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The mostly peaceful protests in Ireland proves one thing:

That mass-murder and enslavement of indigenous white populations are the entire point of mass-migration; the political and medial response both shows this clear as day, and also prove assumptions that the multicultural agenda isn't just a virtue signalling fad or cynical ploy by the rich and famous.

Media, civili servants, police, fire dep. and so on all showed up en masse not to support their own people but to follow orders issued by the traitors in office.

Same as here.

Can confirm your assumptions re: Sweden and slavery, et c. It's been tried a couple of times and was laughed off. Instead, the startegy is and has been since the 1970s to guilt-trip us with the Great Lie that poverty in Africa is our fault, somehow in someway never really specified or defined.

The reason it worked in the first place is a deep-seated guilt among the generations born before the 1980s: That we didn't go to war to aid Finland against the USSR, and that we (read: major banks and capitalist clans of industrialists) played Axis and Allies against the profit margin to stay out of WW2. Sweden holds the dubious distinction of being the only nation who had to pay reparations to all sides in that war, including Germany.

For people of my age and older, there's a smidgen of lingering guilt about this, despite not having been around then. That guilt plus our leadership caste's sense of grandiosity thinking us a "humanitarian superpower" (actual quote) and morally superior to all others is the ideological bear-trap we've set for ourselves.

Swedish regime and state media initially reported the stabbings as the work of "irish nazis". This has been scrubbed since, but no corrections published. Such an ugly tactic, and it still works. Sadly, the swedes who are coming around to realise that we are in it deep, are still largely in the "where can we move to get away"-mindset. The backed-into-a-corner feeling isn't really there yet.

I really hope the irish can convince the Garda to remember that the first duty of a policeman (or a soldier) is the wellbeing of the people, not the state or the ruler or the capitalists.

Familj, fränder, folk, fosterland.

Family, kith&kin, people, motherland.

That's the chain of loyalty and duty. No guesses as to why all liberal, capitalist, communist and progressive politics have always assaulted the family. Destroy the family and all else follows.

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Ah, yes I forgot the WWII connection. Exacerbated of course because while Sweden was formally neutral, many young Swedish men served with the Finns against Stalin, and many others joined the SS Viking division. And of course, in the period before the war, Sweden was giving lessons to Germany on racial hygiene.

What any of that has to do with Infinity Africans is not at all obvious, but then none of this is about logic.

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Ca 5 500 voluinteers made it to Finland, most of the "retired" military. Fully supported by the swedish people, the only reason more volunteers didn't go to Finland was that the Soviet Union made it clear that if that happened, it would consider it as an act of open war. On top of that, we bought so much ammunition from Germany to give to the finns, the germans almost had to delay their offensive against Poland. Not to mention donating more than half our airforce at the time, such as it was.

The support to Finland is a point of pride and shame at the same time. When the war-time coalition governement didn't formally joined Finland but instead stopped volunteers from going, it was seen as a betrayal of our ancestral brother-people (broderfolk, hard to translate the meaning) by the swedish people. So was the lack of support shown Denmark as well as allowing Germany to transit troops through Sweden.

The reasons for this are many but boil down to two things:

Fear of invasion, either by Britain, USSR or Germany, to take control of natural resources and strategic territory. And:

Strong pressure put upon politicians from our domestic capitalists, such as the Wallenberg-family, who made fortunes acting as money-laundering services and proxies for german companies, top ranking german officials and Germany itself; the banking clans and capitalists of Sweden were virtually 100% aligned with Germany because they saw it as part of the fight against democracy, workers' rights and unionisation.

Fewer than 300 volunteered to serve in the german forces, and those voluneteers were largely misfits, criminals and what few actual nazis there were. Barely a hundred of them qualified for combat duty.

Anyone wondering where we - as a people and the actual nation - stood need just consider the ration; 5 500+ volunteers to help the finns (not to forget the tens of thousands of children the finns got to send to us, to keep the children safe from the war) vs. barely 300 misfits no-one cared about or supported.

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I hadn't realized it was so few in SS Viking. Amazing that the Swedish left makes such a big deal about it.

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If they didn't, people would instead talk about the hundreds of families from the Northland who on orders from the Coimmunist Party went to the Soviet Union in the 1930s.

A bare handful returned and were silenced and shunned by the party, even to this day.

The reason being, the Soviet Union wasn't what the party had told them, but "Die Partei hat immer recht" isn't just a (east) german thing.

Or people could talk about the fact that the Communist Party was openly pro-Hitler and pro-nazi until Germany attacked the Soviet Union. Then they were openly por-Stalinist until the 1970s, when they were openly and publicly loudly pro-Pol Pot.

That's why they need to use a paltry handful of straw all the time: the things the woke love to abuse simply aren't there in our history, and the dirt that is, was largely done by the Socialist Party themselves (such as the racial biology-stuff that so impressed the germans, that came from the socialists).

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