is now rapidly professionalising and building out alliances. Prime Minister Farage would have sounded like a joke just five years ago, it now sounds like destiny.
If Labour does something so stupid as to try to stack the electorate with non-British even more than it’s already been stacked, they will be removed by other means. It is already impossible for them to pretend that they have the support of the actual British people.
Maybe. Left wing dictatorships have remarkable staying power. People overindex on the USSR and forget North Korea, China, Vietnam, Cuba and arguably the EU. They can enable massive abuses by a tiny minority for decades or centuries - collapse is not inevitable, apparently.
But I don't think Labour will do that. They talk about it, but I hope and pray that's all it is.
Yes, Morgoth expects the UK to end up as Woke North Korea. God I hope not. Working against that outcome is that, unlike NK, which is propped up by the PRC, the UK would most certainly not be getting propped up by the US.
As long as nothing truly left field happens, I think Britain will successfully catch up. I might be biased having hailed from the sceptred isle originally, but I think GB has the key ingredients to follow the USA:
1. It is out of the EU. Nothing would have been possible were that not the case.
2. It has a popular Trump-like figure in Farage, but one uniquely adapted to the British political landscape.
3. It has an energetic new political movement that's rapidly assembling a counter-elite (people like Matt Goodwin).
4. It isn't hamstrung by proportional representation or stupid "cordon sanitaires" like a lot of Europe is.
5. The current US administration would be friendly (of course, by the time Labour is out, the Republicans might also be out, but it's not nothing).
These things aren't decisive, but they're the seeds from which rebuilding can occur.
Feels like I'm spamming, butting in on every conversation.
Canada is in the position to be self-sufficient on food, energy, water and housing.
The UK is 1005 dependent on imports for most everything. Not even converting the entire island into a farm would help.
This is something that must be taken into account. Trump can rule by diktat due to how the US system is set up, but more importantly because the US is a huge economy and can go self-sufficient on most essentials.
Imagine if a smaller nation, say Sweden, was to elect someone with a 51% majority, who then started acting the same way Trump does. We'd get sanctioned immediately, then embargoed, then boycotted and we'd be under continuous financial war from Blob-affiliated oligarchs.
Canada need not fear that due to its abundance of natural resources; UK is home to banking clans and capitalist cartels - so Canada can weather embargoes and such; UK can weather financial assaults (since banking clans don't like shooting themselves in the foot).
While the focus on memes, woke, and cultural war has merit - as the tiller tilts, the time is coming to consider Lenin's question:
"What is to be done?"
And that means looking at the practical matters too, and getting the signal/noise about that we can do this. That there are legions of practically minded men and women who can do good for the people and the nation, if power can be wrested from the Blobists.
Unfortunately. I'm no expert on the PPC, but if Trump offered Bernier a few dozen billion dollars and full US tech support, I wonder if that might do it..... Where's GENERAL SOLO when you need him?!!
Farage is still a laughing stock to the British liberal-left elite and their middle-class wannabes. But the majority working class are having none of it and that's where victory lies. It's kind of funny to think, considering the Left is historically so pro-worker, that the workers are now turning against them.
But look at the trans issue. The first real pushback came from leftie feminists in the UK.
You might not like them being lefty and feminist BUT first and foremost they've got plain common sense & stubbornness. Plenty more where that came from
They don't have common sense and trans activism is born of the left. Feminists created it by insisting there's no difference between men and women beyond the cosmetic, and that women should be treated as if they are men at all times. Well, if there are no fundamental differences between genders then a bit of surgery can turn you from one into the other, right? It's only logical.
That's why most trans activists are left wing females. There is nothing here for the left to crow about, it's the left that's split on the issue and the right which isn't.
As long as they have the corporations and the banks on their side, they'll keep at it.
If and when an opponent can sway the oligarchs away from Labour (in the UK), then they wither have to go full dictatorship-mode (Cuba f.e.) or crumble DDR-style.
(Obviously, DDR crumbled for different reasons, I'm alluding to the peaceful virtually spontaneous and automatic collapse during '89.)
The EU is a different matter entire, and I think China, not the USSR, is the best comparison.
Brexit didn't start an avalanche like the breakup of the Soviet bloc because the Tories sabotaged the whole process. If we were to have a serious Gexit or Frexit, I think we might get a cascade. Or perhaps even a coalition of small countries. China is much more cohesive that the EU.
I’ve been thinking a lot of this time years ago when my then-boyfriend and I were driving through Glendale, CA. It was dinnertime, and we were talking about how we were hungry. We happened to pass a restaurant we’d never noticed before and randomly decided to go there and eat. (This was pre-Yelp.) The restaurant was crowded with workers; all the tables were set; the phone was ringing nonstop — and yet we were the only customers. At first we told each other the restaurant must be good and more customers would be showing up, or there wouldn't so many people working there. A waiter took our order and eventually brought us food, which tasted bland. By the time we left, we’d decided the restaurant was some kind of front, but we had no idea for what. The restaurant served food, but its main function was not to serve food. And now it just seems like the whole of government has been like that for years to an extent that has surprised even me. The government governs, but that’s not its main function. Its main function has been to spend our money.
I think of a couple of young men I knew who died of drug overdoses; a friend who told me that two boys from her kids’ school committed suicide on the same day; an old friend I had lunch with who said her son was now her daughter — all of the tragedies large and small over the years that didn’t have to happen. It takes a lot for me not to hate the people who didn’t care, who bought homes in DC with our money while young men died. As far as the DOGE people ripping through the bureaucracy, I’m glad that they’re smart young guys — this is their battle, and it could and should not be any other way.
Akiko- what you went too was indeed a front. They are places where illegals can get counterfeit documents, stolen SSN#, pay for transport to other areas, prostitution and related (including drug pick ups/ drop offs too). There are hundreds if not thousands of such setups in California, as well as most large cities in ‘blue states’. Next time turn around and go to Taco Bell instead. ;)
Speaking of doing things, how about we create more worthwhile art from the ground up? Patronage networks should form. Art rooted in tradition, virtue, wonder, and action. Not just books like Theft of Fire (a fine addition to my reading list) but all forms of new media. A renaissance of art and culture, and of a reverence for truth and beauty.
Destroying the nonsense the left has created is a noble endeavour, but in time it will need to be replaced with something else -- something worthwhile on a cultural level. Something that resonates and transcends. Many lament the left's art of late -- myself included -- but more competent fiction must come to the fore if hegemonic power is to be retained far into the future. Victory is not won through merely one battle, however large.
Art is an extremely important arena. I suspect we may be in for a Renaissance, in that respect. There is widespread fatigue with ugliness and “message” art.
Consider looking into architecture and architect training (the aestehical side) if you have the time and inclination: a big part of conditioning us has been the now 70 years long push (and putsch!) of Brutalism. Ugly by intent, as a style.
I'm sure I've linked to this at some point before?
That's something I'd love see him doing if he visits Brussels f.e. - call out the ugly-on-purpose modern architecture.
"Look, you used to build so beautiful houses, palaces and castles even, we wanted to buy them and transport them to the States. Now look at all those ugly boxes! So sad."
Another excellent article John - very glad you're back!
I whole-heartedly agree we need to start thinking like winners. We need to stop thinking of ourselves as the opposition and start thinking of ourselves as the new Regime. (I especially like your idea of replacing illegal migrant workers with laid-off government bureaucrats! Excellent!)
But it's a mistake to assume that the left has been permanently defeated.
No way - unfortunately.
Trump's enemies, OUR enemies ( and that's what they are -- enemies -- not 'political opponents', not 'critics', not 'adversaries' -- enemies ) have been temporally pushed back, but they haven't been defeated. It only seems that way because they've been relatively quiet lately.
DOGE not withstanding, right now Deep-Leftists are in hiding, shrouded in the bowels of the dark bureaucratic machine; cloward and pivening away, day and night, like some over-credentialed Snidely Whiplash. They're sharpening their plans -- and waiting. They seldom let a crisis go to waste, and we can expect to hear from them again when the next crisis comes along. They might very well be engineering the next crisis as we speak.
Remember, the left plays the long-game exceptionally well.
When they think the time is right they'll be back with a vengeance. So don't be surprised.
Trump announced on Truth social before his inauguration that he had 1000 vetted staff ready to go. We now know they were ready to hit it hard the first day. Trump didn’t do the normal thing of waiting for confirmations and then to get settled into the office, instead like a blitzkrieg. Trump certainly hit the ground with some highly qualified, mutually supporting teams. It’s not just a young coders. There’s a lot of senior people in there, They know where to look, and these coders know how to look like no one ever before. This is brilliant. It is blitzkrieg.
It turns out that stealing the 2020 election was a mistake by the Dems, it created a necessary space for us to Marshall resources. Trump won in 2020 but didn’t get the office and if he had I think he would’ve remained ineffectual.
The German blitzkrieg was a triumph of communication. The French had more tanks and better ones but since Guderian had started his career as a signals officer, every German tank had a radio. They were repeatedly able to get inside the OODA loop of the French. I think we are seeing something similar here with the networks that were set up in the Wilderness years.
I agree with the sentiment, however I disagree with the idea that Final Victory is at hand. What would need to be done for Final Victory is removing roughly 50% of [currently] legal citizens and deporting them to places they may never have been. Long jail terms for 10s perhaps 100s of thousands of 'public servants'. A new social code that includes the exclusion of racial others. Completely replace the education establishment with trusted people, even though we don't have trained people to take those positions.
Short of this, what we have is a breathing space to prepare for what is coming, and a time to laugh at the pain and suffering of libtards.
I'd also add that the current Regime does not necessarily agree with us on major issues; do not forget JD Vance is a figurehead for the techbros, and will in 2028 either be president or the loser to some shitlib who will rollback everything in a violent and brutal way.
Rejoice in the suffering of our enemies, speak out as the author suggests, but also prepare for what happens after the cheering.
