The Brief and Unlamented Rule of the British Isles' Brown Ministers
One down, three to go...
We Wuz Kangz is a running joke at the expense of oblivious Sub-Saharan revisionists who mistake the advanced civilization of Egypt for their own, but there’s a small kernel of truth to their desperate cope for the embarrasing paucity of high culture south of the Sahara. For the most part, the primary role played by Nubians in Egypt was as slaves, but in the 8th century BC Egypt came under the control of the 25th dynasty, also referred to as the Nubian dynasty, the Kushite Empire, or simply the Black Pharaohs.
The Black Pharaohs ruled Egypt for just under a century, before being expelled by an alliance of native Egyptians and Assyrians. The succeeding 26th dynasty made it a point to systematically destroy all monuments, statues, and other records of their rule, including a punitive expedition to devastate Kush and force the blacks even further south.

It turns out people don’t like being ruled by those they used to rule. Weird.
This episode has been on my mind as I’ve watched the fair isles of my ancestral motherland fall, one after another, to foreign rule.
This was prefigured in 2016 when the sinister and cynical Sadiq Khan was elected mayor of London1. He was voted into office by the foreign population of Britain’s largest city, by that point already largely non-British in origin. He was both the first, and the last, subcontinental to be elected to high office, albeit not the last to take high office.
Following Khan, in 2017 the homosexual Indian Leo Varadkar won a leadership race in the Republic of Ireland’s governing Fine Gael2 party to become the Taoiseach. He stepped down from this position in 2020, thereby ducking the unpopularity of COVID restrictions, but resumed the position of Taoiseach in 2022 (once COVID was safely over), again without actually being elected.
The next of the Brown Ministers was Rishi Sunak, who won a leadership contest in the UK’s Conservative Party in 2022, once again without facing a general election. He is the third Tory leader to preside over Parliament since the last election, which Boris Johnson won in a landslide in 2019; Sunak succeeded the unlovable Liz Truss, whose rule lasted a matter of weeks, after Johnson was defenestrated for clandestine partying in the midst of strict lockdowns he’d forced on everyone else.
Just over a year ago Scotland’s long-serving First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was ousted in some sort of financial corruption scandal involving her husband, following which the Pakistani career criminal Humza Yousuf squirmed and shoved his way into the leadership of the “Scottish” “National” Party, and thereby became the new First Minister of Scotland. Like Sunak and Varadkar before him, he was not actually chosen in a general election.
That left only Wales as the final, self-evidently bigoted holdout, still insisting on native self-rule. Not to be left behind, like a little brother yelling “Me too!” and running to catch up with his older siblings, on March 20th, 2024 Vaughan Gething was selected by the Welsh Labour party as the new First Minister of Wales. As with the Brown Ministers before him, Gething was not actually elected, and his selection thereby completed the tetrafecta of Brown Ministers3 coming by the back door to rule almost4 the entirety of fair Albion, which is no longer as fair as it used to be, by any of the commonly accepted definitions.
This triumphant reign of diverse and inclusive Brown Ministers was not, however, to last.
Indeed, it lasted for only 20 days, just under three weeks, coming to an inglorious end on April 9th of 2024, when Leo Varadkar resigned from his seat as Taoiseach in disgrace.
The native Irish have been growing restless under Varadkar’s watch. Varadkar, and the global economic consortium he manages the Irish branch on behalf of, has been busy stuffing unassimilable third worlders into Ireland, impoverishing the natives to pay for the housing and other social support lavished on the New and Improved Irish, and using the courts to silence the Obsolete Irish whenever they complain about it. One can only take so much humiliation; several months ago, the Irish finally saw red.
A migrant stabbed a little Irish girl, so the Irish got together and barbequed a migrant reception centre. Varadkar of course responded by cracking down on the Irish, introducing possibly the most restrictive hate crime legislation on the planet. It didn’t work. The Irish were not intimidated, and little anti-migrant brushfires continue to spark up all over the island. The “Irish” government has resorted to importing English Antifa to try to put them down. That hasn’t gone over well.
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters is great, by the way. If you want to stay current on British politics, these are your boys.
