Apr 18·edited Apr 18Liked by John Carter

Yep lovely rant about the horrible condition everything is in and the disgusting state of our politicians.

Just one thing: it leans heavily towards the traditional customary habit of 'looking for a leader'.

A saviour. A Superman or a Jesus Christ.

The whole thing pleads for ' a leader'. Of course. That has been the paradigm.

Let me point out that it is not supposed to be the paradigm, though.

We are supposed to be democratic nations wherein the people govern of themselves, for themselves.


Truth is that it simply could never be done in practice. Technology, communications, did not allow for it.

So we got the current pathetic imitation: spasmodic right to vote for one party of the other. End of story.

Given that situation it was/is natural that having cast their vote there was nothing folks could do but sit back and pray that they did the right thing.

The whole thing intrinsically a 'redeemer' philosophy. Pick the right choice from the two available and all will be well. All will be well.

Of course, it never is.

The point, however, is that we should not be looking for 'redeemers' 'saviours', we should be looking to do it ourselves.

And nowadays we can. We have the technology. The opportunity is here:


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Apr 18Liked by John Carter

Ah, you missed this today


The Irish government knew (aka designed) the referendum to be a scam to pry open the doors on immigration. They buried FOI requests until after the vote.

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Meanwhile, in Canada there is no brown-minister, but a bunch of clowns who wish they were, so that it is impossible to distinguish them from the likes of Sunak and others.

I didn't know that the Irish revolt of sorts was still ongoing; good for them.

I have to admit that the info about Ireland going that way gives hope. Between them and France, and the three major globalist corpos losing rumour has it collectively 5 trillion, there might yet be hope for the rest of us.

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The Rule of the Black Pharaohs, AKA The Affirmative Action Dynasty

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I love the Zero Seats stuff. We need something like that here in the USA.

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Apr 18Liked by John Carter

re: «exhausted rentier elite»

The problem is that rentier class is much bigger than that. For 15 years of ZIRP, regime media have been telling everyone how brilliant an idea «buy-to-let» is. Once someone buys in to that scam, they will support anything, ANYTHING to keep the rents too damn high, especially now that interest rates are rising and their profit margins turn out to be quite fragile.

There's no way out of this, other than hyperinflation and/or blowing up major banks.

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Apr 18Liked by John Carter

I lived in work in SW England from 2009 through 2012. During this time, I could see this coming like a storm cloud on the horizon. The hyper-safety oriented Nanny State they have always been was the perfect medium for the hysterical Karen's (of both sexes and all colors) to take over.

London has fallen.

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Apr 18Liked by John Carter

"But then, if almost no one votes, it’s very difficult for those who win the vote to claim that they have the mandate of the people".

You might imagine that it would be almost impossible, but that would be to underestimate their chutzpah - and the gullibility of the brainwashed masses.

When someone like Mr Xi or Mr Putin gains a huge majority, with almost everyone voting, they explain it thus: "Obviously a rigged election, as only totalitarian dictators ever get such high votes".

By that logic, British and US politicans who appeal to less than 20% of their own voters must be extremely democratic.

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The Irish are very aware that the transparent guilt tactics used on gullible British and Americans do not apply to them in the least, not even theoretically. The Irish were oppressed, never the oppressors in any way.

The Irish would be well advised to forcibly remove every single "migrant" forced upon them, along with the corrupt woke idiots in Dublin.

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Apr 18Liked by John Carter

"Real estate ponzi scheme"

I wonder how much of the "wokeness" is an artifact of elite self destruction vs. just an artifact of the financialization of everything. Financiers will do anything to make a quick buck, including destroying their own neighbors and nations to do it.

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The elites aren't deranged, they're illustrating the Gordian knot that we have been instrumental in tying. But the hardheads are still comfortable.

It all has to change: the financial, religious, political, educational, legal, medical - it all has to be thrown on the fire.

The Five Eyes countries have it coming because red and blue political wings have supported financial stability for generations; the affluent are still content in their hypocrisy under Mammon's protection.

If this is all about hooking man back up to ...? a transcendent centre it begins with killing reliance on Mammon (and the word 'God' needs to be burned with fire to clean all churches off it).

When the gimmigrants are finally sent packing and the housing bubble bursts, oh man... let the fun begin.