> Completely replace the education establishment with trusted people, even though we don't have trained people to take those positions
In my experience inside the Ed Biz, we need fewer "trained people" and more intelligent, mature, kid-loving people who know how to get the foxtrot out of the way when a motivated youngster is trying to learn something.
Teachers are supposed to feed the hunger for learning. Not replace it with the latest fashions in centralized curriculum, dispensed from On High. The worst damage I've seen (including to myself) was from extremely motivated, too-well-trained, highly credentialed teachers for whom an active, curious child is a river to be dammed, not a miracle to be nurtured and protected and guided.
Especially true as to what happens to boys. My daughters, as middle schoolers, worked as assistants in a summer reading program that was basically designed to get black kids up to grade level. They observed that the boys just wouldn't read the books about various relationships that the girls took to. After some effort, my kids found books about rockets, dinosaurs, and robots. Problem solved. Since white boys also often read below grade level, the feminized curriculum is undoubtedly impacting them too.
As a (retired) teacher, I can testify to the truth in this.
Typically, books for students in compulsory school are about relationships, even if the framing and setting seems action/adventure-oriented. Girls love this, typically.
And boys don't. We want books about adventures and actions, where relationships are present as a part of that (Ivanhoe and Rebecca, Robin and Marian if romantic, Fogg and Passepartout, Holmes and Watson if Platonic ), but where the quest and the action is the driving force of the story.
I always let the students pick novels themselves - only vetoing if it was obvious the choice was made to minimise the effort required of them.
And the complaints of my colleagues when I let an entire class read "A Clockwork Orange". . . was glorious.
I'm super excited for the girlboss I worked with as a teenager who (for) now has a job doing HR at the State Department.
She's going to get a chance to do what so many of us straight white men have been doing our whole lives - exchange productive activity for monetary resources.
She's going to do great. I can't wait for us white guys to learn how it's done.
I share the sense that all this will spread around the West. People and elites here in Europe have no idea yet (some begin to suspect), but the jig is up.
Those who in one form or another depend on some aspect of the Blob should look for options and adapt. Wild times!
Even the more liberal-minded Europeans I talk to (which is most of the ones I encounter IRL) are dissatisfied, and somewhat resigned to the inevitability of the ‘far right’ coming to power. The problems have advanced beyond the capacity of people to ignore.
I've been reading about the AfD and see that something they're having to deal with is concern over the ''Nazi-hangover'' - which ostensibly they have nothing to do with - also - saw that they've already won a local election - I've been following the situation in Germany since Merkel opened the borders and marking the differences and similarities to Canada's immigration issues. The only thing that shocks me at this point is that the entire NATION isn't completely on board with the AfD, given rape stats, the ongoing violence, and the historical strength of German nationalism. I've also been reading Evola and Matzke on the ''Neue Sachlichkeit'' and as a long-time follower of English romantic traditions found it to be surprisingly appealing in its cold, hardline zenlike perspectives, "A heightened sensitivity towards that which transcends the human level''. Moustache-man is long gone. I hope they win.
At this point, anything 'far-right' is code for common sense, truth, honor, respect, tradition, beauty, genuine creative innovation. And possibly consensus.
The Democratic Party is a communist terrorist group. It is hell-bent on the destruction of United States of America and harming its citizens. Their actions through the decades have definitely proven this. The US Constitution is totally meaningless to them. The Democratic Party needs to be declared a terrorist organization and its members rounded up. They need removed from the country. This is called exiled. If not exiled, they need jailed for the rest of their communist lives. Our ancestors would’ve killed them. They are a direct threat to our children. They are a threat to our very lives. Fortunately, with the dismantling of the USAID, their source of income has hopefully ceased. Elon Musk is going through the rest of the government agencies to stop additional fraud. The United States was dedicated to God. Let’s keep it that way. We need to be the hope of the world. The previous administration needs investigated. They could certainly be proven to be nothing more than a group of traitors that sold out America and it’s people. Comer has enough on Biden and his family to have them executed. The Obama administration, and the Biden administration were both traitorous. It’s time for justice. It’s time for prosecutions. It’s time for jail sentences or worse. There can be no more Democrats in power or organized as a political party. The judges appointed by the Democrats are corrupt. They need disbarred now. God bless America and God bless President Trump.
Agree wholeheartedly on the Democrat Party. For months before the election, I was musing to myself and family that if I were somehow miraculously elected President (Ha, like that would ever happen!) my first action would be to declare war on Denmark. And then demand that as terms of peace they cede Greenland to us. And then my plan would be to round up every freaking leftist communist Democrat in the country and exile them to Greenland. And I would quarantine the island using the US military with orders to kill anyone that tried to escape back here. Let them build their Utopia unhindered by us deplorables. This plan would have assuaged my conscience toward God when I faced Him on Judgement Day and not have me go down in history making Genghis Khan look like a pussy. Which is what I really feel like towards these filthy communist animals and what they deserve. Oh, and btw, I would have sent every freaking Electric Vehicle (EV) with them. Even the Teslas! Sorry Elon.
Maybe President Trump heard some of my musings? Heh!
My immediate response to "Big Balls" was that if he identified as a female, the entire Left would be plowing the road for him. But as things stand, we're at the point where I'd love to see a TikTok trend of Gen Zs filming themselves doing Nazi salutes while reciting the big three obscenities ("n*gg*r, f*gg*t, c*nt) en masse, just to give a giant finger to the Left's disproportionate thought policing. Call it the new Ice Bucket Challenge.
And I'm a person who views the use of obscenities as an intellectual failing.
“Surgically trooning your child”, is nasty, but I’ll one up your nastness with my own abomination: I say they deserve everything that befalls them and I look forward to news of their destroyed lives wrought by the desecration of their offspring.
Well, sounds like a great opportunity to go open the landscaping company or even a roofing company not to mention go down to the town office and rip that gay 6 foot apart sign off the wall even though it’s over long been over he just left it up there to remind everybody. I suspect I don’t know but geez, he probably wears a mask in there by himself still..
What a great post John thanks so much for putting into perspective and outlook and the encouragement for all of us
What's been going on these past few weeks is a secular version of Christ's Resurrection. Shocking. Miraculous. A world-changing event. The euphoria I feel at the thought of vicious, self-righteous swamp denizens losing sleep over unemployment and possible imprisonment is impossible to measure. Loss of freedom seems charitable for all the damage they've wrought.
(An aside: anyone who thinks that Churchill is the chief villain of WW2 is a moron who's never heard of Joe Stalin.)
Nathan Rockefeller, John D.'s father, came from France already incredibly rich, but rich from unknown sources.
The Terror of the French Revolution was not only to stab the Catholic heart of the Holy Roman Empire, but to terrorize the aristocrats out of their holdings.
Church properties were being confiscated; counterfeit assignats were printed up to buy the confiscated properties, which were later auctioned off for real gold. That gold was then stored in vaults beneath what is now known as the City of London.
The same strategy was used on aristocratic properties; first, however, the elites had to be forced to run, abandoning their estates, which could then be seized at will. Thus, the Reign of Terror.
Likewise, the Roosevelts came from Portugal. However, their provenance was from Portugal, from Turkey, originally from Spain.
Furthermore, FDR's grandfather Delano captained a fleet of Yankee clipper ships transporting cheap, untaxed opium from David Sasoon's Raj in India to the rebel Han tongs seeking to overthrow China's hated Manchu (Mongol) emperors.
(The Raj was partitioned by Clement Attlee as Pakistan after Churchill's electoral defeat.)
Rockefellers, Roosevelts, Sasoons, Attlee himself...all of them were related, err, ethnically. In short, they were cryptos. Two of Stalin's wives were Tribe.
The same Tribe that specializes in radicalization, subversion, political capture, and war loans...the tribe whose NGOs control the migration and resettlement industry.
As for the British Empire, no he does not mention why it's destruction was important to FDR.
McMeekin makes clear that FDR's administration was infested with Communists at its highest levels. They undermined any official who expressed disdain or even mistrust for the USSR.
Though there is no evidence that the very influential Harry Hopkins was a Communist spy, it's hard to believe that he wasn't, based on how tirelessly he worked on behalf of Stalin.
It's impossible to read this book and not connclude that, at best, FDR was just another feckless politician who thought he could charm Stalin into becoming friendly to the West. His naivete and embarrassing obsequiousness doomed generations of Eastern Europeans and propped up Communism. We are still suffering the conequences of his administration.
Harry Hopkins, like Harry Dexter White (the architect of the UN and of the Bretton Woods agreement) and Wilson's main advisor General House, were all of the same ethnicity as the original Bolshevik Committee and of Mao's Inner Council.
In the Purge, Stalin used his Azerbaijani gang buddies from his bank robber days to seize the throne of Moscow, but the upper management of the Gulag, Cheka, and secret police remained the same ethnic komissars.
This perfectly suits the Tribe's purpose; not only do they rule from behind the throne (letting the king be the human shield), but their secret is to make the majority complicit in their crimes, such as in brother wars or crimes against the population.
The majority now has so much emotional investment in the Tribe's schemes that they adopt its rationales as their own, subsuming their own identity, mores, and direction.
Anti-British sentiment goes back much further than FDR and was quite widespread. We did fight two wars, after all. Jackson hated them. Lincoln feared but appeased them. One of the odder episodes of WW2 was the defacto alliance between Admiral King who hated the British, Alanbrooke who hated the Americans and Douglas MacAuthur who hated anyone that wasn't him. The point was to send resources to the Pacific war each for their own reasons. The special relationship was really an invention of Churchill who obviously had his own reasons. For some reasons, Americans believe this to be true. FDR wasn't about to spend American blood and treasure to preserve the British, French or Dutch empires.
(Comment deleted by me, not pertinent to Richard's point.)
"...and Douglas MacAuthur who hated anyone that wasn't him."
LOL. An uncle served under MacArthur, and my father in the Navy; good gods, did the troops hate that self-serving bastard. The American Emperor of Japan.