This new round of self-inflicted Troubles on the Emerald Isle does not, at least directly, seem to have been the motivation for Varadkar’s resignation. Rather, the Irish government – as in, every single party within the Dáil Éireann – was humiliated in a referendum on proposed changes to the Irish constitution that sought to “correct” “outdated” language regarding the definition of a family (which as everyone knows is a man, and woman, and children) and the role of women within it (that being to make sandwiches). Every party supported the changes, it being misogynistic, homophobic, and transphobic not to, but 2/3 of the Irish people rejected them. It’s been speculated that this is less a sign of strong Catholic feelings on the nature of the family5, and instead a rejection of the government’s agenda on the basic principle that it came from the government: a giant middle-fingered salute extended towards a coven of traitors, hysterics, profiteers, and simple imbeciles that the people have decided they dislike rather intensely.
So much for Varadkar.
Things are not going much better on the other side of the North Channel.
In England, Rishi Sunak is on course to lead the Tories towards a catastrophic defeat of such historically ruinous proportions that
has joked6 that their campaign policy is to achieve Zero Seats. This jibe resonated so strongly with the Tory base that it has gone viral, spawning a hilarious spoof videoalong with a strong response on Xitter.
As you can see from some of the tweets, the unrest in the Tory base is not really Sunak’s fault, specifically. It’s not that the man is a gamma male whose nervous laughter carries all the charismatic appeal of a squishy banana peel at the bottom of an overripe compost bucket, although that certainly doesn’t help. It’s not his asinine proposal to ban anyone born after 2009 from purchasing tobacco products, nor his abortively expensive attempt to use Rwanda as a holding pen for migrants as their asylum claims are processed, nor his failure to make Brexit happen in any meaningful way, nor his continued pursuit of economically suicidal and scientifically discredited ‘climate’ initiatives.
None of those policies are any more popular than Sunak is, and indeed I do not think he has any popular policies, but the truth of the Conservative Party’s richly deserved, disastrously low polling is that Sunak is simply unlucky enough to have been asked to hold the bag at a point at which the patience of Conservative voters has finally expired.
The Conservative Party has been in power in the United Kingdom since 2010. Throughout that period they have governed as Labour Lite, sweet-talking to their base about reducing immigration, backing out of the EU, and reviving the economy, all the while slow-walking Brexit, importing more Indians than Tony Blair ever dreamed, implementing Net Zero policies, and in general doing everything they can to wreck the island to an unrecoverable degree. Actions speak louder than words, and it seems that their voters have finally started to tune out their words and listen to their actions. If the choice is between Labour and Labour, you might as well stay home on election day and let Labour take all 600 seats. As Academic Agent argues, that would at the very least deprive the government of legitimacy. It would also destroy the Tories, with the possibility that something more functional might be reconstituted from the terminal wreckage of England’s oldest political party7.
Assuming he doesn’t get removed by a leadership coup before voters sink the leaking Tory battleship, Sunak will be gone by January of 2025 at the latest. That just leaves Humza Yousuf8, characterized by
as The Thug King of Scotland: a post-ideological, apolitical opportunist interested purely in power for its own sake and quite happy to use the absurd public morality of the despised rubes that he rules over to keep the wretches in their place.And boy, does he despise them.
Yousuf first came to the Internet’s attention in 2020, when he was filmed ranting in the Scottish parliament about how disgustingly racist it was that most of the high public offices in a country with an overwhelmingly White population were occupied by presumptively racist White cavebeasts:
The Lord President is white, the Lord Justice Clerk is white, every High Court judge is white, the Lord Advocate is white, the Solicitor General is white, the chief constable is white, every deputy chief constable is white, every assistant chief constable is white, the head of the Law Society is white, the head of the Faculty of Advocates is white and every prison governor is white.
That is not the case only in justice. The chief medical officer is white, the chief nursing officer is white, the chief veterinary officer is white, the chief social work adviser is white and almost every trade union in the country is headed by white people. In the Scottish Government, every director general is white. Every chair of every public body is white. That is not good enough.
If you haven’t watched the video, you should. You need to hear the contempt dripping off of his tongue, the way he spits out the awful word ‘White’ like bitter venom.
In the immediate aftermath of this angry foreigner’s tirade, a sane country would have immediately marched their ill-mannered guest out of parliament, stripped him of office and citizenship, thrown him on a rusty fishing vessel, hauled him up north of the Orkneys, tossed him into the North Sea wearing nothing but a life preserver, and sent him on his way with a cheery wave and a reminder to mind the orcas.
Instead, they gave him the keys to the kingdom.