The red and blue political sides must go up in flames to become purple, the colour of the phoenix out of the fornax. The old cycle's completing and everything we're witnessing is a vast, alchemical production. It's truly, truly fascinating.

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Good assessment of the current state of the Mother Country. All the ministers you mention are indeed appointees and unpopular, except for Sadiq Khan. And he serves s his own warning as to the future of Britain.

I think most in the UK have got the message too. You can do that kind of thing, but you ultimately erode the belief in politics, voting and parliament itself. That takes a while to kick in, of which the Zero Seats is a symptom. But Labour will enjoy the same fate if they get in. They harbour many open borders fanatics, people who talk of up to five million immigrants per year.

One thing is certain. Things are coming to a head. Ireland is our test case because it is smaller and therefore declining faster. It cannot cope with the volumes of immigrants it has and the political class have become psychotic in their fanaticism for an immigration policy that can only harm the Irish. It is evident to more and more our nation-states have been scheduled for demolition and now need quite severe reversals of policy not just halts to immigration.

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Apr 18Liked by John Carter

There's still a chance at the funniest unintentional prediction ever

(Star Trek's "Irish Unification of 2024") and that gives me warm fuzzies.

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Apr 22Liked by John Carter

*Many* parallels to what's happening in Canada with the exception - so far - that Canada isn't encumbered with Brown First Ministers, but it will happen. Canada is importing approximately one million or so Indian-Pakistani "students" per year, "studying" for "diplomas" at "colleges" that churn out the equivalent of Dr. Nick Rivieras in the "business and IT management" programmes.

The result are houses in Toronto and Vancouver suburbs sleeping a dozen on mattresses on floors and bunk beds. And the demographic tide is such that India (and China) are now actively interfering in Canadian elections, ordering assassinations of Sikh activists, and rapidly displacing the dreaded "old stock" Canadians. Even in the hinterlands you will find every shop, gas station and fast food outlet staffed with glass-eyed Punjabi kids who can't speak English. And the leader of the socialist NDP, a Khalistani separatist-supporting Sikh, could very well become PM once the Castro Bastard Child finally decides to retire to Costa Rica with his...um, youngish male companions. If that happens, like any IT department in any company, he will hire his own and the front bench of the House of Commons will look like a Rochdale grooming gang group mug shot.

Canada's military is also rapidly dwindling, no one white wanting to serve for a country that sends horses to stomp on grandmothers protesting the theatre of mask wearing and toxic jabs, and the quality of Canadian policing is declining like a falling stone. Coupled with white liberal grovelling to endless Aboriginal demands, and Quebec increasingly saying Fuck This, we're out, I don't see present day Canada existing in its current form by 2040. Pierre Milhouse Poindexter notwithstanding, our "Tories" are just as much a deracinated lot that would halt the decline, not reverse it.

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Apr 18Liked by John Carter

It’s clear to see that you are quite familiar with the goings on across the pond. Your analysis is spot on (though, I would have added a caveat about the Lotus Eaters podcast. But that would be just nitpicking). Like you, I’m a Canuck with ancestral roots to the isles. What’s remarkable about this is that we both maintain a strong interest in what happens over there. To be frank, I have almost entirely given up on our home nation. I spend little time paying attention to the day-to-day activities of our ruling monsters. I truly believe that this nation is virtually hopeless—the ruling elite is far too centralized and insular and the masses too passive, propagandised, and deluded. Furthermore, what counts as alternative media here is a pathetic joke; admittedly, there are a handful of ‘dissidents’ (like yourself) here and there to be found online, but nothing substantial (unless I’m missing out on something). Needless to say, the immediate future is bleak here. But as long as the embers burn elsewhere (the isles and our neighbours immediately south) then the fire will rage again, someday. If for no other reason than the memetic nature of most Canadians—particularly, the elite.

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Apr 18Liked by John Carter

I'd just like to point out that, according to data at my disposal, after 2 centuries of mining coal, UK mined out all it's coal and had to start importing it during the seventies. Imports are expensive, obviously, and push the margial cost of energy way up. Without cheap energy, the industrial base disintegrated. The process lasted 10 years. Thatcher was just there at the very very end. :)

BTW, USA is over the peak of conventional oil production. If not for tight oil, it too would already be going the way of the Dodo. But innovative drilling techniques are what they are and for the time being, USA is self-sufficient in oil production. That, too, won't last forever.

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