Empires are overrated. Its like owning a stable full of horses - once the novelty wears off you realize its just a massive drain of your resources for something that rarely benefit from.
I recently enrolled in a creative writing course, hoping to hone my craft among like-minded enthusiasts. Instead, I found myself surrounded by what can only be described as a cabal of disgenics—intellectually stunted classmates and a teacher who seems more interested in moral policing than in exploring the art of storytelling. Every example we read is dissected for its political correctness, rather than for plot, character arcs, or language. The teacher appears fixated on whether the text does enough “moral heavy lifting,” as if virtue-signalling were the only goal of literature.
Reading this article gave me fresh courage to push back. It underscores that infiltration—pretending to go along with their worldview—only eats away at my own sense of integrity. Why should I tiptoe around their performative smooth-brained strutting ? If anything, this piece has emboldened me to call out the absurdity of constantly forcing every narrative into a straitjacket of PC moralizing.
Going forward, I plan to speak up, point out the obvious inconsistencies, and challenge the bizarre assumption that every piece of fiction must wear its “woke” credentials on its sleeve. If that means confrontation, so be it. At least then, I’m retaining my agency. This article’s argument—that genuine change calls for moral clarity over meek infiltration—resonates perfectly with the frustration I’m feeling in this class.
It is quite likely that you are not the only one in that classroom grinding your teeth.
Ultimately, though, that professor will never be convinced to abandon her ideology. She simply needs to be replaced. Academia in general will need to be purged.
Academia as we know it needs to be burned to the ground and then rebuilt. Every communist removed and jailed or executed, whichever is appropriate. McCarthy was right. Great work John!
Completely agree.
The way we educate our kids is inefficient and ineffective. They sit in parallel rows trying to decipher what the instructor is scribbling on a black or whiteboard while simultaneously trying to understand the topic, hoping they can figure it out later. I haven't been inside a classroom in decades but I don't think it's changed for the better.
The most intense learning experience of my life was the year I spent every waking hour at home cramming for the SAT and Advanced Placement tests for college admission. I learned every aspect of English. I studied everything from basic geometry to calculus. I read a 20-volume science encyclopedia cover to cover. In the end, I knew more than my teachers, and I aced nearly all of the tests. My senior year of high school was mostly independent study because they had nothing left to teach me.
My most memorable college course was an elective geology course I took as a freshman at Caltech. We climbed hills and looked down on the San Andreas fault snaking its way through a valley, then drove to a place where we could see the layers of ground-up rocks where the Pacific and North American plates meet and touch the fault itself. We camped and slept under the stars. We searched for fossils. We handled moon rocks. We met famous scientists and discussed their research. Up in the hills, we met a woman out walking her tiger. It was 50 years ago, and I ultimately ended up in a different career than I originally intended, but I still remember that adventurous Spring.
We need teachers who aren't bureaucratic drones; tracking to weed out the hopeless students from the rest; and a system of learning tailored to each student. This is 2025, and we can catch 200-ton rockets flying back to their launch pads. We have the technology to appropriately educate our children if we can break free of our ideological delusions.
"The way we educate our kids is inefficient and ineffective. They sit in parallel rows trying to decipher what the instructor is scribbling on a black or whiteboard while simultaneously trying to understand the topic, hoping they can figure it out later. I haven't been inside a classroom in decades but I don't think it's changed for the better."
I put four kids through a partial public school meat grinder, and pulled them out of public school after a series of ridiculous events, the final straw being my oldest having his bicycle destroyed by students while he watched, with his teacher egging the students on to do everything they could to break it. The teacher in question bragged repeatedly about being the only felony-possessing teacher in the school, apparently having been convicted of arson, and somehow slipped through the H.R. cracks when he was hired as a teacher.
The other three kids had similarly ludicrous experiences, with teacher after teacher attempting to destroy the souls of any boys who dare cross paths with them. Most of the neighborhood boys were on various psych meds by the time they were 12 and 13, and all of the ones we knew dropped out by 10th grade in high school.
If you were pretty or your parents were rich, however, you amazingly had a really good life as a student.
I have a sibling who is the superintendent of schools, and is desperately attempting to get ducks in a row to retire, the sibling talks about their experiences as if channeling Marlon Brando in "Apocalypse Now!", yet still stays with the job because of...benefits.
That oldest child is now a parent, and gets a bit angry whenever asked about public school, the in-laws are hardcore Boomers and won't shut up about the benefits of public school.
I was referring to the teaching method when I said I don't think it's any better. I've watched some of Leonard Susskind's physics lectures, and they're the same as I experienced. The social and behavioral environment is another story. I went to all-White Catholic schools through high school, so I experienced none of the pathologies of diversity. It was a different time, and it might as well have been a different planet.
I'm not sure that there is a one-size-fits-all teaching method from any source. The initial problem, for me anyway, is that boys and girls seem to have different attention spans, different motivations, different interests, and that's just the beginning. And then there's the type of instruction that best fits a student.
In regard to that observation, on occasion, I've been tasked with training new employees while employed in often wildly different career paths, not because I was spectacular at the task, but for some reason, the new recruit seemed to be able to get up and running/adapt to the new job the quickest with me doing the training.
It was primarily an issue with trying to quickly determine how best the student/new employee/fresh meat learned, and proceeding from there.
Did he or she learn best from simply reading about how to do it/your blackboard? Verbal instruction/talking about what's on the blackboard or skipping the blackboard entirely? Leaving them to figure it out on their own/sit next to them and read a newspaper, while also being there if they have any questions? Demonstrating by example/physically recreating a process for them to see?
Me personally, I learn best by seeing the process being done beforehand, I tend to overthink instruction manuals (picture visuals are interesting at times due to the two-dimensional nature of, well, pictures), and realize there's enough gibberish in almost everyone's vocabulary to make vocal instruction without visual cues being the worst way for me personally to process something new.
On a side note: I personally despise most math teachers, simply because no two I encountered were able to teach math the same way, and never managed to get past a basic pre-algebra course, despite getting desperate later on and actually paying professionals to learn...and naturally it was only after shelling out several grand that it was pointed out that I might have a mild touch of dyscalculia, in that the numbers seem to move around.
In other words, it's been my observation that math teachers only speak the language they know, and if the students can't pick it up, well it must be a communication problem on the student's end, never mind I think it's entirely the opposite and that those same math teachers need an English teacher as an interpreter.
How does this apply to your original point? I am pointing out that there is no functional, one-size-fits-all teaching method that actually works, and that any larger classroom setting is merely attempting to mold/bend/force a large group of students into learning exactly the same way. If I toss in the general belief that modern-ish classrooms are actually training modules for factory assembly lines ("Okay, everyone take a five minute break and get back to your conveyor belt before the whistle blows!"), and that for whatever reason, Americans find it incredibly easy to keep their kids in potentially dangerous environments (enter the school bully, some abused child with incredible and disruptive psych issues, or terrible teacher/other school employee) whereas if they personally had to work in similar situations, they'd quit immediately...any child entering a large classroom-format school is already several steps in the hole.
Add to that a classroom's tendency to move at the pace of the slowest student...whose slowness could be due to anything I previously outlined above being an issue, or the child could simply be genuinely a slow learner...this is an additional challenge to any child entering the non-magical Hogwarts School of Public Employee Union Members.
There are some benefits to private schools, but if anything, any class size over five or six students is mostly a waste of time, and that's even if everything is going well. I haven't even gotten into whether or not the subjects being taught are of any solid or possible interest of a student, as demonstrated previously, I suck at math, and because I've had nothing but problems (schools and colleges are sexual about the concept of "the well-rounded student" to inflate their earnings/tuition), I am therefore about as interested in math as I am interested in the idea of thinking that if I'm quick enough, I can stop a garbage disposal with my bare hands.
To that end, I've had several stories published, I wrote for a few online news businesses for nearly a decade, I've been a content creator for numerous entities both here and overseas (the overseas gigs were legendarily unhinged, at one point I was sent images of a business owner who was in a fetal position under his desk due to something I had written being an emotional trigger for something completely and entirely unrelated to what I had written, the subject being...a single paragraph), I've ran three businesses, I've managed other businesses, am something of a historian over several subjects, occasionally write the odd joke or satire story (okay, a lot of them), and somehow managed to do all of that while publicly dissing math and the people who teach it.
But if you don't have those math skills...and accompanying divorce rates...most colleges will lock you out of the system with extensive math requirements for almost every degree offered.
That's the short answer.
I was a teacher for decades so that I could have the hours of my own kids.
There’s a huge shortage of teachers now anyway, because most women just wanted to have the hours of their own kids and the Department of Ed, are always pushing longer hours.
School is not what you think. It’s really bad for the kids. They are being told what to do every minute of the day. This does not create thinking people. They are treated like crap as well.
The tell for the first wave of the purge is every Ph.D who insist on the Dr. honorific.
...but also insisted that Bill Cosby remove his 'Dr' honorific?
And why not? Already publicly murdered his reputation unjustly because women got in line to do drugs and have sex with him to cause divorce and hypergamisly marry him.
Consensual when he was sexy wealthy and powerful, and acted the perfect father role model to likely millions of children and young adults. Everyone's TV dad when destroying fatherhood was the new Feminist goal and so many children-fathers suffered from it.
So, active State directed tacking down some of all those now bitter cat-ladies willing to spew poison vomit for their own consensual sexual power-plays that failed .. Bill C that is best known as everyone's Faher-model and the core of so many now adults and parents.
Was the attack on Bill alone - or was fatherhood and the psychological damage it would do to so many of us?
And why was legal double-jeopardy ignored? Because our Sick vicious womanhood must see him hanged? Some other reason?
I don't know if we even need to bother getting up from our chairs, judging by what I'm seeing in regards to falling enrollment numbers (men are pretty much exiting college stage left and leaving the women to get all the swanky, make-it-up-as-you-go-along-or-simply-borrow-and-rename-something-from-Freud-or-Jung, theoretical-only psychology degrees), the problem may eventually correct itself.