But while the infamous White Speech might not have prevented his elevation to the highest office in the land – indeed, given the derangement of our elites, if anything it smoothed his ascent – it has come back to haunt him. Thin-skinned and insecure as he is, Yousuf’s first priority on taking office was to ram through a new hate speech law with which to prevent the contemptible White worms from critiquing him or his noble tribe of vape-shop owners, cabbies, and grooming gang pimps. The law was ridiculously broad and invasive: one could be reported for the criminal offence of hate speech merely for making a remark in the privacy of one’s home, around the dinner table, with no one present but one’s kith and kin.
The day that the bill was finally forced through the Scottish parliament, and predictably enough for anyone who glanced at the law and had a passing understanding of the Scottish national character, the Scottish people responded by DDoSing the police with a deluge of hate crime reports, a very large number of which were reporting Yousuf’s rant as a hate crime ... which, apparently, under the strict interpretation of the new law, it certainly was, with the only thing standing between Yousuf and indictment under his own half-baked law being that his ill-considered harangue took place prior to the law being passed. Which hasn’t stopped the Scots from taking the piss and continuing to report him.
It turns out that the Scots really do not like a ban on bantz, not one bit, and respond to demands that they cease the bantz by cranking up the bantz. Yousuf, being a humourless Pakistani who is confused and angered by this entirely foreseeable reaction, has risen to the occasion with all the grace, poise, and wit you would expect. In an attempt to stem the savage tide of mockery, Yousuf has tried claiming that reporting his hate speech is hate speech (lulz); has ordered Scottish police to read verbatim a prewritten transcript defending him each time his hate speech is thrown back at him (because that doesn’t look ridiculous); and faked a hate crime against himself by having his house sprayed with graffiti (did anyone fall for this?).
The next Scottish general election is two years away. Whether Humza survives the interim as First Minister, and if so whether he is able to guide the “Scottish” “National” Party to victory, remains to be seen. I don’t fancy his chances. He is a cunning and ruthless brute, to be sure. But he is also clumsy, clueless, and very stupid. Yousuf’s popularity has already plummeted. I’m sure he can find ways to plummet further. I believe in you, Yousuf. You can do it!
Whether or not the era of Britain’s Brown Ministers will prove to be short-lived is, of course, open. Certainly the current crop are not long for office. Perhaps more will replace them. There are a great many subcontinentals residing in the Great Britain, with more arriving every day, and the suicidal political class is all but obligated to push as many to the top as they can, given their professed ethnomasochistic morality. Throwing them out in front of the public has the added benefit of discouraging criticism: it’s one thing to mock a Prime Minister, but to make light of a Brown Minister is by definition hate speech9. Just ask Humza.
And hate speech is taken very seriously in Britain these days.

Of course, at the highest levels, the woke stuff is all nonsense. They don’t really believe it. It is merely a convenient way of silencing opposition to the industrial importation of brown biomass necessitated by the imperative to keep the real estate ponzi scheme going. Generations of mismanagement by an exhausted rentier elite that is entirely out of ideas (and couldn’t care less) has destroyed every industry in the British economy, leaving nothing but the real estate bubble as a source of income. In order to keep that bubble inflated, supply must be restricted, and demand increased. Thus the regulatory apparatus is used to inhibit the construction of new housing, New and Improved British are crammed onto the islands at a rate not seen since the Saxon invasion, the media is used to gaslight the British people into thinking that Britain has always been diverse, and the legal system is warped to prioritize censorship of any who object to this over the prosecution of violent criminals.
As to the native British, impoverished, reduced to homelessness in the dilapidated ruins of their civilization, their daughters given up for rape toys to grooming gangs? The problems of proles are not the problems of the great financial houses of the City of London, and therefore they are not problems for their political puppets.
There’s no political solution to any of this, at least not in the normal sense of electoral politics. The parties are all fully under globalist control, as is every institution in the country. Voting will not remove them.
And yet.
Like the American military, the British military can’t recruit to save its life.
The British police are quitting in droves.
No one wants to defend this regime anymore. It’s contempt for the people has rendered it contemptible.
It’s very difficult to oppress the people when none of the people will take your blood money as payment for oppressing their own people.
Meanwhile, support for the political parties is cratering, not in the sense of votes shifting from this party to that, but in the sense of votes being withdrawn from all the parties. What’s the point in voting, if they’re all the same? But then, if almost no one votes, it’s very difficult for those who win the vote to claim that they have the mandate of the people.