What percentage? How many are dyed in the wool left loonie? Maybe the preference falsification deal would save maybe half of them?
I bailed on the academic scene at UVIC in 2012 feeling as much as seeing that the wave of LIBTARDism was a growing wall of insanity hundreds of feet high and I was ankle deep in water about to get CLOBBERED. Like the time at King's Beach, Caloundra in Aussie when I was seventeen and nearly drowned, same situation after a hurricane in Townsville caused 20' swell and I went body surfing for the first time. Got my head whacked on a sandy bottom and was passed out at the bottom of the ocean - had an out of body experience in a black ''construct'' in which my own voice urged me to awaken and RISE. I came back to consciousness crawling out of the ocean and vowed not to make the same mistake again. After watching the surf for many hours over the next few days I got back in, this time armed with flippers and a boogie board, and learned that TRUE JOY may be found while FLYING through a giant twenty foot glasslike tube made of water as a giant wave hurls you forward towards the beach - inside the glass tube, in full control of your position thanks to the extra thrust of the flippers and elevated position the board allowed. It's easy to state that ''academia will need to be purged'', but it's going to take time. My boomer relatives are still posting absurdly anti-Trump and anti-right nonsense on FB - and those putting their faith in Pierre are likely to be disappointed - he's proven that he'll obviously just follow whichever way the wind blows to his advantage after the fact. We need a revolutionary leader in Canada, big time. It's not Trump, obviously, but maybe the HUGE RIGHT WIN to the south can help install the right man for the job. Whoever and wherever he may be at this hour. It's time to RISE.
That's a crazy story, man. You're lucky to be alive.
Whoever The Guy is, he has not yet arrived on the scene. None of the political party leaders we have are The Guy.
Kudos to Jason for surviving and understanding this.
My sojourn at UVic (1970-79) was spent in the Elliott Building so I was slightly distanced from his experience, but in retrospect I now understand that it was rising even then.
I read your essay as very US centric, and have seen very little evidence of potential improvement here. I read Canada as 95% indulging in TDS, although considering the Truckers' Convoy I might trim that to 70%.
I recall the PNE in 1963 (it was still reasonable for two pre-teens to wander around Playland with a bit of change for rides) where some people were handing out "Diefenbucks" worth 93 cents US when we had previously been at USD par. The 7% deterioration was a direct attack on our last populist government. In 2025 nary a word has been uttered when the loonie entered the 68 cent range last week. I see the American curtailment of the administrative state as a considerable hazard for Canada, as there is no equivalent potential here. AfD in Germany and Reform in the UK might be able to respond appropriately but I am not hopeful that the PP Conservatives here have the gumption and ability to purge our bureaucratic masters.
I fear that a 50 cent loonie is in our future.
Maxime Bernier, as a Quebecoise, is too concerned with government matters to engage the population in our economic and existential (I loved the Prussians essay) hazard.
The electoral situation in Canada in grim, and the population is one of the most heavily propagandized on the planet.
Then again: would they take up arms to defend Canada? I strongly doubt it. Their performative anti-Americanism is paper thin. Except perhaps amongst boomer women … and I don't think they actually matter so much. What will matter is what young Canadian men (Canadian, not immigrant) think.
If Trump and DOGE succeed, they will be a template that others can follow. I see no one else in the Anglosphere who is comparable and who could take up arms against their own regimes, but they may appear. The country that I'm most afraid will be lost is the UK. They are too far gone, and reconquest will be necessary.
Canadian men have been so thoroughly demoralized over the past forty years that I don't think they can even conceive of their interests as a group.
Cheers rjt. I spent a lot of time in the Clearihue building and the library - it was a thrill that library - it looks so corporate now - the differences in appearance and experience between my first and second sojourns in there (1999-2000 and 2011-2012) were like night and day. This is partly due to the fact that my B.a. was in English (2000) and I went back after being an expat for years in 2012 for a PDP in the Education department and man, was it DIFFERENT. The woke and 4rth wave feminist hate movements had dug in and started to dominate by 2012 whereas there was still a sense in 2000 of connection to the original purpose of the Academy - the ancient Greek tradition of the pursuit of Knowledge and human understanding. By 2012 it felt like the campus was in the grips of ideological warfare with no holds bared and no punches pulled, and from what I know now, it only got worse over the next decade and has become practically a total PC/WOKE libtard loss...
Intellectual wasteland/graveyard/boneyard, SAVAGE. I have stories...
We pretty much have a 50 cent loonie NOW given inflation and the lack of a matching rise in wages. Interesting the perspective on Bernier - I was hopeful he might be our AfD, but I lack the time to devote to digging in and what I'm hearing isn't what I expected.
I got lucky with a ''golden contract'' in Saudi teaching health and safety for a few years through American contacts and am looking to maybe go a similar route in Alberta in 2025/6. Helping to enable Canadian heavy industry (electrical+oil+gas) to flourish seems a more sane, intelligent, rational choice than hanging around BC working a minwage Joejob where a significant population of the under-40's are just RIPPED on psychadelic drugs and opioids, damn. At least I'm currently rural and due to several decades of hard work have the benefit of a peaceful homestead, old-growth cedar forests nearby, and a lot of physical labor and growing food to keep things in perspective!! If we are to have a future less bleak, thinking positively and forging a reality that's connected to tradition and our ancestors is certainly something to keep in mind.
Destroy the student loan system and watch as it all gets sucked out to sea like a sandcastle.
Indeed, ht, the uni system is a just a financial front for selling "lemon" loans.
To paraphrase Max Planck, “Truth will advance one death at a time.” These people will be replaced.
Their days are numbered, and that number is getting small.
Interesting video essay from V, a Romanian vlogger. He said many communist apparatchiks seamlessly went to shill for the new regime. Similarly I am sure many of the positions adopted are performative.
I'm so glad I studied English literature thirty years ago before this disgusting mutation of instruction took hold.
I agree wholeheartedly.
And for what it's worth, my teacher--a respected Shakespeare and Spenser scholar, and science fiction writer--predicted today's situation back in the mid 1980s.
One evening, about five years after I graduated, as we shared steaks and martinis at his favorite local dive, he reflected on what was happening to the college where he had taught for 35 years, my own alma mater. This was about a year before his forced retirement.
"Pretty soon," he said, "the number one qualification for a Ph.D. will be how many years you spent watching Marx on TV, on the Isle of Lesbos." I didn't doubt him, based on the trends I saw (I was in grad school then). But the precision of his prediction at that institution was uncannily accurate.
I.e., today's supposed "Shakespeare" professor at my undergrad alma mater, ostensibly replacing him in the roster, is a sex-obsessed shaved-head lesbian who pontificates about vampires and Sexy Handmaidens. For her, teaching "Shakespeare" means grinding various axes around her failure to mate. Excuse me, I mean, "Gender And Feminist Studies."
I doubt she's ever even heard of the Early English Text Society.
The current humanities departments should just be shuttered and reopened with entirely new staff. Total reboot from factory settings. No one with a lit PhD issued in the last twenty years need apply.
You might be able to staff them with faculty from Japan, India and Russia who have not been indoctrinated in the crazy.
That's one possibility. Another is to recruit internally, from the very large number of young men who should be professors, but who were pushed out for unfashionable identities. Many frogs have a great depth of knowledge in literary and historical matters, and are well suited to being professors
Why not just shut down universities altogether for awhile till we get this stuff better sorted?
I mean, the only reason NOT to is wanting to retain the cachet of Degreed Superiority. In which parents/teenagers go into massive interest-bearing debt with the hope that renting a seat in the institution will allow them, upon graduation, to leapfrog ahead of, you know, lineworkers, welders, plumbers, pipefitters, riggers, logistics workers, janitors, facilities maintainers, etc.
Of course universities are little cities sustained by workers of that sort. So maybe we try putting them in charge of admissions selection. After all, they are the ones who keep it all running. Not the deanlets and advisers and counselors and administrators (with the exception of Margaret, who for decades now has run everything for six departments, nine deans, five special programs, and the president's office).
Agreed, eliminate the tenure and certification bottleneck.
It's a political filter, a litmus test to determine Hive suitability.
In the US, two accrediting institutions have a chokehold on the entire educational system; similar has now developed in our law colleges as well, so shut down the gripping hands and let self-selected councils of peers arise to judge. Craftsmen wlll know if you're talking spit or not.
My Shakespeare professor at the University of Toronto in 1994 was a wonderful man, Alexander Leggat. Not only a Shakespeare scholar but an actor who worked with Peter Brooke at the Royal Shakespeare Company. The love of the Bard's words shone through with each lecture. It's a tragedy students now can't benefit from that.
Men possessing genuine depth of knowledge born of passion for their chosen subjects have been squeezed out everywhere in favor of political performance artists.
Agreed. Actually, looking back on my two undergraduate degrees at U of T in the late 1990s my professors - mostly male - were well-respected veterans of their fields: professional, neutral, intellectually rigorous and all still wore jackets and ties to their lectures. I'm so thankful I was an undergrad in that era.
Those suits and ties meant they respected the discipline, the craft, itself.
My teacher's mentor was Matthew Black. He was also a protege of Alfred Baugh. And his publications--on Spenser, Shakespeare, Elizabethan historical poetry, Roman Britain--I still read with awe (he gave me reprints of all of them).
My alma mater was a former military college. It had "gone civilian" very shortly before I matriculated there. Thus I had the advantage of being able to select as my teachers men who had spent decades turning boys into men. But the incursion of what-was-to-come was rapidly underway, as the liberal arts department was headed up by a jew whose vision was bringing in as many "international" students as fast as possible (especially from India), with federal and international aid money, then offering whatever courses they wanted. You might think they'd benefit from a Baugh-based course in "History of the English Language," but no--it would remind them of the Horrors of Colonial Oppression. And who needs Shakespeare or Spenser--the future belonged to INTERNATIONAL STUDIES.
Seeing how rapidly it all fell apart was a life-altering experience for me. I have waited and worked my entire life in the hopes that there would come a time when a stance might converge against the Lucrative Managed Decline. I'm still not sure we're there...because it has taken so long and so many are dead now who might have borne witness.
Your closing sentence is spot on, and I excised from my previous comments some thoughts on that very point. The amount of intellectual and moral larceny committed against generations of young people is what feeds the quiet anger that has sustained me since grad school. They are taught to despise that which they never even knew.
2-years in my 4-year BS degree in CS I spent summer work-study job in a basic medical research lab, a dream job that I was so well fitted for that the Lab PI (Head Scientist) offered to turn that position into a Staff Full Time job that would allow me to finish my degree with 1/2 normal load.
Part of his desire to hire me was that in a short time that summer I wrote computer code that better controlled the experimental equipment and collected-displayed data, as well as code to easily apply filters and statistics etc. He had actual publishable data from my work, and wanted more of what I could do.
So, he set-up the new position and the University publish the position for applications - required. I filled out an application that happen to match the job skill set perfectly, of course, and handed it into HR department.
The feminist Quota 'hire no white men' HR department 'lost' my application. The PI never got it from the pile of others mailed or handed in. Innocently I went back and filled out another and told them in HR that my first application was lost and the PI was expecting to get this .. if I had suspected something I would have stayed silent and we (PI and me) could see if it disappeared again, and perhaps 3-times would be peer-review publishable.
Over the first few years the job went from Dream Job I danced into work every morning to a kind of living-hell, confused and abused by man-hating meritless women staffers and co-workers I did not understand. I had worked and studied and socialized very well with men and women for many years and 2 different states before moving into this Witch-filled Satanic hell-hole all around the part of the State that University Poisoned.
Confused because I had never ran into demonic-possessed evil women before, and did not believe real witches existed, that the older generations hanged were really witches, etc.
Now when I hear of a school or workplace shooter I hope to myself that he only killed those Witched and minions that actively targeted him, and when someone states that a man should never hit a woman I ask them why not? You wake-up and girlfriend holding penis and knife ready to throw in garbage disposal and go on 'the view' where the Sick vile womanhood vomits laughter? I usually follow with having personal experiences with woman that it might be best to throw off a tall building foe self and others protection.
Sex-segregation in education, employment, and never a woman have power over others is my clear belief. No power like voting, no unsupervised child raising or educating and the like, for maybe a few generations, at least.
Sure, you know some woman that should be fine with that power .. yet are ignorant of Blood Bank studies of Parental Fraud that found 1/3 of the 90,000 children-families studied had the wrong impossible father listed, or that a 3-year study of a good police department found that over 40% of the filed rape accusations were false?
.. Sure, head-up-ass Vag-Supremacy worshipping castrated belly crawling white-knight, you know of one woman .. like the tall Chinese?
'Red Pill moment'
Basically I was raised with a lot of Feminist lies, these were realized along with the Betrayal of so many women I trusted and they poisoned my life from the crib, so much needless failure, suffering, confusion, .. all my life goals and possible success was dead before I left home as an adult. 50+ years of poisoned life, love-joy-hope was murdered from childhood.
My moment caused a 'Psychic Death' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ego_death in a kind of Ego-Reset that I later realized included the ejection of the Generational Demon that had blinded me, actively, with specific delusions that was blocking me from some key lies.
For more on Generational Demons:
And followed a religious conversion. It would require pages to outline this fully. This prevented the Red-Rage, transforming it into a Black Pill and then White Pill in God's Love.
I've found reading from the late 19th to mid-20th century to be the most fulfilling and insightful. Anything after that is sporadic at best. Currently, there's Faulks for example, but his recent work has gone downhill on the woke train. Any recommendations?
Choose your battles wisely - it takes many a successful triumph to win the war - and the hybrid war is at fever pitch now, all levels, all lines, all minds.....
Share this with your prof and tell him/her that art isn't social work and that if they want to help the poor, soup kitchens are always looking for help.
(Is from the Preface to "Mademoiselle De Maupin" by Théophile Gautier, 1894)
"What purpose does this book serve? How can it be applied to securing the moral and spiritual well-being of the most numerous and poorest class? What! not a word of the needs of society, nothing civilizing and progressive! How, instead of dealing synthetically with the great problems of humanity and following through the events of history, can you waste time writing poetry and novels which lead to nothing, and which do nothing to help the generation forward in the pathway of the future? How can you concern yourself about form and style and rhythm, in presence of such grave interests?"
No, fools, no, cretins and goitrous creatures that you are, a book does not make gelatine soup;—a novel is not a pair of seamless boots; a sonnet is not a syringe with a continuous stream; a drama is not a railroad,—all essentially civilizing things and tending to assist humanity along the pathway of progress.
By the bowels of all the popes, past, present, and to come, no, two hundred thousand times no.
I know that there are those who prefer windmills to churches, and the bread that feeds the body to that that feeds the soul. To them I have nothing to say. They deserve to be economists in this world and also in the other.
Nothing is really beautiful but that which cannot be made use of; everything that is useful is ugly, for it is the expression of some need, and the needs of man are vile and disgusting, like his poor, weak nature.
—The most useful part of a house is the privy.
The most useful part of the house is the privy.
Great passage.
Poem - 'If' by Rudyard Kipling
Narrator - Sir Michael Caine
"Master Chief: A Tribute to the Greatest Sci-Fi Hero"
YT Channel: KennyC
You should definitely be getting a refund.
If students are allowed to bring texts for analysis, search and pick ones written by sources you think the teacher approves of.
But choose examples that are "problematic". Old Testament-stuff f.e. or something from the Koran or Talmud, or Baghavadghita if religious. Gulliver's Fourth Journey (the one with the hiorses) or Beatrix Potter - plenty of imaginary subtext in her shorts - or Chinua Achebe's "Things fall apart" ("toxic masculinity" galore, but as a cultural feature of an African tribe), and so on.
A good teacher would enjoy the challenge, and laud the student for bringing something with some "meat on the bone" so to speak. A bad teacher objects to such a challenge.
I might just do that if provided the opportunity - I think several class members would have a heart attack and start “questioning” the text a lot though.
> I recently enrolled in a creative writing course, hoping to hone my craft among like-minded enthusiasts.
Well, there's your problem.
Please do! We are definitely with you!
It’s inefficient and ineffective by design. You got an education because you did it yourself, without the help of the educated. Inefficient and ineffective indeed.
For those still doompilling: as JC notes, there are lots of opportunities for those on the Right to throw their efforts, big and small, into the breach and continue to push ashore. Think of what 47 has done as nothing more than establishing a beachhead in an amphibious assault. To be truly successful, you have to sustain the momentum. Follow-on forces have to pour into that salient before the enemy regroups, counterattacks, and pushes you back into the sea. You have to get past all of that and into the enemy's rear-area (heh) and that's where the real work is.
There are so many opportunities for glory on the battlefield here. All of that grift and graft that's being exposed needs follow up - not just to stop it by EO, but to reclaim what was taken through that (now-exposed) fraud. There are mechanisms and ways to do this and there are those who even now are marshalling for this next set of actions.
Precisely so. We have a beachhead, the enemy are panicking and disorganized, but they are also furious. One thing I should have emphasized is that if we DON'T follow through, their retribution will be shockingly brutal.
But, I think that morale is high, the momentum is with us, and eagerness for revenge and change is a widespread and powerful fuel.
Yes, their retribution will be unbelievably brutal if it is allowed to take place. Look at how they treated people who did *nothing* to them - white people, men, unvaccinated people, cops. All these groups were attacked for simply being.
Now that they are truly angry, these lunatics will use the state's monopoly on violence to viciously go after Americans.
That's why I like to hammer on the point that libs killed blacks with the jab. Libs are complete pieces of shit, and they will gin up violence. We should do everything in our power to make sure it is visited upon them by their own coalition while the rest of us move forward reforming or destroying their institutions.
Not just Americans. Brainwashed lib. Canucks might lose their veneer of politeness this year with the election looming in October, even the woketard new-age acid stoner hippies that rub shoulders with hardened burly axe-wielding lumberjacks and rednecks from Alberta in my neck of the woods in BC. Probably a good time to shore up your psyop and physical defenses and WATCH YER ASS!!! Also, I have a rule: ''Contingencies will save yerass''. Lastly, you might be a redneck if you think HARASS is two words.
Good DAY.
Let me guess, with that description you live in Nelson, or at least in the Slocan Valley? "woketard new-age acid stoner hippies" living alongside "burly axe-wielding lumberjacks and rednecks from Alberta" kind of gave it away :) (No need to out yourself, btw, I just appreciated the description!)
Thanks for the laugh, and the memories (used to live there once upon a time).
(You didn't say draft dodgers - the original stoner hippies if memory serves; I presume they've mostly died out and we're on to the next gen now)
I'm a 4rth gen. local here - North end of Kootenay Lake - not afraid to ''out meself'', as my personal history is so radically, insanely unusual that any judgements made will most likely be way off - and I've been in motion constantly since my teens - but you hit the nail square with current geography!! I came back to settle down in my home and native land after 16 years abroad (with summer vacations off here consistently throughout) to find that I was just as comfortable in Asian dive bars playing rock and roll music onstage with drunken savage expats as here - more so in some ways - but the trees and the lakes remain as beautiful as ever, for now. I'm a world-bridger - fit in with pretty much any crowd around here but not a fan of the more drug heavy ketamine crew and hardcore racist rednecks. The self-styled hillbillies are OK, but I have boundaries of personal decency and respect and don't like hearing the N word tossed around too much unless it's a Dave Chappelle re-ennacment.
Also, I've gone pretty hardcore alt-dissident-right lately, with all that entails sooooooo...... Alberta here I come!! Maybe...
Our own retribution should be, if not shockingly brutal, at least firmly punitive. The tribes have been well defined and the battle lines drawn, so there is no point engaging in the folly of pretending that there can be any unity.