The Irish are already dancing on the edge of open insurrection. They’ve abandoned the losing tactic of trying to influence a bought-and-paid-for political class, and are turning to direct action – blockading buses carrying migrants to their towns, burning down the hotels intended to house them, and kicking the ever-living snot out of the Antifa thugs sent to try and stop them.
Right now, it seems a stretch to expect anything similar from the English. They’re too beaten down and demoralized.
But they’re also very close to having nothing left to lose.
Here’s an English YouTuber who made his mark exploring the devastation left by communism in the Eastern bloc, who then returned to the UK to find that much of England is now in worse condition than Eastern Europe.
Econometric data backs this up. Outside of London, which isn’t even that impressive (and where per capita GDP is mightily skewed by the extraordinary wealth held by a very few), the UK isn’t doing so hot. Parts of it are economically comparable to the bad parts of Poland.
The soulless and exploitative wealth extraction of the debased political disorder that has been strangling Britain for generations seems to be suffocating under the weight of its own self-induced apathy. That regime is the only thing that enabled the Brown Ministers to rise in the first place. One way or another, it’s coming down.
The globalist scum aren’t going to give up power willingly. Nor are they going to change any of their policies. Nor are the British people going to grow any fonder of their depredations. One wonders where this goes, but it can’t go anywhere good. In several years time, will Northumbria, Sussex, and Cornwall be battlespaces contested by the English Republican Army and Pashtun mercenaries wearing the uniforms of British bobbies and dodging surplus loitering munitions left over from the Ukrainian war for whatever pittance their paymasters in global finance are willing to pay them to keep a lid on things? That seems hard to believe. But then, if the native British won’t join the police, someone needs to do the job; filling the ranks of the police with brown people is already an imperative for DIE commissars; a police force composed primarily of obvious foreigners would be a stark reminder that Britain is effectively under foreign occupation; and history has many stories about the direction that tends to go.
Whatever happens, unlike Egypt’s Black Pharaohs, I doubt that the foreign rule of Britain’s clownish Brown Ministers will last for anything even approaching a century. But like the Black Pharaohs, when it comes to an end, no one will be sad to see them go.
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Not Lord Mayor of the City of London, an entirely distinct title for an entirely distinct political entity hiding, as it were, in plain sight.
The ‘Family of the Irish’, although given their favoured policies and choice of leadership Nonspecific Association of the Multicultural Cosmopolitans would seem a more apt description.
Okay, okay – Gething isn’t subcontinental, but rather Zambian, and therefore not brown but black. Close enough really. What can you expect from the Welsh? Of course they were going to get it wrong in the details. It’s the thought that counts, really.
Yes, yes – Northern Ireland has a First Minister as well. A woman, because of course. But now that the Catholic Republicans and Ulster Plantationists have taken a break from murdering each other, Northern Ireland is even less relevant than Wales.
This is the same population that overwhelmingly supported legalizing abortion just five years ago.
It’s a joke but it isn’t.
Every indication is that, no, it will not be the Reform Party, who have so far given every indication that they are just as craven as the Tories, given their propensity to cashier their candidates every time Hope Not Hate throws a hissy fit about one of their naughty tweets.
Well yes, there’s the Welsh Zambian, but no one cares about Wales.
Arguably, even using phrase ‘making light of’ is a microaggression.
Yep lovely rant about the horrible condition everything is in and the disgusting state of our politicians.
Just one thing: it leans heavily towards the traditional customary habit of 'looking for a leader'.
A saviour. A Superman or a Jesus Christ.
The whole thing pleads for ' a leader'. Of course. That has been the paradigm.
Let me point out that it is not supposed to be the paradigm, though.
We are supposed to be democratic nations wherein the people govern of themselves, for themselves.
Truth is that it simply could never be done in practice. Technology, communications, did not allow for it.
So we got the current pathetic imitation: spasmodic right to vote for one party of the other. End of story.
Given that situation it was/is natural that having cast their vote there was nothing folks could do but sit back and pray that they did the right thing.
The whole thing intrinsically a 'redeemer' philosophy. Pick the right choice from the two available and all will be well. All will be well.
Of course, it never is.
The point, however, is that we should not be looking for 'redeemers' 'saviours', we should be looking to do it ourselves.
And nowadays we can. We have the technology. The opportunity is here:
Ah, you missed this today
The Irish government knew (aka designed) the referendum to be a scam to pry open the doors on immigration. They buried FOI requests until after the vote.