Some unities are more equal than others.
MC yes
TRUE AND TRUE. I also took a month away from Subst*ck, calling it a reading break after Wilhelm (zee apologist) put me onto Imperiumpr*ss and I got into 'The Cultured Thug' and 'The Populist Delusion', deciding to treat them as my own curriculum in a self-administered M.a. lvl. course, since there were no options at that level at any Canadian institutions that I could see that would offer me these options without expecting me to denounce them (&myself) as the foulest, most deranged rhetoric (&individual)!! The Populist Delusion was rather academic, but brilliant and true in its analysis - almost disturbingly so re: party politics. The Cultured Thug was *exhilarating*, straight up. After the experiences of the past two decades this is a book every self-respecting white male still standing needs on his personal reading list. I've quit my wage slave gig and am moving on to higher earning potential job possibilities looking at several training options presently - after a break to catch my breath and kick some summer butt around the homestead and online. It's been a RUSH (&rather exhausting). Time for the supporting team to kill adds while our DPS BURNS THE DECREPIT LIBTARD MF BOSSes. Now's the time, and the time is NOW. Keep it up!!!
Hail, Imperium Press!
In the end Commies only do one thing, and that is kill.
If they are allowed to regroup, their Long March will turn to a Long Red March through the West.
The beast isn’t dead yet… remember how close the Germans came to breaking through at Bastogne. Utmost attention and personal protection for our leaders is now required. The deep state will not go down without a fight.
This is only the beginning of the fight.
Zionist don't appear panicked or disorganized, or do you not consider them the enemy?
You Trumpers conveniently treat the ruling class as a monolith so you can pretend that Zion Don is victim of them.
Zionist are a faction of the ruling class, and the Zionist faction is clearly backing Trump.
How do you square this?
The perfect analogy!
"You can just say things now. And you should say things."
* 99.99% of western-world peoples have a blind-spot for BigPharma medical. Including Trump.
* Injecting poisons into muscles and veins is 10,000 times more toxic than ingesting poisons via the mouth into the stomach (of seed oils, glyphosate, tap water, etc).
* Putting aside as to whether or not TPTB would force a stock market crash upon hearing the following from Trump,... Trump could (against his gut (?)) choose to start bad-mounting medical doctors, medical scientists, and public health [sic] officials—as a group. Doing so would create a new beachhead.
* War Secretary Pete Hegseth could then follow-up with an order stopping poison-injections of the Troops, saying it's effecting 'mission readiness' -- too many illnesses (symptoms of poisoning) caused directly as result of the poison-injections.
* The above would give HHS Secretary Bobby Kennedy "license" to go in deep and mop up.
There are so many possibilities opening up.
Thanks for this wonderful stack.
We still have a few battlefields to crawl onto with this new admin...but with a little free speech, we are battle ready...and will hold their social media feet to the fire.
And, I'm hoping for the best for the UK...and all nations - that this astonishing revolutionary momentum might permeate the globe and inspires all to throw some flames and come boldly out of that cage...and to say things, LOUDLY...and do things...BOLDLY
The revolution cannot be limited to the United States. It must spread to Europe as well, a remorseless revolutionary movement to restore western civilization.
It has to...the urge for freedom from tyranny is strong and courage is contagious...
Aristotle held that courage is the greatest virtue because it enables all the others. He was right. It is contagious. Speak the truth and we will shatter the empire of lies and free ourselves.
History will note that Donald Trump’s courage was his greatest virtue.
Indeed. Here in the UK it's effectively a police state. Any word of wrongspeak is not tolerated. There's still rainbow crosswalks, rainbow buses, rainbow trains and a lot of blue hair self-righteousness. I think many people are quietly fed up with it but the courage to speak out in general is starting to build thanks to 47.
Regardless of political circumstances, the cultural effects of what's happening in DC right now will be profound. Much of the tyranny relies on people being bullied to keep their heads down. If they start speaking out more…
We keep trying to hold Trump's feet to the fire on the DeathJabs...but his picks for his medical team are triggering us...and a cancer vax seriously set our hair on fire. But, we will not only NOT COMPLY, we will, and actually are, raging against it all...
RFK, Jr is in for HHS. Strikes me as very positive.
We're hoping, but we can't be sure...Bourla thinks he's not radical at all...and he tells the congressional committee that he is not anti-vax and that his kids are vaxxed...we're hoping he's gaslighting them...a big head fake?
Isn't Canada vaxxing young children again...? OMG...Be still my heart.
RFKJ knows what needs to be done, but will he be muzzled and neutered and play along? The red dye, that won't be eliminated from our food supply until 2027? Rather an insulting and ridiculous scrap of fake meat...
Time will tell. But we have to get him in there before we can unload on him if he lets us down...😍
I believe RFK Jr told Trump about USSAID.
Elon posted how USAID came to be DOGE’s first target. DJT issued the total funding freeze just to see who squealed the loudest, and DOGE watched for who violated the order the most. That turned out to be USAID, and away they went.
thought you might like this...EKO LOVES YOU wrote a great stack on DOGE and there's now a video on it...going viral...starts @ 1:00 minute...enjoy!
Trump taking on the juggernaut of Pharma PR and The Sackler Method (vertically integrated product research, development, marketing/propaganda, and prescribing, coupled with data harvesting) in general would be one of the greatest turning-hinges in human history.
That Entity has been responsible for billions of deaths and untold suffering.
Pharma PR firms cleaned up bigtime in the "covid" operation...and trillions more were disbursed not as PR contracts/fees but as "public" agency handouts to the likes of Kaiser Permanente, Pfizer, etc.
Thing is, it can't happen without a robust gang of Digital Warriors in the trenches and making beachfall. There are vastly many people who STILL believe that Pharma is "health care" rather than "symptom management for profit."
And how can they not, when we all know that the only place you have to turn when something physically troubling happens is the Pharma borg/matrix.
I suspect DJT is a vax dissenter. I recall him Tweeting on the connection between stabs and autism long before he announced his POTUS run in June '15.
A banger of an article John.
News from the UK: Reform now consistently polls higher than any other party. It's more popular than not only the withered and dying conservatives, but also more popular than the party that won the election less than a year ago. It's also the most popular party amongst young men, period. Labour will certainly try to blow things up before they leave, and they may even try to create a permanent left wing dictatorship by granting the vote to imported migrants from reliably left-wing parts of the world (i.e. Muslim). But they will face the ignomy every day of being told they are hated, again and again, with every new poll that comes in.
Reform barely existed 10 months ago. The snap election was called at an unexpected time specifically to throw Farage off balance. Yet Reform is now rapidly professionalising and building out alliances. Prime Minister Farage would have sounded like a joke just five years ago, it now sounds like destiny.
If Labour does something so stupid as to try to stack the electorate with non-British even more than it’s already been stacked, they will be removed by other means. It is already impossible for them to pretend that they have the support of the actual British people.
Maybe. Left wing dictatorships have remarkable staying power. People overindex on the USSR and forget North Korea, China, Vietnam, Cuba and arguably the EU. They can enable massive abuses by a tiny minority for decades or centuries - collapse is not inevitable, apparently.
But I don't think Labour will do that. They talk about it, but I hope and pray that's all it is.
Yes, Morgoth expects the UK to end up as Woke North Korea. God I hope not. Working against that outcome is that, unlike NK, which is propped up by the PRC, the UK would most certainly not be getting propped up by the US.
As long as nothing truly left field happens, I think Britain will successfully catch up. I might be biased having hailed from the sceptred isle originally, but I think GB has the key ingredients to follow the USA:
1. It is out of the EU. Nothing would have been possible were that not the case.
2. It has a popular Trump-like figure in Farage, but one uniquely adapted to the British political landscape.
3. It has an energetic new political movement that's rapidly assembling a counter-elite (people like Matt Goodwin).
4. It isn't hamstrung by proportional representation or stupid "cordon sanitaires" like a lot of Europe is.
5. The current US administration would be friendly (of course, by the time Labour is out, the Republicans might also be out, but it's not nothing).
These things aren't decisive, but they're the seeds from which rebuilding can occur.
The UK is actually in a much better position than Canada, in terms of a viable political opposition.
Feels like I'm spamming, butting in on every conversation.
Canada is in the position to be self-sufficient on food, energy, water and housing.
The UK is 1005 dependent on imports for most everything. Not even converting the entire island into a farm would help.
This is something that must be taken into account. Trump can rule by diktat due to how the US system is set up, but more importantly because the US is a huge economy and can go self-sufficient on most essentials.
Imagine if a smaller nation, say Sweden, was to elect someone with a 51% majority, who then started acting the same way Trump does. We'd get sanctioned immediately, then embargoed, then boycotted and we'd be under continuous financial war from Blob-affiliated oligarchs.
Canada need not fear that due to its abundance of natural resources; UK is home to banking clans and capitalist cartels - so Canada can weather embargoes and such; UK can weather financial assaults (since banking clans don't like shooting themselves in the foot).
While the focus on memes, woke, and cultural war has merit - as the tiller tilts, the time is coming to consider Lenin's question:
"What is to be done?"
And that means looking at the practical matters too, and getting the signal/noise about that we can do this. That there are legions of practically minded men and women who can do good for the people and the nation, if power can be wrested from the Blobists.
Unfortunately. I'm no expert on the PPC, but if Trump offered Bernier a few dozen billion dollars and full US tech support, I wonder if that might do it..... Where's GENERAL SOLO when you need him?!!
Farage is still a laughing stock to the British liberal-left elite and their middle-class wannabes. But the majority working class are having none of it and that's where victory lies. It's kind of funny to think, considering the Left is historically so pro-worker, that the workers are now turning against them.
He's a "laughing stock" to them in the same way Elon Musk is. They laughed out of fear, and that sort of laughter dries up very fast.
But look at the trans issue. The first real pushback came from leftie feminists in the UK.
You might not like them being lefty and feminist BUT first and foremost they've got plain common sense & stubbornness. Plenty more where that came from
They don't have common sense and trans activism is born of the left. Feminists created it by insisting there's no difference between men and women beyond the cosmetic, and that women should be treated as if they are men at all times. Well, if there are no fundamental differences between genders then a bit of surgery can turn you from one into the other, right? It's only logical.
That's why most trans activists are left wing females. There is nothing here for the left to crow about, it's the left that's split on the issue and the right which isn't.
Do you follow Drukpa's new Twitter called 𝙔𝙊𝙊𝙆𝘼𝙔 𝘼𝙀𝙎𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙏𝙄𝘾𝙎 ? A picture paints a thousand words, and the full glory of Woke N Korea can be seen here.
Yes, and it is both hilarious and effective.
As long as they have the corporations and the banks on their side, they'll keep at it.
If and when an opponent can sway the oligarchs away from Labour (in the UK), then they wither have to go full dictatorship-mode (Cuba f.e.) or crumble DDR-style.
(Obviously, DDR crumbled for different reasons, I'm alluding to the peaceful virtually spontaneous and automatic collapse during '89.)
The EU is a different matter entire, and I think China, not the USSR, is the best comparison.
Brexit didn't start an avalanche like the breakup of the Soviet bloc because the Tories sabotaged the whole process. If we were to have a serious Gexit or Frexit, I think we might get a cascade. Or perhaps even a coalition of small countries. China is much more cohesive that the EU.
I meant China, as in top-down control and ever increasing surveillance and micro-management.
Not on the ethnic/culture level. The Han will soon be the only kind of Chinese.
The latest addition to cabinet is a woman who looks like a bloke who thinks it ok for people to identify as a llama so don’t hold your breath.
I’ve been thinking a lot of this time years ago when my then-boyfriend and I were driving through Glendale, CA. It was dinnertime, and we were talking about how we were hungry. We happened to pass a restaurant we’d never noticed before and randomly decided to go there and eat. (This was pre-Yelp.) The restaurant was crowded with workers; all the tables were set; the phone was ringing nonstop — and yet we were the only customers. At first we told each other the restaurant must be good and more customers would be showing up, or there wouldn't so many people working there. A waiter took our order and eventually brought us food, which tasted bland. By the time we left, we’d decided the restaurant was some kind of front, but we had no idea for what. The restaurant served food, but its main function was not to serve food. And now it just seems like the whole of government has been like that for years to an extent that has surprised even me. The government governs, but that’s not its main function. Its main function has been to spend our money.
I think of a couple of young men I knew who died of drug overdoses; a friend who told me that two boys from her kids’ school committed suicide on the same day; an old friend I had lunch with who said her son was now her daughter — all of the tragedies large and small over the years that didn’t have to happen. It takes a lot for me not to hate the people who didn’t care, who bought homes in DC with our money while young men died. As far as the DOGE people ripping through the bureaucracy, I’m glad that they’re smart young guys — this is their battle, and it could and should not be any other way.
You probably found a front for a drug trafficking ring.
As to the rest … it is indeed difficult not to hate them.
Akiko- what you went too was indeed a front. They are places where illegals can get counterfeit documents, stolen SSN#, pay for transport to other areas, prostitution and related (including drug pick ups/ drop offs too). There are hundreds if not thousands of such setups in California, as well as most large cities in ‘blue states’. Next time turn around and go to Taco Bell instead. ;)
Speaking of doing things, how about we create more worthwhile art from the ground up? Patronage networks should form. Art rooted in tradition, virtue, wonder, and action. Not just books like Theft of Fire (a fine addition to my reading list) but all forms of new media. A renaissance of art and culture, and of a reverence for truth and beauty.
Destroying the nonsense the left has created is a noble endeavour, but in time it will need to be replaced with something else -- something worthwhile on a cultural level. Something that resonates and transcends. Many lament the left's art of late -- myself included -- but more competent fiction must come to the fore if hegemonic power is to be retained far into the future. Victory is not won through merely one battle, however large.
Great essay. It's good to have you back.
Art is an extremely important arena. I suspect we may be in for a Renaissance, in that respect. There is widespread fatigue with ugliness and “message” art.
Consider looking into architecture and architect training (the aestehical side) if you have the time and inclination: a big part of conditioning us has been the now 70 years long push (and putsch!) of Brutalism. Ugly by intent, as a style.
I'm sure I've linked to this at some point before?
Architecture is mostly a criminal enterprise and has been since Le Corbusier’s cult took it over.
That is actually one of Trump's priorities, repealed by *Biden. I assume he will bring it back.
That's something I'd love see him doing if he visits Brussels f.e. - call out the ugly-on-purpose modern architecture.
"Look, you used to build so beautiful houses, palaces and castles even, we wanted to buy them and transport them to the States. Now look at all those ugly boxes! So sad."
Some of the brutalist stuff is OK. The worst are the glass identikit towers built to look the same in every part of the world.
Another excellent article John - very glad you're back!
I whole-heartedly agree we need to start thinking like winners. We need to stop thinking of ourselves as the opposition and start thinking of ourselves as the new Regime. (I especially like your idea of replacing illegal migrant workers with laid-off government bureaucrats! Excellent!)
But it's a mistake to assume that the left has been permanently defeated.
No way - unfortunately.
Trump's enemies, OUR enemies ( and that's what they are -- enemies -- not 'political opponents', not 'critics', not 'adversaries' -- enemies ) have been temporally pushed back, but they haven't been defeated. It only seems that way because they've been relatively quiet lately.
DOGE not withstanding, right now Deep-Leftists are in hiding, shrouded in the bowels of the dark bureaucratic machine; cloward and pivening away, day and night, like some over-credentialed Snidely Whiplash. They're sharpening their plans -- and waiting. They seldom let a crisis go to waste, and we can expect to hear from them again when the next crisis comes along. They might very well be engineering the next crisis as we speak.
Remember, the left plays the long-game exceptionally well.
When they think the time is right they'll be back with a vengeance. So don't be surprised.
Be prepared instead.
Trump announced on Truth social before his inauguration that he had 1000 vetted staff ready to go. We now know they were ready to hit it hard the first day. Trump didn’t do the normal thing of waiting for confirmations and then to get settled into the office, instead like a blitzkrieg. Trump certainly hit the ground with some highly qualified, mutually supporting teams. It’s not just a young coders. There’s a lot of senior people in there, They know where to look, and these coders know how to look like no one ever before. This is brilliant. It is blitzkrieg.
It's clear he went in with an immense amount of preparation.
It turns out that stealing the 2020 election was a mistake by the Dems, it created a necessary space for us to Marshall resources. Trump won in 2020 but didn’t get the office and if he had I think he would’ve remained ineffectual.
The German blitzkrieg was a triumph of communication. The French had more tanks and better ones but since Guderian had started his career as a signals officer, every German tank had a radio. They were repeatedly able to get inside the OODA loop of the French. I think we are seeing something similar here with the networks that were set up in the Wilderness years.
Yes, we are.
I agree with the sentiment, however I disagree with the idea that Final Victory is at hand. What would need to be done for Final Victory is removing roughly 50% of [currently] legal citizens and deporting them to places they may never have been. Long jail terms for 10s perhaps 100s of thousands of 'public servants'. A new social code that includes the exclusion of racial others. Completely replace the education establishment with trusted people, even though we don't have trained people to take those positions.
Short of this, what we have is a breathing space to prepare for what is coming, and a time to laugh at the pain and suffering of libtards.
I'd also add that the current Regime does not necessarily agree with us on major issues; do not forget JD Vance is a figurehead for the techbros, and will in 2028 either be president or the loser to some shitlib who will rollback everything in a violent and brutal way.
Rejoice in the suffering of our enemies, speak out as the author suggests, but also prepare for what happens after the cheering.
> Completely replace the education establishment with trusted people, even though we don't have trained people to take those positions
In my experience inside the Ed Biz, we need fewer "trained people" and more intelligent, mature, kid-loving people who know how to get the foxtrot out of the way when a motivated youngster is trying to learn something.
Teachers are supposed to feed the hunger for learning. Not replace it with the latest fashions in centralized curriculum, dispensed from On High. The worst damage I've seen (including to myself) was from extremely motivated, too-well-trained, highly credentialed teachers for whom an active, curious child is a river to be dammed, not a miracle to be nurtured and protected and guided.
Especially true as to what happens to boys. My daughters, as middle schoolers, worked as assistants in a summer reading program that was basically designed to get black kids up to grade level. They observed that the boys just wouldn't read the books about various relationships that the girls took to. After some effort, my kids found books about rockets, dinosaurs, and robots. Problem solved. Since white boys also often read below grade level, the feminized curriculum is undoubtedly impacting them too.
As a (retired) teacher, I can testify to the truth in this.
Typically, books for students in compulsory school are about relationships, even if the framing and setting seems action/adventure-oriented. Girls love this, typically.
And boys don't. We want books about adventures and actions, where relationships are present as a part of that (Ivanhoe and Rebecca, Robin and Marian if romantic, Fogg and Passepartout, Holmes and Watson if Platonic ), but where the quest and the action is the driving force of the story.
I always let the students pick novels themselves - only vetoing if it was obvious the choice was made to minimise the effort required of them.
And the complaints of my colleagues when I let an entire class read "A Clockwork Orange". . . was glorious.
I am typically grumpy before the coffee is done but that last got a laugh. I would have liked to watch the faculty meeting.
Seconded, both as a student and teacher myself.
I'm super excited for the girlboss I worked with as a teenager who (for) now has a job doing HR at the State Department.
She's going to get a chance to do what so many of us straight white men have been doing our whole lives - exchange productive activity for monetary resources.
She's going to do great. I can't wait for us white guys to learn how it's done.
I share the sense that all this will spread around the West. People and elites here in Europe have no idea yet (some begin to suspect), but the jig is up.
Those who in one form or another depend on some aspect of the Blob should look for options and adapt. Wild times!
Even the more liberal-minded Europeans I talk to (which is most of the ones I encounter IRL) are dissatisfied, and somewhat resigned to the inevitability of the ‘far right’ coming to power. The problems have advanced beyond the capacity of people to ignore.
The German elections later this month are crucial. The AfD *must* break through.
I've been reading about the AfD and see that something they're having to deal with is concern over the ''Nazi-hangover'' - which ostensibly they have nothing to do with - also - saw that they've already won a local election - I've been following the situation in Germany since Merkel opened the borders and marking the differences and similarities to Canada's immigration issues. The only thing that shocks me at this point is that the entire NATION isn't completely on board with the AfD, given rape stats, the ongoing violence, and the historical strength of German nationalism. I've also been reading Evola and Matzke on the ''Neue Sachlichkeit'' and as a long-time follower of English romantic traditions found it to be surprisingly appealing in its cold, hardline zenlike perspectives, "A heightened sensitivity towards that which transcends the human level''. Moustache-man is long gone. I hope they win.
The Substacker Eugyppius is German and has documented the concerted "cordon sanitaire" against the AfD by the establishment brilliantly.
At this point, anything 'far-right' is code for common sense, truth, honor, respect, tradition, beauty, genuine creative innovation. And possibly consensus.
The Democratic Party is a communist terrorist group. It is hell-bent on the destruction of United States of America and harming its citizens. Their actions through the decades have definitely proven this. The US Constitution is totally meaningless to them. The Democratic Party needs to be declared a terrorist organization and its members rounded up. They need removed from the country. This is called exiled. If not exiled, they need jailed for the rest of their communist lives. Our ancestors would’ve killed them. They are a direct threat to our children. They are a threat to our very lives. Fortunately, with the dismantling of the USAID, their source of income has hopefully ceased. Elon Musk is going through the rest of the government agencies to stop additional fraud. The United States was dedicated to God. Let’s keep it that way. We need to be the hope of the world. The previous administration needs investigated. They could certainly be proven to be nothing more than a group of traitors that sold out America and it’s people. Comer has enough on Biden and his family to have them executed. The Obama administration, and the Biden administration were both traitorous. It’s time for justice. It’s time for prosecutions. It’s time for jail sentences or worse. There can be no more Democrats in power or organized as a political party. The judges appointed by the Democrats are corrupt. They need disbarred now. God bless America and God bless President Trump.
Agree wholeheartedly on the Democrat Party. For months before the election, I was musing to myself and family that if I were somehow miraculously elected President (Ha, like that would ever happen!) my first action would be to declare war on Denmark. And then demand that as terms of peace they cede Greenland to us. And then my plan would be to round up every freaking leftist communist Democrat in the country and exile them to Greenland. And I would quarantine the island using the US military with orders to kill anyone that tried to escape back here. Let them build their Utopia unhindered by us deplorables. This plan would have assuaged my conscience toward God when I faced Him on Judgement Day and not have me go down in history making Genghis Khan look like a pussy. Which is what I really feel like towards these filthy communist animals and what they deserve. Oh, and btw, I would have sent every freaking Electric Vehicle (EV) with them. Even the Teslas! Sorry Elon.
Maybe President Trump heard some of my musings? Heh!
> And then my plan would be to round up every freaking leftist communist Democrat in the country and exile them to Greenland
PS...the puffins are mine.
My immediate response to "Big Balls" was that if he identified as a female, the entire Left would be plowing the road for him. But as things stand, we're at the point where I'd love to see a TikTok trend of Gen Zs filming themselves doing Nazi salutes while reciting the big three obscenities ("n*gg*r, f*gg*t, c*nt) en masse, just to give a giant finger to the Left's disproportionate thought policing. Call it the new Ice Bucket Challenge.
And I'm a person who views the use of obscenities as an intellectual failing.
Meh. Too much in the style of Trigglypuff and AIDS Skrillex to me.
I prefer the calm, sturdy stance and archaic smile of Nicholas Sandmann.
That infuriated them more than anything I've witnessed.
Walk softly... and carry a big grin!
Tee Hee!
“ I'm a person who views the use of obscenities as an intellectual failing”.
HEH! Apparently you’ve never served in the military (regardless of country/ language). 😉
JD that would suit me perfectly I always enjoy
a good comeuppance.
“Surgically trooning your child”, is nasty, but I’ll one up your nastness with my own abomination: I say they deserve everything that befalls them and I look forward to news of their destroyed lives wrought by the desecration of their offspring.
There is no punishment too awful for what they've done.
Suicide: I will burn in hell ever lasting for what I am thinking, but as it turns out I don’t even believe in karma.
We are the karma.
And the storm.
Which is to say, we are alone and it’s up to us.
Always has been.
Well, sounds like a great opportunity to go open the landscaping company or even a roofing company not to mention go down to the town office and rip that gay 6 foot apart sign off the wall even though it’s over long been over he just left it up there to remind everybody. I suspect I don’t know but geez, he probably wears a mask in there by himself still..
What a great post John thanks so much for putting into perspective and outlook and the encouragement for all of us
I am eagerly awaiting the rainbow flags being torn down and burned.
Burn the prismatic pennant of pederasty .
What's been going on these past few weeks is a secular version of Christ's Resurrection. Shocking. Miraculous. A world-changing event. The euphoria I feel at the thought of vicious, self-righteous swamp denizens losing sleep over unemployment and possible imprisonment is impossible to measure. Loss of freedom seems charitable for all the damage they've wrought.
(An aside: anyone who thinks that Churchill is the chief villain of WW2 is a moron who's never heard of Joe Stalin.)
It’s like a party every day.
Notice that I didn’t say Churchill was the chief villain … and indeed I agree that Stalin was far worse.
Bu that said, as an Anglo, I will never not be angry at Churchill for setting my damn empire on fire.
FDR deserves blame for that, too.
Sean McMeekin's book "Stalin's War" makes it seem that FDR's overriding war aims were to:
1) Destroy Germany
2) Dismantle the British Empire
3) Protect/support/enable Stalin.
Points 1 and 2 also advanced the cause of Point 3.
FDR certainly deserves his own large helping of opprobrium.
Nathan Rockefeller, John D.'s father, came from France already incredibly rich, but rich from unknown sources.
The Terror of the French Revolution was not only to stab the Catholic heart of the Holy Roman Empire, but to terrorize the aristocrats out of their holdings.
Church properties were being confiscated; counterfeit assignats were printed up to buy the confiscated properties, which were later auctioned off for real gold. That gold was then stored in vaults beneath what is now known as the City of London.
The same strategy was used on aristocratic properties; first, however, the elites had to be forced to run, abandoning their estates, which could then be seized at will. Thus, the Reign of Terror.
Likewise, the Roosevelts came from Portugal. However, their provenance was from Portugal, from Turkey, originally from Spain.
Furthermore, FDR's grandfather Delano captained a fleet of Yankee clipper ships transporting cheap, untaxed opium from David Sasoon's Raj in India to the rebel Han tongs seeking to overthrow China's hated Manchu (Mongol) emperors.
(The Raj was partitioned by Clement Attlee as Pakistan after Churchill's electoral defeat.)
Rockefellers, Roosevelts, Sasoons, Attlee himself...all of them were related, err, ethnically. In short, they were cryptos. Two of Stalin's wives were Tribe.
The same Tribe that specializes in radicalization, subversion, political capture, and war loans...the tribe whose NGOs control the migration and resettlement industry.
Does McMeekin go into /why/ FDR would want this, or who pushed for it?
I don't mean the immediate war effort, that's just natural, but in the long run.
As for the British Empire, no he does not mention why it's destruction was important to FDR.
McMeekin makes clear that FDR's administration was infested with Communists at its highest levels. They undermined any official who expressed disdain or even mistrust for the USSR.
Though there is no evidence that the very influential Harry Hopkins was a Communist spy, it's hard to believe that he wasn't, based on how tirelessly he worked on behalf of Stalin.
It's impossible to read this book and not connclude that, at best, FDR was just another feckless politician who thought he could charm Stalin into becoming friendly to the West. His naivete and embarrassing obsequiousness doomed generations of Eastern Europeans and propped up Communism. We are still suffering the conequences of his administration.
Harry Hopkins, like Harry Dexter White (the architect of the UN and of the Bretton Woods agreement) and Wilson's main advisor General House, were all of the same ethnicity as the original Bolshevik Committee and of Mao's Inner Council.
In the Purge, Stalin used his Azerbaijani gang buddies from his bank robber days to seize the throne of Moscow, but the upper management of the Gulag, Cheka, and secret police remained the same ethnic komissars.
This perfectly suits the Tribe's purpose; not only do they rule from behind the throne (letting the king be the human shield), but their secret is to make the majority complicit in their crimes, such as in brother wars or crimes against the population.
The majority now has so much emotional investment in the Tribe's schemes that they adopt its rationales as their own, subsuming their own identity, mores, and direction.
Anti-British sentiment goes back much further than FDR and was quite widespread. We did fight two wars, after all. Jackson hated them. Lincoln feared but appeased them. One of the odder episodes of WW2 was the defacto alliance between Admiral King who hated the British, Alanbrooke who hated the Americans and Douglas MacAuthur who hated anyone that wasn't him. The point was to send resources to the Pacific war each for their own reasons. The special relationship was really an invention of Churchill who obviously had his own reasons. For some reasons, Americans believe this to be true. FDR wasn't about to spend American blood and treasure to preserve the British, French or Dutch empires.
(Comment deleted by me, not pertinent to Richard's point.)
"...and Douglas MacAuthur who hated anyone that wasn't him."
LOL. An uncle served under MacArthur, and my father in the Navy; good gods, did the troops hate that self-serving bastard. The American Emperor of Japan.
Empires are overrated. Its like owning a stable full of horses - once the novelty wears off you realize its just a massive drain of your resources for something that rarely benefit from.
Is "Kertch" Dravidian perchance?
No, it’s Slavic.